Now - Portfolio Sarai Olabarrieta Morales

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C o lle g e P roj e c ts; P

N a ve A b ierta A f f i ni ti es


B a j e t G i ra m

,N eighbourho


Comp e t it io n s; soci a l h ou

O t h e r Wo r ks ; Bras i l -M Beij i n w o r k s hop col l ec t io n



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m ĂŠ P rojects; U n v e i l e d +20.10





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Architectural +1.95


2018/now -2.65



, w a v ing oas i s

Madur eir a p r oj ect


direc t io n ; c o mme di a h e la m p



, 2019


Sarai Olabarrieta Morales 09/05/1994 email /

Academic Formation 2019 . 2017 _

Architecture degree & Master ETSAB . PFG

2017 . 2016 _

Architecture degree FAU . Rio de Janeiro . 5th

2016 . 2012 _

Architecture degree ETSAB . Barcelona . 1st - 4th

2012 . 1999 _

Baccalaureate and Primary and highschool

External Work 2018 _

Young Architects Competition . Art Prision

2018 _

ARCHmedium . Social Housing in Barcelona _ Honorable Mention of Honor

2017 _

X International of Workshop _ Architecture and Landscape _ RCR Laboratorio Barberí

2015 _

Workshop Barcelona _ Barcelonion Palimpest _ ETSAB

2015 _

Work Experience 2019 . 2018 _

Workshop Beijin _ Reconstuction of Pajiayuan antic market _ Tsinghua University _ Cooperation with The University of Texas/Austin

Work at BAJETGIRAMÉ, architecture studio May - July (15 months)

2019 _

Work as art director for Ölend

2019 _

Work as art director for Carlos Ojeda Jimenez

2018 . 2017 _

Work at MESURA, partners in Architecture October - May ( 7th monts)

2012 . 2009 _

Publications 2018 _

Rhythmic gymnastic trainer

Colegio Calasancio de Bilbao (Escolapios) Club Etorkizuna de Gimnasia Ritmica (Bilbao)

ARCHmedium . Social Housing in Barcelona _ Beta Architecture:

_ Saudade Arquitectura:

Abilities office _ cad _ modeling & render _ adobe _

microsoft word***** / power point***** / excel*** autocad 2d *****/ 3d***** skech up***** / v-ray *****/ rhinoceros***/ artlantis***/ blender** photoshop***** / illustrator **** / indesign*****

Languages spanish _ euskera _ catala _ portugues _ english _

mothertongue mothertongue oral and written comprehension oral and written comprehension Advanced level

college projects

particular del norte

( tutores ) conxita ballcells pau bajet maria giramé ( tribunal ) cossima corberó eduard bru enric serra

The urban regeneration of Bilbao was not conceived as an ornamental act. The city was forced to change her economic activity on 1975 , as a result o this, a change of the city’s physiognomy happened and stands out exponentially. To understand that, we must summarize the histor y of the Villa. On June 15th of the year 1300, Bilbao was awarded with the “ Villa“ title ; it was a medieval city until 1511, when the “ Bilbao Consulate “ was created and it became the most important commercial city in the north of the countr y. Mainly because it connected the interior of the countr y with the Atlantic Ocean. On this basis, the merchant side of Bilbao grew out until it became one of the most significant industrial cities in histor y. Due to this geographical location, the 22 acres plot will represent a new opportunity to grow industrially and economically for Bilbao after the tunneling of the railways. The project covers a whole definition of the urban planning, an ar t equipment building, and the construction details of each part. Thus giving the city a brand new neighborhood made out of t wo clashing existing districts facilitating a dialogue bet ween them t wo through the main green area that culminates into the Ria of Bilbao.

college projects


particular del norte

Bilbao is sur rounded by mountains and as a result of different urban regeneration projects, it enjoys several green parks. The train tunneling and the new AV E train-line´s construction left 22 empty acres downtown.

The invisible barrier bet ween the Ensanche of Bilbao and one of the most depressed neighborhood, San Francisco ; the architectural heritage of the buildings that surround the plot and “La Ría” , the main river that has always articulated the city; put in context the limits of the project inter vention.

college projects


particular del norte

The urban planning is articulated around a curved shape that narrows the main green path and divides it in two scopes. This main green way originates in the natural core of the Pagassarri mountain, and flows through the new neighborhood ending at the Ria de Bilbao. The journey results in a transformation from natural landscape to a raw urban context.

college projects


particular del norte

The auditorium is divided in three main parts, the baseboard, the double box and the cover that organically follows the curved shape found in the project´s urban planning. This curved shape is used to present the promenade that the audience is going to experience to prepare their senses before the performance. It allows them to access all the levels, and enjoy the presence of the nature

college projects


particular del norte

The main performing space of the auditorium remains completely isolated due to the double wall that is created around the perimeter of the box, and also the BOH that is set in between that structure. This is designed to keep the focus and attention of the audience through the isolated sensation that one can feel in the seating area.

college projects


particular del norte

nave abierta

( tutores )

alfred linares marta domenech

Nowadays we are facing the worst humanitarian crisis of modern histor y. Ever yday hundreds of people run away from their homes looking for a safe place to stay. Some of them come to Europe to find protection. The cities are the place where all these different cultures, ideas and religions come together. In order to solve this problem, why don’t we transform the Colonia Gßell into a shelter for all these people who need a home? The aim of this project is to highlight three different and singular points of activity into this industrial enclosure : the marketplace and t wo others that are located inside the wall that surround the Colonia Gßell. The existing factories are used to create secondary paths that flow through the space and connect these different activities. The idea is to blurry the boundaries between interior and exterior and create an intermediate space where all these ways of living and thinking, religions and cultures are mixed and coexist.

college projects


nave abierta

exterior circulations cores; in order to enhance the existing factories the stair cores are taken outdoors. These are stand-alone devices and artifacts by themselves.

college projects


nave abierta

the structure of the existing factories is preserved and the building envelope is what changes in each one of them depending on the atmosphere or activity that happens inside.

d h r

college projects


nave abierta

Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe Bajet Giramé Studio Exhibition curation and design – 2019 Barcelona COAC, Col·legi d’Arquitectes de Catalunya Graphic desing: Bendita Gloria The exhibition ‘Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe’ unveils unrecorded ties between pages of the magazine Quaderns d’Arquitectura i Urbanisme from the 80s (period 1981-1991, issues 144-189) and current architectures of its former readers, some of them still students back then, today acknowledged architects from across Europe. The exhibition brings to light a cohort of witnesses, revealing unknown discursive continuities from those Quaderns edited in Barcelona decades ago. The exhibition participants include Adam Caruso and Peter St John, Annette Gigon, Bak Gordon, Christian Rapp, Cino Zucchi, Emanuel Christ and Christoph Gantenbein, Florian Beigel and Philip Christou, Hans Kollhoff, Jacques Herzog, Jan de Vylder, Johan Celsing, Jonathan Sergison, Marce Meili, Philip Ursprung, Stephen Bates and Tom de Paor. They participate with a threefold contribution: a selection of pages from Quaderns, a piece of their own architecture influenced or related to such pages and, through a brief interview, the story of such ties and memories. The exhibition starts with an interview to Josep Lluís Mateo, director of Quaderns in that period, and concludes with a brief epilogue by Eduard Bru. Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe Vol revelar lligams no enregistrats entre les pàgines d’aquells Quaderns dels vuitanta i reconegudes arquitectures actuals arreu d’Europa. Aquells Quaderns, a les mans de recent titulats o estudiants, van aplegar joves lectures i discussions intenses que incidirien en les arquitectures que farien durant les segu ̈ents dècades.. COAC Departament de Cultura Comissariat: Pau Bajet, Pablo Garrido, Maria Giramé Disseny gràfic: Bendita Gloria Patrocinadors: COAC, ....... (incloure logos)

Vol revelar lligams no enregistrats entre les pàgines d’aquells Quaderns dels vuitanta i reconegudes arquitectures actuals arreu d’Europa. Aquells Quaderns, a les mans de recent titulats o estudiants, van aplegar joves lectures i discussions intenses que incidirien en les arquitectures que farien durant les segu ̈ents dècades. La proposta vol, precisament, donar llum a aquests testimonis que, malgrat no haver-ho fet explícit fins ara, donen continuïtat volgudament a temàtiques i relats projectuals dels Quaderns dels vuitanta; editats a Barcelona, des d’on va alimentar-se l’imaginari d’una generació. L’exposició “Unveiled Affinities: Quaderns in Europe” convida a una quinzena d’arquitectes europeus amb rellevant obra construïda, a una triple contribució: 1) la selecció d’un contingut o pàgines d’aquells Quaderns que els hagués influït, 2) la mostra d’un projecte propi recent que faci aparent aquesta influència i 3) a través d’una breu entrevista, explicar una anècdota o visió personal que en reveli els lligams. COAC Departament de Cultura Comissariat: Pau Bajet, Pablo Garrido, Maria Giramé Disseny gràfic: Bendita Gloria Patrocinadors: COAC, ....... (incloure logos)

The neighbourhood Forum Bajet Giramé Studio

Competition 1st Prize – 2018-Current Barcelona, former Quirón hospital plot, IMHAB Team: Bajet Giramé and Espinet Ubach 85 units dwelling and 5.000 sqm of public facilities. The project is considered as the construction of a gradient of spaces of relationship between individual and community. A concatenation of thresholds between the house and the street that is organized centrally, finding a point of origin; a place within the neighborhood that has its own identity: a Neighborhood Forum. It organizes the main “atrium” of arrival on the ground floor, which resolves access to the different uses of the building: 85 apartments for the elderly, a unit of coexistence for 12 elderly people with a high degree of dependency, and different public facilities, such as an civic center for elderly house, for young people, an auditorium for the neighborhood, in addition to the urban vegetables garden called “Quirhort” on the upper terrace.












-1.30 -2.65 -3.90

studio projects


quaderns exposition & quirón

architectural competitions

social housing ( ARCHmedium ) Honorable mention of honnor

This is the 21st century. There is a new way of life. We eat outside, study abroad and travel the world. We are nomads and like the change. We live in community and like to interact with others. That’s why in our project we question the limits of privacy. We have created a cell that is emptied from the expendable spaces (kitchen, living room, corridor and hall). The bed and WC are the only elements that are being kept inside. Everything else is done outside. This reduces the cell’s size. The building acts as an ecosystem. The rooftop is used to cultivate and the ground floor to cook what we have produced.It is a collective way of living. We believe in self-management and in ecology. This is not something new, we are going back to our instincts. We believe in the ephemeral, flexible, recyclable and changing. Maybe in the future this building won’t be social housing anymore. It might be Inditex’s.

architecture competitions


social housing

waving oasis ( YAC-young architects competition ) Favigniana, once jewel of solitude. Favigniana, island of history and tradition. Favignana and its fortress, that has spend years and years breaking, crumbling, disintregating. It is now a puzzle of fragments of what it used to be. It makes sense that it comes back to life as a temple of a new artistic and sensorial experience. It is the Acropolis of the XXI century. The walkway is the architectural promenade that acts as an introspective path and prepares to the arrival at the Fortress. The art is found from the beginning of this sublime experience and reaches its greatest expression at the top of the hill. The beauty lies in the duality. The fortress and its history is the solid and dense center, and everything else that revolves around it is ethereal, light and dynamic. Its t una-fishing past embraces it. Three curtains remind us of the sails that once waved. They organize the space and generate the different atmospheres, activities and sensorial experiences that this artistic temple requires. From the city’s point of view the proWject is the podium that raises the artistic temple. Favigniana, island of nature and culture. Favignana, now jewel of art.

architecture competitions


waving oasis

other works

international proje RiodeJaneiro, brasil

Photography project ; “ Charme “ ; while I was living in Rio the Janeiro I was fascinated by the particulary mixture of cultures that coexist in this city. With this work of photography I reflect the particulary and wonderful charm that have differtent people with whom I lived together. July 2017

Fabela in Rio de Janeiro, Madureira ; the aim of the project is to make an extension of the new park of Madureira; trying to connect the favela with the train station and also establishing a “red metal worm” of activity to revive the darkest corners of the fabela.

ects tsinghua university, beijin

Barcelona-Texas-Beijin Workshops, “ Intangible Market “; Consist in transforming one of the oldest antiquities market in Beijin and research of different urban weaves and natures of Barcelona.

external work



Commedia de´llarte Photographer : Carlos Ojeda Jimenez , Art Director : Sarai Olabarrieta, Stylist : Santi Moliner , Make up & Hair: Yadro Ochoa , Model: Martí Corbé In this pro j e c t w e d r a m a t i z e a r t t h r o u g t h e a n c i e n t Commedia Italiana; it is a pro f a n e d r a m a t i c s t y l e , f a r r e m o v e d f r o m t h e religious character, aimed at t h e p o p u l a r c l a s s e s w i t h a c l e a r i n t e n t i o n to entertain and raise aw ar eness i n e q ua l p a rt s th r o u g h ac u te s o c ia l cr itic is m.

external work


art direction

art direction

Collection Select, collect , combine, construct, register. We put together some of our hobbies in this project that grew up during the last few months in a very natural way and without a specific purpose. Every Tuesday in an area of Barcelona called Eixample, people leave on the street, objects and furniture that doesn’t work for them anymore. We collect what seems interesting to us and we store everything at our homes. It can take months till we finally come up with an idea that turns these objects into actual furniture. In this case, a selection of rough materials, glass panels, mirrors or bricks; combined with day-to-day objects, create decorative pieces that also work as furniture, fulfilling both, functional and aesthetic needs.

external work


set design

art direction

essay on the lamp Is a photography project that studies the possible relationship between the human body and an ordinary object: the lamp. By taking this object out of context, we obtain its dignification and humanization. During the experimentation, we realized that the lamp shades and its structures could act as clothing (earrings, hats, trousers, ‌) or even as parts of the own human body. The final result is a group of images showing these many combinations of what we can understand as living lamps.

external work


set design

s a r a i o l a b a r r i e t a

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