Home & Lifestyle Saratoga
Complimentary 2022
Saratoga Springs City Center
March 5-6th
Brought to you by
Family, Work,
Home & Lifestyle Saratoga
OWNER/PUBLISHER Chad Beatty GENERAL MANAGER Robin Mitchell CREATIVE DIRECTOR/ MANAGING EDITOR Chris Vallone Bushee MAGAZINE DESIGNER Kacie Cotter-Sacala ADVERTISING DESIGNER Kelsey Sherman ADVERTISING Jim Daley Cindy Durfey CONTRIBUTORS Colleen Coleman Brionna Doughty Lisa Miller Megin Potter Jordana Turcotte CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Mike Andrews of MLA Construction Randall Perry Photography Spa City Builders Whitbeck Construction PUBLISHED BY Saratoga TODAY Newspaper 2254 Route 50 South Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 (518) 581-2480 saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com Saratoga Home & Lifestyle is brought to you by Saratoga TODAY, Saratoga Publishing, LLC. Saratoga Publishing shall make every effort to avoid errors and omissions but disclaims any responsibility should they occur. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the publisher. Copyright © 2022, Saratoga TODAY Newspaper.
If interested in print publications for your next event call Saratoga TODAY. (518) 584-2180.
Chris Vallone Bushee Creative Director/ Managing Editor cBushee@SaratogaPublishing.com 518-581-2480 ext. 201 saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Welcome to the Saratoga Home & Lifestyle Show! …LIVE and IN PERSON! Yes, the show is on and it’s going to be awesome!
Join us on the first weekend of March for all your favorite vendors (and many new ones!), a Fine Arts and Crafts show, Photo Booth Fun, HOURLY Door Prizes, a Balloon Lady, FOUR Pet Adoption Agencies, a Bake Sale, Fun for the Kids… the list goes on and on! This yearly fund-raiser held by the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs, is now celebrating their 48th year and is a Saratoga MUST-DO event! As always, we are honored when a local business or organization asks us to help create a publication to help them promote their business or event, and we just LOVE doing this for the Rotary Club! If you’re not familiar with what Rotary does, please read all about them in the first few pages of this magazine. With the beautifully designed and informative displays at the Saratoga Home & Lifestyle show, there are ideas for every household project you could imagine… and possibly some you hadn’t even thought of!
And… did I mention that admission is FREE again this year, thanks to the Adirondack Trust Company! I hope you find these articles as informative as I did. I’m always looking for topics to cover, so send your Homeowner Woes (or completed projects!) to me at cBushee@SaratogaPublishing.com for future issues. For even more inspiration, check out the H&G issue of Simply Saratoga Magazine, due out in early May. Between the ads, the articles, and the vendors… we’re getting you started on that to-do list!! Enjoy the show… and the magazine!
Chris Cover photo courtesy of Marcella's Appliances - see page 54 for the story!
Welcome TO THE
Saturday & Sunday, March 5-6, 2022 at the Saratoga Springs City Center Presented by Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs FREE ADMISSION COURTESY OF ADIRONDACK TRUST COMPANY We’re back! We missed seeing you last year at our annual Saratoga Home & Lifestyle show. We weren’t alone in canceling events due to the pandemic, but Rotary’s work continued behind the scenes. We found creative new ways to raise money to support the organizations that depend on us. We thank the STEVE KYNE community for supporting our President 2022-2023 first-ever events such as the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs holiday gift basket drive or tennis and golf tournaments. Those proceeds allowed Rotary to pay it forward to deserving community organizations. I would be remiss if I did not extend my thanks to Susan Rhoades who served as our club president during 2020-2021. Susan faced the challenges of running a club that could not meet in person. She pulled together weekly Zoom meetings, outdoor lunch meetings, restaurant dinners for those who dared and volunteer service events. Susan Rhoades She oversaw new fundraising efforts and gave her all to hold the club together during a tough time. Thank you, Susan!
The members of the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs are special people. They are business and community leaders with strong values of fellowship and service. They work together to make a difference in our community and around the world. Whether we ring a bell for the Salvation Army, build a new porch with Rebuilding Together or wave a flag at one of our local 5K races, Rotarians want to be of service. They also volunteer their time tirelessly to support and work at the Saratoga Home & Lifestyle show, our biggest annual fundraiser. Rotarians involved in planning and running the Saratoga Home & Lifestyle Show exemplify the Rotary motto: “Service Above Self.” The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs extends a warm thank you to our show sponsors, exhibitors and visitors for making the 2022 show a success, even in these pandemic times. The largest beneficiary of the show is the Saratoga Springs Rotary Education Foundation. Funds raised at the show allow the Foundation to give away more than $85,000 in college scholarships each year. Money raised through the show also supports local community non-profit agencies such as Wellspring Saratoga, Franklin Community Center, Aim Services, Saratoga Regional YMCA, Camp Little Notch and countless others. Some funds are directed toward international projects such as “Drilling for Hope” and the worldwide fight against polio. Rotarians conduct themselves and their businesses with honesty, integrity, friendliness and fairness. The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs welcomes new members with similar values to join us in making a difference. To learn more, email us at rotaryclubofsaratogasprings@outlook.com.
General Information
Show Hours
The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs Home & Lifestyle Show returns to the Saratoga Springs City Center! The show features a wide variety of exhibitors with expertise in everything from gardens and outdoor living to financial planning.
Saturday, March 5 | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Whether you own your own home or rent an apartment, you’ll find something at the show that interests you. Get ideas and talk to experts about those lifestyle and home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about. The weekend includes the annual Rotary Art Show, pet adoptions, a bake sale, family fun and much more. There is something for everyone, so come join us at the Saratoga Springs City Center! 14 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
Sunday, March 6 | 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ADMISSION is free... Thanks to a generous donation from The Adirondack Trust Company, the show’s major sponsor.
Find the Exhibitor List Online Visit RotaryHomeShow.com for updated show information, including a list and map of exhibitors, photos and show-related news updates. You can also follow the show on Facebook and Twitter. saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Parking Map
To Our Show Sponsors! Thank you to our generous sponsors for their support. Once again The Adirondack Trust Company is our major sponsor making it possible to offer this show to the public admission-free.
When parking, please be aware of all posted signs. While some lots may allow all day parking, many lots and parking areas are limited to two hours during certain hours. Parking map and information compliments of the Downtown Business Association
3 Grand Prizes! Don’t Forget to Register for Door Prizes! There are many opportunities to win great door prizes at the show. Your entrance card consists of three tear-off stubs marked A, B and C. Add your name, address and phone number, and then go find Boxes A, B and C at the show to drop in your card. You may be a lucky winner, and you do not need to be present to win.
Bob Bissonette
BOX A: ALLERDICE GIFT CARDS Allerdice ACE Building Supply will give away $50 gift cards every half hour throughout the weekend. BOX B: VENDOR PRIZES A variety of prizes donated by our generous vendors will be offered periodically throughout the show. BOX C: GRAND PRIZE The grand prize drawing occurs later Sunday afternoon. The lucky winner will take home a gift valued at more than $1,000. Look for more details at the show! saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
In addition to the sponsors, exhibitors and special events participants noted elsewhere, the Club thanks Belmonte & Son Tents and Events, Saratoga Springs City Center and the Saratoga Springs Police Department for their participation in the show. Area Businesses Show Sponsors as of January 26, 2022
SERVICE above self Rotary’s Motto in Action The Rotary motto, “Service Above Self,” drives our membership to do good things in our own community as well as for communities around the world. Our membership shares a love of Saratoga with a strong desire to make it better for everyone who lives here. Weekly club meetings not only encourage camaraderie but provide opportunities to network with local business leaders and learn more about our community through a series of scheduled speakers. Rotary welcomes new members at any time. The Rotary Home & Lifestyle show makes it possible for the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs to financially support our community’s 501(c)(3) organizations as we strengthen community spirit. The Club expects to raise $90,000 from this year’s event. Over the course of the year, these proceeds are re-distributed to community organizations, educational scholarships and international humanitarian projects.
Rotary Supports Local Non-Profits The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs makes monthly and annual financial gifts over the course of each year: • Monthly Gifts: The club makes charitable contributions in amounts ranging up to $5,000 to hundreds of worthy non-profits each month. We eagerly accept letters describing your organization’s needs other than operating costs. Please include specifics about how Rotary can help. • Major Gifts: Annually the club makes one or two major gifts of $5,000 or more to area organizations seeking to complete a specific project. Major gift applications for Rotary’s 2023 donations are due by September 1, 2023. Criteria for these donations are explained on the club’s website at saratogaspringsrotary.org. You may also get general information at the Rotary booth on the main floor of the Home & Lifestyle Show.
The Club supported Wellspring with a $40,000 donation in 2020.
Rotary Supports International Relief Efforts Part of Rotary's mission involves donating to world disaster recovery efforts and improving life for citizens in developing countries. The Saratoga Springs Club sent Shelter Boxes for war refugees in Syria and typhoon victims in the Philippines, funded well construction in Rwanda and supported Pure Water for the World.
Rotary Supports Education The Saratoga Springs Rotary Education Foundation, established in 1997, raises funds to give financial scholarships to deserving Saratoga Springs high school seniors who plan to pursue additional education. In 2021 the Education Foundation awarded 15 scholarships totaling more than $85,000. One-year scholarships range from $2,500 to $6,000. Each student must demonstrate academic excellence in addition to a commitment to community service. Each year one student receives the $20,000 Presidential Award that grants $5,000 per year over four years of college. The 2021 winner is Reina Ceballos, a 2021 graduate of Saratoga Springs High School.
The Saratoga Springs Rotary Education Foundation honored 15 high school seniors with more than $85,000 in college scholarships at Longfellows Restaurant.
The other 2021 scholarship recipients are Luke Baringer, Ava Dallas, Jane Ginley, Aiden Lambert, Georgia Macy, Amanda Marcolin, Sakthi Muthukrishnan, Lily Rosan, Julian Silva-Forbes, Madeline Slavett, Daniel Somoza, Elizabeth Sweney-Benzon, Emily Wenke and Jason Zheng. Next year’s award dinner is scheduled for Wednesday, June 8, 2022. For more information about the Foundation and how to apply for scholarships, visit www.saratogaspringsscholarships.org. The Foundation is the 501(c)(3) charitable organization of the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs.
Annual Perseverance Awards As we all know life happens, and sometimes a student’s course toward high school graduation is interrupted by events outside his or her control. The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs introduced its annual Perseverance Awards in 2018. These awards honor students who, for one reason or another, don’t graduate with their high school class in June. Instead they persevere during the summer months to finish their course work and earn their high school diplomas in September. In 2021 the Club honored Seth Julius and Travis Bruce; each received a check for $500 to help them continue to reach for their dreams. Joyce Ure represents the Rotary Club in presenting the Perseverance Award to a September graduate of Saratoga Springs High School.
Join Rotary! Membership in the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs offers an excellent opportunity for Saratoga area businesses and individuals to make new friends while making a positive impact on the community and the world. The 60+ members of the Club meet the first, second and third Wednesdays of each month for breakfast at Embassy Suites in downtown Saratoga from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. On the fourth Wednesday, members gather in the evening for an informal “happy hour.” Rotary realizes that people are busy and may not be able to attend every meeting. While the club encourages good attendance, members also get attendance credit through Rotary-sponsored community efforts, extra-curricular club social gatherings and committee volunteer work. We invite prospective members to join us for breakfast or happy hour. Just show up and introduce yourself, visit www. saratogaspringsrotary.org or stop by the Rotary booth at the show to pick up an application or learn more. Individual and corporate memberships are available. saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
SERVICE above self Rotary International
Rotary Supports Your Community Here is a sampling of the many organizations supported by Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs.
Did you know you can travel to almost every part of the world and find a Rotary Club? Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves.
• Act with Respect Always
Solving real problems takes commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotarians have used their passion, energy and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.
• Cornell Cooperative Extension
Rotary members believe we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Rotary International’s 35,000+ clubs work together to: • Promote peace • Fight disease • Provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene • Save mothers and children • Support education • Grow local economies • Protect the environment We provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.
Rotary Works to End Polio For more than 30 years, Rotary has been working to eradicate polio. Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a paralyzing and potentially deadly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. The virus spreads from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can then attack the nervous system. Rotary has reduced polio cases by 99.9% since its first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. We’ve helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. Rotary has contributed more than $1.8 billion toward eradicating the disease worldwide. Today polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan, but it’s crucial to continue working to keep other countries polio-free. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year.
• After the Fire • AIM Services, Inc. • Alliance 180 • Dake Foundation • Doctors Without Borders • Drilling for Hope • EOC Saratoga • Franklin Community Center • Friends Forever International • Friends of Camp Little Notch • Friends of Saratoga Springs Public Library • Ladies of Charity • Lifeworks Community Action • Malta Veterans • Salvation Army • Saratoga Book Festival • Saratoga County Agricultural Society • Saratoga County Children's Committee • Saratoga Little League • Saratoga Miss Softball • Saratoga Regional YMCA • Saratoga Senior Center • Saratoga Shakespeare • Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar • Saratoga Springs Little League • Saratoga-Wilton Soccer Club • Prevention Council • Salvation Army • Saratoga County Children’s Committee • WellSpring Saratoga
Rotary Celebrates Service
Hudson River Inlay: Nelson hummingbird blossom table
Dee Sarno, 2021 Senior Citizen of the Year
2021 Senior Citizen of the Year Award The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs named Dee Sarno its 2021 Senior Citizen of the Year. The award honors a Saratoga County resident, aged 65 or older, who demonstrates the Rotary principle of “Service Above Self.” “For all that she has given to Saratoga and all that she continues to do, Dee is a role model for living a life of meaning and service to others,” affirmed Ellen Beal, president of the Saratoga Book Festival, who nominated Dee for the award. Dee arrived in Saratoga Springs with her family in 1988 and began a part-time job at the Saratoga County Arts Council. She held that job for 30 years and was integral in establishing the Community Arts Center in the former Saratoga Springs Library Building on Spring Street. “My father came to America when he was 16 years old and became a U.S. citizen at 18, recalled Dee. “He loved the U.S. and was a patriotic and busy citizen. His advice to me was to give back to this country that had given so much to our family, so I was motivated at a young age to volunteer.” The list of Dee’s community service activities is too long to print here. She has supported arts, education, history and community through many organizations and on many levels. She has also served on various local boards. The Senior Citizen Award is one more accolade in a long list of awards that Dee has received in her lifetime of service. An ardent supporter of Saratoga Springs and the Capital District community, she has been honored by the Saratoga Springs History Museum, Saratoga Rotary Education Foundation, Adirondack Council of Girl Scouts, Soroptimists, the Albany League of Arts, the Saratoga Preservation Foundation and many more. Dee is currently a member of Soroptimist International of Saratoga County, the Saratoga County League of Women Voters and the Saratoga Book Festival board. She also serves on the Planning Committee for Skidmore College’s annual benefit to support scholarships for deserving students. Dee’s favorite quote comes from Winston Churchill, “We make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” Taking those words to heart, it’s easy to see that Dee Sarno leads an exemplary life. saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
SPECIAL EVENTS GET SHOW UPDATES ONLINE Visit RotaryHomeShow.com to get the latest news on what’s happening at the show.
Saturday is Family Fun Day! Bring the whole family to the Rotary Home & Lifestyle Show. It will be like a day at the circus with our fun and zany guests. Crazy Christine the Balloon Lady will delight you as she inflates, twists, bends and creates balloon animals, toys and hats. Sean “The Prankster” will amaze you with his magical tricks as he makes surprising things happen right before your eyes. Hula-hoop artist Acadia Otlowski will travel throughout the show space performing her mesmerizing hoop artistry.
Crazy Christine the Balloon Lady
Acadia Otlowski
Meet Our Community Organizations Another new item for the 2022 show is a shared booth that will feature a dozen local non-profits that the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs supports. Each of these community service partners will occupy a 2-hour time-slot at the booth, so stop by often and meet them all. In addition to the shared booth, several non-profits—American Red Cross, Saratoga Regional YMCA and Boy Scouts of America—will have their own booths, so keep your eyes peeled to learn more about their important services.
Sean “The Prankster”
Both Days
Saturday Only
• • • • • • •
• CAPTAIN • Salvation Army • Saratoga Senior Center
AIM Services American Red Cross Boy Scouts of America Franklin Community Center Lifeworks Community Action RISE Housing & Support Saratoga Book Fair/ Friends of the Library • Saratoga Regional YMCA • Shelters of Saratoga
Sunday Only • Camp Little Notch
It’s All Grins at the Smile Lounge Take a Bite Out of Our Bake Sale
Bring your family and friends to the Smile Lounge for a free custom-designed 4X6 or 2X6 color photo. Friendly attendants will show you how to enhance your photos with props and fun poses. At the Social Media Station, you can instantly upload your photo to Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. Don’t miss out on the fun. The Smile Lounge is open to all attendees on both days of the show.
New this year, the show will feature a bake sale. There will be brownies, cupcakes, cookies and other delights. Our volunteer bakers are Rotarians and employees of Adirondack Trust Company with additional contributions from local bakeries and markets such as Bake Shop by Elle, Sweet Mimi’s Café and Bakery, and Fresh Market. The Wesley Community’s pastry chef is whipping up some treats, too. The bake sale begins each day when the show opens. It ends when we’re sold out. For safety’s sake, each item will be wrapped individually or sold in serving sizes. To add to the fun, there will be cotton candy and handmade bracelets for sale!
Adopt a Pet, Learn Something New How can you resist the charms of sweet, furry animals searching for their forever home? The Rotary Home & Lifestyle Show is host to four local pet adoption and spaying agencies who will be in residence to answer your pet questions and introduce you to adorable new friends who want to go home with you. Representatives from North Shore Animal League, Peppertree Rescue, HOPE (Homes for Orphaned Pets Exist) and Voice for the Voiceless will be on hand for advice and pointers on pet adoption and ownership. Even if you aren’t quite ready for a pet, there’s no harm in coming to visit and play with our special animal guests who will be at the show Saturday and Sunday from noon to 3 p.m. You can also get information from Adirondack Spay and Neuter, a non-profit clinic, about their low-cost services. saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
art exhibition
AT THE ROTARY HOME & LIFESTYLE SHOW The Home & Lifestyle Art Exhibition returns once again to the City Center for the entire weekend. You’ll enjoy booths filled with paintings, woodworking, photography, jewelry, wine and more. Don't miss the Saratoga Springs High School Art display featuring the talents of local high school art students. Saratoga Arts will award the “Best in Show” high school student with a free one-year membership.
Artist Line-Up SOAP & LOTIONS Shizen Skincare JEWELRY & BOUTIQUE Lone Birch Creative ONE on 1 Design Saratoga Rocks MIXED MEDIA/PAINTING Farm Share Studio Maria DeAngelo Roger Kaye Glass Penchant for Petals Thistledown Studio PHOTOGRAPHY Ladybug Hollow Photography Nature’s Images WOODWORKING ABC Woodworking Manitoulin Island White Cedar Ltd. Rustic Peaks and Pine Wildwoods Woodturning WINE & SPIRITS Black Button Distilling Olde York Farm Distillery
EXHIBITORS Exhibitors As of January 29, 2022; subject to change.
As of January 29, 2022; subject to change. See updated information at www.rotaryhomeshow.com
See updated information at RotaryHomeShow.com
To find specific vendors and their booth assignments, To find specific vendors and their booth assignments, please pick up a show map when you enter the City Center.
please pick up a show map when you enter the City Center.
APPLIANCES Earl B. Feiden BANKING & PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Adirondack Trust Company Saratoga National Bank and Trust Saratoga’s Community FCU BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION Logix Insulated Concrete Forms Patriot Construction of Upstate NY Inc. Suburban Construction BUILDING SERVICES & SUPPLIES Allerdice Building Supply Attention Pest Solutions Culligan of Scotia Saratoga Quality Hardware Stone Industries, LLC COMMUNITY PARTNERS American Red Cross Boy Scouts of America Capital Region PRISM Rotary Information Saratoga Regional YMCA Saratoga Springs Police Saratoga Today The Saratogian HEATING, COOLING, PLUMBING Family Danz Heating and Cooling John Ray & Sons Superior Co-op HVAC Suburban Service Group saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
HOME IMPROVEMENTS LeafFilter North of New York Shiny Bins Cleaning Service Northeast Seamless Gutter Co. KITCHENS, BATHROOMS & DECOR American Kitchen & Bath Renewal Capitol Kitchen and Baths Granite & Marble Works Instant Bath Inc/Bath Fitter Telescope Casual Furniture LANDSCAPING Bio Fusion Designs DNR Lawn & Landscaping/Sealcoating Grasshopper Gardens Mandy’s Spring Farm Nursery Peak Environmental Concepts Saratoga Sod Farm Yard Work N More Property Services PAVING & EXCAVATION BDB Paving & General Contracting Morgan Construction Services REAL ESTATE Capital Team at eXp Realty Coldwell Banker Prime Properties WINDOWS & DOORS Adirondack Overhead Door Co. Inc. Comfort Window and Door Overhead Door Company of Glens Falls Window Depot
CRBRA Best In Building Design Award for BEST LARGE KITCHEN
To our Interior Design Editor Colleen Coleman of CMC Design Studio LLC for her Award-Winning year in 2021! PHOTOS BY RANDALL PERRY PHOTOGRAPHY UNLESS NOTED
Photo by Colleen Coleman
CRBRA Best In Building Design Award for BEST MEDIUM KITCHEN saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Costly Mistakes You Avoid by Hiring
a Design Professional
Tonya Yasenchak, P.E.
Congratulations! You’ve decided to renovate. If it’s just cosmetic – you’re changing out the fixtures, paint or flooring, for example – have at it. For anything more complex, like reconfiguring a floor plan or putting on an addition, the smart move is to hire a licensed architect or engineer to draw up the plans. “We have the education; we know the codes and have the insurances that give a layer of protection to the client. By hiring a licensed design professional, home owners will save themselves money in the long run,” said Tonya Yasenchak, the Managing Principal Engineer at Engineering America, Co. GETTING THAT STAMP OF APPROVAL
One of the most expensive mistakes a homeowner could make is not factoring in the correct amount of egress (that’s how you get directly outside the house from a room). For instance, if you’ve completed a beautiful full basement renovation on your own but still only have tiny transom windows, you are putting your loved ones at risk without a code compliant direct way outside, in case of an emergency. Furthermore, if and when you decide to sell your home, the bank may ask for a proper certificate of occupancy. Without it, that newly renovated basement will be considered an unpermitted space. You likely may have to go back and cut into a foundation wall to get it up to code, along with the proper building permits and inspections..
Don’t be fooled, just because you can go online and draw up your own plans doesn’t mean you should. That design app doesn’t have your local and state building codes programmed into it.
The same caution needs to be taken when a builder or draftsman says they can draw up plans. They often aren’t certified to prepare stamped plans and have to go to a 3rd party, leaving the home owner out of the loop.
“One of the biggest parts of my job is listening to clients’ overall goals and educating them about how they can reach that dream most effectively. Involvement in the design process helps them to be more empowered during all phases of their renovation project,” said Yasenchak.
In New York State, only licensed engineers and architects, collectively known as design professionals, are qualified to give their stamp of approval. MISTAKENLY MISJUDGING SPACE Home owners often misjudge their space, said Yasenchak. • Walls have width: A 10’ addition will only have interior dimensions of 9’-6”.
Every renovation design evolves. Design professionals have the training to stay up-to-date on changes in building codes, materials, industry news, supply chain issues, and expenses.
Stamped plans also give the home owners leverage. They can take the plans that a design professional prepares and give them to different contractors for bids,” she said. Engineering America, Co. typically does not charge for the first meeting.
• Doors swing and walking areas take up space. Accounting for that 3’ of space can eat up a room quickly.
“It’s a sales call. I meet you and I meet the house. Even before you hire me, I can tell you if your project is reasonable or feasible.”
• Proper insulation, heating and ventilation are very important, yet costly, components of every renovation.
For more information, find Engineering America on Facebook or e-mail a direct inquiry to tonyay@nycap.rr.com
Tom Silva & Matt Whitbeck
Behind the Scenes:
A LOCAL 1864 DUTCH COLONIAL TAKES CENTER STAGE ON THIS OLD HOUSE. When This Old House Ventures, LLC, the granddaddy of home improvement media brands,was looking for a project in the region, Whitbeck Construction’s name kept coming up. “All roads lead to Rome, as they say, and in this case, that meant to us,” said co-founder Matt Whitbeck. TOH wanted to work with Whitbeck Construction not just because of what they do, but HOW they do it. The Construction Company focuses their efforts on renovating a healthier home. The owners are educators in the green build and sustainable build sector of residential construction. 30 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
CONTINUING A LEGACY Whitbeck Construction’s project, the re-overhaul of a 157-year-old home for the Williamson family, was just what This Old House had been searching for. Evan and Whitney Williamson are the 7th generation of the family to live in the house. Working with Frost Hurff Architects, Whitbeck Construction is completing their renovation, which will include a mother-in-law apartment, a new kitchen, living room, and master suite. Filming began in April 2021 after some back and forth details were ironed out. Signs were hung notifying anyone on the property that they would potentially be part of the filming, and a camera was positioned to capture a 24/7 livestream of the work in progress (access it online at www.thisoldhouse.com/webcams). saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
SAFETY, SHORTAGES & RETAKES, OH MY! Because This Old House has a crew of people (from 8 to 15 on any given day) joining the crew of tradesmen completing the work on-site, safety is a priority. Whitbeck Construction and the entire This Old House team ensures that the highest standards and protocols are being met during the shoot. The pandemic also threw a wrench into their timeline in the form of material and labor shortages. Delays in receiving materials didn’t help either. Windows, for example at the time of ordering had a 12 week lead time. Some manufacturers are currently quoting longer than that. The production schedule and the construction timeline has been a delicate dance for all involved. Everyone working together to achieve the desired result has been the key to this project’s success.
replaced it with a high-efficiency air-source heat pump and energy-recovery ventilation system that capitalizes on the weather outside to keep the temperature comfortable and consistent inside. In late Spring, you can see this project and others in the series, “Restoring a Family Legacy” airing in up to a dozen episodes of the This Old House program on PBS. Content from the project may also be appearing on their various other print and televised media platforms. For more information, follow Whitbeck Construction on Facebook. For more photos, go to SimplySaratoga.com!
KEEPING IT BRIEF The filming process however, has been an enjoyable one for Matt. “What all the members of the team are so great at, is being gifted storytellers. They have the ability to condense something and nail it down, so they can include three or four things in a 23-minute show. They have to be spot-on to do that,” he said. Time constraints never compromise the work,or the show, however, which is entirely unscripted, yet still informative. “They offer expert analysis in that specific genre of work that’s happening. They give a play-byplay of the tools and technology, how it all ties together, and why it works in the house. They plant a decent seed,” said Matt. Then it takes days, weeks, or months to edit it all together. THE INS AND OUTS In addition to construction jobs, Matt Whitbeck travels to teach others about best practices in sustainable design, some of which he was able to include in the Williamson home. Once they removed the home’s original cast iron furnace (an energy hog that once was fed with coal but was converted to natural gas mid-century) they
When COVID Came Knocking,
ince the pandemic began, spending more time at home has become the new normal, but that’s not always the safest place to be for some in Saratoga County. “What COVID seemed to do, is show the population at large that if people don’t have a safe house to be in, it affects everything,” said Michelle Larkin, Executive Director of Rebuilding Together Saratoga County (RTSC). THE HIDDEN SARATOGA Since 2003, Rebuilding Together has helped low-income elderly, disabled, active or veteran military, and others with home maintenance projects. They have repaired 1,505 residences, revitalized 105 community spaces and replaced 30 substandard manufactured homes. The pandemic however, left these groups more vulnerable than ever. As contractors struggled to get materials, costs rose, and the number of emergency situations that Rebuilding Together Saratoga County needed to address increased. “I can’t tell you how many people call saying, ‘I don’t have water’,” said Larkin. Among them was a woman who had to go down to the river with a bucket because she couldn’t afford the plumbing repairs needed.
“We just don’t know how our neighbors struggle, even if we think we do.” GROWING IN SCOPE When there’s not enough money to go around, something’s got to give, but when it’s in the home, that can often turn a small issue into a lifethreatening emergency. “The first step is to visit everyone for a safety visit and address the emergency if there is one. We make sure the homeowner has a smoke detector, a carbon monoxide detector, a fire extinguisher and discuss an emergency fire exit plan with the homeowner.” The project will then be put on a wait list until funding is available. During the last year, in addition to repair projects, they’ve distributed community care kits and were awarded a million-dollar Aging in Place grant, which will be distributed over three years to help those age 62+ with preventive home modifications, like grab bars and guard rails. Rebuilding Together is also one of the groups tasked with helping to spread the word about a new homeowner fund designated to help those affected by COVID to stay in their homes. That information can be found at www. nyhomeownerfund.org or by calling 1-844-77-NYHAF.
RESHOP FOR THE GOOD In 2021, Rebuilding Together Saratoga County renamed their secondhand furniture shop ReShop for the Good to reemphasize the mission of the Ballston Spa store. “People love the opportunity to recycle their items and to be able to help support our work in the community by donating to us. The bonus is that we are able to sell the gently used items at a great price. It’s a win-win for everyone. Rebuilding Together is also empowering people through their handyman program and home maintenance classes, and they give away a lot of items to community organizations and people in need. Everything they do relies on the help of a dedicated crew of Weekday Warriors, hundreds of volunteers, along with skilled contractors. They’re hoping to be able to offer Spring Volunteer Days this year for small construction projects and yard cleanups during the last weekend in April and the first two Saturdays in May. The community really wants to help one another, so to be able to come together once again for our spring volunteer workdays will be a beautiful thing. For more information, find them on Facebook and go to www.rtsaratoga.org saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Is it A Good Time to
Refinance Your Mortgage?
efinancing your mortgage can lead to a number of advantages, from lowering the total cost of your home loan to making monthly payments more manageable. With interest rates especially low, the idea of refinancing is especially attractive. Let’s look at the basics of the refinancing process, the less visible costs of refinancing a mortgage and other important factors.
score or income, a refinance can lower the total cost of your mortgage. In other cases, you might want to extend the length of your mortgage. This leads to a higher cost in the long run, but also makes monthly payments more manageable.
obligations when calculating the total cost of the mortgage over time. Compare them to the benefits you expect to receive and make a truly informed decision. Use our Should I Refinance? calculator to learn more about your specific situation.
The basic concept of refinancing is relatively simple. It becomes more complicated when weighing costs and benefits to determine if refinancing is right for you.
The key step in refinancing a mortgage is taking out a new home loan. That means going through a similar application process, providing necessary documentation to your lender and other steps that should be familiar to many homeowners. This new agreement pays off your current mortgage. From there, you follow the terms of the new loan and pay back your lender until you’ve fulfilled your financial obligation – or, in some cases, you refinance again.
A refinance carries many of the same costs as a first mortgage, such as application fees, escrow fees, insurance, loan origination fees, title fees and many more. You can choose to pay these costs upfront or utilize a no closing cost mortgage refinance, which leads to a higher interest rate but avoids paying all these expenses at once.
In certain circumstances, such as a drop in prevailing interest rates or a substantial increase to your credit 34 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
The costs of refinancing can vary significantly from one situation to the next. The best thing you can do to ensure a refinance will help you accomplish your goals is including the additional fees and similar
The short answer is: It can be. Despite especially low interest rates set by the Federal Reserve, mortgage rates aren’t as low as they otherwise could be. High demand leads to increased processing time, and delays are made more severe by the social distancing rules and guidelines put into place as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the MBA believes further action taken by the Fed will lower interest rates in the coming weeks and months. Learn more about Adirondack Trust’s effective options by giving us a call at (518) 584-5844. We’re here to support you with a team of knowledgeable, experienced and committed local professionals. You can also see current rates. And if you know you’re ready to refinance, you can apply online. saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
How to Keep Furniture Looking
FABULOUS! You’ve fallen in love with a piece of furniture. Before you commit to taking it home, make sure you know exactly what you’re getting yourself into by finding it’s care label. “Everything sold has to come with a care label. It may be outside where you can see it easily, or it may be tucked inside a cushion cover. A lot of the furniture we buy is coming from overseas, so the care label has symbols that are universal, which makes it easier for the consumer,” said Joyce Ure, owner of Cudney’s Cleaners. THAT NEW FURNITURE SMELL So, you’ve made the leap but when your furniture arrives, it reeks! Why? Furniture is shipped in plastic, and the furious temperature changes that the shipping containers undergo activates that petroleum-based smell. Resist the urge to clean your brand-new furniture, advises Ure. “Furniture is not intended to be ‘cleaned’ very often. It causes too much wear on the fabric,” she said. Once furniture is unwrapped, the odor will dissipate within a day or two. EVERYDAY DOS & DON’TS Vacuuming is all that’s needed on a day-to-day basis to keep your furniture clean, said Ure. Pro Tip: Different vacuum brush heads will change the look of fabric (especially microfibers) so it’s best to do a quick test on an out-of-view area to see what happens first.
Pretreating stains creates twice the mess for professional cleaners because they’ll have to get out the stain and whatever you put on top of it. FORGET THE GOLDEN RULE It’s likely that you already know to be wary when cleaning silks and velvets, but even seemingly straightforward cotton fabrics, for example, need to be cleaned differently depending on how they’re woven together. “There’s no golden rule for fabrics,” said Ure. Rather than trying to tackle a stain yourself, bring it to the attention of the pros.
“If the fabric is removable, it can be cleaned, but not lots of times, when you do, the color of the fabric will change,” said Ure.
“When you bring it to us, bring the care labels, too (even if you’ve already cut them off). Care labels are key. They help us immensely because we can see what the manufacturer recommends.”
Pro Tip: Spot cleaning may leave behind water stains, so if you’re unsure how to remove a stain, just leave it alone for now.
For more information, find Cudney’s Cleaners on Facebook and at www.cudneys.com
GE Café
Appliance Trends 2022
If you are in the market for new appliances, you don’t want to miss this read… One of my favorite trends to follow each year is appliances. With all the advances made in technology, our kitchens have been moving quickly toward the “Jetson” lifestyle we all thought as more fairytale when watching the cartoon. But here we are! For the younger generation of Millennials, this is how it has always been. As we move into the future, appliances are taking on the job of providing built-in cookbooks with high-definition imaging to make even a novice chef produce a restaurant quality meal. The term “Technicurean”, coined by Signature Kitchen Suite Appliances (SKS), hits the nail on the head…we want technology integrated into our everyday cooking so we can be our own award-winning chef! We have 5 essential appliances that make up the majority of modern kitchens: The refrigerator, range, vent hood, microwave and dishwasher. With the kitchen becoming the workhorse of the home, many have found that preparing fresh foods in lieu of dining out can be a fun, family affair. More room is being made in the kitchen to accommodate multiple generations (see my article "Seamlessly Aging in Place” on page 50). Connectivity to app devices is on the rise allowing today’s homeowners to focus on work while still monitoring dinner from their home office. Many of today’s appliances can also be operated by voice control “Alexa, preheat the oven to 350 degrees,” done! Integrated appliances (otherwise known as panel ready) are on the 38 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
rise, creating a seamless look throughout the kitchen that used to be predicated to the luxury market. Much of this has been available over the past few years but now as millennials are creating a higher demand for such options, the appliance industry has responded with options available for most price points. Let’s talk specific appliances. The range is now a full expression of cooking…yes, even in average priced models…with integrated air fry, grill tops and dual fuel (A range with gas cooktop and an electric or convection oven). The higher end models are combining elements such as sous vide, steam and induction to create a full range of food preparation all-in-one. However, today’s consumers are moving the desire for induction cooktops almost equal to gas. The technology has gained such interest that the cost has allowed a greater number of homeowners to consider purchasing induction over a gas option. These cooktops have several features that make cooking safe and easy. First, the top can detect if a liquid has overboiled and will automatically shut off. Secondly, several manufacturers have incorporated the ability to combine cooking areas for larger pots or grill pans. Thermador introduced a Freedom Induction Cooktop which allows you to put your pan anywhere and the surface detects its location. Move the pot, the heat setting follows! Induction is a great choice when working in the kitchen with kids or aging parents. And…with WIFI, you can turn your cooktop down right from your phone. (See photo: Thermador Freedom Induction Cooktop on page 51.) saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
For finishes, stainless steel is still holding the market, and we are noticing black stainless is creeping in. In the Saratoga County area, the commercial style range is still a hot trend, however, Mary Feiden of Earl B. Feiden Appliances noted, “We are seeing more personalization of appliances, allowing our customers to create a unique kitchen space of their own.” GE Café has options such as copper accents, matte white paired with brushed bronze, and matte black with stainless steel. She also notes, “The younger generation is making healthier choices in their cooking; preparing foods to bring to work and utilizing vacuum sealers to maintain freshness longer. They are more in tune with proper planning and using the food they have in lieu of throwing it away.” Do you want to hear a shocker?... According to the USDA, the United States food waste is estimated at between 30-40% of our food supply. That’s 133 billion pounds or $161billion worth of food in one year. Refrigeration is a huge part of this. I want to start by saying not all refrigerators are created equal. I think we are all under the impression that a refrigerator is there to just keep our food cold or frozen. Albeit, that is the base line of its function, but the modern refrigerator is so much more. Its main purpose is to preserve food longer. There are two components to look for when purchasing a refrigerator with a freezer. First, best-case scenario is a dual compressor/ dual evaporator; one for the freezer and one for the refrigerator. This eliminates the exchange of air between the two compartments. No onion taste in your ice cubes and no frozen lettuce in your refrigerator. This, of course, used to be only in the high-end units. However, manufacturers like Bosch have developed their own line to compete in this market. There are other features that are still unique to the higher end units, but I have to say that the average consumer now has the opportunity to decrease their food waste by investing just a bit upfront in the refrigeration unit they purchase. Second best-case scenario is a single compressor/dual evaporator unit. Essentially, the coolant (freon) is routed according to each cabin’s needs rather than the cool air from the freezer simply being routed to the refrigerator only. It all seems a bit complicated, but I know Earl B. Feiden Appliances can help you with all your questions in finding just the right unit for your needs.
Pullout hood by Fabre Cristal & Kitchen, design by CMC Design Studio LLC
Designer appliance pulls by GE Cafe
French door frig by Bosch
Venting hoods are the ignored child of the kitchen when it comes to advances in the industry. Stainless steel and decorative wood vents still hold an equal lead for future trends. Most often being the focal point of the kitchen, interior designers play a larger role of creating a new look over the industry updating its appearance as a whole. That being said, I think the reason for this is the vent hood is quite often a hidden element that functions quietly in the background. Most manufacturers have updated their lighting to LED along with incorporating a grill that reflects the professional atmosphere most consumers’ desire. One update in functionality I have found is the pull-out hood. I have specified the Faber Cristal recently which offered the option to incorporate a wood panel finish on the movable hood tray. The vent hood is activated when pulled out to properly cover the range or cooktop surface while preparing meals. Its sleek style offers the proper ventilation while giving a modern nod to the range area as a whole. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022 | 39
Microwaves on the other hand have changed in leaps and bounds. Now, I’m going to date myself, but I remember attending the NY State Fair and seeing the microwave for the first time. It cooked bacon in a few minutes. We were all wide-eyed at this advance in the cooking industry (I guess I had a thing for appliances back then too!) By the time my siblings and I were out of college, we thought our parents were so outdated, we all pitched in to get them one! Today, a microwave is a staple in the kitchen, heck in the college dorm even! No more plug-in pots for this generation…but oh the memories! According to Mary, “The microwave over the range is still a big seller as its versatile and allows the homeowner dual function as a recirculating vent. Drawer microwaves have seen a big uptick in sales especially when there is no other place to install one. It’s a safety component so you don’t have to reach over the range and can be installed to comply with ADA guidelines.” Children can learn to warm food and help prep in the kitchen as well. I love the sleekness of the drawer and probably specify this version of the microwave more than any other. With the wave of the hand, a panel drops down in full view. You make your selection for cooking and off you go. I’ve even had several of my Boomer clients in awe over this appliance! (See photo: Drawer Microwave by Thermador on page 52.) Other options in this market are those that function as a small secondary oven. Last year, I went into great detail about the Monogram 5-in-1 microwave. It does just about everything but prepare the meal for you; convection oven, toaster oven, warming/proofing oven, precision cook oven and …oh yeah, it’s a microwave too! Without preheating, this mini-marvel can make a complete chicken dinner in 15 minutes flat, and juicy as can be! For Boomers, it’s great for a household where kids have moved out and you're only making meals for one or two people on a regular basis. Pairing it with a full wall oven below puts all the baking and roasting on one wall, eliminating the need to bend down to get that casserole. Wall mounted oven by Thermador
Dishwashers by Thermador
Dishwashers have also come a long way from being a dark hole with two trays and a wash cycle. With so many people enjoying the experience of eating-in, the cleaning process has to make them want to stay home too. One of the best additions is the sanitize button. You know when those dishes come out, everything has been sterilized! And in today’s world, that’s a good thing! I even add my sink strainers every cycle! The controls on the interior top are also trending as panel ready options become a common “unseen” finish. More often, the interior is now stainless steel with some manufacturers incorporating LED lights that guide you to filling and unloading the three trays more efficiently. Many of the machines on the market today are very quiet. Your sales person can guide you to which options are best for your individual needs. Other local trends noted by Bruce Karel of Earl B. Feiden in Clifton Park is “An increase in appliances in the island such as wine coolers or an extra dishwasher. Local consumers are looking for healthier cooking options like steam ovens and appliances with longevity, the ones that will last the test of time.” Personally, I have noticed an increase in requests for alternative bar/kitchens just off the pool or lake area or a separate pool house kitchen altogether. With consumers wanting to bring the outdoors in, and the indoors out, I’m definitely seeing home entertainment on the rise and a kitchen is one area that needs to be close by. Remember, when shopping for all these new high-tech appliances, best doesn’t always have to mean you’ll break your budget. Many of the mid-to-higher end manufacturers offer promotions with substantial savings for consumers. It’s worth having a conversation with your sales person to discuss what is most important to you in your kitchen and how you can best spend your budgeted dollars to achieve the kitchen you have always dreamed of. So, go ahead, call out to Siri to boil that water or ask Alexa to check the temperature of your wine cooler. The future is here…The Jetsons have arrived! Until next time my friends,
1980 water pot boiler. Oh how things have changed!
Colleen Coleman of CMC Design Studio LLC AKBD, CAPS & True Color Expert www.CMCDesignStudio.net colleen@cmcdesignstudio.net @cmcdesignstudiollc “Creating Environments for Life” TM 40 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
“How do I choose the right countertop?”
here’s a thrilling sense of adventure simply perusing the sheer magnificence of the stone at Granite and Marble Works.
information out there and it can be overwhelming,” said Margaret Roohan, co-owner of Granite and Marble Works.
With more than 2,000 slabs of granite, marble, quartz, quartzite, and soapstone in stock, whittling down this abundance of choices to the right one for you means you must leave all the others behind.
Ease into the world of countertops with a Virtual Design Tool like the free ones on Granite and Marble Works website. Just pick what space you’re designing first (a kitchen or bathroom) and click on the different stones and finishes to experiment with the choices available from their digital inventory.
“In the current marketplace, there’s lots of
“This is a tool that helps you narrow down what to pair with the other elements in your space but it’s just one primary step in the process. Making the right choice still requires that personal touch,” advises Roohan. Which means talking with an expert. The knowledgeable staff at Granite and Marble Works are all certified by the Natural Stone Institute and are members of other professional organizations, attend seminars and online learning opportunities, and create in-house checklists to help you better understand what you are buying. They’ll ask you: • How are you planning to use the space? • What kind of look are you going for? Then, they’ll describe the differences in each material to find the right one for you. “The more information customers can give us, the more helpful we can be. We’re very happy to share our knowledge. It’s for the good of everyone,” said Roohan. A CLEAN START In the excitement of a remodel, don’t dismiss a crucial consideration when it comes to actually using your space: What’s it like to clean? For instance, Roohan recommends staying away from surface cleaners that contain citrus, because their acidity can degrade many countertop sealants. Also, be extra-cautious when choosing natural cleaners, continued Roohan. Popular brands, including Method and Seventh Generation, contain essential oils that can darken some stones. Stick with a simple dish-washing liquid and water instead. Sanitizing countertops is another area where less is more. Cleaners containing Clorox are often way too abrasive. For germ-free surfaces, instead spray on a solution of 50% denatured alcohol and 50% warm water. Denatured alcohol can be found in the paint section of your local hardware store and is super cheap compared to commercial cleaners. It works fast and evaporates quickly. Just be sure to always wear gloves and use a sponge or cloth to wipe it away. THE TIME IS NOW With so much inventory, shipping shortages aren’t likely going to interfere with your project when you shop at Granite and Marble Works but one of the things the last year has taught all of us is that fate favors those who prepare early, so once you know what you want, it’s best to go ahead and place your order. To get started, go online now to graniteandmarbleworks.com. saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Collector's Item AF-45
Pale Moon OC-108
Color Trends 2022
Welcome to color in 2022! I am so excited to write this year’s color trend and share with you the wonderful hues which will connect us with nature, liven our homes and work spaces, and bring a bit of fresh air into the gray palettes we have been working with. It’s no surprise to any of you that we are so hungry for a change. Last year we had color take a fresh new look but in 2022, the colors are beginning to get a bit bolder. The last ten years of “gray” are beginning to cycle out and color is becoming warmer. No, we are not jumping back into browns. Color is being immersed in nature, even more so than last year. So, get out your paint brush and rollers, we are going to explore your next room update, accent wall or cabinet color to bring nature INTO your home! 44 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
Steam AF-15
Fernwood Green 2145-40
October Mist 1495 Mudroom Cubby Rendering by Brionna Doughty
As an interior designer, I sit on the edge of my seat each year waiting for the announcement of the new upcoming year’s colors. Sounds nerdy but it thrills me to see the context in which the experts developed their selections from. As world travelers, they absorb how color is woven into our world. For this year, it is no surprise that greens have topped the list. Even in our own area of Saratoga Springs, Malcolm Snowden from Allerdice on Walworth Street stated, “Gray is falling by the waste side, more lively colors are on the rise; more than simple pastels, with a greater desire for more color. Warm and inviting colors that are comfortable to live in, relaxing.” He mentioned “One of the big sellers in Benjamin Moore’s Color of the Year palette is October Mist 1495.” I couldn’t agree more! I jumped right on that color for a custom Mudroom Cubby area accented with oak stained in Minwax Classic Gray. See, the gray is still here, but taking more of a back seat. When I asked Malcolm about THE white customers are asking for, it was the go-to white which has been around for years, Benjamin Moore Simply White OC-117. Time to shake things up a bit, wouldn’t you say?!
The whites in BM 2022 palette are softer and convey a sense of relaxation. Steam AF-15 is a warm white but without the yellow undertones, allowing it to read white on walls and trim while offering a sense of comfort. Collector’s Items AF-45 is perfect for balancing your treasured finds and heirlooms that are abundant in our historical area. Its off-white hue has a quiet blush undertone which feels restful. My first reaction was, if I could touch the color… it would feel like an old shammy shirt that was washed to the perfect softness. Give them a try! Allerdice can make up samples so you can see your selection before buying the entire gallon. Malcolm also recommends to “Pay attention to the lighting in your room. A soft color will get washed out by the southern bright sun.” I usually place a large color swatch on all four walls of my client’s room with a white piece of paper behind it so the color reads true in that space, not influenced by the existing wall color. Then, I instruct them to look at the color at different times of the day to see how the natural light and outside elements will influence the new color. It’s a good practice to use when updating any room.
Morning Dew OC-140
Quiet Moments 1563
October Mist 1495
Wild Flower 2090-40
Mysterious AF-565
Back to greens…which have dominated the color selections for 2022. Other greens by Benjamin Moore included Morning Dew OC-140 which is a very soft white with green undertones. It’s a lovely wall color paired with Steam AF-15. Quiet Moments 1563 is one of my favorites. The cool mint green color is always refreshing without taking over a space. Fernwood Green 2154-40 if a soft yellow-green pulling us out of the gray undertones and into a truly fresh look into the future. High Park 467 reminds me of an English Library but without all the stuffiness. Sophisticated & enduring while surrounding one’s mind with a quiet place to read. Gloucester Sage HC-100 is a mossy green with brown undertones. Its rich, deep color would be elegant painted in a high gloss sheen for a library room filled with bookshelves; implying a secret door hidden somewhere that leads to a room filled with maps of intrigue and mystery. Sherwin Williams declared Evergreen Fog SW9130 their Color of the Year. This “green-meets-gray” color gets a spark of coolness with slight undertones of blue. Pairing well with Shoji White SW7042, the colors offer a modern sophisticated scene for those who adore the gray palette but need to introduce a bit of nature to calm the palette. Pittsburgh Paints on the other hand selected Olive Sprig MEN7169-4. Their overall palette is grounded in a traditional and authentic feel. I love their tag line for this year’s color “VINTAGE IS THE NEW MODERN”. Olive Sprig MEN7169-4 evokes the past, present and the future. Olives, its timeless color has been cherished for centuries whether eaten from a tree, pressed into oil or dropped into a martini…And now, its bounty can enrich your home! Now let’s add a pop of color! Starting with Benjamin Moore’s Wild Flower 2090-40. This rich rosy color allows
your own personal style to shine through! Paired with Collector’s Item AF-45 for the trim, the balance creates a chic atmosphere without consuming your attention for color. Pale Moon OC-108 reminds me of a Lemon Chiffon Pie more so than the moon. It evokes the natural color of the peel as its lightly churned into the pie mix. Hint of Violet 2114-60 is a subtle lavender with a gray nuance about it. In the sunlight, the violet will pop to life while in the evening hours, the subtle gray tones will emerge creating a serene oasis to rest. Mysterious AF-565 is a deep, rich blue perfect for a front door or cabinet accented with gold brushed hardware and natural woods. On the contrary, Natural Linen 966 is perfect for a serene bedroom with its sandy tones of rustic elegance. Paired with Collector’s Item AF15, it would be the next best place to rest when the ocean is miles away. And Finally, Venetian Portico AF-185 with its earth baked blush vibe denotes health with a calmness that comes from not being stirred easily; a security, a women’s perfect blush compact …at the ready. It feels as if you could brush it on with a light touch then dance the night away in the room without worry. Do you feel it? The tranquility flowing over you with these colors? The greens…the pops of soft to bold colors enticing you to enliven your homes into a new year and to celebrate the outdoors within your walls. Well, get those rollers and brushes working…And dare to be part of nature! Until next time my friends, Colleen Coleman of CMC Design Studio LLC AKBD, CAPS & True Color Expert www.CMCDesignStudio.net colleen@cmcdesignstudio.net @cmcdesignstudiollc “Creating Environments for Life” TM
There are several “hot zones” within the home that easily become the dumping zone and just plain unmanageable due to clutter. The garage is the top space. Primarily due to lack of systems, established zones and clear definitions of what should be in there; STUFF accumulates. Let’s discuss your garage… Does your car (s) fit in the garage? If not, it is time to tackle this space. That is the purpose for your garage after all, so creating order to use it this way will be our goal. If that isn’t your goal, you should at least have a space that is organized, one that you can walk through safely. For many, the door into the house from the garage is the main point of entry. Because of this, the garage is seen and used daily. How does it make you feel? 48 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
Did you know that nearly 40% of first responders have tripped over clutter in the garage? Or that 22% of homeowners had accidentally hit something while parking their car. 25% of homeowners don’t park in their garage at all. And if you do, 27% have hit an object with the car door! Storage is one of the main reasons for items to be kept in the garage. On top of full garages, many people also rent storage units to store even more stuff. Storage units average $100 - $300 monthly! Not only will clearing out clutter in your garage allow you to park easily, but it may also free up valuable space that will allow you to bring stuff (that you are definitely keeping!) back to your home, therefore saving money on the storage unit. (Going through the storage unit is another topic… look for Simply Saratoga H&G, due out in April, for this topic!) saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Some of the typical excuses for many things we keep go as such; I might need it one day, I just can’t get rid of it; it’s worth a lot of money, it belongs to someone else, and it is too overwhelming to make decisions. All valid but doesn’t help in solving the clutter problem. There is no better space than the garage to have “zones.” A zone is a specific area for a specific type of stuff or activity. Typical zones (besides your car spots) are seasonal items, sporting goods, auto repair / supplies, yard tools, gardening supplies, tools / tool bench and hobbies such as painting furniture or wood working. One thing to consider is what can and cannot be stored in a garage – the garage sees all temperatures, lots of dirt, dust and debris with cars coming in and out and the door opening and closing …and let’s not forget the critters! Remember this with all things kept in the garage. Let’s discuss how to get from messy to organized! First, take everything out of the garage and put the items in your driveway or on your front lawn (this means warmer weather and probably a whole day devoted to it.) Make a list of the zones you want in the garage. Having those made clear before doing anything else will drive what goes back in. Next, make a trash and recycle pile and just gather up in a first pass all you can find. Broken or worn-out items should go. With a portion of junk out of the mix, sort like with like items. All sporting goods together, all gardening together and so on. Then, go through each pile of like items pulling out things you no longer want or need and make a donate/sell pile. Right now, based on what you are keeping is the best time to decide on storage solutions to purchase. If an expenditure isn’t in the cards, make some notes on what you may like to get in the future for specific items or groupings of items. In general, buying solutions (shelving, bins, hooks and so on) should be done after you know what you are keeping and what you need. You now have your keep items and your list of zones. Relocate items that should not and won’t be stored in the garage. Then, based on what is left and how much is in each category, start to load items in, based on use and amount. Some categories may have to be in specific spots no matter the size, like trash cans or bikes that only fit in one spot. Load those first and build the other zones around them. Think of convenience and frequency of use. And importantly, safety if children and/or pets are in the garage (lock up chemicals and sharp items.) Label all bins and shelves so everyone knows where things belong. Tricks of the trade for garages – hang what you can, claim vertical space with custom shelves or lowering shelves, hooks and more hooks, and shelves are always better than lining all along the edges. Home improvement stores and online stores have a great assortment of “garage specific systems” that you may invest in or just look at to gain ideas on how to store things. It may be too chilly right now in the Northeast to tackle the garage but come April you can devote some time when freezing temperatures have hopefully left. The garage should be done again in November (because stuff happens!) to guarantee you still have space for your cars before the snow flies! saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Aging in P lace Photo by Spa City Builders
Photo by Spa City Builders
Photo by CMC Design Studio LLC
know when we hear those words “Aging in Place” we immediately think of our parents, grandparents or someone else. Our minds tell us “That is something far in the future, I’m young and healthy with no use for words like aging!” But as a good doctor once told me, “You can’t stop father time!” We all age… Ugh! … We all need to think of where we will be in 5, 10, or even 20 years. Will Grandma & Grandpa be moving in with us? Am I dealing with a progressive illness where my needs will change in the years to come? We all fight age, heck, count the bottles of face cream, hair color appointments or number of sit-ups you do to keep those years from showing your true age! 50 is the new 30 they say! But time gets us all so let’s discover together how we can buy back a little of our time in the homes we love by Seamlessly Aging in Place!
Now, mind you, I could write a book on this topic but to keep you from growing one more gray hair, I will only go over a few key rooms. Let’s start right at the entry to your homes. First, most homes have some sort of step-up into the house. And how do most of us enter our home? Through the rear or garage door off the driveway. The steps are usually a builder 2x10 make-shift staircase without rails. Here is an area where a simple wooden rail could be added to make getting in and out of the home easier! Trust me, I broke my foot a few years back and I wish we had one installed. It was May of 2020 so I had no luck of getting one installed when I finally needed it…learn from me friends…And your door hardware, if you’re updating your house, it’s very wise to add a few bucks to the budget to exchange out all your knobs for levers. Here’s why…as we age, arthritis finds about 58.5 million of us. A lever is easy to open with an elbow or fist. Besides, it’s a great way to update your old door! saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Onto the Master Suite, hopefully on the first floor…our sanctuary as we get more “mature”. Let’s keep it that way by ensuring your entry is 36” wide. Why you ask? Because that is the ideal door width for a wheelchair. Okay, I saw that…you rolled your eyeballs at the word “wheelchair”… Essentially, all I’m saying is the wider doorway allows for best passage. If you can only fit a 32” door max, try using an expandable door hinge which pulls the door away from the casing, offering another 2 inches of clearance for say, a big comfy chair. There, did that sound better?? For the Master bath or even a guest bath, before the renovation begins is the time to talk to your contractor about incorporating a zero threshold into the shower. This means, you don’t have to step over anything to get in. The floor of the shower is sloped just enough to encourage water to the drain, keeping water out of the general bath area. And when you're selecting shower valve trims, levers are always going to be easier to operate. Now, hold onto your hat, we need to discuss grab bars in the shower. I know, you don’t want your beautiful new shower to look institutional. I get that... Whenever I work with clients 40 or older, I always “block” behind the walls to prepare for grab bars in the future. That way, if the time comes, you know you will hit wood when installing them. However, if your need is more present, there are several companies who offer bars with a simple, architectural form and detailing to coordinate with their everyday collections. A very seamless addition to a beautiful shower! Moving onto the kitchen, there are so many new items on the market that can help you age gracefully and safely in your home. Once again, hardware pulls are best over knobs. You don’t believe me? Try this…find a tennis ball, hold it in your hand and cover your hand with a sock. Now, try grabbing that knob? This exercise mimics an arthritic hand. Ahh, you are beginning to see the light!
Zero Threshold shower Photo by CMC Design Studio LLC
Photo by Mike Andrews of MLA Construction
Thermador Freedom Induction Cooktop
Thermador 30 Wall Oven
Shower grab bar. Photo by CMC Design Studio LLC
Expandable door hinge
For kitchen safety, look into an induction cooktop. Many of the options available today have an auto shut off when an overflow spill or forgotten pan begins to overheat is detected. Induction cooktops do not generate their own heat, they only heat the pan being used on them. So, from small fingers to a visiting grandparent, the chance of accidentally getting burned is minimized greatly! Another area to closely think about is using a wall oven in lieu of a traditional range. Think about it, you have your family over for a turkey dinner and you need to bend over and lift that juicy 25lb bird out of the oven to bast it several times. I don’t know about you, but I‘ve guarded my back since I hit 40! Standing upright to remove food from the oven is a luxury you don’t want to miss out on! Wall ovens that open to the side also increase safety, negating the need to reach across a hot oven door. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022 | 51
Voice Activated Kitchen Faucet by Kohler
Dishwasher installed at 15” above the floor by AIP Contractor
30” Drawer Microwave by Thermador
Another tip is to install your dishwasher with the lowest rack at about 15" off the floor, alleviating the need to bend low to load or unload dishes. With the top of the dishwasher now being at around 42” high, you could add a pantry cabinet above with easy access to maximize storage with minimal reach! A sweet bonus would be to craft this pantry as a pull-out unit, bringing all the contents out to you! Onto refrigeration… Oh, how we love our tightly sealed refrigerators that keep our food well preserved! (see my article on Appliance Trends, page 38). When building or renovating, be sure to stop at Earl B. Feiden’s and ask about touch open options. You heard me right, a simple finger touch or elbow nudge can now open a frig! Where was that when I was feeding 3 boys! As a designer, Thermador Frig that opens up a world of design Open Door Assist possibilities! And if you haven’t seen a drawer microwave, I suggest you ask about that too! With the wave of a hand, a panel opens allowing you to input your desired cooking experience. Place your food in the drawer, and off it goes, into the cabinet and out of the way. There is no reaching and your countertop is open for maximum food preparation. A win-win situation! Speaking of countertops, be sure to keep an area at the countertop for a stool or chair. As we seamlessly age, there are times we just need to sit down as we are lovingly working in the kitchen all day. It’s great for the kids and grandparents to help as well. Underneath, be sure to spend a little more money on drawers over doors in your base cabinets. Your storage room and ease of access increases greatly…and no more crawling into the cabinet to find that one lid that escapes you every time! I can feel your want-to-be wrinkles losing the battle already! 52 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
One last kitchen item, the sink faucet can also be of great aid, and for all ages. With voice activation, you can command it to fill your pot with exactly 4 cups of water, or bring your chicken cutting fingers under to clean without touching the lever to activate it. Alexa and Siri are getting very busy!! Okay, onto the second floor. So, you are building a house. Think about stacking a closet upstairs over a closet downstairs. This area can be used for a small elevator in the future. It's best to look into what the current market is offering and think about your own personal space needs in tight quarters when considering the interior size. You may never need it, but it is good to know you have planned for it. Another option is to increase your staircase to 48” wide to accommodate a chairlift system while maintaining mobility for others. Once again, plan ahead with proper blocking in the wall.
National Seating & Mobility of Clifton Park
How do you feel now? Better? You CAN seamlessly age in place in your home with a bit of thought ahead of time. And in no way does any of this “LOOK” like you are aging. In fact, your home will look quite up-to-date and highly functional. And isn’t that what we all want at any age?? Until next time my friends, Colleen Coleman of CMC Design Studio LLC AKBD, CAPS & True Color Expert www.CMCDesignStudio.net colleen@cmcdesignstudio.net @cmcdesignstudiollc “Creating Environments for Life” TM saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
True Residential
Big Green Egg
othing is more down-to-earth than cooking outdoors, but being environmentally-conscious doesn’t mean you need to kneel down in the dirt perched over a campfire. Today’s outdoor kitchens are equipped with state-of-the-art grills versatile enough to serve as a smoker or to cook a pizza, and to do it all in an eco-friendly way. “You can frame the overall design of your outdoor kitchen around that piece, so it’s a great jumping off point for people,” said James Raguette, Sales Manager at Marcella’s Appliance Center. IT’S TIME TO GET EGGSCITED! For the ultimate outdoor cooking experience, you can’t go wrong with the Big Green Egg. This powerhouse is a high-temperature grill, roaster, and pizza oven in one. Powered with all-natural, clean-burning hardwood lump charcoal, you’ll have that live-fire flavor in just minutes. Available in sizes from mini up to 2XL, this brilliant device is a triumph in design, delivering hot, satisfying meals, artisan breads, and even desserts that are sure to keep all your guests happy. “The temperature control is extremely precise, which makes it extremely attractive,” said Raguette, who not only sells them, but owns one as well. The ultra-portable mini is perfect for a picnic, balcony, or boating, while the 2XL can cook up to 40 burgers or 16 whole chickens at once. Fill up the Big Green Egg with charcoal and it’ll slow-roast your meats for 15 hours or more, and leave behind enough charcoal to reuse it again and again.
True Residential
XO Pizza Oven
XO Pizza Oven
THE SUPREME XO The brilliance of the XO pizza oven starts with its multi-fuel operation. Choose direct wood-fired or lump charcoal heat to achieve different flavors in either the built-in or freestanding units. It holds up well in the Northeastern outdoor climate and its ceramic floor is insulated to retain heat. The glass window lets you keep an eye on your pizza, ensuring you’ll get all that gooey, melty deliciousness with just the right amount of crispy, crunchy crust. Its large door makes cooking and clean-up a breeze. Available in red and yellow, in addition to the standard charcoal gray, it’ll add a pop of color to your outdoor space. The XO line of products includes cooking units, fire tables, storage options, trash receptacles, sinks, and more. “The overall quality and value can’t be beat. This company produces premium outdoor products but their price is considerably less than others in the same space,” said Raguette. ART OF GRILLING Charcoal is the common bond between serious grill enthusiasts and the eco-conscious. Using charcoal instead of gas saves on fossil fuels while adding a paradise of taste. Because it doesn’t contain any by-products or additives, hardwood charcoal produces fewer ashes, so you won’t need to clean out the grill as often either. Charcoal imparts that unbeatable smokey flavor expertly within the innovative DCS grills. Their exceptional design lets you control the temperature and achieve that distinctive barbecue flavor that you just can’t get by any other cooking method. Lay the crust down straight on the grill, close the lid to get that convection heat working, and you’ll have a tempting pizza in almost no time. COOL COMPROMISE The one thing that hasn’t been invented yet is a truly green refrigerator, but an Emerald Green True Residential outdoor refrigerator is so beautiful you’ll be willing to compromise a bit. The flair of their inspired design, custom finishes and their stainless-steel finish won’t rust or corrode, making this the preferred brand for outdoor lovers who aren’t willing to sacrifice style. Marcella’s Appliance Center who happens to be celebrating their 65th anniversary in 2022, are the only authorized True Residential dealer in the area. So if you want to enjoy the outdoor kitchen life to the fullest, find these products and all their products by visiting them at either of their two showrooms located in Schenectady and Clifton Park. For more information, find them on Facebook, Instagram, and online at www.marcellasappliance.com saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
The beautiful thing about an outdoor room is that it’s alive! When you use plants to define the space, you’ll not only have privacy, but an ever-changing garden flourishing all around you. Grasshopper Gardens grows hundreds of varieties of healthy trees, shrubs, and flowers in their local nursery that you can buy easily online to have delivered and planted. They’ll also advise you on care, or do the maintenance for you, ensuring an outdoor space that you’ll enjoy year-round. “We can help anybody with their entire lawn and landscaping – from a new home, to a makeover, to someone who just wants one plant,” said Grasshopper Gardens Founder and President John Delisle. DIG INTO YOUR DREAMS Grasshopper Gardens will help you snap your imagination into shape with pointed questions about your outdoor living objectives. “We go through it with them step-by-step, find out their long-term goal and vision whether they want to do it piece-by-piece or all at once,” said Delisle. HERE’S WHAT TO CONSIDER: • How many people will be using the space? • When will you be in it? (Think fire pit for year-round outdoor rooms.) • Are there any views you want to frame or eyesores you want to hide? • What kind of investment are you prepared to make? “Put as much thought and consideration into your outdoor room as you would an indoor room,” advises Delisle. PLANTS ALL AROUND Now that you’ve answered some preliminary questions, you’ll have a better idea about how much area you’ll need and how much light it will be receiving, so its time to pick out some growing things to liven up the area. The native plants Grasshopper Gardens nursery specializes in are already hardy, some matured for up to 10 years, so you can fill-in your space quickly. 58 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
HERE’S SOME PLANTS TO TRY: Living Walls: The narrow, pyramid shape and dense structure of the evergreen Arborvitae makes it a natural choice for defining a space. The columnar oak tree is another good choice with a similar shape. Some varieties of apple trees would also be suitable. Patio Privacy: Boxwoods, hardy hibiscus, and ornamental grasses are good because they can thrive in containers and still grow 4’ to 6’ in height. Softening Hardscapes: Vines are a great way to add green without sacrificing space: think Boston ivy, Virginia creeper, or the vigorous and showy trumpet vine for fantastic color. Ceiling Interest: Escape under cascades of blooms draped through the beams of a pergola with popular and attractive clematis, the spectacularly fragrant wisteria, or Delisle’s personal favorite – the Dutchman’s pipe. Butterflies also love the plum-colored, speckled, pipe-shaped flowers perched on this woody vine. Even in winter, the dried flowers of a hydrangea bush can be posed between a bundle of cedar sprigs to liven up an outdoor tabletop.
Now’s the time to get your garden room off the ground and growing. Shop Grasshopper Gardens’ large selection of trees, shrubs, perennials, mulch, and landscaping services online at www.grasshoppergardens.com saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
still making a splash at
This year, Concord Pools and Spas is turning 50 – a golden anniversary full of giveaways, fun days, and a grand opening.
and landscape elements including lighting, grills, fire pits and more.
“It’s really an exciting time at Concord,” said owner Jon Foshee.
Serving the community for half a century is an impressive achievement, and one that Foshee, who was Vice President of Sales for Latham, The Pool Company before purchasing Concord in February 2020, is dedicated to building upon.
So much has changed since Concord started in the 1970’s, and one of the biggest has been technology.
“We’re going to continue building on the foundation of excellent customer service that Concord was founded on. We will continue to offer the products and services that enhance what we can do in our backyards, while always searching out new ways to do that better,” he said. DIPPING INTO DISTRIBUTION Concord Pools and Spas swims ahead of the current. In 2020, the pandemic led more people to invest in backyard stay-cations with all the amenities. Demand pulled back some in 2021 but was still was well above average, said Foshee. To prevent supply chain issues in 2022 (and beyond), Concord dove into construction on an 8,500 sq. ft. distribution center located next to their showroom on Old Sparrowbush Road in Latham. Scheduled to open in June, it will warehouse a large supply of fiberglass pools, spas, covers, plumbing parts, 60 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
Today, Concord Pools and Spas makes maintenance a breeze by connecting it to your phone. With just a few clicks, you can monitor chemical levels and prevent water evaporation, keep the pool cleaner, and safer, with an automatic pool cover (Concord is an authorized distributor of Coverstar automatic covers in the NY, VT, and NJ area). “It checks all the boxes,” said Foshee. Or, they’ll do the maintenance when you sign up for Concord’s Spa Valet program. Either way, when you go out to enjoy your backyard, it’s going to be ready for you. FUN ANNIVERSARY EXTRAS Concord Pools and Spas kicked-off their 50-year anniversary with a $5,000 Big Green Egg Grill giveaway in January. This spring, an indoor golf tournament is scheduled, and on April 8th – 10th is a huge outdoor showcase in Latham. For more anniversary events and other information, follow Concord Pools and Spas on Facebook and go to www.concordpools.com saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
Outdoor seating should be comfortable, stylish, and able to withstand the elements. From an oversized outdoor chair to outdoor fire pit seating, we have everything you need to make your patio your personal oasis.
Simple. Natural. Versatile. The Big Green Egg is much more than just a grill … it’s a complete outdoor cooking system engineered to be stronger, more durable and provide better heat retention than any other outdoor cooker on the market. Convenience, ease of use and fantastic cooking results truly set the EGG apart. Once you taste the difference, you’ll agree!
Stop on and speak with our experts to determine which furniture best fits your space.
Want a Shed in 2022...?
Garden Time has the largest selection of in-stock sheds in the region. These structures are fully customizable, so you can finally have that entertaining area, home office, personal workout space, animal shelter, or top-notch storage shed you’ve been dreaming of. “People really need to start planning to do it soon because the world is changing, you just never know what’s going to happen. You need to plan ahead and start thinking about your projects now,” said Rob Rajeski, Operations Manager at Garden Time. SIZE THINGS UP A storage shed is something you’ll be looking at and using for decades, so it’s an investment you really don’t want to compromise on just because you’re in a time crunch. Get started now on the first step – figuring out what size shed you’re going to need. “First, figure out what you’re going to put in it and then go from there,” suggests Rajeski. For more than 30 years, Garden Time has been working with multiple Amish manufacturers to build structures that range in size from 4’ x 6’ up to 24’ x 48’ (or larger). The three most common shed sizes are 10’ x 12’, 10’ x 14’, and 12’ x 16’. A MATTER OF PLACE Next, decide where in the yard you want the shed to reside. It needs to be easily accessible for you and 62 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
any machinery you want to store inside (such as a snowblower, lawn mower, or tractor). You also need to consider how the fully-assembled shed will be delivered. Garden Time needs a 12’ opening to transport the shed through. They’ll also need an additional foot of clearance on each side to maneuver the shed into place. Placing a shed on a slightly elevated, well-draining foundation keeps it away from damaging rot and corrosion. Garden Time professionals can help you evaluate your yard, excavate, and prepare a bed of compacted gravel, or a concrete pad for your new structure, as required. CHOOSE A SIDE All of Garden Time’s sheds are built with standard 2” x 4” wooden studs, have pressure-treated flooring, gabled vents, and a shingled roof. Here are the four options for exterior siding: Vinyl: “We like to say vinyl is final because once it’s built, you’re done, there’s no maintenance to do except maybe some pressure washing to keep it clean,” said Rajeski. Duratemp: The most economical choice, this is a wood product that’s been covered with a plasticized coating. It’s also long-lasting, standing up to 50 years of use with only a new coat of paint needed every decade.
LP Smartside: This paintable engineered wood product has the look of cedar without the expense. Board & Batten: The most popular choice in recent years, people love the farmhouse look of this classic style. ADD ARCHITECTURAL WONDERS Now comes the fun stuff – adding in those details that will make all the difference. The typical 10’ x 12’ shed comes with double doors and two windows, but you can choose to add more. An architectural accent (like a cupola), a practical element (like an electrical kit), or a personal touch (like a weather vane) makes the shed more functional and eye-catching. BLENDING INTO THE LANDSCAPE Once your shed is in place, the final piece will be to establish some plants around it, so it blends into the surrounding landscape. These can be perennial trees and shrubs, garden beds with annual blooms bursting with color, or even climbing vines. Because Garden Time also has a large garden center and nursery with an impressive selection of plants, they’ll be happy to help make sure your shed is as at home in your backyard …as you are! For more information, go to www.gardentimeinc.com saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
“Are there any eco-friendly paving solutions?” ASK THE EXPERT
Yes! By recycling and using more environmentally conscious products, B.D.B. Paving and General Contracting, Inc. proves there’s a greener way to your new driveway. GOOD FOR THE PLANET & GREAT FOR YOUR WALLET! In today’s climate, it’s more important than ever that we use our nonrenewable resources to their fullest potential. Even asphalt, which is made by refining fossil fuels, can have a second life. When B.D.B. Paving digs out an old driveway or parking lot, those slabs and pieces are gathered up and taken to their plant to be crushed down. These asphalt millings are then reused to create new driveways. “We’re not just dumping it, leaving it, and wasting it, people are reusing it. It keeps the mud and dust down, especially in real long driveways and on horse farms. It makes it so tractors can get through and gives it that ‘country’ look,” said company owner Brad Bovee. 64 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2022
Also, going recycled costs a whopping 80% less than buying new blacktop! Once rolled, recycled asphalt packs together tighter than loose stone or gravel would. A driveway made from recycled asphalt typically lasts two or three years without needing to be refreshed. SAY “SO LONG” TO STORM RUNOFF Pavement is also a concern to the environment because of the hard surfaces it creates. These impermeable areas reduce green space while also exacerbating storm runoff, soil erosion, flooding, and water pollution, particularly in urban environments. B.D.B. Paving can use porous asphalt for your driveway instead, said Brad. It’s made with larger stones and creates a permeable surface that allows water to drain through to where it belongs - in the ground below. SEALING THE DEAL Any asphalt surface will need a sealant, and luckily, B.D.B. Paving has an ecoconscious alternative for you here, too.
Coal tar was the “go-to” sealant for ages because of its ability to resist damage from fuel. Coal tar, however, has been found to be harmful to wildlife and contains high levels of carcinogens. It emits strong odors (especially in intense sunlight) and can cause skin irritation. As an alternative, B.D.B. Paving offers asphalt emulsion sealants that have no strong smell, dry faster, and have almost undetectable amounts the chemicals that make coal tar dangerous to your health. Because emulsion sealants last longer than coal tar and aren’t as prone to cracking, a driveway protected with this material is less likely to break apart into debris that can find its way into streams, lakes, and the surrounding soil. Let B.D.B. Paving and General Contracting, Inc pave the way to more planet positive solutions for you. For more information, find them on Facebook, or go to their website www.bdbpaving.com. saratogaTODAYnewspaper.com
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