Sarah Holmes Designing For Now Product Designer | Design Portfolio
Sarah Holmes Designing For Now
Who Am I?
A creativly driven person, aspiring to push the boundaries of design. Eager to push & progress my knowledge of design from all aspects of this vast industry. I seek to deliver new concepts with every chance given.
Employment Via Fossa
April 2015 - Present
Marks & Spencer Oct 2012 - Sept 2014
Kumon Sept 2010 - OCt 2012
General job duties include standad bar duties such as stock replenishment and cleaning. My managment duties include updating POS and leading the team when on shift. As well as being included in management meetings.
Developing strong customer service skills in a fast paced enviroment. My other roles included weekly & major store stock counts.
Afterschool program aiming to improve children’s maths & english skills. My roles including marking the child’s work and helping them complete the set tasks.
Brand Premiumisation
Review, and delver options for the premiunsation of the 100ml Brut aftershave range. Develop concepts which are innovative to oush the Brut brand into a premium marketplace standing.
This project allowed us to explore the challanges of premiumisation, while having certian criteria to follow. Such as target consumer, approach and deliverables.
Final Branding Design. This branding is to help connect with the selected consumer profile. I feel like it pushes a sleek style, and helps with the re-marketing of the product.
Final Renders
s a mef r a g r a nc e ,j us tb o t t le d ali t t led i f f e r e nt ly .
The Good Life THE BRIEF: Think about how the experience of living with a long-term, lifestyle-related disease could be improved through taking a greater role in managing care at an individual level.
Suffer: Affects the brain in the early stages of the disease, which then goes onto affect the body.
Family: The family can find it difficult to connect and communicate with the sufferer. Plus they can not fix the issue.
friends for you together, we can
A service created to support and help Alzehimers’s and dementia sufferers. As well as support and information for family and carers. An internet service, as well as a mail out in partnership with the NHS.
Avaliable through & the internet service*.
*subscription required
Our interent page is an easy to use service that anyone can follow.. Simple steps and information reduced to regions makes information easy to find and user friendly.
Membership Options: Patient Only
Patient & Family Patient & Carer
Family +
The membership options avaliable mean members have assess to the service and events that “Friends For You� arange. As well as assess to information from the NHS and charities provide.
with refined mood-boards, design an alarm clock for the travelling professional.
Travel One
One Way to Travel Fuss Free”
Travel One A travel alarm clock with a user friendly interface. Four icons, on one easy to use interface. With a simple volume slider, and an on / off button. All powered by an adaptable wall plug.
Travel One
Weather Showing the weather, in your most visited destinations.
: Features
Alarm Alarms automatically sync to the time zone that you are in.
Calendar Calendar that can sync with other devices, and connects with your alarm.
Travel Travel itinerary will appear on your alarm sync with time zones.
Designing In The Manor of ...
Harry Bertoia
Using the visual language of our selected designer, our project was based upon attempting to replicate this language in the form of a product. Using influences from Harry Bertoia’s language when describing his work and then forms and shapes he uses in is work. I created a small lamp for the design concious clientel who like individuality, as well as well designed products.
Product In Place
A sleek lamp that can be used anywhere in the home to create a soothing atmosphere with sutble lighting.
Exploded View LID - With cut out area.
BULB HOLDER - Ready for a screw in Bulb.
BASE - Main support of the product.
THREE LEGS - Made from Aluminium.
DETAILS CUT OUT DETAILS - To help create a soothing atmosphere in the home the cut out metal allows small amounts of light to shine though the metal, and help create a soft warm light in any room.
SCREW IN BULB - Making it easy to add and removing the bulb fitting.
TRIO OF LEGS - Using the triangle shapped legs adds strong support for the main body.
E nhance dE x p e ri e nce O urs o c i e t yi sd e p e nd e ntup o nt e c hno lo g ya ndke e p i ngc o nne c t e dwi t ht hewo r ldt ho ug ht hei nt e r ne ti samus t .S oi s t he r eac o nne c t i o nb e t we e nc o nf e c t i o ne r yp r o d uc t sa ndt hei nt e r ne t ? T hea lli mp o r t a nta ns we ri sy e st hr o ug hS o c i a lMe d i a . Weha v ed e c i d e dt oc o nne c tt he s ec ho c o la t eb a r s wi t ha na p pt og e tc o ns ume r smo r ei nt e r e s t e di n p ur c ha s i ngNe s t lep r o d uc t s .
T ound e r s t a ndb e t t e rwha tp e o p let ho ug hto fNe s t le a sa no v e r a llb r a nd ,wed i d2s ur v e y st hr o ug ho ut t hec o ur s eo ft hi sp r o j e c t .He r ea r et woo ft he mo s ti mp o r t a ntq ue s t i o nsa b o utt heb r a nda ndho wi t c o uldb eb e t t e rc o nne c t e dwi t hc o ns ume r s .
Ni ki t aLA D+ S a r a hHo lme s
F I nalDe s i gnp rop os al
T heus e r sc a nv o t eo np ho t o ’ sv i at hei nt e r a c t i v ema p . .T hemo r ev o t e sp e rp ho t ome a ns mo r ep o i nt s .A ndp o i nt sme a nP r i z e s .P o i nt ’ sc a nb ec a s he do utf o rp r i z e ss uc ha sf r e e c ho c o la t ea ndf r e eo nli ned o wnlo a d s . Ni ki t aLA d+ S a r a hHo lme s
Cany ouhandl et he chal l e nge ? T a ket hed a i lyc ha lla ng ea nds e ei fy o uc a n b e a tt hele a d e ro ft hed a yt oe a r np o i nt s a ndc a s ho uta tt het o p !
Ni ki t ala d+ S a r a hHo lme s