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Our Supporters
We are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support we received from our patrons in the past Season. The listings below represent contributions received during the 2021 - 2022 fiscal year. For questions regarding recognition, please contact the Development Department.
Our Special Angel Jean Weidner Goldstein In Loving Memory of Alfred Goldstein Sydney Goldstein Patricia Golemme and Timothy Fullum Ernie Kretzmer In Loving Memory of Alisa Kretzmer Frank and Katherine Martucci Paul and Sharon Steinwachs Jean Weiller
BENEFACTORS CIRCLE $75,000 - $99,999
Mark Famiglio Pat and Ann Kenny Phil and Kim Lombardo Eleanor Schmidt In Loving Memory of Bert Schweigaard-Olsen In Loving Memory of Robert & Jeanne Zabelle
GUARDIANS CIRCLE $50,000 - $74,999
Jan and Bill Farber Karol Foss Julie A. Harris Joe and Mary Kay Henson Richard S. Johnson In Loving Memory of Marsha Johnson Harry Leopold and Audrey Robbins Rosemary and Lou Oberndorf Mercedita OConnor Bud and Betty Shapiro Hillary Steele
CONNOISSEURS CIRCLE $25,000 - $49,999
James and Maryann Armour Family Foundation Bob and Ginger Cannon Bailey Isabel Anchin Becker David Beliles In Loving Memory of Ruth & for Kate Eliza P. Culverhouse Sherry and Mike Guthrie Huisking Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Sarasota County Robin Klein-Strauss and Michael Strauss Richard and Cornelia Matson Richard March In Loving Memory of Helen March Joan Mathews Claudia McCorkle and BEAU Peter B. Miller and Dr. Martha Harrison Bill and Linda Mitchell Dr. Bart Price Rosemary Reinhardt and David Welle Micki Sellman In Loving Memory of Jerry Sellman Toby and Noel Siegel Melliss Kenworthy Swenson In Loving Memory of Curt Swenson Marcia Jean Taub and Peter Swain In Loving Memory of Ethel & Ron Taub Jean Volpe Anonymous
AFICIONADOS CIRCLE $15,000 - $24,999
Shari and Steve Ashman Paul Cantor and Michelle Roy Neil and Sandra DeFeo Fred and Lynda Doery Frances D. Fergusson and John Bradbury Dr. Amy Harding JoAnn Heffernan Heisen In Loving Memory of David Lenihan Barbara Jacob Elaine Keating In Loving Memory of Dr. Sidney Katz Tina and Rick Lieberman Bill and Annette Lloyd Donna Maytham In Loving Memory of Walter Maytham Dorothy O’Brien and Richard Antoine Kimberley Anne Pelyk Marilyn and Steve Rothschild Judy Rudges In Loving Memory of Stan Katz Rich and Clare Segall Alison Gardner and Jan Sirota Tom and Maureen Steiner Lois Stulberg Jared Winters Anonymous
PATRONS CIRCLE $10,000 - $14,999
Peggy and Ken Abt George Allison, ASID and Alan Watkins, ASID Robert and Sara Arthur Bodil Braren Jonathan Strickland Coleman and Rick Kerby Kay Delaney and Murray Bring Bruce Ensinger and Clark Denham Eleanor Faber Laura Feder Linda A. Fiorelli Marnie and Stephen Grossman Waldron Kraemer and Joan Lovell Mary Ann and John Meyer Stu and Gini Peltz Rose Marie Proietti Mary Jo Reston Gail and Skip Sack Hon. John Schultz & Gary Hill Co-Founders: Schultz-Hill Foundation In Loving Memory of Masayasu Tamatani Sallie Carter Tyler Beth Uffner and Robert Goldfarb Thomas and Gwendolyn Watson Susan and Charles Wilson Anonymous
Kay Aidlin In Loving Memory of Stephen Aidlin Margaret Barbieri Maria Beck Patricia Belote Donald H. and Barbara K. Bernstein Family Foundation Jerry and Helga Bilik Peter and Judy Carlin Stephen and Mary Ellen Cease Bonnie and William Chapman Margie and Kelvin Cooper Georgia Court Wendy and Jim Cox Donna Cubit-Swoyer Robert Davies In Loving Memory of Gail Davies Shirley Fein Laurie Fitch Fletcher Family Charitable Foundation Herman and Sharon Frankel Mario J. Gabelli Valerie Gill Ellen Goldman Gerald and Deborah Hamburg Family Foundation Ineza Hart Ann and Robert Jackson Merrill Kaegi Anne Klisurich Lydia Landa Peter G. and Patricia D. Laughlin James and Stephania McClennen Carla and Michael Miller Elizabeth Moore Drs. Joel and Gail Morganroth Gloria Moss In Loving Memory of Eugene Noble Dr. Sarah H. Pappas Paige Petersen and Curtis Jordan Marilynn Petrillo In Loving Memory of Marsha Johnson Edwin and Maureen Schloss Gabriel and Valerie Schmergel John and Rita Steele Greg and Belle Stikeleather Tom and Teresa Walsh Florence Wildner Richard Wires Fremajane Wolfson In Loving Memory of Blair Wolfson Charles O. Wood, III and Miriam M. Wood Foundation Sheila and Merrill Wynne Sora Yelin In Loving Memory of Cary F. Yelin Anonymous (3)
GOLDEN CIRCLE $3,000 - $4,999
Jerry and Gay Bowles James Brooks Natalie and Alan Cohen Syble Dolan-Di Girolamo Ronald and Sharon Erickson Bruce and Betsy Finley Kevin Fulcher and Kim Deme-Fulcher Patsy and Ed Garno Henry Kahwaty and Mary Dooher Erika Kahwaty Thomas I and Linda Z Klein Philanthropic Fund Peter E. Kretzmer Joan Switt Langbord
SILVER CIRCLE $1,000 - $2,999
Peggy C. Allen and Steve Dixon Caroline Amory and Marjorie Floyd Charlie and Heather Annaloro Alexandra Armstrong and Jerry McCoy Carol Arscott Ronelle Ashby Sumner and Irene Bagby Ruth Barker Margaret and Isaac Barpal James and Lynnette Bennett Jon and Kris Berg Linda Berliner Barbara Blumfield Linda and Glen Bodzy Ina and Carl Born Marty and Barbara Bowling Barbara Brizdle Beverly and Michael Budin Diana Cable Judy Cahn In Loving Memory of Charles Cahn Alexander and Irene Cass Lynn Chancer Bob and Jan Clark Diana Smith and Barry Cohen Kim and James Cornetet Katie Couchot Robin and Chase Curtis Jeanie Davis Sona and David Degann Amy and Michael Drake Murray V. Duffin John and Patricia Dupps Rosalyn and Joel Ehrenpreis Edward and Annette Eliasberg Barbara and Bill Epperson Robert and Iris Fanger Steve and Wendy Fisk Martine Flamen Paul Francis and Lolli Zarlin Michael and Jean Freed Rhoda and Stuart Friedman Geoffrey W. Fulton Barbara Vanderkolk Gardner Wanda Garofalo Donald and Phoebe Giddon Suzanne Gladfelter Matt and Kristin Glavin Roz Goldberg Jane C. Gould and Stephen W. Fillo Helen and John Habbert D’Anne Hurd and George Forsythe Stephen and Lila Huse Janet Hyman Barbara Jacoby Elizabeth Johnston Alison Jones In Loving Memory of Thomas H.W. Jones Anne E. Jones Andrea Justiniano Joseph and Teresa Kadow Deborah Kalb Richard Kemmler Norma and James Koppel Vivian Kouvant Dorothy Lawrence Ron and Kathryn Lee Alan Lenowitz and Terri Glasser Melvy Erman Lewis Guy and Maria Mandler Judith Marquis Dr. Noralyn Marshall and Dr. Alastair Hunter-Henderson Jean M. Martin Mary Alice McGovern Robert and Sharon McMillan Eric and Mafalda Neikrug Sue and Doug Neumann Howard and Barbara Noble, Jr. Charmian and Earl Noel Paula Norwood John and Barbara Overstreet Lenee and Conrad Owens Charles and Charlotte Perret Megan Powers Linda Prowten and George Mitchell Elizabeth Reese Sara and Benjamin Robinson Susan L. Robinson Bob and Diane Roskamp Wylie and Nancy Royce Brian and Jean Rushton Sam Samelson William and Marge Sandy Eva Saunders Amy and Oscar Schachter Abby Sherry In Loving Memory of Murray Sherry Barbara B. and Jeffrey C. Shivers Arthur Siciliano and B Aline Blanchard Nancy Smith and Fred Frankel Jake and Paula Sorg Malcolm Stevenson Elizabeth Stewart Joan J. Tatum Jacqueline and John Thompson Cindy Thronson and Michael Thompson Anna Maria Troiano Sandy Ullman Joan Volpe and Ronald Kluck Michael and Mary Beth Walden Bernard and Lauren Walsh Kim Wheeler Jacqueline and Robert Whitaker Anonymous (3)
Dr. Bart and Joan Levenson Meg Maguire Dr. Louis and Carolou Marquet Anne Musekamp Peter and Joanne Powers Susan Rawson Pamela Revels Teresa and Clive Samuels Barbara Staton Ed Town and Steve Rubin Karen Vereb and Bud Blanton William and Karen Watt Anonymous
Peter Amster and Frank Galati Gaele Barthold and Larry Weiss Lenore Shapiro and Glen Behrendt Marc Behrendt Charlotte Bimba Claudia Cardillo Lynn Chancer Louis and Marianne Cohen Naomi and Saul Cohen Stanley and Norma Cohen Neal Colton and Sharon Prizant Glenn and Evelyn Cooper Patricia Corson and Martin Goldstein William Cotter Sandra Jennings Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. Crootof Charitable Foundation Cynthia Cuminale Dan Denton Douglas Endicott Sandra Fink Cherie and Jeff Finn Barry and Judy Fireman Ronald W. Fry Wanda Garofalo Hermione Gilpin David Glorius Bonnie and David Goldmann Barbara K. Grauer Barney and Judy Greenhill Irene Hagman Dr. Barbara Hajjar Lorna Hard Beverly A. Harms Alene Hazeltine Dr. Audrey Heimler Bob Hemingway Allen and Stephanie Hochfelder Stephanie Horeis Peter and Bonnie Hurley Barbara P. Hyde Rob and Nancy Jones Ronald and Rita Karns Marlene Kitchell Robert Kloss Carla S Guarascio Judith and Ike Koziol Randi and Donald Kreiss Barbara Lasker Bruce Lehman Sandra Levy Evie Lichter Terrance Lane Lindemann John Lindsey Kathleen and Erin Long Dorothy L. Lutter Gerda Maceikonis Julius and Kay Marcus Albert and Marita Marsh Lynn and Gary Massel Peter and Teresa Masterson Kay Mathers Dianne McLoughlin Nancy Milbauer Sharon Miller Michael and Michelle Morris Paul and Karen Morton James Newman Susan Newsome In Loving Memory of Jon Newsome Mr. and Mrs. Lee W. Peakes Lynne Pettigrew and Jay Plager Dr. Richard L. Prager DJ Arnold and Richard Prescott Robert B. Radin Pamela Reiter Peter Rittner Karen Roosen Stanley and Jo Rutstein Lawrence V. Sage John and Mayra Schmidt Susan Serling and David Kessler Elizabeth Shalett Steven and Frances Siegler Ira and Carole Singer Thomas and Carol Smith Rochelle and George Stassa Judilee Sterne Audrey and Walter Stewart Martin and Hadassah Strobel Lance Stubbs Cynthia Swanson & Michael Kutner Peggy Sweeney Diran and Virginia Tashian Penny and Paul Thomas Emily Walsh Leslie Weinstein Robert J. Wilk Ann Williams Carol B. Williams Jane Woods Stanley Zielinski Anonymous
ADMIRERS $250 - $499
Cecile Adams Christina M. Amato Amy Barkin Nicholas and Jocelyn Baskey Marilyn Blausten Edward and Sheila Braun Barbara Callahan Dennis Ciborowski and Meryl Gale Janine and Douglas Cohen Marilyn and John Cooper Jacqueline and Harold D’Alessio Richard Davis Leila and James Day Nicholas De Luca Marsha and Joseph Dick David Eichlin and Bob Griffiths Amy Devorsetz Eliezer Ronald and Sharon Erickson Betty Ferguson Barbara Fisk Elaine and Robert Foster Suzanne Freund Martha Friedman Suzan and Barry Friedman Martha and Thomas Galek Eugenia K. Glasser Ruth Grain Joelle R. Hamovit Julian and Barbara Hansen John and Nancy Harris Richard Hayes and Peggy Lyman Hayes Robert T. Hildebrand Christopher Hird Anne and Carl Hirsch John and Nina Hockenberry Judith Hoerr Dr. Terry Hynes Daniel Idzik and Kathleen Osborne Idzik Eleanor and Burton Jaffe James A. Johnson and Paul D. Dobrea Susan K. Johnson Marilyn Jordan Marvin Kadesh Arno Kastner John and Elaine Kidd Linda and Neil Kirschner Mary Klimasiewfski Nancy J. Laird Anthony and Dorid Lamb Tassana and Michael Landy Harriet Lane Carolee Lesyk Arthur and Marcella Levin Ellen and David Levine Pamela Akins and Barry Levinson Marsha Levkoff Carol Lewis John Hargraves Lewis James Long and Barbara Fischer Long Francine Luque Richard Mace Donald and Judith Markstein Jacqueline Massari Jane McCormack Chad and Ruth Morrison Drs. David and Pearila Namerow Dr. and Mrs. John M. Nelson Jon O. Newman Tom and Jane Oliver Jennifer Oser Lisa and Thomas Paine Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Perkins Julie Planck Ronald and Marci Rhodes Andrew Rief Margot and Jack Robinson Barbara Rosin Sam Ross Sidney and Marcia Rutberg Phyllis Schaen Molly Schechter Tobi Schneider James Scholler Sue Shepard and Don Helgeson Jane Sheridan Joel Herman and Milt Sleeter Douglas J. Smith Christopher Soule Judi Stern Mary Swanton and Stanley Kozubek Bogdana Tchakarova Eileen Toolin Helen Vetter Michael Vlaisavljevich and Stephanie Arthur Sheila Worthington Lirtzman Earl Wright Anonymous (3)
Julia Aaron Nancy Abrams Priscilla Adams Laurel Akhund Edward Allen and Lorraine Gawronski Angela C. Anderson Richard and Patricia Anderson Christopher and Natalie Armstrong Jane B. Baisley David Barclay Bob and Billie Baren Marjory Barksdale Maxine and Irv Bass Kim Bateman David and Pamela Bechtol Elizabeth Weil Bergmann Margaret H. Biddinger Barbara Blackburn Bob and Margaret Boeke Gay Boylston Veronica Brady and Keith Monda Leanna Breese and Alec Vance James and Janet Breidster Joan Breiner Kayla Briggs Ruth and Mark Brus Mary Buckley Ann Burroughs Nancy Bushnell Cynthia Edstrom Byce Kim Azar-Calka and Brian Calka Colette Canavan Cheryl and Herb Carlson Julie Carmody Emily Carrier Diane Caudill Amy Cipau Sandra Cohen Elsbeth M. Connors Stevie and John Coppin-Polking Rosalind Cowie Betty Curnow Christopher Curtis Dennis and Maria Day Stephen and Judith Del Viscio Laura Denenholz Robert Deutsch Marianne and Paul Diczok Kathi Doepfner Monika Dorman Susan Eckert Brian and Victoria Eckl Hazel Edlinger and Val Lucas Barbara Eisenberg Denise and Norris Elswick Christina and Brian Endicott Patti Eylar Tim Metz and Geraldine Fabrikant Nancy and Peter Finn Joann Flanigan Elizabeth and Ben Forsyth Tim and Ellen Foster David and Carol Furer Dana Gaddis Kate Relling-Garskof and Melvyn Garskof Laura Gaythwaite Jerry Genova and Bob Evans Ernest Gibson and Kim Pickens Susan Girese Sheila Gleason Rita and Paul Glosser Marilyn Goldman Faith and Michael Goldman Marjorie R. Goldstein Anthony Grasso James and Debra Griffin Sharon Grisez Suzanne Guyette and Bill Citara Ann E. Hall Maureen Darby Hamrock Sistie Fairweather-Harmes Karen Harris Doris Hasson William Hatz Tom and Charlotte Hedge Marcia Hendler Elaine C. Herda Ruth Herrman Dr. Gregory P. Hetter and Ms. Anita Pihl Elliott Himelfarb and Janet Minker Michael Hird Ashley S. Hodson Melitta Hoenle John Holyland Jean and Peter Huber Tamara L. Ittersagen Gail Jackson Sue Jacobson Millicent B. Jaekle Oliver and Suzanne Janney Jeffrey A. Jannuzzo Jennifer Marie Kacur Edward and Lyn Kahn Bruce Kalt Roger and Kristin Kaufman Carolyn Keidel Joan Kiernan Amanda Klein In Memory of Gail MacLauchlan Petrykanyn Davies Ilene and David Klein Rosalyn and Paul Kline Philippe Koenig and Jan Wallace Robert Kristman Maggie Lagana Iris LaJoie Gail Landry Phyllis A. and Fred D. Lasky Barbara Lawrence Horace and Lorrie Liang Phyllis and Phil Lieberman Anne Linn Gail Lisi Phyllis and Saul Lowitt Rita and Ian MacLure Dr. Lisa Mann and Dr. Rocco Marotta Amanda Marie Mason Matthew McAleer Henry McFarland Jeanette Mcintosh Paula McKeough Jo Meighan Lisa and Richard Merrill Antigone Merritt Joan and Robert Meyer Cyndi Miller Dean and Patty Miller Jean Miller Sandra Miranda Mary Mitchell Hank Mlynarski Linda Mohanty R. Bonnie Haber and Sven Mohr Barbara and Victor Morrison Ruth Moshman Marian Moss Laurie Murphy Phyllis Myers Gerald and Georgia Navaretta Michael M. Noga Regina Noonan Marilyn Nordby Mary Olha Margaret D’Aiuto Palacio Jeannette Paladino Joe and Diane Palermo Laura and Fred Pardee Diana L. Paver Lisa Peakes Bertha P. Person Joseph and Sharon Petty Bernard and Elaine Pfeifer Carol and Marc Pohl Melissa Politte-Martin Patricia A. Prozzi Kevin Pustay Helen and Ron Rayevich Jimmye Reeves Jerry and Carole Reid Natasha Reisner Dr. Michael V Reitano Victor Rendano Cheryl Richards William Richlin Marta T. Riordan Sandra and Bill Ripberger Martin Robbins in Honor of Audrey Robbins Alan Roer and Patricia Heyman Beverly Root Frank Rosemeier Sally Ross Stanford and Rona Ross Dr. Jack and Nancy Rozance Saul and Joyce Rubenstein Lynn and Ned Rule Lydia and John Russo Mr. and Mrs. P. Ryan Gary Schieneman Jane Schlegel Paul Scire Eda Scott Patricia Seftel Paula Sharp In Loving Memory Vielka Sheppard Steve Sills Roger and Barbara Sipson David and Linda Sischy Turbi and Paul Smilow Beverly and James Smith Rose Sobel Alfredo Sotomayor Wesley Spencer and Pauline Wood Helen and Jerry Spindler Irene J. Stankevics Carol Stares Cheryl Sublette Lora and Sig Tobias Carroll Tobin Lawrence Twill Walt and Carole Ulin Richard Vergine and William Sloan Stanley Vickers Bill Wagy Carolyn K. Warren Christine Watkins L’Hermine Gisela Weinland Dr. Ronald Weintraub and Margo Howard Iris G. Wenglin Case Wewerka Sandy Whyte Barbara Wilcox Aaron and Susan Wilner Norma and Terry Wohl David Wood Joan Wood Mari Wright Amy and Jay Young Anonymous (4)
Alfred & Ann Goldstein Foundation Jean Allenby Touring Fund Andy Frank Fund at the Community Foundation of Sarasota County Annette J. Hagens Memorial Foundation Cordelia Lee Beattie Foundation Designing Women Boutique Dancing Angels Foundation Fay A. Schweim Memorial Children’s Dance Fund Florida State University Gilbert Waters Charitable Fund II Jelks Family Foundation Jerome Robbins Foundation Johnston Family Fund Texas Instruments Foundation The Benevity Community Impact Fund The Leda Freedman Fund The Muriel O’Neil Fund for the Performing Arts at the Community Foundation of Sarasota County Tucker Family Charitable Fund Women’s Outreach Ministry, Church of the Redeemer
Amazon Smile Concierge Medical Services Cumberland Advisors CyberGrants DEX Imaging Eurotech Cabinetry FushiPoke, Co Goldman Babboni Fernandez & Walsh Gulf Coast Italian Culture Society Mauldin & Jenkins, CPAs & Advisors Michael’s on East Neuro Challenge Foundation for Parkinson’s New York Dancewear Company Premier Sotheby’s International Realty Peter G. Laughlin Group Sarasota Bay Club Selva Grill Serbin Print Marketing & Publishing The DanceWEAR Shoppe Willis Smith Construction White Oaks Investment Management
The Sarasota Ballet gratefully acknowledges the support from our institutional funders. Throughout the 2021 – 2022 Season, outstanding annual contributions were made to ensure the Company’s success through performances and community engagement. We are honored that your philanthropy has been chosen to support artistic excellence and create an impact on the performing arts in the greater Sarasota community. Thank you for your continued partnership for years to come!
Ricardo Rhodes, Danielle Brown, and Daniel Pratt in Sir Frederick Ashton’s Valses nobles et sentimentales
Ryoko Sadoshima and Luke Schaufuss in Sir Kenneth MacMillan’s Elite Syncopations

On April 26 – 27, 2022, our community came together to participate in the 24-hour virtual giving event known as the Giving Challenge. This year’s Giving Challenge raised over $90,000 for The Sarasota Ballet, which will provide important support for the upcoming 2022 – 2023 Season. The Giving Challenge is hosted by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County, with giving strengthened by The Patterson Foundation. Thank you to our matching sponsors: Richard March and Marcia Jean Taub & Peter Swain, and to all of our community members who participated in Giving Challenge 2022.
The Sarasota Ballet Endowment Fund was established during the 2020 – 2021 Season with a $2 million dollar gift thanks to an incredibly generous anonymous patron. This fund will support the future of The Sarasota Ballet, ensuring that the organization remains one of the nation’s most exciting ballet companies for years to come. In addition to The Sarasota Ballet Endowment Fund, The Sarasota Ballet operates endowed funds for Live Music and Dance – The Next Generation.