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Collegiate CattleWomen

Collegiate CattleWomen celebrate the end of the school year with beef awards and events!

of Kansas State University celebrate the end of the school year


SU Collegiate CattleWomen of North Dakota State University hosted a 5K to raise money to provide protein for the Goods for the Herd pantry

Gator Collegiate CattleWomen of the University of Florida received honors at the UF/IFAS Animal Sciences Awards Ceremony

The Auburn Collegiate Cattlemen and CattleWomen of Auburn University named Ashley Woodyard as the Cattlewoman Of The Year at their end of the year awards presentation

The Collegiate CattleWomen of Montana State University took a ranch tour of Green Mountain Red Angus to learn about their business operations

The Penn State Collegiate Cattlewomen of Penn State University hosted an ice cream social to celebrate their last meeting of the year

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