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ANCW President Elect Report
Ruth Coffey, OK | ANCW President-Elect
I am excited to share the moments I have experienced since the last Newsletter as highlighted moments for me this year This spring, I have assisted with setting up and carrying out the last remnants of a region meeting, helped disabled members attend the region meeting, and enjoyed meal conversations with many of our members from Region VI through Region IV. I can’t thank each of the ladies enough from these regions, for the warm hospitality I was shown, and their beautiful kindness as they gave me a small picture of themselves to take home THANK YOU, Regions VI, V, and IV!!!
The Region VI meeting was held in the beautiful farming valley of Fallon, Nevada which was encircled by colorful mountains I learned so much about the area and the fun ladies of Region VI Callie Martinez, Sandy Flack, and three year old Ainsley Martinez were my traveling companions from the airport to Fallon
I learned so much from the guest speakers and the ladies I was blessed to have conversations with The food that was served while I was there was just awesome! The WIRED program was a great experience. I noticed the best part about Fallon was the easy yard maintenance. Most yards were decorated with rocks & plants that do not need much water to survive. The backyard view of the mountains would put a smile on anyone ’ s face. Special thanks to Callie, Maddi, Melinda, Pam, & Nikki!
Next, I traveled to the Region V meeting in Denver Susie Magnuson and Kahla Mills were my angel escorts around town The meetings were held at the CSU Spur, located on the grounds of the newly refurbished Denver Stockyards The women representing Region V were amazing ladies The local chapters brought silent auction gifts that represented a small picture of the great places they had traveled from.
Pictured Top Right: CSU professor of animal sciences and renowned animal behaviorist, Temple Grandin
Pictured Middle Right: CattleWomen engaged in disucssion at the Region V meeting in Fallon, NV
(I was able to snag an auction item from the Routt County CattleWomen which just fit in my suitcase!) I met two ladies who had traveled by train to attend the meeting, they were so much fun The guest speakers were great, and the meetings were enlightening. The meals that were prepared were great! Our special steak dinner included a visit with, I like to say, Temple Grandin Unplugged. I had never seen Temple as engaged with her audience as she was that night! What a fun time! Special thanks to Karen, Kathleen, Katherine, Susie, and Kayla for this awesome weekend!
To wind up my region meeting experiences for this newsletter edition, I wound up at my stomping grounds, the Oklahoma City Stockyards. This meeting was well attended by the three states that Region IV is known for The Cattleman’s Steakhouse was the perfect fit for the meeting place It was fun getting acquainted with new faces, spending time with longtime friends, and enjoying the events that were planned for the weekend Representatives from each of our Region States brought door prize gifts which were a small picture of the states they represented I believe everyone enjoyed the food we devoured, the evening Canadian River boat cruise, and the WIRED event held at the Payne Ranch The weather for both days was amazing! Thanks to Cheyenne, Dedee, Tammi, Jill, and most importantly Kelly Payne for all that you did to complete the events for this last weekend.