#22ndsff Journal

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SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


2 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Sadržaj Content 7 Dobrodošli na 22. Sarajevo Film Festival / Welcome to the 22nd Sarajevo Film Festival

9 Žiri / Jury / Nagrade / Award 10 Počasno Srce Sarajeva: / Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: Stephen Frears

11 Počasno Srce Sarajeva: / Honorary Heart of Sarajevo: Wolfgang Amadeus Brülhart

12 Takmičarski program – igrani film / Competition Programme – Feature Film

16 U fokusu / In Focus 18 Takmičarski program – kratki film / Competition Programme – Short Film

20 Tamičarski program – dokumentarni film / Competition Programme – Documentary Film

26 Open Air 28 Kinoscope 34 Shorts 38 Summer Screen

42 Posvećeno / Tribute To Amat Escalante 44 Dječiji program / Children's Programme 46 TeenArena 48 Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day 50 Sučavanje s prošlošću / Dealing with the Past 52 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents 54 Sarajevo Film Film Festival Guests Present 56 Pretpremijere / Avant Premiere 57 Specijalne projekcije / Special Screenings 58 CineLink dani filmske industrije / CineLink Industry Days

60 BiH Film 61 Raspored projekcija / Screening Schedule 65 Box Office 68 Festival pun života / Festival Full of Life 70 Mlade nade Sarajeva / Sarajevo Promising Young Artists

74 Pretpremijera / Preview: Tihana Lazović

IMPRESSUM: Izdavač/Publisher: Hanza Media Zagreb / Sarajevo Film Festival; Za izdavača / For Publisher: Dubravka Tomeković Aralica, Mirsad Purivatra; Izvršna urednica / Executive Editor: Altijana Marić Đorđević; Dokumentacija / Documentation: Bakir Milić, Lamija Ćehajić, Asja Krsmanović, Amra Mehić; Prevod / Translation: Sabina Nikšić Lektura / Proofreading: Jasna Kovo Grafičko oblikovanje i DTP/ Graphic design and DTP: BOOM! Produkcija GLORIA Urednik / Editor: Josip Jurčić; Grafički urednik / Graphic Design: Goran Žunić; Štampa / Prints: Vjesnik d.d., Slavonska avenija 2, 10000 Zagreb, Hrvatska; Tiraž / Print run: 20.000

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


4 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


6 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

DOBRODOŠLI NA 22. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL Welcome to the 22nd Sarajevo Film Festival Kada se svježe štampani posteri i programi Sarajevo Film Festivala počnu pojavljivati na gradskim ulicama, uzbuđenje i radoznalost naših sugrađana nam donose novu energiju i motivišu nas da sa dodatnim elanom obavljamo završne radove pred veliki događaj.

When freshly printed posters and programs of the Sarajevo Film Festival start appearing on the streets, excitement and curiosity of our fellow-citizens bring us new energy and motivate us to wrap up the final works preceding the big event with additional enthusiasm.

Ponosni smo na reputaciju koju smo stekli, kod kuće i u inostranstvu, i dirnuti aktivnim doprinosom stanovnika našeg grada koji posjetom kinima, učešćem u festivalskim aktivnostima, prisustvom panel-diskusijama, i, prije svega, toplim dočekom koji priređuju našim gostima, kreiraju svečanu atmosferu u danima festivala. U tom slavljeničkom duhu, i s velikim zadovoljstvom, želim vam dobrodošlicu na 22. Sarajevo Film Festival.

We are proud of the reputation we have gained, both at home and abroad, and touched by active contribution of our fellow-citizens, who, by watching films, participating in the festival activities, attending panel discussions, and first and foremost, by giving a warm welcome to our guests, actively contribute to the creation of the festive atmosphere during the festival days. In that celebratory sprit and with a great pleasure, I extend you a welcome to the 22nd Sarajevo Film Festival.

Tokom godina smo ulogu drugog doma za mlade, perspektivne filmske autore iz regije prihvatili kao ključnu i najljepšu karakternu crtu našeg Festivala. SFF je postao istinsko mjesto okupljanja i regionalnih filmskih autora na kojem se povezuju sa ostatkom svijeta i započinju međunarodnu karijeru. Najbolja potvrda tome su i ovogodišnji takmičarski programi koji će predstaviti, uglavnom, prve i druge filmove, s ukupno devet svjetskih premijera. Programom “Posvećeno...” nastavit ćemo već ustaljenu praksu odavanja priznanja renomiranim filmskim autorima čiji jedinstveni i hrabri autorski izraz može biti neiscrpan izvor inspiracije, znanja i ohrabrenja umjetnicima mlađe generacije. Ove godine ćemo imati čast da ugostimo mladog, ali već veoma značajnog meksičkog reditelja Amata Escalantea, koji će festivalskoj publici predstaviti svoj jedinstveni stvaralački opus. Ponosni smo na kontinuirani razvoj našeg CineLink projekta koji će u ovogodišnjem, četrnaestom izdanju, predstaviti dvije nove platforme za podršku filmskim stvaraocima.

Over the years, we have accepted our role of the second home for young, promising authors from the region, as the key and the most beautiful feature of our Festival. SFF has become a true gathering place for regional film authors where they connect to the rest of the world and launch their international career. The best proof of that are this year’s competition programs that will introduce, mostly, the first and second films, with the total of nine world premiers. The program “Tribute to…” will continue the tradition of paying tribute to renowned film authors whose unique and brave auteur expression may be inexhaustible source of inspiration, knowledge and encouragement for the artists of younger generation. This year we will have a pleasure of hosting a young but already quite distinctive Mexican director Amat Escalante, who will present his unique artistic opus to the festival audience. We are proud at the continuous development of our CineLink project that will, in this year’s 14th edition, introduce two new platforms for extending support to filmmakers.

CineLink Drama projekt je osmišljen kao odgovor na rastući evropski i svjetski trend proizvodnje televizijskih sadržaja nastalih ukrštanjem vrhunske filmske produkcije i visokokvalitetnih televizijskih serijala. Smatrajući da postoji veliki potencijal za razvoj ovog žanra, takozvane filmotelevizije, u jugoistočnoj Evropi, okupit ćemo na jednom mjestu autore, producente i finansijere iz regije i svijeta, u želji da doprinesemo i proizvodnji i promociji kvalitetnih TV serijala proizvedenih na području bivše Jugoslavije.

CineLink Drama project is designed as a response to the growing European and world trend of television content production, created by merging top film production and high-quality television series. Considering there is a large potential for the development of this genre, so-called filmo-vision in Southeast Europe, we will gather authors, producers and financiers from the region and the world in order to contribute to the production and promotion of high-quality TV series produced in the territory of former Yugoslavia.

Druga nova platforma, Market istinitih priča (True Stories Market), zamišljena je kao otvoreni izvor moderiranih priča, svjedočanstava i vizuelnih sadržaja direktno vezanih za nedavnu historiju bivše Jugoslavije. Ovi materijali će biti dostupni rediteljima i producentima kao izvor inspiracije za njihove eventualne filmske projekte koji bi prenijeli ove priče široj javnosti i na taj način pridonijeli procesu izlječenja i pomirenja.

The other new platform, True Stories Market, is envisaged as an open source of moderated stories, testimonies and visual contents directly related to the recent history of the former Yugoslavia. These materials will be accessible to directors and producers, as a source of inspiration for their potential film projects, which would pass these stories on to wider public and thereby contribute to the process of healing and reconciliation.

Nadam se da ćete uživati u programu 22. Sarajevo Film Festivala i programu koji smo za vas pripremili!

I hope you will enjoy the program of the 22nd Sarajevo Film Festival and the program we have prepared for you!

U ime SFF tima / On behalf of the SFF team, Mirsad Purivatra

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


8 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba



Reditelj, Palestina / Director, Palestine


Producentica, Turska / Producer, Turkey


Glumac, Srbija / Actor, Serbia


Kurator Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Berlinu, Njemačka / Curator of the Berlin International Film Festival, Germany




Osnivačica i direktorica festivala CPH:DOX, Danska / Founder and Festival Director of CPH:DOX, Denmark


Reditelj i producent, Švajcarska / Director and Producer, Switzerland


Producent, reditelj i filmski snimatelj, Njemačka, Rumunija / Producer, Director and Cinematographer, Germany, Romania ŽIRI TAKMIČARSKOG PROGRAMA – KRATKI FILM / COMPETITION PROGRAMME JURY – SHORT FILM


Međunarodni odnosi i događaji, Europa Cinemas, Francuska / International Relations & Events of Europa Cinemas, France


Reditelj, Crna Gora / Director, Montenegro


Reditelj, Hrvatska / Director, Croatia EFA ŽIRI / EFA JURY


Kostimografkinja, BiH / Costume designer, B&H


Predstavnica Eurimagesa za Hrvatsku, Hrvatska / Eurimages representative for Croatia, Croatia


Kurator i producent, Izrael / Curator and Producer, Israel CICAE ŽIRI / CICAE JURY


Atlantis Filmtheaterbetriebsgesellschaft Mannheim Njemačka / Germany


Umjetnički direktor Bella Basilicata Film Festivala, Italija / Artstic Director of Bella Basilicata Film Festival, Italy


Predsjednik Cinémas Studio Tours, Francuska / President of Cinémas Studio Tours, France CINEUROPA ŽIRI / CINEUROPA JURY


Koordinator uredništva Cineurope, Španija / Cineuropa Editorial Coordinador, Spain


dopisnik Cineurope za Sloveniju i Hrvatsku, Srbija / Cineuropa correspodent for Slovenia and Croatia



Takmičarski program - igrani film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 16.000 € SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu od 10.000 € osigurava Agnes B. SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJU GLUMICU Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 € SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJEG GLUMCA Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 €

Competition Programme - Feature Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial award in the amount of 16,000 € SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Financial award, in the amount of 10,000 €, is provided by Agnes B. HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST ACTRESS Financial award in the amount of 2,500 € HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST ACTOR Financial award in the amount of 2,500 €

Takmičarski program - kratki film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčana nagrada u iznosu od 2.500 €

Competition Programme - Short Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST FILM Financial award in the amount of 2,500 €

Takmičarski program - dokumentarni film SRCE SARAJEVA ZA NAJBOLJI FILM Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske SPECIJALNA NAGRADA ŽIRIJA Novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 2.500 € osigurava Al Jazeera Balkans

PARTNERSKE NAGRADE NOMINACIJA SARAJEVSKOG KANDIDATA ZA EVROPSKU FILMSKU NAGRADU 2016. Pobjednik ulazi u konkurenciju za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije (EFA) za najbolji kratki film. NAGRADA ZA LJUDSKA PRAVA Nagrada za ljudska prava dodjeljuje se za najbolji film iz Takmičarskog programa - dokumentarni film koji obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 € osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske. EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant je ustanovljen kroz saradnju Sarajevo Film Festivala i Evropske dokumentarističke mreže, u svrhu podrške talentovanim autorima dokumentarnog filma iz regije. CICAE NAGRADA Međunarodna konfederacija umjetničkih kina (CICAE) nagrađuje film u selekciji Takmičarskog programa - igrani film. Nagrađeni film će dobiti posebnu podršku CICAE kada je u pitanju pomoć kod distribucije, prikazivanja filma i dopiranja do publike, putem mreže od 3.000 kina. NAGRADA PUBLIKE Partner – Raiffeisen Bank

Competition Programme - Documentary Film HEART OF SARAJEVO FOR BEST DOCUMENTARY FILM Financial award, in the amount of 3,000 €, is provided by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs SPECIAL JURY PRIZE Financial award, in the amount of 2,500 €, is provided by Al Jazeera Balkans

PARTNERS AWARDS SARAJEVO SHORT FILM NOMINEE FOR THE EUROPEAN FILM AWARDS 2016 The winner is nominated for the European Film Academy (EFA) Best Film Award. HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD Award for the best film of the Competition Programme - Documentary Film dealing with the subject of human rights. Award in the amount of 3,000 € is granted by The Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. EDN TALENT GRANT EDN Talent Grant has been created as co-operation between the Sarajevo Film Festival and the European Documentary Network with the purpose of supporting promising new documentary filmmakers from the region. CICAE AWARD The International Confederation of Art Cinemas (CICAE) awards a film from the Competition Programme - Features. The awarded film will receive CICAE support in terms of distribution, exhibition and AUDIENCE OUTREACH, THROUGH A NETWORK OF 3,000 CINEMAS. AUDIENCE AWARD Partner – Raiffeisen Bank

CINEUROPA NAGRADA Nagradu dodjeljuje Cineuropa portal posvećen europskoj kinematografiji i njenim stvaraocima i to filmu koji, osim što nesporno posjeduje umjetničke kvalitete, također promovira ideje europskog dijaloga i integracije. Vrijednost nagrade iznosi 5.000 €.

CINEUROPA PRIZE The prize is awarded by the Cineuropa portal, the site dedicated to the European cinema and film professionals, and is given to a film that besides having indisputable artistic qualities also promotes the idea of European dialogue and integration. The value of this award is 5,000 €.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


STEPHEN FREARS DOBITNIK POČASNOG SRCA SARAJEVA Stephen Frears to Receive Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award Stephenu Frearsu, jednom od najistaknutijih i najprovokativnijih britanskih reditelja današnjice, biće uručeno Počasno Srce Sarajeva za izvanredan doprinos filmskoj umjetnosti u okviru 22. Sarajevo Film Festivala. / One of Britain’s most distinctive and provocative directors Stephen Frears will receive the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award for his extraordinary contribution to the art of film at the 22nd edition of Sarajevo Film Festival. Frears je rođen u Leicesteru 1941. Studirao je pravo na Univerzitetu Cambridge da bi zatim započeo karijeru u Teatru Royal Court i radio kao asistent reditelja Karela Reisza na filmu MORGAN i Lindsaya Andersona na filmu IF. Frears je sedamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka režirao brojne istaknute TV drame po tekstovima Alena Bennetta, Toma Stopparda, Petera Princa, Nevilla Smitha i Adriana Mitchella. Uspješnu rediteljsku karijeru na filmu započinje 1985. niskobudžetnom komičnom dramom MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE. Film je snimljen po scenariju Hanifa Kureishija i inicijalno je bio predviđen za TV emitiranje da bi potom bio prikazan u kinima širom svijeta i postigao značajan komercijalni uspjeh, te stekao naklonost kritike. U Hollywoodu je debitirao 1989. sa filmom DANGEROUS LIAISONS koji je nominovan za šest nagrada Oscar Američke filmske akademije. Nakon toga u produkciji Martina Scorsesea snima film THE GRIFTERS koji je 1991. nominovan za nagradu Oscar za najbolju režiju. Frears je 1998. režirao vestern THE HI LO COUNTRY, da bi se u svome narednom filmu, komediji HI FIDELITY o ljubavnim vezama i vjernosti, vratio sebi svojstenijim temama.Frears se 2003. vraća na britansku televiziju kako bi režirao film THE DEAL o prelomnim trenucima u odnosu Gordona Browna i Tonija Blaira, što je ujedno bio i prvi film u kojem su ta dva uticajna političara portretirana za televiziju. Film je snimljen po scenariju Petera Morgana, sa Michaelom Sheenom u ulozi Tonija Blaira, a 2004. je osvojio nagradu BAFTA za najbolji TV film Britanske akademije filmske i televizijske umjetnosti. Godinu dana kasnije Frears režira film MRS HENDERSON PRESENTS, sa Judi Dench i Bobom Hoskinsom u vodećim ulogama, a zatim i film THE QUEEN sa Helen Mirren u naslovnoj ulozi. THE QUEEN je postigao značajan komercijalni uspjeh i stekao veliku naklonost kritičara. Helen Mirren je za ulogu Kraljice Elizabete II osvojila nagradu Oscar za najbolju glumicu, a sam film je osvojio nagradu BAFTA za najbolji film. Frears 2009. režira film CHERI o ljubavnoj vezi srednjovječne pariške kurtizane sa mladim sinom svoje prijateljice. U filmu snimljenom po istoimenom romanu francuske književnice Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette glavne uloge su ostvarili Michelle Pfeiffer i Rupert Friend. U filmu TAMARA DREWE iz 2010, zasnovanom na knjizi Posy Simmonds, Frears nudi ironičan osvrt na mirni život u engleskoj provinciji. Uslijedili su filmovi LAY THE FAVORITE sa Brucom Willisom i Rebeccom Hall, te MUHAMMAD ALI’S GREATEST FIGHT koji je snimio za HBO sa Benjaminom Walkerom, Christopherom Plummerom, Dannijem Gloverom, Barrijem Levinsonom i Frankom Langellom u vodećim ulogama. Godine 2013. režira film PHILOMENA zasnovan na knjizi Martina Sixsmitha “Izgubljeno djete Philomene Lee” koju su za film prilagodili Jeff Pope i Steve Coogan. Glavne uloge u filmu su ostvarili Judi Dench i Steve Coogan. Frears je prošle godine režirao film THE PROGRAM o Lanceu Armstrongu. Njegov posljednji film, FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS, u kojem su uloge ostvarili Meryl Streep i Hugh Grant, će biti prikazan u Open Air programu ovogodišnjeg Sarajevo Film Festivala. Sarajevo Film Festival je 2002. godine Stephenu Frearsu posvetio svoj “Tribute To” program.

10 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Born in Leicester in 1941, he studied law at Cambridge University before working in THE theatre at the Royal Court and then working as Assistant Director to Karel Reisz on MORGAN and to Lindsay Anderson on IF. In the 70’s, he directed many notable television plays, written by Alan Bennett, Tom Stoppard, Peter Prince, Neville Smith and Adrian Mitchell. His breakthrough as a feature film director came with the low budget hit MY BEAUTIFUL LAUNDRETTE in 1985. Initially intended for television and written by Hanif Kureishi, the film was given an international release and became a critical and commercial success. Frears made his Hollywood debut with DANGEROUS LIAISONS in 1989, which received six Oscar nominations, followed by THE GRIFTERS produced by Martin Scorsese, which gained him an Oscar nomination for Best Direct in 1991. He directed the 20th century western THE HI LO COUNTRY in 1998, returning ot more familiar territory with HI FIDELITY, a humorous look at the nature of commitment. In 2003 Frears returned to British television to direct THE DEAL, which looked at a pivotal moment in the relationship between Gordon Brown and Tony Blair and was the first time the two figures had been represented on TV. Featuring Michael Sheen at Tony Blair and written by Peter Morgan the film won BAFTA Award for Best Single Drama in 2004. In 2005, he directed Judi Dench and Bob Hoskins in MRS HENDERSON PRESENTS followed by THE QUEEN with Helen Mirren, which has been highly acclaimed both commercially and critically, earned him an Oscar nomination, was awarded a BAFTA for Best Film and for which Helen Mirren won an Oscar. In 2009 he directed CHERI adapted from the Colette book by Christopher Hampton starring Michellle Pfeiffer and Rupert Friend about an ageing courtesan in turn of the century Paris and her love affair with the young son of her friend. In 2010 his film TAMARA DREWE, based on the book by Posy Simmonds, took an ironic look at life in the quiet of the English countryside. He followed this with LAY THE FAVOURITE with Bruce Willis and Rebecca Hall and MUHAMMAD ALI'S GREATEST FIGHT with Benjamin Walker, Christopher Plummer, Danny Glover, Barry Levinson and Frank Langella for HBO. In 2013 he directed PHILOMENA, based on the Martin Sixsmith book, THE LOST CHILD OF PHILOMENA LEE adapted for the screen by Jeff Pope and Steve Coogan with Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. Last year Frears directed THE PROGRAM about Lance Armstrong. His latest film FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS starring Meryl Streep and Hugh Grant will be screened at this year’s Sarajevo Film Festival’s Open Air Programme. Stephen Frears was a guest of Sarajevo Film Festival’s Tribute To Programme in 2002.

POČASNO SRCE SARAJEVA: WOLFGANG AMADEUS BRÜLHART Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award: Wofgang Amadeus Brülhart Wolfgangu Amadeusu Brülhartu će na 22. Sarajevo Film Festivalu biti uručeno Počasno Srce Sarajeva u znak priznanja za njegov veliki doprinos i podršku Obala Art Centru, kao i za inicijativu za izgradnju Meeting Pointa kao kulturnog centra, koji je danas prepoznat kao mjesto susreta i zvanično kino Sarajevo Film Festivala. / Wolfgang Amadeus Brülhart will receive the Honorary Heart of Sarajevo Award at the 22nd edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival in recognition of his contribution and support to Obala Art Centar, and the initiative to build the Meeting Point cultural center, which is recognized today as Sarajevo Film Festival's main cinema and meeting point. Obavljajući funkciju zamjenika ambasadora i kulturnog savjetnika u Ambasadi Švicarske u Sarajevu, u periodu od 1996. do 1998. godine, Brülhart je bio inicijator obnove kulturne scene u Sarajevu. Tokom tog perioda, Švicarska je donirala blizu 100 miliona švicarskih franaka u obnovu i razvoj BiH, od čega je oko 2 miliona izdvojeno za kulturu, i to s ciljem da podrže obnovu bosanskohercegovačkih kulturnih institucija, promoviraju kulturne razmjene u BiH i bivšoj Jugoslaviji, te promoviraju kulturne razmjene između BiH i Švicarske. Prepoznajući vrijednost i moć obnove kulturnog duha u liječenju ratom ranjenog grada, Brülhart je inicirao brojne kulturne sadržaje, razmjene i susrete umjetnika BiH i Švicarske, koncerte i predstave te je bio inicijator pokretanja Meeting Pointa, kao tadašnjeg kulturnog centra i mjesta susreta umjetnika u Sarajevu, a koje je danas jedna od glavnih lokacija i zvanično kino Sarajevo Film Festivala. Također, pod njegovom inicijativom, tadašnji Meeting Point dobio je i prvu finansijsku podršku za svoje pokretanje. Nakon misije u Sarajevu, Brülhart seli u kancelariju Švicarske ambasade u Londonu (1999-2002.), gdje je kao kulturni savjetnik bio angažiran na mjestu šefa Centra za kulturu , s posebnim naglaskom na projekt Cultural Programme 2000: Creative Switzerland 2000: Dialogue Between Cultures. Pri Saveznom ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Švicarske u Bernu, u periodu od 2003. do 2007. godine, obavljao je funkciju šefa Odjela politike ljudskih prava i ”Vijeća za ljudska prava”, nakon čega je imenovan za ambasadora Švicarske u Ujedinjenim Arapskim Emiratima. Od 2008. do 2012. godine dodanas obavlja funkciju pomoćnika državnog sekretara i generalnog direktora odjela za Bliski istok i Sjevernu Afriku pri Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Švicarske u Bernu.

In his capacity as the Deputy Chief of Mission and Cultural Counselor at the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1996-98 period, Brülhart was one of the initiators of the revival of the cultural scene in Sarajevo. During that period, Switzerland donated nearly 100 million Swiss francs for reconstruction and development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, including nearly 2 million Swiss francs donated for culture or specifically for reconstruction of cultural institutions, promotion of cultural exchange in Bosnia and Herzegovina and former Yugoslavia and promotion of cultural exchange between Bosnia and Herzegovina and Switzerland. Brülhart recognized the importance of reviving the spirit of culture for the healing of the war-thorn city and had therefore initiated numerous cultural project and programs for exchange and meetings of B&H and Swiss artists, as well as numerous music concerts and theater performances. He was also one of the initiators of the construction of the Meeting Point as a culture center and a meeting place of artists in Sarajevo which now also serves as the official cinema of the Sarajevo Film Festival. As the result of his efforts, the initial funds had been provided at the time for the construction of the Meeting Point. He is a career member of the Swiss Foreign Ministry who held different diplomatic positions abroad. After his assignment in Sarajevo, Brülhart served as the Cultural Counselor and the Head of Cultural Section at the Swiss Embassy in London (1999-2000) where he specifically focused on CulturalProgramme 2000:Creative Switzerland 2000:Dialogue Between Cultures program. He was the Head of the Human Rights Policy Section and the Head of the “Human Rights Council” Task Force at the Swiss Foreign Ministry in Bern from 2003 to 2007, before being appointed to the post of Swiss Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates. In 2008, he was appointed to his current post of the Head of the Middle East and North Africa Divisions at the Swiss Foreign Ministry in Bern.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Igla ispod praga / The Black Pin

Livada / The Field

Sljedbenica / A Decent Women


TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - IGRANI FILM Competition Programme – Feature Film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić


Igla ispod praga / The Black Pin Montenegro, Serbia, 2016, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Ivan Marinović Uloge / Cast: Nikola Ristanovski, Bogdan Diklić, Jelisaveta Sablić, Filip Klicov, Leon Lučev, Dejan Đonović

Sveštenik Petar strahuje da je nebo postalo ravnodušno. Bog više ne interveniše. Petra je napustila žena, u sukobu je sa sinom, a majka ga samo ponekad prepoznaje jer je oboljela od Alzhajmerove bolesti. Kada se Petar usprotivi velikoj prodaji zemljišta u svojoj otočnoj parohiji, grupa živopisnih i osvetoljubivih seljana odluče da ga otjeraju. Koristeći se kreativnim metodama, oni uspijevaju ubijediti cijelo praznovjerno selo da je Petar uzrok svih nevolja u mjestu. Father Peter fears that the universe has become indifferent. God no longer intervenes in earthly affairs. Peter's wife abandoned him, his son disobeys him and his mother suffers from Alzheimer's and hardly ever recognizes him. When Peter becomes an obstacle to a large property sale in his small island parish, a group of interesting, but vengeful villagers decides to force him to leave. Using very creative methods, they convince the entire superstitious village that Peter is the cause of all the troubles on their island.

Sljedbenica / A Decent Women

Austria, South Corea, Argentina, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Lukas Valenta Rinner Uloge / Cast: Iride Mockert, Martin Shanly

Kućna pomoćnica, zaposlena u ekskluzivnom ograđenom naselju u predgrađu Buenos Airesa, kreće u potragu za seksualnom i mentalnom slobodom u nudističkom svingerskom klubu penjući se preko strogo štićenih zidova. A housemaid who is working in an exclusive gated community on the outskirts of Buenos Aires, embarks on a journey of sexual and mental liberation in a nudist swinger-club on the other side of the high security fence.


Livada / The Field

Turkey, 2016, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Cemil Ağacıklıoğlu Uloge / Cast: Serkan Ercan, Ilgaz Kocatürk, Kenan Bal, Hale Akınlı, İlyas Özçakır

Zanesen snovima i ambicijama, Tarik se opterećuje velikim dugovima. Nakon što se aktiviraju nalozi za zapljenu njegove kuće i poslovnog prostora, Tarikov život se raspada i on dolazi na ivicu razvoda sa svojom ženom. Iako pod velikim pritiskom utjerivača dugova, Tarik je

12 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

odlučan da se ne preda i da se bori do samoga kraja. Ali puno toga je izvan Tarikove kontrole, pa kriza u njegovoj branši remeti njegove planove. Prodaja zemlje koju posjeduje u svom rodnom gradu Tarikova je posljednja šansa. Carried away by his dreams and ambitions, Tarık finds himself bogged down with heavy debt. With property seizure orders issued for his home and workplace, Tarik's life falls apart and he comes close to divorcing his wife. Suffocating under the pressure of a loan shark, he is determined to hold on and fight to the end. But there is much that is not under his control: a crisis in the industry spoils his plans. Selling a field he owns in his hometown becomes Tarik's last resort...



Turkey, France, Romania, 2016, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Mehmet Can Mertoğlu Uloge / Cast: Sebnem Bozoklu, Murat Kiliç, Rıza Akın, Mihriban Er, Ali Meriç, Müfit Kayacan

Par bez djece priprema fotoalbum sa slikama iz perioda lažne trudnoće načinjenim na plaži, radnom mjestu, tokom odmora, kod kuće. Vjeruju da će album pomoći djetetu, koje namjeravaju usvojiti, da ih prihvati kao voljene,

Bezbožnica / Godless

Srca s ožiljkom / Scarred Hearts

Psi / Dogs

Vlažnost / Humidity

biološke roditelje. Naravno, tako će imati i nešto što mogu podijeliti sa svojim prijateljima i radnim kolegama. Bahar i Cüneyt su prosječan par koji dijeli tipična, uskogruda uvjerenja, snove i nadanja pripadnika urbane srednje klase. Dijete će upotpuniti sliku savršenog života koju njih dvoje nastoje projicirati. A childless couple sets out to prepare a fake photo album of a pseudo pregnancy period complete with photos taken on a beach, at work or while they are lounging at home. One day, it could persuade their adopted child that they are its loving biological parents. Of course, they also want to have an album that they can share with their friends and co-workers. Bahar and Cüneyt are a typical middle-class couple sharing the beliefs, dreams and preoccupations of their narrow-minded social group. A child would complete their image of a perfect couple.

njihova jedina intimna spona jeste zajednička ovisnost o morfiju. Čini se da ništa ne može probuditi njenu savjest, čak ni slučajno ubistvo pacijenta zbog kojeg bi se mogle razotkriti njene nezakonite radnje. In a remote Bulgarian town, Gana looks after demented elderly people while also trafficking their ID cards to be sold on the underground fake identity market. At home, she provides for her jobless mother with whom she hardly ever speaks. Her relationship with her mechanic boyfriend is no shelter for love either - with sexual attraction vanished, their intimacy is reduced to a shared addiction to morphine. Nothing seems to have an impact on the nurse’s conscience, not even an accidental murder of a patient that threatens to expose her fraudulent dealings.

Psi / Dogs

Bezbožnica / Godless

Romania, France, Bulgaria, Qatar, 2016, Colour, 104 min. Režija / Director: Bogdan Mirică Uloge / Cast: Dragoş Bucur, Gheorghe Visu, Vlad Ivanov

Gana živi u jednom zabačenom gradu u Bugarskoj, gdje radi kao negovateljica starijih osoba oboljelih od demencije, dok istovremeno prodaje njihove lične karte na ilegalnom tržištu lažnih identiteta. Gana živi sa svojom nezaposlenom majkom koju finansijski izdržava, ali s kojom gotovo da i ne govori. Ljubav ne pronalazi ni u vezi sa svojim momkom automehaničarem. Nakon što je seksualna privlačnost među njima nestala,

Roman se vraća na imanje u blizini granice s Ukrajinom koje je nedavno naslijedio od djeda. Odlučan je da proda prostrano, ali zapušteno imanje. Međutim, lokalni policajac ga upozorava da je njegov djed bio vođa lokalnih kriminalaca koji se neće lako odreći zemlje i krijumčarenja. Roman returns to the land near the border with Ukraine he had just inherited from his grandfather. Roman is determined to sell the vast but desolate property, but a local policeman warns him that his grandfather was a local crime boss and that his men will not let go of the land - or their smuggling business.

Bulgaria, France, Denmark, 2016, Colour, 103 min. Režija / Director: Ralitza Petrova Uloge / Cast: Alexandr Triffonov, Irena Ivanova, Dimitar Petkov, Ventzislav Konstantinov, Ivan Nalbantov

Srca s ožiljkom / Scarred Hearts Romania, Germany, 2016, Colour, 136 min. Režija / Director: Radu Jude Uloge / Cast: Ilinca Harnut, Lucian Teodor Rus, Ivana Mladenović

SRCA S OŽILJKOM je film čija je radnja smještena u 1937., inspirisan istoimenim romanom rumunskog književnika Maxa Blechera. Film prati Emanuela, muškarca u ranim dvadesetim godinama života, koji boluje od tuberkuloze kostiju i svoje dane provodi u jednom sanatorijumu na obali Crnoga mora. Nakon što se zaljubi u jednu pacijentkinju, Emanuel počinje pričati priču o svojim i naporima drugih pacijenata da vode ispunjen život dok njihova tijela lagano propadaju, ali umovi odbijaju da se predaju. SCARRED HEARTS, inspired by Romanian author Max Blecher's novel, is set in 1937. It centers on Emanuel, a man in his early 20s, who spends his days at a sanatorium on the Black Sea coast, suffering from bone tuberculosis. After falling in love with another patient, he narrates his and his fellow patients' attempts to live life to the full as their bodies slowly wither but their minds refuse to give in.

Vlažnost / Humidity

Serbia, Netherlands, Greece, 2016, Colour, 113 min. Režija / Director: Nikola Ljuca Uloge / Cast: Miloš Timotijević, Tamara Krcunović, Maria Kraakman, Katarina Marković, Dragan Bakema, Milan Marić, Slaven Došlo, Jasna Ornela Bery, Feđa Stojanović

Petar je zgodan i harizmatičan menadžer uspješne kompanije koja velike državne projekte snabdijeva građevinskim materijalom. Po povratku s poslovnog puta, njegova žena Mina ga sačekuje

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba



U istom vrtu / In the Same Garden

na aerodromu. Oni dolaze kući i, dok on spava, Mina nestaje bez traga. Petar počinje da laže i skriva njen nestanak, trudeći se da održi savršenu sliku života koji je izgradio. Međutim, u kovitlacu sumnjivih poslovnih dogovora, priprema za porodičnu slavu, sestrinih bračnih problema, nesanice i razuzdanih noćnih izlazaka po beogradskim klubovima, Petrovi strahovi sve više izlaze na površinu i što se on više trudi da ih potisne, oni su sve jači. Petar is a handsome, charismatic manager at a successful company that supplies construction material to big state projects. He is returning from a business trip and his wife Mina is picking him up at the airport. At home, while Petar is asleep, Mina disappears. Trying to maintain the picture-perfect image of himself, Petar gradually starts lying and hiding from everyone that she is gone. At work, the pressure grows as a new shady deal approaches. In the constant summer heat, Petar can't sleep and spends the nights running. He tries to turn to someone, but both his friends and his family are consumed with their own issues. No one sees he's unwell. He won't admit anything's wrong, but his emotions are pouring out and the more he tries to suppress them, the harder they hit back.


Svi sjeverni gradovi / All the Cities of the North

Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, France, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Dane Komljen Uloge / Cast: Boban Kaluđer, Boris Isaković, Dane Komljen

Bijela soba i podignuti plavi šator u njoj, gdje dva

muškarca dijele odnos za koji riječi ne postoje. Boban i Boris žive u napuštenom kompleksu gotovo identičnih bungalova, okruženi zalutalim magarcima, plastičnim bocama i crvenim bobicama, trskom, visokim drvećem i sezonskim radnicima. Uhodani obrasci njihove svakodnevice bivaju preokrenuti dolaskom Daneta u ovaj skriveni prostor. Sa njim dolazi i spoljni svijet i donosi priče o drugim vremenima, o gradovima na sjeveru i jugu, o tome kako se nešto pravi. Nove veze se uspostavljaju, stare mijenjaju. Ljubav može biti krhka kada joj ne damo ime. Ne, ne zovi me ‘druže’. Kako da te zovem onda? A white room with a blue tent erected inside is where two men share a relationship which words cannot describe. Boban and Boris live inside an abandoned complex of almost identical bungalows, sharing the space with stray donkeys, plastic bottles, red berry bushes, cane grass, tall trees and seasonal workers. Their daily routine is interrupted when another man, Dane, enters their secluded world. Dane brings with him the outside world, stories about how things are made, and about other times and cities in the north and in the south. New relationships are built and old ones are changing. Love can be very fragile if we do not name it. Don’t call me “comrade”. How shall I call you, then?


Croatia, 2016, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Directors: Dalibor Matanić, Sonja Tarokić, Hana Jušić, Bobo Jelčić, Zvonimir Jurić, Vlatka Vorkapić, Jasna Zastavniković, Filip Šovagović, Ivan Salaj, Tanja Golić, Petar Orešković, Stanislav Tomić, Edi Mužina, Ivan Sikavica, Sara Hribar Uloge / Cast: Frano Mašković, Lana Barić, Goran Bogdan

Svi sjeverni gradovi / All the Cities of the North

14 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

TRANSMANIA - Uvrnuta igra. Ovaj film režiralo je petnaest reditelja. Svako od njih nastavljao je priču sa svojih pet minuta filma, koja je zasnovana isključivo na posljednjoj minuti prethodne priče. Na ovaj način postignuti su izuzetno dramatični preokreti koji dovode gledaoca na rub napetosti svakih pet minuta. TRANSMANIA - A Twisted Game. Fifteen directors collaborated on this film. Each had to contribute a five minute bit, based solely on the last minute of the previous 5-minute segment. Together, they generated a story with very dramatic plot twists in which suspense builds up every five minutes keeping the viewers in a constant state of expectation and excitement.

U istom vrtu / In the Same Garden

Turkey, USA, Romania, Australia, India, Spain, Italy, Hungary, Sweeden, 2016, 114 min. Režija: Ali Asgari, Adrian Sitaru, Alexandre Rockwell, Rolf De Heer, Gurvinder Singh, Chema García Ibarra, Roger Deutsch, Sergey Bodrov, Andrej Landin

U ISTOM VRTU je omnibus sastavljen od kratkih filmova, koji se bave temom tursko-jermenskih odnosa iz ljudske perspektive kroz međuljudske lične priče. Film ima za cilj da nas podsjeti na našu kompleksnu historiju i čovječnost kroz neospornu i ujedinjujuću snagu filmske umjetnosti. IN THE SAME GARDEN is a collection of short films focusing on the Turkish-Armenian relations from a human perspective and through personal stories. The film strives to use the unparalleled and unifying power of cinema to remind us of our complex history and humanity.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


U FOKUSU In Focus Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić

Mahnitost / Frenzy

France, Qatar, Turkey, 2015, Colour, 119 min. Režija / Director: Emin Alper Uloge / Cast: Mehmet Ozgur, Berkay Ates, Tülin Özen

Istanbul se bori s političkim nasiljem. Visokopozicionirani policijski oficir Hamza nudi Kadiru uslovno puštanje iz zatvora. Uslov za puštanje na slobodu je da Hamza pristane raditi za novu obavještajnu jedinicu sastavljenu od sakupljača smeća. Kadir prihvata ponudu i počinje skupljati smeće u oronulim naseljima kako bi u otpadu tražio materijale preostale nakon kućne izrade eksplozivnih naprava. U jednom od oronulih naselja, Kadir nalazi svoga mlađeg brata Ahmeta. Istanbul is in the grip of political violence. Hamza, a high-ranking police officer offers Kadir a conditional release from prison. To be released he has to accept to work in the new intelligence unit of garbage collectors. Kadir accepts, and starts collecting trash from the shanty towns, checking to see whether it contains material related to bomb-making. Kadir finds his younger brother Ahmet in one of those neighborhoods...

Matura / Graduation

Romania, France, Belgium, 2016, Colour, 128 min. Režija / Director: Cristian Mungiu Scenariji / Screenplay: Cristian Mungiu Uloge / Cast: Adrian Titieni, Maria Drăguș, Lia Bugnar, Malina Manovici, Vlad Ivanov, Valeriu Andriuta

Doktor Romeo Aldea (49), nastanjen u planinskom gradiću u Transilvaniji, svoju je kćerku Elizu odgajao s idejom da će kada napuni


18 godina napustiti porodični dom kako bi živjela i studirala u inostranstvu. Njegov plan bi se uskoro trebao ostvariti; Eliza je dobila stipendiju za studij psihologije u Velikoj Britanji. Samo je potrebno da položi maturu što je puka formalnost za tako dobru učenicu. Dan prije njenog prvog pismenog ispita, Eliza je napadnuta a ovaj napad bi mogao da naruši njenu budućnost. Romeo Aldea (49), a physician living in a small mountain town in Transylvania, has raised his daughter Eliza with the idea that once she turns 18, she will leave to study and live abroad. His plan is close to succeeding – Eliza has received a scholarship to study psychology in the UK. She just has to pass her final exams – a formality for such a good student. On the day before her first written exam, Eliza is assaulted in an attack that could jeopardize her entire future.

strahovima. Tokom te noći ona će prekršiti sva moralna pravila za koja se čitav život zalagala. Ovo je film o društvu u kojem je strah pokretačka snaga. One night, a high-profile attorney is found on the pavement along a main road through Ljubljana. He is barely conscious, lying in a pool of blood, and covered in dog bites. Doctors at the medical center fight to keep him alive while his wife, in shock, confronts her deepest fears. During the course of this night she will break every moral standard she has stood up for in her life. This is a film about a society where fear is the driving force.

Noćni život / Nightlife

U pozorištu u centru Atine igra se postmoderna teatarska adaptacija jedne klasične grčke tragedije. Kao i svake večeri, publika zauzima mjesta i predstava počinje. Odjednom, svjetla na pozornici se gase. Na scenu se penje grupa naoružanih mladih ljudi obučenih u crno. Izvinjavaju se za prekid i pozivaju publiku da im se pridruži na sceni. Publika je zbunjena, još uvijek im nije jasno da li je ovaj prekid dio predstave ili ne. Predstava se nastavlja, samo što sada život imitira umjetnost umjesto da umjetnost imitira život.

Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Damjan Kozole Uloge / Cast: Pia Zemljič, Jernej Šugman, Marko Mandić, Peter Musevski, Jana Zupančić, Petre Arsovski, Mojca Partljič, Dejan Spasić, Matija Vastl

Poznati advokat jedne je noći pronađen na trotoaru uz glavnu ulicu u centru Ljubljane. Jedva da je svjestan, leži u lokvi krvi i tijelo mu je prekriveno psećim ugrizima. Doktori se u bolnici bore za njegov život dok se njegova šokirana žena mora suočiti sa svojim najdubljim

Mahnitost / Frenzy

16 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Matura / Graduation

Prekid / Interruption

Greece, France, Croatia, 2015, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Yorgos Zois Scenarij / Screenplay: Yorgos Zois Uloge / Cast: Alexandros Vardaxoglou, Sofia Kokkali, Pavlos Iordanopoulos, Hristos Karteris, Romanna Lobats, Angeliki Margeti, Natassa Brouzioti

S one strane / On the Other Side

Noćni život / Nightlife

A postmodern theater adaptation of a classic Greek tragedy takes place in a central theater of Athens. Like every night, the audience take their seats and the play begins. Suddenly, the lights on stage go out. A group of young people, dressed in black and carrying guns, come up on stage. They apologize for the interruption and invite people from the audience to participate on stage. The audience is captivated by the ambivalence, still not realizing if this is part of the play or not. The play resumes with a main difference; life imitates art and not vice versa.

daughter prepare for her wedding. Out of the blue she gets a call from her husband Žarko, who left his family on the eve of the war to fight for "the other side". His reappearance sends her carefully reconstructed life in a tailspin, endangering her new identity.

S one strane / On the Other Side

Tri dana nakon napada na redakciju satiričnog magazina Charlie Hebdo u Parizu i četrdeset dana nakon smrti svoga oca, četrdesetogodišnji doktor Lary provodi subotu u Bukureštu na porodičnom okupljanju u čast preminuloga. Okupljanje ne protiče po planu, okupljeni žustro raspravljaju i na površinu izbijaju dijametralno suprotna mišljenja. Prisiljen da se sukobi sa svojim strahovima i prošlošću i da preispita svoje mjesto u porodici, Lary ima samo jedan izbor - da obznani istinu. Somewhere in Bucharest, three days after the attack on Charlie Hebdo in Paris and forty days after his father’s death, 40-year-old doctor Lary spends one Saturday at a family gathering in memory of the deceased. The event does not go as planned. Discussions are heated, fierce differences of opinion arise. Forced to face his fears and his past, and obliged to reconsider his

Croatia, Serbia, 2016, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Zrinko Ogresta Scenarij / Screenplay: Mate Matišić, Zrinko Ogresta Uloge / Cast: Ksenija Marinković, Lazar Ristovski, Tihana Lazović, Robert Budak, Toni Šestan, Tena Jeic Gajski, Vinko Kraljević, Ivan Brkić, Alen Liverić

Vesna je srednjovječna medicinska sestra koja živi i radi u Zagrebu. Ona mirno provodi život ispunjen uobičajenim dnevnim obavezama: čuva dijete svoga sina i pomaže u organizaciji kćerkinog vjenčanja. Jednoga dana neočekivano prima telefonski poziv od svoga muža Žarka koji je porodicu napustio uoči rata kako bi se borio “za drugu stranu”. Žarkov povratak unosi nemir u Vesnin pažljivo izgrađen život i prijeti da ugrozi njen novi identitet. Vesna is a middle-aged visiting nurse in Zagreb. Quietly she goes about her daily life of mundane chores: babysitting for her son, helping her

Prekid / Interruption


Romania, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia, 2016, Colour, 173 min. Režija / Director: Cristi Puiu Scenarij / Screenplay: Cristi Puiu Uloge / Cast: Mimi Branescu, Bogdan Dumitrache, Judith State, Dana Dogaru, Sorin Medeleni, Ana Ciontea

place in the family, Lary is left with no choice but to tell the truth...

Smrt u Sarajevu / Death in Sarajevo

France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Danis Tanović Scenarij / Screenplay: Danis Tanović Uloge / Cast: Jacques Weber, Snežana Vidović, Izudin Bajrović, Vedrana Seksan, Muhamed Hadžović, Faketa Salihbegović-Avdagić, Edin Avdagić

Sarajevo, 28. juni 2014. godine. U hotelu Europa, najboljem hotelu u gradu, direktor Omer sprema se da dočeka delegaciju istaknutih diplomata. Na stotu godišnjicu atentata, koji se smatra povodom Prvog svjetskog rata, iz Sarajeva bi se trebao poslati poziv na mir i razumijevanje u svijetu. Ali osoblje hotela muče druge brige. Nakon što mjesecima nisu dobili plate, oni planiraju stupiti u štrajk. Istovremeno, u izolovanom predsjedničkom apartmanu, gost iz Francuske uvježbava svoj govor. Sarajevo on 28 of June, 2014. At the Hotel Europa, the best hotel in town, the manager Omer prepares to welcome a delegation of diplomatic VIPs. On the centenary of the assassination that is considered to have led to World War I, an appeal for peace and understanding is supposed to start from here. But the hotel staff have other worries: having not been paid for months, they are planning to go on strike. Meanwhile, in the sealed-off presidential suite, a guest from France rehearses a speech.

Smrt u Sarajevu / Death in Sarajevo SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - KRATKI FILM Competition Programme – Short Film Selektorica / Programmer: Elma Tataragić



Šepaj ovako / Limp Like That Hungary, 2016, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Petra Szöcs Uloge / Cast: Csaba Kriszti, Laura Punkosti, Ileana Gyongyi Ivascu, András Dancsuly

Majka angažuje mladoga muškarca kao zamjenu za svoga pokojnoga supruga. Nadajući se da će na taj način pomoći svojoj kćerci da preboli gubitak oca. A mother hires a young man to be a substitute for her deceased husband. In that way, she's hoping to help her mourning daughter cope with her grief.


Djevojka koja pada / The Falling Girl Macedonia, 2015, b&w, 10 min. Režija / Director: Vladimir Lukaš

Djevojka stoji na vrhu zgrade i gleda grad ispod sebe. Skače. Pada zatvorenih očiju da bi se na kraju našla u bari okružena bizarnim licima. Pad se nastavlja. A girl stands on top of a building looking down at the city. She jumps. She falls with her eyes closed and eventually finds herself in a pond surrounded by bizarre faces. The falling continues.

Šepaj ovako / Limp Like That

Zovem se Costin / My Name is Costin

A courier takes a hitchhiker on the road. When the hitchhiker warns him that the end of the world is around the corner, the courier labels him as crazy...

Petogodišnji Rares tvrdi da je njegovo pravo ime Costin Dumitru i da ga je prije šest godina ubio komšija koji je zatim zakopao njegovo tijelo u dvorištu škole u Vizuresti. Niko osim njega nije ništa čuo o tom ubistvu. Raresovi roditelji odlučuju da istraže njegove tvrdnje... Five-year-old Rares claims that his real name is Costin Dumitru. Six years ago, he had been murdered by a neighbor, then burried in the school back-yard, in Vizuresti. No one knows about this murder except him. Rares’s parents decide to start investigating...


Romania, 2016, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Radu Potcoavă Uloge / Cast: Ioana Flora, Bogdan Albulescu, Tudor Oprisan, Dorian Boguta


Turkey, 2015, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Eren Aksu Uloge / Cast: Gülce Oral, Serdar Bakioğlu

Mladi par odlazi na izlet na jedno ostrvo u blizini Istanbula. Očarani su pogledom na naizgled beskrajan grad i počinju razmišljati o propasti urbanih sredina. A young couple goes on a day trip to an island next to Istanbul. They find themselves captivated by the never ending cityscape and sink into a contemplation on urban decay.


Romania, 2016, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Gabi Virginia Șarga, Cătălin Rotaru Uloge / Cast: Alexandru Suciu, Elias Ferkin

Greece, France, 2016, Colour, 29 min. Režija / Director: Konstantina Kotzamani Uloge / Cast: Felix Margenfeld, Aggelos Ntanos, Luciano Cani, Haris Fountas, Hristos Psihramis, David Szymczak, Nikos Kassavetis, Thomas DImitropoulos, Konstantinos Pattakos, Nikos Gouvelis, Aggelos Kaldanis, Dimitris Xiros, Panagiotis Rapousis, Effi Rabsilber

Dostavljač pošte prihvati da poveze autostopera. Kada ga autostoper upozori da smak svijeta samo što nije nastupio, dostavljač ga smatra ludim.

Leopard će leći s kozom, vukovi će živjeti s janjcima, a dječak će im biti vođa. 12+1 dijete i leš kita naplavljen je na obalu...

4:15 poslijepodne, smak svijeta / 4:15 P.M. the End of the World

Zovem se Costin / My Name is Costin

18 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Djevojka koja pada / The Falling Girl

4:15 poslijepodne, smak svijeta / 4:15 P.M. the End of the World



Zvir / The Beast

A leopard shall lie down with a goat, wolves shall live with lambs, and a young boy will lead them. 12+1 children and a carcass of a whale washed ashore...

Lisica / Fox

Greece, 2016, Colour, 28 min, Greek Režija / Director: Jacqueline Lentzou Uloge / Cast: Nikos Zeginoglou, Katerina Zisoudi, Nota Tserniafski

Ljetni je dan u vreloj Atini. Stefanos, najstariji sin samohrane majke, ostaje kod kuće sa svojim mlađim bratom i sestrom i njihovim bolesnim psom Lucy. Slatko ljenčarenje, igre s vodom i zabavu, prekinut će šokantna Lucyna smrt. Stephanos nije ni svjestan da upravo proživljava svoj posljednji bezbrižni dan. A summer day in boiling Athens. Stefanos, the oldest son of a family with no father, is left home alone with his siblings and their sick dog Lucy. Indulging in sweet laziness, water games and fun, Lucy's death will arrive as a shock. Stephanos does not know yet that this would be the last carefree day of his life.


Hungary, Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, 2016, Colour, 16 min. Režija / Director: Luca Tóth

Tranzicija / Transition

U zemlji Superbiji stroga pravila razdvajaju društvo žena od društva muškaraca. Različite spolove razdvajaju različiti običaji i pravila ponašanja. Jedan muškarac i jedna žena uprkos svemu nalaze put da se spoje. Njihovi postupci postaju katalizator promjena u oba društva. In the land of Superbia strict rules divide the societies of women and men. Different customs and manners estrange the sexes far apart. A man and a woman find their ways to each other against all odds. Their actions become the catalyst of change within the societies.

Tranzicija / Transition Serbia, 2016, Colour, 21 min. Režija / Director: Milica Tomović

Dva dana pred odlazak u Ameriku, gdje je primljena na postdiplomske studije, Jana koristi vrijeme da se pozdravi sa svojim bendom, prijateljima, bivšom djevojkom i porodicom. Samo njena sestra zna istinu – Jana ne odlazi iz zemlje zbog studija, nego da bi promijenila spol. Jana ima dva dana da se oprosti sa svojim životom. Jana uses two days she has left before she leaves for America to join a postgraduate study program there to say goodbye to members of her band, her friends, relatives and her former girlfriend. Only

her sister knows the truth - Jana is not leaving the country to study abroad, but to have a sex reassignment surgery. Jana has two days to say goodbye to her old life.

Zvir / The Beast

Croatia, 2016, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Miroslav Sikavica Uloge / Cast: Marko Ban, Ivan Smoljo

Lakomisleno prihvaćen građevinski posao u apartmanskom naselju na obali pretvara se u komplikaciju za bageristu iz zaleđa koji, da bi sačuvao očinski autoritet i obavio legalan, ali prljav posao, mora ukloniti neželjenog svjedoka. A hastily accepted job at a construction site in a coastal apartment complex turns into a major trouble for an excavator driver from the heartland who now has to get rid of an unwanted witness if he wishes to retain the paternal authority and get the legal, but dirty work done. TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 1 / COMPETITION SHORTS 1: COSMORAMA / SUPERBIA / MY NAME IS COSTIN / THE BEAST / LIMBO TAKMIČARSKI KRATKI 2 / COMPETITION SHORTS 2: THE FALLING GIRL / 4:15 THE END OF THE WORLD / LIMP LIKE THAT / FOX / TRANSITION

Lisica / Fox SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Granice / Borders

Scream for me Sarajevo

Srce od drveta / The Heart of Wood

Bubnjevi otpora / Drums of Resistance

TAKMIČARSKI PROGRAM - DOKUMENTARNI FILM Competition Programme – Documentary Film Selektorica / Programmer: Rada Šešić


Granice / Borders

Slovenia, 2016, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Damjan Kozole

Prekrasan je jesenji dan. Kolona migranata i izbjeglica u pratnji vojske i policije prelazi „šengensku granicu“ između Hrvatske i Slovenije, na putu ka prihvatnom centru u slovenačkom gradu Brežice. A beautiful autumn day. Escorted by police officers and soldiers, a line of migrants and refugees make their way from the “Schengen area border” between Croatia and Slovenia to a reception center in the Slovenian town of Brežice.

Scream for me Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour and b&w, 100 min. Režija / Director: Tarik Hodžić Uloge / Cast: Bruce Dickinson, Alex Elena, Chris Dale, Jasenko Pašić, Feđa Štukan, Erol Gagula

Dokumentarni film o Sarajevu pod opsadom, muzici u tom gradu, s akcentom na 14. decembar 1994. i koncert Brucea Dickinsona u BKC-u. O ljudima koji su rizikovali svoje živote da bi svirali pred ljudima koji su rizikovali svoje živote da bi živjeli. A documentary film about Sarajevo during the 1992-95 siege; specifically a film about the music scene in the besieged Bosnian capital with special focus on a concert held in the city’s BKC music hall by Bruce Dickinson on December 14, 1994. It is a film about people who risked their lives to

perform for the people who risked their lives in order to live them.

Srce od drveta / The Heart of Wood

Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour, 36 min. Režija / Director: Namik Kabil Uloge / Cast: Zejna Metiljević, Ćamil Metiljević

Čovjek napravi srce od drveta i onda svira na njemu. Ćamil Metiljević istim rukama radi težak posao, a potom pravi čaroban instrument i svira na njemu. A man makes a heart of wood and then he plays it. Ćamil Metiljević uses his two hands for hard manual labor, but also to make a magical music instrument and play it.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Pero Pavlović

Dokumentarni film SVETLANA govori nam o životnim izazovima i neizvjesnostima koje život nosi. Milan je čovjek koji je na putu od komunizma do kapitalizma skrenuo s tračnica i stjecajem nesrećnih okolnosti našao se u međuprostoru u kojem se ne snalazi. Milanova životna priča je teška, turbulentna, nabijena emocijama i životnim iskustvima koja su nekada bila okrutna prema njemu. Spas od sjećanja na težak život pronalazi u konstatnom radu i čekanju Svetlane. SVETLANA talks about challenges and uncertainties one faces during life. Milan is a man

20 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

who had been sidetracked during transition from communism to capitalism, finding himself in an in-between land. Story of his life is difficult, turbulent, filled with emotions and sometimes cruel experiences. He finds salvation from the memories of his hard life in endless work and waiting for Svetlana.



Turkey, 2016, Colour, 81 min. Režija / Director: Berke Bas, Melis Birder

Nižerangirani košarkaški tim iz radničkog grada Diyarbakira u jugoistočnoj Turskoj proširuje svoju misiju sa dobijanja utakmica na prevazilaženje predrasuda, siromaštva i političkih sukoba proizašlih iz decenijskog sukoba između turskih vlasti i kurdskih pobunjenika, koji se bore za lokalnu autonomiju i kulturološka prava. An underdog basketball team from hard scrabble Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey goes beyond winning games in their mission to rise above prejudice, poverty and political turmoil created by the decades long conflict between the Turkish state and Kurdish rebels who are fighting for local autonomy and cultural rights.

Bubnjevi otpora / Drums of Resistance Kosovo, 2016, Colour, 65 min. Režija / Director: Mathieu Jouffre

Nakon što se grandiozni koncept Jugoslavije


Četiri pasoša / Four Passports


Iza lica zrcala / A Two Way Mirror

počeo urušavati, svijet je svjedočio nekim od najbrutalnijih ratova dvadesetog stoljeća. Mnogima, koji su raspad Jugoslavije posmatrali izvana, bilo je nemoguće shvatiti erupciju nasilja na jugoistoku Evrope. Federacija u kojoj su različite etničke grupe i zajednice decenijama mirno živjele odjednom je postala poprište brutalnih sukoba različitih nacionalističkih ideologija. When the narrative of grand Yugoslavia began to unravel, the world witnessed some of the worst wars of the 20th century. Many people outside the region had difficulty grasping the violence that erupted in southeastern Europe. A federation comprised of different ethnic groups and communities that peacefully co-existed for decades had suddenly become a battleground of nationalist aspirations.

Četiri pasoša / Four Passports

Serbia, Croatia, Germany, 2016, Colour, 83 min. Režija / Director: Mihajlo Jevtić Uloge / Cast: Slavko Jevtić, Kaća Jevtić, Jelena Krneta, Maja Lagator, Ena Lagator, Nikola Milosavljević, Bojan Marjanović, Zorka Jevtić, Mihajlo Jevtić

Film je priča o imigraciji i identitetu nakon nestanka Jugoslavije, ispričana iz ugla reditelja Mihajla Jevtića. Film prati period od Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije do današnje Srbije, od Mihajlovog djetinstva do njegove srednje životne dobi. Ovo je film koji je napravio muškarac koji se sprema da napusti svoju zemlju; priča o njegovom koferu spakovanom za trajni odlazak. Priča o četiri pasoša i jednoj zemlji oproštaj koji je pripreman 25 godina. Kombinujući animaciju sa snimcima današnjice i arhivskim porodičnim snimcima načinjenim Super 8 kamerom, Mihajlo daje svoj osvrt na odrastanje u društvu koje se raspada.

The film is a story of immigration and identity after the dissolution of former Yugoslavia, as seen through the eyes of filmmaker Mihajlo Jevtic. it follows the period of transition of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia into today's Serbia and Mihajlo's transition from a child into a middle aged man. It is a film made by a man who is about to leave his country for good and about the contents of his immigrant's suitcase. Story about one country and four passports, a farewell that was in the making for 25 years. Combining the present-day footage, his family's Super 8 home videos and animation, Mihajlo reflects on growing up in a society that has been falling apart.

Iza lica zrcala / A Two Way Mirror

Kino otok / Islands of Forgotten Cinemas Croatia, 2016, Colour, 35 min. Režija / Director: Ivan Ramljak

Poetski dokumentarac o izgubljenoj kulturi posjećivanja kina u malim mjestima na hrvatskim otocima tokom druge polovine prošlog stoljeća. Šestero svjedoka vremena prisjeća se svojih omiljenih filmova i događaja vezanih uz gledanje i prikazivanje filmova koji su im obilježili živote. A poetic documentary about the lost culture of cinema-going in small towns on Croatian islands, a culture that had been particularly strong in the second half of the last century. Six protagonists recall the past times, their favorite movies and events related to film screenings that had a profound impact on their lives.

Tamo dole / Down There

Croatia, 2016, Colour, 42 min. Režija / Director: Katarina Zrinka Matijević

IZA LICA ZRCALA je autoričina lična potraga za unutrašnjim mirom, smještena u postojbini njenih predaka – zabačenom ličkom kraju u Hrvatskoj. U Lici postoji mnoštvo tunela, ali nakon svakog mračnog tunela punog tajni, strahova i tame – predstavljenog kroz organske, eksperimentalne kadrove – započinje novo godišnje doba. Iskustvo upotpunjuju zabilježene slike krajolika i ljudi, snimljeni zvuci i glas naratora. A TWO WAY MIRROR is the author’s personal quest for inner peace, set in the remote land of her ancestors - the Croatian region of Lika. There are many tunnels in Lika, and after every dark tunnel, filled with secrets, fear and darkness - all shown through organic, experimental images - a new season of the year begins. The images of the land and people, captured sounds and the voice of the narrator complete the experience.

Austria, 2016, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Đorđe Čenić, Hermann Peseckas

Kako je moguće da su – od kasnih šezdesetih do devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća – djeca školskog uzrasta, iz godine u godinu, u društvenim centrima diljem Austrije, polagala zakletvu jugoslavenskom predsjedniku Titu? Zbog čega su ta djeca u kapitalističkoj državi – daleko od njihove domovine – morala učiti o jugoslavenskom radničkom samoupravljanju i eksploataciji radničke klase u kapitalizmu? Zapravo, šta je “domovina”? Kako se neko preko noći iz komuniste pretvori u nacionalistu? How can it be that for years, between the late 1960s and 1990s, the primary school children were swearing an oath to Yugoslav president Tito in community centers across Austria ? And why they had to learn about the Yugoslav system of workers' self-management and about the exploitation of working classes in capitalism in a

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Kino otok / Islands of Forgotten Cinemas

Tamo dole / Down There

Zid smrti, i tako to / Wall of Death, and All That


capitalist country far away from their homeland? And what is “home” anyway? How does a communist turn into a nationalist overnight?

Zid smrti, i tako to / Wall of Death, and All That Serbia, Croatia, 2016, Colour, 62 min. Režija / Director: Mladen Kovačević

Kao desetogodišnja djevojčica, Brankica je bila glavna atrakcija seoskih vašara. Njena su starija braća bili proslavljene akrobate na zidu smrti, legende bivše Jugoslavije, a ona je bila princeza zida. Njena braća odavno nisu među živima, a Brankici je 43 godine i već je baka šestoro unučadi. Brankica i dalje izvodi iste smrtonosno opasne trikove na motoru i vozi se po rubovima šest metara visoke drvene bačve. Život provodi uz posljednji preostali zid smrti, rastrzana između melanholičnih uspomena i klaustrofobične sadašnjosti. Brankica was the central attraction at countryfairs, when she was just 10 years old. Her big brothers were star acrobats on the wall of death, legends in former Yugoslavia, she was the princess of the wall. Now, her brothers are long gone, she is the only one left behind. A 43-year-old grandmother of six grandchildren, she is repeating the same old stunts on her motorcycle while riding on the sidewalls of the 6 meters wide wooden barrel. She lingers between her melancholic memories and the claustrophobic existence around the last remaining wall of death.

Zvijer je još uvijek živa / The Beast is Still Alive

Bulgaria, 2016, Colour and b&w, 91 min. Režija / Director: Mina Mileva, Vesela Kazakova Uloge / Cast: Roussy Chanev, Vesela Kazakova

Mlada Bugarka posmatra globalno jačanje

ljevičarske ideologije, od čijih se posljedica njena zemlja još uvijek oporavlja. U polumističnom razgovoru sa svojim mrtvim dedom, ona razotkriva put njegove transformacije od svećenika do komuniste, pa zatim do militantnog antikomuniste. Unuci je dosta hipokrizije modernih bugarskih socijalista, koji već 25 godina vode njenu zemlju u propast, dok se istovremeno zalažu za uspostavu socijalističkog sistema socijalne zaštite. A young Bulgarian woman observes the global resurgence of leftist ideology while her country still suffers from its consequences . In a semimystic dialogue with her late granddad she traces his transformation from a priest to a communist, then a militant anti-communist. The granddaughter is fed up with the hypocrisy of modern Bulgarian socialists who continuously advocate the introduction of a socialist welfare system while leading her country to ruin for the past 25 years.


Iduća stanica: Utopija / Next Stop: Utopia Greece, 2016, Colour, 91 min. Režija / Director: Apostolos Karakasis

Nakon što je fabrika Vio.Me. u Grčkoj zatvorena, grupa radnika odlučuje poduzeti radikalne mjere. Oni zauzimaju fabriku i pokušavaju sami upravljati njom poštujući pravila direktne demokratije. Njihov poduhvat inspiriše aktiviste širom svijeta, a bivša vlasnica fabrike u nevjerici posmatra kako se njen porodični biznis pretvara u simbol jačajuće radikalne ljevice. Samoupravljanje i borba da se sastavi kraj s krajem za radnike se pretvaraju u jedinstvenu avanturu punu napetosti i sukoba.

22 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

After the Greek Vio.Me. factory shuts down, a group of former workers decides to take radical action. They occupy the factory and attempt to put it back in operation running it as a selfmanaged business. Their venture inspires activists around the world, while former owner watches in astonishment as her family business turns into a symbol of the up-and-coming radical left movements. The self-management attempt turns into a unique and conflict-ridden adventure for the workers who are struggling to make ends meet.

Kino, ljubavi moja / Cinema, mon amour

Romania, Czech Republic, 2015, Colour, 70 min. Režija / Director: Alexandru Belc Uloge / Cast: Victor Purice, Cornelia Chelmu, Lorena Cosău, Gheorghe Purice, Matthias Helwig, Laura Baron

KINO, LJUBAVI MOJA prati Viktora Puricu – upravnika, bivšeg kinooperatera i cjeloživotnog zaljubljenika u film – i njegove vjerne uposlenice Corneliju i Lorenu u svakodnevnoj borbi da od zatvaranja sačuvaju panoramsko kino Dacia u rumunskom gradu Piatra Neamt, inače jedno od rijetkih preostalih kina u Rumuniji. Nakon što je proživio zlatno doba kinematografije, Viktor sanja o povratku dobrih starih vremena i istovremeno vodi bitku da preživi novu, surovu realnost. CINEMA, MON AMOUR follows the story of Viktor Purice - manager, former projectionist and lifelong cinephile - and his two loyal employees, Cornelia and Lorena, in their everyday battle to preserve one of the last remaining cinemas in Romania - the Dacia Panoramic Cinema in Piatra Neamt. Having lived through "the golden age" of cinema, Viktor dreams about a return of the good old days while struggling to keep up with the new harsh reality.

Zvijer je još uvijek živa / The Beast is Still Alive

Kino, ljubavi moja / Cinema, mon amour


Austria, 2016, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Siniša Vidović Scenarij / Screenplay: Senad Halilbašić, Siniša Vidović

KORIDA prati troje protagonista na njihovom dirljivom proputovanju kroz fascinantni svijet bosanskih borbi bikova, takozvanih korida. Svijet korida je pun mitova i herojskih priča koje prethodno gotovo da i nisu filmski zabilježene. KORIDA nudi uzbudljiv, dramatičan i zabavan novi pogled na svijet o kojem gotovo ništa ne znamo, iako se njegove granice protežu skoro do našega kućnog praga. To je priča o zaostavštini arhaičnih vremena u modernim društvima, priča o odnosu čovjeka sa prirodom i o ujedinjujućoj snazi borbi bikova. KORIDA follows three protagonists on their touching journey through the fascinating world of Bosnian bullfights, the Koridas. It is a world full of myths and heroic tales which has hardly been captured on film up until now. In an exciting, dramatic and entertaining manner KORIDA offers a new perspective of a universe that we barely know about and yet it extends all the way to our front doors. The film talks about the still vital archaic remnants within modern societies, about the relationship between humans and nature and about the unifying power of bullfights.

Mladi hrvači / Young Wrestlers

Turkey, Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Mete Gümürhan Uloge / Cast: Muhammed Ceylan, Beytullah Onur, Baran Kendirlioğlu, Harun Kılıç, Ahmet Yücel and Ümit Yılmaz

Dvadeset i šest dječaka, koji žive, uče i pate na sportskoj akademiji u turskoj proviniciji Amasya, spremni su izdržati mnogo toga kako bi zadovoljili svoju sportsku strast i ostvarili snove o hrvačkoj karijeri. Oni se suočavaju s uobičajenim

Iduća stanica: Utopija / Next Stop: Utopia

Mladi hrvači / Young Wrestlers

izazovima adolescencije u okruženju kojim dominiraju muškarci u kontradiktornom modernom turskom društvu. Kamera ih snima i prati, ali bez uplitanja u njihovu rutinu, te nam tako omogućava da posmatramo njihov svakodnevni život na razmeđu između prijateljskih i takmičarskih nagona. Living, learning, suffering for their passion: the 26 boys living at a sports academy in the Turkish province of Amasya will endure a lot to fulfill their wrestling dreams. They face the usual challenges of adolescence in a male dominated environment and in the contradictory contemporary Turkish society. The observational camera remains unobtrusive while still allowing us to experience the boys' everyday life on the verge between camaraderie and competition.

Moj vlastiti rat / My Own Private War

Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 57 min. Režija / Director: Lidija Zelović Uloge / Cast: Lidija Zelović

Mama, koja je razlika između dobra i zla? Šta se desi kada kolektivna trauma uđe u porodicu? Kako izaći na kraj s vlastitom ratnom prošlošću? Kako da svoju djecu oslobodite toga tereta? U ovom iznimno intimnom dokumentarcu Lidija Zelović pokušava odgovoriti na prethodna pitanja na osnovu vlastitog životnog iskustva. Mama, what is the difference between good and bad? What happens when collective trauma enters a family? How do you get to terms with your own war history? And how can you ensure that your children don’t have to carry this burden? In this very personal documentary Lidija Zelović tries to answer these questions. The story is based on the fimmaker's personal experiences.

Samo dašak / A Mere Breath Romania, 2016, Colour, 67 min. Režija / Director: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan

SAMO DAŠAK istražuje duboko kontradiktornu prirodu porodične ljubavi. Istovremeno put ka inicijaciji i teološka parabola, film prati sedam godina u životu rumunske porodice Sicrea i sve uspone i padove glave porodice Dobrina koji čeka da se dogodi čudo zahvaljujući kojem bi se njegova najmlađa kći oslobodila invalidskih kolica i prohodala. Dok pratimo kako djeca postaju odrasli ljudi, svjedoci smo utjecaja koji Dobrinova duboka veza s Bogom ima na međuljudske odnose unutar njegove porodice. A MERE BREATH explores the profoundly contradictory nature of family love. Both a journey of initiation and a theological parable, the film follows seven years in the life of Sicrea family in Romania, capturing trials and tribulations of Dobrin who is waiting for a miracle that will help his youngest daughter get up from her wheelchair. As we watch his children grow up and become adults, we witness the deep impact of Dobrun's close connection to God on relationships between members of his family.

Zasljepljujuća svjetlost sunčevog zalaska / The Dazzling Light of Sunset Georgia, Germany, 2016, Colour, 74 min. Režija / Director: Salome Jashi

U centru filmske priče nalazi se lokalna televizijska stanica, a sam film oslikava pseudoetnografski portret jedne male zajednice u Gruziji. Stari rituali i običaji oblikuju život tog maloga grada, mada su iskvareni udaljeni odsjaji modernoga svijeta već okupirali kolektivnu svijest. Žiteljima ove zajednice ništa nije tako važno kao to da u javnosti ostave najbolji mogući

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Moj vlastiti rat / My Own Private War

utisak. Ovaj filmski kaleidoskop likova, mjesta i događaja razotkriva način života jedne male zajednice i njene hibridne društvene vrijednosti. The film centers on a small town television station to paint a pseudo-ethnographic portrait of a community in Georgia where rituals and traditions shape the local lifestyle although twisted reflections of the modern world had already penetrated the collective mind. Presentation of one's self in the best possible light is of essence. This cinematic kaleidoscope of characters, places and evens reveals the life of a small community and its hybrid social values.


Dubina dva / Depth Two Serbia, 2016, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Ognjen Glavonić

Zasljepljujuća svjetlost sunčevog zalaska / The Dazzling Light of Sunset

Samo dašak / A Mere Breath

Godine 2001, na periferiji Beograda je otkrivena masovna grobnica u kojoj je pronađeno više od 700 ljudskih tijela. Uprkos činjenici da se nalazi nedaleko od samog centra glavnog grada Srbije, i da je na lokaciji nađeno 75 tijela djece, danas, 15 godina kasnije, ova masovna grobnica je i dalje bez ikakvog obilježja ili spomenika, i skoro niko u današnjoj Srbiji ni ne zna za ovaj slučaj i priču iza njega. On je i dalje javna tajna. U pokušaju da otkrije, rasvijetli i da glas ovim pričama, i dalje zakopanim u tišini, film se, meditativnim i hipnotišućim stilom, obraća doživljajima, mašti i osjećanjima gledaoca. In 2001, a mass grave holding the remains of over 700 people was found on the outskirts of Belgrade. Despite its proximity to the center of Serbia's capital and the fact that it hid the remains of 75 children, the mass grave had never been marked with a monument or in any other way and almost no one in today's Serbia knows about this case and the story behind it. It is still a public secret. In an attempt to give voice to the story of this mass grave that remains buried behind a wall of silence, the films employs a meditative and hypnotic language to communicate with viewers' experiences, imagination and emotions.

Voz za zrelost / Train to Adulthood

Hungary, 2015, Colour, 79 min. Režija / Director: Klára Trencsényi

Voz za zrelost / Train to Adulthood

Dubina dva / Depth Two

24 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

VOZ ZA ZRELOST je priča o sazrijevanju troje mladih koji spas od životnih nedaća nalaze u radu za Dječiju željeznicu u Budimpešti. Kada rade na željeznici, uživaju da se pretvaraju da su odgovorni, odrasli ljudi, ali kod kuće su prisiljeni na naglo odrastanje. Dječija željeznica je metafora autora filma za današnju Mađarsku: zemlju obilježenu neuspjelom političkom i društvenom tranzicijom, u kojoj su društvene veze pokidane, a društvene institucije propale. TRAIN TO ADULTHOOD is a coming-of-age story about three youngsters who find an escape from life’s ordeals by working on the Budapest Children’s Railway. While they enjoy playing at being responsible adults on the Train, at home they are forced to mature abruptly. The Children’s Train is a metaphor used by the filmmakers to explore present-day Hungary: a country faltering in its political and social transition, where community ties have been broken and social institutions collapsed.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Dobra žena / A Good Wife

Ja, Daniel Blake / I, Daniel Blake

Tour de France / French Tour

Ljubav i prijateljstvo / Love & Friendship

OPEN AIR Dobra žena / A Good Wife

Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, 2016, Colour, 94 min. Režija / Director: Mirjana Karanović Uloge / Cast: Mirjana Karanović, Boris Isaković, Jasna Đuričić, Bojan Navojec, Ksenija Marinković, Vlado Kerošević, Ermin Bravo

Kada pedesetogodišnja Milena otkrije stravičnu prošlost svog naizgled idealnog supruga, u isto vrijeme saznavši da boluje od raka, počinje se buditi iz svog raja u predgrađu, u kojem je do tada živjela. When 50-year-old Milena finds out about the terrible past of her seemingly ideal husband, while simultaneously learning of her own cancer diagnosis, she begins an awakening from the suburban paradise she has been living in.

Ja, Daniel Blake / I, Daniel Blake

United Kingdom, France, Belgium, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Ken Loach Uloge / Cast: Dave Johns, Hayley Squires, Dylan McKiernan, Briana Shann, Kate Rutter, Sharon Percy

Daniel Blake (59) veći je dio života radio kao stolar u Newcastlu. Sada mu je po prvi put u životu potrebna pomoć države. Njegov se život ukrštava sa životom samohrane majke Katie i njeno dvoje malodobne djece Daisy i Dylana. Ukoliko želi pobjeći iz sobe u svratištu za beskućnike u Londonu, Katie mora prihvatiti preseljenje u stan u nepoznatom gradu udaljenom nekih petsto kilometara od njenog trenutnog mjesta boravka. Daniel i Katie naći će se zarobljeni u ničijoj zemlji ograđenoj brutalnim birokratskim aparatom i pogođeni logikom društvene podjele današnje Velike Britanije na “ambiciozne i prosjake.”

Daniel Blake (59) has worked as a joiner most of his life in Newcastle. Now, for the first time ever, he needs help from the State. He crosses paths with single mother Katie and her two young children, Daisy and Dylan. Katie’s only chance to escape a one-roomed homeless hostel in London has been to accept a flat in a city she doesn’t know, some 300 miles away. Daniel and Katie find themselves in no-man’s land, caught on the barbed wire of welfare bureaucracy as played out against the rhetoric of ‘striver and skiver’ in modern-day Britain.


Spain, 2016, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Pedro Almodóvar Uloge / Cast: Emma Suárez, Adriana Ugarte, Daniel Grao, Inma Cuesta, Michelle Jenner, Darío Grandinetti, Rossy de Palma

Julieta je srednjovječna žena koja sa svojim momkom Lorenzom živi u Madridu. Njih dvoje planiraju preseliti u Portugal kada Julieta jednoga dana slučajno susreće Beau, prijateljicu svoje kćerke Antie, koja joj otkriva da se Antia udala i živi u Švicarskoj s mužem i troje djece. Nakon što 12 godina nije imala nikakvog kontakta s kćerkom, Julieta slomljenog srca otkazuje put u Portugal i seli se u svoju nekadašnju zgradu, u nadi da će Antia jednoga dana pokušati stupiti u kontakt s njom i poslati joj pismo. Julieta is a middle aged woman living in Madrid with her boyfriend Lorenzo. The two are about to move to Portugal when Julieta has a casual encounter with Bea, her daughter Antia's former best friend. Bea tells her that Antia is married with three children and has been living in Switzerland

26 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

with her family. Heartbroken after 12 years of not having any contact with her daughter, Julieta cancels the journey to Portugal and moves back to her old building in hope that one day Antia might communicate with her, at last by sending her a letter.

Kapetan Fantastični / Captain Fantastic

USA, 2016, Colour, 120 min. Režija / Director: Matt Ross Uloge / Cast: Viggo Mortensen, George Mackay, Samantha Isler, Annalise Basso, Nicholas Hamilton

Izolovan od društva duboko u šumama na zapadu Sjeverne Amerike, jedan je predani otac (Viggo Mortensen) posvetio život odgoju svoje šestoro mlade djece i cilju da od njih načini izvanredne odrasle osobe. Međutim, usljed tragičnih događanja porodica biva prisiljena napustiti raj koji su izgradili za sebe i uputiti se u svijet koji oca navodi da preispita svoje stavove o ulozi roditelja i dovodi u pitanje sve čemu je naučio svoju djecu. Deep in the forests of the Pacific Northwest, isolated from society, a devoted father (Viggo Mortensen) dedicates his life to transforming his six young children into extraordinary adults. But when a tragedy strikes the family, they are forced to leave this self-created paradise and begin a journey into the outside world that challenges his idea of what it means to be a parent and brings into question everything he's taught them.

Ljubav i prijateljstvo / Love & Friendship

Ireland, Netherlands, France, USA, United Kingdom, 2016, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Whit Stillman

Neslavno slavna Florence / Florence Foster Jenkins

Kapetan Fantastični / Captain Fantastic

Uloge / Cast: Kate Beckinsale, Chloë Sevigny, Xavier Samuel, Emma Greenwell, Tom Bennett, Stephen Fry

Lijepa mlada udovica Lejdi Susan Vernon odlazi na imanje rođaka svoga pokojnog muža kako bi se sklonila od živopisnih glasina o svojim flertovima koje se šire po visokom društvu. Tokom boravka na imanju odlučuje da pronađe novog muža i osigura budućnost svoje za udaju stasale, ali neodlučne kćeri Frederice. Beautiful young widow Lady Susan Vernon visits to the estate of her in-laws to wait out the colourful rumours about her dalliances circulating through polite society. Whilst ensconced there, she decides to secure a husband for herself and a future for her eligible but reluctant daughter, Frederica.

Neslavno slavna Florence / Florence Foster Jenkins

United Kingdom, 2016, Colour, 110 min. Režija / Director: Stephen Frears Uloge / Cast: Rebecca Ferguson, Meryl Streep, Hugh Grant, Simon Helberg, Neve Gachev, Nina Arianda

Istinita priča o nasljednici Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep), koja je sanjala da postane operna pjevačica unatoč lošem pjevačkom glasu. Jenkins je koristila svoje veze, moć i bogatstvo kako bi privukla pozornost kao pjevačica. Hugha Granta ćemo gledati kao njenog partnera i menadžera St. Clairea Bayfielda. U filmu ćemo, također, vidjeti i veliku TV zvijezdu serije Teorija velikog praska, Simona Helberga, koji će pratiti Florencine

Zavjera vjere / A Conspiracy of Faith


nastupe za klavirom. The true story of Florence Foster Jenkins (Meryl Streep), a New York heiress who dreamed of becoming an opera singer, despite having a terrible singing voice. Jenkins used her connections, power and wealth to get attention as a singer. Hugh Grant plays the role of her partner and manager St. Claire Bayfield. Simon Helberg, known by many from The Big Bang Theory, will be accompanying her on the piano during her performances.

place and to accompany his father Serge tour the ports of France, following the footsteps of painter Joseph Vernet . Despite the clash of generations and cultures, an unlikely friendship will develop between this promising rapper and bricklayer from northern France during a journey that will take them to Marseille for a final concert, that of reconciliation.

Tour de France / French Tour

Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway, 2016, Colour, 112 min. Režija / Director: Hans Petter Moland Uloge / Cast: Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Fares Fares, Pål Sverre Hagen

France, 2016, Colour, 95 min. Režija / Director: Rachid Djaïdani Uloge / Cast: Gérard Depardieu, Sadek, Louise Grinberg, Nicolas Marétheu, Mabô Kouyaté, Alain Pronnier

Far'Hook je mladi dvadesetogodišnji reper. Nakon jedne situacije poravnavanja računa, prisiljen je da napusti Pariz na neko vrijeme. Njegov producent, Bilal, zamoli ga da ga zamijeni te da bude pratilac njegovom ocu Sergeu na turneji obilaska svih luka Francuske, slijedeći korake slikara Josepha Verneta. Uprkos generacijskim i kulturološkim razlikama, razvija se neočekivano prijateljstvo između talentovanog repera i zidara sa sjevera Francuske tokom putovanja koje će ih odvesti u Marsej, na posljednji koncert - koncert pomirenja. Far'Hook is a young 20-year old rapper. Following a settlement account , he is obliged to leave Paris for a while. His producer, Bilal, asks him to take his

Zavjera vjere / A Conspiracy of Faith

Stara poruka u flaši, koja je nekada davno prevalila dug put preko okeana, pronađena je u Jutlandu. Tekst poruke teško je dešifrovati, ali, nakon što ona stigne do danskog istražitelja zaposlenog u odjelu Q, čudni zaposlenici odjela pronađu novi pristup njenom tumačenju i pokušavaju riješiti jedan stari i dijabolični slučaj uprkos činjenici da se trag koji prate ohladio. An old note is found in a bottle in Jutland which has traveled very long across the ocean a long time ago. The note is hard to decipher, but when the Danish investigator from Section Q receives it, the odd personalities within the section find a new angle on it and try to unveil yet another old and diabolic case even though the lead is cold.

Kafa sa… / Coffee with…

Upoznajte goste Open Air programa. Uživajte u Kafi sa... Vrijeme i mjesto: 11:00 - 12:00, Festivalski trg! Meet the guests of the Open Air Programme. Enjoy the "Coffee with..." programme. Time and venue: 11:00 to 12:00 at the Festival Square! ULAZ SLOBODAN / FREE ADMISSION uz festivalsku akreditaciju ili ulaznicu od prethodne noći / with the Festival accreditation or the film screening ticket Broj mjesta ograničen / Limited number of seats. SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Akvarijus / Aquarius

Baden Baden

KINOSCOPE Akvarijus / Aquarius

Brazil, France, 2016, Colour, 145 min. Režija / Director: Kleber Mendonca Filho Uloge / Cast: Sonia Braga, Maeve Jinkings, Irandhir Santos, Humberto Carrão, Zoraide Coleto, Fernando Teixeira, Buda Lira Clara, šezdesetpetogodišnja udovica i penzionisana muzička kritičarka, pripadnica je bogate i tradicionalne porodice iz Recifea u Brazilu. Posljednja je žiteljka Aquariusa, originalne dvospratne kuće izgrađene četrdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća u elitnoj, primorskoj aveniji Boa Viagem u Recifeu. Kompanija koja ima ambiciozne planove za taj dio grada već je otkupila sve okolne građevine, ali Clara je odlučna da do smrti ne napusti svoj dom. Zbog toga se s kompanijom upušta u neku vrstu hladnoga rata, u sukob koji je ujedno misteriozan, zastrašujući i iznimno napet. Clara, a sixty-five-year old widow and retired music critic, was born into a wealthy traditional family in Recife, Brazil. She is the last resident of the Aquarius, an original two-story building, built in the 1940s, in the upper-class, seaside Avenida Boa Viagem, Recife. All the neighboring apartments have already been acquired by a company which has other plans for that plot.

Selektori / Programmers: Mike Goodridge, Alessandro Raja, Mathilde Henrot

Clara has pledged to only leave her place upon her death, and will engage in a cold war of sorts with the company, a confrontation which is both mysterious, frightening and nerve-wrecking.

Baden Baden

Belgium, France, 2016, Colour, 96 min. Režija / Director: Rachel Lang Uloge / Cast: Salomé Richard, Claude Gensac, Lazare Gousseau Nakon neuspjelog pokušaja da nađe posao na filmskom setu u inostranstvu, dvadesetšestogodišnja Ana se vraća u Strazbur. Tokom vrelog ljeta koje provodi u svom rodnom gradu, Ana odlučuje da staru kadu svoje bake zamijeni tuš kabinom, jede grašak i mrkvu s kečapom, vozi Porsche, bere šljive, gubi vozačku dozvolu, spava sa svojim najboljim prijateljem i miri se s bivšim momkom. Ukratko, Ana provodi ljeto u pokušaju da sredi svoj život. After a failed attempt at working on a foreign film set, 26-year-old Ana returns to her hometown of Strasbourg. Over the scorching summer that follows, she decides to replace her grandmother's bathtub with a walk-in shower, eat peas and carrots with ketchup, drive a Porsche, harvest plums, lose her driver's license, sleep with her

Dok otvaram oči / As I Open My Eyes

28 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Evolucija / Evolution

best friend and get back together with her ex. In short, over this particular summer, Ana tries to get her life together.

Dok otvaram oči / As I Open My Eyes

France, Tunisia, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, 2015, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Leyla Bouzid Uloge / Cast: Baya Medhaffar, Ghalia Ben Ali, Montassar Ayari, Aymen Omrani, Lassaad Jamoussi Tunis, ljeto 2010., nekoliko mjeseci prije revolucije. Osamnaestogodišnja Farah je upravo diplomirala i članovi njene porodice već je vide kao buduću doktoricu. Ali Farah ima drugačije planove. Protivno volji svoje majke Hayet, Farah pjeva u društveno angažovanom bendu, voli život, napija se, otkriva ljubav i noćni život svoga grada. Tunisia, summer 2010, few months before the Revolution: Farah, an 18-years-old girl, has just graduated and her family already sees her as a future doctor. But she doesn't think the same way. She sings in a socially engagedl rock band. She has a passion for life, gets drunk, discovers love and her city by night against the will of her mother Hayet.

Majka / Mother

Evolucija / Evolution

France, Belgium, Spain, 2015, Colour, 81 min. Režija / Director: Lucile Hadžihalilović Uloge / Cast: Max Brebant, Roxane Duran, Julie-Marie Parmentier Nicolas je dječak koji živi u budućnosti, na zabačenom ostrvu na jednoj stranoj planeti - ili je možda sve to samo san? Kuće u njegovom selu su obojene u bijelo i nanizane iznad mora, duž vulkanskih stijena i obale sačinjene od crnog pijeska. U selu žive mlade žene i dječaci slične starosti kao Nicolas. Sve žene, uključujući i njegovu majku, blijede su, vežu kosu u rep i nose jednostavne, tanke bež haljine. Jednoga dana dok se kupa u okeanu, Nicolas otkriva nešto zanimljivo, ali njegova majka nezainteresovano odbacuje njegovo otkriće. Njena reakcija pobuđuje Nicolasovu radoznalost, navodi ga da pomisli da mu se laže i da počne istraživati svoje okruženje, svjedočeći nekim prilično uznemirujućim scenama. Nicolas is a boy living on a remote island set in the future, on another planet - or is it a dream? His village consists of white-painted houses located above the sea with a volcanic rock and black sand coastline, populated by young women and boys all of a similar age to Nicolas. Whilst swimming, Nicolas makes a discovery in the ocean, which is shrugged off by his mother, who, like all the women in the town has tied-back hair, is pale and wears a simple thin beige dress. Nicolas is curious,

Kamermanka / Cameraperson

Neonski bik / Neon Bull

thinks that he is being lied to and starts to explore his environment, witnessing some unsettling scenes...

Kamermanka / Cameraperson

USA, 2016, Colour, 102 min. Režija / Director: Kirsten Johnson Uloge / Cast: Kirsten Johnson Kakav je osjećaj snimati nekoga, šta to znači? Kako to utječe na onoga koga se snima, a kako na onoga koji snima? Razotkrivajući svoju ulogu iza kamere, Johnson se koristi dijelom bogate zbirke materijala koje je tokom proteklih decenija snimila širom svijeta. What does it mean to film another person? How does it affect that person - and what does it do to the one who films? Exposing her role behind the camera, Johnson reaches into the vast trove of footage she has shot over decades around the world.

Majka / Mother

Estonia, 2016, Colour, 89 min. Režija / Director: Kadri Kõusaar Uloge / Cast: Tiina Mälberg, Jaan Pehk, Andres Tabun, Andres Noormets, Rea Lest, Jaak Prints, Siim Maaten Ova crnohumorna krimi komedija, smještena u malom gradiću u Estoniji, prati Elsu, majku i njegovateljicu učitelja Laurija koji je pao u komu nakon što je pod sumnjivim okolnostima ranjen iz vatrenog oružja. Brižna, ali na ivici snage, Elsa

ugošćuje posjetioce koji dolaze da obiđu Laurija - njegove prijatelje, učenike, djevojku, šefa i sve druge koji nesvjesnom Lauriju prepričavaju događaje iz svojih života i na taj se način oslobađaju tereta. Ali, kako policijska istraga napada na Laurija napreduje, neke od njemu najbližih osoba postaju predmet sumnje. This darkly comic crime mystery set in small-town Estonia centers on Elsa, the mother and full time caretaker of Lauri, a teacher who has been in a coma since being shot under shadowy circumstances. Attentive in her duties but at the end of her tether, Elsa receives Lauri’s visitors— friends, students, his girlfriend, his boss, and others—who come to update the unconscious Lauri on their lives and unburden themselves of their troubles. But as the police inquiry into the crime progresses, some of his closest ties are called into question.

Nemir / The Fits

USA, 2015, Colour, 72 min. Režija / Director: Anna Rose Holmer Uloge / Cast: Royalty Hightower, Makyla Burnam, Da'Sean Minor, Alexis Neblett, Da’Sean Minor, Lauren Gibson, Inayah Rodgers, Antonio A.B. Grant Jr. Film NEMIR je psihološki portret jedanaestogodišnje Toni, dječački nestašne djevojčice koja se nastoji uklopiti u plesni tim u sjeverozapadnom predgrađu Cincinnatija, West End. Opčinjena snagom i samouvjerenošću ove

Nemir / The Fits SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Sve što dolazi / Things to Come

Ostani uspravan / Staying Vertical

Nevrijeme / Tempest

Pisma iz rata / Letters from War

grupe međusobno bliskih djevojčica, Toni spremno usvaja koreografije, uvježbava plesne pokrete, pa čak i buši uši kako bi se uklopila. Svjedočimo sreći s kojom Toni sklapa prva prijateljstva i otkriva čari plesa. Pa, ipak, Toni preispituje vlastiti identitet u svom novom društvenom okruženju. Kada članice tima počnu oboljevati od misteriozne bolesti onesvješćivanja, Tonina želja da se uklopi poprima čudan karakter. THE FITS is a psychological portrait of 11-year-old Toni—a tomboy assimilating to a tight-knit dance team in Cincinnati’s West End. Enamored by the power and confidence of this strong community of girls, Toni eagerly absorbs routines, masters drills, and even pierces her own ears to fit in. We witness the joy of her first friendships and her discovery of dance. Yet, she grapples with her individual identity amid her newly defined social sphere.When a mysterious outbreak of fainting spells plagues the team, Toni’s desire for acceptance is twisted.

vaqueiro koji bikove hrani, priprema za nastup i brine se o njima. On živi u kamionu kojim se životinje prevoze od jedne do druge rodeo arene. Zajedno s Iremarom žive rodeo jahač i njegov partner u areni Zé, egzotična plesačica i vozačica kamiona Galega i njen živahni, maloljetni sin Cacá. Oni funkcionišu kao netipična, ali međusobno veoma bliska porodica. Iremar works at the Vaquejadas, a rodeo in the north east of Brazil where two men on horseback try to bring down a bull by grabbing its tail. It’s dusty and back-breaking work, but Iremar is a natural ‘Vaqueiro’, feeding, prepping and taking care of the bulls. His home is a truck, used for the transport of the animals from show to show, which he shares with his co-workers; Galega, an exotic dancer, the truck driver and mother to the young and spirited Cacá, and Zé, his rotund compadre in the bullpen. Together they form a makeshift but close-knit family.

Neonski bik / Neon Bull

Chile, Argentina, France, Spain, 2016, Colour, 108 min. Režija / Director: Pablo Larraín Uloge / Cast: Gael García Bernal, Alfredo Castro, Antonia Zegers, Luis Gnecco, Alejandro Goic, Mercedes Morán, Pablo Derqui Godina je 1948. i Hladni rat je stigao do Čilea. Senator Pablo Neruda u kongresu optužuje vladu za izdaju Komunističke partije, a predsjednik Gonzalez Videla promptno pokreće postupak za njegov opoziv. Direktor policije Oscar Peluchonneau dobija zadatak da uhapsi pjesnika.

Brazil, Uruguay, Netherlands, 2015, Colour, 101 min. Režija / Director: Gabriel Mascaro Uloge / Cast: Juliano Cazarré, Maeve Jinkings, Aline Santana, Carlos Pessoa, Vinicius de Oliveira, Josinaldo Alves, Samya de Lavor Iremar radi kao rodeo jahač na sjeveroistoku Brazila. U brazilskoj inačici rodea, znanoj po imenu vaquejadas, cilj je da dva jahača ili vaqueira obore bika vukući ga za rep. Posao jahača je naporan i prljav, ali Iremar je rođeni


30 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

It’s 1948 and the Cold War has reached Chile. In congress, senator Pablo Neruda accuses the government of betraying the Communist Party and is swiftly impeached by President Gonzalez Videla. Police Prefect Oscar Peluchonneau is assigned to arrest the poet.

Nevrijeme / Tempest

Mexico, 2016, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Tatiana Huezo Uloge / Cast: Miriam Carbajal, Adela Alvarado Kroz jednu ličnu i emotivnu priču, ovaj film govori o parališućoj moći straha: straha kao bolesti koja osobu sprečava da zauzme stav o vlastitom životu i budućnosti svoje djece, koja podrezuje krila snovima i onemogućava lični razvoj. Through a subjective and emotional journey, this film conveys the paralysing power of fear: fear as a sickness that prevents you from taking a stand on your life, on the future of your children; which clouds your ability to dream and grow.

Ostani uspravan / Staying Vertical

France, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Alain Guiraudie Uloge / Cast: Damien Bonnard, India Hair, Raphaël Thierry, Christian Bouillette, Basile Meilleurat, Laure Calamy, Sébastien Novac Filmadžija Leo je u potrazi za vukom na jugu Francuske. Tokom jedne pretrage terena zavodi ga duhom slobodna i dinamična pastirica Marie.


U sjeni / Under the Shadow

Toni Erdmann

Stari kamen / Old Stone

Devet mjeseci kasnije ona rađa njihovo dijete. Ophrvana postporođajnom depresijom i bez vjere u Lea, koji dolazi i odlazi po volji, Marie napušta i Lea i dijete. Leo ostaje sam s bebom. Nije mu lako, ali u dubini duše on uživa. Kroz niz neočekivanih i neobičnih događaja, u potrazi za inspiracijom za sljedeći film, Leo čini sve što je potrebno da bi se održao na nogama. Filmmaker Leo is searching for the wolf in the south of France. During a scouting excursion he is seduced by Marie, a free-spirited and dynamic shepherdess. Nine months later she gives birth to their child. Suffering from post-natal depression and with no faith in Leo, who comes and goes without warning, Marie abandons both of them. Leo finds himself alone, with a baby to care for. It’s not easy, but deep down, he loves it. Through a series of unexpected and unusual encounters, struggling to find inspiration for his next film, Leo will do whatever it takes to stay standing.

Pisma iz rata / Letters from War

Portugal, 2016, Black & White, 105 min. Režija / Director: Ivo M. Ferreira Uloge / Cast: Miguel Nunes, Margarida Vila-Nova, Ricardo Pereira, João Pedro Vaz, João Pedro Mamede, Simão Cayatte, Francisco Hestnes, Tiago Aldeia, Orlando Sérgio, Isac Graça „Ovaj nas rat sve pretvara u insekte koji se bore da prežive“, mladi vojni doktor António piše svojoj trudnoj ženi u Portugal 1971. António je raspoređen u Angolu kako bi učestvovao u

Portugalskom kolonijalnom ratu. Njegova su pisma puna bola, ali i nježnosti. Ispunjena su dubokom čežnjom za voljenom ženom i njihovim nerođenim djetetom. Istovremeno, u redovnim pismima kući António opisuje svoj svakodnevni život u tuđini. "This war turns us all into insects struggling for survival" writes young military doctor António to his pregnant wife in Portugal in 1971. He has been posted to Angola to serve in the Portuguese Colonial War. His words are full of pain but also tenderness, filled with a deep longing for his beloved wife and their unborn child. At the same time, António’s regular letters provide a picture of his daily life in these foreign parts.

Stari kamen / Old Stone

China, Canada, 2016, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Johnny Ma Uloge / Cast: Chen Gang , Nai An, Wang Hongwei, Zhang Zebin, Luo Xue'er Nakon što je učestvovao u saobraćajnoj nesreći, zbog koje je jedan čovjek završio u komi, taksista iz maloga grada mora snositi ogromne bolničke troškove povrijeđenog. Finansijski teret mu je do te mjere nepodnošljiv da počinje razmišljati o ubistvu kao o mogućem izlazu iz problema. After a car accident that puts a man into a coma, a small-town taxi driver becomes overburdened with paying the injured man’s hospital costs to the point of considering murder as a possible way out.

Sve što dolazi / Things to Come

France, Germany, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Mia Hansen-Løve Uloge / Cast: Isabelle Huppert, André Marcon, Roman Kolinka, Edith Scob, Sarah Le Picard Nathalie radi kao profesorica filozofije u jednoj srednjoj školi u Parizu. Strastveno voli svoj posao, a naročito činjenicu da učenike ohrabruje da otkriju čari razmišljanja. Udata je i ima dvoje djece, te svoje vrijeme posvećuje porodici, bivšim učenicima i veoma posesivnoj majci. Jednoga dana, muž joj saopštava da je ostavlja zbog druge žene. Prisilno slobodna, Nathalie mora preurediti svoj život. Nathalie teaches philosophy at a high school in Paris. She is passionate about her job and particularly enjoys passing on the pleasure of thinking. Married with two children, she divides her time between her family, former students and her very possessive mother. One day, Nathalie’s husband announces he is leaving her for another woman. With freedom thrust upon her, Nathalie must reinvent her life.

Toni Erdmann

Germany, Austria, 2016, Colour, 162 min. Režija / Director: Maren Ade Uloge / Cast: Peter Simonischek, Sandra Hüller, Michael Wittenborn Šaljivdžija Winfried se prerušava u živopisnog Tonija Erdmanna kako bi privukao pažnju svoje poslom preokupirane - kćeri Ines i naveo je da promijeni životni stil. Igra nadmudrivanja

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između oca i kćeri poprima apsurdne proporcije do trenutka kada Ines počinje da shvata da njen ekscentrični otac zaslužuje mjesto u njenom životu. Prankster Winfried disguises himself as flashy Toni Erdmann to get busy Ines’ attention and change her corporate lifestyle. The father-daughter challenge reaches absurd proportions until Ines begins to see that her eccentric father deserves a place in her life…


Denmark, Sweden, 2016, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Ali Abbasi Uloge / Cast: Ellen Dorrit Petersen, Cosmina Stratan, Peter Christoffersen, Björn Andrésen, Marianne Mortensen, Kenneth M. Christensen, Patricia Schumann, Marlon Kindberg Bach Mlada Rumunka Elena dolazi u provinciju u

Danskoj kako bi radila kao kućna pomoćnica za rekonvalescentkinju Louise i njenog supruga Kaspera. Boravak duboko u šumi, daleko od užurbanog modernog života, izuzetno je neprijatan. Tiha i turobna kuća, u kojoj - prema Louiseinoj želji - nema struje, samo pojačava osjećaj nelagode. Elena se, međutim, relativno brzo prilagođava svojoj novoj svakodnevici kućanskih poslova, hranjenju kokoši i brizi o krhkoj Louise. Young Romanian woman Elena arrives in the Danish countryside to work as a housekeeper for a recovering Louise and her husband Kasper. It’s an eerie feeling, being deep in a dense forest, far away from modern life. Especially since the isolated house is still and somber without electricity, according to Louise’s wishes. Elena adjusts quickly to her new routine of household chores, tending to chickens and helping fragile Louise.

32 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

U sjeni / Under the Shadow

United Kingdom, Jordan, Qatar, 2016, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Babak Anvari Uloge / Cast: Narges Rashidi, Avin Manshadi, Bobby Naderi, Ray Haratian, Hamidreza Djavdan Teheran, 1988: iransko-irački rat ulazi u osmu godinu. Bombardovanja gradova i krvava revolucija unutar zemlje polako razdvajaju majku i kćer. Dok se, okružene terorom, bore da ostanu zajedno, kroz njihov se stan šunja misteriozna zla sila koja prijeti da im oduzme osjećaj za realnost. Tehran, 1988: the Iran-Iraq war rumbles into its eighth year. The bombing campaigns focused on the city, coupled with the country’s bloody revolution, slowly tear a mother and daughter apart. As they struggle to stay together in the midst of these modern terrors, a mysterious evil stalks through their apartment, threatening their grip on reality.



SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba



Selektorica / Programmer: Vanja Kaluđerčić

Adaptacija / Adaptation

Dokumentarni film / A Documentary Film

Čovjek, vraćen / A Man Returned

EUROPEAN SHORTS Adaptacija / Adaptation

Poland, 2016, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Bartosz Kruhlik Uloge / Cast: Michał Włodarczyk, Małgorzata Witkowska

adaptacija: 1. Strukturalna ili funkcionalna evolucija organizma sa ciljem povećanja šansi za preživljavanje. 2. Proces u kojem se jedinka prilagođava okruženju i postaje otpornija na vanjske pritiske. 3. Sposobnost očiju da se prilagode za gledanje u mraku. adaptation: 1. Structural or functional evolution of an organism towards higher survivability. 2. Process of an individual becoming better suited to environment and more resistant to outer stress. 3. The ability of eyesight to adjust to seeing in the dark.

Allô chérie

Lebanon, France, 2015, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: Danielle Arbid

''Žena vozi auto po Bejrutu i priča na telefon. Zove banku. Zove ljude koji joj duguju novac. Zove ljude koji daju i ljude koji uzimaju pozajmice. Ta žena je moja majka.” ''A woman drives around Beyrouth and talks on the phone.She is calling a bank. She is calling those who owe her money. She is calling those who lend and those who borrow. She's my mother.''

Čovjek, vraćen / A Man Returned United Kingdom, Denmark, Netherlands, 2015, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Mahdi Fleifel

Allô chérie

Reda ima 26 godina. Njegov san o bijegu iz palestinskog izbjegličkog kampa Ain El-Helweh okončao se neuspjehom nakon što je tri godine bio zaglavljen u Grčkoj. Reda is 26 years old. His dreams of escaping the Palestinian refugee camp of Ain El-Helweh ended in failure after three years trapped in Greece.

Dokumentarni film / A Documentary Film Poland, 2015, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Marcin Podolec

Film je portret oca čija odrasla djeca žive svoje živote daleko od njega. Reditelj prati njegovu dnevnu rutinu na bazenu, na poslu i kod kuće, ali prvenstveno istražuje njegove emocije. Portrait of a father, whose adult children live their own lives far away from him. Director follows his daily routine at the swimming pool, at work, at home and, above all, he explores his emotions.

Elegancija / Elegance

Finland, 2015, Colour, 26 min. Režija / Director: Virpi Suutari Uloge / Cast: Jorma Ollila, Heikki A. Reenpää, Antti Herlin

ELEGANCIJA dokumentira stil i eleganciju poljske jarebice i lova na selu prateći grupu otmjenih finskih lovaca, redom muškaraca iz najvišeg društvenog sloja u Finskoj, kojima je lov zajednička strast i stil života. ELEGANCE documents the style and elegance in

Pravda za rakete / In Defense of the Rocket

34 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

grey partridge and pheasant hunting through a group of Finnish gentlemen hunters, all men from the top of Finnish society for whom hunting is a shared passion and lifestyle.

Kafa se mora piti opasno vruća / Coffee has to be drunk swearing hot

Italy, France, 2016, Colour, 28 min. Režija / Director: Luigi Brandi

U pustom kalabrijskom selu Cauloniji, dvoje djece smišlja načine da se prilagode životu kroz igre kojih se igraju. Dokumentarna priča na granici između stvarnosti i fikcije. In the deserted Calabrian village of Caulonia, two children invent ways of getting by in life thanks to their games. A documentary tale between reality and fiction.

Ljeto / Summer

France, Belgium, 2016, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Ronny Trocker Uloge / Cast: Umaru Jibirin

Na suncem okupanoj mediteranskoj plaži vrijeme kao da je stalo. Potpuno iznemogao crni muškarac bolno puže po pijesku, a turisti oko njega kao da ga ne primjećuju. On a sunny Mediterranean beach, time seems to be frozen. An utterly exhausted black man crawls painfully off the sand while around him the holiday-makers seem not to notice him.

Elegancija / Elegance

Ljeto / Summer

Uvoz / Import

Kafa se mora piti opasno vruća / Coffee has to be drunk swearing hot

Grižnja savjesti, vjerovatno / The Guilt, Probably

Pravda za rakete / In Defense of the Rocket

in photos, set to the sounds of Beethoven's 7th Symphony.

United Kingdom, 2015, Colour and b&w, 6 min. Režija / Director: Martin Ginestie

Uvoz / Import

Usponi i padovi bliskoistočnog mirovnog procesa prikazani kroz seriju fotografija praćenu zvucima Betovenove Sedme simfonije. The rise and fall of the Middle East peace process

Mlada bosanska izbjeglička porodica završava u

Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Ena Sendijarević Uloge / Cast: Alena Džebo, Aya Crnić, Esma Hrusto, Mario Knezović

malom selu u Holandiji nakon što su 1994. dobili boravišnu dozvolu. Dok se pokušavaju prilagoditi svijetu u kojem su se zatekli i učiniti ga svojim novim domom, upadaju u niz apsurdnih situacija. A young Bosnian refugee family ends up in a small village in the Netherlands after getting a residence permit in 1994. Absurd situations arise as they are trying to make this new world their home.


Israel, 2015, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Or Sinai Uloge / Cast: Evgenia Dodina, Mickey Leon, Alon Dahan

Vreo je ljetni dan, a krojačica Anna ga provodi sama nakon što se po prvi put, poslije više godina, razdvojila od svoga sina. Anna provodi slobodnu noć, lutajući ulicama svog malog napuštenog grada, u potrazi za muškarcem koji bi je mogao dotaći makar samo na jedan kratak trenutak. It's a hot summer's day, and for the first time in years Anna, the sewing workshop worker, unexpectedly finds herself alone, without her son. She sets out for a free night, roaming the streets of her small desert town, looking for a man who can touch her, even just for one brief moment.

Grižnja savjesti, vjerovatno / The Guilt, Probably Venezuela, 2016, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Michael Labarca


Uloge / Cast: Vanessa Morr, Sara De La Osa, Abilio Torres

Duboka je noć u gradu u kojem je nestalo struje. Samohranu majku posjećuje Cándido – njen bivši momak i posljednja neuspjela zamjena za oca njene male kćeri. Vraća se jer ih želi zaštititi od opasnosti koje donosi mrak. The dead of night and a blackout in the city. A single mother is visited by Cándido, her former partner and her most recent failure as a father figure for her little daughter. He returns as he wants to protect them in the dark.

U brdima / In the Hills

United Kingdom, Iran, 2016, Colour, 21 min. Režija / Director: Hamid Ahmadi Uloge / Cast: Shahram Navard, Timothy James, Charlie Coletta, Tim Jennings, Claire Rammelkamp

Priča o mladom imigrantu koji živi u idiličnom seoskom predjelu u Cotswoldu u Engleskoj i izabrao je prilično radikalan način uklapanja u novu sredinu.

Zvuk lizanja / The Noise of Licking

Story of young immigrant who lives in the idyllic countryside of the Cotswolds in England. To integrate into the new society, he chooses a rather radical approach.

Zvuk lizanja / The Noise of Licking Hungary, 2016, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Nadja Andrasev

Svakoga dana, dok njeguje svoje egzotične biljke, jednu ženu posmatra komšijska mačka. Njihov perverzni ritual okončava kada mačka jednoga dana nestane. Narednog proljeća ženu posjećuje neobičan muškarac. A woman is being watched every day by the neighbor's cat, as she takes care of her exotic plants. Their perverted ritual comes to an end when the cat disappears. Next spring a peculiar man pays her a visit.

U brdima / In the Hills SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba



Igra malog tigra / Playing the Tiger

Indonezija / Indonesiaa

Piknik / Picnic

Zvjerka / The Beast

Minjonja njanjonja / Boo-boo Boo hoo hoo

ZAGREB FILM FESTIVAL – Najbolje od kockica / Best of Checkers Belladonna

Croatia, 2015, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Dubravka Turić Uloge / Cast: Aleksandra Naumov, Nada Đurevska, Lana Barić

Tri žene različite životne dobi susreću se u oftalmološkoj čekaonici. Saznanje o tragediji, koju je jedna od njih doživjela, neočekivano ukida njihove različitosti i na trenutak ih povezuje. Three different women of different ages meet in an ophthalmologist’s waiting room. The knowledge about a tragedy that has befallen one of them unexpectedly unites the three women and erases all their differences.

Igra malog tigra / Playing the Tiger Croatia, 2015, Colour, 23 min. Režija / Director: Jasna Nanut Uloge / Cast: Krešimir Mikić, Ana Stunić

Zagreb, danas. Boška dolazi kod Tome kući po prvi put. On im skuha večeru, potom gledaju film. Testirajući njegovo strpljenje, Boška pokušava otkriti je li Tomo onaj ''pravi' ili još jedan ''pogrešni''.

Boška visits Tomo at his home for the first time. He cooks a dinner, then they watch a movie. As the evening progresses, Boška tests Tomo’s patience, trying to find out whether he is Mr Right, or yet another Mr Wrong.

Indonezija / Indonesia

Croatia, 2015, Colour, 22 min. Režija / Director: Daria Blažević Uloge / Cast: Marta Bolfan Ugljen, Davor Kovač

Matija je zaposlena majka kojoj je provaljeno u automobil. Susretljivi policajac, koji je obavio očevid, jednog dana svrati nepozvan na kafu. Matija is a working mother whose car had been broken into. Some time later, a helpful policeman who had investigated the break-in drops by her place for a cup of coffee without invitation.

Piknik / Picnic

Croatia, 2015, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Jure Pavlović Uloge / Cast: Emir Mušić, Aleksandar Seksan

Petnaestogodišnji Emir u društvu socijalnog radnika putuje na Igman kako bi proveo vikend sa svojim ocem Safetom koji tamo služi kaznu u zatvoru poluotvorenog tipa. Zbog saobraćajne gužve kasne... Fifteen-year-old Emir, accompanied by a social worker, is on his way to meet his father Safet for a weekend picnic in Igman, a semi-open penitentiary. Due to the heavy traffic they are late...

Zvjerka / The Beast

Croatia, Finland, 2015, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Daina O. Pusić Uloge / Cast: Marija Kohn, Doris Šarić-Kukuljica

Stogodišnja Nada i njena sedamdesetpetogodišnja kćerka Vera imaju vrlo napet, ali blizak odnos, u kojem se djetinjasta Vera brine za svoju nijemu i nemoćnu, iako često okrutnu, majku. A 100-year old woman called Nada and her 75-year old daughter Vera have a tense yet close relationship. The childlike Vera takes care of her frail, mute though at times cruel, mother.


Kao i svakom normalnom trinaestogodišnjaku, Antunu mlađi brat veoma ide na živce. Antun is no different than other 13-year-olds. His little brother is getting on his nerves.

Croatia, 2016, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Igor Jelinović Uloge / Cast: Lidija Penić-Grgaš, Mia Gudelj

Lula i Cica najbolje su prijateljice iz osmog be. Sklad koji vlada u njihovom dječjem svijetu naruši se kada se pripite sudare sa svijetom odraslih. Lula and Cica are best friends in the eighth B class. The harmony of their childish world is shaken when, drunken, they collide the adult world.

Minjonja njanjonja / Boo-boo Boo hoo hoo

Croatia, 2015, Colour, 11 min. Režija / Director: Josip Lukić Uloge / Cast: Marko Nazlić. Andrija Nazlić, Nola Milaković



Croatia, 2015, Colour and b&w, 13 min. Režija / Director: Veljko Popović Uloge / Cast: Ben Colchecster, Christian Galea

Planemo je samotni lutalica, čuvar galaksije. To je napušteni svijet, nebesko tijelo izbačeno iz vlastita solarnog sustava uslijed kaotičnih planetarnih migracija. Planemo is a lone wanderer, guardian of the galaxy. It is a deserted world, a celestial body ejected out of its own solar system due to chaotic planetary migrations.

Rijedak zrak / Thin Air

36 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Rijedak zrak / Thin Air

Croatia, 2016, Colour, 30 min. Režija / Director: Šimun Šitum Uloge / Cast: Šimun Šitum, Nikola Sekulo, Monika Vuco

Leo sutra putuje u Duisburg na privremeni rad kao kuhar. Posao mu je namjestio Čarli koji živi u Njemačkoj. Leo ne podnosi Čarlija, ali pristaje na posao jer želi otvoriti restoran u Splitu od zarađenog novca. Tomorrow, Leo travels to Duisburg to start a temporary job as a cook. He has got the job thanks to Čarli who lives in Germany. Leo cannot stand Čarli, but he took the job because he wants to use the money he earns to open a restaurant in Split.

Lula & Bručke / Lula & The Pubic Hairs

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Crvena kornjača / The Red Turtle

Izbjeglički bluz / Refugee Blues

Gimme Danger - Iggy Pop & The Stooges / Gimme Danger

Muzika stranaca: Yo-Yo Ma i Silk Road ansambl / The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble

SUMMER SCREEN Crvena kornjača / The Red Turtle

the camp's harsh reality of frequent clashes with the French riot police with its inhabitants' longing for a better future.

Ovaj film bez dijaloga prati prelomne faze u životu jednog pustinjaka na napuštenom tropskom ostrvu na kojem, osim njega, žive još samo kornjače, rakovi i ptice. The dialogue-less film follows the major life stages of a castaway on a deserted tropical island populated by turtles, crabs and birds.

Emerging from Ann Arbor Michigan amidst a countercultural revolution, The Stooges powerful and aggressive style of rock-n-roll blew a crater in the musical landscape of the late 1960s. Assaulting audiences with a blend of rock, blues, R&B, and free jazz, the band planted the seeds for what would be called punk and alternative rock in the decades that followed. Jim Jarmusch’s new film GIMME DANGER chronicles the story of The Stooges, one of the greatest rock-n-roll bands of all time.

Gimme Danger - Iggy Pop & The Stooges / Gimme Danger

Izbjeglički bluz / Refugee Blues

Nastali u gradu Ann Arbor u Mičigenu u doba kontrakulturne revolucije, The Stooges su svojim snažnim i agresivnim rock-n-roll izrazom prokrčili put kroz muzičku scenu kasnih šezedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća. Napadajući publiku mješavinom roka, bluza, R&B-a i slobodnog džeza, oni su posijali sjeme muzičkog izraza koji će u kasnijim decenijama postati poznat pod imenima punk i alternativni rock. Novi film Jima Jarmuscha, GIMME DANGER, prati priču The Stoogesa, jednog od najboljih rock-n-roll bendova svih vremena.

Praćen stihovima istoimene poeme W. H. Audena iz 1939., IZBJEGLIČKI BLUZ prati jedan dan u životu stanovnika izbjegličkog kampa u Calaisu poznatog po imenu džungla. Film oslikava znatno intimniji portret kampa od onog prikazanog u masovnim medijima, suprotstavljajući tešku realnost izbjeglica, koje se često sukobljavaju s francuskom specijalnom policijom, s njihovom čežnjom za boljom budućnošću. Set to the verses of W.H. Auden's 1939 poem, REFUGEE BLUES charts a day in 'the jungle', the refugee camp outside Calais. More intimate and unlike much of what has been seen in the mass media, this documentary poem counterpoints

Imenovan po staroj trgovinskoj ruti koja je povezivala Aziju, Afriku i Evropu, muzički ansambl Put Svile - sačinjen od preko 50 umjetnika iz raznih krajeva svijeta koje je okupio proslavljeni čelist Yo-Yo Ma - dokaz je da muzika ima moć da izbriše granice među narodima, pomiješa različite kulture i probudi nadu kako muzičara tako i njihove publike. Film prati različite postavke pjevača, svirača, kompozitora, aranžera muzike, vizuelnih umjetnika i naratora od kojih su svi članovi ansambla na okupljanjima na različitim mjestima širom svijeta koje organizuju kako bi promišljali na koji način umjetnost može pomoći očuvanju lokalnih tradicija, a da istovremeno oblikuje kulturnu evoluciju. Named for the ancient trade route linking Asia, Africa and Europe, The Silk Road Ensemble, an

France, Japan, Belgium, 2016, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Michael Dudok de Wit

USA, 2016, Colour, 108 min. Režija / Director: Jim Jarmusch Uloge / Cast: Iggy Pop, Ron Asheton, Danny Fields, James Williamson, Scott Asheton, Kathy Asheton

United Kingdom, France, 2016, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Stephan Bookas, Tristan Daws

38 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Muzika stranaca: Yo-Yo Ma i Silk Road ansambl / The Music of Strangers: Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble USA, 2015, Colour, 95 min, Režija / Director: Morgan Neville Uloge / Cast: Yo-Yo Ma, Kinan Azmeh, Keyhan Kalhor, Cristina Pato, Members of Silk Road Ensemble

Opsada / The Siege

Sve besane noći / All These Sleepless Nights


international collective created by acclaimed cellist Yo-Yo Ma, exemplifies music’s ability to blur geographical boundaries, blend disparate cultures and inspire hope for both artists and audiences. The film follows an ever-changing lineup of performers drawn from the ensemble’s more than 50 instrumentalists, vocalists, composers, arrangers, visual artists and storytellers as they gather in locations across the world, exploring the ways art can both preserve traditions and shape cultural evolution.

Opsada / The Siege

Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, 2016, Colour and b&w, 90 min. Režija / Director: Rémy Ourdan, Patrick Chauvel

Na kraju dvadesetog vijeka Sarajevo je pretrpilo najdužu opsadu u modernoj istoriji. OPSADA je film o ljudima koji su preživjeli to iskustvo, o ličnom iskustvu opkoljenih. Kroz priču o Sarajevu, film govori o opkoljenim gradovima uopšte, o borbi i otporu. To je univerzalna priča o užasnim izazovima sa kojima se civilizacija suočava u svojoj borbi za opstanak. Sarajevo se oduprijelo i preživjelo. THE SIEGE je priča o strmoglavom putu u rat. At the end of twentieth century, Sarajevo lived through the longest siege in modern history. The Siege is a film about those who lived through it, about the human experience of the besieged. Through Sarajevo to beyond Sarajevo, it is the story of a surrounded city, of a battle and resistance. It is also the universal story of civilization facing a terrible challenge to its existence, of a struggle for its survival. Sarajevo

Ulica Sing / Sing Street

resisted and survived. The Siege describes a vertiginous descent into war.


Germany, Switzerland, Iran, 2015, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Rokhsareh Ghaem Maghami

Sonita je osamnaestogodišnja ilegalna imigrantica iz Afganistana koja život provodi u siromašnim predgrađima Teherana. Ona je odlučna mlada umjetnica, pjevačica i muzičarka koja se s puno duha bori za pravo da živi kako želi uprkos preprekama na koje nailazi u Iranu i onima koje joj postavlja njena patrijarhalna, konzervativna porodica. Njeni životni planovi su radikalno drugačiji od onih koje za nju kuje njena porodica, a naročito njena majka. Naime, njihov je plan da je udaju u porodicu koja će biti spremna platiti za nevjestu. Trenutna cijena žene na tržištu nevjesti je 9.000 američkih dolara. Sonita is an 18‐year‐old female, an Afghan illegal immigrant living in the poor suburbs of Tehran. She is a feisty, spirited, young woman who fights to live the way she wants, as an artist, singer, and musician in spite of all the obstacles she confronts in Iran and her conservative patriarchal family. In harsh contrast to her goal is the plan of her family – strongly pursued by her mother – to make her a bride and sell her to a new family. The current price is approximately US$ 9.000.

Sve besane noći / All These Sleepless Nights

Poland, United Kingdom, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Michal Marczak

Uloge / Cast: Krzysztof Baginski, Michal Huszcza, Eva Lebuef

Varšava stoji na rubu događanja i s nelagodom posmatra nastupajuće novo doba. Christopher i Michal, prijatelji iz umjetničke škole, na rubu su odrastanja i nemirno lutaju ulicama svoga grada odnoseći se prema životu kao prema nizu prelijepih trenutaka. Nikada nisu zadovoljni odgovorima, jedan drugog guraju ka novim prelomnim iskustvima, ispitujući kakav je osjećaj biti zaista budan u svijetu koji kao da stalno zadovoljno spava. A new era is coming, and Warsaw stands uncomfortably at its edge. Art school classmates Christopher and Michal, on the precipice of their own coming of age, restlessly roam their city's streets in search of living forever inside the beautiful moment. Never content with answers, they push each experience to its breaking point, testing what it might mean to be truly awake in a world that seems satisfied with being asleep.

Ulica Sing / Sing Street

Ireland, United Kingdom, USA, 2016, Colour, 106 min. Režija / Director: John Carney Uloge / Cast: Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Aidan Gillen, Maria Doyle Kennedy

ULICA SING nas vodi u Dablin osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća viđen očima Conora, četrnaestogodišnjaka koji traži izlaz iz porodične atmosfere obilježene napetim odnosom njegovih roditelja i finansijskim problemima. Istovremeno, trudi se uklopiti u novu gradsku školu u kojoj su djeca gruba, a nastavnici još grublji. Tračak nade mu nudi misteriozna, super

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Zaboravi pitanja: Frank Zappa izbliza / Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words

sjajna Raphina. U pokušaju da osvoji njeno srce, Conor joj nudi da bude zvijezda muzičkih spotova njegovog benda. SING STREET takes us back to 1980s Dublin seen through the eyes of a 14-year-old boy named Conor who is looking for a break from a home strained by his parents' relationship and money troubles, while trying to adjust to his new innercity public school where the kids are rough and the teachers are rougher. He finds a glimmer of hope in the mysterious, über-cool and beautiful Raphina, and with the aim of winning her heart he invites her to star in his band's music videos.

Zaboravi pitanja: Frank Zappa izbliza / Eat That Question: Frank Zappa in His Own Words France, Germany, 2016, Colour and b&w, 90 min.

Režija / Director: Thorsten Schütte Uloge / Cast: Frank Zappa, Steve Allen, Gail Zappa, Ahmet Zappa, Mike Douglas, Jimmy Carl Black, Ringo Starr

Više je nego adekvatno da su jedna kometa i jedan mekušac imenovani po Franku Zappi. Proslavljeni američki muzičar, kompozitor i mislilac, autor je satiričnih, operetskih muzičkih numera koje kao da su dolazile s druge planete. Film Thorstena Schüttea odlično je montirana i energična posveta Franku Zappi koja prati njegov javni imidž i njegove promjenjive odnose sa štovaocima. Koristeći se potentnim TV intervjuima i mnogim zaboravljenim snimcima Zappinih nastupa načinjenim tokom njegove trideset godina duge karijere, film nas uranja u njegov svijet i omogućava nam da iskusimo dvije različite strane njegovog složenog karaktera.

40 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

It is only fitting that a comet and a mollusk are named in Frank Zappa’s honor. The famed American musician, composer, and thinker created satirical, operatic interpretations of music that seemed to originate from another world. Thorsten Schütte’s film is a sharply edited and energetic celebration of Zappa through his public persona, allowing us to witness his shifting relationship with audiences. Utilizing potent TV interviews and many forgotten performances from his 30-year career, we are immersed into the musician’s world while experiencing two distinct facets of his complex character.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


POSVEĆENO / Tribute to Amat Escalante

Amat Escalante


introduce her to the world of prostitution. Determined to escape this ring of corruption, Ana jumps out the window of the second floor room where she was being held captive and manages toescape.

Estela je dvanaestogodišnja djevojčica koja se ludo zaljubila u mladog policijskog pitomca koji želi pobjeći s njom kako bi se vjenčali. Dok ona pokušava ostvariti svoj san, njena porodica se suočava s nasiljem koje uništava ovu regiju. Estela is a 12-year-old girl who has just fallen crazy in love with a young police cadet who wants to run away with her and get married. Trying to achieve this dream, her family will have to live the violence that is devastating the region.


Mexico, France, Germany, Netherlands, 2013, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Amat Escalante Uloge / Cast: Armando Espitia, Linda Gonzalez, Juan Eduardo Palacios, Andrea Vergara

Kratka hronika o snimanju filma SANGRE / Brief Chronicle of the Filming of SANGRE

Mexico, 2006, Colour, 9 min. Režija / Director: Martín Escalante, Kenny Johnston Uloge / Cast: Cirilo Recio, Amat Escalante, Cirilo Recio, Paola Herrera, Daniela Schneider, Martín Escalante, Claudia Orozco Ruvalcaba, Alex T. Fenton, Kenny Johnston, Oscar Escalante, Raul Locatelli, Mildred Escalante, Pedro Aguilera, Nohemi Gonzalez, and Toño

Film o snimanju filma SANGRE reditelja Amata Escalantea. Cirilo Recio, koji je odigrao glavnu ulogu u filmu SANGRE, govori o svojim iskustvima tokom snimanja tog filma. The filming of SANGRE by director Amat Escalante, in which Cirilo Recio, lead actor of the film, recounts his experiences during the shoot.

Los bastardos

Mexico, France, USA, 2008, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Amat Escalante Uloge / Cast: Jesus Moises Rodriguez, Rubén Sosa, Nina Zavarin, Kenny Johnston

Emotivno nestabilan muškarac za ubistvo svoje žene angažuje dvojicu mladih Meksikanaca koji ilegalno borave i rade u jednom velikom američkom gradu. Dok promišljaju njegov bezobzirni zahtjev, mladi Meksikanci odluku o tome šta učiniti moraju donijeti prvenstveno se rukovodeći željom za opstankom, a tek onda svojim moralnim principima. Two young illegal Mexican workers in a big city in the U.S. are hired by a distressed man to murder his wife. As they struggle with this malevolent request, they must come to their decision guided first by their very survival, and then by their morals.

Robinja / Slave

Mexico, 2014, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Amat Escalante Uloge / Cast: Natalia Guzmán, Donovan Torres

Dok Ana, četrnaestogodišnjakinja, priča svoju priču, shvatamo kako je bila lako zavedena od strane Sama, te kako su on i njegova majka uspjeli da je prevare i uvedu u svijet prostitucije. Odlučna da izađe iz tog prstena korupcije, Ana skoči kroz prozor njene sobe na drugom spratu, gdje je bila zarobljena, i uspijeva da pobjegne. As Ana, only 14 years old, tells her story, we can see how she was easily seduced by Sam, and how he and his mother manage to deceive her and

42 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Mexico, France, 2005, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Amat Escalante Uloge / Cast: Cirilo Recio Dávila, Laura Saldaña Quintero, Kenny Johnston, Claudia Orozco

Nakon posla, Diego i Blanca leže na kauču i gledaju sapunice ili vode ljubav na kuhinjskom stolu. Kada Karina, Diegova kćer iz prošlog braka, dolazi njemu u potrazi za domom, Diego se odjednom nalazi na razmeđu između ljubomorne supruge i kćerke koja očajnički treba pomoć. After work, Diego and Blanca lie down on the couch and watch „telenovelas“ or make love on the kitchen table. When Karina, Diego's daughter from a previous marriage, comes to him in search of acceptance, Diego finds himself caught between a jealous wife and a daughter in desperate need of help.

Amat Escalante je rođen 1979. godine. Samouki je režiser iz Guanajuata u Meksiku. Počeo je raditi na filmu kada je imao petnaest godina. Nakon što je snimio dva kratka filma, napisao je, snimio i režirao svoj prvi dugometražni film, SANGRE, koji je 2005. premijerno prikazan u okviru zvanične selekcije programa Un Certain Regard u Cannesu. Njegov drugi igrani film, LOS BASTARDOS, je 2008. također premijerno prikazan u okviru iste selekcije, gdje je osvojio FIPRESCI, nagradu međunarodnih kritičara. HELI, njegov treći igrani film, premijerno je prikazan u okviru Takmičarskog programa na Filmskom festivalu u Cannesu, a Amat Escalante je dobio Zlatnu palmu za najbolju režiju. Amat Escalante was born in 1979. He is a self-taught filmmaker from the city of Guanajuato (Mexico); he began to work in cinema at the age of 15. After making two short films, he wrote, shot and directed his first film, SANGRE, which premiered at Un Certain Regard Official Selection at Cannes 2005. His second feature film LOS BASTARDOS also premiered at Un Certain Regard Official Selection at Cannes 2008, and it was awarded with the FIPRESCI Prize from the International Critics. HELI, his third feature film premiered at the Official Competition at the Cannes Film Festival, and Escalante was awarded the Palme d’Or for the Best Director. FILMOGRAFIJA / FILMOGRAPHY: 2016 - THE UNTAMED 2014 - ESCLAVA (kratki film / short film) 2013 - HELI 2010 - REVOLUCION (segment EL CURA NICOLAS COLGADO) 2008 - LOS BASTARDOS 2005 - SANGRE 2002 - AMARRADOS (kratki film / short film


Kratka hronika o snimanju filma SANGRE / Brief Chronicle of the Filming of SANGRE

Los bastardos

Robinja / Slave

Heli SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba



Dedo: Mehmet u žutim čizmama / Dede: Mehmet With the Yellow Boots


Gospođica Nemoguća / Miss Impossible

Moj život kao Tikvica / My Life as a Zucchini

Moj prijatelj Raffi / My Friend Raffi

DJEČIJI PROGRAM Children's Programme Banana

Italy, 2015, Colour, 83 min. Režija / Director: Andrea Jublin Uloge / Cast: Marco Todisco, Beatrice Modica

Ovo je priča o naivnom dječaku koji pokušava osvojiti srce jedne djevojčice. Dječaku kojem škola baš ne ide od ruke, ljubitelju fudbala sa stopalom u obliku banane, koji otkriva teži, ali iskreniji i važniji put ka sreći. This film is the story of a naive young boy who is trying to win a girl’s heart. About the boy who is not doing too well at school and is a football fan with a foot shaped like a banana, but who discovers a more difficult, but honest and vital road to happiness.

Dedo: Mehmet u žutim čizmama / Dede: Mehmet With the Yellow Boots

Netherlands, 2015, Colour, 25 min. Režija / Director: Tamara Miranda Uloge / Cast: Ysa Dekker, Batuhan Mikail Eryiğit

DEDO je topla filmska priča o potrazi jedanaestogodišnje djevojčice Merel za njenim biološkim dedom Turčinom. Tokom svoje potrage Merel upada u smiješne i teške situacije i upoznaje zanimljive, čudne likove koji će doprinijeti njenom ličnom razvoju. DEDE is a feel-good film about the quest of the eleven year old Merel to find her biological Turkish grandfather. During this journey she becomes entangled in funny and difficult situations and she meets surprising, extraordinary characters who contribute to her personal growth.

Dobro provedeno poslijepodne / A Well Spent Afternoon Slovenia, Croatia, 2016, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Martin Turk Uloge / Cast: Primož Pirnat, Julijan Weiss Turk

Nakon još jednog u nizu neuspješnih intervjua za posao, otac provodi poslijepodne sa svojim sedmogodišnjim sinom. Slučajno pronalaze novčanik pun novca i otac sinu pokazuje šta su prave životne vrijednosti i kako ispravno postupiti. After failing yet another job interview, the father is spending an afternoon with his seven-year-old

son. They happen to find a wallet full of money, and father teaches his son the right thing to do.

Gospođica Nemoguća / Miss Impossible

France, 2016, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Emilie Deleuze Uloge / Cast: Léna Magnien, Patricia Mazuy

Nekima bi se Aurorin život mogao učiniti dosadnim. Ali, kada ste trinaestogodišnja djevojčica sa nepomirljivim stavovima o dječacima, školi, porodici i prijateljima, vaš život može djelovati kao razdragana psihodrama. Some would say Aurore lives a boring life. But when you are a 13-year-old girl, who has an uncompromising way of looking at boys, school, family and friends, life takes on the appearance of a merry psychodrama.

Hevisauri / Heavysaurs

Finland, 2016, Colour, 85 min. Režija / Director: Pekka Karjalainen Uloge / Cast: Milo Snellman, Salli Siivonen, Taneli Mäkelä

Tokom posjete zabavnom parku sa školom, desetogodišnji Toni i njegova drugarica iz razreda Suvi otkrivaju Hevisaure, stvorenja slična dinosaurima koja zanimaju samo hrana i rock’n’roll. While staying at an amusement park with their class, 10-year-old Toni and his girl classmate Suvi discover the "Heavysaurs”: a group of dino-like creatures that think of nothing but food and hard rock.

Moj prijatelj Raffi / My Friend Raffi Germany, 2015, Colour, 93 min. Režija / Director: Arend Agthe Uloge / Cast: Bettina Kupfer, Nicolaus von der Recke

Zlatni hrčak Raffi je kućni ljubimac osmogodišnjeg Sammija. Mali glodar je po svemu poseban. Ne samo da može zabijati golove loptom već može i nanjušiti krijumčarenu robu i to bolje od psa tragača. Raffi se jednoga dana iznenada razboljeva i ispada da je bolest ozbiljnija nego što se mislilo. Gold hamster Raffi belongs to the eight-year old Sammy. The little rodent is something very special. Not only can he kick goals with a football but he can also sniff smuggled goods – and this better than a tracker dog. However one day Raffi is ill and it turns out to be worse than thought.

44 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Moj život kao Tikvica / My Life as a Zucchini

Switzerland, France, 2016, Colour, 66 min. Režija / Director: Claude Barras Uloge / Cast: Gaspard Schlatter, Sixtine Murat

Film prati sudbinu desetogodišnjeg dječaka poznatog pod nadimkom Tikvica koji nakon majčine smrti završava u sirotištu. Pratimo dječaka dok prevazilazi prepreke kako bi se uklopio u novu sredinu okružen malom grupom djece s kojom se, kao i s njim, život grubo poigrao. Revolving around a ten-year-old boy nicknamed Zucchini, who is taken to live in an orphanage following his mother’s death, the movie tells the story of how he will overcome the obstacles and fit into this new environment, surrounded by a small group of children who, just like him, have been scarred by life.


Belgium, 2015, Colour, 8 min. Režija / Director: Maria Körkel, Emmanuel Elliah Uloge / Cast: Yseult Lefebvre, Arnaud Lefebvre

Šestogodišnja Nina igra se sa svojim starijim bratom na morskoj plaži. Brat uskoro napušta sestru kako bi se igrao s jednim dječakom. Nakon što je ostavljena sama, Nina odlučuje otići s plaže i uputiti se u šetnju uz stijenje. Six-year-old Nina plays at the beach at the seaside, together with her older brother. Soon after, he abandons his sister to play with another boy. Being left alone, Nina decides to leave the beach and starts to stroll up between the rocks.

Novajlija / The New Kid

France, 2015, Colour, 81 min. Režija / Director: Rudi Rosenberg Uloge / Cast: Raphael Ghrenassia, Johanna Lindstedt

Prva Benoitova sedmica u novoj školi ne protiče po planu. Popularna djeca okupljena u Charlesovoj bandi ga neprijateljski tretiraju, a samo su ga „štreberi“ koliko-toliko ljubazno dočekali. Srećom, u školi upoznaje Johannu, lijepu djevojčicu iz Švedske s kojom će se sprijateljiti i u koju će se zaljubiti. Međutim, ona postepeno postaje sve bliža Charlesovoj bandi.

OFFLINE - da li si spreman za sljedeći nivo? / OFFLINE-Are You Ready for the Next Level?


Novajlija / The New Kid

Benoit’s first week at his new school does not go to plan. He’s roughed up by Charles’s gang, the popular kids, and the only pupils who welcome him with any kindness are the «nerds». Fortunately, there’s Johanna, a pretty Swedish girl who Benoit makes friends with and whom he falls for. However, little by little she drifts away to join Charles’ gang.

OFFLINE - da li si spreman za sljedeći nivo? / OFFLINE-Are You Ready for the Next Level?

Hevisauri / Heavysaurs

Psi i mačke / Cats & Dogs

Dobro provedeno poslijepodne / A Well Spent Afternoon

turnir „Ragnarök“, iznenada biva izbačen iz igre. U panici shvata da ga je hakirao drugi igrač, Loki. Ne samo da je ostao bez internet konekcije već mu ni mobilni telefon ni debitna kartica ne rade. Gamer Jan (17) spends most of his time as brave warrior Fenris in a computer game. While preparing for the upcoming Ragnarök online tournament he realizes that he had been hacked and kicked out of the game by another player, Loki. He has not only lost his Internet connection, but his debit card and cell phone are also on the blink.

Germany, 2016, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Florian Schnell Uloge / Cast: Moritz Jahn, Mala Emde, Ugur Ekeroglu

Psi i mačke / Cats & Dogs

Sedamnaestogodišnji gejmer Jan većinu vremena provodi na kompjuteru u ulozi hrabrog ratnika Fenrisa. Dok se priprema za skorašnji online

Kratki animirani dječiji film o prijateljstvu. Niko se ne može prisiliti na prijateljstvo, ali prijateljstva

Switzerland, Germany, 2015, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Jesús Pérez, Gerd Gockell

se mogu roditi u vanrednim situacijama. An animated short film for children about friendship. One can‘t force a friendship, but an emergency can build a friendship.


Israel, 2015, Colour, 17 min. Režija / Director: Eilat Ben Eliyahu Uloge / Cast: Nicole Oz, Nir Kan'an, Maya Tal

Tehila je prilično nepopularna među školskom djecom, ali kada čuje druge djevojčice da pričaju o planiranoj zabavi odluči joj prisustvovati bez obzira na sve. Tehila is far from the most popular girl in school, but when she overhears the other girls talking about a party, she decides to attend no matter what.

MINI ARENA /prikladan uzrast / suitable for ages 4+ / sinhronizovano / dubbed Čudovištance Molly / Ted Sieger's Molly Monster - Der Kinofilm Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, 2015, Colour, 70 min. Režija / Director: Ted Sieger, Michael Ekblad, Matthias Bruhn Uloge / Cast: Sophie Rois, Gerrit Schmidt-Foß, Judy Winter

Čudovište Molly jedva čeka da se beba čudovište izlegne iz jajeta. Ali Mollyni roditelji prvo moraju otići na ostrvo s jajima kako bi sačekali da se prinova izlegne. Otkrivši da su roditelji zaboravili ponijeti njen poklon za bebu, Molly brzo kreće za njima... Molly Monster can hardly wait till the monster baby finally emerges from its egg. But first Molly’s parents have to go off to Egg Island to wait for the new arrival to hatch. Annoyingly, they forgot Molly’s gift for the baby, so she has to get on their trail quickly...

Čudovištance Molly / Ted Sieger's Molly Monster - Der Kinofilm

Pat i Mat - film / Pat & Mat The Film

Režija / Director: Rasmus A. Sivertsen Uloge / Cast: Kari-Ann Grønsund, Trond Høvik

Czech Republic, 2016, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Marek Beneš

Pat i Mat su 40 godina jedan drugom bili najbolje komšije. Sada su odlučili da se osvrnu na svoj ludi život. Šta može biti bolje od kućnog filma na 35-milimetarskoj traci na kojoj su zabilježeni brojni trenuci iz njihovog svakodnevnog života? Pat and Mat have been best neighbors for 40 years. Today, they decide to look back at their crazy life. What can be better than a home cinema showcasing a series of their everyday life stories recorded on 35mm reels?!

Solan i Ludvig - velika trka za sirom / Louis & Nolan - The Big Cheese Race

Nakon što takmičenje završi neriješenim rezultatom, dva suparnička sela - Flaklypa i Slidre - donose odluku da ponovo pokrenu tradicionalno takmičenje u spravljanju sira, nakon godina neodržavanja. Hvalisava ptica Solan, nervozni jež Ludvig i pronalazač mekog srca Reodor vjeruju da će udruženih snaga izaći kao pobjednici iz ovog avanturističkog okršaja. After a competition ends in a draw, two rival villages, Flåklypa and Slidre, decide to re-launch their traditional cheese race after years of inactivity. The boastful bird Nolan, the anxious hedgehog Louis and the kind-hearted inventor Reodor are sure they'll come out on top in this adventurous showdown.

Norway, 2015, Colour, 78 min.

Pat i Mat - film / Pat & Mat The Film

Solan i Ludvig - velika trka za sirom / Louis & Nolan - The Big Cheese Race SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


April i nevjerovatni svijet / April and the Extraordinary World

TEENARENA April i nevjerovatni svijet / April and the Extraordinary World France, Belgium, Canada, 2015, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Christian Desmares, Franck Ekinci Uloge / Cast: Marion Cotillard, Philippe Katerine, Jean Rochefort, Olivier Gourmet, Marc-André Grondin

E, moj Luka ili (Film nesuđenog lika) / Oh, Dear Luke or (An Undestined Character's Film)


Pariz, godine 1941. Porodica naučnika na pragu je pronalaska moćnog seruma nepobjedivosti kada roditelji iznenada bivaju misteriozno oteti ostavljajući iza sebe svoju malodobnu kćer April. Deset godina kasnije, April živi sama sa svojim voljenim mačkom Darwinom i još uvijek radi na projektu svojih roditelja. Međutim, iznenada će se naći u centru bizarne zavjere. Zajedno s Darwinom i svojim pouzdanim prijateljem Juliusom April započinje potragu za svojim roditeljima i istinom o njihovom nestanku. Paris, 1941. A family of scientists is on the brink of discovering a powerful invincibility serum when all of a sudden, the parents are mysteriously abducted, leaving their young daughter, April, behind. Ten years later, April is living alone with her precious cat, Darwin, continuing her family’s research. But soon, she finds herself at the center of a bizarre conspiracy. Along with Darwin and her trusted friend, Julius, April embarks on an adventure to find her parents and discover the truth behind their disappearance.

E, moj Luka ili (Film nesuđenog lika) / Oh, Dear Luke or (An Undestined Character's Film) Croatia, 2016, Colour, 20 min. Režija / Director: Dominik Čović Uloge: Luka Mioković, Rebecca Milosavljević

Reditelj pokušava natjerati svog glavnog lika, lijenog i otuđenog Luku, da napokon učini nešto vrijedno spomena sa svojim bezveznim životom. The director is struggling to make his main protagonist, lazy and estranged Luka, to finally do something memorable with his meaningless life. Izbjeglički bluz / Refugee Blues


Germany, 2015, Colour, 83 min, German. Režija / Director: Ekrem Ergün Uloge / Cast: Almila Bagriacik, Felicitas Woll, Hilmi Sözer


Nakon sukoba sa zakonom članica turske dijaspore u Njemačkoj, sedamnaestogodišnja muslimanka Aylin, osuđena je na društveno koristan rad na ergeli konja u predgrađu. Ophrvana porodičnim i školskim problemima, Aylin će uprkos svemu na ergeli započeti put ka samospoznaji. Dok se ritam priče ubrzava, njen cvatući odnos s pastuhom Hördurom i njeni tek probuđeni snovi bit će stavljeni na ispit. Da li Aylin može premostiti jaz između različitih svjetova? I, ako može, da li će se drugi povesti za njenim primjerom?

46 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

After a run-in with the law, Aylin - a 17-year-old Muslim girl and a member of the Turkish Diaspora - finds herself sentenced to community service at an out-of-town horse stable in Germany. Beset by troubles at home and school, it is here that she, despite all odds, is set on the road to self-discovery. As the pace quickens, her blossoming relationship with the stallion Hördur and herfledgling dreams are tested to the breaking point. Can Aylin build a bridge between worlds? And if she can, will others follow?

Izbjeglički bluz / Refugee Blues United Kingdom, France, 2016, Colour, 6 min. Režija / Director: Stephan Bookas, Tristan Daws

Praćen stihovima istoimene poeme W. H. Audena iz 1939., IZBJEGLIČKI BLUZ prati jedan dan u životu stanovnika izbjegličkog kampa u Calaisu poznatog po imenu džungla. Set to the verses of W.H. Auden's 1939 poem, REFUGEE BLUES charts a day in 'the jungle', the refugee camp outside Calais.


Slovenia, 2016, Colour, 92 min. Režija / Director: Slobodan Maksimović

Glavna junakinja filma je Nika, šesnaestogodišnja zaljubljenica u karting trke. Ovaj je sport zavoljela zbog svoga tate, profesionalnog vozača autotrka koji je poginuo u saobraćajnoj nesreći. O Niki se sada brine njena mama Mojca s kojom je Nika u zavadi jer joj zabranjuje da trenira karting. Mojca se plaši da će nakon smrti muža izgubiti i jedinu kćerku, ali njena zabrana izaziva efekat suprotan od onoga koji je željela. The main hero is Nika, 16-year-old girl who loves racing go-karts. Her father, professional racing driver, inspired her for this sport. He died in a car accident, so now her mother Mojca is taking care of her. Nika is in conflict with mother because she is not allowed to attend go-kart trainings. Her mother is afraid that after death of her husband she will loose her only daughter. But her prohibition reaches the opposite of the desired effect.

Snovi / Mellow Mud

Latvia, 2016, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Renārs Vimba Uloge / Cast: Elīna Vaska, Andžejs Jānis Lilientāls

Usamljenost, gubitak iluzija i prva ljubav razotkrivaju pravi karakter sedamnaestogodišnje Raye koja živi u ruralnoj Latviji sa svojom bakom i mlađim bratom Robisom. Neočekivani razvoj događaja preokrenut će njihove živote, a ova će mlada djevojka biti prisiljena da donese odluke čije bi donošenje teško palo i odrasloj ženi. Loneliness, disillusionment and the experience of

U tvojim snovima! / In Your Dreams!

first love reveal the character of Raya, a 17-yearold living in rural Latvia with her grandmother and her little brother Robis. A staggering turn of events shakes up their lives, and the young girl must come to decisions that even a grown woman would find difficult to make.

Šangaj, Baku / Shanghai, Baku

Azerbaijan, Lithuania, 2015, Colour and b&w, 20 min. Režija / Director: Teymur Hajiyev Uloge / Cast: Roza Ibadova, Rasim Jafarov, Mirmovsum Mirzazade, Gurban Ismailov, Tarlan Mirishli

Samir igrom slučaja snimi sestru dok ova provodi intimne trenutke sa svojim momkom. Svjestan kakve bi reakcije taj video izazvao u njihovom tradicionalnom društvu i porodici, Samir odlučuje ucjenjivati sestru i njenoga momka Rasima. Rasim pokušava potkupiti Samira, ali ispostaviti će se da je situacija mnogo ozbiljnija nego što se čini. By accident, Samir captures a video his sister getting intimate with her boyfriend. He blackmails them with the video, well aware of the serious of implications caused by social stigma and reactionary mindset of his father. Rasim tries to bribe Samir, however the issue happens to be much deeper than it appears.

Tišina / The Silence

Italy, France, 2016, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Ali Asgari, Farnoosh Samadi Uloge / Cast: Fatma Alakus, Cahide Ozel, Valentina Carnelutti

Kurdkinja Fatma i njena majka kao izbjeglice žive u Italiji. Tokom posjeta doktoru, Fatma bi majci trebala prevoditi šta doktor govori, ali ih umjesto toga samo bezglasno posmatra. Fatma and her mother are Kurdish refugees in Italy. On their visit to the doctor, Fatma has to translate what the doctor tells to her mother, but she keeps silent.

U tvojim snovima! / In Your Dreams!

Czech Republic, 2016, Colour, 79 min. Režija / Director: Petr Oukropec Uloge / Cast: Barbora Štikarová, Toman Rychtera, Klára Melišková, Ivan Martinka, Jan Vondráček, Jáchym Novotný, Veronika Pouchová

Šesnaestogodišnja Laura praznike provodi s ocem s kojim ide na planinarske ture. Istovremeno, Laura želi dokazati svoju fizičku spremu na neki drugi način. Ona u tajnosti vježba parkour skokove i salta. Po povratku u Prag, gdje živi s majkom, Laura se prijavljuje na audiciju za prijem u vodeći muški parkour tim, ali momci je odbijaju. Lauri se sviđa vođa tima Luky koji počinje da flertuje s njom. Laura se zaljubljuje... 16-year-old Laura spends her holiday at her

Ulica Sing / Sing Street

father’s who she goes mountain climbing with. Laura longs to demonstrate her physical skills some other way. She secretly practices parkour somersaults and jumps. Back in Prague, where she lives with her mother, she heads for an audition with a parkourist all-star team, but fails to get accepted by the boys. Laura has a crush on Luky, the head of the team who starts flirting with her. Laura falls in love...

Ulica Sing / Sing Street

Ireland, United Kingdom, USA, 2016, Colour, 106 min. Režija / Director: John Carney Uloge / Cast: Ferdia Walsh-Peelo, Aidan Gillen, Maria Doyle Kennedy

ULICA SING nas vodi u Dablin osamdesetih godina 20. stoljeća viđen očima Conora, četrnaestogodišnjaka koji traži izlaz iz porodične atmosfere obilježene napetim odnosom njegovih roditelja i finansijskim problemima. Istovremeno, trudi se uklopiti u novu gradsku školu u kojoj su djeca gruba, a nastavnici još grublji. Tračak nade mu nudi misteriozna, super sjajna Raphina. U pokušaju da osvoji njeno srce, Conor joj nudi da bude zvijezda muzičkih spotova njegovog benda. SING STREET takes us back to 1980s Dublin seen through the eyes of a 14-year-old boy named Conor who is looking for a break from a home strained by his parents' relationship and money troubles, while trying to adjust to his new innercity public school where the kids are rough and the teachers are rougher. He finds a glimmer of hope in the mysterious, über-cool and beautiful Raphina, and with the aim of winning her heart he invites her to star in his band's music videos.

Snovi / Mellow Mud

Tišina / The Silence

Vremenski kod / Timecode

Spain, 2016, Colour, 15 min. Režija / Director: Juanjo Giménez Peña Uloge / Cast: Lali Ayguadé, Nicolas Ricchini, Vicente Gil, Pep Domenech

Luna i Diego rade kao parking čuvari. Diego na parkingu radi u noćnoj, a Luna u dnevnoj smjeni. Luna and Diego are the parking lot security guards. Diego does the night shift, and Luna works by day.

Šangaj, Baku / Shanghai, Baku

TEENACTION FILMOVI / FILMS: ZABRANJENE IGRE, grupa autora / DYSTOPIA, Darko Dragić, Natalija Laptošević, Zlatan Likić / KRUG, Danilo Milović, Tesnim Karšik, Vanja Đokić / LOGS, Aid Bešić / 6 456, Sara Ristić / NADA GRADA SARAJEVA, Nejla Bihorac / BRAINWASHED, Emir Kapetanović / DRUGI, Sara Huskić / BE DIFFERENT, BE YOURSELF, Zahid Lagumdžić i Mirza Čeligija Vremenski kod / Timecode SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


DAN LJUDSKIH PRAVA 2016 Human Rights Day 2016 U saradnji s Ambasadom Švicarske u BiH i Saveznim ministarstvom vanjskih poslova Švicarske, već osmu godinu zaredom Sarajevo Film Festival će biti domaćin Dana ljudskih prava. U okviru obilježavanja Dana ljudskih prava, koje će biti upriličeno u utorak, 16. avgusta 2016. godine, Sarajevo Film Festival će organizirati poseban program u sklopu kojeg će u kinu Meeting Point biti prikazan film U DRUŠTVU VJERNIKA, reditelja Mohammeda Ali Naqvia i Hemala Trivedia te će biti održana i panel-diskusija. Tema ovogodišnjeg panela Dana ljudskih prava je: DA LI SE KROZ OBRAZOVANJE MOŽEMO BORITI PROTIV NASILNOG EKSTREMIZMA? Javni obrazovni sistem u Pakistanu, koji je odavno potpuno fragmentiran i nedovoljno finansiran, proteklih je godina usljed porasta militantnog nasilja još i više uništen. Iako nikada nije bio dovoljno dobar, taj je sistem u protekloj deceniji dodatno izgubio na kvaliteti, što je praćeno pojavom paralelnih obrazovnih institucija (javnih, privatnih i vjerskih), nemogućnošću stanovništva da pristupi kvalitetnom obrazovanju, nedovoljnom finansijskom podrškom od strane vlasti, korupcijom i smanjenjem institucionalnih kapaciteta. U zemlji sa stopom nepismenosti od 43 procenta, gdje 17,2 procenta ukupne populacije živi u siromaštvu, mnogi obrazovanje još uvijek smatraju luksuzom, naročito u ruralnim sredinama. Prema podacima iz zvaničnog državnog godišnjeg statističkog izvještaja o obrazovanju za 2014/2015, šokantnih 24 miliona pakistanske djece ne pohađa školu, što je indikativan pokazatelj stanja obrazovanja u zemlji u kojoj je oko četvrtine populacije mlađe od 16 godina. Djeca obuhvaćena ovim brojem najbolja su meta za indoktrinaciju, usađivanje pogrešnih vrijednosti i izgradnju identiteta od strane različitih ekstremističkih grupa. U DRUŠTVU VJERNIKA — posljednji dokumentarni film Hemala Trivedija i Mohammeda Ali Naqvija bolan je podsjetnik na presudne ideološke bitke koje se trenutno vode u Pakistanu. Inozemnim gledateljima film pruža uvid u raznovrsnost zemlje čiji se stanovnici previše često grupno podvode pod stereotip nazadnih, nasilnih ekstremista. Film pruža uvid u rad medresa širom Pakistana kojima upravlja Maulana Abdul Aziz, kontroverzni imam Lal Masjid džamije u Islamabadu kojeg se optužuje za bliske veze sa džihadističkim skupinama. Osim što ukazuje na prijetnju fundametalističkih ideologija, film se bavi i nesposobnošću pakistanskih vlasti da zadovolje osnovne potrebe svojih građana poput potrebe za hranom, potrebe za ekonomskom sigurnošću i potrebe za obrazovanjem, a na koji način ostavljaju prostor za djelovanje ljudi poput Maulana Abdul Aziza. Imajući na umu da je Pakistan zemlja u kojoj je u proteklih par decenija zabilježen najveći broj napada na obrazovne institucije, jasno je da ekstremističke grupe sekularno obrazovanje smatraju najvećom preprekom za širenje svoje propagande. Obrazovanje je jedinstvena javna služba, ne samo zato što podrazumijeva rad sa najvrednijim resursom svake zemlje, djecom, već i zato što, ukoliko je kvalitetno, jača društveni kapital i tako osnažuje društvo kako trenutno tako i dugoročno. Zbog toga se može reći da prava borba protiv terorizma i drugih oblika ekstremizma počinje u učionici. Kako se kroz obrazovanje možemo suprotstaviti nasilnom ekstremizmu? Da li nove ideje mogu poraziti stare ideologije? Kako se nastavni plan i program može promijeniti na način da se poveća njegov kvalitet, uklone diskriminatorne teorije koje siju razdor, a ugrade lekcije o miru, pluralizmu i toleranciji? Da li je vjeronauci mjesto u školama? To su neka od pitanja na koja ćemo potražiti odgovore na ovogodišnjoj panel diskusiji koja će biti

48 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

organizovanja u okviru Dana ljudskih prava Sarajevo Film Festivala. Sarajevo Film Festival i kroz svoj Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film prikazuje filmove inspirirane različitim aspektima ljudskih prava, a obilježavanjem ovog značajnog dana se nastoji dodatno skrenuti pažnja na važnost filma kao bitnog i moćnog medija u promociji ljudskih prava. Filmovi i teme koji se svake godine biraju za obilježavanje Dana ljudskih prava pružaju učesnicima panel-diskusija, publici i medijima priliku da razgovaraju o akutnim problemima pojedinaca ili zajednica u današnjem svijetu. Na svečanoj ceremoniji dodjele nagrada Sarajevo Film Festivala bit će uručena i Nagrada za ljudska prava koja se dodjeljuje filmu iz Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film koji na najbolj način obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 eura osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske. In cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Sarajevo Film Festival will host the Human Rights Day for the eight year in a row. As part of the activities marking the Human Rights Day, to be held on Tuesday, August 16th 2016, Sarajevo Film Festival will organize a special programme, featuring a screening of the film AMONG THE BELIEVERS directed by Mohammed Ali Naqvi and Hemal Trivedi, as well as a panel at the Meeting Point Cinema. The topic of this year’s Human Rights Panel is CAN WE FIGHT VIOLENT EXTREMISM WITH EDUCATION? Long underfunded and entirely disintegrated, Pakistan's system of public education has been further devastated by militant violence in recent years. Although it has never been satisfactory, for the past decade the educational system in Pakistan has shown further decline with parallel educational systems (public, private and madrassas), a lack of access to quality education, inadequate government investment, corruption and a lack of institutional capacity. With 43% of illiteracy and 17.2% of the total population living below the poverty line, it remains clear that for many Pakistanis, an education is still considered a privilege, especially in the rural areas. According to the annual Pakistan Education Statistics report for 2014-2015, a staggering 24 million Pakistani children are out of school, laying bare the state of education in a country where around a quarter of the population is believed to be under 16. These are the children who became the most vulnerable targets of indoctrination, identity-construction, and value changes by various extremists groups. AMONG THE BELIEVERS — the latest documentary by film-makers Hemal Trivedi and Mohammed Ali Naqvi is a painful reminder of the critical ideological battles that currently divide Pakistan. For members of a foreign audience, it is an insight into the plurality of a country that is too often and too conveniently buried under monolithic stereotypes of extremism, backwardness and violence. The film gives an insight into madrassas across Pakistan run by controversial cleric and leader of Lal Masjid mosque in Islamabad, Maulana Abdul Aziz, accused to have close ties with jihadi groups. Besides showing the threat of fundamentalist ideologies, the film addresses the failure of the State in providing basic necessities such as food, economic security and education to its population, creating a vacuum for people like Maulana Abdul Aziz to build their case on. Keeping in mind that Pakistan has suffered the most attacks on educational institutions in recent decades, it is quite clear that secular education remains

U društvu vjernika / Among the Believers

one of the biggest threats to thriving extremist propaganda. Education is a unique service – not only because it involves a country’s most precious resource, its children – but also because, by increasing human capital, it strengthens the society not only in the present, but in the future. Therefore, the real battle against terrorism and extremism in all its form begins in our classrooms. How can we combat violent extremism through education? Can new ideas defeat ideologies? How can educational curricula be updated to improve quality and remove divisive and discriminatory narratives, as well as include broader teaching on peace, pluralism and tolerance? What is the role of religious leaders in preventing radicalization and violent extremism? Should religion be taught in schools? – these are some of the questions that will be addressed at this year’s panel debate organized within the Human Rights Day of the Sarajevo Film Festival. Competition Programme – Documentary Film of Sarajevo Film Festival showcases films inspired by various aspects of human rights. By marking this special day we aim to further emphasize the importance of film as a significant and powerful medium for the promotion of human rights. The films and topics chosen each year for marking the Human Rights Day provide

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an opportunity for panel participants, the audience and the media to discuss pressing issues currently faced by individuals or communities in the world. Last but not the least - the Human Rights Award, awarded to a film in the Competition Programme - Documentary Film that best deals with human rights issues will be given at the official awards ceremony of the Sarajevo Film Festival Its prize of 3.000 Euros is provided by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

U društvu vjernika / Among the Believers Pakistan, USA, 2015, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Mohammed Ali Naqvi, Hemal Trivedi

Uznemirujuće i razotkrivajuće istraživanje širenja radikalnog učenja islamske škole Red Mosque u Pakistanu koja obučava generacije djece da svoje živote posvete džihadu, ili svetom ratu, još od malih nogu. An unsettling and eye opening exploration into the spread of the radical Islamic school Red Mosque in Pakistan, which trains legions of children to devote their lives to jihad, or holy war, from a very young age.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU Dealing with the Past Cilj projekta SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU krije se u njegovom imenu. Vjerujemo da je za prevazilaženje brojnih otvorenih pitanja proisteklih iz ratova u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, a koja nas još uvijek opterećuju, apsolutno nužna iskrena, otvorena diskusija o tom bolnom periodu naše prošlosti. U našem su regionu u protekle dvije decenije pokrenute brojne inicijative čiji je proklamovani cilj bio „izgradnja mira“. Međutim, slogani ne mogu zaliječiti ožiljke koje su godine ratnih stradanja ostavile na dušama ljudi iz regiona. Prirodan proizvod proteklih događanja su cijele zajednice koje trpe ogromnu količinu boli i očajnički im je potreban cjelovit proces izlječenja. Vjerujemo da je preduslov za pokretanje tog procesa suočavanje svih ljudi koji su na bilo koji način bili uključeni u prošle događaje, ili zbog njih pate, sa otrežnjavajućim činjenicama. Naša čvrsta vjera u ispravnost ovog pristupa i svijest da se tumačenju historijskih događaja mora pristupiti iz različitih uglova su temeljni razlog pokretanja projekta SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU. U praktičnom smislu, namjera nam je da pokrenemo dijalog o ovoj temi kroz moderirane filmske projekcije, kao i tako što ćemo sistematski prikupljati bolne, ali i nostalgične priče, dokumentaciju i uspomene koje različite aspekte prošlih događanja mogu rasvijetliti iz različitih perspektiva. Prikupljeni materijali bi filmskim autorima i drugim filmskim stručnjacima trebali poslužiti kao otvoren izvor inspiracije i temelj njihovih budućih filmskih projekata koji bi zbog direktne i moćne prirode filmskog medija bili u stanju doprijeti do puno većeg auditorija. Zbog toga vjerujemo da SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU može pomoći našoj kinematografiji da ispuni najplemenitiji zadatak filma, a to je otvaranje puta ka pravoj empatiji i istinskoj izgradnji mira. Očekujemo da će angažman filmskih autora i drugih filmskih radnika osigurati veću podršku za primarni cilj našeg projekta, a to je da obezbijedimo pristup većem broju ljudi širom bivše Jugoslavije. Ovako širok domet bi trebala omogućiti i planirana saradnja s omladinskim inicijativama, lokalnim i regionalnim nevladinim organizacijima i predstavnicima medija. Naprosto, osjećamo potrebu da pokrenemo dijalog među pripadnicima različitih generacija i zajednica u regionu i da ohrabrimo mlade ljude da nikada ne prestanu postavljati pitanja i tragati za odgovorima; potrebu da otvorenog srca i uma saslušamo lična svjedočanstva aktera sa različitih strana i suočimo se sa njima. Film je idealan medij za postizanje našeg cilja. Filmovi daleko putuju i imaju sposobnost da ljude širom Balkana i šire navedu na razmišljanje i ohrabre ih na dijalog. Uz pomoć filma želimo posijati sjeme dugo iščekivanog procesa izlječenja, kao i pomirenja koje nikada nije istinski ostvareno. Prva činjenica s kojom se ne bojimo uhvatiti u koštac je ova: ljudima u našem regionu nikada nije pružena šansa da se suoče sa svojim traumama i prođu kroz sve prirodne stadije procesa tugovanja. Za to postoji mnoštvo razloga, a mi niti hoćemo niti možemo ponuditi rješenje za ovaj propust. Ali možemo javno izraziti našu punu i apsolutnu posvećenost rušenju zida šutnje iza kojeg smo sakrili naša najnejasnija, ali i najrazornija iskustva.

DEALING WITH THE PAST sets out to do precisely what its name suggests. We consider that in order to deal with the many and unresolved issues that date back to the conflict in the former Yugoslavia – the impact of which is still widely felt today – a sincere, clear-eyed discussion around that painful past is of utmost importance. Numerous initiatives have been put into place in the region over the last twenty years, under the rubric of 'peacebuilding'. Slogans, however, do not heal the wounds inflicted on the psyches of individuals subjected to years of wartime suffering. By natural consequence, whole communities bear the lion’s share of such pain, and are in desperate need of a comprehensive healing process. For us, the inevitable start to such a process is to confront all those who are involved and affected with sobering facts. Our unwavering belief in this approach, always keeping in mind the need to look at historical events from multiple perspectives, is the foundation block of the DEALING WITH THE PAST project. In practical terms, we intend to start dialogue on the subject through curated screenings, as well as through the systematic collection of stories, documents and memories that will unveil many aspects of the past from different vantage points – whether imbued primarily with pain or riddled with nostalgia. It is from this open source that filmmakers and cinema experts will draw inspiration, and from which they will weave stories for larger audiences with all the urgency and power that cinema offers. With this in mind, we believe that DEALING WITH THE PAST can lead to cinema that achieves its ultimate, perhaps noblest aim – cinema that opens a door to genuine empathy, to peacebuilding in its truest sense. We anticipate that by involving filmmakers and cinema experts we will encourage greater support for our greater ambition, which is to gain wider access to target audiences in the former Yugoslav countries. This outreach is enabled by co-operation with youth initiatives, local and regional nongovernmental organisations, and media representatives. Quite simply, we feel the need to provoke dialogue among all generations and all communities in the region, and to empower younger generations never to stop asking questions and looking for answers; the need to listen to and face personal accounts from all sides with open hearts and minds. Film is the ideal medium for this: it can travel far and widen and has the ability to stir up thoughts and inspire dialogue throughout the Balkans and beyond. And it is with cinema that we want to sow the seeds of a long-awaited healing process, a reconciliation that was never truly realised. This is the first fact we dare to face: grieving – in all its necessary stages -– has never been fully allowed to fully take its natural course in the region. There are many reasons for this, and we cannot and do not pretend to offer a remedy for this failure. We can, however, declare our full and steadfast commitment to breaking the seal of silence that has veiled some of our most confused, yet most devastating experiences.

SUOČAVANJE S PROŠLOŠĆU je projekt Sarajevo Film Festivala podržan od strane Fondacije Robert Bosch, a bit će realizovan u saradnji s regionalnim informativnim kanalom Al Jazeera Balkans. Projekt se odvija i unutar Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film i Sajma istinitih priča u okviru CineLink dana filmske industrije

DEALING WITH THE PAST, a project of the Sarajevo Film Festival, is supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung and presented in partnership with Al Jazeera Balkans. This year, the ongoing project intersects with The Competition Programme – Documentary Film and CineLink Industry Days – True Stories Market.

Mirsad Purivatra Direktor Sarajevo Film Festivala

Mirsad Purivatra Sarajevo Film Festival Director

50 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Narod protiv Fritza Bauera / The People vs. Fritz Bauer

Dubina dva / Depth Two Serbia, 2016, Colour, 80 min. Režija / Director: Ognjen Glavonić

Godine 2001. na periferiji Beograda je otkrivena masovna grobnica u kojoj je pronađeno više od 700 ljudskih tijela. Uprkos činjenici da se nalazi nedaleko od samog centra glavnog grada Srbije, i da je na lokaciji nađeno 75 tijela djece, danas, 15 godina kasnije, ova masovna grobnica je i dalje bez ikakvog obilježja ili spomenika, i skoro niko u današnjoj Srbiji ni ne zna za ovaj slučaj i priču iza njega. On je i dalje javna tajna. U pokušaju da otkrije, rasvijetli i da glas ovim pričama, i dalje zakopanim u tišini, film se, meditativnim i hipnotišućim stilom, obraća doživljajima, mašti i osjećanjima gledaoca. In 2001, a mass grave holding the remains of over 700 people was found on the outskirts of Belgrade. Despite its proximity to the center of Serbia's capital and the fact that it hid the remains of 75 children, the mass grave had never been marked with a monument or in any other way and almost no one in today's Serbia knows about this case and the story behind it. It is still a public secret. In an attempt to give voice to the story of this mass grave that remains buried behind a wall of silence, the films employs a meditative and hypnotic language to communicate with viewers' experiences, imagination and emotions.

Narod protiv Fritza Bauera / The People vs. Fritz Bauer

Germany, 2015, Colour and b&w, 105 min. Režija / Director: Lars Kraume Uloge / Cast: Burghart Klaussner, Ronald Zehrfeld, Lilith Stangenberg, Jörg Schüttauf, Sebastian Blomberg

Neželjena baština / Unwanted heritage

Njemačka, godine 1957. Glavni državni tužilac Fritz Bauer dolazi u posjed ključnih dokaza o mjestu skrivanja SS potpukovnika Adolfa Eichmanna. Eichmann, koji se smatra odgovornim za masovne deportacije Jevreja, navodno se skriva u Buenos Airesu. Bauer, koji je i sam Jevrej, sve od povratka iz izbjeglištva u Danskoj pokušava privesti pravdi osobe odgovorne za zločine počinjene u ime Trećeg rajha. U tome ne postiže uspjeh zbog čvrste odlučnosti Njemačke da u zaborav gurne svoju mračnu prošlost. Zbog nepovjerenja u njemački pravni sistem, Fritz Bauer stupa u kontakt s izraelskom tajnom službom Mossadom i tako postaje državni izdajnik. Germany, 1957. Attorney General Fritz Bauer receives crucial evidence on the whereabouts of SS-Obersturmbannfuhrer Adolf Eichmann. The lieutenant colonel, responsible for the mass deportation of the Jews, is allegedly hiding in Buenos Aires. Bauer, a Jew himself, has been trying to take crimes from the Third Reich to court ever since his return from exile in Denmark. With no success, however, due to the fierce German determination to repress its sinister past. Because of his lack of trust in German justice system, Fritz Bauer contacts the Israeli secret service Mossad, and, by doing so, commits treason.

Neželjena baština / Unwanted heritage

Croatia, 2016, Colour and b&w, 100 min. Režija / Director: Irena Škorić

ljudskog roda. Pružaju nam znanje o običajima, religiji, kulturi, ekonomiji, ratovima, poretku. Bez očuvanih spomenika mnogim narodima bi se izgubio svaki trag. Od 1945. do 1990. godine izgrađeno je na hiljade spomenika NOB-a po cijeloj bivšoj Jugoslaviji, koji, svaki na svoj način, obilježavaju događaje iz Drugog svjetskog rata. Nekad omiljena destinacija raznih ekskurzija i političkih skupova, kao i nezaobilazni dio fotografija u porodičnim albumima, danas su ti spomenici, kao i njihova simbolika, većinom devastirani, zanemareni i neželjeni. Glavna okosnica ovog filma je sudbina spomenika kao sekundarne sirovine. Monuments are silent witnesses to the times when they were built and the people who built them. Through monuments one can trace the history of human kind. Monuments teach us about different customs, religions, cultures, economies, wars and social norms. Had their monuments not been preserved many peoples would have perished without a trace. Thousands of monuments were built throughout the former Yugoslavia in the 1945-1990 period to commemorate the sites where World War II battles had been fought. These monuments were once favorite destinations for school trips and political gatherings, as well as a necessary part of all family photos. At the present time, the monuments and their symbolism have been abandoned, neglected and destroyed. The main focus of this film is the destiny of these monuments as secondary raw materials.

Spomenici su nijemi svjedoci o ljudima i vremenu u kome su nastali. Iz njih se iščitava historija

Dubina dva / Depth Two SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Nismo imali djetinjstvo / We Have Never Been Kids


SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL PARTNER Presents DOHA FILM INSTITUTE Doha institut za film je nezavisna, neprofitna kulturna institucija osnovana 2010. Institut pomaže razvoj lokalne filmske zajednice kroz unapređenje stručnog znanja, njegovanje ljubavi prema filmu i doprinos razvoju samoodržive kreativne filmske industrije u Kataru. Aktivnosti instituta uključuju finansiranje i produkciju lokalnih, regionalnih i međunarodnih filmova, obrazovnih programa i filmskih projekcija, kao i organizovanje Filmskog festivala mladih Ajyal i Qumra Film Festivala. Institut se u svome radu fokusira na kulturu, razvoj lokalnih zajednica i obrazovanje, a trajno je posvećen ostvarenju vizije Katara da se do 2030. godine nametne kao ekonomija utemeljena na znanju. Doha Film Institute is an independent, not-for-profit cultural organisation established in 2010. It supports the growth of the local film community through cultivating film appreciation, enhancing industry knowledge and contributing to the development of sustainable creative industries in Qatar. The Institute’s platforms include funding and production of local, regional and international films; skills-sharing and mentorship programmes; film screenings; the Ajyal Youth Film Festival; and Qumra. With culture, community, learning and entertainment at its foundation, the Institute is committed to supporting Qatar’s 2030 vision for the development of a knowledge-based economy.

Nismo imali djetinjstvo / We Have Never Been Kids

Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Lebanon, 2016, Colour, 99 min. Režija / Director: Mahmood Soliman

Egipatska porodica živi u siromaštvu. Majka se pokušava brinuti o svoje četvero djece, naročito uoči i nakon razvoda od njihovog sebičnog oca. Njene životne okolnosti se u potpunosti mijenjaju prije, u toku i nakon revolucije u Egiptu u kojoj ona i njeni sinovi učestvuju. An Egyptian family is living below the line of poverty. The mother is trying to look after her four children, especially in the lead-up to and aftermath of her divorce from their selfish father. However, over time, the circumstances around her gradually change on all levels, before, during and after The Egyptian Revolution as the woman and her sons participate in it.


Tunisia, Belgium, France, 2016, Colour, 88 min. Režija / Director: Mohamed Ben Attia Uloge / Cast: Majd Mastoura, Rym Ben Messaoud, Sabah Bouzouita, Omnia Ben Ghali, Hakim Boumessoudi

Hedi je mladi Tunižanin koji ima velike snove i

trudi se da se uklopi u društvene norme svoje zemlje. Dok njegova majka nastoji upravljati njegovim životom, Hedi upoznaje Rym i odjednom otkriva da je njegov svijet širi od onog omeđenog konvencijama. Hedi is a young man with great dreams who is struggling his way through social conventions in Tunisia. While his mother tries to decide his life for him, Hedi meets Rym and suddenly discovers that his world goes beyond and above conventions.



Qatar, 2015, Colour, 11 min. Režija / Director: Mayar Hamdan Uloge / Cast: Elena Feghali, Randa Al Qudah, Gladys Abi Said, Meera Ali

Kada joj majka jednom prilikom, ružeći je, kaže da će nad njom uvijek bdjeti jedna ptica, kako bi se uvjerila da neće skrenuti s pravog puta, djevojka odlučuje preuzeti inicijativu i ubiti sveznajuću pticu. Koliko daleko će otići prije nego shvati da je ptica ključni dio odgoja u

Skoro pa novo / Good as New

52 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Mojoj majci / To My Mother

arapskom društvu? When her mother chastises her by telling her that a bird will always be watching her, making sure she doesn’t stray from the path of righteousness, she decides to take initiative and kill the omniscient bird. But how far will she go before she realizes that the bird is an essential part of her upbringing in an Arab community?

Bilježnica / The Notebook

Qatar, 2015, Colour, 10 min. Režija / Director: Amna Al-Binali Uloge / Cast: Sarah Fayad Mohamed, Anwar Al-Marwani, Mahra Mohamed, Yomna Taher, Nissryne Dib, Naila Al Balosh, Bessma Ouadahi, Eiman Mirghani

U paralelnom svijetu svako ima po jednu bilježnicu, ali niko ne zna čemu one služe. Nakon što izgubi svoju bilježnicu, Nora odlučuje napraviti kratki dokumentarni film u nadi da će otkriti svrhu svih tih bilježnica. Film koji gledamo je Norin film. In an alternative universe, everyone has a notebook yet no idea why they have them. Nora decides to make a short documentary to understand what these notebooks mean after she loses hers. Nora's documentary is the film we see.


Blagi zvuci / Light Sounds

Palma / The Palm Tree

Blagi zvuci / Light Sounds

Qatar, 2015, Colour, 14 min. Režija / Director: Karem Kamel Uloge / Cast: Roshan Sanjeewa, Sampath Dasanyaka, Essam Abdul Mugheith, Ahmad El Zein, Yasser Mustafa, Zaqi Khan

Dvojica šrilankanskih imigranata sve vrijeme provode zajedno, ali ne baš po vlastitom izboru. Zajedno čiste toalet smješten tik uz džamiju i dio su šarolike i blisko vezane zajednice fizičkih radnika čiji se životi vrte oko kvartovske bogomolje. Inseparable but not exactly by choice, an unlikely duo of Sri Lankan immigrants work together as cleaners of the washroom that neighbours a mosque and are part of an eclectic tight knit community of blue collar workers whose lives revolve around the mosque.

Mojoj majci / To My Mother

Qatar, 2015, Colour, 24 min. Režija / Director: Amina Ahmed Al Bloshi Uloge / Cast: Noura G. Mohammed, Fahad Al Bloshi, Mohammed Al Bloshi

Noura se udala vrlo rano, prije nego što je uspjela steći obrazovanje. Nije znala šta je brak ni šta će se od nje očekivati u ulozi žene i majke. Znala je samo da će konačno biti slobodna i da će nositi šminku i bijelu haljinu kao za princeze. Noura was married at a very young age before receiving an education. She didn’t know what

Veganiziraj se! / Veganize It!

Bilježnica / The Notebook

marriage meant, nor what would she do as a wife and a mother. All she knew was that she would finally get her freedom and wear makeup and new, white dress of a princess.

take him far from his home, father, and reality. Years abroad challenge his decisions and bring him back to his humble life.

Veganiziraj se! / Veganize It!

Palma / The Palm Tree Qatar, 2015, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Jassim Al-Rumaihi

Preživljava u teškoj pustinjskoj klimi Arabije, od Iraka do Maroka. Stoji uspravno i daruje svoje plodove još od postanka čovječanstva. Pustinjska plemena je zovu kraljicom pustinje. Palma. In the harsh climate of the Arabian desert, stretching from Iraq to Morocco, it stands majestically, giving fruits to the people ever since the beginning of mankind. Desert tribes call it the queen of the desert - her majesty the Palm Tree.

Skoro pa novo / Good as New

Qatar, 2014, Colour, 13 min. Režija / Director: Jaser Alagha Uloge / Cast: Khaled Kaddoura, Ahmed El Zain, Julia Howman, Mohammad Iqbal, Mohssin Ashour, Nissryne Dib, Rana Al Khatib, Tulip Naji, James Zachary Hollo

Moayyad je mladi Sirijac koji se prateći snove udaljio od svoga doma, oca i osjećaja za realnost. Godine provedene u inostranstvu će ga navesti da preispita vlastite odluke i vrati se svome skromnom životu. Moayyad is a young Syrian man whose dreams

Qatar, 2015, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Khalid Salim Uloge / Cast: Mohanad Masoud, Amani Mahmoud, Samar Shamoug, Mazin Abdelhafiz, Rawan Mirghani, Muhammed Al Sunni

Dan u životu mladoga muškarca koji se nastoji uklopiti u društvo i ubijediti ljude oko sebe da ga prihvate kao vegana. A day in life of a young man, who's trying to fit in and convince the people around him to accept him as a vegan.

Žute noći / Yellow Nights

Qatar, 2015, Colour, 7 min. Režija / Director: Abdullah Al Mulla Uloge / Cast: Dawood Alanwari, Rana Jubara, AbdolWahed Mohammad

U okruženju osvijetljenom tamnožutim svjetlom, niti koje vežu jedan par pucaju, da bi kroz naizgled zbunjujuće životne nedaće sve stvari legle na svoje mjesto i život prestao biti ograničen. In a dark yellow-lit landscape, a couple break their bond and then in the seeming confusion of life’s troubles, everything is abruptly put into perspective and life is not insular.

Žute noći / Yellow Nights SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL GUESTS Present Iz Mexica: Muzika za Eisensteina (segmenti iz filma ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO!) / From Mexico: Music for Eisenstein (fragments from ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO!) U okviru 22. Sarajevo Film Festivala održaće se jedinstven filmsko-muzički događaj IZ MEKSIKA: MUZIKA ZA EISENSTEINA (segmenti iz filma ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO!) koji će publici predstaviti Filmoteka UNAM (filmski arhiv Meksičkog državnog univerziteta) i San Cristobal International Film Festival. Publika će u Narodnom pozorištu, 17. augusta u 22.30 imati priliku da pogleda segmente filma ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO! koje je montirala Filmoteka UNAM uz muzičku pratnju ansambla Ensamble de Cine Mudo koja će biti zasnovana na izvornom muzičkom skoru, ali uz improvizacije izvođača. Program u Narodnom pozorištu će predstaviti Marina Stavenhagen, izvršna direktorica San Cristobal International Film Festivala i Andrea Stavenhagen, koordinatorica programa San Cristobal International Film Festivala. Muzički ansambl Cine Mudo je osnovao José María Serralde Ruíz 1998. godine. Specijalnost ansambla je izvođenje žive muzike uz projekcije nijemih fimova i u sklopu drugih multidisciplinarnih umjetničkih projekta koji se predstavljaju na festivalima i umjetničkim događajima u Meksiku, Kanadi i Italiji. Odabir muzičara i instrumenata za svako izvođenje temelji se na estetici vremena i mjesta nastanka svakog od filmova uz koji sviraju. Nakon meksičke revolucije tridesetih godina prošloga vijeka, intelektualci i umjetnici iz cijeloga svijeta pohrlili su u tu zemlju da bi proučavali njenu drevnu, ali i tada nastajuću kulturu, kao i da bi učestvovali u njoj. Među njima su bila i tri državljanina Sovjetskog Saveza koji su doputovali iz SAD: Sergei Eisenstein, Eduard Tisse i Grigori Aleksandrov. Zbog iznimnih uspjeha na filmu koje su njih trojica postigli u svojoj zemlji, Paramount Pictures ih je angažovao da snime film u holivudskoj produkciji, pri čemu je jedini završeni dio projekta bio scenarij tog filma. Oni su u Meksiko otputovali na preporuku Charlesa Chaplina, a uz finansijsku podršku američkog književnika Uptona Sinclaira. Tokom 1931. su snimili više sekvenci koje Eisenstein nikada nije smonitirao. Naime, nakon što ih je Sinclair prestao finansirati, tri su se sovjetska državljanina bila prisiljena vratiti u SSSR ne ispunivši svoj cilj da završe film o meksičkoj kulturi, ali materijal koji su oni snimili kasnije će postati dio filma ¡QUE VIVA MEXICO!. Njihov materijal, zabilježen na skoro 46.000 metara filmske trake, prvobitno je bio pohranjen u skladištu Muzeja moderne umjetnosti MoMA u New Yorku, da bi u konačnici bio korišten za izradu nekoliko različitih verzija filma od kojih ni jedna nije bila pretjerano uspješna. Aleksandrov je tek sedamdesetih godina prošloga vijeka, zahvaljujući dogovoru sa filmskim arhivom Sovjetskog Saveza, smontirao svoju verziju filma ¡QUE VIVA MEXICO! zasnovanu na Eisensteinovim bilješkama i, prije svega, na vlastitim sjećanjima. Ruski filmski arhiv je zatim donirao kopiju Aleksandrove verzije filma Filmoteci UNAM. Oni su iz njega izdvojili tri reprezentativne cjeline: SANDUNGA, MAGUEY i DAY OF THE DEAD. Njihova verzija filma odražava Eisensteinovu percepciju i viziju, puna je poetičnosti, svjetla i dramatičnih meksičkih krajolika. Sergei Eisenstein je tokom vlastitog kreativnog procesa vodio bilješke. U njegovim izvještajima sa putovanja, komentarima na poleđini fotografija, te u pismima i memoarima koje je sačuvao nailazimo na zabilješke o zvucima i muzici koji bi bili korišteni u filmu ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO! da su ga izvorni autori uspjeli završiti. Muziku za sadašnju verziju filma komponovali su meksički muzičar José María Serralde i njegov ansambl, služeći se Eisensteinovim bilješkama, nalazima meksičkog akademika Aurelija de los Reyesa prezentovanim u njegovom istraživanju naslovljenom El nacimiento de ¡QUE

54 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

VIVA MÉXICO!, raznim verzijama filma napravljenim tokom vremena, kao i osvrtom Oliviera Debroisea u njegovom filmu Un banquete en Tetlapayac. Pri tome su se oslanjali na vizuelni identitet Meksika dvadesetih i tridesetih godina prošloga vijeka. Muzika u ovom filmu je mješavina tradicionanog melosa sa muzičkim pasažima Carlosa Cháveza i Silvestrea Revueltasa, zvucima tipičnim za Miguela Bernala Jiméneza i Pabla Moncayoa, a koje su ukomponovane i kontrastirane sa muzičkim djelima ruskih kompozitora Dmitrija Shostakovicha i Sergeia Prokofieva. Predstavljanje ovog projekta moguće je zahvaljujući nesebičnoj podršci Međunarodne federacije filmskih arhiva i Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Meksika, uz posredstvo Meksičke agencije za međunarodni razvoj i saradnju. A unique film and music event - FROM MEXICO: MUSIC FOR EISENSTEIN (fragments from ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO!) - will be presented to the Sarajevo audiences during the 22nd Sarajevo Film Festival by Filmoteca UNAM (Film Archive of the National University of Mexico) and the San Cristobal International Film Festival. Audience at the National Theater will have an opportunity on August 17 at 22:30 hours, to see segments from the film ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO! edited by Filmoteca UNAM. The screening will be accompanied by live music performed by Ensable de Cine Mudo. The music performance will be based on the original music score, but allowing for improvisation and invention by the performers. Event at the National Theater will be presented by Marina Stavenhagen Executive Director of San Cristobal International Film Festival and Andrea Stavenhagen, Programming coordinator of San Cristobal International Film Festival. The Ensamble Cine Mudo was founded by José María Serralde Ruíz in 1998 and specializes in setting live music to silent films and other multidisciplinary arts, performing at festivals and forums in Mexico, Canada and Italy. It summons musicians and instrumental provisions in accordance with the aesthetics of the era and the nationality of each film, for historically informed performances. After the Mexican Revolution in the 1930s, intellectuals and artists from all over the world came to Mexico to observe and participate in the Mexican culture, both ancient and emerging; among them were three soviets who arrived from the United States: Sergei Eisenstein, Eduard Tisse and Grigori Aleksandrov. Due to the prestige of their extraordinary work in film in their country, they had been hired by Paramount Pictures to make a new film in Hollywood, of which only a script was finalized. They came to Mexico on recommendation of Charles Chaplin, funded by the American writer Upton Sinclair. Through 1931 they filmed several sequences that Eisenstein never edited. Sinclair stopped the funding and the three soviets were forced to return to the USSR without fully achieving their goal: a complete film on the Mexican culture, latter called ¡Que Viva Mexico! The footage –over 150,000 feet of filmremained in storage in the New York’s Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) and was eventually displayed in several films, which were not very successful. It was not until the 1970’s when through a fortunate agreement with Gosfilmofond –the Soviet Union Film Archive- Aleksandrov edited a version of ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO! based on Eisenstein’s writings and, above all, his own memories. After that, a print of the Aleksandrov’s version was given in donation by the

Photo credit: Rodrigo González Olivares

Russian film archive to the Filmoteca UNAM. There, they selected three representative sections: SANDUNGA, MAGUEY and DAY OF THE DEAD; the resulting edition represents Eisenstein’s perception and vision, impregnated with the poetry, the luminosity, as well as the drama of the Mexican landscape. Sergei Eisenstein was a common writer over his creative processes. Allusions to sound and music to set what could have been ¡QUE VIVA MÉXICO! are described in travel stories, comments on photos, letters and memories that the author kept among his possessions. Inspired by this documents, the research El nacimiento de ¡Que Viva México! by Mexican academic Aurelio de los Reyes, and also considering the various editions of the film made over time, as well as Olivier Debroise’s reflection expressed in his film Un banquete en Tetlapayac, a score proposal was created by Mexican musician José María Serralde and his ensemble, resorting to the imaginary of the Mexican decades of 1920’s and 1930’s. The score integrates traditional music

fragments with quotes of passages by Carlos Chávez and Silvestre Revueltas, incorporating resources typical of Miguel Bernal Jiménez and Pablo Moncayo as well, contrasting them with Russian themes by Dmitri Shostakovich and Sergei Prokofiev. The presentation is possible thanks to the generous support of the International Federation of Film Archives and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Mexico), through the Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation.

Iz Meksika: Muzika za Eisensteina (segmenti filma ¡Que viva México!) / From Mexico: Music for Eisenstein (Fragments of ¡Que viva México!)

Mexico, USSR, USA, 1931, Black & White, 58 min. Režija / Director: Sergei Mikhaylovich Eisenstein


Mexico, 2016, Colour, 105 min. Režija / Director: Tatiana Huezo Uloge / Cast: Miriam Carbajal, Adela Alvarado

Kroz jednu ličnu i emotivnu priču, ovaj film govori o parališućoj moći straha: straha kao bolesti koja osobu sprečava da zauzme stav o vlastitom životu i budućnosti svoje djece, koja podrezuje krila snovima i onemogućava lični razvoj. Through a subjective and emotional journey, this film conveys the paralysing power of fear: fear as a sickness that prevents you from taking a stand on your life, on the future of your children; which clouds your ability to dream and grow.

Nevrijeme / Tempest

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Novine / The Paper

Dnevnik mašinovođe / Train Driver's Diary

PRETPREMIJERE Avant Premiere Dnevnik mašinovođe / Train Driver's Diary

Serbia, Croatia, 2016, Colour, 87 min. Režija / Director: Miloš Radović Uloge / Cast: Lazar Ristovski, Petar Korać, Pavle Erić, Mirjana Karanović, Jasna Đuričić, Mladen Nelević, Nina Janković, Danica Ristovski, Haris Burina, Tihomir Stanić

Činjenica da voz ne može da se zaustavi najmanje 700 metara nakon što je kočnica aktivirana, oslobađa mašinovođe svake odgovornosti. Svaki od njih, tokom svoje profesionalne karijere, nenamjerno ubije 20–30 ljudi. Žrtve su obično samoubice, nepažljivi, pijani, ili samo odsutni ljudi. Ovo je tragična komedija o nevinim ubicama i njihovim životima. The fact that a train takes 700 meters or more to stop after a train driver applies the break, absolves train drivers of responsibility. In the course of his career, a train driver unintentionally kills between 20 and 30 people. Most victims are individuals intent on suicide, reckless drunks or otherwise distracted people. This film is a tragic comedy about innocent killers and their victims.

Novine / The Paper

Croatia, 2016, Colour, 100 min. Režija / Director: Dalibor Matanić Scenarij / Screenplay: Ivica Đikić Uloge / Cast: Branka Katić, Trpimir Jurkić, Aleksandar Cvjetković, Dragan Despot, Edita Karađole, Zijad Gračić, Olga Pakalović, Zdenko Jelčić, Goran Marković, Alen Liverić, Tihana Lazović, Mijo Jurišić, Dajana Čuljak

Mario Kardum (51), utjecajni i politički konzervativni građevinski poduzetnik, odluči kupiti lijevo-liberalni dnevni list „Novine“ iz dva razloga. Prvi je prometna nesreća koju je skrivila njegova majka Dubravka Kardum (71): skrivila je

smrt troje mladih ljudi, a zatim pobjegla s mjesta nesreće. Mario Kardum upotrijebi svoje političke i policijske veze da se zataška istraga nesreće, ali Andrej Marinković (39), reporter „Novina“, ne odustane od istraživanja tog slučaja. Stavljanjem „Novina“ pod vlasničku kontrolu Kardum kani zaustaviti novinarsko čeprkanje po nedjelu svoje majke. Mario Kardum (51), a conservative and influential construction tycoon, decides to buy a left-leaning newspaper The Paper. He has two reasons. The first reason has to do with a traffic accident caused by his mother Dubravka Kardum (71). Three young people were killed in the accident and Dubravka fled from the scene. Mario uses his political and police connections to stop an official investigation of the accident, but The Paper reporter Andrej Marinković (39) is continuing his own investigation of the case. Mario Kardum hopes that assuming the ownership of The Paper will put him in a position to stop the journalist from investigating his mother’s crime.

Oslobođenje Skoplja / The Liberation of Skopje

Macedonia, Croatia, Finland, 2016, Colour, 111 min. Režija / Director: Rade Šerbedžija, Danilo Šerbedžija Uloge / Cast: David Todosovski, Rade Šerbedžija, Mikko Nousiainen, Lucija Šerbedžija, Silvija Stojanovska, Nebojša Glogovac, Petar Mirčevski, Dejan Lilić

Užasi i patnje Drugog svjetskog rata u ovom su gorko-slatkom filmu prikazani iz vizure jedanaestogodišnjeg Zorana čij se otac pridružio partizanima kako bi se borio protiv njemačke okupacije, a majka mu istovremeno započinje vezu sa njemačkim oficirom.

Oslobođenje Skoplja / The Liberation of Skopje

56 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


The horrors and suffering of the Second World War are portrayed in bittersweet terms through the eyes of 11-year-old Zoran whose father has joined the partisans to fight the German occupiers and whose mother becomes involved with a German officer.


Croatia, 2016, Colour, 90 min. Režija / Director: Igor Šeregi Uloge / Cast: Rene Bitorajac, Marko Cindrić, Filip Detelić, Marko Janketić, Matija Kačan, Domagoj Mrkonjić, Nikola Rakočević, Mijo Jurišić, Igor Hamer, Miloš Timotijević, Mladen Andrejević, Danica Maksimović, Iva Stefanović, Radovan Vujović

ZG80 je akciona komedija o jednom od najvećih rivalstava u historiji fudbalskih navijača – rivalstvu između Bad Blue Boysa (navijača fudbalskog kluba Dinamo iz Zagreba) i Delija (navijača fudbalskog kluba Crvena zvezda iz Beograda). U predvečerje rata u Jugoslaviji, fudbalski huligani iz Zagreba otišli su na utakmicu u Beograd, dom njihovih omiljenih neprijatelja Delija. Ovo je priča o prijateljstvu, lojalnosti i besmislu politike i rata u bivšoj Jugoslaviji. ZG80 is an action comedy about one of the greatest rivalries in football fans history - the one between football fans Bad Blue Boys (football club “Dinamo“, Zagreb, Croatia) and Delije (football club “Red star“ Belgrade, Serbia). In a dawn of Yugoslavia war, football hooligans from Zagreb went to game in Belgrade, Serbia, home of their favourite enemies “Delije“ of football club “Red star“. This is a story of a friendship, loyalty and a senselessness of politics and war in former Yugoslavia.

Hronika jednog nestajanja / Chronicle of a Disappearance

Šegrt / The Apprentice

SPECIJALNE PROJEKCIJE Special Screenings Hronika jednog nestajanja / Chronicle of a Disappearance

Palestine, Israel, USA, Germany, France, 1996, Colour, 84 min. Režija / Director: Elia Suleiman Uloge / Cast: Elia Suleiman, Ula Tabari, Nazira Suleiman, Fuad Suleiman, Jamal Daher

HRONIKA JEDNOG NESTAJANJA prelazi granice mnogih žanrova opstajući u zoni sumraka između narativnog, historijskog i autobiografskog filma. Nakon što je godinama živio u New Yorku, palestinski filmski autor Elia Suleiman vratio se u Izrael kako bi snimio ovaj film. Iskoristio je privilegovani status - napola stranca, napola insajdera - kako bi analizirao u kojoj mjeri arapsko stanovništvo Izraela gubi svoj nacionalni identitet. In an investigation of the twilight zone between narrative, history and autobiography, CHRONICLE OF A DISAPPEARANCE transgresses the boundaries of many genres. After living in New York for many years, the Palestinian film maker Elia Suleiman returned to Israel for this film. He used his privileged position as half insider and half outsider to analyze how much the Arab population of Israel is losing its national identity.

Šegrt / The Apprentice

Turkey, 2015, Colour, 86 min. Režija / Director: Emre Konuk Uloge / Cast: Hakan Atalay, Çiğdem Selışık Onat, Tuğrul Çetiner, Levent Öktem

Tridesetpetogodišnji Alim već 15 godina radi kao krojački šegrt u radnji svog majstora, šezdesetogodišnjeg Yakuba. Alim je nekrofobičar te posljedično tome mrzi da radi bilo šta van rutine i život provodi u ekstremnoj monotoniji. Jedan dan čuje na vijestima da se može desiti da plinski rezervoari u automobilu eksplodiraju. Od tada svaki put prije ulaska u taxi provjerava gepek automobila. Zbog toga odlučuje da se preseli u bliži kvart no ta će, naizgled mala promjena, za njega biti velika životna prekretnica. Alim (35) has been working as a tailor apprentice for 15 years with his master Yakub (60). He is a necrophobic. As a consequence of this, he hates to break out of the routine and lives his life in extreme monotony. One day he hears in the news that LPG tanks in the cars might explode. Since then, each time he takes a taxi, he checks the trunk of the car. He therefore decides to move to a closer neighborhood, but this small change will be a milestone for him.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


CineLink dani filmske industrije CineLink Industry Days

Kreiranje budućnosti filmske industrije u Jugoistočnoj Evropi / Shaping the future of the film business in Southeast Europe Program podrške filmskoj industriji Sarajevo Film Festivala je tokom petnaest godina svoga postojanja postao vodeće mjesto okupljanja filmskih profesionalaca Jugoistočne Evrope i dao ključni doprinos stvaranju trenda i povećanju broja regionalnih filmskih koprodukcija. Također je pretvorio Sarajevo u neizbježnu destinacija za filmske profesionalce iz svih dijelova Evrope koji tragaju za talentima i mogućim koprodukcijama ili se žele iscrpno informisati o poslovnim prilikama u ovoj dinamičnoj regiji. Sarajevo Film Festival svake godine privlači oko 1.000 profesionalaca iz različtih domena audiovizualnih industrija zahvaljujući međusobno povezanim programskim segmentima u okviru programa CineLink dani filmske industrije:

CineLink koprodukcijski market CineLink Work in Progress CineLink drama Dokumentarni izlog grubog šnita Sajam istinitih priča Talents Sarajevo Pack&Pitch Pretpremijere trejleri Regionalni forum Naša vizija je da zadovoljimo postojeće i oblikujemo buduće potrebe filmskog biznisa. Broj filmova koji se proizvode izvan postojećeg lanca vrijednosti je u porastu, a istovremeno se brišu granice između TV i kino sadržaja u smislu kvalitete i broja ekrana na kojima se ti sadržaji prikazuju. Svi tokovi i trendovi u audiovizualnim industrijama počeli su se preplitati, zbog čega je naš ovogodišnji program strukturian tako da odrazi ovu situaciju. Osim naše prepoznatljive ponude kvalitetnih filmskih projekata u fazi razvoja na CineLink koprodukcijskom marketu, te onih u postprodukcij na CineLink Work in Progress-u i trejlera završenih filmova spremnih za distribuciju na Pretpremijere trejleri, novi programski segment CineLink drama predstaviti će projekte za TV serije afirmisanih filmskih autora sa područja bivše Jugoslavije. Istovremeno, na Sajmu istinitih priča, u saradnji sa brojnim organizacijama koje dokumentuju rat u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, filmskim i TV profesionalcima, predstavljamo bitne priče koje mogu postati uspješni filmovi, dok će neafirmisani mladi autori imati priliku da mogućim partnerima predstave svoje projekte na Talents Sarajevo Pack & Pitch-u.

58 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

CineLink dani filmske industrije raspolažu nagradnim fondom u gotovini i uslugama ukupne vrijednosti od preko 100.000 eura, uključujući nagrade Eurimagesa, Artea, Makedonske filmske agencije, njemačke kompanije The Post Republic i druge nagrade.

Talents Sarajevo će se održati u periodu od 14. do 20. augusta 2016. godine U desetom, jubilarnom izdanju inicijative Talents Sarajevo učestvovat će perspektivni glumaci, reditelji, scenaristi, producenti i snimatelji kao i filmski kritičari – ukupno njih 71 – iz Jugoistočne Evrope i Južnog Kavkaza. Inicijativa obuhvata bogati SUMMIT program, sačinjen od master časova, moderiranih stručnih razgovora i interaktivnih panel diskusija, upotpunjen PACK&PITCH i SCRIPT STATION laboratorijama za razvoj projekata te studio programima i radionicama, namijenjenim pojedinačnim filmskim profesijama uključujući ACTING STUDIO, CAMERA STUDIO, FILM STAGE STUDIO i TALENT PRESS. Inicijativa Talents Sarajevo, pokrenuta u saradnji sa Međunarodnim filmskim festivalom u Berlinu i programom Berlinale Talents, u proteklih je devet godina postala regionalni centar za okupljanje i obuku perspektivnih filmskih radnika. Na svjetlu i u tami je naslov i tematski okvir ovogodišnjeg programa Talents Sarajevo. Deseto izdanje ima za cilj rasvijetliti napetost između vidljivog i nevidljivog na filmu. Sljedeći stručnjaci će učestvovati u ovogodišnjem izdanju programa Talents Sarajevo: Ermin Bravo, Gabriele Brunnenmeyer, Amat Escalante, Jan Forsström, Gyula Gazdag, Lucile Hadžihalilović, Olivia Hetreed, Nick James, Kirsten Johnson, Dana Linssen, Igor Martinović, Yoana Pavlova, Simon Perry, Katriel Schory, Elia Suleiman, Christine Tröstrum, Selina Ukwuoma. Over the 15 years since its launch, the Sarajevo Film Festival's industry section has become a major hub for Southeast European film professionals, and has played a crucial role in the expansion of cinematic co-production in the region. It has also become a key destination for professionals from across Europe who are in search of talent and co-production possibilities, or who simply wish to obtain in-depth knowledge about this dynamic region’s business development. The Festival's industry offering attracts almost 1,000 professionals to its

annual event in late August and includes activities for people from all spheres of the business through its interlinked CineLink Industry Days sections:

CineLink Co-Production Market CineLink Work-in-Progress CineLink Drama Docu Rough Cut Boutique True Stories Market Talents Sarajevo Pack&Pitch Avant Premiere Regional Forum Our vision is to serve the current needs of the business, as well as to shape its future. We see more films than ever being made outside the existing value chain, as well as the former borders between cinema and TV blurred in terms of quality of content – and there are so many more screens on which all of this can be seen. Everything is converging, and we have designed this year’s programme to reflect this. In addition to our flagship selection of quality projects in development at the CineLink Co-production , screenings of fiction and documentary films in post at CineLink Work-in-Progress, and extracts from finished films going into distribution at Avant Premier Trailers, the new CineLink Drama section features new and exciting high-quality drama projects by established filmmakers from the region. At the same time, the True Stories Market presents film and TV professionals with cases from the archives of key organisations documenting the Yugoslav wars of the 90's, while young talents

pitch their short film projects at Talents Sarajevo Pack&Pitch. Everything in one place; everything connected. CineLink Industry Days provides awards totalling more than €100,000 in cash and services, from Eurimages, Arte, the Macedonian Film Agency and Post Republic, among others.

Talents Sarajevo takes place 14-20 August, 2016. Seventy-one up-and-coming actors, directors, scriptwriters, producers, film critics and cinematographers from Southeast Europe and Southern Caucasus will take part in Talents Sarajevo’s 10th anniversary edition. Offerings include a rich SUMMIT programme of master classes, moderated talks and interactive panel discussions, complemented by the PACK&PITCH and SCRIPT STATION project labs, the ACTING STUDIO, CAMERA STUDIO and FILM STAGE STUDIO programmes, and TALENT PRESS, a workshop for film critics. Founded in collaboration with the Berlin International Film Festival and Berlinale Talents, over the past nine years Talents Sarajevo has become the Southeast European hub for aspiring film professionals to meet and develop their skills. In and Out of Light is the underlying thematic focus for 2016. The 10th edition of Talents Sarajevo will shed light on the interplay and tension between the seen and the unseen in cinema. Talents Sarajevo 2016 experts include: Ermin Bravo, Gabriele Brunnenmeyer, Amat Escalante, Jan Forsström, Gyula Gazdag, Lucile Hadžihalilović, Olivia Hetreed, Nick James, Kirsten Johnson, Dana Linssen, Igor Martinović, Yoana Pavlova, Simon Perry, Katriel Schory, Elia Suleiman, Christine Tröstrum, Selina Ukwuoma.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba




Danis Tanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina/France, 2016, 85 min.


Cristi Puiu, Romania/France/Bosnia and Herzegovina/Croatia/Republic of Macedonia, 2016, 175 min.



Goran Dujaković, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 19 min.


Grupa autora/ Group of authors, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min.


Gonzalo Escobar Mora, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Columbia, 2016, 21 min.

Ena Omerović, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Netherlands/China, 2016, 12 min.


Marko Mijatović, Germany/Austria/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 29 min.


Vesko Kadić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 28 min.

Mirjana Karanović, Serbia/Bosnia and Herzegovina/Croatia, 2016, 90 min. Vlado Škafar, Slovenia/Italy/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 93 min.


Dane Komljen, Serbia/Montenegro/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 97 min.


Damjan Kozole, Slovenia/Croatia/Serbia/Republic of Macedonia/ Bosnia and Herzegovina/Germany, 2016, 95 min.


Goran Kapetanović, Sweden/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 58 min.



Vedran Drljević, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 15 min.


Aid Bešić, Shqipdona Ademaj, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Kosovo/ Republic of Macedonia, 2015, 22 min.


Nađa Sinić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 18 min.



Stefan Malešević, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Serbia, 2016, 76 min.


Branko Lazić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 72 min.


Lidija Zelović, Netherlands/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 57 min.


Gianluca Loffredo, Andrea Postiglione, France/Italy/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 70 min.


Remy Ourdan , Patrick Chauvel, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 90 min.


Benjamin Dizdarević, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 52 min.


Damir Pirić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 61 min.


Roger M. Richards, United Kingdom/Bosnia and Herzegovina/USA, 2016, 90 min.


Tarik Hodžić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 100 min.


Hari Šečić, Bosnia and Herzegovina/USA, 2016, 53 min.


Nihad Ademi, Canada/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 31 min. DOKUMENTARNI FILM 5 / DOCUMENTARY FILM 5


Duško Stanivuk, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 20 min. STUDENTSKI FILMOVI 3 / STUDENT FILMS 3


Dragan Majkić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 1 min.

Namik Kabil, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 36 min.



Janja Bijelić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 8 min. KRATKI FILM / SHORT FILM


Goran Kapetanović, Sweden/Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 14 min.


Mladen Vučković, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 10 min.


Marta Henaiz Pidal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 15 min. KRATKI FILM 1 / SHORT FILM 1



Saša Karanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 28 min.

Romano Kuduzović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 1 min.


Mersiha Husagić, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Germany, 2016, 7 min.


Bojan Josić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 7 min.


Berin Tuzlić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 10 min.


Ismir Bučan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 9 min. Ademir Gogić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 14 min.



Zeid Lušija, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 12 min.


Elma Tataragić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 15 min.


Tina Šmalcelj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 8 min.



Emily Norling, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Sweden, 2015, 13 min.

Tarik Hodžić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 11 min.

Nisvet Hrustić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 9 min.

Damir Bašić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 8 min.




Pero Pavlović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 25 min.


Kumjana Novakova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 7 min.



Maja Crnobrnja, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 18 min.


Sanja Jokić, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Sweden, 2015, 12 min.


Katarina Živanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 10 min.

Lejla Brčaninović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 10 min.

Baharen Mirhadi, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Sweden/Iran, 2015, 9 min.


Pilar Palomero, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 8 min.

Stijn Bouma, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 21 min.



Lorenzo Fabbro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 27 min.


Aid Bešić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 9 min.

Adnan Smajić, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Sweden, 2016, 7 min.


Alen Šimić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 15 min.

Alen Alilović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 13 min.


Ivana Živković, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Sweden, 2015, 3 min.

Amar Spahić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, 16 min.


Joanna Zielinska, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Poland, 2016, 22 min.





Aleksandra Niemczyk, Bosnia and Herzegovina/Poland/Norway, 2016, 77 min. Jimmy Bontatibus, Bosnia and Herzegovina/USA, 2016, 84 min.


Emir Kapetanović, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 52 min. DOKUMENTARNI FILM 4 / DOCUMENTARY FILM 4




Emma Rozanski, Bosnia and Herzegovina/United Kingdom, 2016, 82 min.




60 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba




Grupa autora/Group of authors, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 4 min.


Zdenko Jurilj, Ivo Čolak, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 15 min.


Dominik Ćorić, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015, 8 min.


Zdenko Jurilj, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2013, 24 min.


Stjepan Skoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 12 min.


Grupa autora/ Group of authors, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2014, 8 min.

RASPORED PROJEKCIJA Screening Schedule Petak/ Friday, 12.08.2016.

Narodno pozorište / National Theatre 20.30 Open Air FILM IZNENAĐENJA / SURPRISE FILM

Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air


Subota/ Saturday, 13.08.2016.

Nedjelja/ Sunday, 14.08.2016.

Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Lukas Valenta Rinner, 100 min, Spanish 13.45 Specijalna projekcija / Special Screening

Bogdan Mirică, 104 min, Romanian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus

Emre Konuk, 86 min, Turkish 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus

Zrinko Ogresta, 85 min, Croatian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Damjan Kozole, 85 min, Slovenian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Bogdan Mirică, 104 min, Romanian 22.30 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere

Lukas Valenta Rinner, 100 min, Spanish 22.30 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere

Miloš Radović, 87 min, Serbian









Rade Šerbedžija, Danilo Šerbedžija, 111 min, Bulgarian, German, Macedonian


Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope

Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope

Mia Hansen-Løve, 100 min, English, French, German 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Amat Escalante

Ivo M. Ferreira, 105 min, Portugese 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Amat Escalante

Amat Escalante, 90 min, English, Spanish 21.00 Kinoscope

Amat Escalante, 90 min, Spanish

Lucile Hadžihalilović, 81 min, French

Martín Escalante, Kenny Johnston, 9 min, Spanish 21.00 Kinoscope

Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.15 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena








Kleber Mendonca Filho, 145 min, Portugese

Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.15 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena

Ted Sieger, Michael Ekblad, Matthias Bruhn, 70 min, sinhronizovano 12.30 BH Film DOKUMENTARNI 1 / DOCUMENTARIES 1, 61 min. 14.15 Kinoscope

Marek Beneš , 80 min, No Dialogue 12.30 BH Film

Ivo M. Ferreira, 105 min, Portugese 14.45 Open Air

Hari Šečić, 53 min, Bosnian, English 14.15 Kinoscope

Stephen Frears, 110 min, English 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Alain Guiraudie, 100 min, French 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Mladen Kovačević, 62 min, Serbian








Mathieu Jouffre, 65 min, Albanian 16.45 BH Film


17.00 Kinoscope - Midnight


Ali Abbasi, 92 min, Danish, English 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme


Emilie Deleuze, 90 min, French 19.00 TeenArena

Tarik Hodžić, 100 min, Bosnian, English 16.45 BH Film

17.00 Kinoscope - Midnight


Babak Anvari, 84 min, Farsi 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme Claude Barras, 66 min, French 19.00 TeenArena



Petr Oukropec, 79 min, Czech 20.00 BH Film



Christian Desmares, Franck Ekinci, 105 min, French 20.00 BH Film


Vlado Škafar, 93 min, Slovenian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Roger M. Richards, 90 min, Bosnian, English 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Damjan Kozole, 10 min, Slovenian

Lidija Zelović, 57 min, Croatian, Dutch, English, Serbian

Siniša Vidović, 87 min, Bosnian, Croatian, German, Serbian 22.00 BH Film

Monica Lazurean-Gorgan, 67 min, Romanian 22.00 BH Film

Emma Rozanski, 82 min, Bosnian, English

Jimmy Bontatibus, 84 min, Bosnian, English

Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air

Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air




Stephen Frears, 110 min, English

Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen


Stephan Bookas, Tristan Daws, 6 min, English





Whit Stillman, 92 min, English

Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen


Jim Jarmusch, 108 min, English

Rokhsareh Ghaem Magham, 90 min, Dari, English, Persian

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


RASPORED PROJEKCIJA Screening Schedule Ponedjeljak/ Monday, 15.08.2016.

Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features LIVADA / THE FIELD

Utorak/ Tuesday,16.08.2016.

Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features ALBUM

Srijeda/ Wednesday, 17.08.2016.

Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features VLAŽNOST / HUMIDITY

Cemil Ağacıklıoğlu, 85 min, Turkish Mehmet Can Mertoğlu, 104 min, Turkish Nikola Ljuca, 113 min, English, French, Serbian 13.45 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije/ Competition Features -Out of Competition 13.45 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije/ Competition Features -Out of Competition 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus


Ali Asgari, Adrian Sitaru, Alexandre Rockwell, Rolf De Heer, Gurvinder Singh, Chema García Ibarra, Roger Deutsch, Sergey Bodrov, Andrej Landin, 125 min, Armenian, English, Italian, Punjabi, Romanian, Spanish, Turkish, Urdu 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus



Yorgos Zois, 110 min, Greek 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features


Dalibor Matanić, Sonja Tarokić, Hana Jušić, Bobo Jelčić, Zvonimir Jurić, Vlatka Vorkapić, Jasna Zastavniković, Filip Šovagović, Ivan Salaj, Tanja Golić, Petar Orešković, Stanislav Tomić, Edi Mužina, Ivan Sikavica, Sara Hribar, 93 min, Croatian, English, Hungarian 16.00 U fokusu / In Focus


Emin Alper, 119 min, Turkish 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features



Mehmet Can Mertoğlu, 104 min, Turkish Sergei Mikhaylovich Eisenstein, 58 min, No Dialogue 22.30 Takmičarski igrani-Izvan konkurencije/ Competition Features -Out of Competition

Cristian Mungiu, 128 min, Romanian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features Cemil Ağacıklıoğlu, 85 min, Turkish 22.30 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere



Nikola Ljuca, 113 min, English, French, Serbian 22.30 Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present - Filmoteca UNAM (Film Archive of the National University of Mexico) and the San Cristobal International Film Festival


Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope / Sarajevo Film Festival Guests Present - Morelia Film Festival


Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 11.00 Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day U DRUŠTVU VJERNIKA / AMONG THE BELIEVERS


Mohammed Ali Naqvi, Hemal Trivedi, 84 min, English, Urdu 15.00 Specijalna projekcija / Special Screening

Tatiana Huezo, 105 min, Spanish 18.00 Shorts EUROPEAN SHORTS 1, 87 min 21.00 Kinoscope


Leyla Bouzid, 102 min, Arabic

Igor Šeregi, 90 min, Croatian

Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope Kirsten Johnson, 102 min, Arabic, Bosnian, Dari, English, Fur, Hausa 15.00 Posvećeno / Tribute To Amat Escalante Amat Escalante, 13 min, Spanish


Dane Komljen, 100 min, Serbian

Amat Escalante, 105 min, Spanish 21.00 Kinoscope

Elia Suleiman, 84 min, Arabic, English, French, Hebrew 21.00 Kinoscope

Maren Ade, 162 min, English, German, Romanian

Gabriel Mascaro, 101 min, Portugese

Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.30 BH Film

Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.00 Kinoscope

Lidija Zelović, 57 min, Croatian, Dutch, English, Serbian 14.15 Kinoscope

Leyla Bouzid, 102 min, Arabic 12.30 BH Film

Lucile Hadžihalilović, 81 min, French 14.45 Open Air

14.15 Kinoscope




Whit Stillman, 92 min, English 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries


Ivan Ramljak, 35 min, Croatian


Alexandru Belc, 70 min, Romanian 16.45 BH Film


Benjamin Dizdarević, 52 min., Bosnian 17.00 Kinoscope


Kleber Mendonca Filho, 145 min, Portugese 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme


Andrea Jublin, 83 min, Italian 19.00 TeenArena





Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 12.30 BH Film KRATKI 1 / SHORTS 1 , 69 min

14.15 Kinoscope


Mia Hansen-Løve, 100 min, English, French, German 14.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries / Suočavanje s prošlošću / Dealing with the Past



Ognjen Glavonić, 80 min, Albanian, Serbian 14.30 Shorts



Kirsten Johnson, 102 min, Arabic, Bosnian, Dari, English, Fur, Hausa 14.30 Shorts



Open Air




Ken Loach, 100 min, English 16.45 BH Film


17.00 Kinoscope


Pedro Almodóvar, 96 min, Spanish 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Gabriel Mascaro, 101 min, Portugese 17.15 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere

Namik Kabil, 30 min, Bosnian

Rade Šerbedžija, Danilo Šerbedžija, 111 min, Bulgarian, German, Macedonian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme



Klára Trencsényi, 79 min, Hungarian 16.45 BH Film



Arend Agthe, 93 min, German 19.00 TeenArena


Damir Pirić, 61 min, Bosnian 17.00 Kinoscope

Ekrem Ergün, 83 min, German, Turkish 20.00 BH Film

Maren Ade, 162 min, English, German, Romanian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme

Danis Tanović, 85 min, Bosnian, English, French 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries


Pekka Karjalainen, 85 min, Finnish 19.00 TeenArena

Đorđe Čenić, Hermann Peseckas, 87 min, Croatian, German, Serbian 22.00 BH Film


Renārs Vimba, 105 min, Latvian 20.00 BH Film

Gonzalo Escobar Mora, 21 min, English


Branko Lazić, 72 min, Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries


20.00 BH Film GORA

Stefan Malešević, 76 min, Albanian, Serbian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries Pero Pavlović, 25 min, Bosnian

Salome Jashi, 74 min, Georgian 22.00 BH Film

Gianluca Loffredo, Andrea Postiglione, 70 min, Bosnian, Italian

Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air JULIETA

Pedro Almodóvar, 96 min, Spanish

Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen ULICA SING / SING STREET

John Carney, 106 min, English





Aleksandra Niemczyk, 77 min, English, French


Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air

Katarina Zrinka Matijević, 42 min, Croatian


Berke Bas, Melis Birder, 81 min, Turkish 22.00 BH Film


Tarik Hodžić, 100 min, Bosnian, English

Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air


Ken Loach, 100 min, English

Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen


Michal Marczak , 100 min, Polish

62 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Matt Ross, 120 min, English, Esperanto

Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen


Morgan Neville, 95 min, Arabic, English, Farsi, Mandarin, Spanish

RASPORED PROJEKCIJA Screening Schedule Četvrtak/ Thursday, 18.08.2016.

Petak/ Friday, 19.08.2016.

Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 9.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Ralitza Petrova, 103 min, Bulgarian 11.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Radu Jude, 136 min, Romanian 13.45 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts

Ivan Marinović, 93 min, Serbian 13.45 Takmičarski kratki/ Competition Shorts

16.00 U fokusu / In Focus

16.00 U fokusu / In Focus

Cristi Puiu, 173 min, Romanian 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features






Anna Rose Holmer, 72 min, English 18.00 Shorts EUROPEAN SHORTS 2, 81 min 21.00 Kinoscope



Alain Guiraudie, 100 min, French 21.00 Kinoscope


Pablo Larraín, 108 min, French, Spanish


Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features

Dalibor Matanić, 100 min, Croatian

Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope



Ralitza Petrova, 103 min, Bulgarian 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute

Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope



Mahmood Soliman, 99 min, Arabic 12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features


Ivan Marinović, 93 min, Serbian 12.15 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme - Mini Arena

Kadri Kõusaar, 89 min, Estonian 18.00 Shorts


21.00 Kinoscope



Johnny Ma, 80 min, Chinese 23.30 Kinoscope - Midnight

Rasmus A. Sivertsen, 78 min, sinhronizovano 12.30 BH Film


Rachel Lang, 96 min, French 23.30 Kinoscope - Midnight

Ali Abbasi, 92 min, Danish, English

Babak Anvari, 84 min, Farsi

Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features


Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City 10.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features SLJEDBENICA / A DECENT WOMAN

Lukas Valenta Rinner, 100 min, Spanish 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute MADE IN QATAR 2016, 97 min. 12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features PSI / DOGS, Bogdan Mirică, 104 min, Romanian 12.30 BH Film KRATKI 2 / SHORTS 2 , 72 min. 14.15 Kinoscope NERUDA, Pablo Larraín, 108 min, French, Spanish 14.30 Suočavanje s prošlošću / Dealing with the Past


Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema 12.00 Kinoscope


Ralitza Petrova, 103 min, Bulgarian 22.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features Ivan Marinović, 93 min, Serbian



Radu Jude, 136 min, Romanian 22.30 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere


Narodno pozorište/ National Theatre 20.00


Danis Tanović, 85 min, Bosnian, English, French 20.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features


Subota/ Saturday, 20.08.2016.


14.15 Kinoscope



Johnny Ma, 80 min, Chinese 14.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features


Radu Jude, 136 min, Romanian 14.45 Open Air


Hans Petter Moland, 112 min, Danish 16.45 BH Film


Mirjana Karanović, 94 min, Serbian 17.00 Kinoscope

Cemil Ağacıklıoğlu, 85 min, Turkish 12.00 Sarajevo Film Festival Partner Presents - Doha Film Institute



Mohamed Ben Attia, 88 min, Arabic 12.00 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features


Mehmet Can Mertoğlu, 104 min, Turkish 12.30 BH Film

14.15 Kinoscope


Kadri Kõusaar, 89 min, Estonian 17.15 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere


Rachel Lang, 96 min, French 14.30 Takmičarski igrani/ Competition Features


Igor Šeregi, 90 min, Croatian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme


Lars Kraume, 105 min, English, German, Spanish, Yiddish 14.45 Open Air

Nikola Ljuca, 113 min, English, French, Serbian 14.45 Open Air

Matt Ross, 120 min, English, Esperanto 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Mirjana Karanović, 94 min, Serbian 15.00 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Florian Schnell, 87 min, German 19.00 TeenArena

Mihajlo Jevtić, 83 min, Serbian 16.45 BH Film

Apostolos Karakasis, 91 min, Greek 16.45 BH Film

20.00 BH Film

17.00 Kinoscope

17.00 Kinoscope



Tatiana Huezo, 105 min, Spanish 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme


18.15 Suočavanje s prošlošću / Dealing with the Past


Irena Škorić, 100 min, Croatian 19.00 TeenArena NIKA, Slobodan Maksimović, 92 min, Slovenian 20.00 BH Film


Goran Kapetanović, 14 min, Bosnian, Swedish

Cristi Puiu, 173 min, Romanian


Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 21.00 Open Air


Rachid Djaïdani, 95 min, French


Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen

Anna Rose Holmer, 72 min, English 17.15 Pretpremijere/ Avant Premiere

Miloš Radović, 87 min, Serbian 18.00 Dječiji program/ Children's Programme Rudi Rosenberg, 81 min, French 19.00 TeenArena



Dane Komljen, 100 min, Serbian


Mirjana Karanović, 94 min, Serbian

Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen


Thorsten Schütte, 90 min, English


John Carney, 106 min, English 20.00 BH Film

Mete Gümürhan , 90 min, Turkish 22.00 BH Film

Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air


Rémy Ourdan, Patrick Chauvel, 90 min, Bosnian, English



Rémy Ourdan, Patrick Chauvel, 90 min, Bosnian, English



Damjan Kozole, 85 min, Slovenian 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries

Mina Mileva, Vesela Kazakova, 91 min, Bulgarian, English, Greek, Spanish 22.00 BH Film




Goran Kapetanović, 58 min, Bosnian, Swedish 20.30 Takmičarski dokumentarni / Competition Documentaries





Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema 20.30 Open Air ZAVJERA VJERE / A CONSPIRACY OF FAITH

Hans Petter Moland, 112 min, Danish

Sarajevsko Summer Screen 21.15 Summer Screen


Michael Dudok de Wit, 80 min, No Dialogue

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


64 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Box Office Informacije / For more information: boxoffice@sff.ba, www.sff.ba BOX OFFICE LOKACIJE / BOX OFFICE LOCATIONS


Glavni Box Office (Bosanski kulturni centar), Branilaca Sarajeva 24 Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13 Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City, Trg djece Sarajeva

Ljetno kino/ Open Air Cinema: otvaranje/ opening night - 15.00 KM, zatvaranje / closing night - 12.00 KM, ostale projekcije / other screenings - 8.00 KM

RADNO VRIJEME / OPENING HOURS / 4-11 AUGUST Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office - svaki dan / every day: 10:00 - 19:00

RADNO VRIJEME / OPENING HOURS / 12-20 AUGUST Glavni Box Office / Main Box Office – svaki dan / every day: 09:00 - 22:00 Kino Meeting Point – svaki dan / every day: 11:00 - 23:00 Multiplex Cinema City – svaki dan / every day: 11:00 - 22:00

Kino Meeting Point / Meeting Point Cinema: 5.00 KM, 6.00 KM, 7.00 KM Narodno pozorište / National Theatre: Otvaranje / opening night - 15.00 KM, Ceremonija dodjele nagrada / award ceremony - 20.00 KM, ostale projekcije / other screenings -5.00 KM, 6.00 KM, 8.00 KM Multiplex Cinema City: 4.00 KM, 5.00 KM, 7.00 KM Sarajevsko Summer Screen: sve projekcije / all screenings - 7.00 KM PDV je uračunat u cijenu ulaznice / VAT included in all the prices



• On-line prodaja je moguća putem zvanične web stranice

• Tickets will be available on-line only via the official SFF web site www.sff.ba • On-line ticket sales open on August 1, 2016 at 12:00 • The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) • MasterCard and VISA payment is available via the Raiffeisen Bank BH e-pay system

Sarajevo Film Festivala - www.sff.ba; • On-line prodaja ulaznica počinje 01. augusta 2016. godine u 12:00; • Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je moguće kupiti za jednu projekciju je četiri (4); • Plaćanje se može izvršiti MasterCard i VISA putem e-pay sistema Raiffeisen Bank BH; Ukoliko odaberete Print@Home, ulaznice će biti poslate putem e-maila u roku od nekoliko minuta od kupovine. Dobićete dva e-maila. Prvi e-mail je potvrda narudžbe, a drugi e-mail će sadržavati prilog sa ulaznicama. Svaka Print@Home ulaznica sadrži jedinstveni bar-kod koji će omogućiti pristup projekcijama. Dovoljno je odštampati Print@Home ulaznice i pokazati ih prilikom ulaska na projekciju. Svaka ulaznica odštampana (bilo da je crno-bijelo ili u boji) na standardnom A4 papiru bit će tretirana kao ulaznica. Radi Vaše sigurnosti, svaka Print@ Home ulaznica je kodirana. Bar-kod omogućava jedno skeniranje po ulasku i na taj način onemogućen je bilo koji pokušaj umnožavanja, mijenjanja sadržaja ili prodaje bilo kakve kopije Print@Home ulaznice, te može rezultirati neulaskom na projekciju. Napomena: Ukoliko je napravljena kopija ili duplikat ulaznice, samo prvi primjerak koji se predoči na ulazu bit će važeći. Svi ostali biće odbijeni. Kako bi se osiguralo da dobijete e-mail koji sadrži Vaše ulaznice, pobrinite se da imate e-mail adresu boxoffice@sff.ba dodanu na svoj popis odobrenih e-mail adresa u spam filteru.


• Slobodna prodaja pojedinačnih ulaznica počinje 04. augusta 2016. godine u 10:00 sati; • Maksimalan broj ulaznica koje je moguće kupiti za jednu projekciju je četiri (4); • Plaćanje ulaznica se može izvršiti gotovinom i putem Master Card i VISA ; • Plaćanje ulaznica moguće je samo u domaćoj valuti Konvertibilnim Markama (KM);

POMJERANJE PROJEKCIJA U SLUČAJU KIŠE U slučaju kiše, kada organizator Festivala zvanično objavi (putem zvanične web stranice, društvenih mreža) projekcije iz otvorenih kina se premještaju u zatvorena kina. Ukoliko je objavljeno da se projekcije premještaju u zatvorena kina prije početka projekcija, termin projekcije ostaje isti, a ukoliko kiša padne u toku projekcije, projekcija se nastavlja u zatvorenom kinu 30 minuta nakon objave o premještanju projekcije. • Ljetno kino se premješta u KSC Skenderija;

When you choose Print@Home service, tickets will be sent via e-mail, within a few minutes of your purchase. You will receive 2 e-mails. The first will confirm your order and the second e-mail will include the attachment with your tickets. Each ticket contains a unique barcode that will allow access to the event. Just print your Print@Home tickets and show them at the entrance of the venue for the screening you purchased tickets. Each ticket should be printed on standard A4 paper and can be printed in color or black and white, and treated like any other ticket. For your security, Print@Home tickets are individually bar coded. The barcode allows one scan per entry so any attempts to duplicate, alter or sell any copies of the Print@ Home ticket may result in admittance being refused to the event. Be aware, if copies or duplicates of tickets are made, only the first reaching the entry point will be valid while others will be rejected. To ensure that you receive the e-mail containing your tickets, please be sure that you have boxoffice@sff.ba added to your approved spam filter list.


• Individual tickets will be available starting from August 4, 2016 at 10:00 • The maximum number of tickets to be purchased per screening is four (4) • Tickets may be paid in cash and MasterCard and VISA • Tickets may be paid in the national currency only (Convertible Mark – KM/BAM)

SCREENING SCHEDULE CHANGES IN CASE OF RAIN In case of rain, the Festival organiser will make an official announcement (via the official web page and social networks) on relocation of screenings from outdoor to indoor cinemas. If such an announcement is made prior to the screening, the scheduled screening time remains the same. In case of rain during the screening, the screening will then continue in a designated indoor cinema 30 minutes following the relocation announcement. • Open Air Cinema moves to KSC Skenderija; • Sarajevsko Summer Screen moves to Multiplex Cinema City (Hall 2 and Hall 5);

• Sarajevsko Summer Screen se premješta u Multiplex Cinema City

(dvorana 2 i dvorana 5); SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


BOX OFFICE PRAVILNIK / BOX OFFICE RULES posjetioca • Filmovi prikazani na Festivalu mogu sadržavati eksplicitne scene seksa ili nasilja, te se prije kupovine ulaznice preporučuje pregled sadržaja filma na našem web sajtu, programu ili linkovima postavljenim na društvenim mrežama • Organizator Festivala ne odgovara za izgubljene ili ukradene stvari • Falsifikovanje i krivotvorenje ulaznica je strogo zabranjeno • Sve ulaznice su izdate prema pravilima i propisima zvaničnih festivalskih lokacija i organizatora Festivala POVRAT NOVCA Povrat novca za kupljenu ulaznicu ili zamjena za ulaznicu neke druge projekcije u istom novčanom iznosu mogući su u roku od 24 sata od predviđenog termina projekcije i to: • U slučaju kada organizator javno objavi otkazivanje predviđene projekcije • Kada početak projekcije kasni duže od 30 minuta bez prethodne najave o pomjeranju početka projekcije i u tom slučaju potrebno je obratiti se osoblju Festivala

// Hotel info



Obala Kulina bana

9 9 Skenderija

Lokacije / Venues

Hamdije Kreševljakovića



njik Viš

2. Narodno pozorište / National Theatre, Obala Kulina bana 9 3. BKC Festival Center + Box Office, Branilaca Sarajeva 24 4. Ljetno kino / Open Air Cinema, Gimnazijska bb 5. Dom armije / Army Hall, Zeleni beretki 2

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// City shortcuts // Telemach Wi-Fi – UNIFI // Hotels

8. Meeting Point Cinema / Caffé, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 13

9. Sarajevsko Summer Screen, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 26

10. Multipleks Cinema City / Multiplex Cinema City, Maršala Tita 26

11. KSC Skenderija, Terezije bb 12. Networks, Skenderpašina 1

7. ASU / Academy of Performing Arts, Obala Kulina bana 11

13. Algida Festival Caffé, Branilaca Sarajeva

6 ik


// Festival locations

6. Hotel Europe - CineLink Industry Days, Vladisava Skarića 5

66 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

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1. Festival Square, Branilaca Sarajeva









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Maršala Tita


REFUND Refunds for tickets purchased or replacement tickets for other screenings to the same amount already paid are available no later than 24 hours prior to the original screening schedule, as follows: • If the Festival organisers have made an official announcement about a screening cancellation • If the screening is delayed by more than 30 minutes with no prior announcement of a delay or a relocation of the screening; in such cases, the audience is kindly requested to contact Festival staff



• No bottles, cans or other items that may in any way harm or affect personal safety of the audience may be brought into any official Festival location; • Films screened at the Festival may include scenes of sex or violence; it is therefore recommended to examine the content of the film at our web site, official programme and links available via social networks prior to any ticket purchase; • The Festival organisers shall not be liable for lost or stolen property; • Any attempt to forge or otherwise alter tickets is against the law;



10. Hotel R, Skenderija 4 11. Hotel Hayat, Abdesthana 27 12. Hotel Hecco, Medrese 1 13. Hotel Mod, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 48 14. Hotel Bistrik, Bistrik 34 15. Hotel Opal, Despića 4 16. Hotel Festival, Skenderija 58 17. Hotel Unica, Hamdije Kreševljakovića 42


1. Hotel Europe, Vladislava Skarića 5 2. Hotel Holiday Sarajevo, Zmaja od Bosne 4 3. Hotel Bosnia, Kulovića 9 4. Hotel Astra Garni, Kundurdžiluk 2 5. Hotel Art, Vladislava Skarića 3 6. Hotel President, Bazardžani 1 7. Hotel Belvedere, Višnjik 2 8. Hotel Central, Ćumurija 8 9. Hotel City Boutique, Mula Mustafe Bašeskije 2

• Admission is possible only by presenting a ticket for the given screening (this includes children irrespective of age); • All the visitors must take their seats no later than 5 minutes before the opening of the official programme; • No members of the audience will be admitted after the official opening of the programme; • In case of late arrival, no seat can be guaranteed (refund and/or replacement tickets are not available); • Seats are not numbered for any screening; • No audio or video recording devices (cameras or mobile devices) may be used during any screening); • In case of any attempt to use such devices, the Festival staff shall be entitled to remove the user from the screening; • Pets are not allowed: • By purchasing the ticket you accept that you may be photographed or recorded by a camera with no financial compensation; • All the tickets are issued pursuant to rules and regulations of official Festival venues and Festival organisers; • In the interest of personal safety of our visitors, there will be security checks at entry points;

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• Ulazak na projekciju moguć je samo sa ulaznicom (uključujući i djecu bez obzira na starosnu dob) • Svi posjetioci moraju zauzeti svoja mjesta najkasnije 5 minuta prije početka zvaničnog programa • Ulazak u kino nije moguć nakon početka zvaničnog programa • U slučaju kašnjenja na projekciju ne možemo vam garantovati slobodno sjedeće mjesto (povrat novca i/ili zamjena ulaznica nije moguća) • Za sve projekcije, sjedišta nisu numerisana • Za vrijeme projekcije zabranjeno je korištenje uređaja za snimanje slike i zvuka (kamera, fotoaparat i mobilni uređaji) • U slučaju korištenja video opreme festivalsko osoblje ima pravo odstraniti osobu koja koristi prethodno spomenutu opremu • Ulaz kućnim ljubimcima nije dozvoljen • Kupovinom ulaznica, saglasni ste da možete biti fotografisani i snimljeni bez novčane naknade • Pregled posjetioca i njihovih stvari biće obavljen zbog njihove lične sigurnosti • Na zvanične festivalske lokacije zabranjeno je unošenje boca, limenki i predmeta koji mogu ugroziti sigurnost

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba




Što raditi u Sarajevu kad ne gled What to do in Sarajevo when not wat The festival offers numerous film treats, but there are attractions outside the movie theater as well: find some free time and discover the other side of the SFF Foto: Petar Jurica

Festival nudi brojne filmske poslastice, ali jednako privlači i događanjima izvan kinodvorane: pronađite slobodni trenutak te upoznajte drugu stranu SFF-a

Uživajte u noćnom životu /Enjoy the nightlife

Osvježite se na Sebilju / Refresh yourself at the Sebilj U stanci između projekcija prošećite se do Baščaršije u čijem je centru drvena fontana iz 19. stoljeća, na kojoj se okrijepio i oskarovac Morgan Freeman. Between the movies, stroll to Baščaršija wooden fountain from the 19th century, where Oscar winner Morgan Freeman enjoyed a cool drink of water.

Foto: Vedran Peteh

Svake večeri mame brojne zabave, neke i s neočekivanim DJ-em, kao što je poduzetnik Emil Tedeschi, osnivač i vlasnik Atlantic Grupe. Every evening there are numerous parties, some with unexpected DJs like entrepreneur Emil Tedeschi, the founder and owner of Atlantic Group.

68 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Gušt na dva kotača /Joy of riding

Foto: Petar Jurica

Foto: Petar Jurica

ledate filmove watching movies

Želite li bolje upoznati grad, najbolji je odabir vožnja motorom. Samo pitajte irskog glumca Michaela Fassbendera. If you really want to get to know the city, ride a bike. Just ask the Irish actor Michael Fassbender.

Dan za rafting / A day for rafting

Duh starog Sarajeva na Baščaršiji /The spirit of old Sarajevo on Baščaršija

Čistoća rijeke Neretve, prekrasna priroda i adrenalin koji dolazi spuštanjem niz brzace oduševili su francusku glumicu Bérénice Bejo i redatelja Michela Hazanaviciusa te njihovog domaćina, redatelja Danisa Tanovića. Beautiful, clean waters of the Neretva river, enticing nature and the adrenaline that comes by going down Brzance, delighted the French actress Bérénice Bejo and director Michel Hazanavicius as well as their host, film director Danis Tanović. Foto: Vedran Peteh

Povijesno središte grada, izgrađeno u 15. stoljeću, nezaobilazan je dio za sve goste, u što se uvjerila i francuska diva Juliette Binoche. The historic city center, built in the 15th century, is attractive to all the visitors. French diva Juliette Binoche enjoyed it too.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Deniz Abdula


Elma Juković



Kruno Bakota


Ivana Pavlakovikj


SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba






Sorin Dobrin


Edin Avdagić Amanda Prenkaj HRVATSKA/CROATIA

72 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


Tristan Halilaj


Jovana Stojiljković


Milica Stefanović SRBIJA/ SERBIA

Selale Gonca Cerit


SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba



Sjajna glumica, loša novinarka Great actress, lousy journalist Nakon što je prošle godine zasjala na crvenom tepihu i platnu s filmom ‘Zvizdan’, mladu hrvatsku glumicu sada ćemo u Sarajevu gledati na pretpremijeri TV serijala ‘Novine’

U TORBICI UVIJEK IMAM… Cigarete. KOD REDATELJA VOLIM... Kada ima smisao za humor. Onda je uvijek lakše izdržati cjelodnevna snimanja. NA PUSTI OTOK PONIJELA BIH OVA TRI FILMA... Trilogiju “Kum” Francisa Forda Coppole. Sva tri filma sam već više puta gledala, ali nikako mi ne mogu dosaditi. MOJ GLUMAČKI IDOL… Uf, izbor je težak. Možda da odaberem Michaela Jacksona? MOJA SLJEDEĆA ULOGA JE… Talijanka. Ali to je doista jedino što o njoj zasad smijem reći. 74 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

Foto: Matej Dokić

U NOVINAMA UVIJEK PRVO PROČITAM… Horoskop. KAO NOVINARKA BIH BILA… Loša, jako loša. TISAK ILI INTERNET… Nije nikakva dvojba, vijesti volim čitati na papiru. NAJDRAŽI TRENUTAK U SARAJEVU… Onaj kada shvatite da ste ćevape jeli i za doručak i za ručak i za večeru.

After impressive appearance both in ‘Zvizdan’ and on the red carpet, young Croatian actres will be seen in Sarajevo in a preview of the TV series ‘Newspaper’

IN THE PAPERS I ALWAYS FIRST READ... Horoscope. AS A JOURNALIST I WOULD BE... Lousy, very lousy. PRINT OR INTERNET ... There is no doubt, I prefer print. FAVORITE MOMENT IN SARAJEVO ... The one when you realize that you ate ćevap for breakfast, lunch and supper. IN THE PURSE I ALWAYS HAVE ...

Cigarettes. I PREFER DIRECTORS THAT... When they have a sense of humor. Then it is always easier to withstand long days on the set. ON A DESERT ISLAND I WOULD TAKE THESE THREE MOVIES... ‘The Godfather’ trilogy by Francis Ford Coppola. I have seen it, of course, often, but they will never be boring. MY IDOL IS... Phew, the choice is difficult. May I choose Michael Jackson? MY NEXT ROLE IS ... Italian. But that’s really the only thing I may tell for now.

SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba


76 SARAJEVO FILM FESTIVAL / 12-20/08/2016 / www.sff.ba

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