Empower hour mini mag

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JULY 2018

EMPOWER HOUR The Healing Power of Photography Colm Donnelly is a primary school teacher and former Ros Na Run actor, who vacated a fast paced, high powered career in corporate business in pursuit of truth and happiness. He followed his dream to live a true life, true to himself! He now shares his passion for photography with others and its ability to heal old shady perspectives! The thing I love about photography is that the beauty of any picture is in the eye of the beholder. Photography is an art. A picture can mean many different things to so many different people as it can tell a thousand things. The power of the photograph is dependent on the perspective which you take it from. An image is like a painting it captures a moment in time. Anything can make a great picture. Perhaps something quite innocuous can make a direct imprint on your soul. Photography takes me to a different world, everything else is forgotten and in that moment of time I

am content. Down some hidden boreen you can find amazing beauty in the Irish landscape such as old cottages, abandoned castles, ruined abbeys, stone circles, dolmens and many features of the Irish countryside. Everything about photography can be cathartic. The whole participation in the process has a deep and satisfying feeling, it can be an escape from the daily routine of our modern lives. The joy of life is captured in the picture.

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The therapeutic power of photography lies in its ability to create new meanings. If you share your images with others it can lead to new friendships or create awareness of the hidden joy of a simple act like someone telling you, they love your image. Photography is being at one with yourself and nature especially if you are outdoors. The sounds of nature and the surrounding landscape can create a surreal atmosphere that allows the mind to become content. Anyone can explore their environment and find something in photography that appeals to them. For myself photography is like a type of escapism from reality. There is nothing I love more than jumping in my car and hitting the road. Sometimes I have a destination in mind other times I just let the roads take me where they want. When I find an old ruined castle off the beaten track I compare it to like going on your first date! The butterflies are in my stomach and it is like scoring a winning goal in a cup final. A dull day can be as good as a bright day. Every colour collage in the landscape can give a mood or an atmosphere to the subject of my photograph. I put my heart and soul into getting the right picture. It could be the first picture or my one hundredth before I feel I have captured that moment in time. A sky can tell a million different tales about your picture and it can add to the aspect or atmosphere you wish to create with that one image. Everything disappears from my mind in that moment in time. Nothing matters, all my worries are forgotten, and I am encapsulated with that moment fully. Everyone today gets stressed. Through my photography I gain a different perspective on life. There is so much going on around us that sometimes we forget we are just a dot on the world map. A walk in the woods, a misty morning beside a lake, a stroll by the canal, an animal hidden in the foliage or just sitting on a

park bench one is ready to capture that perfect moment in time. This can reflect a sense of solitude in the world around you. I have always enjoyed photography ever since I was a child. I remember my first camera, an old wind up thing where you had to attach a flash. I still get that buzz today finding something hidden in the landscape that I got when I was eight years of age. From the age of eight photography gave me access to a

hidden world the same as reading, it is like an escape from the ennui of the daily modern grind. In the processing days you only had maybe 24 shots on a roll. Concentration was the key and then you had to hope that the final product was what you had in mind. Now with such advances in this technological age of the digital camera and the smart phone you can take as many images as you like. Photography has a gentle calming effect on my soul and puts me in a tranquil mood. Photography soothes the soul and can heal any manner of pain or ease hurtful memories. In that moment of time when I capture ‘that’ image… then I am happy, content and at peace. My advice is to get out there and explore the country, the landscape, nature and the environment. In doing this you will discover the healing power of photography. This will provide you with a fantastic distraction from you worries or cares, then all you need to feel is the magic and power of the world around you in your pictures. Colm Donnelly, June 2018

‘SAY MERCI! Living with Intentional Joy!’

‘Intentional living’ expert Patrick Mercie shows us how to rediscover our ‘FLOW’ ‘I would love to do some nice things with my partner but we simply don’t have the time!’ ‘You don’t know what it takes to have 3 young kids and a job; it drains you, mentally and physically.’ ‘Me time? Haven’t had that in ages!’ ‘I’m at the end of my tether, something has to give soon.’ Those and many more similar statements I have heard over and over again in my last 10 years as a qualified and full-time Life coach and NLP Practitioner. These statements have a deflated energy and emotion attached to them. A sense of desperation. I often heard the same when I was in corporate management in a previous life. People wanting career breaks but not in a financial position to take them. So what do you do then? Every single situation is individual and therefore the solution is individual too. Yet because we are so knee deep into our own lives we can see no way out, no solution, no sliver of hope. An outsider can help. A professional. Someone you can trust not to offer solutions but instead a facilitator of personal empowerment, a guiding hand to help you see more clearly. In my 10 years many people were baffled by the simplicity of the first steps towards change. ‘How come I didn’t see that’, ‘That was so obvious’. The first understanding is that the key to the problem is not to be found within the same space as the problem itself. In other words, if you have no time, finding time is not the first step. If you are constantly tired, sleeping more is not the initial way forward! Often people who have no time, find certain solace in taking steps to replenish their energy levels. People who


are tired, discovered that treating emotional triggers can assist immensely. So my first advice is to seek professional assistance. Not from someone who is offering you riches in 7 steps or a better life in 9 weeks. Someone who is willing to listen intently to your story and then act as a sounding board for you to come up with your own solutions. You see, you have everything you require to thrive, within you! One just needs a helping hand to externalise. There is the serious power within, you arriving with your own solution, your own way forward. There quite simply is selfbelief, accountability and the knowledge that you have every resource needed within. When you have taken those initial steps towards more personal awareness and freedom, you will feel the difference. However this is often the juncture where people stop themselves due to the initial issue being ‘fixed’. All it takes at this point is just one setback to send you back to where you journeyed from. So my second and most important piece of advice is to (re) discover your flow. Your flow is that what makes you lose track of time, that which you do effortlessly for hours on end. Those pursuits that make you forget about the world. I’m talking about good stuff, not the escape routes! Do you remember what these are or were? If yes, engage or re-engage for about an hour a week. Just ONE! Observe how it feels, to revisit what you love and take it from there.

If you can’t think of anything it is time to have fun and try out new stuff. Until you have that aesthetic AHA! What did you like as a kid or as a teenager? Was it outdoors activities or indoors? Active or academic? Music or science? Painting or dancing? Neuroscience and studies in positive psychology have concluded ‘en masse’ that happiness is the precursor to success. Do what you love and what makes you happy, increasing your capacity for self-love one hour at a time until it consumes your life. You will feel energised, engaged in your life. You will get sick less often, experience less stress and be more productive! Guess what? It works! It’s simple and that’s for you too. Yes, YOU!! Patrick Mercie, www.theintentionalacademy.ie 18 Mallow Street 083-3008963

Moms Mean Business New Limerick Networking Group for Moms in Business. Founder Valerie Conway gives us the low down on the ‘Mom’s Meaning Business’ Part! Entrepreneur: A person who sets up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit. Mompreneur: A woman who sets up and runs her own business in addition to caring for her young child or children. Starting your own business isn’t easy, but it doesn’t have to be as scary as most people/business owners would have you believe. If it was, there would be no businesses out there! Being a parent isn’t easy, but again it doesn’t have to be as scary as most people would have you believe. If it was, humanity would die out! Now put the two together, and still it is doubler! Just look around, lots of people are already doing it. Is it hard? YES! Is it worth it? YES!! Both are exceptionally rewarding experiences and both can live side by side and even complement each other in this modern world. Long gone are the days when becoming a mother meant the end of any life outside the home! The world is full of moms managing their businesses and families and even sometimes without a partner. Modern technology has opened so many more doors and avenues for moms who want to fulfil their lives with work they are passionate about and who wish to earn a living and raise their little ones all at the same time! On the back of this a new breed of working mom, one has become incredibly popular and stands out in particular. The ‘WAHM’: work at home mom. You no longer need a bricks and mortar business to create an income and there are more new and innovative ways and means popping into existence every single day.

While all this sounds amazing and it is, this new trend still needs just as much support as traditional businesses as there is the added feeling of isolation when working from home. Reaching out is so important and making real life connections, not just the ones through your computer or phone. This is just as important for business as it is for family life! While working from home/remotely may seem like a dream come true, don’t forget the importance of getting out of your favourite yoga pants (which has never been worn for yoga) run your fingers through your unruly hair, and actually meet up with friends/other moms for that cuppa you promised 6 months ago. Amazing collaborations can come from this space while keeping you happy, social and most importantly, sane! Bring the kiddies along as well, it will increase their social skills in the process! Mom’s Mean Business was set up to fill that empty gap! You can find support, advice, friendship, inspiration, network and much more! With the added bonus of having your little bundle or child with you! We have monthly meet ups in Limerick, the next one being July 17th. If you would like more info, stay updated or be a guest speaker, you can contact the founder Valerie on 087 6293399 www.momsmeanbusiness.org momsmeanbusinessnetwork@gmail.com Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | LinkedIn JULY 2018 NEWSLETTER | 3

VEGAN GODDESS Valerie Conway Gives Us - Soup in Summer! Soup is an easy and versatile way of packing in nutrition in just one fulfilling serving. Generally reserved for autumn and winter, but can be enjoyed just as much in the summer months, especially when you live in an Irish climate. It is a fantastic way of sneakily getting the veg into your little ones too and the varieties are endless so if they don’ like one recipe, try another until you find what they love. There is a massive variety of pre made soups in the supermarkets nowadays, both fresh and tinned, so temptation to take the easy way out is strong, but there is a beautiful satisfaction when you make your own from scratch with the added benefit of knowing exactly what is in it and no hidden nasties and preservatives. Also you just can’t compare the taste of homemade to shop bought and for very little effort you can be sitting down to a belly hug of nourishment before you know it. It’s always a good idea to make soup in large batches, that way you can store it in the fridge or freezer in suitable containers ready to be heated up and savoured when you’re hungry but busy with life. I’ve created a simple and delicate Sweet Potato & Butternut Squash recipe to tantalize your taste buds and convert you to the soup way of life.


Did you know? Sweet potatoes are full of Vitamin A (in the form of beta carotene) and also a great source of vitamin C, B1, B2 & B6, manganese and potassium. They are shown to promote a healthy digestive system with their high fibre content, and boost your immune system with antioxidants. Another benefit is relieving asthma and treating bronchitis among reducing arthritis and stomach ulcers. With all this you’d do well to add them to your diet more regularly. Butternut Squash is another underrated vegetable capable of preventing high blood pressure with its high potassium content (higher than bananas). It improves eye sight, keeps bones strong and skin healthy with vitamin C, reduces inflammation and aids in weight loss. So if you can get past the nuisance of peeling and de seeding this amazing veg, it will pay you back with all its benefits and flavour.



1 Red Onion 3 Medium Sweet Potatoes 1 Butternut Squash 3 Carrots 1 Red Apple 2 Cloves of Garlic 1 inch of fresh Ginger 1 tin Coconut Milk 1 Vegetable Stock Cube 1 tsp Curry Powder 1/2 tsp Cinnamon 1/4 tsp Nutmeg Water 1 tblsp Coconut Oil Salt & Pepper

In a large pot, heat the coconut oil with a pinch of salt. Peel and roughly chop all the vegetables, ensuring to core the apple and remove seeds from butternut squash. Sauté the prepared veg in the pot for 5 minutes over a medium heat. Add spices and continue to sauté for another few minutes, this helps release the flavours. Next add the coconut milk, stock cube and water (I add just enough water to cook the veg and add a little more when blending to get the perfect consistency) Simmer for 30 minutes or until all the veg is cooked. Leave to cool before blending in a food processor or use a stick blender. Add water to get desired consistency. Season to taste and heat before serving, swirling in some plant based milk and topping with pumpkin seeds.

‘Say Merci! - Living with Intentional Joy!’ ‘Intentional living’ expert Patrick Mercie

Valerie Conway 087-6293399 valerieclondrinagh@gmail.com


THE ETERNAL PRESENCE OF ‘LIGHT TOUCH’ - Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy with expert and mid-wife Ann McDwyer

Craniosacral therapy developed from the pioneering insights of William Garner Sutherland, an Osteopath who started writing and teaching about osteopathy in the cranial field from the late 1920’s. Towards the end of his life his writing underwent a shift in emphasis to include not just the mechanics and infinitesimal movements of the structures of the body, but also an increasing reverence for the breath of life. “Presence is a theme that takes us deeply into the nature of our work and to the heart of our human condition. Presence, the ability to settle into a still, receptive and aware state. Presence is natural – it is not about creating presence, but rather about letting go of what is in its way. As we deepen into stillness, we discover that presence is inherent and is found at the very core of our being, our core state.” Franklyn Sills – Foundation in Craniosacral Biodynamics. It is with joy that I meet you to share in this presence during a session of Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy. The whole of your body mind system is met with the question “where is the health?” Such a unique perspective in

this modern world where we are accustomed to seeking what is wrong and treating the symptoms of the disease rather than listening to what the body is telling us. Having qualified as a Nurse and Midwife, studying Biodynamic Craniosacral therapy allowed me to be present with people in a whole new way. Having had glimpses of this presence during time spent in Crumlin with my baby after open heart surgery in 2007 – the training with Body Intelligence opened me up to a deeper and more profound sensitivity to the energy of the tissues and organs in our bodies and how life events, major or minor can be integrated and cause fragments to develop. Biodynamic Craniosacral treats the human being as a whole, listening to the flow of fluids and cells which make up the body mind with the ‘light touch’. This ‘light touch’ listens without judgement and the energy I experience while present with a client is that of Oneness – akin to the holding presence of a mother’s womb to her growing and developing baby inside her. This unique therapeutic presence offers the client space to broaden their perceptual fields and expand into a

deeper state of health with increased vitality and freedom of movement all the time making contact with the areas of tension held within the body. Using their inner resources, the client reveals their own inherent treatment plan to release old patterns of tension held in the body. Facilitating a move from fragmentation to wholeness with secure attachment Secure attachment has all the benefits of improving self-confidence and selfesteem which helps reduce anxiety and transforms how one relates to oneself and others. So much happens in a session that it is best to experience and decide for oneself! Ann McDwyer

Empower Hour is a single parents and parents support group without stigma. ‘Empower Hour’ will take place on the 17th of July, 7.30 - 9.30 at Angel Times. » Empower Hour- ‘A Cup of Love & Mindfulness’ Takes place on the 12th of July, Angel Times, Thomas Street, Limerick, 7.30 - 9.30. Special Summer Self-Care! Revitalize your body, mind and soul for two hours in blissful relaxation. This month’s ‘Share’ group is packed with ready to go goodness just for you! Including: Meditation (Cosmo Form), tapping for relaxation, breath work and quick relaxation techniques for self-care and deepening self-resilience. This mid-summer special focuses entirely on self-care and relaxation. So don’t forget to get your ‘yumminess’ over here for the 12th! Empower Hour - Ann McDwyer & Saralee Cassidy (Donation €5)


» Empower Hour has put together a ten week co-educational & experiential ‘Life Skills’ programme based on mindful living, self-care, money matters, confidence, decoding personal values and core life skills. A psychoeducational initiative for parents and their children. The course will focus on building resilience, self-care and active life skills in young adults. This ten week programme will be for both parents and their children to engage in active sharing, listening, learning and empowerment. The programme is a psycho-educational initiative which aims to imbue young adults with a deeper more values based approach to life in both work and play. This educational initiative will start next October 2018. Let us know your feedback and interest! FACEBOOK ‘EMPOWER HOUR’ This initiative will be co facilitated by Saralee Cassidy and Ann McDwyer and will include expert guest speakers on specific topics.


The Simple beauty of Japanese Energy – by Saralee Cassidy (Passionate Seiki Practitioner & Energy Therapist)

Seiki Soho is like a soft cherry blossom that touches the soul and changes everything, created by Japanese spiritual master and Zen shiatsu master, Akinobu Kishi. Kishi was venerated in Japan as a true spiritual sensei and called ‘Shining Light’. He made a quantum leap in the creation and understanding of a new ‘dynamic energy’ movement – Seiki Soho. Kishi’s method differed to other methods in its simplicity of contact, a method that required no pushing or doing only the gentle contact or feeling for energy, that lead into the awareness of breath, this he called the space of resonance: ‘breathing again’. Kishi took his healing method and direct transmission to Europe in the 1990s and gave workshops all over Europe for thirty years. To Akinobi Kishi, Seiki Soho was the flowering of his immense experience and wisdom and represents a monumental movement in a long tradition of Japanese healing and spiritual practice. Central to its meaning is the injunction to become more ourselves, to rediscover our truest basic selves/nature. Seiki Soho is a method of healing that facilitates the flow of energy through the body, clearing energy blockages, creating the awareness of energy flow and is a way to enlightenment. Sei-Ki Soho and the process of Katsugen (purification) the universe crashes in on you, you are awakened to the Buddha mind, which permeates all living beings and things, the formless emptiness – the formless void. Akinobi Kishi started out by giving Shiatsu treatments in Tokyo for ten years, his clients lives changed, yet his did not and he became tired, burnt out and depleted. He was Shizuto Masunaga’s number one student, the

master responsible for the creation and dissemination of Shiatsu and the Shiatsu world, as most shiatsu schools in Europe use his method. Kishi had a unique understanding of energy and in the space of fatigue and

burnout he found his greatest wealth and health. He looked for something else; he went to various Shinto Shrines in the mountains around Maebashi, for a period of one and a half years. When he returned to Tokyo the energy started to move within him. (Sei - means, movement.) The waves of energy got bigger and Kishi was physically moved by the energy, a sort of massive cleanse and purification that went on for ten days. After that Kishi had a realisation that he could facilitate this to happen in an individual bodywork session and workshops. Once the formless has been activated in a human being it can be extended to another through contact and resonance with another person. This allowed ‘Katsugen’ to happen through direct contact with Ki. After this realisation, Kishi took his new method of working to Europe. So the essence of a Seiki Soho treatment is feeling for Ki/energy: it is ‘NOT DOING’, not trying to impose

on the body. It is to occupy the space of no mind, no knowledge and no ideological structure. Seiki treats the breath. By following the movement of the breath, where the body rediscovers its space and its originality. There are various places on the body where one feels for Ki, where the energy wants to move, the whole meridian system exists in just three points. The contact with the Ki is from the space of emptiness, from being in Hara and Kokoro (heart), without the heart there is no authenticity in the contact and people feel this. Modern life often disregards its simplicity, yet the body’s innate willingness to seek balance and harmony remains obscured by everyday pressures that manifest themselves into physical and emotional problems – distortions of the life energy. Seiki unravels this, it provides the space for encouraging inner awareness and recognition that the body always expresses what it needs– an absolute necessity for clearing stagnant energy and releasing habitual patterns, using Ja Ki, the unused energy potential of a human being. Potential comparisons to any other forms of healing end here as Seiki has nothing to do with channelling or healing. It occupies the space of Empty Space, no thinking, no channelling that wakes up the body to its own healing potential and capabilities. Seiki Soho is the deep feeling for energy but most importantly is the creation of space to experience and enjoy life as human being breathing again. For more information on Seiki Soho, individual sessions and workshops with Seiki Soho Ireland, please contact Sara lee Cassidy on 0867312044 or visit Seiki Soho International Ireland to Japan on Facebook. Summer Time and the Living is Easy! JULY 2018 NEWSLETTER | 7


- Invisible challenge / Hidden Gift – Paula Nash I am a 40 year old mother of 2 boys. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome in April 2014 Asperger Syndrome can be a complex condition with no 2 people the same, although many people experience similarities in the difficulties they face. It is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting Communication, Social Interaction, and those with the condition having repetitive and/or stereotypical behaviours and limited interests, however as well many people can excel in particular areas in varying degrees, some displaying (savant) (genius) attributes. My own story is definitely one of coming out of darkness in many ways and into light. I do feel Aspergers for me has been an invisible challenge for much of my life, but a transformative one in that many hidden gifts have surfaced through self-awareness. That at one time was really obsolete. To give a brief history I was born in the countryside in a very peaceful and quiet area, being the youngest in the family and the only girl I spent much time with the animals we had and doing simple things such as playing with dolls as a young child and enjoyed my own company in many ways in this world id created essentially. I attended mainstream primary and secondary schools and then at 23 I completed a bachelor of science in mental health nursing at the University of Limerick from 2002 to 2006. I have experienced anxiety, depression, panic attacks. All in varying degrees, however, in the last 3 years they have remarkably reduced. Depressive episodes are 1 to 2 a year and not as severe. Panic attacks have disappeared, and I don’t feel anxiety except for a rare occasion. Overall I feel the work I have done on myself and continue to do daily has paid off. I believe it can also be the case for others without dependence on medication and etc. in the long-term. This is my personal opinion. There are of course people who will need to remain stable on medication. Here it is invaluable. I’ve adopted the attitude that I shall take what I need from every course, person, experience, book etc. but I will ultimately do what’s best for myself and use what works for me. I’d like to share the ways in which I was helped to overcome much of the confusion, depression and anxiety of the past to where I am now, which is a place of a quiet knowing of myself in so many ways that I continue to discover every day that makes me grateful for the gift of life that I have been given and the gift of people in my life that make it all worthwhile. I am truly lucky and blessed. I could write chapters on the events that changed my life but for now I will put into bullet points what worked and what continues to work for me to improve my overall health, mood, and day to day life. If this helps even 1 person then it is always worthwhile. 1. Mentorship - I can’t stress enough the value of mentors in any way shape or form to guide people forward and as well to motivate and help people push past limitations. (I personally have had at least 5 to 6 mentors in my life) in different areas that have motivated me in numerous ways. 2. Self-awareness - There are so many books out there around this subject but ultimate self-awareness comes from within and as well from journaling, reflection, Counselling, CBT etc. The list goes on. All of value.


3. Meditation - When I began to attempt to meditate my concentration span was zero... It was difficult. Now I am available to teach meditation groups and do so from time to time. Obviously this is ten years down the line from when I attempted it first. 4. Physical Exercise - Depending of course on a person’s health and deemed fit by a doctor. I go to the gym as regularly as possible. (As well I have days that it’s hard to motivate myself) But as well anything that gets the body moving is good. E.g. dance, walking, sport. 5. Vitamins - Again best to make sure there are no contraindications to any medications you are taking. But what I find especially helpful are; B vitamins, plus a multivitamin, minerals, udos oil, seeds, fruit and vegetables and adequate protein in the diet. 6. Gratitude - The more grateful we are for what we have the more we will have to be grateful for. No matter how bad things feel or seem. There’s always something to be grateful for. That said at times it can be difficult when people suffer depression. But don’t forget. (This too shall pass) while you’re in that space be good to yourself and seek out a support of some sort. E.g. www.grow.ie or www.aware.ie who offer great support. 7. Love - Without Love in this world there would be nothing to really live for. For me I am lucky to have the Love of family, my children who are 17 and 16 now and have lived this journey along with me their whole lives, and as well the support of a great man who came into my life almost a year ago and accepted that every day will be different and every day we will grow and learn, no matter what comes our way. IN Conclusion, I feel that personally although there have been challenges in that Asperger Syndrome can be invisible outwardly to others which can be difficult when people have expectations of you fitting in to normal everyday situations. I would say to anyone with Asperger Syndrome to be yourself and nurture your own gifts and talents that can be hidden at times. I am lucky enough to have had people believe in my abilities along the way e.g. innate healing abilities and I have been encouraged to develop them until I realised the gifts I’ve been given. As well with singing now I am being mentored and helped in recent times to get out there and never give up and much time and effort is being put into this by my partner who is an accomplished musician and teacher. I have a desire to create a cd to raise money for Autism Charities in Limerick and Ireland and hopefully that will come about. If there are people who are interested in helping with this, whether they’d like to contribute to the cd or help to create it, it would be great. I am grateful for every mentor, and as well to everyone who said no as they all helped me to find my way. I’d like to add my email address to the article for anyone wanting to contact me about it. paulanash0@gmail.com as well I have a group on meetup.com in Limerick an Asd/Asperger syndrome group. I am also on twitter @paulanash1

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