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Region II Update

Barbara Jones, TN | Region II Director

Springtime in Region II has started off with an abundance of early spring harvesting, row crop planting, and the much-appreciated grass to bale. In addition to the daily activities, the cattlewomen have been busy spreading the word of beef


The ladies in TN started the year with a successful fundraiser at the TN Cattlemen’s convention by raffling off a Henry 22 Rifle This was the inaugural year for this fundraiser, and it funded two scholarships During convention, TCWA sponsored the youth speech contest The division winner got to give their speech during the busines meeting Jennie Schutte Patrick, breast cancer survivor and farm mom, spoke to the group about women ’ s health. Stephanie Nash, ag advocate, shared the many challenges facing the ag industry. TCWA attended the state FFA convention to spread awareness of the state organization to the youth

Florida Cattlewomen continued to do ranch tours around various parts of Florida This event gives exposure to the many facets of Florida agriculture FCW attended the “Boots on the Hill” annual event in which they served over 900 hamburgers to the legislatures The ladies also sponsored steak dinners for firefighters and county speech contest throughout the state Recently, the Executive Board participated in a leadership retreat at the Siboney Ranch in Okeechobee The 2023 FCW Beef Short Course was held in March with seven teams participating Physical competitions, lectures from Sarah Kreiger, and a delicious lunch provided by the Osceola Cattlewomen rounded out the event

Georgia Cattlewomen has elected new officers with Hailey Partian at the helm These ladies spent time spreading the word of beef during Ag Literacy week This leadership team has made a huge effort in providing educational workshops throughout the spring to assist in raising the education level on various agriculture topics. One example being spraying effectively and efficiently on the farm and pastures. In addition to all the social media post about beef, their leadership spent a day with 57 high school students teaching about milk. Beef sticks were left for snacks. GCWA also hosted ANCW President, Pam Griffin, at their annual convention back in March.

Alabama Cattlewomen have recently elected new officers with Henrietta Gibson as president During their convention, they hosted President Pam Griffin at the membership luncheon Recently, they awarded two scholarships The Louise Wilson Showmanship Scholarship went to Emma Wiggins and the Louise Wilson Academic and Leadership Scholarship went to Abbeigh Jo Gibson ACWA summer meeting and farm tour will be June 17, 2023.

The Region II meeting is set for the morning of June 10 via zoom. Details to follow.

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