Casey House 2014-15 annual report

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inspired care Responding to the changing needs of our clients CASEY HOUSE ANNUAL REPORT 2 0 1 4 – 2 0 1 5

Board of Directors, 2014-15 James Alberding Guy Bethell, Vice Chair Joseph DeFoa


Karen de Prinse, Chief Nursing Executive, Director of Clinical Programs Joyce Fenuta, St. Michael’s Representative

MISSION We provide excellent, compassionate, interprofessional health services to people living with HIV/AIDS who have evolving complex health issues. We contribute our unique experience to a broader system of HIV/AIDS care, education and research. ORGANIZATIONAL VALUES


Sandeep Joshi

Long Service Staff Awards

Stephanie Karapita, Chief Executive Officer

5 yrs Katherine Burress

Mark Lachmann

Kathleen Sandusky

Debbie McDonald

Jennifer Wellman

James Owen, St. Michael’s Representative

•T he wisdom and life experiences brought by people living with HIV/AIDS

David Simmonds, Secretary

• Quality

Ann Stewart, Medical Director

Gillian Stacey, Chair Cynthia Stewart Darryl Sturtevant

• Integrity and accountability

Priya Tandon

•A home-like environment that is warm and welcoming

Christopher Walker, Treasurer

Jennifer Dewling Gord Hamilton 10 yrs Joe & Heather Toby 15 yrs Grant Maxted

Caroline Hubberstey

• Hope and compassion

Randy Coates

Claire Morris, Director of Finance and Operation

Ann Stewart, Medical Director

Leighton McDonald

Dawn Brereton

Steven Endicott, Chief Development Officer

Bryn Gray Mark Johnston

5 yrs

Karen de Prinse, Chief Nursing Executive and Director of Clinical Programs

Kelly Glass

Casey House embraces:

• Safety

Stephanie Karapita, Chief Executive Officer

Todd Ross, Director, Community Development & Information Services

Mark Garber

Long Service Volunteer Awards

Senior Team

15 yrs Kevin Gough Shereena Hoosein

20 yrs Rotraut Noble 25 yrs Pat Bass Stephanie McKay Lisa Sommers Arthur Wong

20 yrs Leleith Lawson Jennifer Naldrett

C C aa ss ee y y H Ho ou u ss ee – – II n n ss p p ii rr ee d d C C aa rr ee

Who we are CASEY HOUSE YESTERDAY, TODAY & TOMORROW Casey House is a specialty HIV/AIDS hospital with community programs including home nursing care and outreach. Founded in 1988, we were the first freestanding HIV/AIDS facility in Canada and the first freestanding hospice in Ontario. At that time, there were no effective treatments for HIV/AIDS and so Casey House pioneered the hospice care movement in Canada, leading the way in providing compassionate end-of-life care. Since that time, wonderful advances in HIV treatment have evolved and a diagnosis of HIV is no longer a terminal disease, if a person is able to access effective treatment. However, many people in our community face barriers to care, or have developed complications that result in a very complex burden of illness.


In keeping with our founding values, it is these people that Casey House serves today: The most sick, the most marginalized, the most alone. Continuing to pioneer HIV care in our community, in late 2016 Casey House is scheduled to open a greatly expanded facility that will feature a new model of care, including a new Day Health Program. These exciting advancements will launch a brand new approach to compassionate, inspired health care for people living with complex experiences of HIV/AIDS. To learn more about our present-day care and our future plans, please visit


Letter from Casey House Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer

What’s at the heart of change Adapting to change is at the root of Casey House’s pioneering health care leadership. When Casey House opened in 1988, we were the first freestanding AIDS hospice in Ontario. Health care providers from across Canada and beyond visited Casey House not just to learn how we cared for people who were dying of AIDS, but simply to learn about our innovative, holistic and compassionate approach to end of life care. Today our original mission of hospice care has transformed from end of life care into helping people live with the medical complexities of HIV and aging, which can include additional burdens such as cancer, heart disease, mental illness, cognitive impairment and substance use. Just as our clients must continuously adapt in order to cope effectively with their illness, Casey House must also adapt our model of care. In the decades to come, people living with HIV/AIDS will require more care and services. This has significant implications for the types of services Casey House offers and our work with other organizations to help meet the care needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Our skilled and dedicated staff team are continuously learning and adapting. This year, we introduced an expanded inpatient admission package and began a partnership with Toronto Public Health for our staff to receive training on how to better support 4

clients who use substances. Our fundraising team, as a result of an extensive strategic planning process, is working to ensure more sustainable revenue streams by shifting the current reliance on event revenue to support from leadership and individual gifts. While Casey House continues our inpatient, home care, and outreach programs, we are excited to have taken a bold step forward in Casey House’s evolution with the start of construction of our new home. Our new building will enable us to respond to the changing and escalating need for advanced HIV/AIDS care by providing space for an innovative model of HIV/AIDS care that includes a Day Health Program. Our staff teams have already begun the detailed preparatory work necessary to ensure that we will be ready when the new building is scheduled to open in late 2016. As we begin this new chapter in Casey House’s history, we are grateful to our donors and community of support for having the vision to support us. Each and every day, the expertise and compassion of our entire staff and volunteer team allows Casey House to provide the type of care our clients need and deserve. Together, we are on the path to great things. Gillian Stacey Chair, Casey House Board of Directors Stephanie Karapita Chief Executive Officer, Casey House

2014/15 Selected Achievements: • Started construction of our new home in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care and Infrastructure Ontario • R aised $8.7 million to date via the Capital Campaign to fund our share of the project; efforts continue to achieve our $10 million goal • Received an average overall satisfaction score of 9/10 from our clients • 100% of volunteers rated their experience as excellent or very good • Distributed 100 boxed sets of our Long-Term Care Video Series to long-term care facilities across Canada, via funding from MAC AIDS Fund and Canadian Association for HIV Research • Completed three specific quality initiatives including hand hygiene, an enhanced admission package, and two care pathways for anxiety and depression via Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care funding for late-career registered nurses

• Established a formal partnership with Toronto Public Health for our staff to receive training on how to better support clients who use substances • Provided placements to 32 students from nursing, medicine, social work, physiotherapy and public health programs • Participated in eight research projects, with Casey House serving as Principal Investigator for four • Reached agreement with St. Michael’s for the provision of information technology services • Completed a strategic plan for Casey House Foundation to ensure more sustainable revenue streams by shifting the current reliance on event revenue to revenue from leadership and individual gifts

CCaasseeyy HHoouussee –– IInnssppi irreedd CCaarree

Breaking new ground in HIV/AIDS health care! On March 30, 2015 hundreds from the Casey House community came together for a very special groundbreaking ceremony to mark the start of construction on our new 58,000-square-foot home for compassionate HIV/AIDS health care at the corner of Jarvis and Isabella Streets. WATCH THE VIDEO

“Casey House has a well-deserved reputation for 27 years of compassionate and innovative health care for people living with HIV/AIDS,” said Casey House Board Chair Gillian Stacey in her welcome. “Our new building will allow Casey House to introduce a new model of health care, to more than double our care capacity and improve the health and well-being of the thousands of men and women who will come through our new doors in the future.” Said client Todd Kaighin, “After more than a decade of planning and consultation, I am so delighted Casey House will now have a new home. A place where explanations are not required, and where compassion and support are always given. There are more of us than ever growing old with HIV, and many of us will need the kind of care Casey House provides.” ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015

Premier Kathleen Wynne remarked, “Our government is proud to support this project, and to build on Casey House’s history of care and compassion.... I think that all of us who have lost people we cared about to this disease are thinking about them today, so I want to acknowledge all the people who you’re all thinking about.” “Let’s recognize as we break ground today that it’s the beginning of so many new things that we have to keep on working to ensure that there aren’t gaps in care,” said Toronto-Centre MPP Glen Murray. “We have to work to ensure that people are not marginalized, that people never have to go through what we went through in those early days, and that we never forget where we came from, so that we never ever give up the fight.” Casey House’s new home for compassionate HIV/AIDS care is scheduled to open at the end of 2016. Please continue to check for updates and renderings of the new facility plans and photos as construction progresses. March 30: Breaking ground on the redevelopment are (L-R): Karen de Prinse, Chief Nursing Executive and Director of Clinical Programs; Todd Kaighin, client; Jack Manchester, grandson of June Callwood; Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam; Minister Glen Murray; Premier Kathleen Wynne; Gillian Stacey, Chair, Board of Directors; Jaime Watt, Chair, Capital Campaign; John Fraser, Vice Chair, Toronto Central LHIN Board of Directors; Mark Bonham, Lead Donor; Siamak Hariri, Architect; Stephanie Karapita, Chief Executive Officer. 5

How donors make inspired HIV/AIDS care possible at Casey House today COMMUNITY PROGRAMS Most of the money raised by Casey House Foundation supports our community programs, which are an essential daily lifeline for hundreds of vulnerable people living with advanced HIV/ AIDS in our community. This includes home nursing care, social work, case management and home making support as well as access to massage therapy and other therapeutic programs and services at 9 Huntley Street. Care is also provided at outreach clinics that bring our expertise and compassion to marginalized and underserved people living with HIV/ AIDS, in partnership with other agencies INPATIENT CARE For people living with advanced HIV/ AIDS who require sub-acute care in one of our beds at 9 Huntley Street. Donor funding complements funding from Toronto Central LHIN for additional vital services including massage therapy, recreational therapies and the Resident Care and Comfort Fund.

A behind-the-scenes look at an essential technique for supporting our clients through change.


EDUCATION & RESEARCH Partially funded by donors in addition to the AIDS Bureau of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Casey House provides seminars and symposia for care providers and clinicians throughout Toronto as well as training and preceptorships for the next generation of HIV/AIDS care providers. We also advance research into health care delivery for people living with complex presentations of HIV/AIDS.

Your generosity finds its way into every point of service at Casey House. Together with your help, we’re transforming HIV/AIDS care in our city. Thank you. 6

Motivational Interviewing

Motivational interviewing is a clientcentered, collaborative, empathic communication and counselling approach that supports the client’s own discovery of behaviour changes that he or she might choose to make for improved health – such as reducing drug and alcohol use, quitting smoking, going on a diet, starting an exercise program or taking medication consistently and as prescribed. “Motivational interviewing has proven to be a very effective way for our staff to partner with clients and work progressively towards achieving their desired health and life outcomes,” says Karen de Prinse, Chief Nursing Executive and Director of Clinical Programs at Casey House. Motivational interviewing recognizes and accepts that everybody approaches change in their lives with different levels of readiness. Using open-ended questions and focusing on the present, the Casey House care team works with clients to identify and reflect on their behaviours that might have

consequences or risks, and explore their ambivalence to change. They build strategies and identify motivations for changing a particular behaviour if it is not consistent with their personal values or goals. Together, the Casey House team member works with the client to identify goals that are small, important to the client, specific, realistic, and oriented in the present or near future. Success in achieving these goals is acknowledged, no matter how large or small. “Casey House is very client-centered and motivational interviewing is an important way for our team to engage clients in their health care,” says de Prinse. “We help them to build skills to make ongoing choices not only about their care but about other life circumstances too. By supporting and empowering our clients to identify their own health care goals and work progressively towards them, we can help them secure their desired care that will lead to improved health and well-being.”

Casey House – Inspired Care

Revenues & Expenses Casey House Hospice Inc.

Condensed Statement of Revenue and Expenditures and Changes in Net Assets For the year ended March 31, 2015

Casey House Foundation

2015 $

2014 $

4,936,917 951,492 127,327 38,594 231,111 134,675 (5,117) 6,414,999

4,880,054 817,888 115,292 27,320 210,712 134,782 52,548 6,238,596

Expenditures Salaries and benefits General and administrative Interest Pharmaceuticals Resident/client care Building and maintenance Amortization of property and equipment

4,936,974 436,957 46,104 371,954 243,980 209,653 270,420 6,516,042

4,747,333 398,833 46,535 401,260 247,934 216,799 271,640 6,330,334

Deficiency of revenue over expenditures for the year



Unrestricted net assets – Beginning of year



Unrestricted net assets – End of year



Revenue Provincial grants Grants from Casey House Foundation Community Care Access Centre billings Interest Other Amortization of deferred contributions and grants Realized investment gain

Condensed Statement of Revenue and Expenditures For the year ended March 31, 2015 Revenue Donations Bequests Special events Donations in kind Interest and other

2015 $

2014 $

1,639,125 55,988 1,001,058 340,700 93,706 3,130,577

2,117,702 232,174 906,185 366,200 151,288 3,773,549

Expenditures Fundraising and special events Administrative* Donations in kind Amortization of equipment

938,033 484,912 340,700 400 1,764,045

1,046,258 458,043 366,200 443 1,870,944

Excess of revenue over expenditures before the following items



Change in fair value of investments



Grants to Casey House Hospice Inc.





Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures for the year

* During the year, the Foundation adopted Section 3463 “Reporting employee future benefits by not-for-profit organizations” of the CPA Handbook Part III. In accordance with the transitional provisions, changes in accounting policies have been applied retrospectively for comparative purposes.



Embracing positive change “Casey House has never just done what everyone else is doing. Its unique role as a centre of excellence and innovation in HIV health care is what distinguished Casey House from the beginning. This reputation continues today, and I believe that it will continue into the future, through all the changes ahead.” Y Scott Mullin, Vice President of Community Relations, TD Bank. Casey House Leadership Donor and WATCH THE Former Board Member VIDEO

“When I first started volunteering at Casey House 18 years ago, most people died in care. It was rare to see someone go home. Today, that experience has changed so much. Now, when people come to Casey House, they may be really sick and many people might expect them to die. They might expect that themselves. But you learn at Casey House that when people get the love and treatment that they need, they can recover enough to go home and live independently. I’ve seen it happen so many times. They may need ongoing support from the Casey House community team, and often, they’ll need to come back to Casey House at some point for care. But it’s different because from then on, they know that Casey House is here to help. They’re no longer alone.” Y Avi Mani, Volunteer, Casey House WATCH THE Weekend Reception Desk VIDEO


“I’m grateful for the help we get from Casey House, because now I can concentrate on staying alive. Without Casey House, Peter and I couldn’t make it on our own. They make a big difference for me. Things are different now, with me in this wheelchair and having to depend on Peter for everything. It isn’t what we ever imagined in our lives. But at least with Casey House, with their help, I know I can do it. And we’re doing pretty well. So I want to say thank you.” YRichard Gravett, Casey House Client


“Money cannot buy the care and love that we receive from everyone at Casey House. As soon as you walk into Casey House, you see that the caring goes way beyond what you’d expect from a normal hospital. If donors want to know where their money goes, and what they’re supporting, they should know how special it is. Yes, when you give, you get a tax deduction, but you should also be proud that when you give to Casey House, you’re helping this very special type of care. I know this because it’s the reality for Richard and me every day.” YPeter Crawford, Richard’s Partner


Casey House – Inspired Care

“Without Casey House, I would not be here today, feeling strong and being a good mother to my child. Saying thank you is not enough, but it’s all that I can do. All that I have to give back to Casey House is my thanks, and my story. I want people to know that they saved my life, and they gave my son back his mother. I want other women to know that they should not feel shame because they have HIV. And to keep hoping. Even when it seems there is no hope left, a change can happen.” YJoy, Casey House Client



“I’m glad that we have Casey House here to help in the community, because a lot of people have nobody else to turn to. Casey House is there to take them in and help them out. That’s why Grant and I give whatever money we can to help out with the operation of Casey House. I really believe that when you give you also receive, because it makes you feel good in your heart. So when Grant leaves to do another volunteer shift at Casey House, I say “Go! Go right ahead!” because I know it makes him feel good, too.”

“So many clients have experienced the sort of adversity that can affect your social skills and your ability to cope with daily life. And when you’re sick and depressed – nobody’s at their best. I see clients struggle with this. But at Casey House, people are shown acceptance and treated with care and compassion, no matter what their circumstances. I know that this approach has a positive effect because I see that trust build. Clients start to feel better about themselves, and this leads to treating their bodies and their health better. So their recovery is enhanced by that positive attitude, by being accepted and not judged.”

YAlex Salanga, Donor

Y Dr. Grant Maxted, Donor and Volunteer



At Casey House, you quickly learn not to take a situation for granted. It’s important to keep an open mind and be present to the needs of our clients. Often a client who seems to be in a really terrible health situation will show amazing strength and resiliency. No matter how experienced we are in our practice, every nurse here at Casey House has his or her own story about someone who surprised us with his or her ability to persevere and rebound from terrible health and life conditions. For me, it’s a reminder that no matter how much we think we know as professionals, it’s always important to slow down and listen to our clients, to bring the arts of honesty and creativity into our practice. That’s what really helps to move people forward on their paths in this life. Y Glenna Fraumeni, Registered Nurse, Casey House Community Program



Event Report

Art With Heart Casey House’s signature auction of contemporary Canadian art Presented by TD Bank Group, Casey House’s Art With Heart on October 7 once again brought the Canadian contemporary art community to The Carlu. Casey House’s most significant single fundraiser each year, Art With Heart raised over $720,000. This brings the total raised at Art With Heart events over 21 years to more than $6 million for Casey House’s community HIV/AIDS health care programs. CO-CHAIRS Jacques Bernier Pam Dinsmore CURATORIAL CO-CHAIRS April Hickox Jane Hutchison Mark your calendar: Art With Heart 2015 will take place on October 6, 2015


Voices of Hope Annual concert for World AIDS Day Toronto once again rallied on World AIDS Day December 1 in support of compassionate HIV/AIDS care at Casey House, with hundreds attending a beautiful concert and candlelight ceremony at Metropolitan United Church. The event raised over $70,000 for Casey House. Additional Voices of Hope concerts were hosted by our regional partners, Dr. Peter AIDS Foundation (Vancouver) and Maison du Parc (Montreal). Proceeds from all three concerts are shared with our national partner, CANFAR. CO-CHAIRS: Rev. Dr. John Joseph Mastandrea Benoit-Daniel Lafleche PRODUCERS: Lesley Ballantyne and Briane Nasimok, Herculean Productions

Third Party Fundraising Events Organized and funded by community groups, clubs, businesses or individuals, a third party event is a wonderful way to raise funds for compassionate HIV/AIDS care at Casey House. For information about how your event can support our special care, please contact us at 416-962-4040 ext. 232. Monogram Dinner by Design Redefining the traditional fundraising cocktail/dinner party, Dinner by Design was a multi-event fundraiser held in January 2015 that brought together eleven internationally celebrated designers and local talent to create three-dimensional dining installations that awed, inspired and delighted attendees. The event raised over $185,000. The net proceeds were divided evenly between Casey House and Design Exchange. Special thanks to Philippe Meyersohn for spearheading this exciting fundraiser.

Red Rose Ball In April, The Red Rose Ball of The St. George’s Society of Toronto paid tribute to acclaimed actor and commentator Rick Mercer with its Award of Merit for his contributions to the community. In addition to supporting the many charitable works of St. George’s, the evening of fun and frivolity at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel raised funds for Casey House, at Mr. Mercer’s request. We are grateful to Mr. Mercer and the St. George’s Society of Toronto for their generous support. CO-CHAIRS: Mark Robert Michèle McCarthy

Mark your calendar: Voices of Hope 2015 will be on World AIDS Day, December 1 Casey House – Inspired Care

Donors: Rebuilding Lives Capital Campaign Casey House extends our warm thanks to the many generous donors who have made campaign contributions to date. This list includes all donors who have made gifts of $500 or more. $1,000,000 + Mark S. Bonham $500,000 - $999,999 The Harold E. Ballard Foundation The Faas Foundation $250,000 - $499,999 BMO Financial Group The George Cedric Metcalf Foundation The Samuel Sanford Family The R. Howard Webster Foundation Jaime Watt and Paul Ferguson $100,000 - $249,999 Diane Blake and Stephen Smith David Daniels and Kate Alexander Daniels The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation Stan I. Griffin Michael S. Higgins Heather Killough Jim Lawrence and David Salak M.A.C AIDS Fund Hon. Margaret McCain McLean Smits Family Foundation Peter Milligan and Dorene MacAulay RBC Foundation In Honour of John McWhinnie from his friend Tevya Rosenberg Alan Rowe and Bryan Blenkin Scotiabank George Smitherman in memory of Christopher Peloso TD Bank Group $50,000 - $99,999 William Graham Jefferson and Sally Mappin T.R. Meighen Family Foundation the video at Timothy Thompson and MatthewWatch Campbell Joe and Heather Toby and 2 anonymous donors


$25,000 - $49,999 Heather Armstrong and Lance Rishor Paul Boniferro CIBC Wayne and Isabel Fox Sheryl and David Kerr The Gear Foundation Ian V. Nordheimer Unifor and 1 anonymous donor $10,000-$24,999 Michael Allen and Kelvin Browne James R. Beattie and Family Daphne Beauroy in Memory of Roger Griffin Jim Belshaw and Frank Carroll Jim Beninger and Chris McDonald J.P. Bickell Foundation Steven J. Blackburn and Tino Corsetti Stephen Brown Brian Cartwright Meredith Cartwright Heather Cartwright and Hilary Wyche Jacki Challenger and David Kanester John F. Clifford Mark and Joseph Climie-Elliott Craig Daniel and James Turner Sasha Darling DeMarco Family Jeronimo De Miguel Paul J. Devereaux Karen de Prinse Robert DiStefano Donner Canadian Foundation Alex Eaton Paul Ellis Paul Felstein Andrew Fleming and Roger Keglevich Isabel and Margaret Flood in memory of Maurice Flood Victor Ford John R. Fortney and Garren Anthony Mark and Diane Fujita Gary Funderlich and Bob Ridgeway Jonas Giesen and Greg Kim Bruce Goudy

The Al Green Gallery Dr. Charlie B. Guiang Hal Jackman Foundation David Hirsh Geoffrey Hogarth Keith Holland Caroline Hubberstey Mark W. Johnston Kaatza Foundation Karim Karsan and John Rider Bill Keay and Jordan Johnston Dennis Keefe and Dr. John Jordan Gale M. Kelly Elias Kibalian Shelley Kirkbride Dr. Mark Lachmann Don E. Langill Spencer Lanthier and Diana Bennett Joshua Lawson and Michael Hathaway Edward Lee and John Burns Arlyn Levy and Gail Hawkins Farrell Macdonald and Timothy M. Banks Martha L.A. McCain Michèle McCarthy Scott MacEachern Dr. Grant Maxted and Alex Salanga Debbie McDonald Leighton McDonald Kate McGilvray and David Pathe Charles D. McKee, Jr. and Joseph G. Hamilton Brian McKeen and Brian Wilding Graham McLeod and Tim O’Fallon James and Sue McPhedran Todd Melendy Philippe Meyersohn Donald Middleton and Clayton Willis Philip Mitchell Design Inc. John Sanford Moore Bill Morneau and Nancy McCain Brigid Murphy E. Llana Nakonechny Nancy’s Very Own Foundation Paul V. Noble Dr. Greg O’Donohue and Stephen Voisin Thomas O’Shaughnessy and Omar Dallal Michael O’Sullivan

Brian Provini and Ron Harris Gary Ramsdale - In Memory of Lloyd Brown Mark Robert and Jim Johnson James Robertson and Davide Rupiani Benny Romano Rush/Anthem - Alex Lifeson, Geddy Lee, Neil Peart and Ray Danniels Sage Investments Limited Brian Shacketon Esteban and Brad Schmale Gary Searle Wendy Shaw and David Kent Richard Silver and Benoit-Daniel LaFleche The Sixty Three Foundation Tristan Sones Gillian Stacey Dr. Martin Sterling William Sumpton and Christopher Robinson Dr. Andrew Taylor and G. Stephen Dembroski Kendra Toby Erika Toby-Wagner Tom Tower Daniel Turko Markus Tyler In Honour of Sharyn Vincent Gavin Westermann Stewart Whittingham and Stuart Kauffmann Daniel Wright and Douglas Moffatt Yabu Pushelberg and 3 anonymous donors $5,000 - $9,999 The Lawrence and Frances Bloomberg Foundation Thomas H. Beechy and Brian McBurney Vincenta Cheng Dr. Brian Cornelson Sandra Cruickshanks and Tom McCauley Peter Erlendson Bob Gibson and Paul Willis The Joan and Clifford Hatch Foundation Stephanie Karapita and O’Neil Smith Brian MacDonald and Graeme Marney Labatt Breweries of Canada Lou and Jennifer Pagnutti Laurie Pawlitza 11

Andrew and Valerie Pringle Scotia Life Financial Services Mary Dawn Thomson Tribute Communities David Wilson $1,000 - $4,999 Holly and Richard Benson Josée Bertrand and Maggie Cassella Sheila Block James Burn Diana Cafazzo and Paul Bagnell Robin Cardozo and Jeff Richardson Alberta Cefis Canadian Association for Pyschidynamic Therapy Canadian College of Health Leaders Dean Carlson Caroline Dabu Patrick Devine Steven Endicott Face 2 Face Events Management Howard Fergusson Robert G. Forsey Robert Gage Dr. Abbas Ghavam-Rassoul Lisa Gibson and Andrew Titley David and JoAnne Gilmer Bryn Gray Lindy Green Jason Grier Barbara Hall and Max Beck Ernest and Rivette Herzig Patricia Hetherington IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Sandeep J. Joshi Christopher Kelly John King The Henry White Kinnear Foundation The McLean Foundation Medavie Blue Cross Dr. John R. Miller Tim Moseley Pearse Murray Ontario Hospital Association OPSEU OPSEU Local 501 Edita and Graeme Page Neil E. Peart Susan Portner David W. Pretty Judith Purves Ethel Rosenberg Rotary Club of Woodstock Lillian Scott Randy D. Semmens Brian J. Shackleton Taras Shipowick Shoppers Drug Mart Life Foundation David B. Simmonds 12

Lawrence Snook Dr. Ann Stewart Darryl Sturtevant Brian Trevorrow Geddy Weinrib Barbara Whylie and 2 anonymous donors $500-$999 Dr. P. A. Adamson Carolyn Purden Anthony Guy Bethell Peter Blahnik Brenda Butters Paul Couillard Jane Darville Kelly Glass Goring Family Foundation at the Toronto Community Foundation Jane Gill & Associates Daniel Kennedy Joanne Lamberton Elwood Langley Laura Mandryk Michael McKeon Dr. M. L. Myers Peter Nosalik Jerry Rippetoe John Roeleveld Jill and David Roussy Robert C. Smith Cynthia Stewart Derek Stonley George Turnbull Derek Vanstone William Wilson and 9 anonymous donors

Donors & Friends We would like to recognize and thank the following donors and sponsors who have generously made gifts to support Casey House programs and services during the fiscal year April 1, 2014 – March 31, 2015. Individuals $10,000+ Gerald Lunz and Rick Mercer Kenneth and Jane Reucassel Mark Steinfeld In honour of Chaim and Rosaline Steinfeld Timothy Thompson and Matthew Campbell Beverley Vanstone and 1 anonymous donor $5,000 - $9,999 Thomas Deacon Stan I. Griffin Gale M. Kelly Edward Lee and John Burns James LeNoury Ian V. Nordheimer Gary Ramsdale - In Memory of Lloyd Brown Gillian Stacey Nicole Tellier Hon. Brian V. Tobin Bruce Towler and 2 anonymous donors $1,000 - $4,999 Jamie Alexander Ronald A. Anderson Daphne Beauroy in Memory of Roger Griffin Thomas H. Beechy and Brian McBurney James Belshaw and Frank Carroll Jacques Bernier and Lynn Bilodeau Gerry Boushel Glyndon Bowie Raymond Boyce Donna Bray Paul Bush Denise Carpenter

Janinna Caverly Simon Clements Robert Colson and Suellen Hanet Lisa Conway Sandra Cruickshanks and Tom McCauley Bradley Davies Joseph Defoa Sean G. Doyle Paul Dykeman Paul Ellis Steven Endicott Peter Erlendson Gareth Faulkner Joanne Ferstman Victor Festing Patricia Fletcher David Fotheringham Ray Friedman Pedur Fure Paul Gauthier Bob Gibson and Paul Willis Robert H. Gibson Anthony Giosi Dr. J. Lawrence Gitterman and John Gilchrist Kelly Glass Dr. Christopher Graham William Graham John Grand Christopher Grimston Peter Gooderham Laurie Goodman Ernest and Rivette Herzig Wayne Horchover Brian Howard Rob Howe Dana Humphrey Alan Husdal Donald Johnson Mark W. Johnston Casey House – Inspired Care

Stephanie Karapita and O’Neil Smith Moez Kassam Alek Krstajic Bruce Lawson Joshua Lawson and Michael Hathaway Marco Mancini Ruth Mandel Jane E. Martin Reynolds Mastin Dugald McArthur Todd Melendy Peter Milligan and Dorene MacAulay Graeme Mitchell Philip Mitchell and Mark Narsansky Patrick Morley E. Llana Nakonechny Robert Noakes Perry Orestes James Owen George Papatheodorou and Kenneth Deeth Paul J. Pape Doug Paterson Sidney Peck David Pradana Brian Provini and Ron Harris Robbie Pryde Dr. Linda Rapson Rosetta Raso - 1822823 Ontario Inc. Dave Ritchie Joe Robert Alan Rowe and Bryan Blenkin Laura Rubino Geoff Rytell Alex Schroen and Elisa Williams-Schroen A.S. Shaw The Shevlen Family Richard Silver and Benoit-Daniel Lafleche Kyle Spencer Stephen Taylor - Taylor Made Designs David and Sheryl Tenszen Heather M. Thomson Erika Toby-Wagner Dr. Melvin Tonken John Wedler Stewart Whittingham and Stuart Kauffmann Jim and Penny Williamson Arthur Wong and 14 anonymous donors $500 - $999 Ashley Abbott Eileen Adams Lorna Anderson Caroline Andrewes Peter T. Arciuch ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015

William and Ruth Aston Steven Bailey Steven Baum Paul and Kathleen Beeston Janet Bodley J. Paul Boudreau Andrew Braithwaite Robert Brews Ernest Brown Noreen Burns Robin Cardozo and Jeff Richardson Denise Carpenter Beverley Chernos Caralyn Cipin Sherri Clarkson Paul Crake Robert Coates Tony D’Addario Caroline Dabu Elizabeth Dalgleish and Gregory Thomas Ronald Dawick Rufus Dickinson Jane Donald Peter Duck Robert and Ellen Eisenberg Kathryn Elder Robert Elgie Nadia Ferkul John Flannery David and Yvonne Fleck Susan Guichon Valerie Gow Bill and Aileen Halpenny Gord Hamilton Dale Hewat J. Bradley Holland Keith J. Holland B. C. Holmes Joan Hood Dr. Richard Hsiung Norman Hunt Richard and Donna Ivey John Jordan and Dennis Keefe James Kitchen Nathan Kolla Lindsay and Wulfred Kronenberg Ulrike Kuprath Michael Laine Laura Lamarche Guy Leduc Dr. Roger Levesque Maureen Mahan Diana Massiah Christian Mathieu Shawn McReynolds and Elaine Kierans

Charles D. McKee, Jr. and Joseph G. Hamilton Donald McKenzie Del Milbrandt Vaughn Miller Robert Mitchell John Mountain and Greg George Susan Mullin Steve Munro Glenne Murray Thomas O’Shaughnessy and Omar Dallal Vincent Patterson Gordon Peck Michael Peck Ellen Pickering Susan Portner Kevin Rowe H. Rumball Barbara Saipe Mark Samuel and Kevin Sanford Brian J. Shackleton Gord Shearn and Jeff Riffle Arthur Sheps Taras Shipowick Robin Steenburg Eileen Stuebing Darryl Sturtevant Courtland Thomson John Tossell Kathryn van der Horden Brent Vickar Denis Paul Vincent John H. Wallace James Walton Richard Wilson and 5 anonymous donors Endowments Hortst Dantz and Don Quick Fund June Callwood Legacy Fund Paul de Hueck and Mary Davern Care for the Caregiver Fund The Basil King Fund The Bonham Operating Fund The Giovanni Giammanco Special Purpose Fund Bequests The Estate of John Crang The Estate of Paul de Hueck The Estate of Larry Hoath The Estate of Wendy Catherine Hunter The Estate of Vera Jacyk The Estate of Jane Martin McMillen The Estate of Michael Reed The Estate of Gabriel Villada

Friends InDeed Legacy Society Geraldine Baird Jason Bazinet Keith Bell and Sassan Rod Mrs. Emily DeMerchant Sean G. Doyle Graham Edwards in memory of Stephen Edwards In memory of Stephen A. Forester Jack L. Garlent Paul Gauthier Steven Gordon and Ronald Kemp John Gunn Jack C. Hallam Ph. D. Ron Harris Jaye and Vern Holland Mark W. Johnston Harry Kemp Bernard and Helen Lamb Bruce Lawson Brian MacDonald and Graeme Marney George Marsland Grant Maxted and Alex Salanga Stuart Mealey and Lorne Anderson Pearse Murray Stephen Muscat E. Llana Nakonechny Glenn Osborne in memory of Dean Jeffrey Kaiser Laurie Pawlitza Susan Portner Brian Provini and Ron Harris Carolyn Purden Anthony Bruce Retallick and Ferdinand Oca Jim Robertson and Jim Scott Brian J. Shackleton Robert Churchill Smith James Walton Jaime Watt and Paul Ferguson Jim and Penny Williamson Daniel R. Wright and Douglas Moffatt and 22 anonymous donors Corporations $50,000 + Manulife Financial TD Bank Group $25,000 - $49,999 Sun Life Financial $10,000 - $24,999 Interac M.A.C AIDS Fund Rogers Communications Inc Scotiabank Urbacon Winners Merchants International 13

$5,000 - $9,999 Abbvie Great-West Life, London Life and Canada Life Norton Rose Fulbright TELUS ViiV Healthcare in partnership with Shire

The K.M. Hunter Charitable Foundation The Norman and Margaret Jewison Charitable Foundation Jackman Foundation Pace Family Foundation The Timothy D. Mayer Charitable Foundation

$1,000 - $4,999

Community Events Bikram Yoga Yonge Centennial College Diving for Life U.C. Literary & Athletic Society

Bennett Jones LLP Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg LLP Industrial Alliance JK Hannaford Barristers Laishley Reed LLP OCAD University Peloso Alexander Interiors – Glen Peloso and Jamie Alexander Employee and Community Groups $5,000+ Scotiabank Bright Future $1,000+ BMO Nesbitt Burns Fountain of Hope Forest Hill Lions Club RBC Financial Group - Employees’ Charity Trust Rotaract Club of Toronto Rotary Club of Belleville United Way of Ottawa York University $500 - $999 Apotex Inc. IBM Employees’ Charitable Fund Manulife Financial Rogers Communications Inc. Foundations $25,000+ The Geoffrey H. Wood Foundation $10,000 - $24,999 The Catherine and Maxwell Meighen Foundation Audrey S. Hellyer Charitable Foundation The Conn Smythe Foundation Posluns Family Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999

REALTORS Care Foundation McLean Smits Family Foundation

$1,000 - $4,999

The Alastair and Jennifer Murray Foundation The McLean Foundation Ridge Trust The W. P. Scott Charitable Foundation The BLG Foundation


Third Party Events The St. George’s Society of Toronto’s Red Rose Ball in support of Casey House BMO Financial Group TD Bank Group Scotiabank McCarthy Law Stephen and Jane Beatty CIBC Wood Gundy Cineplex Media CISCO Delaney Capital Management GE Appliances Interac Maritz Loyalty Marketing Navigator NEI Investments OCAD University Provision Lasik & Cataract Centre RBC Royal Bank Ryerson University Sionna Investment Managers University of Toronto Beretta Family Farms Chapman’s Hello! Canada Rosseau Asset Management Ron D. Barbaro The Honourable Henry N.R. Jackman, Mrs. Gretchen Ross Yabu Pushelberg Inc. Mr. Tom Pam Monogram Dinner By Design in support of Casey House and The Design Exchange Aya Kitchens Azure Publishing Inc. Caesarstone Chestnut Park DAC Group Elte GE Appliances GE Monogram

KPMB Kravet Canada Manulife Financial Maverick Moen Nespresso Ove Brand PHD Canada Richelieu Shangri-La Hotels Spafax Stone Tile TE Wealth Umbra Event Sponsors and Gifts in Kind AKAU Framing & Art Inc. AXA Insurance Glenn Bell Daniel et Daniel Fero Transport Imperial Coffee and Services Ltd. Joe and Heather Toby Leslie Fink Appraisals Loblaws at Maple Leaf Gardens Mark J. Mooney and Associates McCarthy Tétrault Metropolitan United Church Monnet Design Navis - Fine Art Packaging & Transportation Specialists OCADU Epson Imaging Lab Perry Tung - Bonhams Canada Dr. Joel Ray Razart Installation Services Inc. Red Rocket Coffee Stephen Ranger - Waddington’s TC Transcontinental Printing The Carlu The New Classical 96.3 FM Toni Hafkenscheid Westbury National Show Systems Ltd. Art With Heart Artists Shelley Adler Michael Antkowiak Nicholas Aoki Stephen Appleby-Barr Shuvinai Ashoona Melanie Authier Michael Awad Mike Badour Matt Bahen Cara Barer Alex Bierk Jeff Bierk

Genevieve Blais Jesse Boles Kotama Bouabane Jordan Broadworth Jason Brown Kristina Burda Robert Burley Paul Butler Alex Cameron Tammi Campbell Maryanne Casasanta David Clark Douglas Coupland Chris Cran Max Dean Jason Deary Susan Dobson Pierre Dorion Kim Dorland Scott Everingham Joe Fleming Will Gill Greg Girard Will Gorlitz Mike Gough Heather Graham Adad Hannah Michael Harrington Colleen Heslin April Hickox Thaddeus Holownia Simon Hughes Hanna Hur Krisjanis Kaktins-Gorsline Garry Neill Kennedy James Kirkpatrick Chris Kline Kris Knight Jean-Francois Lauda Erin Loree Aaron MacDonald Virginia Mak Kal Mansur Jenine Marsh Bobby Mathieson Elizabeth McIntosh Keita Morimota Janet Morton Ken Nicol Rafael Ochoa Erik Olson Celia Perrin Sidarous Ed Pien Derrick Piens Sasha Pierce Tim Pitsiulak

John Player Jean-Benoit Pouliot Ned Pratt Nicholas Pye Sheila Pye Elise Rasmussen Ianick Raymond Jeanie Riddle Mitch Robertson Jillian Kay Ross Nicotye Samayualie Daniel Scinocca Ramón Serrano Anna Snyder Barbara Steinman Derek Sullivan Diana Thorneycroft Janna Watson Shirley Wiitasalo Elise Windsor Voices of Hope Performers Jose Arias as Dyna Thirst Dillan Chiblow Gavin Crawford Jordan Klapman Gerald Martindale Sharron Matthews Avery Raquel Oasis Vocal Jazz Shaun Proulx - Host

Casey House – Inspired Care

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You Can Help

Nobody should have to manage this devastating disease alone. For as long as we are needed, Casey House will be here, continually adapting to support the diverse health care needs of people living with HIV/AIDS in our community. But we can only do it with your help. More people in Toronto are living with HIV than in 1988, when we first opened our doors. We need your support today more than ever. Together, we’re opening the door to a new future of HIV/AIDS care. We’d love to share our news with you. Please sign up for our email newsletter at

Design: Sara Purves, Photography: Glenn Bell, ANNUAL REPORT 2014-2015

Writing, Project Management: Kathleen Sandusky



1. Support Ongoing Programs & Services Make a one-time or monthly donation to our ongoing programs and services.

• Donate quickly and securely online at

2. Make a Generous Rebuilding Lives Capital Campaign Gift Pledge a gift to our Capital Campaign, helping to transform the future of HIV/AIDS care in our city.

• Email us at

3. Estate Planning You can help to ensure your legacy of caring and compassion continues long after you are gone. Please remember Casey House in your will and estate plans.

• Call us any time: 416-962-4040 ext. 232

Casey House 9 Huntley Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2K8 Charitable Registration No. 10687 8374 RR0001




Exemplary compassionate health care for people living with HIV/AIDS

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