Sarasota Opera House | November 22 - 23, 2024

Executive Director
Joseph Volpe

Welcome to The Sarasota Ballet’s performances of Sir Peter Wright’s hauntingly beautiful Giselle. Considered by many to be the greatest and most authentic production of this iconic romantic ballet, it is a tale of love, betrayal, heartbreak, and ultimately, redemption through forgiveness. Performed by all the great ballet companies in the world, Giselle is the crowning achievement of the romantic ballet era and perfectly exemplifies how this art form is a living tradition—taught, preserved, adapted, and handed down from generation to generation. This is particularly true with our Assistant Director Margaret Barbieri staging these performances and passing on her intimate knowledge, unparalleled artistry, and remarkable understanding of the ballet that comes from working directly with Sir Peter Wright both as a Principal Dancer and as a Répétiteur staging his production. Margaret's profound connection to Giselle also comes from her own illustrious career, having danced the role with The Royal Ballet and as a Guest Artist with companies around the globe. At the young age of 21, Margaret was chosen from The Royal Ballet corps de ballet to perform the lead role of Giselle at Covent Garden, a rare and extraordinary achievement that began her journey to become one of the most revered romantic prima ballerinas of her time.
Today, our dancers are truly privileged as she generously shares her wealth of experience with them all. Through her superb coaching, her attention to the smallest of details, and her imparting the delicate nuances of the choreography, Margaret is truly continuing not only the legacy of Giselle but passing the torch on to the next generation of dancers and enhancing the artistic excellence of The Sarasota Ballet.
Program Two | November 22 – 23, 2024



Assistant Director
Margaret Barbieri
Iain Webb
Executive Director
Joseph Volpe
Jessica Assef, Marijana Dominis, Macarena Gimenez, Ricardo Graziano, Jennifer Hackbarth, Maximiliano Iglesias, Ricardo Rhodes, Luke Schaufuss
Character Principal
Ricki Bertoni
First Soloists
Sierra Abelardo, Daniel Pratt
Evan Gorbell, Yuki Nonaka, Lauren Ostrander, Ivan Spitale, Trevor Stalcup
Kennedy Falyn Cassada, Willa Frantz, Samuel Gest, Mischa Goodman, Dominique Jenkins, Emelia Perkins, Paige Young
Corps de Ballet
Daniel Ayala, Cooper Blankenburg, Mihai Costache, Olivia Dugan, Israel Ellis, Joshua Fickling, Mark Hare, Jonah Glickman, Andrea Marcelletti, Jordan Micallef, Alessandra Nova, Bel Pickering, Gabriella Schultze, Samantha Stillwell, Juliano Weber, Brooke Wilson
Anna Victoria Camacho, Savannah Campbell, Ella Lau, Simon Plante, Nina Reis, Emmanuelle Watkins, Felipe Zapiola
Senior Director of Philanthropy
Michelle Butler Director
Maya Collins
Amy Wensley
Katie Zak
Judi King
Barbara Epperson
William Ingramm
Jeanne Leo
Heyckal Taveras
Christian Cudnik
Rod Kelly
Victoria Hulland
Octavio Martin
Ethan Vail
Brienne Cooper
Diana Childs
Zara Baroyan
Christopher Hird
Charmaine Hunter
Bradley Shoemaker-Webster
Kelly Sullivan
Ashley Baszto
Risa Kaplowitz

Company Staff
General Manager
Jason W. Ettore
Senior Development Officer
Senior Development Associate Development Associate
HR & Finance Administrator
Executive Assistant
Tessitura Database Administrator
Marketing Director
Graphic Designer
Digital Media Producer
Box Office & House Manager
Artistic Staff
Artistic Assistant to the Directors Ballet Master
Production Staff
Production Manager & Lighting Designer
Wardrobe Assistant
Stage Manager
Class Pianist
Finance Director
Amy Miller
Doricha Sales
Sara Kious
Katherine Knowles
Leslie Van Brink
Luba Khasik
John Johnson
Kelsey Simpson
Mikenna Bowers
Bryan Lewis
Jessica Lang
Roman Rykine
Jerry Wolf
Glen Edwards
Doug Nicholson
Carl Haan
Education & Community Engagement Staff
Education Director
Community Engagement Director
Education Administrative Manager
School Administrator
Full-Time Faculty
Full-Time Faculty
Dierdre Miles Burger
Jennifer Welch Cudnik
Sabrina Ortiz
Hannah Lanese
Alberto Blanco
Addul Manzano
Development Officer
Special Event Coordinator
Grants Manager
Company Manager
Finance Assistant
IT Consultant
Marketing & Design Specialist
Marketing Coordinator
Box Office Associate
Toulmin & O’Neil Artist in Residence Ballet Master
Head of Wardrobe
Facilities Coordinator
Production Consultant
Class Pianist
Assistant Education Director
Principal of The Sarasota Ballet School
Program Facilitator, DNG
Community Engagement Administrator
Full-Time Faculty
Full-Time Faculty


Count Albrecht of Silesia has recently been betrothed to Bathilde, the daughter of the Duke of Courland. In an attempt to experience more of life before his arranged marriage, Albrecht disguises himself as the peasant 'Loys,' and inadvertently falls in love with a young and sensitive village girl, Giselle. She in turn falls madly in love with him and rejects her admirer Hilarion, a village hunter. Giselle's mother, Berthe, is greatly concerned that her daughter is overexerting her delicately balanced emotions and weak heart. Together with Hilarion, who suspects that 'Loys' is not who he claims to be, they try to keep Giselle and 'Loys' apart.
As Hilarion discovers Albrecht's disguise, an aristocratic hunting party arrives at the village seeking refreshment. The party includes the Count's fiancée, Bathilde, who mesmerizes Giselle with her wealth and beauty. As these two worlds collide, Hilarion reveals to Giselle that 'Loys' has deceived her, and is in fact, the betrothed Count Albrecht. Consumed by despair, Giselle sees Albrecht's sword on the ground, and in her madness, kills herself.
Unable to be buried in hallowed ground due to her suicide, Giselle is laid to rest deep in the forest, which is haunted by the malevolent Wilis—spirits of young women who had been betrayed before their wedding day. Hilarion grieves at Giselle's graveside, blaming himself for her death, but departs in fear as he catches a glimpse of the ghostly Wilis. Myrtha, the Queen of the Wilis, arrives and summons Giselle's spirit to induct her into becoming a Wili. As Albrecht arrives to lay flowers at her grave, Giselle's spirit appears to him and Albrecht begs her forgiveness and follows her into the forest. As they depart, Hilarion is caught by the Wilis, who dance him to death.
The Wilis now turn their attention to Albrecht. However, before he can suffer a similar fate, Giselle's spirit intervenes to save him from Myrtha’s merciless revenge. With the power of Giselle's love, and as dawn breaks, the Wilis retreat and Albrecht's life is saved. Giselle forgives him, not only releasing him from his guilt, but also her from the curse of the Wilis. Giselle's spirit finds peace. Love has transcended death.

Sir Peter Wright Choreographer
Sir Peter Wright made his debut as a professional dancer with the Ballets Jooss during World War II, and in the 1950s worked with several dance companies, including the Sadler’s Wells Theatre Ballet, for which he created his first ballet, A Blue Rose, in 1957. In 1959 he was appointed Ballet Master to the Sadler’s Wells Opera and teacher at The Royal Ballet School.
In 1961 he went to Stuttgart as teacher and Ballet Master to the company being formed by John Cranko. There, he choreographed several ballets, including The Mirror Walkers, Namouna, Designs for Dancers and Quintet, and mounted his first production of Giselle, which he subsequently produced for The Royal Ballet, Birmingham Royal Ballet, and many other international companies. His interpretations of the classics include The Sleeping Beauty, Coppelia, Swan Lake, and The Nutcracker, and these productions are now featured regularly in opera houses throughout the world. During the 1960s, he also established himself as a successful director of television ballets and choreographed various West End musicals and revues.
In 1969, he returned to The Royal Ballet as Associate to the Directors and then became Associate Director. In 1977, he was appointed Director of Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet, taking the Company to Birmingham in 1990, when it became Birmingham Royal Ballet. On his retirement in July 1995 he was made Director Laureate of Birmingham Royal Ballet. He received the Evening Standard Award for Ballet in 1981, and in 1985, was made a CBE. In 1990, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate of Music from London University, the University of Birmingham conferred on him the title of Special Professor Performance Studies, and he was presented with the Elizabeth II Coronation Award from the Royal Academy of Dance. In 1991, he was made a Fellow of the Birmingham Conservatoire of Music. He also won the 1991 Digital Premier Award, which he used to commission a new ballet for the Company. He was awarded a knighthood in the 1993 Queen’s Birthday Honours List, in 1994 an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from the University of Birmingham and the Critics’ Circle Award 1995 for Distinguished Services to the Arts. He is president of the Benesh Institute (Dance Notation) and the Friends of Sadler’s Wells Theatre, and a Vice President of The Royal Academy of Dance and the Myasthenia Gravis Association. He is currently a Governor of The Royal Ballet School.

Sir Peter Wright’s production of Giselle premiered in the summer of 1965 at the Stuttgart Ballet. The performances caused a sensation, and its success brought his production into the repertoires of many of the great ballet companies throughout the world, forever linking Wright with one of the most beloved romantic full-length classics.
However, it almost never came to pass. Having just created a new production of Swan Lake for Stuttgart Ballet, Director John Cranko felt that the next full-length ballet for the company should be Giselle, especially because their previous production had been rather a disaster. Cranko approached Wright, then ballet master, to mount the ballet. While honored to have been trusted with this project, Wright initially protested as he’d never performed the ballet, let alone enjoyed watching it! Eventually he agreed to Cranko’s request, and given carte blanche, Wright left for London for six weeks of research. Working with the esteemed ballet historian Ivor Guest, as well as Cyril Beaumont’s book The Ballet Called Giselle Wright’s passion for the romantic classic grew the closer he got to the original choreography and story behind the ballet.
His breakthrough came with the revelation of Giselle’s original death. In the Productions that Wright had seen around the world, Giselle had died of a broken heart at the end of Act I. This never sat well with Wright; he thought it overly dramatic. It also made her burial in the woods even more senseless. This though, was not the original story! In an account of the first performance of Giselle at the Paris Opera Ballet, she had gone mad, taken Albrecht’s sword, and plunged it into her heart. Here now was not only a death that made sense, but one that would prevent her burial in hallowed grounds in a Church cemetery, forcing her mother to bury Giselle in the woods and exposing her spirit to the malevolent Wilis. With this revelation, Wright found his connection and inspiration, leading him to bring further characterizations with the other principal characters throughout the ballet. Albrecht transformed from a ‘sloppy’ Prince, to a young viral man looking to experience life before being forced to marry the spoiled Countess Bathilde, but who nevertheless genuinely falls in love with Giselle. Hilarion became a tragic hero, in love with a woman whose heart belongs to another, his grief and love leading him to Giselle’s grave and his untimely death.
Soon after Wright’s success at Stuttgart Ballet, his production of Giselle moved to The Royal Ballet, where at a 1968 matinee performance, a young corps de ballet dancer by the name of Margaret Barbieri performed her first Principal Role on the Covent Garden stage as Giselle. This performance would begin a long relationship between Sir Peter Wright and Barbieri, and as his production of Giselle toured around the world, so too would Barbieri. The combination of Wright’s choreography and Barbieri’s artistry would bring critical acclaim to them both and to this production of Giselle.

Margaret Barbieri Repétiteur
Having spent 20 years as a Principal Dancer with The Royal Ballet, Margaret Barbieri’s wealth of knowledge and experience has enabled her to give back to the dance community through her years as a teacher and Repétiteurs. During the last seven years, Barbieri has staged productions for The Sarasota Ballet by some of the most important names in ballet, including Ashton, de Valois, Wright, and Fokine. In addition to staging ballets for the Company, Barbieri is also Assistant Director. Her other staging credits include Iñaki Urlezaga Company (Argentina), K-Ballet (Japan), Oregon Ballet Theatre, Scottish Ballet, and Tbilisi Ballet Theatre.

Pas de six

Production and Additional Choreography by Sir Peter Wright
Original Choreography By Jean Coralli & Jules Perrot Staged By Margaret Barbieri
Music By Adolphe Adam Music Orchestrated By Joseph Horowitz
Lighting Design By Ethan Vail Conducted By Ormsby Wilkins
Original Production First Performed by Paris Opera Ballet June 28, 1841
Sir Peter Wright's Production First Performed by Stuttgart Ballet 1965
First Performance at Covent Garden - The Royal Ballet Touring Company 1968
First Performed by The Sarasota Ballet November 27, 2009
Giselle Jennifer Hackbarth
Count Albrecht
Hilarion, a Forester
Wilfred, Albrecht's squire
Berthe, Giselle's Mother
The Duke of Courland
Bathilde, the Duke's daughter
Marijana Dominis
Dominique Jenkins
Emelia Perkins
Peasant Girls
Brooke Wilson
Alessandra Nova
Ella Lau
Olivia Dugan
Ricardo Rhodes
Ricardo Graziano
Daniel Pratt
Dierdre Miles Burger
Trevor Stalcup
Willa Frantz
Samuel Gest
Evan Gorbell
Yuki Nonaka
Gabriella Schultze
Kennedy Falyn Cassada
Samantha Stillwell
Savannah Campbell
Cooper Blankenburg
Bel Pickering
Paige Young
Anna Victoria Camacho
Peasant Boys
Andrea Marcelletti
Jordan Micallef
Mark Hare
Joshua Fickling
Israel Ellis
Misha Goodman

Leader of Hunt
Juliano Weber
Hunt Stephanie Drenckhahn
Isabella Nova
Cassidy Cail
Ella Tuite
Cameron Smith
Men with Boar
Christopher Hird
Trevin Ralphs
Benjamin Hannum
Benjamin Dunlop
Geoffrey Fulton
Gregory Dempsey and Gavin Talbot
Count Albrecht
Hilarion, a Forester
Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis
Wilis Anna Victoria Camacho
Emmanuelle Watkins
Bel Pickering
Cooper Blankenburg
Haley Dale
Olivia Dugan
Jennifer Hackbarth
Ricardo Rhodes
Ricardo Graziano
Lauren Ostrander
Sierra Abelardo
Dominique Jenkins
Stephanie Drenckhahn
Savannah Campbell
Brooke Wilson
Kennedy Falyn Cassada
Nina Reis
Gabriella Schultze
Paige Young
Ella Lau
Riley Putnal
Samantha Stillwell
Alessandra Nova
Cassidy Cail
Pas de six

Production and Additional Choreography by Sir Peter Wright
Original Choreography By Jean Coralli & Jules Perrot Staged By Margaret Barbieri
Music By Adolphe Adam Music Orchestrated By Joseph Horowitz
Lighting Design By Ethan Vail Conducted By Ormsby Wilkins
Original Production First Performed by Paris Opera Ballet June 28, 1841
Sir Peter Wright's Production First Performed by Stuttgart Ballet 1965
First Performance at Covent Garden - The Royal Ballet Touring Company 1968
First Performed by The Sarasota Ballet November 27, 2009
Count Albrecht
Hilarion, a Forester
Wilfred, Albrecht's squire
Berthe, Giselle's Mother
The Duke of Courland
Bathilde, the Duke's daughter
Sierra Abelardo
Bel Pickering
Kennedy Falyn Cassada
Peasant Girls
Brooke Wilson
Alessandra Nova
Ella Lau
Emmanuelle Watkins
Jessica Assef
Luke Schaufuss
Daniel Pratt
Ricki Bertoni
Dierdre Miles Burger
Trevor Stalcup
Lauren Ostrander
Yuki Nonaka
Jordan Micallef
Jonah Glickman
Gabriella Schultze
Camille Gentes
Samantha Stillwell
Savannah Campbell
Cooper Blankenburg
Noa Dean
Paige Young
Anna Victoria Camacho
Peasant Boys
Andrea Marcelletti
Simon Plante
Mark Hare
Joshua Fickling
Trevin Ralphs
Misha Goodman

Leader of Hunt
Juliano Weber
Hunt Stephanie Drenckhahn
Isabella Nova
Cassidy Cail
Ella Tuite
Cameron Smith
Men with Boar
Christopher Hird
Aaron Williamson
Benjamin Hannum
Benjamin Dunlop
Geoffrey Fulton
Gregory Dempsey and Gavin Talbot
Count Albrecht
Hilarion, a Forester
Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis
Wilis Anna Victoria Camacho
Emmanuelle Watkins
Noa Dean
Cooper Blankenburg
Haley Dale
Olivia Dugan
Jessica Assef
Luke Schaufuss
Daniel Pratt
Willa Frantz
Bel Pickering
Emelia Perkins
Stephanie Drenckhahn
Isabella Nova
Ella Tuite
Kennedy Falyn Cassada
Camille Gentes
Gabriella Schultze
Cameron Smith
Ella Lau
Riley Putnal
Samantha Stillwell
Alessandra Nova
Cassidy Cail
Pas de six

Production and Additional Choreography by Sir Peter Wright
Original Choreography By Jean Coralli & Jules Perrot Staged By Margaret Barbieri
Music By Adolphe Adam Music Orchestrated By Joseph Horowitz
Lighting Design By Ethan Vail Conducted By Ormsby Wilkins
Original Production First Performed by Paris Opera Ballet June 28, 1841
Sir Peter Wright's Production First Performed by Stuttgart Ballet 1965
First Performance at Covent Garden - The Royal Ballet Touring Company 1968
First Performed by The Sarasota Ballet November 27, 2009
Count Albrecht
Hilarion, a Forester
Wilfred, Albrecht's squire
Berthe, Giselle's Mother
The Duke of Courland
Bathilde, the Duke's daughter
Marijana Dominis
Dominique Jenkins
Emelia Perkins
Peasant Girls
Brooke Wilson
Alessandra Nova
Ella Lau
Olivia Dugan
Macarena Gimenez
Maximiliano Iglesias
Ricardo Graziano
Daniel Pratt
Dierdre Miles Burger
Trevor Stalcup
Willa Frantz
Samuel Gest
Evan Gorbell
Yuki Nonaka
Gabriella Schultze
Kennedy Falyn Cassada
Samantha Stillwell
Savannah Campbell
Cooper Blankenburg
Bel Pickering
Paige Young
Anna Victoria Camacho
Peasant Boys
Andrea Marcelletti
Jordan Micallef
Mark Hare
Joshua Fickling
Israel Ellis
Misha Goodman

Leader of Hunt
Juliano Weber
Hunt Stephanie Drenckhahn
Isabella Nova
Cassidy Cail
Ella Tuite
Cameron Smith
Men with Boar
Christopher Hird
Trevin Ralphs
Benjamin Hannum
Benjamin Dunlop
Geoffrey Fulton
Gregory Dempsey and Gavin Talbot
Count Albrecht
Hilarion, a Forester
Myrtha, Queen of the Wilis
Wilis Anna Victoria Camacho
Emmanuelle Watkins
Bel Pickering
Cooper Blankenburg
Haley Dale
Olivia Dugan
Macarena Gimenez
Maximiliano Iglesias
Ricardo Graziano
Lauren Ostrander
Sierra Abelardo
Dominique Jenkins
Stephanie Drenckhahn
Savannah Campbell
Brooke Wilson
Kennedy Falyn Cassada
Nina Reis
Gabriella Schultze
Paige Young
Ella Lau
Riley Putnal
Samantha Stillwell
Alessandra Nova
Cassidy Cail

Daniel Jordan concertmaster
Christopher Takeda associate concertmaster
Jennifer Best Takeda assistant concertmaster
Michael Turkell principal second
Meghan Jones assistant principal second
Katherine Baloff
Felicia Brunelle
Léna Cambis
Anne Chandra
Carlann Evans
ChungYon Hong
Leah Latorraca
Sean O’Neil
Margot Zarzycka Whitelaw
Stephanie Block principal
Matt Pegis assistant principal
Peter Ayuso
Nathan Frantz
Christopher Schnell principal
Sara Page assistant principal
Isabelle Besançon
Chizuko Matsusaka
John Miller principal
Samuel Dugo assistant principal
Betsy Hudson Traba, principal
Carmen Newell Bannon
Allison DeFrancesco
Allison DeFrancesco
Bobby Nunes principal
Nicholas P. Arbolino
Nicholas P. Arbolino
Daniel Parrette principal
Calvin Falwell
Fernando Traba principal
Edward Rumzis
Hugo Bliss co-principal
Joshua Horne co-principal
Melvin Jackson
Shea Kells-Murphy
Gianluca Farina principal
Morgen Low co-principal
Brad Williams principal
Robert Kastner
Ian Marc Morgan
Nate Seman
Yoko Kita principal
Marcelina Suchocka, principal
Hanna Kim Matt Kibort
Phoebe Powell principal
Katie Nakanishi principal
Paul Greitzer assistant principal

The Musicians of the Sarasota Orchestra are proudly represented by the American Federation of Musicians, Gulf Coast Local 427-721

Ormsby Wilkins Guest Conductor
A native of Sydney, Australia, Ormsby Wilkins joined American Ballet Theatre as its Music Director in November 2005.
After taking his music studies at the Conservatories of Sydney and Melbourne, Wilkins joined The Australian Ballet and became Resident Conductor in 1982. Moving to Europe in 1983, he was appointed Conductor with England’s Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet (now called the Birmingham Royal Ballet).
Wilkins continued his association with The Australian Ballet, having been invited to guest on many occasions for its extensive engagements, which have included those in the United States, Russia, and London, England. Other international engagements have included La Scala, Milan, the Rome Opera Ballet, the Ballet of Teatro San Carlo of Naples, and the Royal Swedish Ballet. In 2001, he spent three months in Italy conducting once again at La Scala and making his debuts in both Genoa and at the Teatro Comunale in Florence. Most recently, Wilkins has also made guest appearances with The Sarasota Ballet, San Francisco Ballet, and Miami City Ballet.
Wilkins has conducted many orchestras around the world, both in association with ballet and in concert. They include the Philharmonia and Royal Philharmonic Orchestras of London, the Royal Opera House Orchestra, Winnipeg Symphony, Calgary Philharmonic, Edmonton Symphony, Hong Kong Philharmonic, Melbourne Symphony, Tokyo Philharmonic, and National Arts Centre Orchestra, Ottawa.



Venice Performing Arts Center
December 13 - 14, 2024
Accompanied by the Venice Symphony
Sarasota Opera House
December 22 - 23, 2024

The Friends of The Sarasota Ballet champion the Company throughout the region. Through their events and volunteer work, they act as the heart of The Sarasota Ballet community, forming close bonds through a mutual love of ballet.
• Contribute to the success of one of the most exciting ballet companies in America
• Share in The Sarasota Ballet’s growth and achievements
• Meet the Dancers, key staff members, and leadership of The Sarasota Ballet
• Deepen your understanding of the art form
• Form new relationships with those who are also dance and arts enthusiasts
• Receive a monthly letter from the President of the Friends
• Receive invitations to special events
• Discover the inner workings of the Company through volunteer work

We hope you will join our community of dance enthusiasts and become a Friend of The Sarasota Ballet. To learn more about the Friends of The Sarasota Ballet, events, or volunteer opportunities, please contact:
Membership Chair
Betty Ferguson at 917.885.4699 | bcamarest@yahoo.com
Volunteer Coordinator
Rosalyn Ehrenpreis at 941.400.1584 | rosalyn.ehrenpreis@gmail.com


The Sarasota Ballet gratefully acknowledges the following individuals for their generous support for the performance, education, and community programs of The Sarasota Ballet.

Luminary Circle $100,000+
Our Special Angel
Sandra and Neil DeFeo
Sydney Goldstein
Jean Weidner Goldstein
In Loving Memory of Alfred Goldstein
Patricia A. Golemme and Timothy Fullum
In Loving Memory of Ernie Kretzmer Alisa
Bill and Linda Mitchell
Paul and Sharon Steinwachs
Benefactor Circle $75,000 - $99,999
Mark Famiglio
Jan and Bill Farber
Pat and Ann Kenny
Eleanor Schmidt
In Loving Memory of Bert Schweigaard-Olsen
In Loving Memory of Bob and Jeanne Zabelle
Guardian Circle $50,000 - $74,999
Karol Foss
Robin and Roy Grossman
Sherry and Mike Guthrie
Julie A. Harris
Harry Leopold and Audrey Robbins
Frank and Katherine Martucci
Mercedita OConnor
Bud and Betty Shapiro
Connoisseur Circle $25,000 - $49,999
Shari and Steve Ashman
Bob and Ginger Cannon Bailey
Bonnie and William Chapman
Wendy and Jim Cox
Linda A. Fiorelli
Alison Gardner and Jan Sirota
Amy Harding
JoAnn Heffernan Heisen
Joe and Mary Kay Henson
Charlie Huisking, Huisking Fund of the Community Foundation
Robin Klein-Strauss and Michael Strauss
Richard March
In Loving memory of Helen March
Richard and Cornelia Matson
Claudia McCorkle and BEAU
Peter B. Miller and Dr. Martha Harrison
Charmian and Earl Noel
Rosemary and Lou Oberndorf
Stu and Gini Peltz
Kimberley A. Pelyk
Dr. Bart Price
Toby and Noel Siegel
Hillary Steele
Maureen and Tom Steiner
Dr. David A. Sugar
Susan and James Travers
David Welle and Rosemary Reinhardt
Susan and Charles Wilson
Aficionado Circle $15,000 - $24,999
James and Maryann Armour Family Foundation
Darlene J. and Richard P. Carroll
Lawrence and Joan Castellani
Robert Crandall and Barbara Bankoff
Kay Delaney and Murray Bring
Brendan and Nicola Doyle
Bruce Ensinger and Clark Denham
Laura Feder
Dedrea A. Greer
Barbara Jacob
Tina and Rick Lieberman
Barbara Fischer Long and James Long
Joan Mathews
Dorothy O'Brien and Richard Antoine
Marilyn and Steve Rothschild
Judy Rudges
In Memory of Stan Katz
Ellen and Richard Sandor
Micki Sellman
In Loving Memory of Jerry Sellman
Greg and Belle Stikeleather
Lois Stulberg
Sallie Carter Tyler
Jared Winters
Patron Circle $10,000 - $14,999
George Allison and Alan Watkins
Robert and Sara Arthur
Isabel Anchin Becker
Diane and Robert Bennett
Philippe Borremans and Martine Flamen
Jenne K. Britell, PhD
Warren and Marie Colbert
Fred and Lynda Doery
Frances D. Fergusson and John Bradbury
Larry and Jennifer Goichman
Pam and Duncan Goldie-Morrison
Ineza Hart
Elaine Keating
In Loving Memory of Dr. Sidney Katz
Peter and Melody Kretzmer
Barbara and Michael Landy
Donna Maytham
In Loving Memory of Walter Maytham
Carla and Michael Miller
Marilynn Petrillo
In Loving Memory of Marsha Johnson
Rose Marie Proietti
Gail and Skip Sack
Rich and Clare Segall
Arthur Siciliano and B. Aline Blanchard
Nancy and Richard Sneed

Libby and Jon Soderberg
Hélène and Phil Tucker
Jean Volpe
Thomas and Gwendolyn Watson
Devotee Circle $5,000 - $9,999
Peggy and Ken Abt
Kay Aidlin
In Loving Memory of Stephen Aidlin
Carol Arscott
Margaret Barbieri
Maria Beck
David Beliles
In Loving Memory of Ruth, and for our dancer, Kate
Katherine Benoit and John Brooks
Paul Cantor
Lois and Jim Champy
Margie and Kelvin Cooper
Robin and Chase Curtis
Syble DiGirolamo
Rosalyn and Joel Ehrenpreis
Ping Faulhaber
Laurie Fitch
William C. and Joyce K. Fletcher
Herman and Sharon Frankel
Ellen Goldman
Alastair Hunter-Henderson and Noralyn
Ann Jackson
Richard S. Johnson
Merrill Kaegi
Paul and Sarah Karon
Ted and Amy Langan
Patricia and Todd Mahony
Stephania and James McClennen
Robert and Sharon McMillan
Mary Ann and John Meyer
Carolyn Michel and Howard Millman
Elizabeth Moore
Howard and Barbara Noble, Jr.
Pamela Revels
Amy Schachter
In Loving Memory of Oscar Schachter
Gabriel and Valerie Schmergel
Gordon Stanley
John and Rita Steele
Malcolm Stevenson
Ed Town and Steve Rubin
William and Karen Watt
Christopher and Nanci Weaver
Susan and Lewis Winarsky
Richard Wires
Fremajane Wolfson
In Loving Memory of Blair Wolfson
Sheila and Merrill Wynne - APRIO, LLP
Sora Yelin In Loving Memory of Cary F. Yelin
Golden Circle $2,500 - $4,999
Alexandra Armstrong
In Loving Memory of Jerry McCoy
Margaret and Isaac Barpal
Deborah and Walton Beacham
Jerry and Helga Bilik
Donna and Jon Boscia
Paul Francis and Lolli Zarlin
Kevin Fulcher and Kim Deme-Fulcher
Patsy and Ed Garno
Greg Goebel
Gerald and Deborah Hamburg Family Foundation
Moira Hintsa
Linda Z. Klein
Randi and Donald Kreiss
Joan Lovell
Gerda Maceikonis
Carolou and Lou Marquet
Bonnie McIntyre
In Loving Memory of Bill Noonan
Margaret Melun and Lt. Col. Ky L. Thompson
Michael and Katie Moulton

Deanne and Jim Naples
Keith F. Nelson and Judith K. Marquis
Anne Snape Parsons
Charlotte Stewart and Carl Troiano
Jeffrey Peterson
Lisa and Larry Press
Sam Samelson and Marion Levine
Nancy Smith
Dawn Spencer
Adrienne and Gian Luigi Vittadini
Florence Wildner

Your gracious, tax-deductible gift helps to inspire , preserve , and impact :
• Repertoire Spanning from Beloved Classics to World Premieres
• Live Music Accompaniment and Guest Conductors
• National and International Company Tours
• Guest Choreographers and Répétiteurs
• Presenting Dance Companies

• D ance – The Next Generation
• School Performances and Programs
• Community Experiences
• Joyful Movement Through Parkinson’s
• Silver Swans®

• The Margaret Barbieri Conservatory
• The Sarasota Ballet School
• Summer Intensive
• Summer Camps
• Adult Workshops

To learn more about how your gift can make a difference, Please contact our Development Department at 941.225.6512 or development@sarasotaballet.org.



2024 - 2025 Season
Board Chair
Board Vice Chair
Ginger Bailey
Bill Chapman
Warren Colbert
Bill Farber
Pat Golemme
Robin Grossman
Julie Harris
JoAnn Heisen
Frank Martucci
Founder / Chair Emerita
Chair Emerita
Honorary Trustees
Sandra DeFeo
Peter B. Miller
Pat Kenny
David Welle

Linda Mitchell
Rosemary Oberndorf
Mercedita OConnor
Audrey Robbins
Jan Sirota
Hillary Steele
Maureen Steiner
Charlie Wilson
Jean Weidner Goldstein
Sydney Goldstein
Mark Famiglio
Dr. Bart Price
Jan Farber
Maryann Armour
Laura Feder
Frances Fergusson
Marnie Grossman
Dr. Amy L. Harding
Charlie Huisking
Robin Klein-Strauss
Peter Kretzmer
Karen Lichtig
Tina Lieberman
Richard March
Joan Mathews
Donna Maytham
Gini Peltz
Kimberley Pelyk
Jeff Peterson
Marilynn Petrillo
Richard Segall
Lois Stulberg
Marcia Jean Taub
Clara Reynardus de Villanueva

Sarasota Opera House
Accompanied by the Sarasota Orchestra

December 1, 2024 | Sarasota Opera House
December 13 - 14, 2024 | Venice Performing Arts Center
Accompanied by the Venice Symphony
December 16, 2024 | 11:30 AM | Michael’s on East Ballroom
December 20 -21, 2024
Accompanied by the Sarasota Orchestra
December 22-23, 2024 | Sarasota Opera House
January 11 - February 3, 2025 | FSU Center for Performing Arts
January 13, 2025 | 11:30am | Michael’s On East
Learn about staging works with repétiteur, Michael Trusnovec, as he offers insights about The Sarasota Ballet’s upcoming performance of Paul Taylor’s “Brandenburgs” presented during Program 4 – Quintessential.
January 15, 2025 | 5:00-7:00pm | FSU Center for the Performing Arts
Join us for a cocktail and light bites as we kick off the New Year, celebrating with directors, dancers, and staff to share in the excitement of the Season!
February 28 - March 3, 2025 | FSU Center for Performing Arts