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An Original Typeface By Sarah Grace Kivett

Contents 4 Concept 6 Sketching 8 Digitalization 10 Majuscules 11 Minuscules 12 Numerals 13 Punctuation 14 Examples 2


Concept In 1981, through the vision of John Tribble, Good

body copy because it is harder to read. It wasn’t

News Travels was born. Devoted to operating

hard to see that Good News Travels now had a

tours that lead individuals towards an awareness

problem. I set out to solve this by creating a serif

and appreciation of the beauty of God’s creation,

typeface that could pair well with Avenir and be

Good news Travels has been a successful busi-

used for body copy in GNT’s designs. I needed a

ness for over 30 years.

typeface that could showcase how Good News Travels is able to adapt change while not forget-

Good News Travels has recently re-branded itself

ting where they began. The result was Traveler,

and moved into a more modern and contemporary

a typeface that combines modern and old face

style. They now use the sans-serif typeface Ave-

typography seamlessly. It is strong, noble and

nir in all of their designs for both headers and

courageous, all things a Traveler should be.

body copy. Traditionally, it is not typographically correct for a sans-serif typeface to be used for


1981 5

Sketching While sketching ideas for Traveler I had to study

travel in a non cliche way and settled on an

both modern and old style faces. I found two type-

arrow. I liked the idea that arrows point you in

faces that were similar and began to sketch ways

the direction of your journey, and thought that

that I could morph them together and still make

I could make the serifs in Traveler to look like

it specialized for GNT. This proved to be the most

an arrow. Traveler’s serifs have proved to be the

challenging task. I ended up taking characteristics

most defining characteristic of the face.

of Perpetua and Avenir and combining them to create a style all its own. After creating a distinct style for my letters the next challenge was to create a serif. I began thinking of certain shapes and objects that represent



Digitalization During the process of digitally pathing my type-

My typefaces now had the perfect amount of

face, I found flaw in my sketches. My x-heights

contrast in stroke-weight.

were too small for readability. I was able to fix this problem by bringing up my x-heights and

Once I digitally finalized Traveler, it became easy

my typeface became more legible. Another flaw

to see the characteristics of it that diversify it

I had to fix was my stroke-weights, overall my

from other faces. Traveler’s sharp edges make it

letters were too thin. Even though it is supposed

more modern, while its differentiation in stroke-

to be subtle, it was hard to tell there was any shift

weight and serifs make it more of an old-style

in stroke-weight at all. I solved this problem by

face. It is the perfect blend of old and new typo-

increasing the thickness of the thicker strokes by

graphic styles.

two points and the thinner strokes by half a point.




abcdef gh i jk l mn o p q r s t uy vz w x 11

12345 67890 12

&! ? . , “ ' : ; “




Student Group Tours Student Group Tours Student Group Tours Student Group Tours




IS YOUR YOUR From historic landmarks to sunny beaches, you choose the TRIP TRIP ISISthat speaks Y! Y! to you!destination EASY! EASY! EASY! EASY!

CHOOSE YOUR SELECT YOUR CUSTOMIZE SELECT YOUR TR TRAVEL SELE C T YOUR AVE L CU STOMIZE YOUR YOUR SELE C T YOUR CHOOSE YOUR DESTINATION METHODOF OF TRAVEL TRIP DATESAND ANDENJ ENJOY! DATES O Y! TRIP OPTIONS O PTIONS METHOD TR AVE L DESTIN ATION From quic ker getaways to Customize your attractions , Our t ravel expe rts will help From historic landmarks to adventu .TR The Give YOUR you decide on a method oSELE sunny beaches, you chooseCHOOSE CHOOSE YOUR SELECT YOUR dining , and lodging YOUR SELECT YOUR TRAVEL SELE T res YOUR TR AVE CU. STOMIZE YOURmulti-week SELE C T YOUR CHOOSE YOUR YOUR SELECT YOUR CUSTOMIZE SELECT YOUR TRAVEL C T CYOUR AVE L L CUCUSTOMIZE STOMIZE YOUR SELE C Tf YOUR CHOOSE YOUR length o f the trip is up to your travel th at wor ks for both the destination that speaksDESTINATION DESTINATION METHOD OF TRAVEL TRIP OPTIONS DATES AND ENJOY! DATES AND ENJ TRIP O PTIONS METHOD TR AVE DESTIN ATION METHOD OFOF TRAVEL TRIP OPTIONS DATES AND ENJOY! DATES AND ENJ O Y!O Y! TRIP O PTIONS METHOD OF TR AVE L gL roup something DESTIN ATION From quic ker getaways Customize attractions , t ravel expe rts will historic landmarks to wallet! From quic kerred getaways to to Customize youryour attractions Our Our t ravel expe rtsspecial! will helphelp FromFrom historic landmarks to your you . ,Select your desi your style and to you! multi-week adventu . The dining , and lodging . Give d atesmulti-week decide a method sunny beaches, choose adventu resres . The dining , and lodging . Give you you decide on aon method o of f sunny beaches, you you choose travel and enjoy!

Our travel experts will help Customize your attractions, From quicker getaways, you decide on a method of dining, and lodging. Give your to multi week adventures. travel that works for both group something special! The length of the trip is up yourlandmarks style andto your wallet! to you. Select your desired historic landmarks to Our Our travel experts will help Customize Customizeyouryourattractions, attractions, From quicker getaways, FromFrom historic travel experts will help quicker getaways, travel datesFrom enjoy! beaches, choose youyou decide a method dining, lodging.Give Giveyouryour toandmulti weekadventures. adventures. sunnysunny beaches, you you choose decide on aonmethod of of dining, andandlodging. to multi week the destination that speaks travel travel works forbothboth group group something special! the destination thatthat speaks travel thatththat works something special! your g roup something at wor ksfor forboth the destination speaks g roup something th atstyle wor ks for both speaks todestination you! that your and your wallet! your tothe you! yourtravel style and your wallet! special! wallet! to you! special! youryour stylestyle andand youryour wallet! to you!



WASHINGTON, DC WASHINGTON, DC Centrally between Centrally located betweenthetheDC northern WASHINGTON, DC WASHINGTON, andstates southern states, andnorthern southern is Washington, DC. located between the northern Centrally Washington, DC evolved located between the northern DC. This city has evolved fromfromtheCentrally small andchose southern states is Washington, states is Washington, DC. the small Georgeand southern location thatlocation GeorgethatWashington city evolved has evolved from the small This This city has from the small Washington chose along the Potomac along the Potomac River in 1790, to the George Washington thatthethat George Washington chosechose River in 1790 the city we know iconic city wetoknow today. DClocation islocation now along Potomac in 1790, along the Potomac RiverRiver intoday. 1790, to isthetonowthe It is now aand governmental and iconic city we know DC atoday. governmental cosmopolitan city iconic city we know and today.cosmopolitan DC is now city cosmopolitan allows who a governmental that allows all city whothatvisit an about opportunity aallgovernmental andwho cosmopolitan city that allows all visit an opportunity visit an opportunity to learn that toallows allHere whoyou visitcananexperience opportunity toandlearn. Here yousome canofexperience the learn. experience the history toabout learn. the Hereof you can experience the thethe history of America and slearn America and learn about historyhistory of America and learn about that makes uppowerful the world’ most world's most Democracy. world's powerful Democracy.the world's mostmost powerful Democracy. powerful democracy.

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CHICAGO Chi-Town, Windy City, ChicagolandCHICAGO CHICAGO Chicago, thetheWindy City,situated this fabulous CHICAGO this fabulous metropolis onofthe metropolis situated on the shores Lake Chicago, the Windy City,this fabulous shores of Lake Michigan goes byCity, many the Windy fabulous Michigan goesChicago, by many nicknames butthis metropolis situated onthe theshores shores of Lake metropolis situated on of they all reflect the grand town's rich Michigan goesbyhistory. bymany many nicknamesLake but Michigan goes but town’s rich architectural, cultural andnicknames architectural and cultural From allthereflect grand town'srichrich theythey allto reflect theandthegrand town's theformerly Willisknown Tower, Chicago River, architectural cultural history. From architectural andTower, cultural history. From as hub. the Sears Willis Tower, tothethe ChicagoRiver, River, Chicago is building a vital Cool jazz, iconic the the Willis Tower, totothe Chicago the tallest in America, Chicago is a vital hub. Cool jazz, iconic food, and endless opportunities are some Chicago is a vital hub. Cool jazz, iconic Riverfood, where during aopportunities relaxing food, and endless opportunities aresomesome and endless are ofChicago the many things Chicago has to offer. of the many things Chicago to offer. the of stunning skyline can be hashas the many things Chicago toscience, offer. Fillboat theridedays studying history, science, days studying history,science, enjoyed, Chicago is the adays vital hub of cool Fill Fill the studying history, art, and architecture in this metropolis. and architecture in thismetropolis. metropolis. art,art, and architecture in this jazz, great iconic food and endless Chi-Town, Windy ChicagolandChi-Town, the the Windy City,City, Chicagolandfabulous metropolis situated on the thisthis fabulous metropolis situated on the shores of Lake Michigan goes by many shores of Lake Michigan goes by many

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town’ s rich architectural, cultural town’ s rich architectural, cultural andand

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history, science, architecture. history, science, art, and architecture. history, science, art, art, andand architecture. Premium Highlights Available: Arlington National Cemetery Changing the Guard, Mount ble: Arlington National Cemetery Changing of the Guard, Mount Premium Highlights Available: Arlington National Cemetery Changing of theofGuard, Mount Vernon, National Archives, Half Day Guided Touring, Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian Vernon, National Archives, Half Day Guided Touring, Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian Half Day Guided Touring, Holocaust Museum, Smithsonian Premium Highlights Available: Hancock Building, Millennium Park, Shedd Aquarium Premium Highlights Available: Building, Millennium Park, Shedd Aquarium andand Institute Museums, Illuminated Monuments Tour, House (picture Iwo Jima Premium Highlights Available: Hancock Building,Hancock Millennium Park, Shedd Aquarium and Institute Museums, Illuminated Monuments Tour, WhiteWhite House (picture stop),stop), Iwo Jima Oceanarium, Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago City Tour, Field Museum of Natural ated Monuments Tour, White House (picture stop),Memorial, Iwo Jima Museum of Science and Industry, Chicago City Tour, Field Museum of Natural Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Ford’s Theater, Air Force Memorial, Oceanarium, MuseumOceanarium, of Science and Industry, Chicago City Tour, Field Museum of Natural Memorial, Lincoln Memorial, Vietnam Memorial, Ford’s Theater, Air Force Memorial, History, Museum of Broadcast Communication, Chicago Zoo, Wrigley Field Tour, Chicago al, Vietnam Memorial, Ford’ s Theater, Air Force History, Museum of Broadcast Communication, Chicago Zoo, Wrigley Field Tour, Chicago Jefferson Memorial, Martin Luther Memorial, King, Jr. Memorial, Potomac River Cruise, Newseum, Jefferson Memorial, Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial, Potomac River Cruise, Newseum, History, Museum of Broadcast Communication, Wrigley Field Tour,ofChicago Art Institute, Planetarium, Chicago Navy Pier, Zoo, Lincoln Park Zoo, Museum Science and Industry, Art Institute, Planetarium, Navy Pier, Lincoln Park Zoo, Museum of Science and Industry, U. S. Capitol Visitor’s Center, Center Performance, Washington National Cathedral, Luther King,U.Jr.S.Memorial, Potomac River Kennedy Cruise, Newseum, Capitol Visitor’s Center, Kennedy Center Performance, Washington National Cathedral, Art Institute, Planetarium,John Hancock Observatory, Pedway Walking Tour, LEGOLAND Discovery Center Navy Pier, Lincoln Park Zoo,Walking Museum ofLEGOLAND Science and Industry, Marine Corps Museum at Quantico, Bureau of Printing and Engraving John Hancock Observatory, Pedway Tour, Discovery Center r, Kennedy Center National Cathedral, MarinePerformance, Corps MuseumWashington at Quantico, Bureau of Printing and Engraving John Hancock Observatory, Pedway Walking Tour, LEGOLAND Discovery Center Quantico, Bureau of Printing and Engraving

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Examples of Traveler being used as body copy for NEW YORK CITY GNT’s student group tours brochure.

The nation’s largest city since 1790, and one of the most The nation’s largest city since 1790, and one of the most populous in the world, New York is an overwhelming populous in the world, New York is an overwhelming

access to unique all in one bustling The nation’s largest city since 1790, and anddiverse one ofenclaves the most access to unique and diverse enclaves all in one bustling location. With its expansive pedestrian and mass transit populous in the world, New is an overwhelming location. WithYork its expansive pedestrian and mass transit

routes, students can be exposed to our symbol of liberty at routes, students exposed to ouron symbol of liberty at Liberty Island,can thebe heart of banking Wall Street, or the


Liberty Island, enclaves the heart of Wall Street, or the access to unique and diverse allbanking in oneon bustling location. With its expansive pedestrian mass transit take years, but any tripand to New York is time well spent. take years, but any trip to New York is time well spent. routes, students can be exposed to our symbol of liberty at


Pack Your Bags... The World Awaits! 16

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