Innovate Process book

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one way Innovate: Consolidate designed by Sarah Wickings inspired by New York City Designed for the Creative Conscience Competition 2016, via the Arts University Bournemouth


creative conscience

Action Plan/Timeplan: Week 1 • Go through brief in detail • Explore New York – use my surroundings to inspire Week 2 • Begin to document my research, consider options and think about direction. • Keep referring back to the brief – USER is key. • Email Alice with first ideas. • Always collect material for process book. Week 3 • Begin to research ideas in more detail. • Discuss with peers and tutors – ask opinions. Keep talking about concept. • Experiment with some visuals, how can I bring my idea across? What methods and tools suit my idea best? Week 4 • Begin to breakdown core idea and write up brief. Make it clear for myself and others. • Test on others – do they understand my concept/ is it user focused? • Email Alice w/ updates. • Talk to tutors here at FIT. • Keep working on journey book – think about style of it and how it will come across. • Conduct interviews with peers and necessary people. Week 5 • From feedback, begin to mock up my prototype and test it out. • Re cap and keep developing ideas. • Focus more on visuals – concept should be strong.

Week 6 • Continue designing • Begin refining ideas and visual language • Consider rationale of ideas (project logic) • Push ideas further / quick brainstorm • Gather additional project specific research • Present first ideas and research in project group crits Week 7 • Email Alice w/ updates • Talk to US tutors and peers. • Begin to work more on technical side of designs – keep in mind the USER • Work more on journey book, consider a proposal. Week 8 • Prototype two. • Keep working on my concept and designs. Week 9 • Touch base with Alice • Begin to finalize the designs Week 10 • Ask for more feedback from peers and tutors. Is my concept clear still? • Keep working on designs and journey book. • Test print Week 11 • Finalize everything and test print again • Finish off journey book Week 12 / 4th – 6th November • Get everything sent off – check over ONCE MORE! • Upload online publication to ISSUU.

creative conscience

Synopsis of Study:

Creative Conscience Open Brief: “One Way” a wayfinding system for the New York Public Library. I will be exploring how to benefit the young creative in New York by gaining insights in depth through both primary and secondary research. My aim is to create an exclusive system to the young creatives in New York to gain better access to the New York Public Library, with the aim to better their education and excitement of iconic landmarks in New York. I will interview both students/young people and staff at the New York Public Library. I will seek a solution that will create a ‘buzz’ about the NYPL in a fun and interactive way, also fitting with the brand of the NYPL. A few questions I will explore are: • How can my design help the young people in New York but also the library itself? • How can the issue between tourism and landmarks with resources find a balance between both to make sure the residents in New York also benefit? • Are the landmarks/libraries doing enough to make it known to the residents that they are not just tourist attractions? I have chosen this topic as living in New York City as a young creative I believe and have seen first hand that often iconic buildings with great facilities are over powered by tourism. I want the young people of New York to feel that they can benefit from these places that are struggling to prove they are not only there for tourism. I think this is an important issue and it could really benefit the young people here, giving them exclusivity which would create a ‘buzz’, bringing a younger audience into the New York Public Library. I am focusing on the New York Public Library, but I believe this concept could be used on other landmarks and has the potential to expand which I will highlight in my process book. Its aimed at younger people, as it would create a buzz and draw in a younger audience to a library that has great facilities but is actually overlooked.



creative conscience


A lil bit about my big


Initial ideas

move and inspiration

32 The users journey


Inspiration is everywhere

16 Let’s get visiting

// primary research


Logo design and color palette

38 42 App design

PopApp and MarvelApp

creative conscience



Interviews // librarians

Spelling it out so we all

+ students

understand perfectly

44 Wayfinding system


Promotional Posters


26 30 Experimentation //

Inspiration from

the student takeover

previous projects

52 54 Animation design



creative conscience


You think big, you get big. NYC.


Living in New York City, I felt I had no choice but to use my surroundings to inspire this project. With the city comes a lot of amazing artists, musicians, talented young people. Something you have to get your head around to then begin designing. I have met some of the most amazing and influential people on this trip. That being so, I wanted to put my energy towards creating something that would benefit them.

creative conscience



creative conscience



creative conscience


When I first moved to New York City I did a lot of wandering around, even more than now. I wanted to be inspired from the city and to try and see things outside of the tourists eye. A big thing I picked up on straight away was the amount of homeless people in New York. I have traveled Europe and other countries and never experienced this level of poverty in probably the most iconic city in the world. I researched this further, talking to volunteers and actually going along myself to these evenings. I felt this was a really pressing issue I could explore. When researching however I began to think more about the brief when picking my subject. When asking people about my ideas for feedback, the results were similar; How could homeless people be the user when you want to create an app/a location/ etc. I began to realize that all the systems I had thought of were too vague, and not benefiting the USER directly. I was creating and thinking of ideas that would eventually help, but they weren’t USER directed and driven. This is when I decided to go back to my original thought process, to try and use New York City itself to inspire me.

use New York City itself to inspire me.


creative conscience


Inspiration is everywhere. Although I really loved my first idea and it’s something really close to my heart, I felt that it wasn’t directed enough at the USER and I couldn’t think of a system that would work well for the homeless people being able to use the system. So I went back to the drawing board and began to think more about my audience, who do I want my user to be? To figure this out, I began talking to different classmates/creatives and tutors. I really was interested hearing their opinions, and began to notice how much I was passionate about the creative world here in New York. I wondered, could I do my project on this?

I then took a survey, began to collect photographs, look at artists work etc etc. I felt really inspired by the drive people have here, and wanted to possibly consider the creatives in the city as the USERs. It may not be an obvious point of call, but I felt that with the passion and interest so many young creatives here have, what better way to help them than to create a system that they can benefit from, to help their own careers.


creative conscience



creative conscience


In the city, what do you feel would benefit you as creative students? “Although there is SO much creativity here, i feel like tourists take away from that. Which isn’t bad - but it’s sometimes hard to find a spot or visit these cool buildings without feeling like it’s overcrowded by tourists.”

“Maybe some more space to work. Or like stuff just for us, something that is exclusive you know?”

“More free events or access to museums/libraries after hours or something.”


creative conscience

What’s your favorite thing you feel the city has to offer you as a creative? “You meet a lot of really talented people here. If you make the effort to go to events and galleries and stuff.”

“If you do your research, there are always gallery openings and events somewhere around. Which are often full of really fun creative people.”

“How it feels like it always ‘happens’ first here compared to anywhere else in the world.”



creative conscience


After talking to a lot of different students about how they feel being creatives in the city, I began to think about what new could be offered to them. I picked up from the interviews that although the city is thriving the vibe from tourists often takes away from it. Making it harder for creative students to benefit from some really iconic landscapes and places.


creative conscience

So how can these spaces benefit creative students, the user more directly and exclusively? The MoMA

New York Public Library

Whitney Museum



creative conscience


The Museum of Modern Art is one of the most popular museums in New York City, for both tourists and locals. It has some great deals, such as Fridays being free. Drawing in a big audience and making it more accessible to young people and tourists. Despite however the mass amount of tourists, I really did feel like a lot of people there appreciated the artwork and there were a lot of locals, as well as tourists. Due to this, ‘free Fridays’ and the general vibe, I felt it wasn’t the best place to base my project, as they already seem quite successful in terms of events and involving the younger creative audience.


creative conscience


The New York Public library is the 2nd largest in America, but is now becoming more of a tourist attraction than an actual library to many people in New York. When visiting, I realized that most the sections with books you had to have permission to get to. The spaces where you could work were still full of tourists taking photos and considering it a tourist attraction rather than a place to study. After my first visit, I knew that I wanted to do some more research into the NYPL. It is the first ‘tourist’ place I’ve been to which I feel shouldn’t be. There’s no other library I have ever visited for tourism reasons, so what makes the NYPL library different? And how are they dealing with it? These are a few questions I considered as I began my research.


creative conscience



creative conscience

After visiting both the MoMA and the NYPL, I really felt interested in the effects of both tourism and libraries together. I found it an interesting ‘relationship’ to study. There is a large difference between museums and libraries, and it felt that the NYPL is turning more into a museum/iconic building rather than a library where people can study and use its resources.


The results I read up on were a great insight and matched up with some of my initial thoughts. Tourism is of course, so important in terms of income. But with the NYPL in mind especially, it is pushing away a large amount of people, all of those who could really benefit from this space and it’s resources.

The relationship between libraries and tourism.


creative conscience

The New York Public Libraries resources. After my readings on the NYPL and the relationship with tourism, I really wanted to go dive in deeper with the NYPL and read up on what they currently have in place for the USERs of the library. When going online and asking librarians, I became aware of the amount of resources and events they really have. With a few examples shown, you can see the variety and range of things which definitely have the feeling that the audience is for those who are more interested and not just tourists I decided to head to the library again and speak to the librarians / tourist / people who work there. I wanted to hear peoples opinions so I could make sure make sure my ideas were USER driven.



creative conscience


Online Publication

Books at Noon

I started to realize that it wasn’t the events or facilities that needed improvement, but the promotional and personal aspect. It needs a new audience and way of reaching them.

Sivananda Yoga Classes


creative conscience


Interviews undertaken at th New York Public

“The library has a lot of resources that we feel would really benefit the young people of New York. The trouble is trying to get their attention, and make them aware of what we have to offer.�

Brenda Volunteer librarian at the New York Public Library


creative conscience

“Most of the tours I guide are 50+ or school trips. It’s a shame that the young adults (both tourists and New Yorkers) don’t realize how much history and beauty this library has.. ..We are trying to vocalize events and talks happening here, it’s just hard to get that information out to them. ” Maria Tour guide at the New York Public Library



creative conscience


The question being: HOW?

From the research collected it became clear to me that I needed to figure out a system to attract young people into the New York Public Library.


creative conscience


Young creatives can be picky with what they are attracted to. It needs to be modern and something that will create a buzz.; something that people would want to get involved in. Since the New York Public Library already have such awesome events on, I need to create something that will notify them of this.

SO what could this be? Tech - with young people being the biggest consumers of technology, I feel that it needs to start here. An app or a promotional video, which is only around for a limited amount of time? Creating an exclusive feel.

How could tech bring people to the library? As much as tech is such a huge part of the younger generation, tech is everywhere. So I want to use technology as a tool to invite the user into an experience they’ll be excited about. This being said, I feel like a wayfinding system could be an exciting approach to getting them to the library.

How will you create a unique experience? I want to begin by researching existing wayfinding systems. Considering the beauty of the NYPL and it being a tourist attraction, I want to think of a system that won’t take away from its history, possibly a system that isn’t also visible? This would then add to the ‘exclusivity’ aspect for the user.

A B to


creative conscience

Earlier this year, the New York Public released an online archive of public domain images free to be shared and used. It’s a breathtaking online database, giving off a ‘pixel’ like grid where you can filter by color/time era/style etc. When looking at it and scrolling through I felt this had a real chance to be inspiring for this project. I wondered if somehow there could be a ‘student takeover’ of the images, where an


installation either indoors or outdoors could take place, encourage people to go and take their photo and a public domain of creative students would be in place. It would create the needed ‘buzz’ about the library, encouraging people to talk about it and use its resources. I really felt like this idea was current and relevant, with social media being so important to young people in this day and age.

I made this prototype of what I imagined it to look like. The image of the database would be their selfies, replicating the same style as the public domain already existing.


creative conscience

“The Student Take over”

brainstorm sketch of ideas

After a tutorial about these ideas with a tutor at FIT and discussing with peers, this is a good idea for a promotional piece, but when considering the USER I’m not sure it worked well. It’s a fun idea, but I want to create something that will help young creatives and benefit them in their learning and attachment to New York City. I also felt that this wasn’t unique enough and in a sense it was replicating an already existing system. But it’s definitely an idea I’d like to use in the future.



creative conscience


New York Public Library Wayfinding System

I have to think of a way to make the wayfinding system visible but also invisible when needs be. When visiting the library I became aware of the wayfinding system they have in place, and began to think more in depth about it. Wayfinding around the library could be a really good improvement to the library. I read online some articles and a lot of feedback was that people often wander aimlessly around the NYPL. If a wayfinding system was in place that was more interactive and efficient it could be a great asset to the library and create a really strong user journey.


creative conscience

Wayfinding in Libraries

Straight away when I researched other existing wayfinding systems I realized how different the one I was creating had to be. These all stood out with really strong colors, which works really effectively. However I want my system to be purely for students, a system that is for people who need it. It isn’t for tourists. To do this, I had to think of a way for my wayfinding system to be visible and invisible when needs be.



creative conscience

Let’s break it down. How the app and wayfinding system will work in sync.


I decided to look back on my last project for inspiration, the dementia wayfinding project. In this project our team looked into Smart/Electric glass as a tool for the wayfinding system. We went with a similar idea, that the glass would turn on and off accordingly. When we got feed back for this project, a few issues that came up were how useful is it with people with dementia. With this in mind, I realize that it would work perfectly for young people, as it’s interactive, quite quirky and the sort of concept that would really make people want to give it a try. I decided to ask myself a few questions in the design process, along with other questions peers asked me.


creative conscience


no confusion between projections How will people be able to turn their projection on and off?

How will you handle a large amount of people being in the library?

How would this effect the aesthetic of the library?

For the system to work there has to be a way for the user to turn the projection on and off. The most beneficial and easy way for this to accommodate as many people as possible would be through an App. An app would allow the user to directly pick when they want to turn on and off their projection. It would also give the app the chance to be the platform where students can pick what they’d like to attend etc.

With a lot of people being in the library using the system at once, it could get complicated. The best way around this would be if the projections could be personalized. They could perhaps pick images they like or create their own one. There could be the option perhaps of creating a projection and their being a buzz about it being created, where it could be shared around - making the library get more publicity in the younger desired audience of users.

The New York Public Library is a grand a iconic building. With this in mind, I don’t want to create a system that will effect this. I want the library to keep its sophistication, class and old features. This is why an ‘invisible’ wayfinding system would work best. It wouldn’t get in the way of tourism or mix up with any existing wayfinding systems.

The projectors will be placed around the library and will project depending on your location and guide you. They’ll also be an option for you to use your projection via your phone if it gets busy or it’s easier for you.

What will be the features of the app?

the user has complete control over the journey

The app will be part of the user journey. I want the user to feel like they are starting it on the app itself. Due to this, I don’t want the app to be too complex. It will focus on what the library has to offer and customization of projection. I think the library breaks down into three sections of resources it can offer; events, talks and books. These will be the options and from there you can go onto personalize your own projections.

I also want this system to feel exclusive to the students. With the ‘invisible’ system in mind, which they have complete control of; it will give off this feel and make people excited to use it. doesn’t effect the libraries aesthetic or tourism can be turned on and off easily


creative conscience


Current user journey

the nter


a app

h vi searc





• What events are on • Talks - book seats for free • Books - put on hold/ read up on.




r stu othe


• Other students on app can be invited to the same event via the app.


o ize y m o t s Cu ction proje

, load brary


o li

Get t

• Via the app download your route and see your projection guide you.

• Depending on the talk/ event you can customize your projection accordingly. • You also have a base one made for books etc.


e the xplor

creative conscience








et talk g / ry t n e libra ev e d h s t n k re Atte boo Explo ss to e c c a



nt e eve ts h t n en so ation oming ev c fi i t o c Get n ent to/up w you

• When you leave, you’ll get sent any photos taken at the event or information about similar events/ talks coming up.

Proposed user journey


creative conscience


Logo design

To begin with my app and concept, I needed to think about the image. What do I want to get across? I wanted it to be simple and clean. With the three focus’ being events, talks and books I wanted to think about the multiples of 3. Shapes being a good way to start.

Computer prototypes

I felt the shapes worked well so began to design how they would be put together. I quite liked the stacking element, but felt it looked a bit messy for a wayfinding system. I needed something neat and easy to take give the impression of a simple and easy journey.

Color experimentation NYPL color palette

When considering color I wanted to take in account what the NYPL already uses. I wanted modern, bold colors that would fit with theirs. I considered modern playful colors, with pastels being in current trends I considered these. But I wanted something timeless with no sense of sexual orientation. That being in mind, I decided to add in yellow and blue, to complete the primary color set that the NYPL offers.

current, popular colors which also show sophistication + playfulness.

mix that work




creative conscience


RGB R=241 G=174 B=57

RGB R=0 G=76 B=128

RGB for screen purposes only



creative conscience


Expansion After deciding on colors and the rough idea of shapes, I began to play around with both together. I really wanted to use both colors in the logo somehow so began trying to mix them together and see what would work. I really liked my first designs [1] as I liked the modern twist and feel to them. However after speaking to some peers I felt that they were too bulky and ‘stand outish’.

I realized then I wanted to create softer and calmer tones, as this is about an easy and simple route for the user. With the idea of projections, I also wanted to add a 3D element to it almost, to make the design feel light [3]. Through these designs I felt it was starting to get give off a lifeful and light mood. The layering effect was subtle and effective.

I decided quite late on to add the shadows underneath. When the video is watched and with the poster design (to be seen next) you can see that I want to create a lot of movement. I also feel like it adds even more to this light and easy wayfinding journey I want to create.




creative conscience


When thinking of a name for my project I was quite stuck at first, but I wanted something short and easy to remember. I wanted it to be about direction and feel exclusive. I decided on ‘One Way’, an abbreviation of wayfinding and giving the feel that its the right way/choice to use this app.

[3] [4]

one way


creative conscience

To begin with the app design I sketched out the basic wire frames, thinking a lot about the journey of the user and how it will work. I wanted to design a very simplistic app, that would fit well with the NYPL style and be easy to use. As the app soul purpose is for the user to begin their wayfinding journey, I didn’t want it to be too distracting. I wanted it to be simple yet effective.


I originally wanted to add a forum feel to it, where you could see what your friends were doing and compare projections. I drew out some ideas for this and began to brainstorm more. However as I moved it on, I realized that it was distracting from the purpose of my concept, the wayfinding. I will consider features perhaps, where you can share your projection via social media.

After awhile I moved things on to digital, and began to thing more logistically about my concept. When drawing the wire frames I began to do so chronologically, with the idea in mind of making it more of a journey. I want the user to feel like this is stage one of the wayfinding system, instead of a completely different plug in.




Sarah Wickings

Introduction to project

Student at Fashion Institute of Technology New York







Sarah Wickings

Introduction to project


at Technology k

Student at Fashion Institute of Technology New York





creative conscience
















get me to library get me to library











at library? click here to start projection










at library? click here to start projection








creative conscience

With having all my components together I began to design the app digitally. The first thing I thought about when doing so was the tone of voice. I wanted the design to be basic and user friendly. I began by mocking up the wire frames and beginning to add in the logo and color scheme. I wanted to try and show the fluid and similar tone to projection/wayfinding. By using the colors as a tool along with shapes [2] I tried to create a map like impression.


An exclusive customized wayfinding system for the people of New York to benefit from the resources available to you at the New York Public Library. These resources include access to books, exclusive events and guest talks.

byrant park


Insert your zip code to begin.




I tried experimenting with all the shapes, but decided to focus more on one; events. The same style would shown throughout three shapes, with the content filling it. I wanted the change of screen to be either scrolling or a fade, to give the sense of a journey. There are options to go back on your decision, but I didn’t want to create a ‘home’ button. I wanted to give the feel and mood of a journey.

Picid ea nam, soluptatis enimetum et quia quatquoste la dollabor autenducid eum conet, oditi conseque aut odis natecturibus prestrum et ero idelique lam sinus, voluptas none pore consequaes rehendis enihita aces doloreicit accuptature, sitatiossi num ipsuntis quam ant eos apiendit ligent alique verum labora volut eum, culpa dolorro cuptati stiorib ustrum et des doloriti con ped qui volor ressunt, ullanit, sequi sam, tempe natem que nobit, sit qui odio. Accae. Ehenditatem dellace pudio. Odicia cum es delit veritia volenis maio tem etur arci andestorum comnimolupta dolorestem fugitia corem qu

byrant park


Picid ea nam, soluptatis enimetum et quia quatquoste la dollabor autenducid eum conet, oditi conseque aut odis natecturibus prestrum et ero idelique lam sinus, voluptas none pore consequaes rehendis enihita aces doloreicit accuptature, sitatiossi num ipsuntis quam ant eos apiendit ligent alique verum labora volut eum, culpa dolorro cuptati stiorib ustrum et des doloriti con ped qui volor ressunt, ullanit, sequi sam, tempe natem que nobit, sit qui odio.

Picid ea nam, soluptatis enimetum et quia quatquoste la dollabor autenducid eum conet, oditi conseque aut odis natecturibus prestrum et ero idelique lam sinus, voluptas none pore consequaes rehendis enihita aces doloreicit accuptature, sitatiossi num ipsuntis quam ant eos apiendit ligent alique verum labora volut eum, culpa dolorro cuptati stiorib ustrum et des doloriti con ped qui volor ressunt, ullanit, sequi sam, tempe natem que nobit, sit qui odio. Umquatem inctum rerchil iditae pe ne as quiTotatemos ditatendi conem facerum et optiis dollaborro intia suntiati ut latibus maiorro et quid el in nus prat res sit landis

Guest talk from Michael Bierut

Guest talk from Michael Bierut

RSVP:Not needed Time: 6:30-8:30pm

Yoga at Noon Sivananda practise

get navigation



Leaving Time Jodi Picuolt status: available section: F410.005

Search here

get navigation


similar books

Click here when outside the librar y to begin your route.


creative conscience


Guest talk from Michael Bierut RSVP:Not needed Time: 6:30-8:30pm




get navigation


Guest talk from

Guest talk from

Guest talk from

DISCOVERING DESIGN: NASA Graphics Standards Manual

DISCOVERING DESIGN: NASA Graphics Standards Manual

DISCOVERING DESIGN: NASA Graphics Standards Manual

Michael Bierut & Richard Danne

Time: 6:30-8:30pm

get navigation

Michael Bierut & Richard Danne

Time: 6:30-8:30pm

reserve your seat

Michael Bierut & Richard Danne

05/11 6:30-8:30PM

customize projection

Your seat is reserved! ROW 22 SEAT C Don’t forget to share with your class mates thee event to see if they want to join!

Guest talk from

Michael Bierut & Richard Danne

DISCOVERING DESIGN: NASA Graphics Standards Manual 05/11 6:30-8:30PM

upload your own image

select relevant image from NYPL archive

Click here to begin navigation and start your journey. Thanks for using one way!




creative conscience



creative conscience

MarvelApp I also used both PopApp and Marvel App to mock up and test my app I had designed. These are both really great platforms bringing you app to life. I used these when in the design process and also at the library, getting a feel of the app and how useful it would be. I also tested it on peers and got feedback which really helped me when designing its functionality.




creative conscience



Wayfinding Mock ups


creative conscience


[3] When mocking up the wayfinding system I went through a few processes. At first, I tried it on the walls [1] but I felt that would get too confusing and may be unclear who is following each. I then began to mock up the concept and how it would be seen at the library [2]. I tried to show the how the system is invisible but yet still simple to follow, especially with the added benefit of personalisation [3].


creative conscience

Promotional Posters

To promote the app I decided to create these posters which would be put up around universities, local areas etc. I wanted to keep it consistent with the app, designing quite an abstract map. As my audiene is the creative students, I knew it had to be something eye catching and different. I didn’t want to spell out what the poster was for either, as I wanted to keep the ‘exclusive’ feel. I also wanted to create the feeling of curiosity, and make people look twice. I tried a few diffferent methods, test printing a lot to scale to make sure the type was the right size I wanted along with the other assets.



creative conscience



creative conscience

final outcomes

books promotional poster

final outcomes

creative conscience

talks promotional poster



creative conscience

final outcomes

events promotional poster

final outcomes

creative conscience

places the posters could be seen in the public area



creative conscience

final outcomes


I wanted the animation to begin very fluid, similarly to the app and to the posters. I felt it was important for the intro to be exciting and interesting to draw the audience in.

After my first run through of the animation, I noticed that it felt like it needed something more. I decided to create time lapses around the library and film these, which I think really added to the quality of the animation, making it feel far more personal and real.

In the animation I also highlight the app, to show how it all connects and really show the whole journey.

final outcomes

creative conscience


I continued the movement onto the text, with the yellow dot being the only left, showing direction towards the text.

When experimenting with text I wanted to try and show the importance of certain parts and play with different effects. With inspiration being a focal point, I had everything fade out and inspiration become bold to show the focus of what I want my user to get out of this app.

The last time lapse also shows a still of the projection being used via the app by the user. I wanted to shoot it like this to make the viewer feel like they are actually using it, and give it a sense of realism.

To end, I panned up and the sound of the music fades out, where you can hear the noise from the library. I felt like this really adds to the ending, making it again feel realistic and relatable, like the view just had that journey.


creative conscience


reflection. How did you find writing your own brief and focusing so much on helping the USER directly? When I first got the brief I really didn’t know what to expect. I really thought it wouldn’t be so challenging, but after I suggested 3-4 different concepts to Alice via email I realized how hard it really is. I had to change my mindset completely as I wasn’t thinking from the users perspective. When I eventually figured out my target audience and user, writing the brief was fine, I think it really helped my creative process in the project as I really understood from the beginning what I wanted to do, there was no confusion after I had written the brief. What were the strengths of this project? One of the first strengths that came to mind was the concept and idea. Comparing my project to other Creative Conscience briefs I really felt at first like I had done something wrong, it wasn’t ‘humane’ enough. But after living in New York City I really do think it’s something that could be done and is something that would really benefit people. I think this app would be really popular and the wayfinding system would be really benefitial to the library. Basing this project around people my age was great too. I think this gave me a great advantage in being able to get feedback a lot and understand the mindset of the USER. I got the chance to ask many people for feedback and alot of people were really willing to help. Technically, I think my strongest asset was the color scheme and logo. I wouldn’t usually call this such

a strength, but I really feel that it made my project tie together well. I began by creating a simple logo and it lead to three abstract posters that I really think make my ‘brand’ identifable and clean. What were the weaknesses of this project? I think my main weakness really was something I couldn’t control which was the city I am in! Which contradicts myself slightly, as it inspired me so much. But in terms of communicating and trying to explain my ideas over email. I feel however that despite this it’s made me a lot more confident in my designs and ideas, and I haven’t been comparing myself to other peers work as I haven’t seen it! This however, may be something that turns out to not be good. But we shall see. I also think a weakness was the app. I animated it in marvel app and recorded it, but I wish I had the time to create it properly on AfterEffects. As I really wanted to show how fluid the app would be. I have however pointed these things out and tried to show it through the video How can you see yourself carrying over skills from Level 5 this year into Level 6? This year has been a very crazy one for me. I began in Bournemouth in level 5, where I really enjoyed group work and benefited a lot from it. I also experimented with far more different mediums, not just print! I really feel looking back on that term that it was such an important term, and I now believe that I think about projects in far more depth and from a completely different perspective. It definitely


Without a doubt the best choice I have made in life. I have not only been inspired by the city for this project but for my own personal work and attitude towards design.

creative conscience


prepared me well for this year! It was my favourite term in Bournemouth and really pushed me to think outside the ‘print’ box I had created for myself! In terms of this Innovate project, I think this is a great one that has set me up for Level 6. I have experimented a lot with digital, and found a real love for it. If someone asked me 5 months ago if I’d make a minute long video on After Effects I’d never think I would! I also think it’s made me think about designing on a bigger scale. Not just a book or a magazine, but you can really design a whole ‘brand’ or concept and do it justice. Coming to New York in January was by without a doubt the best experience of my life and the best decision I could ever have made. I have been inspired not just for this project, but for personal ones and inspired for life in general. With my stat in the video (200,000 - 250,000) creative students in the city alone, you really feel an urge to push yourself and do the best you can. This is by far something I really know that I’ll continue onto Level 6 and try and perfect for my final year at University.


creative conscience

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creative conscience

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