Isolated locations to connote loneliness
Close ups on singer and performance
Monochromatic colour scheme
Sentimental props such as photos could be used as a narrative device to convey aspects of the character
Music Videos Wolf Alice – Yuk Foo This performance-based video uses many conventions of indie rock music videos which we could apply to our video. For example, performance is common in the music videos of this genre in order to promote the live aspect of the band, hence promoting ticket sales of their gigs. An interesting stylistic choice in this video is the alternation of colour schemes, with black and white being used for some shots. We could potentially use black and white for the elements of performance, creating a juxtaposition with the elements of narrative.
Wolf Alice – Blush Wolf Alice’s music video for ‘Blush’ is also performance-based. Close-ups are used throughout the video to present various details of the musicians and their instruments, which we could use in our video to vary our shots, making the performance look more interesting.
Pale Honey – Get These Things Out Of My Head Like ‘Yuk Foo’, this music video uses black-and-white. This riot grrrl band could be influential, as the singer of Pom-Pom Squad has referenced the genre as an inspiration for her music. The performance elements of the video are presented from a variety of angles and this diversity makes the video more engaging. Slow-motion is used at points, which makes the video more dramatic and suggests a sense of impressiveness to the performance.
Pale Honey – Youth ‘Youth’ is another black-and-white music video which includes performance. This video could be especially influential for our project because it is a low-budget video which is very simplistic – it is set in a single room and, although we will try to make our mise-en-scene slightly more interesting, it is a helpful demonstration of how indie music videos can successfully use minimalism.
The Virgin Suicides (Sofia Coppola, 2002) The overhead shots of the Lisbon sisters’ belongings in ‘The Virgin Suicides’ could be an influence for the narrative element of our music video because the props are effective as a narrative device for giving hints about the characters lives and personalities. This technique could be particularly useful because it would provide a quick way to develop character in the short duration of our music video.
Extreme long-shots like this could be effective in our music video for conveying feelings of isolation. Furthermore, the use of a cold colour scheme could be effective for conveying the feelings of disapointment in the song.