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Žiri / Jury

Žiri Takmičarskog programa – dokumentarni film / Jury of Competition Programme – Documentary Film

U Takmičarskom Programu-Dokumentarni Film tročlani žiri u sastavu: Lejla Dedić (Bosna i Hercegovina), Goran Dević (Hrvatska), Tue Steen Müller (Danska) i ove godine će dodijeliti Nagradu za ljudska prava (3.000 €) koju osigurava Ambasada Holandije, Srce Sarajeva za najbolji dokumentarni film (3.000 €) koju osigurava Savezno ministarstvo vanjskih poslova Švicarske, te Specijalnu nagradu žirija (2.500 €). E In the Competition Programme-Documentary Film international jury of three-namely Lejla Dedić (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Goran Dević (Croatia), Tue Steen Müller (Denmark). The jury will select the recipients of the Human Right Award (3.000 €) provided by the Embassy of the Netherlands, Heart of Sarajevo for Best Documentary Film (3.000 €) provided by Swiss Federal Ministry of Foreign Grant and Special Jury Prize (2.500 €).

LEJLA DEDIĆ Producentica, Programski odjel, Al Jazeera Balkans, Bosna i Hercegovina / Producer, Programme Department, Al Jazeera Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina Lejla Dedić rođena je 1972. u Konjicu, Bosna i Hercegovina. Diplomirala je 1997. na Univerzitetu South Bank u Londonu na temu o odnosu medija i društva. Dedić je 2011. počela raditi kao producentica u Odjelu za akvizicije i koprodukcije tada tek pokrenute regionalne televizijske mreže Al Jazeera Balkans. U proteklih devet godina uspješno je obavljala producentski posao u malom, ali snažnom timu sa Seadom Kreševljakovićem i Đanijem Hasečićem. Koproducirala je više od dvadeset filmova, od kojih je većina nagrađena na regionalnim i evropskim festivalima. Tokom dosadašnje karijere učestvovala je na više od 50 renomiranih filmskih festivala kao članica žirija, panelistica i producentica. Već treću godinu zaredom ponosna je selektorica na Festivalu dokumentarnog filma Al Jazeere Balkans (AJB DOC), a posljednje dvije i na Rab Film Festivalu (RAFF).

E Lejla Dedić was born in 1972 in Konjic, Bosnia and Herzegovina. She graduated from London South Bank University in 1997 with a thesis on the topic of media and society. In 2011, after the launch of the regional television station Al Jazeera Balkans, she started working in the Programme Department as Producer for Acquisitions and CoProduction. For the past nine years, Dedić has had success as a producer on a small but strong team with Sead Kreševljaković and Đani Hasečić. She has co-produced more than twenty films, most of which have received awards at regional and European festivals. She has proudly selected films for the Al Jazeera Balkans Documentary Film Festival for the past three years, and for the Rab Film Festival for the last two.

GORAN DEVIĆ Reditelj, Hrvatska / Director, Croatia Goran Dević rođen je 1971. u Sisku, Hrvatska. Nakon studija arheologije i prava, diplomirao je filmsku i televizijsku režiju na Akademiji dramske umjetnosti u Zagrebu, gdje trenutno završava magisterij dokumentarnog filma. Njegovi dokumentarni i igrani filmovi osvajali su nagrade na festivalima u Cottbusu, Leipzigu, Motovunu, Oberhausenu, Pragu, Prizrenu, Puli, Sarajevu i Zagrebu. Devićev prvi igrani film (koji je režirao i napisao sa Zvonimirom Jurićem), psihološka ratna drama CRNCI, naišao je na odličan prijem kritičara. Retrospektive njegovih filmova organizovane su na Institutu za film i videoumjetnost Arsenal u Berlinu, na Filmskom festivalu Crossing Europe u Linzu, Međunarodnom festivalu dokumentarnog filma Beldocs i u Zagrebu. Osnivač je produkcijske kompanije Petnaesta umjetnost.

E Goran Dević was born in 1971 in Sisak, Croatia. After studying archaeology and law, he obtained a degree in film and television directing from the Zagreb Academy of Dramatic Arts, where he is currently working on graduate studies in documentary film. His documentary and fiction films have won awards in Cottbus, Leipzig, Motovun, Oberhausen, Prague, Prizren, Pula, Sarajevo and Zagreb. His feature film directorial debut (co-directed and co-written with Zvonimir Jurić) was the critically acclaimed 2009 psychological war drama THE BLACKS. Retrospectives of his documentaries have been screened at Arsenal Berlin, the Crossing Europe Film festival Linz, Beldocs and Zagreb. He is the founder of the production company Petnaesta Umjetnost.

TUE STEEN MÜLLER Konsultant i kritičar za dokumentarne filmove, Danska / Documentary Consultant and Critic, Denmark Tue Steen Müller rođen je 1947. u Danskoj. Više od dvije decenije radio je na kratkim i dokumentarnim filmovima u Danskom filmskom odboru kao sekretar za medije, šef Odjela za distribucije i informisanje, te kao urednik za nabavke. Suosnivač je Festivala za film i televiziju Balticum, organizacije za međunarodnu promociju nordijskog kratkog i dokumentarnog filma, Filmkontakt Nord, te Evropske dokumentarističke mreže (EDN). Bio je čest član žirija na brojnim evropskim festivalima kratkog i dokumentarnog filma. U više od trideset zemalja držao je obuke i seminare na temu dokumentarnog filma. Müller je 2004. osvojio nagradu Danish Roos za doprinos danskoj i evropskoj kulturi dokumentarnog filma, a dvije godine kasnije dobio je i nagradu za promociju portugalskog dokumentarnog filma. Nagrada EDN za “izuzetan doprinos razvoju evropske kulture dokumentarnog filma” uručena mu je 2014.

E Tue Steen Müller was born in 1947 in Denmark. He worked with short and documentary films for more than twenty years at the Danish Film Board – as Press Secretary, Head of Distribution and Information and as a commissioning editor. He is a co-founder of the Balticum Film and TV Festival, Filmkontakt Nord, Documentary of the EU and the European Documentary Network (EDN). Müller has been a jury member at many European short and documentary festivals and has given documentary courses and seminars in more than thirty countries. In 2004, he was awarded the Danish Roos Prize for his contribution to Danish and European documentary culture, and two years later an award for promoting Portuguese documentaries. In 2014, he received the EDN Award “for outstanding contribution to the development of the European documentary culture.”

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