#22ndsff Human Rights Day

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Dan ljudskih prava: možemo li se obrazovanjem boriti protiv nasilnog ekstremizma? / Human Rights’ Day: Can we counter violent extremism with education? “Moramo mladim ljudima dati priliku i učiniti ih nepodložnim zovu terorizma. Moramo im ponuditi alternativu u vidu obrazovanja i zaposlenja. Ti mladi ljudi trebaju postati pekari, vozači, učitelji i poduzetnici, a ne ekstremisti. Moramo ulagati više u bolju budućnost.” Didier Burkhalter, član Saveznog vijeća i ministar vanjskih poslova Švicarske, Ženeva, april 2016. godine. Terorizam se nastavlja širiti planetom i predstavlja jednu od najozbiljnijih prijetnji po međunarodni mir i sigurnost. Prevencija nasilnog ekstremizma znači jačanje napora za promociju vladavine prava, ljudskih prava i humanitarnih principa. Uporedo s tradicionalnim odgovorima na terorističku prijetnju, u smislu provođenja zakona, vojnih operacija i krivičnog gonjenja, moramo intenzivirati i naše zajedničke napore u preventivnom pristupu, a koji imaju za cilj smanjenje popularnosti ekstremističkih grupa i njihove sposobnosti vrbovanja. Ovo znači i da trebamo jasnije razumijevanje fenomena s kojim se suočavamo kako bi mogli utjecati na faktore koji vode ljude, a posebno mlade, ka nasilnom ekstremizmu. Ukratko, moramo mladim ljudima ponuditi alternativu nasilju. Ubijeđeni da umjetnost i kultura pružaju izvrsnu platformu za razmjenu ideja i javnu debatu o važnim pitanjima, izabrali smo pitanje borbe protiv nasilnog ekstremizma kroz obrazovanje za temu ovogodišnjeg Dana ljudskih prava. Porast nasilnog ekstremizma je danas problem koji nas se sviju tiče, te moramo priznati našu zajedničku odgovornost i raditi na prepoznavanju i iskorjenjivanju uzroka ovog problema i posljedične nesigurnosti.

E “We need to offer young people opportunities and render them unreceptive to the temptations of terrorism. We need to offer them an alternative, in the form of education and jobs. We need these young people to become bakers, drivers, teachers and entrepreneurs, not extremists. We need to invest more in a better future.” Didier Burkhalter, Federal Councillor, Head of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Geneva, April 201Terrorism continues to spread around the globe and constitutes one of the gravest threats to international peace and security. Preventing violent extremism means stepping up efforts to promote the rule of law, human rights and humanitarian principles. In parallel to traditional law-enforcement, military and criminal justice responses to terrorism, we need to intensify our joint efforts to take a preventive approach aimed at reducing the appeal and recruiting potential of extremist groups. This means also that we need a clearer understanding of the phenomenon we are facing, so that we can act on the factors that draw people, especially young people,to violent extremism. In short, we must give young people alternatives to violence. Convinced that arts and culture provide a compelling platform for exchanging ideas and bringing important issues at the forefront of public debate, we chose the issue of fight against violent extremism through education as focus of this year’s Human Rights Day. Today, everyone is concerned with the rising violent extremism and we have to recognize our shared responsibility to work together to address the underlying causes of this problem and of the resulting fragility.

Heinrich Maurer

Ambasador Švicarske u Bosni i Hercegovini / Ambassador of Switzerland to Bosnia and Herzegovina


Hrabri filmovi koji tjeraju na razmišljanje / Daring, thought-provoking films

Postoji nekoliko osjetljivih tema koje su u prošlosti rijetko bile u fokusu autora dokumentarnog filma iz naše regije, osim u formi vizuelnih svjedočanstava, arhivskih zapisa ili kao dio oralne historije. Ovogodišnji Takmičarski program dokumentarnog filma ostat će upamćen kao prekretnica zbog načina na koji odabrani dokumentaristi govore o prošlosti da bi se lakše nosili sa sadašnjošću i bili u mogućnosti da utječu na budućnost. Mnogi filmovi – uključeni u ovogodišnju selekciju – o bolnim događajima iz prošlosti govore s većim otklonom i na taj način snažno naglašavaju urgentnu potrebu za razgovorom. Za razliku od većine ranijih dokumentaraca iz regije, ovogodišnji filmovi ne upiru prst u nekoga drugog već na same autore i njihovo okruženje. Nekoliko odabranih autora ispričalo je priče obogaćene slojem podsvijesti, koje reflektiraju njihov vlastiti unutarnji konflikt. Ovo su iznimno značajni filmovi jer njihovi su autori glasnici mnogih ljudi iz ovog regiona koji su zaokupljeni istim ili jednako zamršenim pitanjima. Njihove bolne i krajnje iskrene priče nam omogućavaju da smjestimo historijske teme u lični kontekst, da preživimo naše noćne more i uspostavimo vezu s vlastitim uspomenama i strahovima. Možda će nam pomoći da donesemo bitne životne odluke i navesti nas da se suočimo sa stvarnošću. Nekoliko filmova je prvenstveno fokusirano na odnos između kolektivne, nacionalne memorije i ličnih sjećanja o historijskim događajima; oni o dramatičnim životnim trenucima govore u prvom licu, iz lične perspektive autora ili kroz vrlo intimnu perspektivu glavnih likova. Fascinantno je posmatrati kako se filmovi koji se bave ličnom prošlošću odnose prema događajima koji su obilježili naša društva, stvarajući pritom uzbudljive, mnogoslojne priče koje nadilaze lokalni značaj i postižu univerzalnu vrijednost. Pridružite nam se da zajedno proživimo ovu dvadeset i jednu dirljivu priču, osvrnemo se na jedinstvene autorske pristupe filmu i učestvujemo u inspirativnim redovnim debatama u okviru Docu Cornera. Od srca vam želim dobrodošlicu!


E There are several delicate topics rarely dealt with previously within the creative documentary practise in this region, except for stories given as a visual testimony, archive or oral history. This year’s documentary competition will be remembered as a turning point in dealing with the past that enables us to deal more profoundly with the reality, helping us to shape the future. By taking a more distant position while talking about painful events in the past, many of the films from this harvest’s selection significantly point out an urgency to talk. Unlike in most of the previous documentary productions, the finger is not pointed at the other but to one’s own self and one’s own surroundings. Several filmmakers narrated stories that are enriched with a layer of the subconscious and mirror an inner conflict in themselves. These are extremely important films because their makers stand for many individuals in this region pondering over the same or similar puzzling matter. Their painful and utterly sincere stories help us to appropriate history in a personal manner, to survive our nightmares and connect to our memories and fears. They might help us to make decisions and urge us to deal with the reality.Several films focus more on the relation between national memory and personal memory of historical events, recollecting the drama in either first person singular or focusing on the very intimate perspectives of their main characters. It is fascinating to observe how films with personal histories relate to events that happen in our societies and develop exciting multi layered narratives that extend beyond the local and become universal. Come and re-live with us these twenty-one compelling stories, reflect on the individual cinematic approaches and engage in the inspirational debates at our regular Docu Corner sessions.

A warm-hearted welcome to all! Rada Šešić Selektorica Takmičarskog dokumentarnog programa / Documentary Competition Programmer

Žiri Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film / Jury of Competition Programme – Documentary Film

U Takmičarskom programu - dokumentarni film tročlani međunarodni žiri u sastavu: Alexander Nanau (Rumunija), Tine Fischer (Danska), Fernand Melgar (Švajcarska) i ove godine će dodijeliti Nagradu za ljudska prava (3.000 €) i Srce Sarajeva za najbolji dokumentarni film (3.000 €). Ove nagrade dodjeljuju se, već tradicionalno, u saradnji sa Saveznim ministarstvom vanjskih poslova Švicarske. Mladi autori ostvarenja uvrštenih u Takmičarski program - dokumentarni film natječu se i za nagradu EDN Talent Grant. U saradnji s Al Jazeera Balkans žiri dodjeljuje Specijalnu nagradu žirija, novčanu nagradu u iznosu od 2.500 €.

E In the Competition Programme-Documentary Film international jury of three-namely Alexander Nanau (Romania), Tine Fischer (Denmark), Fernand Melgar (Switzerland). The jury will select the recipients of the Human Right Award (EURO 3,000) as well as of the Heart of Sarajevo Award for Best Documentary Film (EURO 3,000). The latter has for many years now been sponsored by the Swiss Federal Ministry of Foregn Grant. In cooperation with Al Jazeera Balkans jury gives away Special Jury Prize, financial award in amount of 2.500 €.


TINE FISCHER Osnivačica i direktorica Festivala CPH:DOX (Danska) / Founder and Festival Director Of CPH:DOX (Denmark)

Tine Fischer je osnivačica i direktorica međunarodnog filmskog festival CPH:DOX, kao i CPH:LAB-a i CPH:FORUM-a. Fischer je pet godina radila za Danski filmski institut. Fischer je 2009. godine uspješno završila evropski produkcijski obrazovni program EAVE. Vlasnica je produkcijske kompanije Fischer Film i producentica filma ACCIDENTES GLORIOSOS Maura Andrizzia i Marcusa Lindeena (nagrada Orizzonti Filmskog festivala u Veneciji). Kao izvršna producentica je radila na filmovima KILLING STRANGERS (Berlinale - Forum), LA ULTIMA PELICULA (TIFF), SOLECITO (Filmski festival u Kanu, Director’s Fortnight program) i STRANDED IN CANTON (Filmski festival Tribeca). Fischer je također producirala obuhvatan filmski, umjetnički i web projekt LITTLE SUN islandskog umjetnika Olafura Eliassona koji je premijerno predstavljen u galeriji Tate Modern, kao i njegov nedavni filmski projekt ICE WATCH prezentiran u okviru konferencije Ujedinjenih Nacija o klimatskim promjenama COP21. E Tine Fischer is the founder and director of the international film festival CPH:DOX. She is also the director and founder of CPH:LAB and CPH:FORUM. For five years Fischer worked at the Danish Film Institute. Fischer graduated from the European producers program EAVE in 2009. She is the owner of the Fischer Film production company and had produced ACCIDENTES GLORIOSOS by Mauro Andrizzi & Marcus Lindeen (Orizzonti Award at Venice Film Festival). She worked as executive producer on KILLING STRANGERS (Berlinale – Forum), LA ULTIMA PELICULA (TIFF), SOLECITO (Cannes, Director’s Fortnight) and STRANDED IN CANTON (Tribeca). Fischer also produced an extensive film, art and web project LITTLE SUN with Icelandic artist Olafur Eliasson which premiered at Tate Modern, as well as Eliasson’s recent ICE WATCH film project during COP21.


FERNAND MELGAR Reditelj i producent (Švajcarska) / Director and Producer (Switzerland)

Fernand Melgar je početkom osamdesetih godina prošloga stoljeća sa prijateljima osnovao Le Cabaret Orwell, kao i međunarodno poznato rok okupljalište La Dolce Vita. Nakon što je neko vrijeme prikazivao eksperimentalne filmove, Meglar postaje samouki nezavisni filmski reditelj i producent. Autor je eksperimentalnih filmova i revolucionarnih TV segmenata prikazivanih 1983. Melgar se 1985. godine pridružio produkcijskoj kompaniji Climage gdje je producirao preko 20 dokumentarnih filmova. Njegov dokumentarni film EXIT – THE RIGHT TO DIE osvojio je više međunarodnih filmskih nagrada, uključujući Golden Link UER nagradu za najbolju evropsku koprodukciju i Švicarsku filmsku nagradu. Sa dokumentarcem THE FORTRESS osvojio je nagradu Zlatni leopard Međunarodnog filmskog festivala u Locarnu, kao i mnoga druga međunarodna filmska priznanja. Melgarov dokumentarac SPECIAL FLIGHT osvojio je više od trideset međunarodnih filmskih nagrada, uključujući Švicarsku filmsku nagradu i Prix Europa. E In the early 80s Fernand Melgar and his friends founded Le Cabaret Orwell, as well as the internationally famous rock venue La Dolce Vita. After first screening experimental films, Melgar turned into a self-taught independent film director and producer. He created experimental films and iconoclastic television segments in 1983. In 1985 he joined the production company Climage where he produced over 20 documentaries. His documentary EXIT – THE RIGHT TO DIE received several international awards including the Golden Link UER Award for the best European co-production and the Swiss Cinema Award. His documentary THE FORTRESS won the Golden Leopard at the Locarno Film Festival and many other international awards. His film SPECIAL FLIGHT received more than thirty international awards, including the Swiss Film Award and the Prix Europa.


ALEXANDER NANAU Producent, reditelj i snimatelj (Njemačka, Rumuniija) / Producer, Director and Cinematographer (Germany/Romania)

Alexandar Nanau je rođen u Rumuniji. Njegov dokumentarac THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ION B nagrađen je međunarodnom nagradom Emmy 2010. godine i prikazan je na preko 70 međunarodnih filmskih festivala, osvojivši brojne nagrade. Njegov prvi dugometražni dokumentarni film, PETER ZADEK INSZENIERT PEER GYNT, iz 2006. godine premijerno je prikazan na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Minhenu, te je prikazivan u kinima širom Njemačke i Austrije tokom 2006. Nanau je član Akademije umjetnosti u Berlinu te Instituta Sundance. Njegov posljednji dugometražni dokumentarac TOTO AND HIS SISTERS nominovan je za nagradu Evropske filmske akademije te je uspješno prikazan na brojnim međunarodnim filmskim festivalima na kojima je osvojio nekoliko nagrada, uključujući Srce Sarajeva za najbolji dokumentarni film na 21. izdanju Sarajevo Film Festivala. Film je prikazan u kinima u Francuskoj početkom 2016. godine pod naslovom TOTO ET SES SOEURS. E Alexander Nanau was born in Romania. His documentary film, THE WORLD ACCORDING TO ION B received the International Emmy Award in 2010 and was screened at over 70 international film festivals receiving numerous other awards. His first feature documentary, PETER ZADEK INSZENIERT PEER GYNT (2006) premiered at the Munich International Film Festival and was released in cinemas across Germany and Austria in 2006. Nanau is a fellow of the Akademie der Künste Berlin and the Sundance Institute. His latest feature documentary TOTO AND HIS SISTERS is a European Academy Award nominee and was successfully screened at numerous international festivals where it won several awards including the Heart of Sarajevo Award for Best Documentary at the 21st Sarajevo Film Festival. The film was released in French cinemas at the start of 2016 as TOTO ET SES SOEURS.


Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour and b&w, 90 min, Bosnian, English Režija / Director: Tarik Hodžić Scenarij / Screenplay: Tarik Hodžić, Jasenko Pašić

Dokumentarni film o Sarajevu pod opsadom, muzici u tom gradu, s akcentom na 14. decembar 1994. i koncert Brucea Dickinsona u BKC-u.

E A documentary film about Sarajevo during the 1992-95 siege; specifically a film about the music scene in the besieged Bosnian capital with special focus on a concert held in the city’s BKC music hall by Bruce Dickinson on December 14, 1994.


Granice / Borders Slovenia, 2016, Colour, 10 min, Slovenian Režija / Director: Damjan Kozole Scenarij / Screenplay: Damjan Kozole

Prekrasan je jesenji dan. Kolona migranata i izbjeglica u pratnji vojske i policije prelazi „šengensku granicu“ između Hrvatske i Slovenije, na putu ka prihvatnom centru u slovenačkom gradu Brežice.

E A beautiful autumn day. Escorted by police officers and soldiers, a line of migrants and refugees make their way from the “Schengen area border” between Croatia and Slovenia to a reception center in the Slovenian town of Brežice.


13.08. subota, sala 1 / Saturday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00

Scream for me Sarajevo

13.08. subota, sala 1 / Saturday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30


13.08. subota, sala 1 / Saturday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30 14.08. nedjelja, sala 1 / Sunday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00


Korida Austria, 2016, Colour, 87 min, Bosnian, Croatian, German, Serbian Režija / Director: Siniša Vidović Scenarij / Screenplay: Senad Halilbašić, Siniša Vidović

KORIDA prati troje protagonista na njihovom dirljivom proputovanju kroz fascinantni svijet bosanskih borbi bikova, takozvanih korida. Svijet korida je pun mitova i herojskih priča koje prethodno gotovo da i nisu filmski zabilježene. KORIDA nudi uzbudljiv, dramatičan i zabavan novi pogled na svijet o kojem gotovo ništa ne znamo, iako se njegove granice protežu skoro do našeg kućnog praga. To je priča o zaostavštini arhaičnih vremena u modernim društvima, priča o odnosu čovjeka sa prirodom i o ujedinjujućoj snazi borbi bikova.

E KORIDA follows three protagonists on their touching journey through the fascinating world of Bosnian bullfights, the Koridas. It is a world full of myths and heroic tales which has hardly been captured on film up until now. In an exciting, dramatic and entertaining manner KORIDA offers a new perspective of a universe that we barely know about and yet it extends all the way to our front doors. The film talks about the still vital archaic remnants within modern societies, about the relationship between humans and nature and about the unifying power of bullfights.


Zid smrti, i tako to / Wall of Death, and All That Serbia, Croatia, 2016, Colour, 62 min, Serbian Režija / Director: Mladen Kovačević Scenarij / Screenplay: Mladen Kovačević

Kao desetogodišnja djevojčica, Brankica je bila glavna atrakcija seoskih vašara. Njena su starija braća bili proslavljene akrobate na zidu smrti, legende bivše Jugoslavije, a ona je bila princeza zida. Njena braća odavno nisu među živima, a Brankici je 43 godine i već je baka šestoro unučadi. Brankica i dalje izvodi iste smrtonosno opasne trikove na motoru i vozi se po rubovima šest metara visoke drvene bačve. Život provodi uz posljednji preostali zid smrti, rastrzana između melanholičnih uspomena i klaustrofobične sadašnjosti.


E Brankica was the central attraction at countryfairs, when she was just 10 years old. Her big brothers were star acrobats on the wall of death, legends in former Yugoslavia, she was the princess of the wall. Now, her brothers are long gone, she is the only one left behind. A 43-year-old grandmother of six grandchildren, she is repeating the same old stunts on her motorcycle while riding on the sidewalls of the 6 meters wide wooden barrel. She lingers between her melancholic memories and the claustrophobic existence around the last remaining wall of death.

Kosovo, 2016, Colour, 65 min, Albanian Režija / Director: Mathieu Jouffre Scenarij / Screenplay: Mathieu Jouffre, Besa Luci

Nakon što se grandiozni koncept Jugoslavije počeo urušavati, svijet je svjedočio nekim od najbrutalnijih ratova dvadesetog stoljeća. Mnogima, koji su raspad Jugoslavije posmatrali izvana, bilo je nemoguće shvatiti erupciju nasilja na jugoistoku Evrope. Federacija u kojoj su različite etničke grupe i zajednice decenijama mirno živjele odjednom je postala poprište brutalnih sukoba različitih nacionalističkih ideologija.

E When the narrative of grand Yugoslavia began to unravel, the world witnessed some of the worst wars of the 20th century. Many people outside the region had difficulty grasping the violence that erupted in southeastern Europe. A federation comprised of different ethnic groups and communities that peacefully co-existed for decades had suddenly become a battleground of nationalist aspirations.


Moj vlastiti rat / My Own Private War Bosnia and Herzegovina, Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 57 min, Croatian, Dutch, English, Serbian, Bosnian Režija / Director: Lidija Zelović Scenarij / Screenplay: Lidija Zelović, Rogier Kappers

Mama, koja je razlika između dobra i zla? Šta se desi kada kolektivna trauma uđe u porodicu? Kako izaći na kraj s vlastitom ratnom prošlošću? Kako da svoju djecu oslobodite toga tereta? U ovom iznimno intimnom dokumentarcu Lidija Zelović pokušava odgovoriti na prethodna pitanja na osnovu vlastitog životnog iskustva.

E Mama, what is the difference between good and bad? What happens when collective trauma enters a family? How do you get to terms with your own war history? And how can you ensure that your children don’t have to carry this burden? In this very personal documentary Lidija Zelović tries to answer these questions. The story is based on the fimmaker’s personal experiences.


14.08. nedjelja, sala 1 / Sunday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00

Bubnjevi otpora / Drums of Resistance

14.08. nedjelja, sala 1 / Sunday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30


14.08. nedjelja, sala 1 / Sunday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30 15.08. ponedjeljak, sala 1 / Monday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00


Samo dašak / A Mere Breath Romania, 2016, Colour, 67 min, Romanian Režija / Director: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan Scenarij / Screenplay: Monica Lazurean-Gorgan

SAMO DAŠAK istražuje duboko kontradiktornu prirodu porodične ljubavi. Istovremeno put ka inicijaciji i teološka parabola, film prati sedam godina u životu rumunske porodice Sicrea i sve uspone i padove glave porodice Dobrina koji čeka da se dogodi čudo zahvaljujući kojem bi se njegova najmlađa kći oslobodila invalidskih kolica i prohodala. Dok pratimo kako djeca postaju odrasli ljudi, svjedoci smo utjecaja koji Dobrinova duboka veza s Bogom ima na međuljudske odnose unutar njegove porodice.

E A MERE BREATH explores the profoundly contradictory nature of family love. Both a journey of initiation and a theological parable, the film follows seven years in the life of Sicrea family in Romania, capturing trials and tribulations of Dobrin who is waiting for a miracle that will help his youngest daughter get up from her wheelchair. As we watch his children grow up and become adults, we witness the deep impact of Dobrun’s close connection to God on relationships between members of his family.


Kino otok / Islands of Forgotten Cinemas Croatia, 2016, Colour, 35 min, Croatian Režija / Director: Ivan Ramljak Scenarij / Screenplay: Ivan Ramljak

Poetski dokumentarac o izgubljenoj kulturi posjećivanja kina u malim mjestima na hrvatskim otocima tokom druge polovine prošlog stoljeća. Šestero svjedoka vremena prisjeća se svojih omiljenih filmova i događaja vezanih uz gledanje i prikazivanje filmova koji su im obilježili živote.


E A poetic documentary about the lost culture of cinema-going in small towns on Croatian islands, a culture that had been particularly strong in the second half of the last century. Six protagonists recall the past times, their favorite movies and events related to film screenings that had a profound impact on their lives.

Romania, Czech Republic, 2015, Colour, 70 min, Romanian Režija / Director: Alexandru Belc Scenarij / Screenplay: Alexandru Belc, Tudor Giurgiu, Ilinca Micu

KINO, LJUBAVI MOJA prati Viktora Puricu – upravnika, bivšeg kinooperatera i cjeloživotnog zaljubljenika u film – i njegove vjerne uposlenice Corneliju i Lorenu u svakodnevnoj borbi da od zatvaranja sačuvaju panoramsko kino Dacia u rumunskom gradu Piatra Neamt, inače jedno od rijetkih preostalih kina u Rumuniji. Nakon što je proživio zlatno doba kinematografije, Viktor sanja o povratku dobrih starih vremena i istovremeno vodi bitku da preživi novu, surovu realnost.

E CINEMA, MON AMOUR follows the story of Viktor Purice - manager, former projectionist and lifelong cinephile - and his two loyal employees, Cornelia and Lorena, in their everyday battle to preserve one of the last remaining cinemas in Romania - the Dacia Panoramic Cinema in Piatra Neamt. Having lived through “the golden age” of cinema, Viktor dreams about a return of the good old days while struggling to keep up with the new harsh reality.


Svetlana Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour, 25 min, Bosnian Režija / Director: Pero Pavlović Scenarij / Screenplay: Pero Pavlović

Dokumentarni film SVETLANA govori nam o životnim izazovima i neizvjesnostima koje život nosi. Milan je čovjek koji je na putu od komunizma do kapitalizma skrenuo s tračnica i stjecajem nesrećnih okolnosti našao se u međuprostoru u kojem se ne snalazi. Milanova životna priča je teška, turbulentna, nabijena emocijama i životnim iskustvima koja su nekada bila okrutna prema njemu. Spas od sjećanja na težak život pronalazi u konstatnom radu i čekanju Svetlane.

E SVETLANA talks about challenges and uncertainties one faces during life. Milan is a man who had been sidetracked during transition from communism to capitalism, finding himself in an in-between land. Story of his life is difficult, turbulent, filled with emotions and sometimes cruel experiences. He finds salvation from the memories of his hard life in endless work and waiting for Svetlana.


15.08. ponedjeljak, sala 1 / Monday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00

Kino, ljubavi moja / Cinema, mon amour

15.08. ponedjeljak, sala 1 / Monday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30


15.08. ponedjeljak, sala 1 / Monday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30 16.08. utorak, sala 1 / Tuesday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00


Zasljepljujuća svjetlost sunčevog zalaska / The Dazzling Light of Sunset Germany, Georgia, 2016, Colour, 74 min, Georgian Režija / Director: Salome Jashi Scenarij / Screenplay: Salome Jashi

U centru filmske priče nalazi se lokalna televizijska stanica, a sam film oslikava pseudo-etnografski portret jedne male zajednice u Gruziji. Stari rituali i običaji oblikuju život tog maloga grada, mada su iskvareni udaljeni odsjaji modernoga svijeta već okupirali kolektivnu svijest. Žiteljima ove zajednice ništa nije tako važno kao to da u javnosti ostave najbolji mogući utisak. Ovaj filmski kaleidoskop likova, mjesta i događaja razotkriva način života jedne male zajednice i njene hibridne društvene vrijednosti.

E The film centers on a small town television station to paint a pseudo-ethnographic portrait of a community in Georgia where rituals and traditions shape the local lifestyle although twisted reflections of the modern world had already penetrated the collective mind. Presentation of one’s self in the best possible light is of essence. This cinematic kaleidoscope of characters, places and evens reveals the life of a small community and its hybrid social values.


Srce od drveta / The Heart of Wood Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2016, Colour, 30 min, Bosnian Režija / Director: Namik Kabil Scenarij / Screenplay: Namik Kabil

Čovjek napravi srce od drveta i onda svira na njemu. Ćamil Metiljević istim rukama radi težak posao, a potom pravi čaroban instrument i svira na njemu.


E A man makes a heart of wood and then he plays it. Ćamil Metiljević uses his two hands for hard manual labor, but also to make a magical music instrument and play it.

Hungary, 2015, Colour, 79 min, Hungarian Režija / Director: Klára Trencsényi Scenarij / Screenplay: Klára Trencsényi

VOZ ZA ZRELOST je priča o sazrijevanju troje mladih koji spas od životnih nedaća nalaze u radu za Dječiju željeznicu u Budimpešti. Kada rade na željeznici, uživaju da se pretvaraju da su odgovorni, odrasli ljudi, ali kod kuće su prisiljeni na naglo odrastanje. Dječija željeznica je metafora autora filma za današnju Mađarsku: zemlju obilježenu neuspjelom političkom i društvenom tranzicijom, u kojoj su društvene veze pokidane, a društvene institucije propale.

E TRAIN TO ADULTHOOD is a coming-of-age story about three youngsters who find an escape from life’s ordeals by working on the Budapest Children’s Railway. While they enjoy playing at being responsible adults on the Train, at home they are forced to mature abruptly. The Children’s Train is a metaphor used by the filmmakers to explore present-day Hungary: a country faltering in its political and social transition, where community ties have been broken and social institutions collapsed.


Iza lica zrcala / A Two Way Mirror Croatia, 2016, Colour, 42 min, Croatian Režija / Director: Katarina Zrinka Matijević Scenarij / Screenplay: Katarina Zrinka Matijević

IZA LICA ZRCALA je autoričina lična potraga za unutrašnjim mirom, smještena u postojbini njenih predaka – zabačenom ličkom kraju u Hrvatskoj. U Lici postoji mnoštvo tunela, ali nakon svakog mračnog tunela punog tajni, strahova i tame – predstavljenog kroz organske, eksperimentalne kadrove – započinje novo godišnje doba. Iskustvo upotpunjuju zabilježene slike krajolika i ljudi, snimljeni zvuci i glas naratora.

E A TWO WAY MIRROR is the author’s personal quest for inner peace, set in the remote land of her ancestors - the Croatian region of Lika. There are many tunnels in Lika, and after every dark tunnel, filled with secrets, fear and darkness - all shown through organic, experimental images - a new season of the year begins. The images of the land and people, captured sounds and the voice of the narrator complete the experience.


16.08. utorak, sala 1 / Tuesday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00

Voz za zrelost / Train to Adulthood

16.08. utorak, sala 1 / Tuesday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30


16.08. utorak, sala 1 / Tuesday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30 17.08. srijeda, sala 1 / Wednesday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 14:30


Baglar Turkey, 2016, Colour, 81 min, Turkish Režija / Director: Berke Bas, Melis Birder Scenarij / Screenplay: Berke Bas, Melis Birder

Nižerangirani košarkaški tim iz radničkog grada Diyarbakira u jugoistočnoj Turskoj proširuje svoju misiju sa dobijanja utakmica na prevazilaženje predrasuda, siromaštva i političkih sukoba proizašlih iz decenijskog sukoba između turskih vlasti i kurdskih pobunjenika, koji se bore za lokalnu autonomiju i kulturološka prava.

E An underdog basketball team from hard scrabble Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey goes beyond winning games in their mission to rise above prejudice, poverty and political turmoil created by the decades long conflict between the Turkish state and Kurdish rebels who are fighting for local autonomy and cultural rights.


Dubina dva / Depth Two Serbia, 2016, Colour, 80 min, Albanian, Serbian Režija / Director: Ognjen Glavonić Scenarij / Screenplay: Ognjen Glavonić

Godine 2001., na periferiji Beograda je otkrivena masovna grobnica u kojoj je pronađeno više od 700 ljudskih tijela. Uprkos činjenici da se nalazi nedaleko od samog centra glavnog grada Srbije, i da je na lokaciji nađeno 75 tijela djece - danas, 15 godina kasnije, ova masovna grobnica je i dalje bez ikakvog obilježja ili spomenika, i skoro niko u današnjoj Srbiji ni ne zna za ovaj slučaj i priču iza njega. On je i dalje javna tajna. U pokušaju da otkrije, rasvijetli i da glas ovim pričama, i dalje zakopanim u tišini, film se, meditativnim i hipnotišućim stilom, obraća doživljajima, mašti i osjećanjima gledaoca.


E In 2001, a mass grave holding the remains of over 700 people was found on the outskirts of Belgrade. Despite its proximity to the center of Serbia’s capital and the fact that it hid the remains of 75 children, the mass grave had never been marked with a monument or in any other way and almost no one in today’s Serbia knows about this case and the story behind it. It is still a public secret. In an attempt to give voice to the story of this mass grave that remains buried behind a wall of silence, the films employs a meditative and hypnotic language to communicate with viewers’ experiences, imagination and emotions.

Austria, 2016, Colour, 87 min, Croatian, German, Serbian Režija / Director: Đorđe Čenić, Hermann Peseckas Scenarij / Screenplay: Đorđe Čenić, Hermann Peseckas

Kako je moguće da su – od kasnih šezdesetih do devedesetih godina prošloga stoljeća – djeca školskog uzrasta, iz godine u godinu, u društvenim centrima diljem Austrije, polagala zakletvu jugoslavenskom predsjedniku Titu? Zbog čega su ta djeca u kapitalističkoj državi – daleko od njihove domovine – morala učiti o jugoslavenskom radničkom samoupravljanju i eksploataciji radničke klase u kapitalizmu? Zapravo, šta je “domovina”? Kako se neko preko noći iz komuniste pretvori u nacionalistu?

E How can it be that for years, between the late 1960s and 1990s, the primary school children were swearing an oath to Yugoslav president Tito in community centers across Austria? And why they had to learn about the Yugoslav system of workers’ self-management and about the exploitation of working classes in capitalism in a capitalist country far away from their homeland? And what is “home” anyway? How does a communist turn into a nationalist overnight?


Četiri pasoša / Four Passports Serbia, Croatia, Germany, 2016, Colour, 83 min, Serbian Režija / Director: Mihajlo Jevtić Scenarij / Screenplay: Mihajlo Jevtić

Film je priča o imigraciji i identitetu nakon nestanka Jugoslavije, ispričana iz ugla reditelja Mihajla Jevtića. Film prati period od Socijalističke Federativne Republike Jugoslavije do današnje Srbije, od Mihajlovog djetinstva do njegove srednje životne dobi. Ovo je film koji je napravio muškarac koji se sprema da napusti svoju zemlju; priča o njegovom koferu spakovanom za trajni odlazak. Priča o četiri pasoša i jednoj zemlji - oproštaj koji je pripreman 25 godina. Kombinujući animaciju sa snimcima današnjice i arhivskim porodičnim snimcima načinjenim Super 8 kamerom, Mihajlo daje svoj osvrt na odrastanje u društvu koje se raspada.

E The film tells a story of immigration and identity after the dissolution of former Yugoslavia, as seen through the eyes of filmmaker Mihajlo Jevtic. it follows the period of transition of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia into today’s Serbia and Mihajlo’s transition from a child into a middle aged man. It is a film made by a man who is about to leave his country for good and about the contents of his immigrant’s suitcase. Story about one country and four passports, a farewell that was in the making for 25 years. Combining the presentday footage, his family’s Super 8 home videos and animation, Mihajlo reflects on growing up in a society that has been falling apart.


17.08. srijeda, sala 1 / Wednesday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30

Tamo dole / Down There

18.08. četvrtak, sala 1 / Thursday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00


18.08. četvrtak, sala 1 / Thursday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30 19.08. petak, sala 1 / Friday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 15:00


Zvijer je još uvijek živa / The Beast is Still Alive Bulgaria, 2016, Colour and b&w, 91 min, Bulgarian, English, Greek, Spanish Režija / Director: Mina Mileva, Vesela Kazakova Scenarij / Screenplay: Mina Mileva, Vesela Kazakova

Mlada Bugarka posmatra globalno jačanje ljevičarske ideologije, od čijih se posljedica njena zemlja još uvijek oporavlja. U polumističnom razgovoru sa svojim mrtvim dedom, ona razotkriva put njegove transformacije od svećenika do komuniste, pa zatim do militantnog antikomuniste. Unuci je dosta hipokrizije modernih bugarskih socijalista, koji već 25 godina vode njenu zemlju u propast, dok se istovremeno zalažu za uspostavu socijalističkog sistema socijalne zaštite.

E A young Bulgarian woman observes the global resurgence of leftist ideology while her country still suffers from its consequences. In a semimystic dialogue with her late granddad she traces his transformation from a priest to a communist, then a militant anti-communist. The granddaughter is fed up with the hypocrisy of modern Bulgarian socialists who continuously advocate the introduction of a socialist welfare system while leading her country to ruin for the past 25 years.


Iduća stanica: Utopija / Next Stop: Utopia Greece, 2016, Colour, 91 min, Greek Režija / Director: Apostolos Karakasis Scenarij / Screenplay: Apostolos Karakasis

Nakon što je fabrika Vio.Me. u Grčkoj zatvorena, grupa radnika odlučuje poduzeti radikalne mjere. Oni zauzimaju fabriku i pokušavaju sami upravljati njom poštujući pravila direktne demokratije. Njihov poduhvat inspiriše aktiviste širom svijeta, a bivša vlasnica fabrike u nevjerici posmatra kako se njen porodični biznis pretvara u simbol jačajuće radikalne ljevice. Samoupravljanje i borba da se sastavi kraj s krajem za radnike se pretvaraju u jedinstvenu avanturu punu napetosti i sukoba.


E After the Greek Vio.Me. factory shuts down, a group of former workers decides to take radical action. They occupy the factory and attempt to put it back in operation running it as a selfmanaged business. Their venture inspires activists around the world, while former owner watches in astonishment as her family business turns into a symbol of the up-and-coming radical left movements. The self-management attempt turns into a unique and conflict-ridden adventure for the workers who are struggling to make ends meet.

Mladi hrvači / Young Wrestlers Turkey, Netherlands, 2016, Colour, 90 min, Turkish Režija / Director: Mete Gümürhan Scenarij / Screenplay: Mete Gümürhan

Dvadeset i šest dječaka, koji žive, uče i pate na sportskoj akademiji u turskoj proviniciji Amasya, spremni su izdržati mnogo toga kako bi zadovoljili svoju sportsku strast i ostvarili snove o hrvačkoj karijeri. Oni se suočavaju s uobičajenim izazovima adolescencije u okruženju kojim dominiraju muškarci u kontradiktornom modernom turskom društvu. Kamera ih snima i prati, ali bez uplitanja u njihovu rutinu, te nam tako omogućava da posmatramo njihov svakodnevni život na razmeđu između prijateljskih i takmičarskih nagona.

E Living, learning, suffering for their passion: the 26 boys living at a sports academy in the Turkish province of Amasya will endure a lot to fulfill their wrestling dreams. They face the usual challenges of adolescence in a male dominated environment and in the contradictory contemporary Turkish society. The observational camera remains unobtrusive while still allowing us to experience the boys’ everyday life on the verge between camaraderie and competition.


19.08. petak, sala 1 / Friday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 20:30


Dan ljudskih prava / Human Rights Day U saradnji s Ambasadom Švicarske u BiH i Saveznim ministarstvom vanjskih poslova Švicarske, već osmu godinu zaredom Sarajevo Film Festival će biti domaćin Dana ljudskih prava. U okviru obilježavanja Dana ljudskih prava, koje će biti upriličeno u utorak, 16. augusta 2016. godine, Sarajevo Film Festival će organizirati poseban program u sklopu kojeg će u kinu Meeting Point biti prikazan film U DRUŠTVU VJERNIKA reditelja Mohammeda Ali Naqvia i Hemala Trivedia te će biti održana i panel-diskusija. Tema ovogodišnjeg panela Dana ljudskih prava je: DA LI SE KROZ OBRAZOVANJE MOŽEMO BORITI PROTIV NASILNOG EKSTREMIZMA? Javni obrazovni sistem u Pakistanu, koji je odavno potpuno fragmentiran i nedovoljno finansiran, proteklih je godina usljed porasta militantnog nasilja još i više uništen. Iako nikada nije bio dovoljno dobar, taj je sistem u protekloj deceniji dodatno izgubio na kvaliteti, što je praćeno pojavom paralelnih obrazovnih institucija (javnih, privatnih i vjerskih), nemogućnošću stanovništva da pristupi kvalitetnom obrazovanju, nedovoljnom finansijskom podrškom od strane vlasti, korupcijom i smanjenjem institucionalnih kapaciteta. U zemlji sa stopom nepismenosti od 43 procenta, gdje 17,2 procenta ukupne populacije živi u siromaštvu, mnogi obrazovanje još uvijek smatraju luksuzom, naročito u ruralnim sredinama. Prema podacima iz zvaničnog državnog godišnjeg statističkog izvještaja o obrazovanju za 2014./2015., šokantnih 24 miliona pakistanske djece ne pohađa školu, što je indikativan pokazatelj stanja obrazovanja u zemlji u kojoj je oko četvrtine populacije mlađe od 16 godina. Djeca obuhvaćena ovim brojem najbolja su meta za indoktrinaciju, usađivanje pogrešnih vrijednosti i izgradnju identiteta od strane različitih ekstremističkih grupa. U DRUŠTVU VJERNIKA — posljednji dokumentarni film Hemala Trivedija i Mohammeda Ali Naqvija bolan je podsjetnik na presudne ideološke bitke koje se trenutno vode u Pakistanu. Inozemnim gledateljima film pruža uvid u raznovrsnost zemlje čiji se stanovnici previše često grupno podvode pod stereotip nazadnih, nasilnih ekstremista. Film pruža uvid u rad medresa širom Pakistana kojima upravlja Maulana Abdul Aziz, kontroverzni imam Lal Masjid džamije u Islamabadu kojeg se optužuje 20 I HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2016

za bliske veze sa džihadističkim skupinama. Osim što ukazuje na prijetnju fundametalističkih ideologija, film se bavi i nesposobnošću pakistanskih vlasti da zadovolje osnovne potrebe svojih građana poput potrebe za hranom, potrebe za ekonomskom sigurnošću i potrebe za obrazovanjem, a na koji način ostavljaju prostor za djelovanje ljudi poput Maulana Abdul Aziza. Imajući na umu da je Pakistan zemlja u kojoj je u proteklih par decenija zabilježen najveći broj napada na obrazovne institucije, jasno je da ekstremističke grupe sekularno obrazovanje smatraju najvećom preprekom za širenje svoje propagande. Obrazovanje je jedinstvena javna služba, ne samo zato što podrazumijeva rad sa najvrednijim resursom svake zemlje, djecom, već i zato što, ukoliko je kvalitetno, jača društveni kapital i tako osnažuje društvo kako trenutno tako i dugoročno. Zbog toga se može reći da prava borba protiv terorizma i drugih oblika ekstremizma počinje u učionici. Kako se kroz obrazovanje možemo suprotstaviti nasilnom ekstremizmu? Da li nove ideje mogu poraziti stare ideologije? Kako se nastavni plan i program može promijeniti na način da se poveća njegov kvalitet, uklone diskriminatorne teorije koje siju razdor, a ugrade lekcije o miru, pluralizmu i toleranciji? Da li je vjeronauci mjesto u školama? To su neka od pitanja na koja ćemo potražiti odgovore na ovogodišnjoj panel diskusiji koja će biti organizovanja u okviru Dana ljudskih prava Sarajevo Film Festivala. Sarajevo Film Festival i kroz svoj Takmičarski program – dokumentarni film prikazuje filmove inspirirane različitim aspektima ljudskih prava, a obilježavanjem ovog značajnog dana se nastoji dodatno skrenuti pažnja na važnost filma kao bitnog i moćnog medija u promociji ljudskih prava. Filmovi i teme koji se svake godine biraju za obilježavanje Dana ljudskih prava pružaju učesnicima paneldiskusija, publici i medijima priliku da razgovaraju o akutnim problemima pojedinaca ili zajednica u današnjem svijetu. Na svečanoj ceremoniji dodjele nagrada Sarajevo Film Festivala bit će uručena i Nagrada za ljudska prava koja se dodjeljuje filmu iz Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film koji na najbolj način obrađuje tematiku ljudskih prava. Nagradu u iznosu od 3.000 eura osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske.

E In cooperation with the Embassy of Switzerland and the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the Sarajevo Film Festival will host the Human Rights Day for the eight year in a row.

As part of the activities marking the Human Rights Day, which will be held on Tuesday, 16 August 2016, the Sarajevo Film Festival will organize a special programme, including a screening of the film AMONG THE BELIEVERS directed by Mohammed Ali Naqvi, Hemal Trivedi and a panel at the Meeting Point Cinema. The topic for this year’s Human Rights Panel is CAN WE FIGHT VIOLENT EXTREMISM WITH EDUCATION? Long underfunded and entirely disintegrated, Pakistan’s system of public education has been further devastated by militant violence in recent years. Although it has never been satisfactory, for the past decade the educational system in Pakistan has shown further decline with parallel educational system (public, private and madrassas), the lack of access to the quality education, inadequate government investment, corruption and lack of institutional capacity. With 43% of illiteracy and 17.2% of the total population living below the poverty line, it remains clear that for many Pakistanis the education is still considered a privilege, especially in the rural areas. According to the annual Pakistan Education Statistics report for 2014-2015, a staggering 24 million Pakistani children are out of school, laying bare the state of education in a country where around a quarter of the population is believed to be under 16. These are the children that became most vulnerable targets for indoctrination, identityconstruction, and value changes by various extremists groups. AMONG THE BELIEVERS — the latest documentary by film-makers Hemal Trivedi and Mohammed Ali Naqvi is a painful reminder of the critical ideological battles that currently divide Pakistan. For members of a foreign audience, it is an insight into the plurality of a country that is too often and too conveniently buried under monolithic stereotypes of extremism, backwardness and violence. The film gives an insight into madrassas across Pakistan run by controversial cleric and leader of Lal Masjid mosque in Islamabad, Maulana Abdul Aziz, accused to have close ties with jihadi groups. Besides showing the threat of fundamentalist ide-

ologies, the film addresses the failure of the State in providing basic necessities such as food, economic security and education to its population, creating a vacuum for people like Maulana Abdul Aziz to build their case on. Having in mind that Pakistan has suffered the most attacks on educational institutions in recent decades, it is quite clear that secular education remains one of the biggest threats to thriving extremist propaganda. The education is a unique service – not only because it involves a country’s most precious resource, its children – but also because, by increasing human capital, it strengthens the society not only in the present, but in the future. Therefore, the real battle against terrorism and all sorts of extremism begins in our classrooms. How can we combat violent extremism through education? Can new ideas defeat ideologies? How can school curriculum be updated to improve quality and remove divisive and discriminatory narratives, as well as include broader teaching on peace, pluralism and tolerance? What is the role of religious leaders in preventing radicalization and violent extremism? Should religion be thought in schools? – these are some of the questions we will try to answer at this year’s panel debate organized within the Human Rights Day of the Sarajevo Film Festival. The Competition Programme – Documentary Film of the Sarajevo Film Festival showcases films inspired by various aspects of human rights and by marking this special day we aim to further emphasize the importance of film as a significant and powerful media for the promotion of human rights. The films and topics chosen each year for marking the Human Rights Day provide an opportunity for panel participants, the audience and the media to discuss pressing problems currently faced by individuals or communities in the world. Also, the Human Rights Award will be given at the official awards ceremony of the Sarajevo Film Festival for film in the Competition Programme – Documentary Film that best deals with human rights. The prize of 3.000 Euros is provided by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.


16.08. utorak, sala 1 / Tuesday, Hall 1 / Cinema City 11:00

U društvu vjernika / Among the Believers Pakistan, USA, 2015, Colour, 84 min, English, Urdu Režija / Director: Mohammed Ali Naqvi, Hemal Trivedi Scenarij / Screenplay: Jonathan Goodman Levitt

Uznemirujuće i razotkrivajuće istraživanje širenja radikalnog učenja islamske škole Red Mosque u Pakistanu, koja obučava generacije djece da svoje živote posvete džihadu, ili svetom ratu, još od malih nogu.


E An unsettling and eye opening exploration into the spread of the radical Islamic school Red Mosque in Pakistan, which trains legions of children to devote their lives to jihad, or holy war, from a very young age.

Utorak, 16. august – Dan ljudskih prava / Tuesday, 16th August – Human Rights Day Uz podršku Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Švicarske i Švicarske ambasade u BiH / Supported by the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Switzerland in BiH




















„Kako se kroz obrazovanje možemo suprotstaviti nasilnom ekstremizmu?“ Kino Meeting Point SVI AKREDITOVANI GOSTI SU DOBRODOŠLI


„Can We Fight Violent Extremism With Education?“ Meeting Point Cinema ALL ACREDITED GUESTS WELCOME


22. SFF / YIHR BH / DocuCorner

Učešće Inicijative mladih za ljudska prava u Bosni i Hercegovini (YIHR BH) na Sarajevo Film Festivalu (SFF) je aktivnost koja je postala tradicionalna i traje već devet godina. Mladi aktivisti imaju priliku učestvovati na projekcijama filmova Takmičarskog dokumentarnog programa na SFF-u i nakon projekcije filmova, na Docu Corneru, diskutovati o glavnim porukama prikazanog filma sa svojim kolegama/cama i autorima filmova. Također, prikazani filmovi često pokrenu diskusiju o osnovnim znanjima o standardima ljudskih prava, postojećim institucionalnim mehanizmima za zaštitu građanskih prava, kao i teme vezane za suočavanje sa prošlošću i tranzicionu pravdu. Ove produktivne diskusije inspirišu mlade aktiviste/ ce o novim načinima i metodama kako doprinijeti ovim važnim i relevantnim temama kroz konkretne akcije. Ciljevi okupljanja mladih na Docu Corneru su: (1) poticati izgradnju povjerenja među mladim ljudima iz različitih etničkih zajednica, koja u konačnici integrira održivu i umreženu grupu aktivista/ca u Bosni u Hercegovini u strukturu Inicijative mladih za ljudska prava u BiH (YIHR BH); i (2) povezuje mlade ljude iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine s njihovim vršnjacima u Srbiji, Crnoj Gori i Hrvatskoj, uspostavljajući na regionalnom nivou direktni dijalog između etnički podijeljenih mladih ljudi. Od prije dvije godine, mladi ljudi iz Bosne i


Hercegovine i regije, također, imaju priliku razmjenjivati svoja iskustva i znanja s mladim ljudima iz cijele Evrope koji, također, učestvuju u ovom programu. Ovakva okupljanja mladih ljudi, naročito iz različitih dijelova Bosne i Hercegovine, svakako predstavljaju jedan od početnih koraka ka razbijanju predrasuda među mladim ljudima različitih nacionalnosti, ali, također, doprinose i izgradnji solidarnosti i povjerenja među njima, što je jedan od preduslova za zajedničke aktivnosti koje YIHR BH kontinuirano provodi prije i poslije SFF-a. Regionalna dimenzija SSF-a se očituje i kroz razbijanje predrasuda među mladim ljudima iz različitih zemalja. Učešće na SFF-u im daje mogućnost da razmijene svoja iskustva, definišu sličnosti i da razgovaraju o “tabu” temama (LGTBQ, identiteti, manjine) i da, u stvari, uvide da između njih postoji mnogo više zajedničkih stvari koje ih povezuju, nego onih koje ih razdvajaju. Kroz ovih devet godina saradnje, YIHR BH iskazuje veliku zahvalnost Švicarskoj ambasadi u Bosni i Hercegovini koja je kroz podršku ovom projektu prepoznala važnost ovakvog pristupa i rada s mladim ljudima. YIHR BH je ponosan što je dio velike SFF porodice i raduje se nastavku saradnje kroz rad s mladim ljudima iz cijele Bosne i Hercegovine, Balkana i Evrope. Sarajevo Film Festival – Human Rights Documentary Program and DocuCorner.

E Participation at Sarajevo Film Festival (SFF) is an activity that had become a traditional and it is ongoing for nine years. Young activists have the chance to participate at Human Rights Program at SFF and after the screening, at DocuCorner, to discuss the main issues of the shown film with their colleagues anauthors. In addition, the movies are triggering discussion about basic knowledge of human rights standards, existing institutional mechanisms for citizens’ rights protection and topics related to the facing the past and transitional justice. Those productive discussions are inspiring young activists to search and apply the new ways of contributing to those important and relevant topics through tangible actions. Goals:The project’s purpose is to (1) foster the trust between young people from different ethnic communities, ultimately leading to a sustainable and networked group of activists in BiH integrated into the YIHR BH structure; and (2) connect young people from throughout BiH with their peers in Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia, brokering direct dialog between ethnically divided young people on regional scale. Since two years ago, young people from Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region also have an opportunity to share their experiences and knowledg with young people from entire Europe who are also taking part in this program.

It is important to emphasize importance of such gathering of young people, particularly from the different parts of BiH – this certainly represents a first step towards breaking the prejudice among young people of different national backgrounds, but also building solidarity and trust among them, which is pre-condition for continuous joint activities that YIHR BH conducts before and after SFFOn the other side, a regional dimension of SFF is also reflected through breaking prejudices among young people from different countries. Participation at SFF provides them an opportunity to exchange their experiences, define their similarities, to discuss “taboo” topics among themselves (e.g. minorities, LGTBQ population, identities) and to realize that there are more common things that connect them, rather to separate them).Through these nine years of cooperation,YIHR BH express its gratittude to Swiss Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina as they had recognized importance of such approach in the work with young people. YIHR BH is proud to be a part of the SFF family and is looking forward to continuing its work with young people from around Bosnia and Herzegovina, Balkan region and Europe.


Docu Corner, mjesto za diskusiju filmova na kojem će te upoznati autore filmova, članove žirija, novinare, u periodu od 14. do 20. augusta. Možete učestvovati u Live Forumu, koji se bavi različitim temama vezanim za ljudska prava koja se održavaju u saradnji s Inicijativom mladih za ljudska prava. Naša jedinstvena dokumentarna debatna platforma se proširila ne samo po regiji nego i zemljama Evrope. Francuska organizacija EGAM reprizira Docu Corner te trećinu filmova iz našeg takmičarskog programa u Parizu. E DocuCorner, the pleace to discuss films meet filmmakers, jury membres, journalists, and festival selcetots from all around the world. From 16th to 22nd of August you can take part in Live Forum, wich covers various topics relating to human rights, and is held in coopreation with the Youth Initiative for Human Rights. Our unique documentary debate platform had spread not only in the region, but also in some European countries. French organization EGAM is hosting a repeat of our Docu Corner and screening a third of the films from our competition program in Paris.


Noemi Schory

Carol Dysinger

Thomas Ernst

Catherine Le Clef Cecilia Lidin

Hanka Kastelicová Ivana P. Milošević

Docu Rough Cut Boutique @ SFF 2016 Šesti Docu Rough Cut Boutique @ SFF 2016 od 15. do 19. augusta Cilj „Docu Rough Cut Boutique“ programa Sarajevo Film Festivala i Balkanskog dokumentarnog centra jeste da se autorima pet odabranih projekata iz regije obezbijede individualni mentorski nadzor, stručni savjeti i pristup donosiocima odluka koji mogu dati ključni doprinos uspješnoj finalizaciji projekta. Mentori angažovani na programu imaju zadatak da kroz intenzivne grupne i odlično pripremljene individualne sesije s autorima odabranih projekata doprinesu unapređenju kvaliteta materijala s kojim autori raspolažu u fazi grubog šnita. Upravo zbog toga se na programu angažuju mentori s bogatim profesionalnim iskustvom u različitim oblastima produkcije dokumentarnog filma, uključujući reditelje, producente, eksperti za montažu i dramaturgiju, predstavnike emitera programa i konsultante za dokumentarni film iz različitih dijelova svijeta. Pažljivo odabrani tim gostujućih eksperata, koji će sa odabranim autorima održati individualne konsultativne sastanke, osigurat će da različiti aspekti odabranih projekata u fazi grubog šnita budu detaljno promišljeni i raspravljeni.


NOEMI SCHORY (Izrael) – nezavisna je producentica i rediteljica koja se u svome radu pretežno fokusira na dokumentarni film. Među dokumentarnim filmovima, koje je producirala, izdvajaju se: A FILM UNFINISHED koji je osvojio prvu nagradu na Međunarodnom HotDocs festivalu, nagradu za montažu na Filmskom festivalu Sundance i nagradu za scenarij Silverdocs festivala, zatim nagrađivani dugometražni dokumentarac THE INNER TOUR koji je prikazan na Filmskom festivalu Sundance i Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu u Berlinu, kao i u Muzeju moderne umjetnosti MoMa u New Yorku, te pet filmova iz dokumentarnog serijala

TKUMA. Između ostalih je režirala filmove: BORN IN BERLIN – CORDELIA, ANGELIKA AND INGE i BRUECKENSCHLAG, o odnosima između Izraela i Njemačke neposredno nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, film ES BEGAN IN DER WUESTE, o izraelskom pogledu na Njemačku 1995. godine, produciran za njemačku televiziju ZDF, te 100 kratkih filmova za Novi historijski muzej Yad Vashem i 12 kratkih filmova za postavku u Dvorani u čast snage ljudskog duha u Auschwitzu. Noemi je bila članica više žirija, te je vodila brojne filmske radionice i učestvovala u radionicama za filmske projekte u razvoju u Goi, Tblisiju i Tel Avivu. Bila je članica međunarodnog odbora i međunarodna predsjednica organizacije Input od 2005. do 2010. godine. Od 2000. godine predaje kreativnu produkciju i medijsko okruženje na Odjelu za film Univerziteta u Tel Avivu. U jesen 2013. je bila gostujuća profesorica na Univerzitetu u Minnesoti, a u periodu od 2007. do 2015. godine je bila šefica Odjela za film Fakulteta za umjetnost Midrasha pri Koledžu Beit Berl. CAROL DYSINGER (SAD) – autorica je dokumentarnih filma koja je, zahvaljujući bogatom scenarističkom i uredničkom iskustvu stečenom u New Yorku i u Hollywoodu, postala jedna od najtraženijih urednica dokumentarnog filma / savjetnica za razvoj dokumentarne filmske priče i profesorica na Odjelu za film Univerziteta u New Yorku, koji se smatra vodećom filmskom školom u Americi. Carol je 2007. godine s kamerom u ruci otputovala u Afganistan kako bi snimila svoj dugometražni rediteljski prvijenac CAMP VICTORY AFGHANISTAN. Film je prikazan na Doc Fortnight festivalu Muzeja moderne umjetnosti MoMa, SXSW festivalu i na festivalima ljudskih prava u New Yorku, Hagu i Pragu. ONE BULLET AFGHANISTAN je drugi film iz njene filmske trilogije o ljudskoj cijeni posljednjeg rata u Afganistanu. Carol je započela karijeru kao urednica benda “The HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2016 I 27

Clash”, a nakon toga je radila kao urednica i scenaristica narativnih i dokumentarnih programa. Osvojila je više nagrada za kratke narativne projekte i scenarije koje je proizvela za 20th Century Fox, Disney i HBO Independent. Kao urednica je radila na više nagrađivanih igranih filmova u Meksiku i Španiji, te na četiri nezavisna filma u New Yorku. Dugogodišnja je konsultantica programa za razvoj dokumentaraca, Doc Lab, Filmskog festivala Sundance, a kao urednica i savjetnica za razvoj priče radi na dokumentarnim i hibridnim filmskim projektima širom svijeta. Članica je američkog Udruženja scenarista i pisaca West. THOMAS ERNST (Mađarska) – samostalni je filmski montažer i autor koji je radio na različitim projektima unutar širokog žanrovskog spektra, uključujući igrane, dokumentarne i kratke filmove, muzičke spotove, ali i animiranu seriju „Mr.Bean“ (2002). U projekte na kojima radi se uključuje u veoma ranoj fazi, te zajedno sa rediteljem i direktorom fotografije razvija plan rada i koncept produkcije od stadija razvoja priče pa sve do prikazivanja završenog filma. Šef je Odjela za filmsku montažu na Filmskoj akademiji u Budimpešti. Duga lista projekata na kojima je radio uključuje dokumentrne filmove INVISIBLE STRINGS, OVERDOSE i STREAM OF LOVE, u produkciji evropskog ogranka američke kablovske mreže HBO. Film DRIFTER, na kojem je radio kao montažer, osvojio je nagradu za najbolje debitantsko ostvarenje na Festivalu dokumentarnog filma IDFA 2014. godine. Za montažu filma THE QUEEN OF SILENCE je 2015. godine osvojio njemačku Kamerapreis nagradu za najboljeg montažera. CATHERINE LE CLEF (Francuska) – u novembru je 2009. godine pokrenula vlastitu kompaniju za distribuciju dokumentarnog filma CAT&Docs. Catherine je 2007. godine preuzela funkciju više potpredsjednice za prodaju televizijskih i dodatnih prava u kompaniji Fortissimo Films, nakon što je napustila ranije radno mjesto u pariškoj kompaniji Doc&Co koja se bavi međunarodnom distribucijom vrhunskih dokumentaraca. Prethodno je više od deset godina radila na međunarodnoj distribuciji dokumentarnih filmova za kanadsku kompaniju Films Transit International. Karijeru je započela u kompaniji Unibelfilm u Beligiji, gdje je bila zadužena za međunarodnu promociju belgijskih filmova. Njena kompanija CAT&Docs pronalazi relevantne i hrabre dokumentarce koji se bave aktuelnim i bezvremenskim temama, pažljivo su pripremljeni, oslikavaju raznolikost svijeta i imaju svoje mjesto na međunarodnoj sceni. Ukratko, dokumentarce koji propituju svijet i ohrabruju 28 I HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2016

gledaoce da na svijet gledaju iz različitih uglova i širom otvorenih očiju. Među brojnim naslovima u katalogu kompanije nalaze se filmovi: HOUSTON WE HAVE A PROBLEM, SONITA, CAMERAPERSON, A SYRIAN LOVE STORY, DON JUAN, CITIZENFOUR, OF MEN AND WAR, TEA TIME, WAITING FOR GIRAFFES, MY LOVE DON’T CROSS THAT RIVER, THE CIRCUS DYNASTY, TWILIGHT OF LIFE, 5 BROKEN CAMERAS, PLANET OF SNAILi LAST TRAIN HOME. CECILIA LIDIN (Danska) – studirala je film i diplomirala na temu etičkih dilema u dokumentarnom filmu. Po završetku studija, više od dvije decenije je radila na uspostavi međunarodnog sistema za finansijsku i razvojnu podršku za produkciju dokumentarnog filma. Od 1998. do 2011. godine je bila članica Evropske dokumentarističke mreže, odgovorna za velik broj radionica, pitching foruma i drugih filmskih progama u kojima je učestovala kao organizatorica, tutorica ili moderatorica, a tri godine (od 2006. do 2009.) je zajedno sa HanneomSkjødt bila i predsjednica organizacije. Cecilija je bila umjetnička direktorica Međunarodnog filmskog festivala Odense. Evropsku dokumentarističku mrežu je napustila 2011. godine kako bi preuzela kratkoročnu poziciju komesarke za odabir dokumentarnih projekata pri Švedskom filmskom institutu SFI. U ljeto 2015. godine je imenovana na svoju trenutnu poziciju komesarke za odabir dokumentarnih projekata Danskog filmskog instituta. HANKA KASTELICOVÁ (Češka Republika / Mađarska) – izvršna je producentica za dokumentarni film evropskog ogranka kablovske mreže HBO. Iz centralnog evropskog ureda HBO-a u Budimpešti blisko sarađuje s evropskim produkcijskim centrima u Varšavi, Pragu i Bukureštu, a odgovorna je za razvoj i produkciju evropskih dokumentarnih filmova HBO-a. Zvanje magistrice umjetnosti je stekla na Odjelu za dokumentarni film Fakulteta za film i televiziju pri Akademiji scenskih umjetnosti u Pragu. Profesionalnu karijeru je započela u Sloveniji, gdje je više od 25 godina radila kao rediteljica i producentica dokumentarnih filmova, a naknadno i kao urednica za nabavku programa i šefica sektora za razvoj dokumentarnog programa. Ova iskusna i posvećena autorica dokumentarnih filmova je kao organizatorica i predavačica učestvovala u brojnim dokumentarističkim radionicama, master časovima, industrijskim seminarima i kursevima. Kao moderatorica i učesnica je prisustvovala velikom broju industrijskih panela i događaja posvećenih dokumenatrnom filmu u brojnim zemljama širom svijeta.

IVANA PAUEROVA MILOŠEVIĆ (Češka Republika) – rođena je u Sarajevu, u Bosni i Hercegovini. Završila je humanističke studije (makroekonomija i političke nauke) na Univerzitetu Charles u Pragu, kao i režiju dokumentarnog filma i uređenje scenarija na praškoj filmskoj školi FAMU. Ivanino profesionalno iskustvo obuhvata režiju dokumentarnih filmova, mahom s društvenom i političkom tematikom. Tokom dosadašnje karijere je sarađivala na više od 30 dokumentaraca. Ivana je jedna od osnivačica Instituta za dokumentarni film, IDF, u Pragu. Od 2003. do 2012. godine je radila u Institutu za dokumentarni film na poziciji programske direktorice (za godišnji trening program za izradu dokumentarnog filma ExOreinte i EEF pitching forum u Pragu). Proteklih pet godina sarađuje s praškom filmskom akademijom FAMU, a 2009. je izabrana za članicu odbora Evropske dokumentarističke mreže (EDN). Ivana od 2013. godine radi i za Češku televiziju na mjestu urednice scenarija. DOCU Rough Cut Boutique ovim putem želi izraziti posebnu zahvalnost Američkoj ambasadi u Bosni i Hercegovini i Bugarskom državnom institutu za kulturu, koji su omogućili učešće mentora u radu našeg programa Voditeljice Docu Rough Cut Boutique programa i moderatorice svih programskih sesija su Rada Šešić i Martichka Bozhilova. MARTICHKA BOZHILOVA (Bugarska) – od 1999. godine radi kao producentica u produkcijskoj kući AGITPROP i sarađivala je na brojnim filmskim projektima sa njemačkim, finskim, švicarskim, švedskim, talijanskim, američkim, grčkim, kiparskim, hrvatskim i rumunskim koproducentima. Njeni dokumentarni filmovi su prikazivani i nagrađivani na filmskim festivalima u Kanu, Berlinu, Torontu i Pusanu, kao i na filmskim festivalima IDFA, Sundance i Tribeca. Među njenim brojnim projektima ističu se sljedeći filmovi: GEORGI AND THE BUTTERFLIES (nagrada Zlatni vuk, IDFA 2004), THE MOSQUITO PROBLEM AND OTHER STORIES (Kan 2007), CORRIDOR#8 (Berlinale 2008), THE BOY WHO WAS A KING (Međunarodni filmski festival u Torontu 2011) i THE LAST BLACK SEA PIRATES (Visions du Reel, HotDocs 2013). Producirala je prve bugarske sadržaje namjenski proizvedene za HBO, nagrađivane dokumentarne filmove PARADISE HOTEL i CONCRETE PHARAOHS, kao i uspješnu avanturističku reality TV seriju EXPLOR BULGARIA, proizvedenu za National Geographic kanal. Osnivačica je i direktorica Balkanskog dokumentarnog centra (BDC) za podršku balkanskim autorima dokumentarnog filma. BDC uz podršku

Creative Europe – MEDIA programa organizuje BDC Discoveries, redovni godišnji obrazovni program u tri modula. Martichka je članica izvršnog odbora Evropske dokumentarističke mreže i predsjednica DokuFesta u Prizrenu, a 2014. godine je bila i članica žirija Festivala DokLeipzig i Međunarodnog festivala dokumentarnog filma IDFA. Kao predavačica je učestvovala na brojnim filmskim radionicama. Dobitnica je međunarodne Trailblazer nagrade MIPDOC programa Filmskog festivala u Kanu za kreativnost, inovativnost, originalnost i unapređenje u oblasti dokumentarnog filma. Uvrštena je na prestižnu listu “100 najutjecajnijih žena Bugarske” i jedna je od sedam najutjecajnijih kreativnih vizionarki u Bugarskoj po izboru magazina Forbes, a 2013. godine je nominovana za “ženu godine”. RADA ŠEŠIĆ (Holandija) – filmska je autorica, kritičarka, predavačica i kuratorica programa, koja je jedno vrijeme živjela u Sarajevu (Bosna i Hercegovina). Sarađuje na izboru filmova za dva najveća filmska festivala u Holandiji, IDFA festival u Amsterdamu i IFFR festival u Rotterdamu. Osam godina je bila članica selektorskog tima IDFA Fonda, a šest godina članica selektorskog tima STIFO Fonda. Trenutno je članica selektorskog tima Hubert Bals Fonda i selektorica Takmičarskog dokumentarnog programa Sarajevo Film Festivala. Sedam godina je radila kao profesorica na Univerzitetu u Amsterdamu, a trenuto drži predavanja u sklopu magistarskog studijskog programa Škole filma NFT u Amsterdamu. U Holandiji je režirala četiri filma: ROOM WITHOUT A VIEW (1997), SOSKE (2001), IN WHITEST SOLITUDE (2001) i THE WAY TO SCHOOL (2007). Njeni su filmovi prikazani na više od 60 filmskih festivala i osvojili su niz međunarodnih nagrada, a također su prikazani i u Muzeju moderne umjetnosti MoMa u New Yorku i otkupljeni za muzejsku kolekciju. Kao mentorica je aktivno učestvovala u više desetina dokumentarističkih filmskih radionica u Evropi i Aziji, a bila je i članica više od 40 žirija, uključujući žirije festivala IDFA i JorisIvens, te žiri Hot Docs festivala u Torontu. Sarađivala je na više knjiga o filmu izdatih u Velikoj Britaniji, Americi i Indiji. Njene su filmske kritike objavljene u više desetina magazina širom svijeta, a doprinijela je i sadržaju Američke enciklopedije svjetske dokumentarne produkcije. Umjetnička je direktorica Filmskog festivala Eastern Neighbors u Hagu.



CITY OF THE SUN / GRAD SUNCA Gruzija, 100 min Režija: Rati Oneli Producenti: Jim Stark, Dea Kulumbegashvili Životi, snovi i sudbine nevjerovatnih likova među ruševinama postapokaliptičkog rudarskog grada. Grad Sunca je nadrealistička vizija postapokaliptičkog grada duhova i njegovih par stanovnika. Nevjerovatni likovi žive svoje živote, sanjaju svoje snove i upoznaju se sa svojom sudbinom među grandioznim ostacima nekada „slavne“ sovjetske arhitekture i tehnologije u gotovo napuštenom rudarskom gradu Chiaturi. F**K YU/J*BE MI SE ZA YU Hrvatska, 60 min Režija: Marija Ratković Vidaković, Dinka Radonić Producenti: Marija Ratković Vidaković Produkcijska kompanija: Hrvatski filmski savez Jugoslavija i socijalizam su dugi niz godina bili okosnica vrijednosnog sistema jednog cijelog društva i njegovih pojedinih članova. Gdje su ti pojedinci danas? Film je priča o putovanju jedne porodice – putovanju kroz međugeneracijske odnose njenih članova, putovanju kroz porodičnu historiju kojom je vladala jedna država i jedna ideja koja ne postoji već više od 25 godina, ali oni žive kao da ta ideja nikada nije nestala. U isto vrijeme, ovo je film o sazrijevanju pojedinca, presjek naučenih pravila ponašanja i formiranja vlastitog identiteta neopterećenog porodičnim tabuima. I AM HERCULES / JA SAM HERCULES Rumunija, Njemačka, 75 min Režija: Marius Iacob Producenti: Irina Malcea, Christian Popp Produkcijska kompanija: Manekino Film, Docdays Productions Baile Herculane (Herkulovo kupatilo), jedan od najstarijih evropskih banjskih kompleksa u kojem su prije sto godina kraljevi i kraljice svoja tijela namakali u ljekovitoj vodi, postalo je labirint u kojem se gube pripadnici niže srednje klase u potrazi za zdravim životom. Mitica, Gelu i Relu, tri samouka masera, služe kao vodiči kroz labirint „jeftinog“ evropskog rajskog vrta. ULTRA Mađarska, 85 min Režija: Balazs Simonyi Producenti: Laszlo Jozsa, Balazs Simonyi Produkcijska kompanija: Speak Easy Project Koproducenti: HBO Europe, Anemon Productions Nekoliko stotina ambicioznih ljudi iz svih krajeva svi30 I HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2016

jeta svake se godine okuplja u Grčkoj kako bi oživjeli staru legendu. Oni istrčavaju ultramaraton od Atine do Sparte. Učesnici trke poznate po imenu Spartathlon moraju pretrčati 246 kilometara u roku od 36 sati. Za trku se teško kvalifikovati, a još ju je teže završiti. Ovo nije sportski film, već kolekcija ličnih priča. Učesnici dobrovoljno odabiru patnju kako bi riješili vlastite probleme, izliječili svoju dušu i sami sebe testirali kroz ovaj ekstremni poduhvat. Motivišu ih različiti razlozi, uključujući želju za bijegom, starenje, užitak ili potrebu za samoispitivanjem. IN THE SHADOW OF WAR / U SJENI RATA Turska, 90 min Režija: ReyanTuvi Producent: Reyan Tuvi Ovo je priča o putovanju ispunjenom solidarnošću, životom i smrću koje započinje u malom graničnom selu Maheseru u nadi da će rat biti okončan pobjedom, a završava u ratom razorenom sirijskom gradu Kobaneu. Dok seljani s nadom iščekuju oslobođenje grada, njihova se djeca, rođaci i prijatelji bore za svoju zemlju, nezavisnost i identitet. Mogućnost oslobođenja grada, uz nadu da će se on oporaviti i da će biti izgrađen novi svijet, dodaju značaj njihovim nadama i borbi. Za učešće u programu u ulozi posmatrača pozivamo i jedan dodatni projekt UNDER COVER / POD KRINKOM Bosna i Hercegovina, 60 min Režija: Sabrina Begović Ćorić, Nejra Latić Hulusić Producenti: Sabrina Begović Ćorić, Nejra Latić Hulusić Jedan odjevni predmet je nakon 11. septembra 2001. postao skandaloznim. Marama za glavu. Godine 2011. povela se velika debata o tome da li se muslimankama treba dozvoliti da u javnosti nose pokrivala za glavu. Danas, 2015. godine, uporedo s jačanjem terorističkih grupa poput ISIS-a, koje se kriju iza vjere i prijete cijelom slobodnom svijetu, marame za glavu sve češće se tretiraju kao prijeteća zastava takozvanih „islamskih“ terorista. E 6th Edition of the Docu Rough Cut Boutique @ SFF 2016, 15th-19th August The idea behind the Sarajevo Film Festival/Balkan Documentary Center’s Docu Rough Cut Boutique is to offer 5 chosen projects from the region tailor-made coaching, expert advice and access to decision-makers who can have a crucial influence on moving forward the projects in their final stage. During intensive group sessions and well-prepared individual ones, the selected teams and mentors focus on working on the quality of the material

in the rough-cut stage. This is why, our esteemed mentors come from different backgrounds within the documentary scene:they are directors, producers, story editors, broadcasters and documentary consultants from different parts of the world. The carefully chosen team of guest experts with whom participants also have one on one tutorials, make sure that many aspects of theeach rough cut have been thoroughly discussed.


NOEMI SCHORY (Israel) - is an independent producer and director, focusing on documentaries. Produced among others “A Film Unfinished”, won first prize at HotDocs, editing prize at Sundance, script award at Silverdocs; “The Inner Tour”, an award winning feature doc screened at Sundance, the MOMA, Berlinale; 5 films for the documentary series “Tkuma”. Directed among others “Born in Berlin-Cordelia, Angelika and Inge”, “Brueckenschlag” on the beginnings of Israeli-German relations after WWII; “Es began in der Wueste” for ZDF, an Israeli point of view on Germany in 1995; 100 short films for the New Historic Museum of YadVashem, 12 short films which comprise the Hall of Human Spirit, Auschwitz. Served on numerous juries. Conducted workshops and participated in WIP at Goa, Tbilisi, Tel Aviv. Served on the International board of Input and was the Intl. president 2005-2010.Teaches since 2000 at the Film Department of the Tel Aviv University, creative production and media landscape. In fall 2013 visiting scholar at the University of Minnesota.2007-2015 was head of the Film Department of the Faculty of Arts – Midrasha, BeitBerl College. CAROL DYSINGER (USA) -is a documentary filmmaker who brings years of film editing and screenwriting in both New York and Hollywood to her work as a highly sought after documentary film editorial/story advisor and Professor at NYUs Graduate Film School, oftencited as the top film school in the US. In 2007, she travelled solo to Afghanistan with camera in hand to make her feature directorial debut, CAMP VICTORY AFGHANISTAN. It screened at MoMA Doc fortnight, SXSW, Human Rights Festivals in New York, The Hague and Prague. ONE BULLET AFGHANISTAN is the second in her trilogy about the human impact of post 9/11 conflict in Afghanistan. Carol began her career editing for the band “The Clash,” after which she worked as an editor and screenwriter of both narrative and documentary work, winning several awards for her short narrative independent work and writing for 20th Century Fox, Disney and HBO Independent. She edited award winning fictional

features in Mexico, Spain and four independent films in New York. She is a longtime consultant for Sundance Doc Lab, and is a story and editing advisor for documentaries and hybrid work around the world. She is a member of the Writer’s Guild West. THOMAS ERNST (Hungary) -is a freelance film editor and author. His work covers a wide range of genres. He was involved in fictional productions, documentaries, music videos, short films, but also into the animated series ”Mr. Bean“(2002). Through joining each project at a very early stage, he co-creates the workflow and the concept of the production together with the director and D.O.P. - from the development of the story to the screening of the finished film. At the Budapest Film Academy he also heads the faculty “Film Editing”. HBO Europe documentaries like “Invisible Strings”, “Overdose” and “Stream Of Love” are on his long credit list. The film “Drifter” won the “First Appearance Award” at IDFA 2014. For the editing of the film “The Queen of Silence” he was awarded with the German Kamerapreis for Best Editing 2015. CATHERINE LE CLEF (France) - in November 2009 started her own documentary distribution company, CAT&Docs. In January 2007, Le Clef joined Fortissimo Films as Senior Vice President – TV and Ancillary Sales from Paris based Doc & Co, an international distributor of world-class documentaries. Prior to this, she was with Films Transit International in Canada, where she worked for more than a decade, distributing documentaries worldwide. She began her career at Unibelfilm in Belgium, promoting Belgian films internationally. CAT&Docs is looking for pertinent and impertinent docs on topical questions and timeless subjects; docs that are carefully researched; open to the diversity of the world and that have their place on the international scene; docs that question the world and propose new ways at looking at it. Docs that keep us from closing our eyes. Some titles from the catalogue of the company: Houston We Have A Problem, Sonita, Cameraperson, A Syrian Love Story, Don Juan, Citizenfour, Of Men and War, Tea Time, Waiting for Giraffes, My Love don’t cross that River, The Circus Dynasty, Twilight of Life, 5 Broken Cameras, Planet of Snail, Last Train Home, just to name a few. CECILIA LIDIN (Denmark) - with a background in academic film studies and a final thesis about the documentary films ethical dilemmas,worked for more than 20 years to create structures to facilitate the financing and development of documentary films internationally. From 1998 till 2011 she was part of the team at European Documentary HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2016 I 31

Network, responsible for a large number of workshops, pitching sessions and other film events, as organizer, tutor and moderator – and from 2009 till 2011 as head of the organization together with Hanne Skjødt. From 2006 till 2009 Cecilia Lidin was Artistic Director of Odense International Film Festival – and in 2011 she left EDN for a position as Film Commissioner for Documentaries at the Swedish Film Institute (SFI). In summer 2015 Cecilia Lidin left this short term position at SFI, and in October 2015 was appointed as Film Commissioner for Documentaries at the Danish Film Institute, where she is at present. HANKA KASTELICOVÁ (Czech Republic/Hungary) -is the Executive Producer of Documentaries for HBO Europe. Based in the Budapest head office she works closely with HBO Europe’s production centers in Warsaw, Prague and Bucharest, and is responsible for the development and production of HBO Europe’s documentary films. She earned a Master of Arts degree from the Faculty of Film and TV Documentary Department at the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. She continued her professional career in Slovenia, where she worked for more than 25 years as a documentary director and producer, latterly as commissioning editor and Head of Development of documentary programming. As an experienced and dedicated documentary filmmaker, she has lectured on documentary filmmaking, and participated in the organization of master classes, industry seminars and courses. She has also served as a moderator and participant on numerous industry panels and other documentary events in many countries. IVANA PAUEROVÁ MILOŠEVIĆ (Czech Republic) -born in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated in humanities (macroeconomics and political science) at Charles University and in the documentary film direction and script editing at FAMU in Prague. Her creative professional experience includes the direction of documentary films, mainly on social and political topics; she has been cooperating on more than 30 documentaries. Ivana is founding member of the Institute of Documentary Film, IDF in Prague. From 2003 to 2012, she worked in the Institute of Documentary Film as Head of Program (for the documentary film annual training programmeExOriente Film and EEF Pitching Forum in Prague). For the last five years, Ivana has been cooperating with the Prague Film Academy (FAMU). In 2009 she was elected a board member of the European Documentary Network (EDN). Since 2013, Ivana has been also working and cooperating with Czech Television as a film script editor. 32 I HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD 2016

DOCU Rough Cut Boutiquewants to herewith specially thank The US Embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the State Institute of Culture, Bulgaria, who generously made the participation of these amazing mentors possible. The Headsof Docu Rough Cut Boutique and Moderators of all sessions are Rada Šešić and MartichkaBozhilova. MARTICHKA BOZHILOVA (Bulgaria) -producer of AGITPROP, since 1999, co-produced with Germany, Finland, Switzerland, Sweden, Italy, USA, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Romania. Her documentaries have been selected and awarded at Cannes, Berlin, IDFA, Toronto, Sundance, Tribeca, Pusana.o. Among her films are: Georgi and the Butterflies (Silver Wolf, IDFA 2004), The Mosquito Problem and other stories (Cannes 2007), Corridor #8 (Berlinale 2008), The Boy Who Was a King (Toronto IFF 2011), The Last Black Sea Pirates (Visions du Reel, HotDocs 2013).Producer of the first original Bulgarian content for HBO, award-winning documentaries Paradise Hotel and Concrete Pharaohs.Producer of the successful adventure reality TV series, Explore Bulgaria for National Geographic Channel.Founder and director of the Balkan Documentary Center for supporting documentary filmmakers from the Balkans. With the support of CreativeEurope – MEDIA, BDC organizes the annual education three-module programme BDC Discoveries. Member of the EDN Executive Committee and Chairperson of DokuFest, Prizren.Jury member at DokLeipzig 2014 and IDFA 2014.Lecturer at various film workshops.Receiverof the International Trailblazer Award at MIPDOC in Cannes for creativity, innovation, originality and breakthrough in the field of documentary cinema. She was ranked in the prestigious selection “100 Most Influential Women in Bulgaria” and in the top 7 of the most influential Bulgarian creative visionaries, according to “Forbes”. In 2013 she was nominated as “Woman of the Year”. RADA ŠEŠIĆ (Netherlands)- a filmmaker, critic, lecturer and curator, lived in Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina). Collaborates on the selection of films at two biggest film festivals in The Netherlands: IDFA in Amsterdam andIFFR Rotterdam,was on the selection of IDFA’s Fund for 8 years and at STIFO Fund for 6 years. Currently, she is on selection of the Hubert Bals Fund. Documentary Competition selector at the Sarajevo Film Festival. For seven years were teaching at the University of Amsterdam and is currently teaching at the Master of Film in NFT Amsterdam.In the Netherlands directed four films: Room Without a View (1997),

Soske (2001), In Whitest Solitude (2001), The Way to School (2007). Her films were screened at 60 festivals, awarded at several international places, screened and bought by MoMA New York. Has been extensively mentoring at dozen of documentary workshops in Europe and Asia. Served on 40 juries, among others at IDFA JorisIvens and Hot Docs Toronto. Collaborated on several film books in the U.K., The United States and in India. As a film critic published in dozen film magazines across the globe, contributor for the USA Documentary World Encyclopedia. She is the Artistic director of the Eastern Neighbors Film Festival in The Hague.


CITY OF THE SUN Georgia, 100 min Director: Rati Oneli Producer: Jim Stark, Dea Kulumbegashvili The lives, dreams and destinies of the extraordinary characters unfold amidst the ruins of a post apocalyptic mining town. City of the Sun is a surreal vision of a post-apocalyptic ghost town and several inhabitants. The lives, dreams and destinies of the characters unfold amidst grand ruins of once “glorious” Soviet architectural and technological achievements in a semi abandoned mining town of Chiatura. F**K YU Croatia, 60 min Director: Marija Ratković Vidaković, Dinka Radonić Producer: Marija Ratković Vidaković Production Company: Croatian Film Association Yugoslavia and socialism constituted the value system of the whole society, but also of the individual for many years. Where is that individual today? This is a journey of a family – a journey in its intergenerational relations, a journey in its history dictated by one country and one idea, which actually has not existed for more than 25 years, but they still live like it does. At the same time this film is the maturation process of the individual, a recap of learned behaviour patterns and forming of one’s own identity, unencumbered by family taboos. I AM HERCULES Romania, Germany, 75 min Director: Marius Iacob Producer: Irina Malcea, Christian Popp Production Company: Manekino Film, Docdays Productions Baile Herculane (Hercule’s Bath), one of the oldest SPA resorts in Europe, where a century ago kings and queens used to slip their bodies into the heal-

ing waters, becomes a labyrinth where the low middle class people get lost in searching for WellBeing. Mitica, Gelu and Relu, three self-made masseurs, serve as guides through the labyrinth of a “low cost” European Garden of Eden. ULTRA Hungary, 85 min Director: Balazs Simonyi Producer: Laszlo Jozsa, Balazs Simonyi Production Company: Speak Easy Project Co-Producer: HBO Europe, Anemon Productions A few hundred ambitious people from across the world gather every year in Greece to relive a legend. They run from Athens to Sparta, in an ultra-distance race called the Spartathlon. 246 km within 36 hours. It is hard to qualify, even harder to finish. It is not a sport film, rather a collection of personal stories. The characters, voluntarily, choose suffering to cure their problems, heal their souls and explore themselves through this extreme activity. They are driven by many reasons such as escape, aging or joy and chasing for an exploration themselves. IN THE SHADOW OF WAR Turkey, 90 min Director: ReyanTuvi Producer: Reyan Tuvi This is a journey of solidarity, life and death starting from a small border village, Maheser, in anticipation of the war to end with a victory and reaching to that city, Kobane, Syria, devastated by war. While the village is hoping for the liberation of the city, their children, relatives and friends are fighting for their land, independenceand identity. The possibility of the liberation of this city, with the hope of a resurrection and a better world makes this expectation and struggle more significant. We also invite 1 project to the observers seat: UNDER COVER Bosnia and Herzegovina, 60 min Director: Sabrina Begović Ćorić, Nejra Latić Hulusić Producer: Sabrina Begović Ćorić, Nejra Latić Hulusić There is a piece of clothing that became scandalous after September 11th 2001. A headscarf. In 2011 a big debate whether Muslim women should be allowed to wear headscarves in public places was raised. Nowadays, in 2015 with growth of terroristic groups like ISIS, hiding behind religion and threatening free world, headscarves are more and more perceived as a threatening flag of so called “Islamic” terrorists.























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