9 minute read
Ancient cities, ruins or architecture are historic and constitute the splendors of the past. The past is the time, gone by, and its period represents a definite portion of time fixed by events occuring in nature or man-made in history, which follow one after another. The difference is that one precedes the other as the manner of the sun and the moon, which take turns to give brightness to provide days, months and years. All phenomena have no point of beginning that can be clearly seen. There is a rotation - each following the other in regular order in a cycle. The effect today follows the cause of yesterday. The change of tomorrow is what happens today. Therefore, man must know the events of the past. If we have no knowledge of the past, it is somewhat like a vessel without a compass and a rudder on the high sea. What will happen to that vessel is a matter of grave concern. Moreover, great harm is derived from ignorance, but more harm is still caused by not knowing truly and yet pretending to know. The result is sure to be ruinous. In ancient as well as in present times, the successes and failures in innumerable cases result from such cause. True knowledge in art requires the time to study, pass and encounter many difficulties in bringing the unknown to light.
Nowadays everything seems to become narrower and narrower. A tiny thing, which occurs in one small corner of the world, may be able to stir all over the Globe. Thus I am perturbed by the anxiety that the changing of the modern society, due to pressure of material things coupled with the present East and West cultures facing each other in a violent manner, might become still more serious. All the intellectuals or pundits should take special notice on these events matter. Even those who hold their own bibles as their refuge for centuries have to leave their beliefs and turn to consider matters which they think antagonistic. I strongly believe that the morality of the world population is deteriorating. And at the same time I cannot deny the advancement of science that is so valuable to mankind, incomparable in any era. We, Asians, believe that the scientific approach can bring knowledge to human beings. But it cannot elevate the spirit of man. It has only paved the way for materialists in their search for worldly happiness. Everything has to depend on the suitable position, right nucleus and right time. The suitable position means the position that is rightly appropriate. The nucleus means growth under limitation. The right time means the needed environment at the time. If heaven needs something to remain, it will not develop beyond the limitation of growth. This is the state of balance according to the law of nature. Suitability and beauty have no boundary in age. This can be proven by the existence of art, paintings and architecture that were beautifully created by man as lasting treasures and have been handed down to us by our ancestors. Every piece of art is priceless. Some have become world treasures and adored by art lovers. They seem to have no nationality, no religion, no limit in time. Only art has bestowed the refreshing spirit on human beings up to the present day. Therefore, we should give more serious thought and interest to art. It is not only Art that has been given to us by our forbears. One must mention Culture here also. Both are linked as a national heritage. Some have been left without care, or in other words to be carved for by nature, and worse still destroyed by the hand of man. Though culture has been regarded as old fashioned, yet it is still suitable for human society. Under the circumstances, I would like to draw the attention of the
world population to come to witness our art, customs and culture. I believes certain that in one day or another they will benefit the noble spirit and will be a good reminder to those who are drawn to materialism. Thus the “Ancient City” has been created. This may remedy the existing moral deterioration of human society. But whether or not, this great problem can be solved and can achieve its aim, and who will solve it, my answer is thatit will not be an individual but everybody together. It is not a matter of time from morn till night. It is to be months,years and even centuries. There is an old saying that “To build a hill, a lump of earthhas its own value”. This can be compared with a traveller. Each stepcontributes and has its own value. To complete the building of one hill, it has to depend on the first lump of earth. To reach the end of the journey, it has to depend on first step. If my own motto is not consonant with those who uphold that the present society is right and shouldadvance its course further, I am compelled to implore them to do justice to what justice is. Seek goodness from the thing that we hate; seekbadness from the one you love, in order that these can be in evidence to help judging the Thai art, customs and culture of old; and whetherthey are as valuable as I judge them to be.
What will be the result? I leave it to Heaven to ordain.
“By looking around the world history, We will see changing scenes describing various episodes of each human race, nation and person moving and rotating continuously and infinitely. By conscience, men are able to think and desire in what may be seen, known, and remembered, which gives us hope, which in the same way, gives us concern. In fact, it is only a mist clinging around us and leading us into a rotating space, creating love and hate.”

3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The Royal Stand The Information Pavilion The City Wall and Gate I-Nao Garden The City Sala The Manohra Garden The Stupa of Phra Maha That, 11 13 15 17 19 21 8 Nakhon Si Thammarat The Pallava Group of 23 9 Images, Phang-nga The Stupa of Phra Maha That, 25 10 11 Chaiya, Surat Thani The Old Market Town The Tiger King’s Palace, 27 29 12 13 14 Phetchaburi The Scripture Repository The Bell Tower The Stupa of Phra Maha That, 33 35 35 15 16 17 Ratchaburi The Palace Garden The Audience Hall of Thon Buri The Buddha Image of 37 39 41 18 19 20 21 Dvaravati Period The Dvaravati House Khun Phaen House The Great Battle of Yuthahathi Monument of Krom Phra 45 47 49 51 Ratchawang Boworn Maha 22 23 Surasinghanat Three Pagodas Pass, Kanchanaburi Dusit Maha Prasat Palace 53 55 24 25 (The Grand Palace) Rattanakosin Dwelling The Wihan at Wat Phra Si Sanphet, 57 61 26 Ayutthaya The Chom Thong Palace Hall, 63 27 28 29 Ayutthaya Sanphet Prasat Palace, Ayutthaya The Ramayana Garden The Kam Yaad Palace Hall, 65 67 75 30 Ang Thong The Phra Kaew Pavilion 75 79 31 32 Khun Chang-Khun Phaen Garden 81 The Fruit-Shaped Tower 33 (Prang Mafueang), Chai Nat The Footprint of the Lord Buddha, 83 34 35 36 Saraburi A Monk’s Residence Prang Sam Yod, Lop Buri The Wihan of Wat Pho Kao Ton, 85 89 91 37 Sing Buri The Courage of the People 92 38 of Bang Rachan The Thai Hamlet from 95 39 the Central Plains The Gateway of Wat Pho Prathap 97 40 41 Chang, Phichit The Krai Thong Garden The Prang of Wat Chulamanee, 98 101 42 43 44 Phitsanulok The Sukhothai Wihan The Garden of the Gods The Fortified Wall 103 105 109 45 46 47 48 around Kamphaeng Phet 114 The Floating Market 119 The Wihan at Wat Phrao, Tak 123 The Lotus-Bud Tower 125 The Bench of Public Appeals, 49 50 Sukhothai Noen Prasat, Sukhothai The Grand Hall of Wat Maha That, 127 129 51 Sukhothai The Main Chedi of Wat Maha That, 131 52 53 54 Sukhothai Phra Lo’s Garden, Phrae Ho Kham, Lampang The Chedi of Cham Thewi, 133 134 137 55 56 57 Lamphun 139 Wat Chong Kham, Lampang 141 The Wihan at Sa-Moeng 143 Chedi Chet Yod (The Seven-Spired 58 Pagoda), Chiang Mai The Wihan of Wat Chiang Khong, 145 59 Chiang Rai The Water Hall 147 149
60 61 62 63 64 The Northern Thai Village 151 Phra That Chom Kitti, Chiang Rai 153 The Wihan at Wat Phumin, Nan 155 Phra Chedi Si Song Rak, Loei 157 The Mondop Containing Footprints 65 66 67 68 69 of the Lord Buddha, Uttaradit 158 The Yamaka Patihan 161 Phra That Bang Phuan, Nong Khai 162 The Shrines 165 The Garden of Pha Daeng-Nang Ai 167 Phra That Narai Cheng Weng, 70 Sakon Nakhon The Lan Chang Styled Scripture 169 71 Repository and Wihan Phra That Phanom, 171 72 Nakhon Phanom Prasat Phra Wihan (Preah Vihear), 173 73 74 Si Sa Ket The Reclining Buddha Nang Usa’s Look-Out Tower, 175 179 75 76 77 Udon Thani 181 The Folk Museum 183 Phra That Ya Khu, Kalasin 185 Ku Khu Maha That, 78 79 Maha Sarakham 187 Prasat Hin Nong Ku, Roi Et 189 The Garden of the Prince 80 81 of the Golden Conch 190 The Prang at Si Thep, Phetchabun 192 An Image of Hindu Deity 82 83 with a Mitred Crown The Meditation Retreat The Buddha Image Being Protected 195 197 84 85 by the Naga 199 The Thai-Songdam Village 200 The Stupa of Wat Phra That 86 Sam Muen, Chaiyaphum The Phimai Sanctuary, 203 87 Nakhon Ratchasima The Phanom Rung Sanctuary, 205 88 89 Buri Ram 209 The Octagonal Sala 213 The Churning of the Ocean 215 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 Prasat Sikhoraphum, Surin 217 Dvaravati Wihan 218 The Garden of Sacred Stupa 221 Prasat Sadok Kok Thom, Sa Kaeo 223 The Ancient Theatrical Pavilion 225 The Hall of Wat Nimit, Trat 229 The Garden of Phra Aphaimani, 97 Rayong The Old Fort and Wall 231 98 at Chachoengsao The Red Block Building, 232 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 Chanthaburi 235 The Shrine Housing the City Pillar 237 Sala of Ten Reincarnations 239 Giant Swing and Brahmin Temple 241 Sumeru Mountain 243 Sala of 80 Yogi 245 The Royal Water-Course Procession247 Mondop of Bodhisattva 106 Avalokitesvara (Kuan-Yin) 249 Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara 107 108 109 (Kuan-Yin) Performing a Miracle 251 Sala of Ramayana 253 Phra That Mondop 255 A Botanical Garden from 110 111 112 113 114 Thai Literature 257 Pavilion of the Enlightened 259 The Rainbow Bridge 261 Pavilion of Recollection 263 Thai Junk 265 Sala 24 Katanyu 115 (Pavilion of Icons of Gratitude) 267 Sala Kong-Beng 116 (Zhuge Liang’s pavilion) Mondop Phra Si Thit 269 271