I hate how you hurt me After promising you wouldn’t I hate how you lied to me And how you made me fear I hate that you always scream, And when you don’t, you cry I hate how you insult me And you mean it, I can see I hate what a bitch you are And how you talk behind my back I hate that with the friend I had first You talk about my flaws I hate that you used to come To the library in the morn I hate that you wait for her now And I sit alone, forlorn I hate that you don’t realise The days I’m hurt or sad And you just keep on talking About the Hunter fad I hate how you play the victim But you say it’s me who does it I hate that you don’t keep secrets And if I don’t, you have a fit I hate how angry you get When I correct your grammar I hate how if you correct me I should just sit and stammer I hate that when I tell you something To help you with your health You steam up and complain And say to bother someone else
I hate how you always tell me That my writing isn't good enough But if I say your art misses something You become the great bailif I hate how you insult me From how I think to how I act I hate that when I get angry You act as I can’t react I hate you talking about me With poeple you know I hate And using them to get back at me Until it’s sealed, my fate I hate you taking all my friends And acting as if they were first yours I hate your stupid attitude And how you rip people to the core I hate that you’re self-centred And you never even think That maybe, oh just maybe You’re bringing me closer to the brink And the thing I hate the most about you Is that I can’t bring me personally To stop loving you And hate you enough to flee