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The Crystal Gala
The Sarasota Ballet’s Crystal Gala, honoring Iain Webb’s 15th Season as Director, took place on Sunday, May 1, 2022. The evening began at the Sarasota Opera House with a curated performance by The Sarasota Ballet, complete with a guest appearance of Director, Iain Webb, himself in Elite Syncopations’ Cataract Rag. Gala guests then made their way to the Circus Arts Conservatory where they enjoyed an elegant dinner catered by Michael’s on East. The evening concluded on the dance floor with desserts & dancing. We send our sincerest thanks to the incredible patrons and community partners who helped make The Crystal Gala an evening to remember.
Bud & Betty Shapiro
Karol Foss Patricia A. Golemme and Timothy Fullum Julie A. Harris Frank and Katherine Martucci
Sydney Goldstein Joe and Mary Kay Henson Richard S. Johnson Harry Leopold and Audrey Robbins Jean Weiller
Anonymous George Allison, ASID and Alan Watkins, ASID Charles & Margery Barancik Foundation BMO Wealth Management Community Foundation of Sarasota County Jan and Bill Farber Marnie and Stephen Grossman Gulf Coast Community Foundation JoAnn Heffernan Heisen Pat and Ann Kenny Phil and Kim Lombardo Richard March Bill and Linda Mitchell Stu and Gini Peltz Kimberley Anne Pelyk Micki Sellman Alison Gardner and Jan Sirota Hillary Steele Melliss Kenworthy Swenson Marcia Jean Taub and Peter Swain David Welle and Rosemary Reinhardt

Director, Iain Webb, takes the stage during the Crystal Gala Performance
Bob and Ginger Cannon Bailey Neil and Sandra DeFeo Fred and Lynda Doery Richard and Cornelia Matson Peter B. Miller and Dr. Martha Harrison Rosemary and Lou Oberndorf Mercedita OConnor Rich and Clare Segall Maureen and Tom Steiner Robin Klein-Strauss and Michael Strauss
Anonymous 1st Source Bank Peggy and Ken Abt Carol Arscott Ronelle Ashby Shari and Steve Ashman Sumner and Irene Bagby Ruth Barker Maria Beck Isabel Anchin Becker Patricia Belote Marty and Barbara Bowling James Brooks Bonnie and William Chapman Katie Couchot Cumberland Advisors Robin and Chase Curtis Sona and David Degann Kay Delaney and Murray Bring Rosalyn and Joel Ehrenpreis Laura Feder Frances D. Fergusson and John Bradbury Martine Flamen Geoffrey Fulton Patsy and Ed Garno Valerie Gill Suzanne Gladfelter Jane C. Gould and Stephen W. Fillo Gerald and Deborah Hamburg Family Foundation Dr. Amy Harding Charlie Huisking D’Anne Hurd and George Forsythe Ann and Robert Jackson Barbara Jacob Andrea Justiniano Merrill Kaegi Erika Kahwaty Henry Kahwaty and Mary Dooher Linda Klein Vivian Kouvant Waldron Kraemer and Joan Lovell Peter E. Kretzmer Joan Switt Langbord Ron and Kathryn Lee Alan Lenowitz Melvy Erman Lewis Tina and Rick Lieberman Dr. and Mrs. Louis Marquet Joan Mathews Donna Maytham Dorothy O’Brien and Richard Antoine Rose Marie Proietti Pamela Revels Arthur Siciliano and B. Aline Blanchard Barbara Staton Cindy Thronson and Michael Thompson University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee Campus Ronald Kluck and Joan Volpe Lauren Walsh Thomas and Gwendolyn Watson Williams Parker Attorneys at Law
Sarasota Scene Magazine The Observer


Beneva Weddings & Events Circus Arts Conservatory Cliff Roles Photography Made in the Shade Michael’s on East Noela Chocolate & Confections Sarasota Opera House Serbin Print Marketing & Publishing Sights and Sounds
Phil & Kim Lombardo Table Richard Johnson Table


Anonymous Darlene Abney Kay Aidlin Caroline C. Amory and Marjorie A. Floyd Eduardo Anaya Henry Anthony and Carol Geiger Margaret Barbieri Angie and Dan Bastian Lisa Binkley Jan and Simon Braun Rose and Adam Bright Barbara Brizdle Kathy and Michael Bush Judy Cahn Kim Azar-Calka and Brian Calka Paul Cantor and Michelle Roy Joseph and Michelle Caulkins Ashish Chowdry Marie and Warren Colbert Margie and Kelvin Cooper Kristie Cox Wendy and Jim Cox Jacqueline and Harold D’Alessio Bill Diaz Syble Dolan Di Girolamo Cynthia Dopjera Brendan and Nicola Doyle Marge and Leon Ellin Barbara and Bill Epperson Betty Ferguson Sandra Fink Bruce and Betsy Finley Linda A. Fiorelli Lindsay Fischer and Mandy-Jayne Richardson Laurie Fitch Darrel Flanel and Laura Lobdell Cynthia Flowers Elaine and Robert Foster Melinda and Hank Foster Kevin Fulcher and Kim Deme-Fulcher Barbara Vanderkolk Gardner Susan and David Gorin Renee Hamad Edward and Roberta Hamilton Scott Harkness Robert and Shari Harris Gregory Hodge Stephen and Lila Huse Sue Jacobson Susan K. Johnson Paige Petersen and Curtis Jordan Deb Kabinoff Marvin Kadesh Deborah Kalb Eve and Marc Kanoff Paul and Sarah Karon Bruce and Barbara Keltz Phillip King Sakti and Brian Kunz Carol Lackey Lydia Landa Christina M. Landry Peter G. and Patricia D. Laughlin The Lombardo Foundation Carla Malachowski Glen and Rose Marino Jana and Jim Martin Tom Metz Tony and Maurice Milikin Nelle Miller Marie Monsky Chad and Ruth Morrison Lana Mullen Michael and E-Dee Murphy Phyllis Myers Eric and Mafalda Neikrug Marrie Neumer Charmian and Earl Noel William J. Noonan and Bonnie McIntyre Vickie Oldham Deborah and William Partridge Marilynn Petrillo Cecil and Shirley Pickett Peter and Joanne Powers Clara Reynardus de Villanueva Sara Robinson Jennifer and Rob Rominiecki Herbert and Rosalyn Ruderman Lawrence V. Sage Jenna and Guy Salani Teresa and Clive Samuels Sara Sardelli-Rachon and Kenny Rachon Zoe Sealy Sue Shepard and Don Helgeson Jane Sheridan Steven and Frances Siegler Dawn Spencer Gordon Stanley Judilee Sterne Audrey and Walter Stewart Greg Stikeleather Lance Stubbs Patricia Sweet Carl Troiano Tracey and Mike Tucci Jocelyn Udell Lisa and Gary Ulrich Jean Volpe Donald & Jenny Walker Ana Weinschenk Joanne and Bill Weiss Susan and Charles Wilson John & Debbi Wilson Nicole Winter Sheila Worthington Lirtzman Geri and Ron Yonover

Jonathan Strickland Coleman, Rick Kerby, Audrey Robbins, & Claudia McCorkle Linda & Bill Mitchell Table