SARAH JEAN MARGOLIS 1550 South Albany Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60623 + 1 310 903 9472 EXPERIENCE CENTRAL INTELL IGENCE AGENCY, Operations Officer , officially retired, but still working, 1988 -Stationed in The Mid East, Europe, The Americas and Hollywood. Infiltrates companies, tells the President I am there and gets a job as am good at business. Gives ideas to companies in the name of diplomacy for later compensation. For example am currently working to make THE WALL STREET JOURNAL available in Japanese and Russian, on the Internet first. Expert in counter-terrorism and counter-proliferation. Hiring Booz-Allen-Hamilton for compensation “collection.” Know world-wide in espionage as The Negotiator, The Idea Man, The Godfather of Los Angeles. Best friend in the Central Intelligence Agency of Fmr. Presidents George Herbert Webster Bush II, William Jefferson Clinton and George Walker Bush. Announced my candidacy of President of the United States of America, but also being indoctrinated into Russian Secret Society for Government. Double Agent in KGB, Mi5, Mi6, Stasi and FBI's Jean McNiel, supposedly dead in 9-11. EMERGENCY BROADCAST COMPANY/ MARGOL IS LITERARY AGENCY, Founder and Principal : 1988 -- present Company provides quality assistant to clients. Just ask. Manages literary clients with guidance on their careers. Discovered a best-selling children’s author. Sold a novel idea to the Robert Ludlum estate entitled AMBLER WARNING. Designed website. Currently working on providing health insurance to employees. Working to produce an idea for Tom Clancy entitled AMERICA. Chosen for WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA in 1998. CODEPINK: WOMEN FOR PEACE, Lead Assistant : 2005 Assisted leader of CODEPINK, Jodie Evans. Handled media and coordinated meetings. Took the opportunity to learn from a leader of women’s rights “how to walk as a strong woman.” MOJAVE MEDIA: Head Programmer : 2000 -- 2002 Taught myself JAVA, JAVASCRIPT, ASP, HTML, Access and other coding modalities to write code for clients’ websites. Managed accounts. Wrote script for web search engine: that locates data always in three clicks. Streamed media. Networked computers. TIME FINANC IAL/RAMSEY PHOTOGRAPHY, Production Coordinator/Lead Assistant : 1997 – 2003 Learned finance. Currently make at least 15% yearly on personal stock holdings. Coordinated up to 25 people for shoots. Scouted talent. ADDIS- WECHSLER AND ASSOCIATES, Management Trainee : 1996 Advised on the purchase and development of screenplays. Structured the development of the award-winning film MISSISSIPPI BURNING. Learned client management and film production for the firm handling Leonardo DiCaprio and producer of Robert Altman’s THE PLAYER. WALT DISNEY COMPANY, Intern : 1996 Acted as “The Grim Reaper” of the corporation advising daily on screenplays to red-light with one page coverage.. Argued that helping other companies in the industry improved Disney product through what I now call “cooperative competition,” so advised on TITANIC and discovered ELF for Paramount, among other ideas as an organizer of my hive of writers and executive producers. Name not known yet in industry due to clandestine nature of my work. The Idea Man. EDUCATION University of Chicago/University of California, Los Angeles: Graduate Student -- 2007 Took classes in international law, economics, nuclear proliferation treaties and political psychology. Conducted political psychology experiment in mixed environment group think. Took the equivalent of a B.A. in Psychology at UCLA. A+ in statistics, biopsychology and abnormal psychology. Learned Spanish. Currently developing a thesis in what I call macroeconomic behaviorialism: INSTINCTS AND POLTICAL ECONOMY. Brown University : B.A. Media/Culture 1996 Member of Illuminati, secret society based at Brown. Honorary member of fraternity Sigma Xi. Produced short films and documentaries, one on the ideology of unfair workers rights at Walt Disney Company. As a result, told by a FBI informant colleague to “infiltrate Disney,” so did. Studied continental philosophy and earned Jacques Derrida as a mentor for a fivepage paper entitled BIRTH OF THE READER. Worker on Honors’ Thesis on deconstruction of self: A STORY OF AN I, for which I am currently seeking a publisher. Read one-third of Karl Marx’s work for which I am trying to build a working model for IBM. Also took classes at Harvard University, University of Chicago and Wellesley College. Honorary member of TZE. Donated money for Wellesley University in Honor of Miss Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Miss Secretary of State Madeline Albright. Groomed for Harvard eating club, but chose Brown over Harvard as a transfer student to study Marxist theory. Secret Society at Brown University that allows me to earn degrees at any university, so earned Harvard Law '94, Yale School of Management '96, and access to Princeton Books. Nomicated for Princeton Pen. Skull and Bones' Master of Ceremonies Magog one day King. University of Chicago Laboratory High School: Graduated 1989 Twice finalist in nation-wide Congress/Bundestag year cultural exchange scholarship to Germany. Spent senior-year abroad in Salzburg, Austria, where I studied philosophy and politics. Travelled to East Germany, West Germany, Italy and Switzerland. Won Science Bowl and awarded scholarship to study nanophase materials at Argonne National Laboratory. Developed a kind of weapon accidentally (!). Studied international politics, German, philosophy. Taught myself trigonometry so could skip a year of math into Calculus. Chosen for CODE NAME: CONTACT. INTERESTS