Jon Moses Interview by Sarah Pesto

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I had the most wonderful pleasure of interviewing the remarkable UK singer, Jon Moses.

Jon spoke so deeply about so many things and answered all of my interview questions with such grace. He has so much to offer the world as a singer and spokesperson. I found myself getting teary eyed by some of his responses.

Jon is an incredible soul. I hope you enjoy reading the interview as much as I enjoyed interviewing him.


Author: Jon thank you so much for taking the time in allowing me to interview you.

Jon: It’s my absolute pleasure! I’ve been really looking forward to having a good natter (long and friendly conversation) with you!

Author: Could you describe your background in singing? When did you get started?

Jon: (Jon giggles) Well actually, as legend has it, I was born singing or what was described as holding sustained notes, really loud, so all of the hospital could hear hahahah. People around me, over my young years would say I had “singing Tourette’s” and was the singing “Billy Elliot” from where I lived.

I’ve always sang. Some of my fondest memories are with my sisters and brother pretending we were the “Von Trapp” family, or I was in the British band, “Bros.” We had such a creative and expressive upbringing.

My parents will both say they didn’t actually realize I was different from my sisters and brother until one day I got up on the mic on a holiday in Turkey and sung a power ballad and the venue erupted. I remember being really confused and shocked. My Nanna and Grandad were alive then and I think we all came together that holiday and enjoyed the joy of each other through music.

I was actually spotted singing and given a scholarship to be classically trained at around 12 years old, and I ended up in the “Durham County Youth Choir” as first tenor for around 4 years. I absolutely loved it. I learned so, so, so much. We would sing everything from gospel to requiem and it’s probably where I learned so much without really knowing who I was.

From there I ventured into the corporate world and began to become quite successful and pave a career in many management positions. However, one day, I ended up being promoted into management for an IT firm and was working many hours and unfortunately, I ended up having a bit of a breakdown. I took the first flight to Majorca and after a few lagers, I got up singing. From there I spent 6 months as a karaoke host. It’s also where I met my best friend Josh who I’m still very close to. It was one of the best times of my life, completely carefree and no judgement on anything I was singing, but the bar was always jampacked. Even all of the workers on the island would come after work. We had such a great summer.

After the summer, I was a bit lost, I moved to Norwich and became a bar manager with my best friend, Josh, then realized I needed to sing. I caught wind of a job working for a holiday park company. I auditioned and got leading male on a show cast.

From that point life really just led the way. I was offered a job in Algarve and Madeira on a show team and then scouted to be a managed act touring all over the country and flying back and forth for the TUI Group, one of the world’s leading travel companies based in Germany.

I did that for around four years and really learned so much. It was really hard work. Twenty-eight gigs in a row. One night at a casino, next a holiday park, next a TUI hotel in Egypt but without knowing I was becoming quite versatile to many audience types. However, it’s not all glitz and glamour that’s for sure.

Author: Could you describe your childhood? When and where were you born, your full legal name, schools you attended, friends you had, and anything that you would like your fans to know.

Jon: I had the most incredibly diverse, rich-in-life lessons, and loving family childhood. I, myself, had battles that have now been diagnosed but my parents really did the best for us. As children we were kept closely knit but the knowledge and time that was invested into us I found later in life to be so valuable. I can genuinely say that each and every one of my parents’ children are completely individual in their own way, but very special. We were all raised, I suppose, in the old-fashioned way with manners, respect, and a familiar theme that served me well in life with persistence and endurance.

I was born in Easington, United Kingdom as Jon David Moses. I was educated in Peterlee Primary (elementary) right through to Comprehensive (High) school Then I left to study in Durham for my A levels (equivalent to the American Advanced Placement courses somewhat equivalent to first-year courses of America’s four-year bachelor’s degrees). I must say I was a bit of a clever clogs, (smart aleck) passing all exams with A’s to C’s.

Having friends is a bit of a sad story really. I never felt like I belonged or could connect with anyone. It was like a different language I couldn’t understand how to connect with people. For that reason, I had many people who I would float between but very few friends and I feel sad for that boy. Back then it was all boys playing football and, of course, I was all singing and dancing and a bit of an anomaly. I found music was my only refuge and would use it to express myself from a very, very young age.

I suppose my message to anyone would be to always look out for that boy or girl on the outside who is wanting to be a part of the world, but struggling, and try to help them. I suppose that’s why I went on to direct a school to help many vulnerable people over the years, as I never want people to feel the loneliness that I felt for many years, when it’s so easily supported.

Author: What is your favorite part about living in the UK? What area do you like the most? Have you visited London? If so, what are your favorite restaurants and recommendations of places for your fans?

Jon: The UK is incredibly diverse, full of history, culture, and traditions. It’s such a small place but you can find a place for anything you want.

When I toured each region or even area, they have their own way of living and communicating which I find amazing.

I think the UK will always be where I was born; however, I’m a world man. Always have been. Wherever I lay my hat. It’s my girls that keep me here or else I think I’d be on a forever adventure. It’s just another thing I’ve never quite understood within society, and I try my best which is go to school, leave school, get a house, get married, have a baby, and get a job. That’s the rest of our lives. For me, I’ve always been a bit of a wandering spirit and I wish in some ways that I could have all of what I’ve mentioned, and in many ways, I have over the years but still within me home is everywhere.

I lived in London for many years. Again, London is like no other place on the earth. It’s so diverse and incredible. You can literally find something new to experience every day. Genuinely, some of the best places I’ve eaten have been the Michelin Star restaurants. They are the ones that you hear about on the grape vine or find as you wander through Brick Lane, China Town or the markets. It’s a city bursting full of everything you possibly could imagine.

As always, I’m very transparent and I will say living there was hard and expensive and very much go, go, go, go! However, I was young enough to do it. hahahhah. These days London is so accessible I can be there within a few hours and enjoy it more so as a tourist or performer than as a resident.

I’m far too tall for the Tube (The London Underground) (Subway) hahah

Author: Do you remember your first gig? What was it like to get your first paying job in your favorite field of entertainment?

Jon: My first gig was a strange one really as it was a complete change of career. I grew up watching “Top of the Pops” and “Royal Variety Show”, so I thought singing was only for the famous. I soon found out on my first adventure living abroad, that there are so many different jobs within entertainment. I can’t say what my first paid gig was, hahah, but all I’ll say is I was young. It was in Ibiza, and we can leave that one there. It was a stage of some sorts I suppose hahahah.

Author: I heard you were on “ITV's

Superstar.” That's incredible! Could you tell your fans about the people you met and about the show in general. Likes? Dislikes? Areas of improvement? How did being on the show help boost your career?

Jon: “ITV Superstar” was a life changing experience in so many ways. I had never been trained in musical theatre but always wanted to be but didn’t have the money.

When I auditioned and sang “Empty Chairs and Tables” from “Les Mis” and “Gethsemane” from “Jesus Christ Superstar” for Andrew Lloyd-Webber and David Empty Grindrod who is a highly respected West-End casting director, it all seems very surreal at the time. It was probably my first experience of being really starstruck and in awe. I suppose I should probably tell you how it all started because let me tell you, I’ve always been unaware really of the impact a person’s music and voice can have on someone else. It’s only now I’m knocking (astounded) that I really appreciate the opportunities that I have been given and also can relate to what people saw in me by looking at other artists.

So let me tell you how it started:

2012, whilst on tour, my dad and sister submitted me for a “ITV Superstar.” The auditions were being held at a football stadium I was near. My dad, sister, and family really invested in me over the years. I never really believed in myself. I just sung to try make people happy, but I thought I owed it to them to just turn up. I was petrified! Thousands of incredibly talented singers. I just remember thinking there is no way I should be here, but I already had a sticker with a number on. Sure enough, I was called in. I’ll never forget it. I had two auditions that day. I GOT THROUGH!!!!

Over six months and many auditions, song learning, and performing for Andrew Lloyd Webber, Mel C, Jason Donovan, Dawn French and so many more great names I eventually got down to the final 100, and then 40 who were flown out to Andrew’s house in Majorca and got a tour bus back to the O2 arena in UK to do our final audition before the panel…... oh my life….. what a rollercoaster.

I eventually went on to be a finalist and perform live in front of millions of UK viewers. Just crazy.

From that point, I left the show, played Jesus, headlined theatre shows, Pantos, cruises, and large events all over the world.

What a crazy adventure it’s been.

If I’m honest, my view and memories when I look back are very different now to what they were then. I remember having complete imposter syndrome, especially when I got down to the finals and was living in the house with the other contestants. I remember again, I was probably like the child I was in the schoolyard, not able to form relationships properly. Looking back probably was a mixture of me feeling not worthy and also not wanting to make connections with people as I didn’t think I could have got to where I did. I didn’t think it would last much longer. However, I was wrong.

I was competing against people who had been the lead in the “Lion King” and people who were in massively well-known, chart-topping groups like “G4” and rock singers who had already sung in arenas of over 20,000 people, and that’s just off the top of my head. I think I was really overwhelmed for quite a lot of it. Looking back, I learned so much from so many people without knowing.

After the show, it was surreal to say the least. Although, I’d always sang, the venues and location fees change dramatically, and the fact that I began headlining and being approached by so many different agencies, companies, and TV shows was just incredible.

Also, people stopping me was not a foreign experience within the niche I’d already established myself in, but it went from that to the public starting to approach me and follow me on social media and brands beginning to approach me.

I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have had that experience, which, in every way has been life changing. I was given access to, what I have to say, some of the most incredible musicians, vocalist, teachers, and celebrities that the world has to offer and learned a great deal.

Life has moved on for all the contestants. But one thing I can say is that every single one, no matter if they were a finalist or in the final 100 participants in the show, have gone on to do incredible things, and we may not speak often, but I know that I often find myself checking in on them and seeing how they’re doing and it makes me smile at how amazing everybody is doing.

Author: You made two EPs and tracks that people can download, stream, and purchase on your website and many streaming music sites. Could you describe what it was like creating them? How did you choose the songs?

Jon: One of my favourite things is being in a recording studio. I absolutely love it. Everything about it.

The first EP was not actually my idea. I wish I could take credit for it, but I was approached by a management company in the West End and was offered the chance to release a few songs. Some of the songs were taken from “ITV Superstar” and, if I remember right, one or two extra songs the label had chosen.

Although, I had been in recording studios before, I hadn’t been in a recording studio where it was funded with such an incredible production, management, and labels team. The pressure was on.

I had a taste of how recording music was. But my main experience until that point had been singing live in front of many people so my mic technique was completely different to what was needed within a recording studio. I have often been described as having an operatic or really booming voice. So, when I record in a studio, I have to be aware of the dynamics of the song and how I project and place vowels. There are so many other things that I can think of that have now come naturally, but I do remember being a very quick learner. This is something I would love to go into in teaching performers and singers.

The album in 2017, called “Journey,” was a concept that came about due to our first child being born.

Not many people know the story, but I am going to tell it. At that time, I had been traveling all over the world. I also owned a successful events company. I was a

presenter as well as a singer, actor, and father in 2017. What people did not know is actually, mentally, I was really struggling. When I came to choose the songs for the album, many of them reflected various aspects within my own life that I wasn’t completely aware of. For example, “Feels like Home” came about as a suggestion from a very close friend of mine who is an exceptional vocalist and world-renowned coach.

I can recall sitting on a stool in a cruise ship. Do you know when you get those experiences where are you are in a car, and you end up in the destination but don’t realize how are you got there? It is like autopilot. That was the feeling I felt on the stage at that time, in that moment, because my brain was actually not on stage with the audience. It was with my family at home. I remember it being a lonely time. Although, I was traveling all over the world, being in some incredible places for which I am so grateful, I just remember feeling very isolated and alone The only thing that made me feel at home was my family and our newborn baby. There is footage on YouTube where I was singing “Feels Like Home” and someone had knitted some baby shoes for my eldest daughter and handed them to me on stage.

Other songs on the album are definitely a collective experience. Songs like “The Show Must Go On” was very relative to how I was feeling at the time. The song “Amazing Grace” was released when we named our firstborn “Grace.” I would love to continue. There were two other people involved in creating the album. One of them is one of the most incredible vocal groups you will ever hear. The first person, Ria Keen, is a great friend of mine who is exceptional in anything involving vocals. She is recognized as one of the best in the world in all aspects of vocals, both in delivery and teaching anatomy She teaches one of the best courses available at “The Voice College” so definitely check that out.

The other person is Stephen Clark He is such a gentleman. Steve and I actually met whilst I was on the cruise ships, and he was a fellow headlining act. He was one of the very first performers I had ever seen on a cruise ship. I remember within 45 minutes he made me cry and smile. I had goosebumps was completely entranced with the talent he had.

Stephen is absolutely one of the best musicians in the world. He plays the flute but not like a person I’ve ever seen or heard. You can find him on Instagram at I was sad when he left the UK to move to the USA, but he is thriving. I believe he has just been made a professor at a university if I remember correctly. He plays a little bit on the album and also helped produce the album. Working with him in the studio environment was incredible. We have the very same work ethic which is “don’t waste time.” If

something doesn’t work immediately, stop, and go to the top and start again and that’s exactly what we did.

The vocal group that provided the incredible vocals on the album, is called “Voices Unlimited of the VU” and are based in Worcestershire I had the pleasure of working with them on “Jesus Christ Superstar” when I played Jesus, and I would often forget where I was because I was too busy listening to how incredible they were. They have the ability to lose you in such a way without you even knowing. It’s almost like when they sing together, you are taken on a journey and that is exactly why I wanted them to be in the album. Ria did all the orchestrations. If anyone is of a musical background, they will know how intricate and difficult it is to get that many people to sing and to arrange around the songs that I wanted and hear my voice in versions.

When the album was released, we had no idea how well it was going to do. It was released as an independent record label. That literally was all that was done It was announced on social media and, then from that point, I tried to promote it. We never anticipated it would reach number five in the charts and still to this day is something that I’m very proud that we all achieved.

Upon the release of that album, I toured as a solo artist again all over the world and also had my own sold-out solo show. Still to this day, people order signed albums of “Journey.”

There’s always the question asked of me when the next album will be, and it is asked every other day. I definitely do intend to do one, but unfortunately, life threw me a bit of a curveball. However, there are plans in the pipeline. Wink wink.

Jon Moses’ Performance of “Gethsemane” in “Jesus Christ Superstar” at Gloucester Cathedral.

Author: You've also performed live in Pantos. Could you briefly describe this and what shows you have been in?

Jon: In the UK we have a tradition that every Christmas we perform a fully produced production show. It’s intention is to make every single person in the audience, leave the theatre elated with memories that they can cherish for the rest of their lives. It’s an institution and to be asked to be involved in a pantomime is a very prestigious thing, especially to headline one.

Pantomime strongly leads around comedy, an audience interaction, and is generally related to well-known stories, like “Cinderella,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Jack and the Beanstalk,” and “Snow White” to name a few. They are bursting full of talent from dancers, singers, celebrities, and comedians.

When I left the “ITV Superstar,” I was immediately approached to play the lead, of what would be my very first Disney-like prince role in “Sleeping Beauty” in Worthing, UK. It was a completely new experience for me I’ve never really done anything scripted. Pantomimes are very specific with acting and performing, other than what I’ve been used to, but it’s one of my favourite things to do in life, so much so, I’ve headlined many and fortunately been the leading man in titles such as “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Sleeping Beauty,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Rapunzel,” and “Cinderella.” I can’t really think of any more off the top of my head, if I’m honest. Let’s just say there’s been a few. The last theatre I played Prince Charming to 4000 people a day, and I got to sing the most incredible songs with the most luxurious costumes and the cast, crew, and company were just incredible.

If anyone is interested in Pantos, I’m sure there are snippets online that you can find if you type my name. The main objective in a Panto is for people to

completely forget about the life outside, especially around the Holiday time of year, as it is a very difficult time for many people, but they want the magic of Christmas and also for the children to carry that with them forever. Pantomime is

definitely that. One of my very first experiences in a theatre was watching pantomime at Sunderland Empire which was actually the last venue that I played, and it was such an honour as I remember the Saturday audience watching what I attended probably three decades ago.

Author: When did you begin touring and what countries have you toured in?

Jon: I start touring after I was spotted in a production team in the Algarve. A manager signed me after watching me in a production. And literally, I mean literally within weeks my tour diary was full back to front. I had a short stint in Madeira when I spent three months. Then I returned back to the UK and all I remember is feeling like I was on a conveyor belt of performing. I’d be either be checking in or out of a hotel, getting in a car or an airplane, performing, sleeping for as much time as possible, probably sometimes only four hours, and then back on the road in a car or an airplane to the next venue.

I’ve toured all of the UK. I often would be flown out to Egypt, Turkey, and many other beautiful destinations around the world that, if I’m really honest, I can’t remember. That’s the sad thing. You don’t really get a chance to know really where you are. I know sometimes we see artists on TV that get the place, where they are performing wrong, and people look down on that. What people don’t understand is that performer has been on the road for six months and has just woken up from a flight that was 15 hours, and they are put straight on stage and are very sleep deprived when they begin to perform. It’s almost like autopilot and I have to say, I’ve definitely said hello to the wrong place in the world at times!

As well as singing as a solo artist all over the UK, I’ve been fortunate to be in production shows and cruise ships where I literally did travel all over the world.

I have some of the most incredible memories being on the ships. I also distinctively remember it being the first time I went from gaining weight very quickly as the food was incredible. Sometimes I’d only ever perform one or two nights in 14 days and the rest, I was classed as a passenger and would just enjoy all the incredible ports that I would go to.

It was a time I can look back on very fondly, but unfortunately had a very sad cloud over it in 2018.

Author: I am very sad to hear of your attack in South Africa. It impacted you immensely. Yet through that you were able to fight through the pain and create an organization called B-Vocal to help other people who have experienced trauma themselves and let them know that they are not alone. That's very brave of you.

Jon: Yes, unfortunately, the attack was something that was life changing in many ways and I am of the belief that even from something bad, we have the ability to create something good. “B-Vocal” was formed and we had the pleasure of helping many people who were suffering from trauma in a creative way. I’m still very proud of every single person who attended the course as processing trauma is not easy, especially in a group format. We finished the sessions with gallery, where each person would display a piece of art in relation to how they wanted to express their trauma, which, as you can appreciate, was beautiful, but also quite emotional. What a fantastic experience with these incredible people. From that I was asked to tour all over Yorkshire giving speeches. In many ways, I’m still going through my own journey but one day, I’m sure that speaking will be something that I do.

Author: What are your plans for touring and getting back into music? Do you have any plans on releasing a new album?

Jon: All I’m going to say is I might be in talks with an incredible team, and that’s all I’m going to say. Keep your eyes peeled on my social media channels.

Author: Jon thank you immensely for your time in answering my questions. You are an extremely talented and strong person. I and your fans love you very much.

Jon: Well, the feeling is absolutely mutual you beautiful people. Thank you so much for being with me through thick and thin and also spending the time listening to me today and over many years. Each and every one of you are really valued and I’m very grateful and blessed to have you in my life. Thank you. Much love, health, and happiness to you all.

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