Competencies booklet 2013 ucas

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Competencies 2013 National Occupational Standard Competencies


Competencies 2013

Selecting Competencies This booklet contains the title and a brief summary of a number of National Occupational Standards (NOS) for health and social care practice. The first three are the mandatory competencies that everyone will undertake. Of the others, you and your mentor need to select two that are relevant to your workplace or placement. Have a read through those which you think maybe relevant, then make your selection. In order to make the best selection it is important that this is discussed with your mentor. Your mentor needs to sign to agree that you will undertake those competencies in your placement or workplace. Each competence has knowledge statements and performance criteria. So you must ensure that there are opportunities in your practice to acquire the knowledge and to demonstrate your performance capability. For example, you cannot select the children’s competencies if you do not work with children. You are expected to attain a level 4 of competence Levels of Competence: 1. Student has been made aware of information/skill 2. Student has had explanation given to them 3. Student has been shown how to do something 4. Student shows or explains to supervisor specific skill or information



Once you have selected your options you can download the full standard from Moodle. Do check out the learning you will need to undertake to pass it and make sure this can be attained in your practice environment. Once the standard is signed off by you and your mentor it should be submitted into the relevant folder in your portfolio.

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Competencies 2013

Mandatory Competencies GEN13 Synthesise new knowledge into the development of your own practice This standard covers your role in incorporating and embedding new knowledge into practice. The new knowledge may come from reflecting on and evaluating your own practice or from finding out about and utilising the developments made by others. This standard is intended to support good practice in action research and the development of evidence-based practice. The standard applies to all workers in the health sector who are accountable for their own actions and responsible for their own development. This includes registered and unregistered staff. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies.



SCDHSC0035 Promote the safeguarding of individuals This standard identifies the requirements associated with safe-guarding which must permeate all your work with individuals. The standard addresses the requirement to establish your own understanding about safeguarding and what you must do in cases of actual or potential harm or abuse. The requirements also include developing relationships that promote safeguarding, promoting rights and inclusion, working in ways that promote wellbeing and supporting individuals to keep themselves safe.

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Competencies 2013 Elective Competencies Select 2 from the following competencies: Agreed & signed by mentor

Generic Health and Social Care 1. SCDHSC0394 Contribute to the provision of support groups This standard identifies the requirements when you contribute to the provision of groups to support the care and wellbeing of individuals. This includes contributing to the promotion of existing support groups, contributing to forming groups to support individual needs and supporting individuals and groups in running their own groups 2. SCDHSC0382 Support individuals manage change in their lives This standard outlines the requirements when you support individuals to manage change in their lives. It includes working with individuals to prepare for change, supporting them to manage and adapt to the change during the transition period, then working together to review the effectiveness of methods and strategies used.

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4. SCDHSC0414 Assess individual preferences and needs This standard identifies the requirements when you assess the preferences and the care or support needs of individuals. This begins by working with individuals to carry out a comprehensive assessment of their preferences, needs and strengths and the outcomes they wish to achieve through care or support. The standard includes revising assessments to meet changes in individuals' care or support needs and preferences.


3. SCDHSC0413 Manage requests for health, social or other care services This standard identifies the requirements when you manage requests for health, social or other care services provided by your organisation. This includes promoting the services offered by your organisation; evaluating your organisation’s capacity to provide specific services for individuals; and processing successful and unsuccessful requests for health, social or other care services.

Competencies 2013 5. SCDHSC0351 Implement development activities to meet individuals’ goals, preferences and needs This standard identifies the requirements when implementing development activities that will achieve individuals' personal goals and meet their preferences and needs. This includes working with individuals to identify development activities then planning, implementing and evaluating the activities through working in partnership. 6. CHS118 Form a professional judgement of an individual's health condition This standard relates to the formation of a professional judgement of an individual’s health condition based on a review of an individual’s presenting symptoms and clinical history. It includes the collection and analysis of relevant information that will inform and/or confirm the functional or clinical diagnosis and the presentation of proposals for further action. This competence will be used in conjunction with others relating to making baseline observations and tests, preparing a patient history and consulting with others. 7. CHS122 Prepare a discharge plan with individuals This standard covers the preparation of a discharge plan with individuals to ensure that their post-discharge health and care is optimised and stabilisation and improvement of their condition is planned. It includes the discharge of individuals from the emergency, urgent or scheduled care service. Individuals may be discharged into the care of other health and care providers, their own care, or that of significant others. 8. CHS168 Obtain a patient/client history This standard covers gathering information to obtain a relevant history from the individual and where appropriate a third party to establish the health status and needs of the individual to support and inform their assessment, intervention, care or treatment plan.

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10. GEN20 Enable carers to support individuals This standard is concerned with your role in assisting in the provision of equipment and support to individuals and carers in the community. Support may be psychological as well as physical and may be given in combination with the provision


9. CHS225 Implement a treatment plan This standard relates to the implementation an individual’s treatment plan. This may be undertaken in a wide variety of settings and healthcare individuals.

Competencies 2013 of equipment or on its own. The term ‘community’ is used to signify any environment which is applicable to the individual (i.e. it includes the individual’s own home and its surrounds, a community home where the individual is living, a day centre or the individual’s place of work). The term ‘carer’ is used for someone who is caring for the individual in any way but is not a member of the formal care team and so does not have formal/fixed links into the service. 11. GEN40 Contribute to the development of the multidisciplinary team and its members This standard is about developing and sustaining the smooth and consistent working of the multidisciplinary team in order to achieve the goal of best care for individuals. This is achieved through identifying and responding to team members' development needs. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies. 12. PHP41 Enable people to address issues related to health and wellbeing This standard covers enabling people (individuals, groups and communities) to address issues that affect their health and wellbeing.


14. SCDHSC0343 Support individuals to live at home This standard identifies the requirements when you support individuals to continue living in their own home. This includes supporting individuals to develop their own personal resources and working with them to access additional resources, services and facilities. It also includes supporting individuals to review the support and services they use and to identify changes needed to enable them to continue to live at home.


Older People 13. OP12 Enable older people to cope with changes to their health and well-being This standard is about the practitioner helping older people to cope with changes to their health and well-being. These changes can be anything from coping with a change in practitioner attending to them, or the loss of a partner, or the loss of their independence. It is important that the health and well-being of the older person is monitored, and that any actions that are required can be identified as soon as possible. The older person should be encouraged to consider the situation they are in, and to seek help to cope with it.

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Competencies 2013

Working with children and young people 15. CS3 Work with children and young people to assess their health and well-being This standard is about working with children and young people, and those involved in their care to assess the health and well-being of children and young people. The standard is relevant to practitioners who deliver services to children and young people. Practitioners working in this area require specialist expertise concerning the health and well-being needs of children and young people. 16. CHS34 Provide help for children and young people to understand their health and wellbeing This standard is about the practitioner helping children and young people to understand their situation in relation to their health and wellbeing. This will be done during the normal course of the practitioner’s work, and is not something that can be achieved in a one-off session. It is important also that the practitioner uses play and other methods to develop their relationship according to the age of the child or young person. This will also include those who are involved in their care, e.g. parents and family members, but the child or young person is central to this process.

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18. CS19 Develop relationships with children and young people This standard is about the practitioner developing relationships with children and young people to help them understand their situation. This will be done during the normal course of the practitioner’s work, and is not something that can be achieved in a one-off session. The practitioner needs to develop rapport and a respectful, trusting relationship with the child or young person. It is important also that the practitioner uses play and other methods to develop their relationship according to the age of the child or young person.


17. CS13 Implement interventions with children and young people, and those involved in their care This standard is about implementing interventions in partnership with children and young people and those involved in their care. The interventions may be preventative, (i.e. to maintain health and well-being), or therapeutic, (i.e. to improve health and well-being). They will be delivered as part of the child’s or young person’sindividualised care plan to meet agreed health and well-being goals.

Competencies 2013 19. CS1 Communicate with children and young people, and those involved in their care This standard is about communicating effectively with children and young people, and those involved in their care. It covers establishing the most effective methods of communication, and enabling children and young people to participate in communication. The main focus of communication is in relation to the health and well-being of the child or young person. The standard is relevant to practitioners who deliver services to children and young people. Learning Disability



20. GEN86: Support individuals with cognition and learning difficulties This standard is about the support provided to individuals with cognition and learning difficulties to enable them to participate in learning activities and to develop effective learning strategies. This standard is for healthcare staff who provide support for individuals who demonstrate features of moderate, severe or profound learning difficulties, specific learning difficulties, e.g. dyslexia or dyspraxia, or who present features associated with autistic spectrum disorder. Some individuals may have associated sensory, physical and/or behavioural difficulties which compound their special educational needs.

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Competencies 2013 Mental Health 21. MH1 Promote effective communication and relationships with people who are troubled or distressed This standard covers promoting communication and relationships with individuals whose communication and relationships are affected, directly or indirectly, by mental health problems. The distress or impairment may be a transient, fluctuating or permanent feature of the individual’s social functioning. This standard applies to mental health practitioners who work with people who are troubled or distressed. The distress may be directly associated with mental illness or caused by other factors, such as physical illness or bereavement, which may create mental health problems. 22. MH18.2012 Identify the physical health needs of individuals with mental health needs This standard covers identifying an individual's physical health needs and their ability, or that of their carer, to address these needs in line with the individual's mental health needs, taking account of risks. This standard applies to anyone responsible for identifying the physical health needs of individuals with mental health needs and determining appropriate courses of action to promote their physical health.


24. AB2.2012 Support individuals who misuse substances For this standard you need to support individuals who misuse substances by enabling them to adopt safe practices, providing care and support following an episode of substance use and supporting individuals' efforts to reduce harm or cease substance use. Substances would include alcohol, opiates, hallucinogenics, amphetamines, cannabis, prescribed medication, solvents and other volatile substances; their use may be experimental, recreational or dependent.


23. MH22 Maintain active continuing contact with individuals and work with them to monitor their mental health needs This standard covers working with individuals on care programmes to monitor their mental health and related needs over time and to identify and agree changes to care programmes to reflect progress made and any changes in the individual’s needs and circumstances. The on-going monitoring of the appropriateness and effectiveness of care programmes is a fundamental aspect of needsled service provision.

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Competencies 2013 25. AD4 Develop and disseminate information and advice about substance use, health and social well-being For this standard you need to develop a range of information and advice materials to promote substance misuse services, and raise awareness of substance use, health and social well-being. This includes planning, design, production, and dissemination of information and advice materials. 26. AB3 Contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour For this standard you need to contribute to the prevention and management of abusive and aggressive behaviour. When abusive and aggressive behaviour occurs, you need to deal with, and help in the review of, incidents within statutory and agency frameworks.

Theatres and perioperative care 27. PCS16 Provide surgical instrumentation and items for the surgical team and maintain the sterile field This standard covers preparing and dressing correctly to undertake a ‘scrubbed’ role within the perioperative team.



28. PCS13 Prepare and dress for scrubbed clinical roles This standard covers providing surgical instrumentation and supplementary items to the surgical team and monitoring their use. This involves passing surgical instrumentation and supplementary items across the sterile field and checking and counting surgical items with the Registered Practitioner, in line with organisational policies and procedures. You will be working in a ‘scrubbed’ role whilst undertaking these activities.

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Competencies 2013 Long-term Conditions 29. PHP43 Work with individuals and others to minimise the effects of specific health conditions This standard covers working with individuals and others to minimise the effects of specific health conditions. The conditions might relate to: a specific disease (eg respiratory disease, diabetes, arthritis); allergies; those with suppressed immune systems. 30. CHS100 Develop relationships with individuals with long term conditions This standard covers the development of relationships by practitioners with individuals with long term conditions. The working relationship must be supportive of the individual, and provide a context in which rapport and trust can be established, which is often very important in long-term conditions.

31. CHS57 Enable individuals to manage their own long term conditions This standard is about the practitioner helping children and young people to understand their situation in relation to their health and wellbeing. This will be done during the normal course of the practitioner’s work, and is not something that can be achieved in a one-off session. It is important also that the practitioner uses play and other methods to develop their relationship according to the age of the child or young person.



32. CHS64 Enable individuals to manage changes in their long term conditions This standard covers the way practitioners work with individuals so that they can manage changes in their condition. The practitioner will need to review all relevant information about the individual’s condition, and then provide information on the significance of the changes, and how they will affect the individual. They will also need to consider any changes to the interventions that might be appropriate for managing their condition.

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Competencies 2013 Maternity 33. SCDHSC0320 Support professional advice to help parents take care of their newly born baby This standard identifies the requirements when you support professional advice to help parents to interact with and take care of their newly born baby. This includes supporting parents by reinforcing actions and advice to help them keep their baby safe and secure, to help them feed and keep their baby clean and to help them to bond with and understand the needs of their baby.

Palliative Care 35. SCDHSC0385 Support individuals at the end of life This standard identifies the requirements when supporting individuals at the end of their life. This includes supporting individuals to prepare for the end of life and to plan the care and support they wish to receive during the process of dying. It also includes providing care and support as death approaches and carrying out agreed actions immediately after death has occurred.




36. GEN21.2012: Interact with individuals using telecommunications This standard covers interacting with individuals using a range of telecommunications technology, including the internet. This involves establishing, sustaining, and ending interactions with individuals without face to face interaction by using telecommunications. The emphasis is on supportive interactions rather than providing a general advice service.

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Competencies 2013 Therapies 37. SCDHSC0352 Support individuals to continue therapies This standard identifies the requirements when you support individuals to continue therapies under the direction of a therapist. This includes working with therapists and individuals to agree how therapies will be supported to continue and supporting individuals to complete specified activities. It also includes contributing to evaluation of the effects of therapies on the individuals.



38. CHS225 Implement a treatment plan This standard relates to the implementation an individual's treatment plan. This may be undertaken in a wide variety of settings and healthcare individuals. Users of this standard will need to ensure that practice reflects up to date information and policies.

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