PRESS RELEASE CONTACT: Sara Langdon W. (215)-536-7989 F. (267)-382-0254
Local Franchises and First Responders Meet Over Breakfast to Accept 1,500 Donated Cases of Water
Perkasie PA, December 6th, 2016- On Friday December 9th, members from about 20 First Responder organizations, the Pennsylvania State Fire Commissioner’s office, and The Red Cross have been invited to 1501 W. Park Avenue, Perkasie PA 18944 at 9 a.m. to join SERVPRO for their first annual Hydrating Heroes event. In an effort to repay local first responders for their dedication to community service, SERVPROs’ of the Greater Philadelphia area have scheduled a delivery for 1,500 cases of water set to arrive via tractor trailer on Friday, December 9th at 9 a.m. The 1,500 cases of water are intended for local First Responder organizations to use at their facilities or while responding to an emergency situation. SERVPRO hopes to donate at least 50 cases of water to each organization. In addition to those attending December 9th, multiple organizations are scheduled to receive a delivery of water between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Friday.