Models of audience segmentation
Demographics Our target audience would likely fit into the C1 and C2 socioeconomic grades but, because they are teenagers, they may not fit into socioeconomic groups. We think they would be 14-20 years old (teenagers and young adults) because that group is more likely to relate to the song's story of young heartbreak. We also think that our audience would be predominately female, as the song has a female lead and it is her personal but relatable problems which are conveyed in the lyrics that we have based the narrative of out video on.
Tribe/subculture model Using Channel 4's research into UK tribes, we think that our target audience would be most likely to fit into their 'Leading Edge' category. This is because they favour creativity, so may be more likely to support niche independent artists (like our band). This model of segmentation is especially helpful for our target audience, who are mostly teenagers, because it considers the importance of subcultures to the lifestyle and identity of youth.
Psychographic model We think that our audience would fit into 'the explorer' group, which says that people with this identity are young in nature; this is fitting with the song (which references "high school") and the narrative of our music video, as well as links to our audience demographics. It is also suitable because it suggests that they seek out the 'new' and 'different', which would make them more likely to appreciate our independent band. 'The reformer' psychographic group, which is about 'social awareness' and rebellion, could also fit our target audience of teenagers. This group would similarly be more likely to enjoy niche independent music, rather than mainstream music.
Habits and lifestyle Using YouGov Profiles, we can see what the average demographics and interests may be of the audiences of similar bands. This is helpful because it could be reflective of our own target audience. For example, looking at the profile of fans of Wolf Alice (another indie rock band) reinforces our perception that our band's audience is likely to be young and have left-leaning political views. A limitation of this website is that the youngest age group that it represents is 18-24, whereas some of our target audience is likely to be younger than this. Additionally, the reliability of YouGov's data is questionable because they only surveyed a small number of people to collect their information (for example, the sample size for this profile was only 202).