
4 minute read
Reinout Vos: Uvod / Introduction
Dan ljudskih prava
Ambasada Kraljevine Nizozemske u Bosni i Hercegovini i Sarajevo Film Festival, uz njegovo 26. izdanje, ulaze u drugu godinu saradnje na programu posvećenom ljudskim pravima. Iako je pandemija COVID-19 ove godine drastično uticala na naše živote, to ne znači da su ljudska prava prestala biti ugrožena ili da možemo odustati od našeg cilja da osiguramo njihovo veće poštivanje.
Zahvalan sam na odlučnosti i hrabrosti koju su organizatori Sarajevo Film Festivala pokazali kada su odlučili realizirati ovogodišnje izdanje uprkos globalnoj krizi, nesigurnosti i brojnim ograničenjima. Pandemija COVID-19 ozbiljno je zaprijetila zdravlju, pa čak i samoj egzistenciji filmske industrije, utičući na filmske festivale, filmsku produkciju, pripremna putovanja i brojne druge aspekte proizvodnje i distribucije filma. Sada je – više nego ikada – značajno da u našem radu budemo inovativni, izdržljivi i prilagodljivi. Raduje me što su naši partneri na zadatku unapređenja stanja ljudskih prava postigli upravo to, kao i da ćemo ponovo biti u prilici pogledati film posvećen ljudskim pravima i održati panel-diskusiju s mladim aktivist-kinjama i aktivistima.
Više nego bilo kada ranije naši životi se odvijaju u internetskom prostoru – od rada i sastanaka, do školovanja djece, proslava rođendana i godišnjica. Zbog toga, mladi ljudi i naša djeca na Internetu provode i više vremena nego prije. Iako virtuelni svijet otvara bezbroj mogućnosti i omogućava neograničen pristup znanju i informacijama, on ima i svoju mračnu stranu. On može biti mjesto gdje su najmlađi korisnici izloženi brojnim opasnostima, negativnim uticajima i izrazito lošim ljudima. Moramo biti svjesni ogromne odgovornosti koju imamo u zaštiti sigurnosti naše omladine i djece i sprečavanju zlonamjernih ljudi u pronalasku puta do njih.
U saradnji s uglednim nizozemskim festivalom posvećenom ljudskim pravima Movies That Matter, na Dan ljudskih prava 2020. bavit ćemo se pitanjem sigurnosti djece i mladih u online prostoru. Zbog prethodno navedenih razloga, ovogodišnji festivalski program posvećen ljudskim pravima, u saradnji s ekspertima iz relevantnih oblasti života i institucija, bavit će se temom internetske sigurnosti, s ciljem da ona bude pokrenuta i u Bosni i Hercegovini i da se preduzmu koraci koji će virtuelni svijet učiniti sigurnijim za najmlađe. Moja zemlja je uložila mnogo i još uvijek ulaže dosta toga u postizanju tog cilja. Siguran sam da će, zahvaljujući našim zajedničkim naporima, nizozemska ekspertiza i iskustva biti iskorišteni da Internet učine sigurnijim i za mlade iz Bosne i Hercegovine. Želim vam da organizujete izvrstan SFF, kao i dobro zdravlje i sigurno surfanje.
Human Rights Day Programme
E With the 2020 edition of the Sarajevo Film Festival, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the festival enter the second year of our partnership in the Human Rights programme. Although COVID-19 has drastically impacted all of our lives this year, this does not mean that human rights violations have disappeared, nor that our commitment to improve human rights conditions can or may be halted.
I am grateful to the organisers of the Sarajevo Film Festival for their determination and courage, to present this year’s edition in a time of crisis, uncertainty and all kinds of limitations. The COVID pandemic has created a very serious threat to the health and existence of the film industry, impacting festivals, film productions, research trips and many other aspects of the creation and distribution of films. Showing innovation, resilience and adaptability in our work is now more important than ever. I am very happy to see that our human rights partner has done exactly that, and that we will have the opportunity to watch a film about human rights and have a panel discussion with young activists.
More than ever before, our lives take place online – from our work and meetings, to our children’s schooling, to celebrations of birthdays and anniversaries. Part of this means that our youth and children spend even more time online. The online world, while it provides endless possibilities and access to knowledge and information, also has a dark side. It can be a place where the youngest of users can be exposed to many dangers, bad influences and very bad people. We must be aware that we carry a huge responsibility to protect them and to prevent those with evil intentions from finding a way to reach our youth and our children.
In cooperation with the prominent Dutch human rights film festival Movies That Matter, on Human Rights Day 2020 we will deal with the subject of Internet safety for youth and children. For the reasons noted above, this year’s human rights programme will focus on this theme, involving experts from relevant fields and institutions and with the aim to raise this topic in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to make steps towards improving the protection of the youngest while they explore the online world. My country has invested a lot in this issue, and continues to do so, and I am certain that through this joint effort, Dutch expertise and experience will be shared and used to make the Internet a safer place for Bosnian youngsters.
I wish you an excellent SFF, good health and safe surfing!
Reinout Vos Ambasador Kraljevine Nizozemske u Bosni i Hercegovini / Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Bosnia and Herzegovina