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The Pepperbox

January BOX BRIEFS Martin Luther King Day: January 18th End of First Semester: January 22nd SAT Test: January 23rd CAHSEE Testing: February 2nd-3rd

Junior Prom: February 6th ACT Test: February 6th Blood Drive: February 10th President’s Break: February 15th19th

Want to advertise or buy a mail subscription to the Pepperbox? Email Business Manager Alyssa Day at pepperbox@nohum.k12.ca.us! Like us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/AHSPepperbox

EDITORIAL STAFF Kaelyn Tuermer-Lee Editor-In-Chief Terra Clarke Editor-In-Chief Alley Perry Editor-in-Chief Hannah Finley Managing Editor Emelia BensonMeyer News Editor Nora Lovell Feature Editor Caitlyn Patterson Feature Editor Cheyenne Keith Sports Editor Jake Verhaegh Sports Editor CJ Gray Opinion Editor

Len Perry Opinion Editor Marley Tavernier-Fine Arts & Entertainment Editor Peter Shao Online Editor Alyssa Day Business Manager Grace Walker Art Editor Rex Bachemin Social Media Director Althea Newman Photo Editor Kellen O’Neill Copy Editor Kate Breyer Photographer


IN THE BOX Crabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Winter Concert . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Humboldt Musicians . . . . . . . . . 8 Bucket List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Arcata As . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Fall Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Secret Spots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Bribing Teachers . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Former EICs . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-17 Prom Dresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Soccer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Burgers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Kmart. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Senior Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . .22 Styles on Campus . . . . . . . . . . .23 Movie Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Pumpkin Spice . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Food Reviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 My Story . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27

Questions regarding editorial content of the Pepperbox should be directed towards its editors. Opinions expressed in this paper are not necessarily those of Arcata High School.

Ellen Keil Justin Furtado Jordan Chasescott Asher Critch Jakub Mácha Kiana Vigil-Gibbs


The Pepperbox would like to thank Western Web, based in Samoa, for printing at-cost. Western Web supports student journalism throughout Humboldt County and has made publications like the Pepperbox possible for decades. We appreciate their dedication to keeping print media alive. Western Web

Jennifer Coriell

Frameable. Lizzy Fernandez enjoys the ice skating rink in Fortuna

Aria Banning chilling with a tiger in Thailand

Dezi, Alley, and Kyra backstage after their dance performance

Marina, Melina and Camilla at the Snow Globe music festival Claire Bareilles trying new food in London

Maddie, Hannah and Marguerite are having fun in the snow

Natalie Pedicino hanging out with her BFF, Darth Vader

Letters to the Editors Dear Pepperbox Editors “Obama to police chiefs: US safer because of your efforts Defending police officers who have come under scrutiny like never before, President Barack Obama on Tuesday said the men and women who risk their lives to provide security are wrongly ‘scapegoated’ for failing to deal with broader problems that lead people to commit crimes,” Darlene Superville (Times-Standard News Paper). Does anybody know Michael Johnson? How about David Nelson? Or Scott Lunger? These are three of over 100 police officers that have died in the line of duty so far this year. This may seem like few compared to the 800 citizens that have been killed this year, however only 5%, 40, of those shootings were questionable. Over 100 officers murdered while on duty, while only 40 citizen deaths were questioned (Washington Post). Trooper Trevor Casper was one of those many officers. While stopped in his cruiser, Casper was watching for Steven Timothy Snyder, a bank robber and killer on the run, in his grey Toyota Corolla. Casper spotted Snyder at about 5:30 p.m., and followed him at distance, keeping his lights and siren off. Snyder realized he was being followed and abruptly turned his car around outside the Pick’n Save grocery store where he fired and shot Casper in the neck. Both Snyder and Casper jumped out of their cars while still shooting. Casper fired 12 rounds; Snyder shot off nine armor-piercing bullets, one of which penetrated Casper’s ballistic vest. When it was over, Snyder was on the ground dying of a gunshot wound to the back. Casper collapsed and dropped his gun. That day, March 24th, 2015, was his first and last solo day on the job. This story, much like most of the other 100 officer deaths this year, was due to an officer doing his duty: PROTECTING and serving this country, in this case, from a killer on the run. “This is a shocking trend in this country; police act with no regard for the law,” -Len Perry. I’m going to deal with this part of the quote first. In order to be a policeman: You qualify (no drugs, no criminal behavior of any kind, and a varying education level) After the application process, you take a written test Some departments have a physical agility test Oral interview and, in some departments, like San Jose, a stress interview, meaning they try and make you mad to see how you perform under stressful situations. In that stress interview is a psychologist to see how you react. That can either break you, or you pass. (At any point you can be fired, not offered the job.) Background investigation (calling friends, family, neighbors, looking in your record) Examples: how long they have known you, are you a drunk, do you take drugs... Medical exam, checking your back, and physical state, ect. 4+ hours of psychological exam (being examined by a professional psychologist) 4+ hours of a polygraph test to see if you’ve lied on anything Then you have the chief’s interview If you passed all that, you are now in the academy, lasting between 14 and 16 weeks. You then have: 4 months of working with Field Training Officers, switching between 4 or 5 FTOs (who are evaluating your performance: your judgement, your ability to write the report, your investigative skills, your people skills, your driving ability, internal training; efficient with tools, proficient with weapon, ect.) On probation for 1½ year You are then out on your own Throughout your career you have an evaluation on your performance, and if it’s not to standard, you can be put on corrective counseling/interview, and then back on probation where your job is now in jeopardy (info gotten from J.Burke). Very few jobs are as rigid as law enforcement. You would think that a person that has gone through such a strenuous application process and has put so much time and effort into receiving that position would be very careful about knowing the laws and doing what is right and just. Even if the only reason is to keep their job. “- they lie in their reports - investigate their own wrong doings - and of course almost ALWAYS find themselves innocent.” - Len Perry.

A standard firing of a weapon that is not at the range, whether accidental or deliberate, MUST be reported to your supervisor immediately, if not, depending on severity, you get reprimanded and get suspended without pay, and it can affect your ability to promote, ability to transfer assignments, ability to transfer agencies, or even get hired. If you shot someone, that’s going to be reported. What happens now is: Other officers, patrol officers, investigators, everyone that isn’t on call, will respond and arrive at the scene. Supervisors, or first officers on scene, will take his weapon and duty belt immediately and take it to be analysed. (Checking if it was tampered with, if the ammo used was departmental approved) The officer that fired is then transported away from the scene and taken to the police department and is extensively interviewed as to what occurred and what happened. If he was smart he would demand a test for alcohol and drugs immediately. Detectives are on scene identifying witnesses and interviewing them. Evidence technicians are scouring area looking for, identifying, and properly collecting any and all evidence Entire report (from everyone who worked on the scene, no matter how long or what they did there) is presented in one package to the District Attorney’s Office. DA office review any and all pieces of evidence and reread reports, re-interview witnesses, ect. (looking at it’s accuracy, if not accurate, why?, making sure there’s no violation of law) The DA him/herself will thoroughly review the report and make determination whether officer violated the law, or if it was a justifiable shooting. Has to meet criteria for violation of law; justifiable. FBI may or may not get involved to see if person shot has had their civil rights violated. (have their own investigation) Officer who fired may find himself sued for wrongful death. If everything is fine, there is now the wrath of the community to deal with. (J.Burke) In order for officers to lie in their reports and be found innocent, EVERYONE that was working on the same crime scene (FBI, supervisors, district attorney investigators, patrol officers, other officers, the district attorney him/herself) would also have to lie in ALL of their reports as well, making sure that they all get every detail right. And that’s still not going to work because there’s still the witnesses. There’s no way an officer will be able to lie in his report without getting caught, and if he is caught lying he would lose his job, his integrity (which could impact perjuring himself, testifying against himself for the shooting), his ability to get almost any job, and spend time in prison. The statement, “investigate their own wrongdoings - and of course almost ALWAYS find themselves innocent,” is, at best, grossly misinformed, and I must question the motivation for writing such erroneous information.

Dear Pepperbox Staff, I was so thrilled to check my mailbox this week and find a fresh copy of your first issue waiting for me. You’ve all done such a phenomenal job continuing the Pepperbox legacy and I can’t wait to see what else you come up with this year. You’re so fortunate to be under the leadership of Mrs. Coriell as she brings the Pepperbox to new heights. The farther I get from high school, the more I come to appreciate how much I grew and flourished in Room 104. There truly is no experience quite like having the privilege to design and distribute your own newspaper. The Pepperbox came to define my four years of high school and prepared me more than anything else for the real world. Treasure every minute you get to spend in that oasis of freedom and never be afraid to reach out if you need anything. I’ll try to swing by before Christmas! With love and ink on my fingers, Forrest K. Lewis

The Pepperbox | Page 6


A crabby season in Humboldt

Friday, January 8th, 2016

Marley Tavernier-Fine A&E Editor all and winter in Humboldt County bring back


the taste of our favorite crusty crustacean, but this year’s crab haul may come to a screeching halt. All the better for our aquatic friends, but the lovers of crab cakes, crab bisques, and plain old crab butter will find themselves sorely disappointed, at least for now. It’s a particularly strong El Nino year, which means that the trade winds are weaker and the waters of the Pacific are warmer, affecting weather all over the world. The warmer waters along our coastline have created the perfect conditions for an algae called pseudonitzschia to flourish, creating “red tides”, large and long-lasting algae blooms. Pseudo-nitzschia on it’s own wouldn't be much of a problem, but it produces a neurotoxin called domoic acid, which can be very dangerous to humans as well as marine organisms. Domoic acid is naturally occurring, but this year it’s levels in many Pacific marine organisms are at the point where it has become a cause for alarm. Many species including sea lions, seabirds, whales, fish,

Google Images/PEPPERBOX

Dungeness crab close-up and shellfish are feeling the effect of this neurotoxin. Part of the cause for alarm is the fact that domoic acid can be dangerous in as small an amount as 21 parts per million, specifically in crab meat, and cannot be neutralized by cooking or freezing. The viscera, or internal organs, including the “crab butter” reportedly have a higher concentration of the neurotoxin, posing even more of a health threat if consumed.

Google Images/PEPPERBOX

Crab pots ready to go.

For those who were wondering, crab butter, or crab mustard, is the yellow, fatty organ inside the crab, known as the hepatopancreas. Though some consider it a deli cacy, it functions similarly to our liver and pancreas, storing digestive enzymes; sounds yummy! Domoic acid poses a “significant risk to the public if consumed” stated the California Department of Public Health. Several accounts of domoic acid poisoning have already been reported, symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, and dizziness, and in severe cases trouble breathing, heart trouble, seizures, permanent loss of short term memory (through amnesiac shellfish poisoning), coma, and even death. And it’s more than just the crabs; many different clams, fish, and other bottom feeders are feeling the effects, and people should monitor their intake of these foods. Crabbing in Humboldt is a big industry, with commercial fisherman and recreational crabbers alike getting into the spirit of the season (crab season that is).

Fresh crab is highly anticipated and widely enjoyed this time of year. Of course delaying or closing the season is dissapointing. - Craig Shuman “Fresh crab is highly anticipated and widely enjoyed this time of year. Of course delaying or closing the season is disappointing,” said California Department of Fish and Wildlife Marine Regional Manager Craig Shuman. “But public health and safety is our top priority.” So at least for now, Humboldt's hungry crab lovers will have to wait and see if our local crustaceans will end up on our dinner plates soon, or continue to happily scuttle around in the muck on our seafloors.

The Pepperbox | Page 7


Friday, January 8th, 2016

Dynamic changes in ArMack orchestra Emelia BensonMeyer News Editor


s graduation approached last year, the ArMack orchestra was sad to see Carol Jacobson, beloved conductor of twenty years, leave. This year, however, it welcomed new conductor Cassandra Moulton. “We picked things up,” senior O.B. Kwon stated. “We got new music, and tried our best to have a symbiotic relationship.” The orchestra welcomed many freshman in addition to the new conductor. Though the change was significant, Moulton is more than qualified for the position and has been working to make the transition smooth. She began conducting her own orchestra in high school when her teacher was absent, so she’s been practicing for over twelve years. She’s had experience conducting orchestras both at Jacoby Creek and Windship schools, but until now she hasn’t had the opportunity to conduct a full orchestra. “It’s a much higher level group,” she commented. “I’ve always conducted string orchestras in the past because that’s all that’s been available at other schools.” McKinleyville High senior Emma Calvin-Furbee felt that the change was successful. “I think the transition went well, considering Carol has the biggest shoes in the world to fill,” she stated. “[Ms. Moulton] is doing a really good job.” The orchestra, along with the jazz band and choirs, performed in the annual Winter Concert on December 17. The students played the Nutcracker

Suite, Dance of the Comedians, and Christmas Eve and Sarajevo. Moulton’s perspective on the orchestra is nothing but positive. “It’s fabulous,” Moulton remarked. “It’s the kind of group that I’ve always wanted to conduct. I feel very honored and privileged to have this opportunity.” The orchestra is looking forward to rehearsing in the new performing arts center. “I think everyone’s really excited about

I think the transition went well, considering Carol has the biggest shoes in the world to fill. [Ms. Moulton] is doing a really good job


The ArMack orchestra plays at their winter concert over break under the new leadership of Ms. Moulton.

- Emma Calvin-Furbee it, and I think that when we have our first performance, everyone’s going to be really motivated to get everything started with a bang,” Moulton said. “I think it’s going to motivate players to really know their music and practice hard.” Come support the orchestra as it continues to perform throughout the year. Order a Valentune for a loved one or attend the Gala dinner or spring concert. As the year progresses, students are becoming more accustomed to the new changes, and they will not disappoint. Along with the new conductor, they are continuing to follow Carol’s favorite mantra-that “excellence is a lifestyle.”

Sexual health care to support smart choices Free Confidential Walk in after school, Mondays 3 to 5 Arcata 770 10th St. 707-826-8610

McKinleyville 1644 Central Ave. 707-839-3068


The Pepperbox | Page 8


Friday, January 8th, 2016

Humboldt: the land of musical talent Asher Critch



umboldt county is such a unique and diverse place; it allows artists of all types to thrive. Of those artists, musicians are a prime example. Take for instance, the basketball coach at our school, Ryan Bisio, has been given easy access to concert venues where he can perform because of Humboldt’s acceptance of musicians. Ryan is able to express his art to a community that loves it's local musicians. His musical journey began as a six year old, when he won a gold medal in the Junior Olympics. His prize was a Yamaha Grand Piano. That piano unlocked his passion for music. Ryan is more popular around Monterrey and Santa Cruz because that’s where he progressed his music career. He has been fortunate to have a music video filmed by a director from LA. I foresee that he will hit the mainstream in the near future. From his unique acoustic style to his dark intense rock songs such as “Little Fly on the Wall” and “The Pawnbroker” I believe he will achieve success with no problem. Another musical force in Humboldt are the Compost Moun-

tain Boys. Bands like Compost Mountain Boys are a band that is a staple of Humboldt County, the Humboldt atmosphere has influenced much of their music. Tim Wilson, vocalist, banjo and guitar player for CMB said, “you can't beat the grandeur of the North Coast for inspiration.” Their main focus is not to make it big industry, but to provide a fun experience for people, they're for having fun, not money. When I asked him if the band plans on taking their music mainstream, Tim Wilson said, “We would never close the door on the opportunity, but I'd probably keep my day job just in case.” The Compost Mountain Boys are worth going to see not only if you’re a fan of bluegrass. but also to expand your musical horizons. The Absynth Quintet are another foot stomping, bluegrass, Humboldt grown band. Their bluegrass contains elements of gypsy jazz and an exotic Eastern European style of acoustics. They are extremely ambitious with their talent; when I asked if they planned on hitting the mainstream, multi-instrumentalist Michael Schwartz said “with a 2x4.” Their unique style of music is what will increase their chances


A portrait of Ryan Bisio drawn by the famous political cartoonist DonkeyHotey. who specializes in charicature. of making it big. Succeeding in the music industry is a long, arduous journey. Anybody is able to go big time if they are persistent. That was the case with Sara Bareilles. She started her musical journey right here in Humboldt County, Eureka. After graduating from Eureka High in 1998 and UCLA in 2002. Bareilles started her musical career in the local bars and clubs of Los Angeles. When she started to gain a following, she began to play at larger venues. Sooner, than you know she quickly established herself as a top-selling pop artist. Lorenza Simmons is another very talented artist I would like to

talk about. She is somebody that is not looking for fame, but is looking to thrive in Humboldt’s musical culture. Her music is positive and uplifting, that’s something the world sorely needs. She plays with musical groups such as AkaBella and Vidagua. She also plays jazz with her husband Lee Phillips. Humboldt is a land of musical talent. That is rich with people that play music differently than the last person. Being from Humboldt is a miracle because of the number of artists that reside here. Music is what binds us as human beings together. Humboldt is a place that really proves that.

Friday, January 8th, 2016


The Pepperbox | Page 9

Senior Year Bucket List Kate Breyer Photographer

Many of us, seniors, have grown up in Humboldt, and of course, some of us have been here for just a few years. Whether or not you think you’ve done and seen everything our beloved Humboldt County has to offer, you may find at least a couple things to put on your own To Do List with ideas coming from your very own Senior Class of 2016. We are very lucky to have beaches and forests as our backyard. It may be hard to leave this behind, but get off the couch and go explore before graduation and/or moving out of the area. My List: have a convo with Big Al more of the Lost Coast, Pacific Crest, &Trinity Alps Trails Oregon Country Fair Outside Lands Cape Blanco Reggae on the River Summer Arts and Music Festival in Benbow My Suggestion: mouth of the Klamath My Suggestion: Humboldt Mud Run

For the more risky folks: Dante Atkins- Salazar: get kicked out of the parking lot Claire Kinder: jump off Trinidad Pier again Dezi Escarda: climb to the tallest tree in the forest Justin Furtado: jump off a tree onto a trampoline Jordan Chasescott, Addison Prentiss, Michael Martin Kunkle, Lili Iverson, Brinn Coleman: skydiving Michael Martin Kunkle: climb street light across from the skate park Hannah Finley: go cliff diving Bryce Sprague and Cory Powell: rock climbing Gannon Carroll: play Skyla Bertsch in one-on-one basketball Wyatt Garrett: fight Skyla Bertsch Max Wrigley: ride then kill a dragon Skyla Bertsch: fight Wyatt Garrett & play Gannon Carroll in basketball

Beaches: Maddie and Hannah Pomerantz: visit College Cove Hannah Lopez: catch a wave-standup on surfboard Dezi Escarda, Ellen Keil, Kyra Cohen, Aidan Carter: learn how to surf Jordan Chasescott: abalone diving Kyra Cohen: Patrick’s Point Hannah Finley: find Swimmers’ Paradise & swim in the ocean Bryce Sprague: scuba diving in the ocean Lili Iverson: spend as much time in a wetsuit as possible My suggestions: skimboard at Moonstone, visit Indian Beach, State Beach, Samoa Jetty, Luffenholtz, Camel Rock, Centerville

Hiking/Backpacking/Camping: Majority: Strawberry Rock Jake Verhaugh: Redwood Forest trails Faith Long: finish every trail hike at Prairie Creek Redwoods Hannah Finley&Karin Finney: Fern Canyon Karin Finney: hike Lost Coast Trail Adrianna Halligan: solo camping trip Carlos Razo: backpacking along the Mad River Ellie Earle- Rouse: camp in Trinidad Michael Martin Kunkle: 3 day backpacking trip up the Trinity Cory Powell: backpacking in the mountains Activities: Majority: Top of the World Chloe Pigg: silks class and 100mile Tour of the Unknown Coast Brinn Coleman: perform a dance show Johanna Anderson: get back into Irish dancing Cait Parker: win a softball game Hannah Lopez and Kendall Boyett: camp/roadtrip with friends Ellie Earle Rouse): find the perfect ring of trees in the Redwood Forest Other: Delaney Rice: Larrupin Restaurant Cole Thomas: find out what is in Larrupin sauce Ellie Earle Rouse: go to Living the Dream Ice Cream on the Boardwalk Anonymous: get first kiss Triston Pigg: find more local spots Emma van Dolah: hangout with my mom Justin Furtado: go to Reggae on the River Lili Iverson: Snow Globe Concert Canyon Robins: “that’s classified” Kendall Boyett: not to waste a single day&make senior year memorable

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Friday, January 8th, 2016

Feature students:

The Academic: O.B. Kwon

The Athlete: Demitri Patterson

Ellen Keil

Cheyenne Keith



bi-Wan Kenobi, O.B. Kwon...could it be a coincidence that his name happens to be strikingly similar to the legendary Jedi Master from Star Wars? I think not. The ambitious goals he has set for his future self would leave him nothing less than “legendary.” And with his extremely intelligent mind and an impressive work ethic, he is without a doubt going to achieve great things. Clearly, senior O.B. Kwon is quite the catch. When asked what his top goals are in life he responded without hesitation. “I want to find a way to make fourth dimension transportation reality, find a cure for cancer, successfully colonize mars, and retire as a good farmer.” His academic achievements include placing first in a Kansas State math league, first in a math tournament, third place in Humboldt Integration Bee (calculus), and participating in many other mathematical competitions. And if you ask me, taking five AP classes, like he does, and getting straight A’s in them all, is an achievement in its own. Aside from all this, O.B. is also an avid swimmer on the Humboldt Swim Club. He swims year round and ran cross country for the first time this year. He plays the clarinet for the Arcata High Orchestra and has been each year since moving to AHS sophomore year. He spends his little-to-no free time reading fan fiction online or running his dog around the neighborhood. Next year, O.B. plans to stay in California and study physics engineering. Berkeley and Stanford are his two top choices for school. With his incredibly intelligent mind, it’s no surprise his dream schools would be the two most prestigious schools in California.

Sports Editor


here is always that one player that stands out from the others. With talent and skill driven by a purpose and determination to be a beast, Demitri Patterson shines in the athletic crowd. He’s participated in basketball, soccer, baseball, football, and track and is a valuable player on the football team. Patterson started playing football at a young age and has had huge success despite being smaller than most. “I was in the third grade when I was watching an NFL game and I was like, ‘wow that looks cool’ so I tried it that year and I’ve been playing ever since,” Patterson said. Now, he is just a sophomore and is playing at the varsity level as a star running back for the tigers and has averaged over 100 yards each game he has started. “I didn’t know if I would be able to play at the varsity level but I’ve showed that I could,” Patterson confidently said. Patterson has proven to be quite the weapon for head coach Dave Newton. “He’s been one of those main contributors especially since going to running back. He’s exceeded my expectations as a sophomore,” Newton said, who isn’t the type of coach to usually use sophomores at the varsity level. The super sophomore is the epitome of a tough running back. With a young offensive line to run behind, Patterson often finds his way out of blown up plays due to his shifty speed and strength to break tackles. A player with his ranking would be expected to play for St. Bernard’s, a private school that has the choice to recruit players. However, Patterson will continue his career with Arcata in order to lead the school towards a better future. “I think it’s stupid [that St. Bernard’s can recruit]. I would really like to see myself at the next level coming from Arcata; I just have to work as hard as Tex,” Patterson said. With a mindset like that, don’t be surprised when the modest athlete finds a way to play with the top athletes at the collegiate level.

Friday, January 8th, 2016

The Pepperbox | Page 1 1


The Arcata A’s The Activist: Carlos Razo

The Artist: Leo Stafsnes

Len Perry

Opinion Editor


arlos Razo - introspective by nature, you rarely see him with his mouth open; don’t let his silence fool you, though, as he has plenty to say. Denouncing the greed in our world as the root of all evil, he speaks of his distrust toward political leaders - “People are struggling to put food on the table and put a roof over their head… it seems as if everybody’s primary concern is money. The people in power hoard the wealth of the working class and they conspire constantly to take our leave us powerless - but we will always be more powerful than them.” His fervor is brought about by his heartfelt love for the people around him. This politically passionate senior was born in Los Angeles into a household that spoke only Spanish. This language barrier proved to be a problem in elementary school, where he found teachers often didn’t have the patience to help him learn. He didn’t let it discourage him, as he recognizes that we must manifest our own destiny. “It isn’t the events in somebody’s past that determines who they are- it’s how they respond to those events.” He is incredibly grateful for the hardships he has had to overcome in his life, as he knows that if it weren’t for those difficulties, he would not be the person he is today. He is a devout Catholic, he has dedicated his life to bettering himself through prayer - an action he sees as highly meditative and strengthening. By being there for the people around him and helping whenever he can, he believes that he is setting an example for the world he exists within. “I may not be perfect, but nobody is - all we can do is try.” While his method of activism is not conventional, it is powerful. It may not be loud or colorful, but it is electrifying nonetheless. I’m willing to say that it is, in fact, the most electrifying force on the planet - it is love, and without it, life would be impossible. We live in a world where, sadly, love is looked down upon. While most of us concern our time with money and material wealth, Carlos is going to keep standing tall and proud, reminding us of what really matters. Everybody in the world knows something that you don’t - so let’s set aside our differences and come together to share ideas in peace and all-powerful harmony. Let’s all learn from Carlos and spread love instead of hate; it doesn’t cost you any money or time - but it just might save the world.

Alyssa Day


Business Manager

eo Stafsnes is a 16 year old junior at Arcata High who is involved in AAI. He has been involved in creative activities all of his life, whether it was building towns in the sand or just simply drawing pictures. However, in ninth grade he truly blossomed. He went to a yard sale and found a massive box of paints and started taking classes to learn how to better use them. He took Art 1 that year, and it’s been his life ever since. His main medium is painting, but he’s moving more into illustration and animation. At just 16, he’s had two formal art exhibitions, the last one having 118 pieces. “I’ve sold a lot of it, and I've gained a lot of skills in terms of interacting with the community. It's been such a special opportunity. There’s a lot involved in the formal gallery setting in terms of learning how to marketing your work and marketing yourself, and bringing it to a level that's presentable.” It took him 4 months to prepare for the exhibition. He’s very involved with AAI. “The opportunity of being in AAI as a freshman is what really first inspired me to think about the possibility of actually pursuing creativity as a way of life and a lifestyle and a passion and a job.” He speaks very highly of AAI saying, “I really just fell in love with the energy and the youthfulness and the community of the program.” However, he has found a lot of classes and skills outside of AAI, but he credits ABC in particular for being one of the most instrumental people in his development. “In the process of trying to gain ABC’s respect and impress her, I’ve really expanded my vision.” He is inspired by a lot of local artists in the community, and really focuses on visual arts. “i’ve found that I’ve been really successful by specializing and really learning the ins and outs of a particular field.” January 16th is National Portfolio day, and he’ll be taking all of his work to San Francisco. College representatives come and look at high school students work and review it and give information on their programs. “I’m hoping to gain some good insight.” After high school he plans to go to an art college, and CalArts is one school on his radar.

Fall Sports

Cross Country had another impressive season. Both teams got second in league and third in North Coast sections. The team even made it to state!

Arcata High varsity football broke their losing streak by defeating Hoopa in the first game of the season!

Girls golf persevered through a tough season. They were a young team and will hopefully continue to grow next year.

Boys varsity soccer had a great season with 11 wins and 2 ties. They tied with Fortuna for league champions and made it to the second round of the North Coast Sections.

Arcata High varsity girls soccer went undefeated in league for the fourth year in a row. They went to the second round of sections for the third year in a row. With ten seniors leaving, the team will have to rebuild next year.

Cheer had another successfull year with more fantastic routines. They did great job cheering on our football team.

The varsity girls tennis team had two standout players, Kendall Boyett and Keani Momoa-Hugo, who made it to North Coast section this year. These two will be sorely missed.

Arcata High varsity volleyball had another great season. They went undefeated in season and made it to the North Coast Sections. Six are leaving the team this year and they will be sorely missed.

The Pepperbox | Page 14


Friday, January 8th, 2016

Most beautiful (slightly secret) spots of Humboldt Althea Newman Photo Editor


e are all truly blessed to live in a place like Humboldt county. It’s magical how beautiful, quiet and wild it is here. People living in more urban areas are not lucky enough to be surrounded by the natural beauty we get to see every day. It's easy to take Humboldt for granted and not see it as the special place it is, so to remind you here are my favorite outdoor places to go. Remember that people like to come to these spots for their unspoiled beauty so be respectful of the land and of the people you meet there.

The Avenue of the Giants I’m sure all of you are familiar with The Avenue of the Giants it’s one of the places our area is most famous for. With huge old growth trees that have been living for thousands of years it a magical place indeed. Avenue of the Giants is in Southern Humboldt, about an hour away but, it’s well worth the trip. It’s easy to make it a day trip with such beautiful hiking trails and river spots. There are a ton of secret places scattered in the forest. If you want to see a rare Albino redwood, there is one in the Woman’s Confederation Grove. Its super cool and it kind of looks like a snow covered christmas tree.

Swim spots of Humboldt Humboldt county is full of amazing swim spots and even though it's winter they must be mentioned. We are lucky enough to have the Mad, Eel, Trinity, and Van Duzen all in our area. My personal favorite is the Eel because it so warm and you're surrounded by so much beautiful scenery. I also really love the Trinity. It's such a powerful wild river and there are some super deep spots. Some of my favorite spots in southern Humboldt are in Myers Flat at Eagle Point , Turtle Rock, and at the Women’s Federation grove.

Photo Courtesy of redwoodinfo.org/PEPPERBOX

Rare local, albino Redwood

A sunny day at Myers Flat

A typical foggy Humboldt day at the Ma-le’l Dunes

Photo Courtesy of redwoodinfo/PEPPERBOX


Photo courtesy of CaliforniaBeaches.con/PEPPERBOX

M a - l e ’ l D u n e s This is one of my favorite spots in Humboldt and it’s super close to town. The Ma-le’l Dunes are on Samoa boulevard before you get on the bridge to Eureka. Its very quiet and there is a beautiful trail to get there. Once you get to the top it can be nice to just sit on the dunes and admire the view, but you can also roll down the huge sand dunes or walk down out to the ocean. It’s a lot like Mad River beach but better.

Familiar redwood giants in Humboldt

Elk Head College Cove Trinidad CA Elk Head is a really fun place to go in Trinidad, it’s always incredibly beautiful and there’s a couple different places you can go while you are there. Usually I walk down the main trail all the way to the end, even though there’s beach access before you get all the way out there. I love how at the end of the trail there are theses huge rock plateaus that you can walk on and feel the ocean all around you. You can also go the opposite direction of the main trail and get into a more forested area with super beautiful views and more beach access. Also in the summer its really fun to pick huckleberries there.

Kahu Ekelani/PEPPERBOX

Sunset at Elk Head Collge Cove

Friday, January 8th, 2016


The Pepperbox | Page 15

A guide to getting an A Ellen Keil Reporter


s we get into the school year, a common goal for most students is to keep your grades as high as they were on the first day of school; straight A’s. Knowing just how to bribe your teacher with their favorite treat or drink may give you that extra little grade bump that is so helpful when it comes to an A minus, that’s barely short of a solid A. Or perhaps the difference between passing or failing a class. With finals approaching, being on your teacher’s good side might give you some help. So go ahead and be a teacher’s pet, if that’s what it takes. Ms. Lovato: Ms. Lovato is big on respect. She says that is the most important quality for a student to have. But take note that she does not do grade bumps, so you get what you earn in her class. If you’re looking to get on her good side, her favorite treat is a brownie and her favorite drink is water; plain and simple. Mr. Filippini: Social Science teacher, Mr. Filippini has some specific food preferences. When asked what his favorite drink is, he quickly replied with “diet pepsi.” His favorite dessert is cherry cheesecake, although he is no picky eater. Creme Brulee and donuts were other treats he mentioned. Another good piece of information to know about him is that he will occasionally give you a grade bump, but not easily. “It’s gotta be earned, but yes, from time to time I will do that,” says Filippini. Mrs. Campbell: P.E. and health teacher, Mrs. Campbell, also known as T-Cam by some,

looks for effort more than anything in her students. Although, if she sees that you have made improvements, she will administer a small grade bump. Her favorite dessert is a Rice Krispie treat and her drink of choice is Kombucha. Another word of advice may be that she is a morning person. So maybe go talk to her earlier in the day rather than after lunch. Mrs. Trump: Mrs. Trump, the one and only culinary arts teacher, loves anything with dark chocolate for a treat. But you could always pick her up a warm cup of coffee to cheer her up. However, it’s not quite as easy to earn a grade bump in her class. When asked what it takes to receive a grade bump, she responded with, “you could scrub kitchens after school for an hour.” Mr. Johnson: History teacher, Mr. Johnson strictly says “grades are earned not paid for.” After continuing our conversation he eventually added “I’m a sucker for warm cookies, especially chocolate chips...and I wouldn’t turn down a snickerdoodle.” His favorite drink at the moment is water or black coffee. And if you want to be his favorite student of all time go buy him a new tie and pin or a ticket to see Neil Young. Ms. Angles: “Integrity. If they know what it means, I’m even more impressed,” says Ms. Angles when asked the most important quality for a student to possess. Although she claims she could never be bribed into bumping up a student’s grade, she says a 20 ounce double mocha from Jitterbean wouldn’t hurt their chances. If you could bring her one special food, a coconut creme pie is her top pick of the moment.


Senior Jordan Chasescott offers Mrs. Trump a treat in hopes of a grade bump.

The Pepperbox | Page 16


Friday, January 8th, 2016

Carrying on The Pepperbox legacy: Kaelyn Tuermer-Lee Editor-in-Chief


pon entering high school freshman year, I was ecstatic to receive my very own copy of The Pepperbox every issue. I would thoroughly read and enjoy every article written, greatly admiring those who have come to set The Pepperbox’s legacy before me. After joining the journalism class, I have come to learn and experience so many important things that I will carry with me for the rest of my life; it has prepared me, for better or for worse. As I looked back at the past Pepperboxes, I saw the changes that had been made over the years. But mostly, I saw the person’s character through the article they wrote. I could see all the hard work, stressful hours of crunch time, and the exciting part of investigated research that sounded so intriguing. I knew right away that I wanted to be a part of journalism. I wanted to personally experience the thrill of writing for the school newspaper that the student body and staff would all enjoy. The Pepperbox gives the students a voice and highlights their academic, athletic, musical, and extracurricular rigor. Tracing back the former Editor-in-Chiefs was very inspiring. I felt as though I personally knew each and every one of them, even though some of them weren’t in high school at the same time that I was. But I learned many new things and saw an older version of myself reflected in them. As the year goes on, I’m excited to continue my journey as a journalist with my co-EICs and staff, keeping in mind the advice we were given from those before us who have made the Pepperbox what it is today.

Cedar Lay Year graduated: 2010 Current occupation: Pursuing a PhD in Language Documentation and conducting my own research abroad on a language that has previously never been studied. Year as EIC: 2007-08, 2008-09 Years involved with Pepperbox: 3 Favorite part about Pepperbox: Probably how interdisciplinary it is. It was incredibly helpful to learn a variety of topics within one course. Favorite memory from journalism: Definitely of the late nights spent laying out before a deadline, eating pizza, and arguing with each other as the entire staff got loopier and weirder as the night grew later. Have you pursued journalism in/ after college?: While at UC Santa Barbara, I spent my first two years as a reporter and staff photographer for the school's newspaper, The Daily Nexus. The Pepperbox had prepared me super well, and my first two articles for the Nexus landed above the fold on the front page. Advice to the current Pepperbox staff: Cherish the time you have in Arcata High journalism. It’s an awesome experience getting to produce a publication with such a tight-knit group of friends and you’ll realize later on in school just how beneficial it really is.

Sarah Han Year graduated: 2011 Current occupation: I graduated from Scripps College in 2015 and I am currently wrapping up the Rx for Wellness Home Gardens Project through Open Door Community Health Centers. Year as EIC: 2009-10, 2010-11 Years involved with Pepperbox: 3 Favorite part about Pepperbox: Creating something tangible with my friends. It was awesome to be a part of a team that created something awesome by coming up with ideas, asking questions, writing, editing, and designing. Favorite memory about journalism: Every time we all got together to sit down and lay out the paper, blasting music, making silly jokes, cursing at InDesign, ordering pizza, etc. Have you pursued journalism in/ after college?: I worked for the Arcata Eye the summer after graduating AHS. I worked on The Student Life newspaper while I was at Scripps, and was the News Editor my freshman year and Special Features Editor my sophomore year. Advice to the current Pepperbox staff: We have such a cool community to explore. Ask all the questions. Pursue every story idea you come up with and don't hold back!

Elaine Cunha Year graduated: 2013 Current occupation: I’m in my third year at MIT studying environmental engineering. Year as EIC: 2012-13 Years involved with Pepperbox: 2 Favorite part about Pepperbox: The release day! There was always that special moment of holding the print edition in your hands for the first time and appreciating the final product, especially knowing how every single part of it evolved and all of the work that went into making something the Arcata High community appreciates. Favorite memory from journalism: Probably the weekend layout sessions. That’s where the Pepperbox ultimately came together into a visual, complete paper. Have you pursued journalism in/ after college?: No. Advice to the current Pepperbox staff: Try to make everyone feel represented by giving them a reason to read the Pepperbox. Your job is to accurately voice the concerns, excitements, troubles, and happenings of Arcata High. When a student reporter 80 years from now is reading the archives, will they accurately understand and grasp your high school experience? Pursuing that goal is the Pepperbox’s greatest challenge... and the stem of all its fun!

Friday, January 8th, 2016


The Pepperbox | Page 17

Editors-in-Chiefsthroughout the years

Forrest Lewis Year graduated: 2013 Current occupation: I’m now a junior at Harvard College pursuing a joint concentration in Earth and Planetary Sciences & Environmental Science and Public Policy. Year as EIC: 2012-13 Years involved with Pepperbox: 2 Favorite part about Pepperbox: I’d have to say my favorite part about Pepperbox was the freedom and power that came with a running publication. Every day, third period Journalism was my hour-long escape from the traditional high school setting into a world where we got to design our own curriculum and have an opportunity to make an impact on campus life. Favorite memory about journalism: Feeling connected to everything that was happening at Arcata High while simultaneously producing a tangible product that emphasized the fruition of all our hard work. Have you pursued journalism in/ after college?: The last two years, I was a very active member of the Crimson news staff. Advice to the current Pepperbox staff: I’d really just have to emphasize that the Pepperbox is what you make of it. The experience you get out of he Pepperbox is contingent on the work you put in.

Piper Bazard Year graduated: 2014 Current occupation: I'm a sophomore political science major at Reed College. Year as EIC: 2013-14 Years involved with Pepperbox: 2 Favorite part about Pepperbox: I like that Pepperbox was mostly student-run. Writing about topics that affected students on campus was really engaging and motivating to me. Favorite memory about journalism: Even though I thought it sucked at the time, staying up really late with Gillen doing layout got pretty funny sometimes. Have you pursued journalism in/ after college?: I've done a lot of work with my school's student newspaper, The Reed College Quest. I worked as a staff writer and graphic designer for my first semester with The Quest, and then worked as the managing editor for the next two semesters. Advice to the current Pepperbox staff: Do good things for your stress levels and mental health. Do creative and smart things that make you happy! Read books! Make art! High school was kinda garbage for me, but now I live in a cozy and creative home with my best friends and I go to a rad school!

Gillen Martin Year graduated: 2015 Current occupation: I’m a freshman at Brown University in Rhode Island. Year as EIC: 2013-14, 2014-15 Years involved with Pepperbox: 3 Favorite part about Pepperbox: Working with all the other students; I made a lot of friends through journalism. It is also important that students have a voice in their community. Favorite memory about journalism: My sophomore year when Arcata High and Ms. Lehman made it possible so that Forrest, Errol, Alex, Piper, and I could go to San Francisco with Mr. and Mrs. Klima to a journalism conference. Advice to the current Pepperbox staff: Definitely have fun with it-don’t get too caught up in trying to make [The Pepperbox] what it isn’t. Everyone wants to expand, but don’t slack on the quality of writing you’re producing. The quality and clarity of the message is definitely the most important thing. Some things that I would enjoy reading about in upcoming issues are: what’s going on with life and sports, more feature athletes, and more community events that are happening more broadly, because I’m definitely homesick and really miss Arcata High School.

Zoe Ziegler Year graduated: 2015 Current occupation: I’m at college at University of California, Berkeley. I am an intended Molecular Environmental Biology major and am on the Cal Lightweight Crew Team (GO BEARS). Year as EIC: 2014-15 Years involved with Pepperbox: 2 Favorite part about Pepperbox: Probably watching people, including myself, make incredible improvements, not just in their writing, but their work ethic and enthusiasm. Favorite memory about journalism: The article I wrote in conjunction with Sara Davis and Vera Heidmann about James Washington was honestly pure gold. That's another reason why journalism is so great: it can connect the writer and the public with people and stories that deserve to be bragged about. Have you pursued journalism in/ after college?: Sadly no, but I am trying to find a way I can fit it into college life. Advice to the current Pepperbox staff: ALWAYS FOLLOW THE LAYOUT CHECKLIST! Do your job on time and do it to the best of your ability. And be honored to be part of such a fantastic publication. EIC'S: food is the best motivator.

The Pepperbox | Page 18


Friday, January 8th, 2016

Humboldt prom dress alternatives Alley Perry

Editor in Chief


ative Humboldtians, specifically those from Arcata, pride themselves on their unique and free-range lifestyles, so why stop at prom? Junior Prom is right around the corner and who needs the commercialized capitalist driven stress of picking out the “perfect” prom dress that will ultimately set you back hundreds of dollars? The Pepperbox has some all-organic DIY solutions that you can construct from the comfort of your refurbished school bus or vulgarly painted Taco Truck! The “Yak Man” Yak-Fur Dress How to Achieve this look: 1. Devote all your free time to following the Yak-Man everywhere he goes and discovering where he finds his furry companions. 2. Buy and shave a Yak. 3. Fashion the Yak fur into a trendy red-carpet look. Add a velvet or chiffon inlay, those fabrics are really in right now. 4. Add a smoky eye to finish your look off, don’t forget the yak fur false lashes! The Gluten Free, Organically Grown, Vegan Kale Dress How to Achieve this look: 1. Begin an all tofu and kombucha diet. Throw in some quinoa to spice things up. 2. Casually remind everyone that you’re a vegan at least twice a day. 3. Harvest the purest greenest Kale from an organic Kale farm. Check three times to make sure it’s GMO-free. 4. Hand sew the kale into the prom dress of your dreams using hemp-silk thread.

“Los Bagels” Bagels Dress (Sponsored By Los Bagels) How to Achieve this look: 1. Purchase 8 dozen delicious Los Bagels Bagels. 2. Strategically sew bagels into a fashion-forward nude-colored shift dress. (See Beyonce's Met Gala dress for inspiration) 3. Try to resist the urge to eat your prom dress. Fill in the inevitably missing bagels with cream cheese and slug slime. 4. Add some multi-cultural bagel bangles and a matching slug clutch/midnight snack for accessories.

The Yogi Look How to Achieve this look: 1. Attend literally one yoga class. 2. Begin juicing and pretend you like it. 3. Change your instagram bio to better represent your new downto-earth mindset 4. Buy a pair of $120 pair lululemon leggings, throw your hair up in a messy bun, fold your yoga mat into an elaborate Yogi prom dress, and find your happy place at Junior Prom!

Friday, January 8th, 2016


The Pepperbox | Page 19

A soccer season to remember Jake Verhaegh Sports Editor

Arcata High School soccer had a season to remember — with varsity boys, varsity girls, and junior varsity boys all having undefeated season in league. With the boys going 12-4-3 (wins-loses-ties) overall and 11-0-2 in league, the girls going 16-2-1 (wins-loses-ties) overall and 14-0 in league. Arcata High proved its dominance in the European sport. For many of the students — including myself — this was the last year. Ten varsity girls are graduating along with nine varsity boys — motivating them to end the year out with a bang. The boys and girls did just that by making it to the second round in sectionals. The boys lost 0-0 in penalty kicks to Petaluma and the girls were defeated 0-4 against Montgomery. Even through defeat they kept the heart that persisted throughout the season. “Everyone was just really positive through-

out the whole game,” said Nina Crossen. The boys had an amazing season as well, defeating Fortuna in a playoff game at the end of the season after tying them two times in their previous encounters. The boys went on to win the first round of sections, they were the first Arcata High school team to do so since 2008: seven years ago. The reason for success? Friendship. Playing on the soccer team is something special. “It’s been pretty fun, all the guys are pretty close we have a good time together we joke around, we are all really good friends,” said Kai Narum. Friendship is a key element in teamwork. It is also helpful in having an undefeated season. “Its incredible and it’s cool that we are all doing the same thing and are all from the same place,” said Skyler Trout on his thoughts on undefeated seasons for both the boys and girls. “I think it’s just there is a lot of really good connections at Arcata High and everyone is really close,” said Fresh-

Darcy Robins/PEPPERBOX

The boys varsity soccer squad before their game against Fortuna.

man Nina Crossen. This bonding over one passion creates success. She went on to state, “Its really opened me up to a lot of different friend groups. We are really close.” Team closeness and an undefeated season comes hand in hand. Unfortunately with all the success comes a bittersweet ending to many boys and girls. High school is reaching the end for nineteen teenagers, and with college in sights, the teams need to be reborn. This is the job of junior varsity for the boys, and many — sparked with their undefeated season — are ready to fill the shoes of last varsity’s amazing, undefeated year. “I believe I’m ready for varsity and the high level of play that comes with it,” said Andrew Cavinta, a player on junior varsity. “I think there’s definitely going to be a rebuilding process but there are some strong players out there,” stated Ellie Earle-Rouse, a varsity girls player. Kai Narum, a sophomore, agrees that Arcata will con-

tinue to be a dominant force in soccer. “It’s gonna be difficult but we have a couple good freshman coming in and JV was good and I think we can pull off a good season.” Soccer for both the boys and girls has gone beyond high school. Both teams have been together for many years — playing both on varsity and on club. For many, this is the end of the road and the start of something new. “We’ve played together since we were ten years old. A really long time. We are like brothers,” stated Trout. But with the old making way, there is opportunity for the new. Soccer is a game of passion. It is played with friendship, trust, and love for the game and each other. “It pushes you to work hard and go do what you love to do,” said Crossen, and that is exactly what the Arcata High school soccer teams did in their successful undefeated seasons. “I think we’re pretty badass,” stated Earle-Rouse, and let’s hope Arcata High School keeps it that way.

AnaMae McGoldrick/PEPPERBOX

The girls varsity soccer team celebrates their annual soccer Christmas.

The Pepperbox | Page 20


The Wildberries burger Len Perry Opion Editor


mid the chaotic, exhausting nature of modern society, a savory savior has arrived to save those with the money to be saved; apparently, Wildberries now sells burgers. Now, you may be saying to yourself - “Well, so what if Wildberries sells burgers? Stars sells burgers, Toni’s sells burgers, the Alibi sells burgers… shoot, even Adriana’s Mexican Restaurant sells hamburgers.” Now, that is very true - our town is incredibly oversaturated with burger and pizza restaurants but I swear; Wildberries is just that much better. Many are unaware of the wild dankness that is found at the Wildplatter Cafe and Grill - in fact, I didn’t even know until a few months ago. The moment I ripped into my first burger from them, however, my life was changed forever for the better; I knew I had to share them with the world. Staring at the clock, the halfawake students of Arcata High anxiously await the minute hand to strike 5, signaling the lunch period has begun. The bell rings and instantly the hallways are filled with hundreds of excited, hungry students that search vigorously for their “homies”. As you shuffle

out into the parking lot, you see those who can drive hopping into their cars and vacating the premises before the traffic begins to resemble rush hour in LA. You inhale a deep breath of fresh exhaust and a smile stretches across your face - it’s lunch time! Finally, after dealing with the gnawing emptiness that distracted you for hours, it’s time to go to your favorite local eatery to grab your meal of choice - an avocado cheeseburger cooked over an actual wood fire grill from the Wildplatter Cafe and Grill. When the campus was surveyed only one person out of the 10 I asked knew that Wildberries sold burgers. All 10 of them were eager to announce that their favorite burgers are found at either Toni’s 24hr. or Stars - even the single person that knew Wildberries had burgers. When asked why he didn’t favor Wildberries’ burgers over the rest, he retorted with “Aren’t their burgers hella expensive, man?” It’s true - I can’t deny it… their burgers are quite pricey, coming out around 8 dollars each - but if you can afford it, they’re worth it. Locally sourced from Bear River Valley Beef in Ferndale, the meat is all grass-fed and humanely raised; this means that I can eat them without worrying about the self-loathing I commonly experience while eating out. Also, with Wildberries’ reputation for being relentlessly organic, I don’t need to stress out wondering whether my food is laced with carcinogenic endocrine disruptors. With that in mind, so what if it’s a little bit

Friday, January 8th, 2016


An unsuspectingly mouthwatering burger from Wildplatter Cafe over-priced? Okay - maybe it’s extremely over-priced, but so is everything in this town. Instead of spending your money on coffee every morning or a soda with your food, you could invest in healthier food for a healthier future. Wildberries may be expensive, but trust me… so are American hospitals. While it may not be available on the Dollar Menu, the grassfed, wood-grilled, love-filled

burger from Wildberries is real food from a real establishment, made for real people (sorry Pinocchio). In a world where food is becoming increasingly processed and life is increasingly fast paced, it feels good to slow down, grab some real food, and relax. Your wallet may hurt for a minute, but your stomach and taste buds will be thanking you - and so will the chef at Wildberries as he hands you your delicious burger with a smile.

Friday, January 8th, 2016

The Pepperbox | Page 21


Kmart: the K stands for krying Caitlyn Patterson Feature Editor

& Nora Lovell Feature Editor

Tuesday, September 23rd 4:30 p.m. My supervisor tells me to go put stuff away. I can’t find where anything goes so I proceed to hide everything in random places. I hope nobody saw me.

Wednesday, September 30th 6:14 p.m. Today while checking out a customer I spilled an entire carton of laundry detergent on the floor.

Sunday, October 4th 8:00 a.m. I get to work and all of the registers are shut down. I stand there for an hour because no one tells me what I should do.

Thursday, October 15th 9:45 p.m. A man comes up to my register. He’s purchasing a bottle of water and a doll. Oh wait, the doll is his. And now he’s speaking to the doll. So I guess he’s purchasing this bottle of water because his doll is thirsty.

Friday, October 20th 5:55 p.m. An old lady is trying to use her credit card. She doesn’t under-

stand how it works and I don’t know how to help her.

Saturday, October 24th 11:28 a.m. We got new t-shirts today. They are bright red and say “Attention Kmart shoppers, Shopping is fun again!” I said it was false advertisement. They gave me a size XXXL.

Monday, November 1st 7:48 p.m. A lady who was purchasing a single item decided to tell me her entire life story. And her husband’s.

Caitlyn & Nora/PEPPERBOX

Posing with our favorite kmart items

Tuesday, November 10th 8:12 p.m. A customer started yelling at me in Spanish. I don’t know what they were saying, but it was not nice.

Wednesday, November 18th 4:50 p.m. A man walks into the store with a goat. He is asked to leave. The goat then proceeds to pee on the carpet.

Friday, November 27th 2:47 p.m. Today is Black Friday. Three registers broke down. And when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, the rewards program shut down. I can’t do this.

Sunday, November 29th 3:15 p.m. Now that Thanksgiving is over,

the only music played is Christmas music. They have like five different songs that keep repeating. This is my hell. 3:18 p.m. If I hear Carol of the Bells one more time I’m gonna cry. 3:25 p.m. They are playing Carol of the Bells again.

Monday, December 7th 6:43 p.m. So the Salvation Army is great and everything, it really is. But please, if I go one more day hearing the constant sound of jingle bells, I’m going to rip my ears out.

Friday, January 1st 10:00 a.m. That’s it, I’m going to Target.

The Pepperbox | Page 22


No place like Homeboldt Kate Breyer Photographer


n average, there have been 180 school days per each school year. After all our years of school, that means we would have completed a total of 2,340 days of school by the time we reach high school graduation day. As much as each and every day may seem like “torture” to some, especially those who look forward to that “golden ticket” of an off campus slip, others look forward to participating in each day, meeting new people, and getting involved in the school or clubs. Look at the bright side of things once in awhile. There are plenty of countries out there where children have to pay to go to school or simply cannot be given an education. We, in the States, are lucky enough to be given a free education up until 12th grade. We, in Humboldt County, are even luckier to be able to have plenty of support and community involvement in our academics and athletics. We, in Arcata, are fortunate enough to have wonderful teachers to guide our way up to college and later on, our careers. As many seniors are already getting hit with the infamous senioritis, many are also beginning to realize that their days left in Humboldt are limited. So reflect on what you’ll be missing and what you’re grateful for in our beautiful home county. Think about it… where else can you go on a walk and be able to get a “hello” or “how ya doin’?” accompanied with a smile from everyone you pass? Or even strike up a conversation with a complete stranger? Humboldt is the embodiment of laid-back, outdoorsy people wanting the best for the environment. There are endless outdoor activities. The attitudes of people who’ve grown up here are notice-

ably more grateful, open minded, welcoming, and accepting. Moving away for college in August, I’ll miss the community- family feel at the Crabs Ballpark each summer, or being in awe of others’ creativity at the Kinetic Sculpture Race, or being able to lay down in my own bed whenever, or even drive five minutes to dig my feet in the sand or look up at those big green redwoods. A big part of me is also dreading being far away from my family, as I love being able to go visit my parents at work, call them up for lunch, go get a big hug from them, and seeing them both so passionate about each of their hobbies of homebrewing and quilting. It’s not just the home I have grown up in, but it’ll also be odd not having my neighbors right next door that I’ve grown up with my whole life as a second family, or having my best friend, Kyri Cossolotto, come over whenever. But come August, I could be anywhere from 700 to 2,500 miles away from home. Instead of being down about it, I want to be absolutely positive about my time here because it’s not like I’m being forced out. Leaving Humboldt is all my own decision in order to experience what life has to offer outside of our area and with our short 6 months left at Arcata High, make the most of it and reflect on each year of school thus far. Look how far we’ve come from the brace face, naive selves. High school has been a stage of learning who we are and how to interact with one another. Enjoy the last bit of it as best you can.

Friday, January 8th, 2016

What Will You Miss About What has been your faLiving Here? vorite thing about growing up/ living in Humboldt? Caroline Wolski: the weather, Trinidad, and the comfort zone of knowing everyone

CJ Gray: it’s been a safe place to be, don’t have to worry about violence

Maddie Pomerantz: Family and friends; I will miss living in a small community with such character and beauty. I will also miss knowing where everything is because I will definitely get lost all the time in Miami

Lindsey Swanson: I love that it’s a very rural area with many places to go and not having to see a bunch of cement and skyscrapers

Delaney Rice: being able to take my dog to the beach whenever I want to, the general beauty of the area, and my parents and friends

Cory Powell: the people, everyone is really accepting and the geography/ environment

Cait Parker: I’ll miss AHS, I love this school. I’ll miss the beach, how empty and freeing it is, compared to the beaches on the East Coast that are crazy busy and crowded Carlos Razo: Most definitely the natural beauty will be something to mourn for it is unlike anything else I’ve seen. The natural beauty of Humboldt brings me peace. In comparison to the constant movement of the big city areas Sir Max Wrigley:



Hannah Finley: the incredible landscapes, my bike rides in the Arcata Bottoms late at night. No place like home, literally… Johanna Anderson: the ability to get away from everything by going to the forest/beach and the amount of acceptance in Humboldt Chloe Pigg: my favorite running trails, the food, no traffic Michael Martin-Kunkle: the rivers, Redwoods, and the peacefulness

Emma VanDolah: being able to spend my childhood outside

Skyla Bertsch: I love being able to surf and mountain bike all in one day Bryce Sprague: the community is full of kind people and there’s so much to do here Karin Finney: the different places you can go (Trinidad beaches, rivers, mountains, forests), relaxed area and people, no traffic, people are all nice Lili Iverson: there are lots of adventure opportunities compared to other places. It is very welcoming and I’ve learned to appreciate this friendly, close-knit environment Aidan Carter: the fact that it is so rural and not a big industrialized city Kendall Boyett: The best thing about Humboldt is how understanding most people are.

The Pepperbox | Page 23


Friday, January 8th, 2016

Arcata High fashionistas Kiana Vigil-Gibbes Reporter

Maja Kirsten Q: Style icon? A: I'm not really sure. Q: How would you describe your style in 5 words or less? A: Fun, exciting, and stand out Q: Article of clothing you could not do without? A: My sparkles jelly shoes!

Will Robinson Q: Style icon? A: I don't really have one. I just kinda went with the man bun look. Q: : How would you describe your style in 5 words or less? A: Lots of hair Q: Article of clothing you could not do without? A: I could live without most of my clothes, but I really like my shoes.

Sidney Afsarzadeh Q: Style icon? A: I would say Kylie Jenner, but that's so clichè Q: How would you describe your style in 5 words or less? A: Black, nude, grey, white, and gold Q: Article of clothing you could not do without? A: Boots and fur.

Cannon Russel Q: Style icon? A: I can't think of anyone in particular Q:How would you describe your style in 5 words or less A: Business Casual Q: Article of clothing you could not do without? A: Button up shirts.

Kate McLeod Q: Style icon? A: Umm, no one in particular. Q:How would you describe your style in 5 words or less? A: Comfortable, cozy, classy, coordinated, and concise Q: Article of clothing you could not do without? A: Boots.

The Pepperbox | Page 24


Friday, January 8th, 2016

What’s new in Hollywood Jakub Mácha Reporter

The Hateful Eight Release: 8th January 2016 Directed by: Quentin Tarantino Stars: Channing Tatum, Samuel L. Jackson, Kurt Russell In post-Civil War Wyoming, bounty hunters try to find shelter during a blizzard but get involved in a plot of betrayal and deception. Deadpool Release: 12thFebruary 2016 Directed by: Tim Miller Stars: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams A former Special Forces operative turned mercenary is subjected to a rogue experiment that leaves him with accelerated healing powers and adopts the alter ego Deadpool. Gods of Egypt Release: 26th February 2016 Directed by: Alex Proyas Stars: Rufus Sewell, Gerard Butler, Chadwick Boseman Seth killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris. Horus, the son of Osiris, seeks revenge. Bek, a human thief who cares little for the affairs of gods but when he discovers Zaya has been cursed by Set, he falls on the side of Horus, hoping that Set’s death will break the curse.

London has fallen Release: 4th March 2016 Directed by: Babak Najafi Stars: Gerard Butler, Morgan Freeman, Charlotte Riley In London for the Prime Minister’s funeral, Mike Banning discovers a plot to assassinate all the attending world leaders.

The Divergent Series: Allegiant Release: 18th March 2016 Directed by: Robert Schwentke Stars: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Zoë Kravitz Beatrice Prior and Tobias Eaton venture into the world outside of the fence and are taken into protective custody by a mysterious agency known as the Bureau of Genetic Welfare. Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of justice Release: 25th March 2016 Directed by: Zack Snyder Stars: Ben Affleck, Henry Cavill, Amy Adams Fearing the actions of a godlike Super Hero left unchecked, Gotham City’s own formidable, forceful vigilante takes on Metropolis’ most revered, modern-day savior, while the world wrestles with what sort of hero it really needs. And with Batman and Superman at war with one another, a new threat quickly arises, putting mankind in greater danger than it’s ever known before.

Friday, January 8th, 2016

The Pepperbox | Page 25


Pumpkin spice article Marley Tavernier-Fine A&E Editor


umboldt County is fast approaching the dead of winter; with the weather getting cold and soggy, and our approximately five deciduous trees turning red, we’re almost to the next “season”, and with this particular season comes both the curse and the blessing of pumpkin spice. As the PSL (pumpkin spice latte) hits stores near us this year, the craze begins, following the ageold tradition of unusual, creative, and definitely questionable new pumpkin spice products. Coffee drinks are a given, as well as sweet treats; scones, cookies, and yogurts. But what happens when pumpkin spice leaves the realm of dessert and invades the rest of the culinary world? This year alone has seen the appearance of pumpkin spice hummus, gum, pringles, M&M’s, and even cream cheese. Pumpkin spice has gone so far that not even our bagels are safe anymore. “I think it’s delicious if it’s done right” said sophomore Mikayla Craghead “But if it’s done badly it tastes really bad”.

I’ve been eating pumpkin pie since I could eat pie. Pumpkin spice just mimics pumpkin pie. - Mona Brown

So why is this elusive flavor so intensely pursued? For such a popular phenomenon, the secret of pumpkin spice is really quite simple; cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, allspice, occasionally a hint of cloves. And not altogether surprising, a distinct lack of pumpkin. Even with the pumpkin spice craze going strong, people haven't forgotten the pie that started it all, “I’ve been eating pumpkin pie since I could eat pie” said Mona Brown, “Pumpkin spice just mimics pumpkin pie”. The chemical concoction in a pumpkin spice does contain some of the natural spice blend that fans know and love, but the other 90% is just synthetic chemicals. They make your brain think you are having the real thing, instead of chugging cinnamic aldehydes, eugenol, sabinene, and zingiberene. Although Starbucks has added real pumpkin puree (think baby food) to their PSL’s this year, it’s such a small amount that there had been very little discernable difference. Lets face it, pumpkin spice has turned into the Kim Kardashian of holiday flavors; found everywhere and in everything, even when it’s presence might be questionable; something people love but are really getting tired of hearing about. Eggnog, gingerbread, and peppermint might dominate the holidays, but no one’s tried making them into hummus yet. I took it upon myself to try some of these…. unique products. As I began my foray into the world of pumpkin spice, I found myself wandering down aisle after aisle, scouring the labels for that distinctive orange and brown color scheme, those clipart images of pumpkins. But it proved to be a more difficult quarry than expected. After striking out at Ray’s, Safeway, that one bulk place off the Indianola cutoff, and

Photo Courtesty of Media.Makeme..org/PEPPERBOX

Even iconic movie characters get into the pumpkin spice craze Walgreens, late into my search I found it; the mecca of pumpkin spice products: Target. I collected a basketfull of products ranging from predictable (instant oatmeal granola, M&Ms) to unexpected (tortilla chips, pretzels, blondie brownie mix, cream cheese). Tastetesting, I noticed that although the labels proudly proclaimed “Real pumpkin!” and “All natural spices!”, those flavors seldom came through. I was mostly left with a lingering taste of cinnamon, and a disappointing lack of pure pumpkin flavor. An orangish tinge and chemical flavor seemed to prevail in most products. The foods either tried too hard and came of tasting very strange, or gave up altogether, and settled for bland, overly sweet, or excessively chemical. By the end of this article, I’m pretty sure my taste buds had become desensitized to the flavors of pumpkin spice, but I saved arguably the best for last. The pumpkin spice latte unfortunately follows along with it’s other fall compatri-

ots, with cinnamon predominating the spice scene. The taste is overwhelmingly sweet, the color reminiscent of cantaloupe, and the smell vaguely of fall candles. The die-hard PSL fans may call it the holy grail of coffee drinks, but as far as taste actually goes it doesn’t live up to the hype. I used to be one of those super-pumpkin spice latte fans, but after examining it critically, I feel like I can see it for what it really is...an overly talked about, artificial bunch of chemicals and calories in a controversial red cup. So this year when you have a craving for stuffing your face with the tastes of fall; if you have an adventurous mind and a strong stomach, give one of the pumpkin spice products a try. And don’t forget, you can buy pumpkin spice (the actual spice mix) at your local grocery store. No one will ever know if you carry it around in your pocket to add those flavors you love to everything you consume. You pumpkin spice junkie you.

The Pepperbox | Page 26


Friday, January 8th, 2016

Off campus lunch, a forgotten privilege Caitlyn Patterson Feature Editor

There are many pros to attending Arcata High School. Whether it be the friendly students, the dedicated teachers, and even the vibrant colors on our trees during the Winter. One privilege of ours that seems to go unnoticed is that our options for lunch are practically unlimited. Compared to most schools throughout the US, we’re pretty darn lucky to have the advantage that we do when it comes to where we can go during those 45 minutes. Many campuses aren’t located near half as many places to eat as we are. There are also tons

of schools that only let upperclassmen leave campus, and even more schools that don’t even have off campus lunch as an option. Now I’m not saying that us Arcata students aren’t grateful, because we totally are. I’m only giving you all a reminder of how flipping awesome it is to be a tiger. Along the lines of off campus lunches, I have conducted a school survey of 235 students (52 freshmen, 53 sophomores, 61 juniors, 69 seniors) asking what they preferred to do for lunch. below are some of the statistics I’ve gathered.


Other popular lunch options include: Philly Cheesesteak, Smug’s, Don’s Donuts, Co-op, Carmella’s, Subway, Dutchy’s, Rita’s, Burrito Wagon, The Church, Toni’s, Oriental Buffet, Masaki’s, Westside, Hole in the

Wall, Alma’s, The Hutch, Arcata Pizza & Deli, Pho Huang, HSU Student Store, Roman’s Cafe, Renata’s, Jitter Bean, Hey Juans, Sushi Spot, Brio, Shell Gas Station, Szechuan Garden, and Starbucks.


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Friday, January 8th, 2016


The Pepperbox | Page 27

Life on the water Jake Verhaegh Sports Editor

When I was three years old I stood in a canoe for the very first time and pointed to my parents the direction I wanted to go. Little did I know, fourteen years later I would be pointing my finger towards an even bigger picture: Canoe Slalom Age Group Nationals. I have been paddling for fourteen years — all thanks to my parents. Canoeing — unlike kayaking — involves a single blade with the person kneeling on his or her knees. From the first stroke slicing through liquid to the splash of coolness that calmed me in clarity — I was hooked. Canoeing became a passion, pushing me towards peace with nature. There is a gentle rush you get when on the river — like the rocking of a hammock or the swaying of trees in the breeze that manifests itself into a tingling, powerful sensation that runs rampant through the veins as body and canoe become one — and then the canoeist and nature become indistinguishable from each other altogether. It is this rush of completeness I strive for. It is this excitement I extend my boundaries towards. I love to camp with my family and friends. I love to not care about time and to be as slow as water on a delta; as calm as a lake without wind. To laugh with people I love — and to feel our energies combine through the passion of paddling. My canoeing takes place on rivers ranging from Washington to New Mexico to Montana. We would go on long road trips to rarely seen destinations in the quiet calmness of the wild. This was achieved by camping in canyons away from civilized life, or driving out to remote routes far from the chaos

that is common and into a home of harmony. A place of peace. However, this calmness of canoeing changed when I turned sixteen. A year ago everything for me became new. I came into contact with a canoeist and kayaker: Sage Donnelly. She introduced me to the adventures of canoe slalom. Canoe slalom consists of a river that has rapids. Two poles — which form a gate — are strung out along the course and the object of canoe slalom is to go through the gates — in both the right direction and the right order — in the fastest, cleanest time possible. From there I competed — a novice — in my first canoe slalom competition: ACA Open Boat Nationals. People, stretching from California to Colorado to New York, conglomerated in Montana for my first official canoe race and I discovered the thrill of competition on the water. I ended the week with two bronze metals and a heart of passion. Now canoeing is not my hobby — but my dream. It is a part of me as I am a part of it. I am connected to canoeing like my boat and body are connected to nature when I run the rapids of whitewater in the hidden gem of the wild. I spent two weeks in Colorado after Montana and became a part of Team Colorado, thanks to Nate Lord — who took interest in my skills, and discovered my athletic ability in the sport that gave me joy. I learned new skills and made new friends — and had a totally new cultural experience that marked just the beginning of my travels. I began to compete in California after just two weeks of training by a coach. After Colorado I had no coach, no team that was close to me, and no slalom courses. I became better through hard work and dedication without supervision. No team to motivate

me. No coach to instruct me. Just my family, the river, and myself. Texas was the next big break for me and I met more friends from Texas, Oklahoma, and Colorado — learning the uniqueness of each American state and town. With three weeks of coaching under my belt I competed in more competitions — winning more medals. In the summer I went to Salida, Colorado for another week of training and racing — and won my first paycheck as a prize for second place. Then came my biggest test: USACK Age Group Nationals. With only four weeks of coaching I flew into Wausau, Wisconsin to compete with athletes of my age from all across the country. I felt the excitement. I saw the passion and pride. And at the end of an amazing week I saw myself upon the podium with two third place medals and a glowing heart. It has been an amazing experience being able to compete and travel in the sport I love. It could

not have been done without the support of my family and friends from across the globe. From Spain to New York to Montana to Colorado. With Age Group Nationals gone, and after a break for varsity soccer, I am training harder than ever before, taking two weeks off of school to gain knowledge from a national coach. I drove down to Sacramento on my own, camped on my own, and trained with friends — us bonding through a hobby that has a home in our hearts. My canoeing is my sport and my passion. I learn not only new skills but new cultures and each competition is a rapid for me to overcome and move to the next big thing. The next big thing is US Team Trials. I am hoping to make the Junior US Team in spring. Even if I do not succeed I still enjoy the relaxing, peaceful moments meandering the waters with my family: the headwaters of this wild expedition into the wonderful wilderness of whitewater canoe slalom.

Photo courtesy of Serenity Snapshots

Myself going down Hell Hole rapid on the Trinity River in an open canoe.

The New Years’ resolutions of 2016

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