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Region III Update
Debbie Chute, MN | Region III Director
Our ANCW Region III and VII meeting is coming up fast; June 23 and 24 in Watford City, North Dakota Emails and Facebook notices have been sent out to all ANCW Region III members. I am looking forward to the great speakers and events North Dakota CattleWomen have planned. ANCW President-elect Ruth Coffey will be joining us with an update. If you have not yet registered, please do so soon to help North Dakota CattleWomen plan accordingly.
There are two open ANCW committee positions that need new representatives elected at our region meeting. If you are interested in representing Region III on the ANCW Budget Committee or Membership Committee, please contact me prior to our region meeting
Registration and housing are open for 2023 ANCW and NCBA Summer Business Meetings
Dates and location are July 23 – 26 in San Diego, California ANCW meetings will be July 23 and July 24 Please plan to attend if possible
Finally, start making plans to attend the 2024 CattleCon in Orlando, Florida at the end of January. ANCW officers are working hard planning amazing speakers and events for our 2024 Annual Meeting! Registration will open August 15. As always, reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns at 218-330-0042 or dchute59@gmail.com.