Sara Lautman MFA Illustra0on Prac0ce September-‐May 2014
September Image harvest Fake Bulk
Fake Bulk
Other work from September
Slapslapsenbaps: Songs, 2008-‐2012
Comics blogging The Hairpin
The Funnies comics for Tom Tom Magazine
Bal0more Bookfest coverage for Comics Workbook geNng more involved with arts in Bal0more
switching to dip pen from Microns
PaQerns Cartooning in paQerns
Professional Development
Improved website design promo postcards
MACROGROAN book proposal pitch mee0ng with MaQ Wise at Foundry Media
( ! ! Or! ! This(Is(So(Not(Me( Live(on(Grammar(Radio( A(Glimmer(of(Panic( The(Wrath(of(the(Visible(Universe( ( By(Sara(Lautman(
Art Market
4PM Boardgame collabora0on with Sarah Schneider
Reac%on project bookbinding/pa3erns/self-‐publishing
December work cont.
Guest strip The Ego and the Squid
Running Game 38 page comic
Condi0on Oakland: On Queer Punks 10 page comic
Squeamish did very well on Tumblr Comics Workbook reblogged it, a lot of people read it 76 notes is a record for MACROGROAN posts
This comic poem became my first acceptance into the Society of Illustrators Comic & Cartoon Annual
Brian Kinney
February Hand LeQering Valen0nes
Con0nuing to develop technique and Vocabulary with dip pen and different nibs
Show posters
Show posters Bal0more and Vienna
Bible comics collabora0on with Adam Lautman
The Unbelievably Heroic Con0nuing Adventures of Laura Jane Grace
Words on Wheels
Meanwhile, always blogging
The Donnas Collec0ve Resume for The Hairpin
Pizza Underground fan art
The Bygone Bureau
Self publishing unit MACROGROAN 4
At the bookstore
Editorial prompt: “Knowledge is power.”
Illustrated Notes from The Karen Carpenter Story The Stranger
Private commission
Review of Miss Hennipin by Andy Douglas Day for Comics Workbook #6 cri0cal wri0ng in comics form
The Providence Comics Consor0um Math Warriors “No One, the Gender Neutral Math Dinosaur”
Clothes People We Are Afraid of Becoming
I covered the queer content at MoCCA for Bitch Magazine. It was a cri0cal/reportorial piece about queer comics in historical context and the character of queer comics development outside of and in rela0onship to the comics mainstream.
Stopmo&on anima&on I Like You Like
Independent project Blackwolf Beach album art
Summer Inbox Cartoonist-‐in-‐residency program, July 2014