Crossroads Compass - August 2009

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AuGuSt 2009

A PublicAtion for “100 Huntley Street”

tV PArtnerS And friendS

Providing Today’s Youth...

AA Brighter Brighter Future! Future! By Crossroads Founder David Mainse

ou have a history, and so do the Circle Square Ranches! In January of Y 1975, the Circle Square telecast burst on the country from coast to coast. Within the first six months, more than 50,000 Canadian children

wrote requesting the Circle Square “Sing-A-Long” books. My sons, Ron and Reynold, 12 and 14 years old at the time, spent every Saturday as volunteers mailing out these wonderful song books. Imagine all those children – plus many more – singing the Good News of Jesus along with the Circle Square gang on TV. Sent with each of these song books was a letter that clearly pointed out the way of salvation. Not long ago, I met a middle-aged hotel owner in the province of Saskatchewan who rushed into her office and, with great enthusiasm, produced an old tattered Circle Square song book and excitedly explained how this popular children’s program had led her to Jesus. Born out of that Circle Square telecast were the Circle Square Ranches. The primary mission of these ranches is the same as that of the telecast....“winning boys and girls to Jesus.” While I was in Calgary in 1978, producing four editions of the original Crossroads telecast, a guest failed to show up so I read some letters from the Circle Square mailbag. One letter was from a little girl who wrote: “Mommy and I don’t know where our Daddy is. Will you help us find our Daddy?” I looked up from her letter and said to the viewing audience, “Wouldn’t it be wonderful if someone donated a ranch where this child could come and meet a father figure and, most of all, meet her Father in Heaven?” Within three weeks, the reigning steer wrestling champion Phil Doan, along with his wife Jane, had donated such a ranch at Halkirk, Alberta – the first of our nine ranches. Phil and Jane are the parents of Bart and Katrina LeMay-Doan. Bart, who grew up to become a very fine young man, lived on the ranch as a child and, of course, his wife Katrina became a gold medalist in speed skating. For years, Phil’s brother Bernie and sister-in-law Bernice directed this ranch. Would you believe that Bernie and Bernice’s son, Shane Doan – the famous NHL hockey player and captain of Team Canada – spent all of his childhood years at that ranch? A little bit of history.... As you can see, the future is bright for the Circle Square Ranches, and also for the many thousands of children and teens who attend them! 2

Crossroads Compass – August 2009

c r o s s r o a d s

c o m p a s s

Founder David Mainse Publisher Ron Mainse Senior Director Gary Gerard Crossroads Compass Publication Editor Karen Stowell Graphic Designer Diane Roblin-Lee byDesign Media Copy Editor Phil Thatcher Contributing Writer Sara Rozalina Krstevski Guest Information Johanna Webster Jennifer Taylor Printed By Canadian Printing Resources Inc. Crossroads Toll-Free Prayer Line: 1-866-273-4444 Crossroads Christian Communications Inc. (905) 335-7100 Canadian Address: 1295 North Service Road P.O. Box 5100 Burlington, ON L7R 4M2 American Address: P.O. Box 486 Niagara Falls, NY 14302 Crossroads’ Website: You can e-mail us at: Crossroads Compass magazine, August 2009, Vol. 10, No. 8. Copyright © 2009 All rights reserved. Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are from the New King James Version of the Bible, Thomas Nelson Publishers © 1984 Photos: Michael Moon, Design Pics, Diane Roblin-Lee, Circle Square Ranch

Features... 4 6 7 8 10 12 14 16

“100 Huntley Street” Highlights Coming up on “Full Circle” More Than a “Dream” Vacation! Back to the Garden Wonders to Discover Be Part of a Rescue Mission Safe in the Darkness Unleash God’s Power

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August 3 - In a day and age where the prevailing pop culture loves nothing more than to pit one against the other and provoke confrontation, Winnipeg-born singer and songwriter Jodi King is a breath of fresh air. Her CD, This is Jodi King, provides a modern take on the acoustic pop album, showcasing Jodi’s vocal and musical skills. Recently back from a mission trip to Liberia, the desire of this talented music artist is to share the life-changing experiences that God has so graciously granted. August 4 - Amy Savin took an interest in music at the age of three. This interest was nurtured with exposure to the congregational music sung at her church and by cultivating an intimate relationship with the Lord. Now considered an up-and-coming Christian music artist, she has just released her debut album, Amy Savin, an accomplishment that represents many victories overcome along the way. As a devoted Christian, Amy sees her music as a means to release the message of hope and inspiration to audiences of all backgrounds. 4

Crossroads Compass – August 2009

TV programming may be subject to change.

August 5 - Chip Ingram is the president and teaching pastor for Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship ministry. His passion is to help Christians “live like Christians” by raising the bar of discipleship. A pastor for over 20 years and the author of nine books, Chip has a unique ability to communicate truth while also challenging people to live out their faith. With titles such as Overcoming Emotions that Destroy and The Invisible War, he further encourages followers of Jesus to fully develop their Godgiven potential. August 6 - Forced into an unhappy and abusive marriage at the young age of 16, Pat Freeman found herself in a desperate state of depression – to the point of seriously wanting to end her life. God’s message of hope came to her rescue in 1972 when she heard for the first time what Christ had done for her on Calvary. In her new book, From Despair to Delight, Pat testifies of His miraculous intervention in her life and many powerful answers to prayer. August 11 - Tim Whitehead had been serving the Crossroads Ministry for ten years when he received clear direction from the Lord to accept the position of associate director at Galcom International. Galcom provides durable technical equipment for communicating the Gospel worldwide, especially through radio. Since Tim joined the team, there are now potentially 7.5 million people in various countries around the world hearing the Gospel every day in their own language and within their own communities. August 12 - Gary Thomas is the founder and director of the Center for Evangelical Spirituality, a writing and speaking ministry that integrates Scripture, church history and the Christian classics. He studied at Regent College in British Columbia for his Master’s degree, specializing in systematic theology for which he received an award. Also an awardwinning author, Gary has written numerous books such as Sacred Influence and Sacred Marriage, and more than 100 articles. Nine of his books have been translated for global distribution. August 27 - Canadian-born music artist Brenda Janz has recently released her first solo album, You Carry Me, produced by her husband Philip. As an immensely gifted singer and passionate worshipper, she has been an inspiration and blessing to so many through her concerts and various recordings. Brenda’s voice is most notably recognized by her duet with Brian Doerksen in the song, The River. Her compositions are sure to bring comfort and encouragement in the midst of life’s everyday challenges. Crossroads Compass – August 2009


The “Full Circle” girls with guest Jean Blackmer (centre)

Coming up on“ Full Circle” August 7 - As the world watches every step the new president

of the United States makes, we are all very mindful of the fact that 2009 will forever be underscored in history books as the year America elected its first black president. But what some might not understand is why this historical accomplishment is being shared by so many black Canadians as well. Reporter Magdalene John went to a small town in southern Ontario for an intriguing history lesson in order to bring us this report: A Time for Change. August 28 - Dr. Kevin Leman is a well-known Christian child psychologist, seminar speaker and author of multiple best-selling books. One of the most notable would be The Birth Order Book. Prior to reaching success, he graduated fourth from the bottom of his high school class and was working as a janitor in a hospital. His latest book, Have a New Kid by Friday, is a great resource for parents struggling to balance appropriate discipline with harmony and joy in the home. 6

Crossroads Compass – August 2009

Reflections: cation for you? a v l a e d i n a ’s

W hat

“I think my ideal vacation has to combine adventure and exploring with rest and recovery. I love to visit new places and learn about new cultures, but I also have to force myself to slow down and get some real rest.” ~ Cheryl Weber

“I have always wanted to travel to Spain. Many times I’ve contemplated buying a ticket, packing my bag and going alone. Spain, at least in films and books, has always seemed like such a beautiful place with wonderful food, art and culture.”

“An ideal vacation for me would be to go on a cruise or travel to an island with my husband and son, just to relax and be pampered from head to toe.”

~ Bridget Antwi

~ Magdalene John

Oberammergau Passion Play

& Tour Europe’s Imperial Cities June 3 - 12, 2010

You are invited for a unique tour event that comes along only ONCE EVERY TEN YEARS...the famous Passion Play in Oberammergau, Germany. Based on the life of Christ, the worldrenowned Passion Play dates as far back as the year 1634 when it was first performed. This outstanding production involves more than 2,000 actors, musicians and stage technicians – all of whom are residents of the village – and is performed for a total of about seven hours (with a traditional German meal to be enjoyed during the intermission). Throughout the entire 10-day tour, there will be many more wonderful highlights to see while also experiencing the magnificence of Europe’s imperial cities – Vienna, Prague and Budapest.

Don’t miss the opportunity to be part of this once-in-a-lifetime event!


By Moira Brown

Co-Host of 100 Huntley Street


“ dulthood is a systematic process of unlearning joy.” My guest’s reflection was painfully poignant as he sat in the makeup chair at 100 Huntley Street in our original downtown Toronto location. The truth of Gilbert Beers’ words has stayed with me for over two decades. A former editor of Christianity Today magazine, Gil had made a dramatic career shift to direct his Godly wisdom and creative writing toward children. He was passionate about establishing a strong foundation in young lives, and already had more than 300 children’s books to his credit. The Toddler’s Bible was a favourite in my home and a proven source of joy-filled reading for my preschoolers Katherine and Davy. In Isaiah 65:14, the Lord says, “My servants Moira’s children, K will sing out of the joy of their hearts….”1 Has at home in t your heart sprung a leak? Knowing that “the joy 2 of the Lord is your strength,” you can be sure that the enemy of your soul is eager to rob you of this vital necessity for abundant living. It doesn’t help that only 32 percent of born-again Christians believe in the existence of absolute truth and 6 out of 10 adults don’t believe the Bible is accurate. No wonder children today are Biblically illiterate and separated from the Source of “inexpressible and glorious joy.”3 Renowned child psychologist Dr. James Dobson gives this warning: “Children miss nothing in sizing up their parents. If you are only half convinced of your beliefs, they will quickly discern that fact.”


Crossroads Compass – August 2009

A few years ago, the Full Circle girls led a bus trip to the Millennium Theater in Pennsylvania to see In The Beginning. The breathtaking production brought the Genesis account to life. Adam frolicked in the Garden of Eden with such childlike joy, delighting in the Lord’s company as they laughed and explored the beautiful creation together. The reality of what was lost one fateful day when His children chose to disobey was devastating. Joni Mitchell’s memorable song lyrics from the ’60s were playing in my mind… “We’ve got to get ourselves back to the Garden.”4 Indeed our souls are sighing for Eden… but until Paradise is restored, we have to appropriate, model and declare the blessings of Kingdom living now! Our King is eager to share every moment of our daily lives with us! When joy-stealers empty your tank, do you know where to go for a refill? The Apostle Paul shared his source of strength while imprisoned in chains. It’s a power tool we can’t live without: “Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say rejoice.”5 I admit that these are difficult days, filled with uncertainty. Habakkuk’s self-talk was full of Godconfidence in the midst of desperate circumstances.6 The Message translation is surprisingly refreshing:

“Though the cherry trees don’t blossom and the strawberries don’t ripen, though the apples are worm-eaten and the wheat fields stunted, though Katherine and Davy, their garden. the sheep pens are sheepless and the cattle barns empty, I’m singing joyful praise to God. I’m turning cartwheels of joy to my Saviour God. Counting on God’s rule to prevail, I take heart and gain strength. I run like a deer.” Joy…a fruit of the spirit, a spiritual discipline, your inheritance as a child of God, everlasting and always age appropriate! May it be your strength today. Endnotes: 1 Isaiah 65:14 NIV 2 Nehemiah 8:10 3 1 Peter 1:8 NIV 4 Lyrics from the song, Woodstock, by Joni Mitchell 5 Philippians 4:4 KJV 6 Habakkuk 3:17-19

Sarah Shaheen-Stowell

Crossroads Compass – August 2009


At Circle Square Ranch, there are...

Wonders to


By Sara Rozalina Krstevski

Jason (right) at Circle Square Ranch in 1991.

Nine-year-old Jason Small stepped out of the car and into the sparkling sunlight. Using his hand as a visor, he stared in utter surprise at the scenery before him. Circle Square Ranch was not what he expected at all… it was better. The rustic country setting was a reminder of the old western days gone by. Jason was about to saddle up on an exciting journey as a rancher – the first of many to come. It was more than 20 years ago since that first day at Circle Square Ranch, yet Jason still clearly remembers that summer as if it were yesterday: “I was nine when I started and, from the moment I got there, it was a life-changing experience. I grew up in an amazing family. We went to church so I knew about God and His Son Jesus. But it was actually at Circle Square Ranch where I first made a commitment to Christ in my life.” The indescribable moment occurred during one of the evening campfires where the children gathered to worship the Lord. “I remember Wanda Mann (wife of CSR director Bruce Mann) playing the guitar around the campfire that night,” he continues. “It was there that Jesus became real to me, and I’ve never looked back.” After his personal encounter with Christ, Jason became attached to Circle Square Ranch and kept coming back year after year, hungering for more of God’s touch on his life. Of course, as a child he also thoroughly enjoyed the fun activities and various skills training programs that were made available to the ranchers. Jason and Carla with their two young children. 10

Crossroads Compass – August 2009

“I always loved the BMX racing.” Jason explains enthusiastically. “That was big when I was a kid. I also learned how to ride horses. Since then, my Dad ended up getting horses at his farm.” Besides learning new activities, Jason was taught many other practical lessons for life. Over the years, he received training as a staff member – helping in the kitchen, assisting with maintenance, and eventually teaching the younger children as a camp leader himself. In fact, it was at Circle Square Ranch that Jason preached his first message. “I spoke at one of the campfires,” he shares. “I was so nervous that my heart was pounding. Though I was really stressed out about it, the opportunity became a great learning experience along the way.” Jason’s first message at Circle Square Ranch was not to be his last, for he soon began to sense the Lord leading him into full-time ministry. While attending Bible college in preparation for pastoral leadership, Jason met his lovely wife Carla. Ironically, right after their wedding, the young couple went to the Circle Square Ranch in Arden, Ontario, where they served as program directors for the summer. Jason is still feeling the impact of Circle Square Ranch even today. “Now as a pastor of a church,” he explains, “I want some of our students to get involved as staff members at the ranch because I see spiritual growth and ministry potential in them.” Jason is especially looking forward to sending his own children, Gracie and Caleb, off to the ranch when they are a little older and allowing them to begin their journey as well. “Circle Square Ranch provides spiritual enrichment,” he concludes. “Holistically healthy children come from the ranch, which is something I can really see from my own life. I’m so excited for my kids to experience it in their lives too!”

Jason Small is the lead pastor of the Community Church, a healthy and thriving new church located in Waterdown, Ontario. His creatively and musically gifted wife Carla co-pastors with him in all aspects of their church’s unique and highly Writer Sara effective community outreach. Krstevski Crossroads Compass – August 2009


Circle Square Ranch on a Rescue Mission By Karen M. Stowell

oday’s youth are facing challenges that would have been unT heard of a generation ago. In this secularized, media-saturated culture, they are constantly being bombarded by morally compro-

mising values; sordid scenes of violence and destruction; overtly sexual overtures; acts of degradation; and an increased fascination with the hauntingly supernatural realm of darkness. If ever there was a time to guard over the minds and souls of these young impressionable lives, it’s most certainly now. Not only is the foundation of North American society shaking unsteadily in the balance, so is the foundation of many homes. Families are being painfully ripped apart and fragmented, leaving wounded and disillusioned youth questioning... searching... and, all the while, intensely longing.... If we were to take the time to look hard enough, we would see the hopelessness in their eyes. A “Perfectly Innocent” Child What can possibly be done to solve this increasingly complex dilemma of raising wholesome and spiritually strong children in what appears to be a not-so-ideal world? While hard-pressed for concrete solutions, it’s so easy to dismiss the one true solid answer – one that begins with the Originator of humanity Himself. From the beginning of time, in that idealistic world of intensely beautiful wonder known as the Garden of Eden, God foreknew the events that were to unfold; events that actually led to the spiritual demise and fall of humankind. Yet, with a love far greater than the sin that sought to overcome His children, He made a way of rescue. Amazingly, His plan of salvation arrived in the form of a “perfectly innocent” little Child. Over the centuries, and with great attention to accuracy and intricate detail, the Bible has retold the events surrounding Jesus’ prophesied birth, purposeful life, sacrificial death and glorious resurrection to each and every generation. For the millions around the world who were willing to listen and ready to receive, the historical account of Jesus has proven to be much more than a story. 12

Crossroads Compass – August 2009

The revelation of His living reality has led to a wondrous, life-changing discovery... a powerful encounter with the One who holds the key to new life, healing, restoration, deliverance, protection and provision. The Importance of Children When Jesus’ well-meaning disciples sought to keep the children away from Him, considering them a bother, the Son of God rebuked them: “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14). That’s the motivation behind the dedicated leadership team of the Circle Square Ranch ministry, now in its 31st summer of dynamic youth outreach. National director Bruce Mann stresses the importance of not losing sight of the ranches’ mission. “After 31 years, people tend to pigeonhole what we’re doing,” he explains. “They know Circle Square Ranch is a nice Christian camp that provides activities for kids such as riding horses, learning Bible stories and making crafts; and then, after that, they go home. Yes, we do all those things, but we do them for a reason.... It’s about reaching kids for Christ, and we need help to do that.” The difference a relationship with Jesus can make in a young life is astounding and goes far beyond what we can imagine. Along with this month’s feature article on the testimony of Jason Small and his wife Carla (page 10), there are other encouraging reports to share with you about the tremendous impact that our former ranchers are making in this world.... Jay Biber is a dentist who spends his vacations providing free dental work to needy people in other countries. Mike Waddell spiritually mentors and counsels many outstanding national athletes as chaplain. Dr. Lisa Letkemann is a young medical doctor who shares Jesus’ heart of compassion through her labour of love while serving Canada’s First Nations communities and in overseas missions. And it doesn’t end here, as there are numerous young people attending Circle Square Ranch this summer who are also preparing to accomplish wonderful things for God. Along with life’s great challenges are even greater opportunities – opportunities that will have such a vast ripple effect, the results will continue for eternity. Thank you for participating with us in God’s rescue mission through the ministry of Circle Square Ranch so more young lives can experience a most promising future and be part of His bigger picture in reaching the world! Crossroads Compass – August 2009


By Ann Mainse Co-Host of 100 Huntley Street/Full Circle

n his book, Soul Salsa, author Leonard Sweet tells of a

unique ritual performed by one tribe of North American natives on the night of a boy’s 13th birthday. Securely blindfolded, the boy is taken many miles from home and placed in a dense dark forest where he will spend the entire night… all alone. Without even the light of a campfire by which to see his surroundings, he has to remain in the unknown forest until his decreed time is up. Every twig that snaps and coyote that howls conjures up for the boy a nightmare of possible challenges to be encountered. Needless to say, he does not sleep. It is, indeed, the most terrifying night of his life. After what seems like an eternity, the first rays of sunlight peek through the dense trees. Finally, the boy can take in his surroundings: flowers, trees, and the outline of a path. Then to his utter astonishment, the boy sees the figure of a man standing just a few feet away. A man standing armed and ready with a bow and arrow. It is the boy’s father. He had been there all night. The protection of a father. Oh, if only the boy had known that his father was always there. Perhaps the air would not have felt so cold, the sounds not so threatening, the night not so long. 14

Crossroads Compass – August 2009

S U What about you? Is your life “dark” right now? Are you perpetually experiencing “the most terrifying night of your life?” Well, know this: If you’ve given your life to Jesus, you are NEVER alone. It’s a promise from God. And it’s for us today. Just listen to this verse: “The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.”1

And again in the book of Matthew, Jesus said:

“And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”2

Almighty God has given His unwavering promise to be with us. Always. Through anything. “But what about the darkness?” you may be thinking. “If only some light could illuminate the unknown path ahead, I would feel more secure.” Well, don’t be afraid. God has that covered too. “He reveals deep and hidden things; He knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with Him.”3

Light dwells with Him. There is no “dark” to God. King David experienced this truth in his life firsthand. Just listen to his confident proclamation found in my favourite chapter of the book of Psalms:

“If I say, ‘Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,’ even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You.”4

No matter what you think may lie in your darkness, know this. Just like that little boy, you are being watched over by One greater than you. He’s armed and ready and will protect you with a strength that is unequalled. He is your Heavenly Father, and He is always with you. Of that you can be sure. Endnotes: 1 Deuteronomy 31:8 NIV Psalm 139:11-12 NIV


Matthew 28:20 NLT


Daniel 2:22 NIV


Crossroads Compass – August 2009


The Power of Pinpoint Prayer

Does it seem as if your prayers are insignificant and powerless? Well, according to author Will Davis Jr., that means it’s time to PRAY BIG!

This book will not only help you to apply the easy-to-use principles of Biblically based “pinpoint”praying, it will also challenge you to develop a more focussed and passionate prayer life – one that unleashes God’s power and gets results. Don’t delay ordering your copy of PRAY BIG so you can begin to experience more of the miraculous in your life and witness His sovereign intervention in the lives of those you’re praying for. Thank you for your continued giving throughout the summer months in support of the many outreaches represented by the Crossroads Family of Ministries – and the great things God is accomplishing as a result!

P.O. Box 5100, Burlington, ON L7R 4M2


B i b l i c a l Pa t h w a y s November 14 - 28, 2009

David and Norma-Jean Mainse will be joined by Norm and Ruth MacLaren for the upcoming Biblical Pathways tour of the Holy Land and Egypt. Special highlights of this fascinating 14-day tour: Upcoming tour • Healing service at the Garden Tomb of the Holy Land • Baptismal service at the Jordan River and Egypt! • Memorable journey down the Via Dolorosa • Nile River cruise aboard a five-star ship • Opportunity to behold the gigantic pyramids at Giza, and much more.... Most of all, you will be able to recapture the awe of God’s glory and power as recorded by ancient scribes of the Holy Scriptures.

For information: (905) 332-6400, ext. 4024 or

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