1 minute read
11 The Tiger King’s Palace, Phetchaburi
Based on Hinduism mythology, once when deities became less powerfuland were threatened by mightier ogres, they asked for help fromVishnu or Narai. The god recommended they hold a ceremony, known as the “Churning of the Ocean”, to make a magic potion from the ocean water so they would get back their power. However, the deities could not carry out the great ritual on their own. So, they asked for help from the ogres.
To make the potion, they placed Mandala mountain, which was supported by a giant turtle, another reincarnation ofVishnu, in the ocean and tied it with a Naga (a mythical serpent) named Wasukree. While the ogres pulled the Naga by the head, the deities pulled its tail so the ogres got burnt when fire blew from the Naga. Unfortunately, the ogres had been tricked by the gods and their intention in having the potion did not come to pass.
At the moment the holy water (amarit water) came out from the ocean,Vishnu, in the guise of the female angel, led the ogres to the opposite direction so they missed the chance to drink the holy water. Learning the truth when they returned, the ogres grew enraged but could not threaten the deities anymore because from then on the deities were much more powerful than them.