Soha Housing presents
Launchpad! Join us for opportunities, training and work information, competitions, activities and more.
Laser Tag, Circus Skills, Model Making & Crafts!
Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
DigIt! with Damien
What a difference a day makes
Page 04
Page 05
Page 09
Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot Wednesday 5 August 4-7pm
Out & about with Soha Page 06
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
How we’re doing Our performance for 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 Performance Key: Achieved
| Nearly Achieved
| Not Achieved
Satisfaction Overall tenant satisfaction with Soha’s services
Tenants satisfied that Soha listens to their views and acts upon them
Welcome to Hometalk Soha has had a great year. We set ourselves tough targets so we can be one of the best charitable housing organisations in the country and I’m delighted that our overall tenant satisfaction result is so good. We are in the top 25% in the south. We also had great feedback from tenants saying that we listen to them and are in the top 25% in England for this.
In this issue... P4 Your vote counts! / Who’s your Soha Star for 2015?
P5 DigIt with Damien
n 2015, we completed our 2000th new home which is a fantastic achievement. Your rent payments enable us to accommodate people in housing need.
Target: 92% Actual: 90% Target: 78% Actual: 77%
Finally, by helping tenants manage rent payments and not getting into debt, our arrears performance is in the top 25% in the south. We have set new challenging targets for the future. With the help of our involved tenants, I am confident we will remain a financially strong housing charity which provides excellent services to all residents.
P6 Out & About with Soha
Richard Peacock, Chief Executive
Repairs Emergency repairs completed on time
Arrears Urgent repairs completed on time
Routine repairs completed on time
Arrears for current tenants Actual:
Target: 99%
Target: 99%
Target: 99%
Contact us
P9 What a difference a day makes
The Editor, Hometalk magazine, Soha Housing, Royal Scot House, 99 Station Road, Didcot OX11 7NN Call 01235 515 900 or free from a landline on 0800 014 15 45 Email Join the conversation on Twitter @SohaHousing Find us on Facebook at
New homes built or acquired 2013-2015
Sub-editor: Sue Grief of Write Away! Designed by: Toast Design
Average re-let time for all homes Target: 2.8 Weeks Actual: 3.3 Weeks
Print managed by: Target: 450
Audio services by Transcriptions Direct
Actual: 639 02 2
Hometalk is also available in large print, audio and electronic formats. If you would like to receive a different version, or unsubscribe from receiving Hometalk altogether, please email or call us on the telephone number above.
P10 Diary dates 03 3
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
How we’re doing Our performance for 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 Performance Key: Achieved
| Nearly Achieved
| Not Achieved
Satisfaction Overall tenant satisfaction with Soha’s services
Tenants satisfied that Soha listens to their views and acts upon them
Welcome to Hometalk Soha has had a great year. We set ourselves tough targets so we can be one of the best charitable housing organisations in the country and I’m delighted that our overall tenant satisfaction result is so good. We are in the top 25% in the south. We also had great feedback from tenants saying that we listen to them and are in the top 25% in England for this.
In this issue... P4 Your vote counts! / Who’s your Soha Star for 2015?
P5 DigIt with Damien
n 2015, we completed our 2000th new home which is a fantastic achievement. Your rent payments enable us to accommodate people in housing need.
Target: 92% Actual: 90% Target: 78% Actual: 77%
Finally, by helping tenants manage rent payments and not getting into debt, our arrears performance is in the top 25% in the south. We have set new challenging targets for the future. With the help of our involved tenants, I am confident we will remain a financially strong housing charity which provides excellent services to all residents.
P6 Out & About with Soha
Richard Peacock, Chief Executive
Repairs Emergency repairs completed on time
Arrears Urgent repairs completed on time
Routine repairs completed on time
Arrears for current tenants Actual:
Target: 99%
Target: 99%
Target: 99%
Contact us
P9 What a difference a day makes
The Editor, Hometalk magazine, Soha Housing, Royal Scot House, 99 Station Road, Didcot OX11 7NN Call 01235 515 900 or free from a landline on 0800 014 15 45 Email Join the conversation on Twitter @SohaHousing Find us on Facebook at
New homes built or acquired 2013-2015
Sub-editor: Sue Grief of Write Away! Designed by: Toast Design
Average re-let time for all homes Target: 2.8 Weeks Actual: 3.3 Weeks
Print managed by: Target: 450
Audio services by Transcriptions Direct
Actual: 639 02 2
Hometalk is also available in large print, audio and electronic formats. If you would like to receive a different version, or unsubscribe from receiving Hometalk altogether, please email or call us on the telephone number above.
P10 Diary dates 03 3
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
YOUR VOTE COUNTS! The 2015 Tenants’ Forum Annual General Meeting is on Thursday, September 3. This is your chance to choose the tenants you want to represent you on the Forum.
o be able to vote at the AGM you must be a Soha tenant, leaseholder or shared owner. Anyone interested in standing for election should contact Lynn Wignall on 01235 515900 or email her on for an application pack.
If you’d like to come to the AGM, which runs from 5.45pm to 7.30pm, or to be an observer at any of the Forum meetings, please contact Lynn to book your place. You don’t have to come to the AGM to be able to have your say – postal votes are also available from Lynn.
Deadline for applications is August 10, 2015 and deadline for postal ballots is September 10. Results will be announced to candidates by 4.30pm on September 11 and will be available on Soha’s website on September 14. Full election rules are available at
with Damien
YOU SAID, WE DID You said that the demolished garage site on the Gainsborough Estate in Henley should still be used for parking rather than building more homes. Soha is now resurfacing the car park, putting in marked bays including disabled slots and installing a communal planting area.
Who’s your Soha Star? We’re looking for two very special people. Does your neighbour help you out when you’re stuck? Do you know someone who runs a community group in their spare time? Then why not nominate them for the Soha Tenants’ Awards 2015?
ou don’t have to be a Soha tenant, but the person you nominate does. Nominations must be received by 5pm on Friday August 28, 2015. First choose which category you’d like to nominate them for, and then write a few words about why you think they should receive the award. Everybody shortlisted by our judging panel (made up of tenants and Soha staff) will be invited to a special event in September where the winners will be announced. 4
I’d like to nominate: Who lives in: For: Soha Neighbour of the Year 2015 (this should be someone who goes out of their way to help you)
Well, summer’s definitely here… and will you be lazing around in the garden? Not if our award-winning Soha gardener, Damien, has anything to do with it! Here are his top tips for jobs to do (between sun lounger sessions) around now.
eadhead flowering plants regularly, cutting just above the top leaf on the stem.
Watering, watering, watering! particularly containers and new plants. Thoroughly water at least once a day so you can be sure the compost doesn’t dry out completely. Once the soil in pots or baskets has gone dry, however much you water you use, it will just run off. So give those pots a soak in a bowl or some other container every now and then. Plastic is much lighter to move about than terracotta and, in really hot spells, the soil dries out much less quickly.
If you have a water butt, it’s probably quite low by now - so this is a good time to clean it out. Get rid of any sludge in the bottom to ensure a better flow next time it’s got some rainwater in it … and prevent water stagnating and starting to stink! Collect seeds from favourite plants. You’ll need a small pair of scissors to snip off dried seed heads and paper bags or envelopes to put the whole head in as soon as you’ve cut it. Go for quite a large size so that you can shake the bag to release the seeds from the head which you can then throw away. And don’t forget to label the envelope immediately you’ve filled it!
DO YOU HAVE GARDENING TIPS? Soha residents have been swapping ideas and questions about plants and all sorts of interesting topics online for nearly a year now. Take a look at greenersoha.wordpress. com and join the Soha “green” community!
Take a look at the last edition of Hometalk and see which category of our competition your green fingers are most suited to entering! Whatever the size of your garden (even if it’s just a windowsill) the “prettiest pots and plots” contest could earn you some rather nice gardening vouchers.
Soha Community Gem 2015 (this should be someone who goes the extra mile to help their whole community) Because:
My name: My address:
My telephone number: Please return this form to: FREEPOST SOHA HOUSING
YOU SAID, WE DID You said you enjoyed the Thame Mixers cookery classes, so this year we ran more classes in Cholsey. Cholsey Mixers said they wanted to carry on - they have now applied for, and been granted, funding from Soha’s 2,000 Fund.
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
YOUR VOTE COUNTS! The 2015 Tenants’ Forum Annual General Meeting is on Thursday, September 3. This is your chance to choose the tenants you want to represent you on the Forum.
o be able to vote at the AGM you must be a Soha tenant, leaseholder or shared owner. Anyone interested in standing for election should contact Lynn Wignall on 01235 515900 or email her on for an application pack.
If you’d like to come to the AGM, which runs from 5.45pm to 7.30pm, or to be an observer at any of the Forum meetings, please contact Lynn to book your place. You don’t have to come to the AGM to be able to have your say – postal votes are also available from Lynn.
Deadline for applications is August 10, 2015 and deadline for postal ballots is September 10. Results will be announced to candidates by 4.30pm on September 11 and will be available on Soha’s website on September 14. Full election rules are available at
with Damien
YOU SAID, WE DID You said that the demolished garage site on the Gainsborough Estate in Henley should still be used for parking rather than building more homes. Soha is now resurfacing the car park, putting in marked bays including disabled slots and installing a communal planting area.
Who’s your Soha Star? We’re looking for two very special people. Does your neighbour help you out when you’re stuck? Do you know someone who runs a community group in their spare time? Then why not nominate them for the Soha Tenants’ Awards 2015?
ou don’t have to be a Soha tenant, but the person you nominate does. Nominations must be received by 5pm on Friday August 28, 2015. First choose which category you’d like to nominate them for, and then write a few words about why you think they should receive the award. Everybody shortlisted by our judging panel (made up of tenants and Soha staff) will be invited to a special event in September where the winners will be announced. 4
I’d like to nominate: Who lives in: For: Soha Neighbour of the Year 2015 (this should be someone who goes out of their way to help you)
Well, summer’s definitely here… and will you be lazing around in the garden? Not if our award-winning Soha gardener, Damien, has anything to do with it! Here are his top tips for jobs to do (between sun lounger sessions) around now.
eadhead flowering plants regularly, cutting just above the top leaf on the stem.
Watering, watering, watering! particularly containers and new plants. Thoroughly water at least once a day so you can be sure the compost doesn’t dry out completely. Once the soil in pots or baskets has gone dry, however much you water you use, it will just run off. So give those pots a soak in a bowl or some other container every now and then. Plastic is much lighter to move about than terracotta and, in really hot spells, the soil dries out much less quickly.
If you have a water butt, it’s probably quite low by now - so this is a good time to clean it out. Get rid of any sludge in the bottom to ensure a better flow next time it’s got some rainwater in it … and prevent water stagnating and starting to stink! Collect seeds from favourite plants. You’ll need a small pair of scissors to snip off dried seed heads and paper bags or envelopes to put the whole head in as soon as you’ve cut it. Go for quite a large size so that you can shake the bag to release the seeds from the head which you can then throw away. And don’t forget to label the envelope immediately you’ve filled it!
DO YOU HAVE GARDENING TIPS? Soha residents have been swapping ideas and questions about plants and all sorts of interesting topics online for nearly a year now. Take a look at greenersoha.wordpress. com and join the Soha “green” community!
Take a look at the last edition of Hometalk and see which category of our competition your green fingers are most suited to entering! Whatever the size of your garden (even if it’s just a windowsill) the “prettiest pots and plots” contest could earn you some rather nice gardening vouchers.
Soha Community Gem 2015 (this should be someone who goes the extra mile to help their whole community) Because:
My name: My address:
My telephone number: Please return this form to: FREEPOST SOHA HOUSING
YOU SAID, WE DID You said you enjoyed the Thame Mixers cookery classes, so this year we ran more classes in Cholsey. Cholsey Mixers said they wanted to carry on - they have now applied for, and been granted, funding from Soha’s 2,000 Fund.
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Out & about with Soha
Now that summer’s here and the weather’s picking up, there’s more to report from Out & About. We hope you enjoy our highlights and if you missed out on the fun over the past few months showcased here, just check out what’s coming up in our Diary Dates pages at the back of the magazine. Friday 13 March
Ed Vaizey, MP opens our 2000th new-build home and we celebrate with a tea party at Great Western Park
Monday 30 March
Tenants attend a Co-regulation Away Day and debate issues around how Soha is run
Friday 10 April
Jackie, Andrea and Tom lead a den-building, pond-dipping, bug-hunting, fun-filled day at Sutton Courtenay
April & May
The Cholsey Mixers whip up a variety of tasty dishes under the keen eye of Mrs Bun the Baker
Thursday 7 May
Tenants on tour! The 2015 Development Tour visits Goring, Didcot and Steventon
Friday 22 May
VE Day celebrations at Windmill Place, Thame
Tuesday 2 June
Soha’s Jackie and Andrea whip up interest in a residents’ association at the Didcot Volunteering Fair
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Out & about with Soha
Now that summer’s here and the weather’s picking up, there’s more to report from Out & About. We hope you enjoy our highlights and if you missed out on the fun over the past few months showcased here, just check out what’s coming up in our Diary Dates pages at the back of the magazine. Friday 13 March
Ed Vaizey, MP opens our 2000th new-build home and we celebrate with a tea party at Great Western Park
Monday 30 March
Tenants attend a Co-regulation Away Day and debate issues around how Soha is run
Friday 10 April
Jackie, Andrea and Tom lead a den-building, pond-dipping, bug-hunting, fun-filled day at Sutton Courtenay
April & May
The Cholsey Mixers whip up a variety of tasty dishes under the keen eye of Mrs Bun the Baker
Thursday 7 May
Tenants on tour! The 2015 Development Tour visits Goring, Didcot and Steventon
Friday 22 May
VE Day celebrations at Windmill Place, Thame
Tuesday 2 June
Soha’s Jackie and Andrea whip up interest in a residents’ association at the Didcot Volunteering Fair
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
What a difference a day makes Toby Laver, Tenancy Support Officer
“I’d really like people to understand that my job is far from being just about getting people in a fit financial state to pay their rent. The Tenancy Support Service can help tenants get onto a firmer footing with all their commitments by working on a simple budget plan with them. “Just as an example, I often come across first-time renters who have not realised that all households have to
I’D REALLY LIKE PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT MY JOB IS FAR FROM BEING JUST ABOUT GETTING PEOPLE IN A FIT FINANCIAL STATE TO PAY THEIR RENT. organise and pay their own electricity, gas and water accounts. New single parents might need my help to claim all the Benefits they’re entitled to or to make a referral to a Children’s Centre or Home Start for practical support. “If someone’s leading a complex lifestyle with mental health issues or an alcohol or drug addiction, I might be visiting to help them access the services of the Community Mental Health Team in their area, Social Services, or local charities who deal specifically with relieving the loneliness of those who aren’t managing too well. “Quite a few of my visits are to an older person and that might be with a view to helping them find another home to downsize into (for example, using HomeChoice or HomeSwapper). If people are off the beaten track or not confident with computers, I can bid for properties on their behalf.
Foodbanks Store cupboard food for people in crisis – usually enough for three days per member of the household.*
Advice, support and socialising opportunities for people to promote mental health well-being.
Soha’s Tenancy Support Service helps tenants who are finding it difficult to maintain their tenancy, or who might be heading for difficulties. Toby’s overriding aim is to prevent residents from losing their homes. His job means a lot of travel around Soha’s neighbourhoods to visit tenants. He described what his work involves to Hometalk - but first we wanted to know how he finds out about the tenants who need some support. “It’s mostly Housing Officers who refer tenants to me – or sometimes our repairs partners, such as the gas servicing contractors, who have been into someone’s home and just got the feeling the residents might not be coping very well at the moment. So I’ll contact the tenant in question and see if I can visit them to discuss how I could help. Not everyone agrees to see me, and that’s fine: I’m not going to wade into someone’s affairs and help them out if they don’t want it!
Help at hand... Carers’ organisations (Such as South and Vale Carers Centre) provide free confidential advice, information and support to unpaid carers by telephone or in the home.*
Home Start
Tel: 01865 247788
Citizens Advice Bureau
“We can also discuss other housing options, such as a move to sheltered or Extra Care accommodation or asking for disability adaptations in their existing home.” Hometalk asked Toby about all the agencies he works with to support our residents and found the whole list would run into pages! So on the opposite page are some of those partners Toby deals with most often. If you’d like to know more about their work, or about Toby’s job as Soha’s Tenancy Support Officer, please get in contact with Soha on or 01235 515 900/0800 014 15 45.
YOU SAID, WE DID You said you’d like more activities and surgeries in our sheltered schemes. Using consultation and feedback from residents, a wide range of activities are being organised by scheme managers. Activities are based on health, wellbeing and hobbies. Scheme surgeries are held on a weekly basis, giving residents the opportunity to meet with the scheme manger and feed back what they would like to see happening.
Support for people with mental health issues in Oxfordshire to recover and get work through training and coaching. Tel: 0845 250 0518 or 01865 455823
Befriending support, practical and emotional advice in the homes of families who are having difficulties managing parenting for a variety of different reasons. Tel: 01235 511152 www.homestart-southern
Children’s Centres Good Neighbours schemes Small jobs around the home, including decorating, shopping, help with filling in forms. Tel: 0345 450 1276 and ask for the helpline information--advice
Volunteer Centres Similar to Good Neighbours, Volunteer Centres often provide drivers for hospital and GP appointments.*
(Such as Action for Children or NOMAD facilities in Oxfordshire). They ensure very small children are prepared for school when the time comes whilst supporting the whole family.*
Provides independent free advice by telephone, online or face-to-face. Tel: 03444 111 444
Elmore Community Services Provides support for people with complex needs, such as (ex)offenders or those involved in antisocial behaviour. Tel: 01865 200 130 www.elmorecommunityservices.
Connection Floating Support Sensory Impairment Team The County Council specialist team providing aids and advice to people who are, for example, visually impaired or losing their hearing. Tel: 01865 894925 cms/content/contact-sensoryimpairment-team
Helps vulnerable adults who are experiencing housing difficulties to get advice and support. Tel: 01865 711267
* to find out locations, call or email Soha (see contact box on page 8)
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
What a difference a day makes Toby Laver, Tenancy Support Officer
“I’d really like people to understand that my job is far from being just about getting people in a fit financial state to pay their rent. The Tenancy Support Service can help tenants get onto a firmer footing with all their commitments by working on a simple budget plan with them. “Just as an example, I often come across first-time renters who have not realised that all households have to
I’D REALLY LIKE PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND THAT MY JOB IS FAR FROM BEING JUST ABOUT GETTING PEOPLE IN A FIT FINANCIAL STATE TO PAY THEIR RENT. organise and pay their own electricity, gas and water accounts. New single parents might need my help to claim all the Benefits they’re entitled to or to make a referral to a Children’s Centre or Home Start for practical support. “If someone’s leading a complex lifestyle with mental health issues or an alcohol or drug addiction, I might be visiting to help them access the services of the Community Mental Health Team in their area, Social Services, or local charities who deal specifically with relieving the loneliness of those who aren’t managing too well. “Quite a few of my visits are to an older person and that might be with a view to helping them find another home to downsize into (for example, using HomeChoice or HomeSwapper). If people are off the beaten track or not confident with computers, I can bid for properties on their behalf.
Foodbanks Store cupboard food for people in crisis – usually enough for three days per member of the household.*
Advice, support and socialising opportunities for people to promote mental health well-being.
Soha’s Tenancy Support Service helps tenants who are finding it difficult to maintain their tenancy, or who might be heading for difficulties. Toby’s overriding aim is to prevent residents from losing their homes. His job means a lot of travel around Soha’s neighbourhoods to visit tenants. He described what his work involves to Hometalk - but first we wanted to know how he finds out about the tenants who need some support. “It’s mostly Housing Officers who refer tenants to me – or sometimes our repairs partners, such as the gas servicing contractors, who have been into someone’s home and just got the feeling the residents might not be coping very well at the moment. So I’ll contact the tenant in question and see if I can visit them to discuss how I could help. Not everyone agrees to see me, and that’s fine: I’m not going to wade into someone’s affairs and help them out if they don’t want it!
Help at hand... Carers’ organisations (Such as South and Vale Carers Centre) provide free confidential advice, information and support to unpaid carers by telephone or in the home.*
Home Start
Tel: 01865 247788
Citizens Advice Bureau
“We can also discuss other housing options, such as a move to sheltered or Extra Care accommodation or asking for disability adaptations in their existing home.” Hometalk asked Toby about all the agencies he works with to support our residents and found the whole list would run into pages! So on the opposite page are some of those partners Toby deals with most often. If you’d like to know more about their work, or about Toby’s job as Soha’s Tenancy Support Officer, please get in contact with Soha on or 01235 515 900/0800 014 15 45.
YOU SAID, WE DID You said you’d like more activities and surgeries in our sheltered schemes. Using consultation and feedback from residents, a wide range of activities are being organised by scheme managers. Activities are based on health, wellbeing and hobbies. Scheme surgeries are held on a weekly basis, giving residents the opportunity to meet with the scheme manger and feed back what they would like to see happening.
Support for people with mental health issues in Oxfordshire to recover and get work through training and coaching. Tel: 0845 250 0518 or 01865 455823
Befriending support, practical and emotional advice in the homes of families who are having difficulties managing parenting for a variety of different reasons. Tel: 01235 511152 www.homestart-southern
Children’s Centres Good Neighbours schemes Small jobs around the home, including decorating, shopping, help with filling in forms. Tel: 0345 450 1276 and ask for the helpline information--advice
Volunteer Centres Similar to Good Neighbours, Volunteer Centres often provide drivers for hospital and GP appointments.*
(Such as Action for Children or NOMAD facilities in Oxfordshire). They ensure very small children are prepared for school when the time comes whilst supporting the whole family.*
Provides independent free advice by telephone, online or face-to-face. Tel: 03444 111 444
Elmore Community Services Provides support for people with complex needs, such as (ex)offenders or those involved in antisocial behaviour. Tel: 01865 200 130 www.elmorecommunityservices.
Connection Floating Support Sensory Impairment Team The County Council specialist team providing aids and advice to people who are, for example, visually impaired or losing their hearing. Tel: 01865 894925 cms/content/contact-sensoryimpairment-team
Helps vulnerable adults who are experiencing housing difficulties to get advice and support. Tel: 01865 711267
* to find out locations, call or email Soha (see contact box on page 8)
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Diary dates
Advice |
Training |
August 2015
Thursday 20 August
Tuesday 15 September
Wednesday 5 August
10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Didcot Children’s Centre
10am – 12pm: Astons Online, free computer training session, Astons Village Hall
AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Park, Didcot
AM visit: Estate inspection, Ock Bridge Place, Drayton Road & Caldecott Chase, Abingdon
AM visit: Estate inspection, Fleet Meadow, Didcot 4 – 7pm: Soha presents Launchpad, a skills and information event, Cornerstone Arts, Didcot Thursday 6 August 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Didcot Children’s Centre Have Your Say. Clements Road, Henley AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Drive, Didcot PM visit: Estate inspection, Medill Close, Woodcote Saturday 8 August
Wednesday 26 August NOMAD coach trip, Henley to Boscombe Thursday 27 August 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Abingdon Children’s Centre 4pm – 7pm: Great Western Park Community Event in partnership with Sovereign Housing
September 2015
Wednesday 16 September
Tuesday 22 September AM visit: Estate inspection, Luker Avenue, Henley PM visit: Estate inspection, Mount View, Henley Wednesday 23 September AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Drive, Didcot AM visit: Estate inspection, Swindon
Tuesday 11 August
10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Didcot Children’s Centre
2pm – 3pm: Armchair exercise, Lee Court (6 week course)
10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Thame Town Hall
PM visit: Estate inspection, Medill Close, Woodcote
Thursday 24 September
5.45pm: Tenants’ Forum AGM
AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Park, Didcot
Monday 7 September
AM visit: Estate inspection, Sherwood Place, Barton
AM visit: Estate inspection, Luker Avenue, Henley
AM visit: Estate inspection, Fleet Meadow, Didcot
Saturday 26 September
PM visit: Estate inspection, Mount View, Henley
Tuesday 8 September
Wednesday 12 August
11am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Thame Town Hall
12pm – 4pm: Barton Bash, Barton Neighbourhood Centre, Oxford
11am – 12pm: Free computer training session, Old School Place, Watlington
9.30am – 1pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Royal Scot House, Didcot 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, Henley YMCA 11am – 3pm: Wallingford Playday (including surrounding villages) Thursday 13 August 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Abingdon Children’s Centre 10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Henley Town Hall AM visit: Estate inspection, Gainsborough Estate, Henley Wednesday 19 August AM visit: Estate inspection, Cholsey Meadows
11am – 12pm: Free computer training session, Old School Place, Watlington PM visit: Estate inspection, Van Diemans Road & Broadwaters Avenue, Thame (with Thames Valley Police) Wednesday 9 September 9.30am – 1pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Royal Scot House, Didcot Thursday 10 September
Resident Involvement
If you’re interested in attending any of the events listed here, or joining one of our estate inspections, please call us on 01235 515 900 or 0800 014 15 45 (free from a landline) for more information. Even if where you live isn’t on our calendar, you can still arrange to meet your Neighbourhood Officer to chat about any concerns in your area.
AM visit: Estate inspection, Cholsey Meadows
Thursday 3 September
Community Clean up, Sherwood Place, Barton
Estate inspections and surveys |
October 2015 Tuesday 13 October 10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Thame Town Hall Wednesday 14 October 9.30am – 1pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Royal Scot House, Didcot
News in brief An independent company called Voluntas are going to be carrying out some phone surveys for us, so you may get a call from them. Be assured that they meet our very strict rules around data protection. We use survey results to check what tenants think of our service and they really help us to keep improving things, but if you’d rather not be called, please let us know. A tenant recently complained that they had a severe water leak at the weekend which caused significant damage to their home and had to wait until Monday to receive a de-humidifier. We’ve now purchased two de-humidifiers and two wet vacs that we can deploy immediately if we receive any further call outs for severe water leaks over a weekend. A panel of Soha tenants recently completed a review of our void service, including our current empty homes standard, cleaning standard and decorating policy. Recommended improvements include the introduction of an end of tenancy incentive scheme which will be introduced over the next couple of months and will see Soha paying outgoing tenants who leave their homes and gardens in good condition.
Thursday 15 October
AM visit: Estate inspection, Gainsborough Estate, Henley
10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Henley Town Hall
10am – 12pm Housing Benefit Surgery, Henley Town Hall
Monday 26 – Friday 30 October Half-term Youth Arts Project workshops
YOU SAID, WE DID You said that last year’s annual report was too long. This year our tenants are working on a shorter report which, while still telling you about our achievements and performance last year, will include videos shot and directed by tenants. You’ll receive your copy in September.
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Hometalk | Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
Diary dates
Advice |
Training |
August 2015
Thursday 20 August
Tuesday 15 September
Wednesday 5 August
10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Didcot Children’s Centre
10am – 12pm: Astons Online, free computer training session, Astons Village Hall
AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Park, Didcot
AM visit: Estate inspection, Ock Bridge Place, Drayton Road & Caldecott Chase, Abingdon
AM visit: Estate inspection, Fleet Meadow, Didcot 4 – 7pm: Soha presents Launchpad, a skills and information event, Cornerstone Arts, Didcot Thursday 6 August 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Didcot Children’s Centre Have Your Say. Clements Road, Henley AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Drive, Didcot PM visit: Estate inspection, Medill Close, Woodcote Saturday 8 August
Wednesday 26 August NOMAD coach trip, Henley to Boscombe Thursday 27 August 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Abingdon Children’s Centre 4pm – 7pm: Great Western Park Community Event in partnership with Sovereign Housing
September 2015
Wednesday 16 September
Tuesday 22 September AM visit: Estate inspection, Luker Avenue, Henley PM visit: Estate inspection, Mount View, Henley Wednesday 23 September AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Drive, Didcot AM visit: Estate inspection, Swindon
Tuesday 11 August
10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Didcot Children’s Centre
2pm – 3pm: Armchair exercise, Lee Court (6 week course)
10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Thame Town Hall
PM visit: Estate inspection, Medill Close, Woodcote
Thursday 24 September
5.45pm: Tenants’ Forum AGM
AM visit: Estate inspection, Great Western Park, Didcot
Monday 7 September
AM visit: Estate inspection, Sherwood Place, Barton
AM visit: Estate inspection, Luker Avenue, Henley
AM visit: Estate inspection, Fleet Meadow, Didcot
Saturday 26 September
PM visit: Estate inspection, Mount View, Henley
Tuesday 8 September
Wednesday 12 August
11am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Thame Town Hall
12pm – 4pm: Barton Bash, Barton Neighbourhood Centre, Oxford
11am – 12pm: Free computer training session, Old School Place, Watlington
9.30am – 1pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Royal Scot House, Didcot 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, Henley YMCA 11am – 3pm: Wallingford Playday (including surrounding villages) Thursday 13 August 10am – 12pm: Free computer training session, South Abingdon Children’s Centre 10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Henley Town Hall AM visit: Estate inspection, Gainsborough Estate, Henley Wednesday 19 August AM visit: Estate inspection, Cholsey Meadows
11am – 12pm: Free computer training session, Old School Place, Watlington PM visit: Estate inspection, Van Diemans Road & Broadwaters Avenue, Thame (with Thames Valley Police) Wednesday 9 September 9.30am – 1pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Royal Scot House, Didcot Thursday 10 September
Resident Involvement
If you’re interested in attending any of the events listed here, or joining one of our estate inspections, please call us on 01235 515 900 or 0800 014 15 45 (free from a landline) for more information. Even if where you live isn’t on our calendar, you can still arrange to meet your Neighbourhood Officer to chat about any concerns in your area.
AM visit: Estate inspection, Cholsey Meadows
Thursday 3 September
Community Clean up, Sherwood Place, Barton
Estate inspections and surveys |
October 2015 Tuesday 13 October 10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Thame Town Hall Wednesday 14 October 9.30am – 1pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Royal Scot House, Didcot
News in brief An independent company called Voluntas are going to be carrying out some phone surveys for us, so you may get a call from them. Be assured that they meet our very strict rules around data protection. We use survey results to check what tenants think of our service and they really help us to keep improving things, but if you’d rather not be called, please let us know. A tenant recently complained that they had a severe water leak at the weekend which caused significant damage to their home and had to wait until Monday to receive a de-humidifier. We’ve now purchased two de-humidifiers and two wet vacs that we can deploy immediately if we receive any further call outs for severe water leaks over a weekend. A panel of Soha tenants recently completed a review of our void service, including our current empty homes standard, cleaning standard and decorating policy. Recommended improvements include the introduction of an end of tenancy incentive scheme which will be introduced over the next couple of months and will see Soha paying outgoing tenants who leave their homes and gardens in good condition.
Thursday 15 October
AM visit: Estate inspection, Gainsborough Estate, Henley
10am – 12pm: Housing Benefit Surgery, Henley Town Hall
10am – 12pm Housing Benefit Surgery, Henley Town Hall
Monday 26 – Friday 30 October Half-term Youth Arts Project workshops
YOU SAID, WE DID You said that last year’s annual report was too long. This year our tenants are working on a shorter report which, while still telling you about our achievements and performance last year, will include videos shot and directed by tenants. You’ll receive your copy in September.
Soha Housing presents
Launchpad! Join us for opportunities, training and work information, competitions, activities and more.
Laser Tag, Circus Skills, Model Making & Crafts!
Soha Housing’s residents’ magazine | Summer 2015
DigIt! with Damien
What a difference a day makes
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Cornerstone Arts Centre, Didcot Wednesday 5 August 4-7pm
Out & about with Soha Page 06