Saratoga Home & Lifestyle 2023

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HomeSaratoga Lifestyle & TM Complimentary 2023 INTERIORS / EXTERIORS SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE SHOW Trends & Advice Brought to you by

HomeSaratoga Lifestyle & TM


Chad Beatty


Chris Vallone Bushee


Kacie Cotter-Harrigan


Kelly Schoonbeck


Jim Daley

Cindy Durfey


Colleen Coleman

Megin Potter


Randall Perry Photography


2254 Route 50 South Saratoga Springs, NY 12866 518-581-2480

Saratoga Home & Lifestyle is brought to you by Saratoga TODAY, Saratoga Publishing, LLC. Saratoga Publishing shall make every effort to avoid errors and omissions but disclaims any responsibility should they occur. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior written consent of the publisher.

Copyright © 2023, Saratoga TODAY Newspaper.

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The first weekend of March (and this awesome event!) has always been the unofficial kick-off to Spring!

With all your favorite vendors (and many new ones!), a Fine Arts and Crafts Show, awesome Door Prizes, a Balloon Lady, a Caricaturist, SIX Pet Adoption Agencies, Fun for the Kids… the list goes on and on!

This yearly fund-raiser held by the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs, is now celebrating their 49th year and is a Saratoga MUST-DO event!

As always, we are honored when a local business or organization asks us to help create a publication to help them promote their business or event, and we just LOVE doing this for the Rotary Club! If you’re not familiar with what Rotary does, please read all about them in the first few pages of this magazine.

With the beautifully designed and informative displays at the Saratoga Home & Lifestyle show, there are ideas for every household project you could imagine… and possibly some you hadn’t even thought of!

And… did I mention that admission is FREE again this year, thanks to the Adirondack Trust Company!

I hope you find these articles as informative as I did. I’m always looking for topics to cover, so send your Homeowner Woes (or completed projects!) to me at for future issues.

For even more inspiration, check out the H&G issue of Simply Saratoga Magazine, due out in early May.

Between the ads, the articles, and the vendors… we’re getting you started on that to-do list!!

Enjoy the show… and the magazine!

wow! Chris
trends advice
Cover photo inspired by Color Trends 2023 - see page 30 for the story!
design SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 11
12 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 Contents 2023 SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE SHOW 15 General Show Information 18 Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs 22 Saratoga Home & Lifestyle Show Parking, Prizes & Special Events 24 Art Exhibition 27 Saratoga Home & Lifestyle Show 2023 Exhibitors List HOME INTERIORS 28 CMC Design Studio, LLC National Award Winner 30 Color Trends 2023 38 Wallpaper 101 42 Fireplaces: Gas vs Wood 46 Kitchen Knife Knowledge HOME EXTERIORS 50 Concord Pools 52 Gailor Ground & Earthworks 56 Bio-Fusion Designs LIFESTYLE 60 Dr. Sarah Avery: Staying in Motion 62 Lisa Lockwood: A Budget-Friendly Refresh SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 13



Allow me to welcome you to the 2023 Saratoga Home and Lifestyle show, presented by the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs, and made possible with the continued support of the Adirondack Trust Company.

Fifty years ago, our Club held its first Home Show as a way to connect local businesses with customers in the community, and to raise funds for the Club to distribute to local charities. Since then, the Home Show has evolved as the world around us has continued to change, but the Club’s focus on the community remains as resolute as ever.

Every penny of net revenue from the show benefits non-profit organizations that provide for a wide range of needs in the community. Whether it’s domestic abuse prevention and support, battling homelessness, or providing for youth programs and scholarships; your attendance at our show, and support of our exhibitors, benefits every corner of our community.

In the past year alone, your support of the Home Show has allowed the Saratoga Rotary Education Foundation to award more than $85,000 to local students in pursuit of higher education. It’s also allowed for the Club to

make a $20,000 contribution to the Saratoga Regional YMCA’s capital campaign to expand its West Avenue location and house the Saratoga Springs Senior Center. Support has funded contributions to dozens of other local charities, as well.

Our Club doesn’t just provide financial grants, we also volunteer at a host of events throughout the year. We participate in local 5K races, ring bells for the Salvation Army, lay wreaths at the Veterans cemetery, and plant trees in local parks. We support international initiatives, including Polio eradication, refugee relief, and clean water initiatives.

Rotarians, and the Rotary Club, are important members of our community. We’re your friends and neighbors; business owners and community leaders. As a Club, we are always welcoming new members who share our commitment to “Service Above Self.” Please visit us at our Rotary booth, or contact us at for information about becoming a Rotarian. We sincerely appreciate your support of the Club, and our exhibitors and sponsors.

Enjoy the Show!

STEVE KYNE President 2022-2023 Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs Photo provided.


The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs Home & Lifestyle Show returns to the Saratoga Springs City Center! The show features a wide variety of exhibitors with expertise in everything from gardens and outdoor living to financial planning. Whether you own your own home or rent an apartment, you’ll find something at the show that interests you. Get ideas and talk to experts about those lifestyle and home improvement projects you’ve been dreaming about. The weekend includes the annual Rotary Art Show, pet adoptions, a bake sale, family fun and much more. There is something for everyone, so come join us at the Saratoga Springs City Center!


Saturday, March 4: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, March 5: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

ADMISSION is free...

Thanks to a generous donation from The Adirondack Trust Company, the show’s major sponsor.


Scan the QR code or visit for updated show information, including a list and map of exhibitors, photos, and show-related updates. You can also follow us on Facebook and Instagram @RotaryClubSaratogaSprings

To Our Show Sponsors! thanks

Thank you to our generous sponsors for their support. Once again The Adirondack Trust Company is our major sponsor making it possible to offer this show to the public admission-free.


In addition to the sponsors, exhibitors and special events participants noted elsewhere, the Club thanks Belmonte & Son Tents and Events, Saratoga Springs City Center and the Saratoga Springs Police Department for their participation in the show. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 17



The Rotary motto, “Service Above Self,” drives our membership to do good things in our own community as well as for communities around the world. Our membership shares a love of Saratoga with a strong desire to make it better for everyone who lives here. Weekly club meetings not only encourage camaraderie but provide opportunities to network with local business leaders and learn more about our community through a series of scheduled speakers. Rotary welcomes new members at any time.

The Rotary Home & Lifestyle show makes it possible for the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs to financially support our community’s 501(c)(3) organizations as we strengthen community spirit. The Club expects to raise $90,000 from this year’s event. Over the course of the year, these proceeds are re-distributed to community organizations, educational scholarships and international humanitarian projects.

Rotary Supports Local Non-Profits

The Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs makes monthly and annual financial gifts over the course of each year:

• Monthly Gifts: The club makes charitable contributions in amounts ranging up to $5,000 to hundreds of worthy non-profits each month. We eagerly accept letters describing your organization’s needs other than operating costs. Please include specifics about how Rotary can help.

• Major Gifts: Annually the club makes one or two major gifts of $5,000 or more to area organizations seeking to complete a specific project. Major gift applications for Rotary’s 2023 donations are due by September 1, 2023. Criteria for these donations are explained on the club’s website at You may also get general information at the Rotary booth on the main floor of the Home & Lifestyle Show.

Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs’ President Stephen Kyne (left) and Major Gift Committee Chair Susan Rhoades (right), present $20,000 to SRYMCA Chief Executive Officer Scott Clark (middle) at their Capital Project construction site. Photo provided.

Rotary Supports International Relief Efforts

Part of Rotary's mission involves donating to world disaster recovery efforts and improving life for citizens in developing countries. The Saratoga Springs Club sent Shelter Boxes for war refugees in Syria and typhoon victims in the Philippines, funded well construction in Rwanda and supported Pure Water for the World.

Rotary Supports Education

The Saratoga Springs Rotary Education Foundation raises funds to give financial scholarships to deserving high school seniors who plan to pursue additional education. The Foundation ( is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization which partners with the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs to award scholarships. In 2022 a total of $85,000 in Scholarships was awarded to 16 high school seniors.

One-year scholarships ranged in amount from $2,500 to $6,000. In addition, one high school senior is selected to receive our Presidential Scholarship. The winner of this award receives $5,000 per year for four years. The 2022 Presidential Award winner is Anitza Parilla, a 2022 graduate of Saratoga Springs High School. Anitza attends Siena College majoring in Chemistry/Pre-Med.


Membership in the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs offers an excellent opportunity for Saratoga area businesses and individuals to make new friends while making a positive impact on the community and the world. The 50+ members of the Club meet the first, second and third Wednesdays of each month for breakfast at Embassy Suites in downtown Saratoga from 7:30 to 8:30 a.m. On the fourth Wednesday, members gather in the evening for an informal “happy hour” or a dinner at a local restaurant.

Rotary realizes that people are busy and may not be able to attend every meeting. Obviously the Club encourages good attendance. The more involved you are the more you will learn about all the wonderful things we do. Involvement in our Rotary-sponsored community efforts as well as participating on Club committees will further prove we believe in our motto, “Service Above Self”.

We invite prospective members to join us for breakfast or our evening gathering. Just show up and introduce yourself. Also check us out at and on Facebook. Please stop by the Rotary booth at the show to speak to a Rotarian and get your questions answered. Individual and corporate memberships are available. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 19
The Saratoga Springs Rotary Education Foundation honored high school seniors with more than $85,000 in college scholarships at Longfellows Hotel and Restaurant. Photo provided. Photos provided.

Rotary International

Did you know you can travel to almost every part of the world and find a Rotary Club? Rotary is a global network of 1.2 million neighbors, friends, leaders and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change across the globe, in our communities and in ourselves. Solving real problems takes commitment and vision. For more than 110 years, Rotarians have used their passion, energy and intelligence to take action on sustainable projects. From literacy and peace to water and health, we are always working to better our world, and we stay committed to the end.

Rotary members believe we have a shared responsibility to take action on our world’s most persistent issues. Rotary International’s 35,000+ clubs work together to:

• Promote peace

• Fight disease

• Provide clean water, sanitation and hygiene

• Save mothers and children

• Support education

• Grow local economies

• Protect the environment

We provide service to others, promote integrity and advance world understanding, goodwill and peace through our fellowship of business, professional and community leaders.

Rotary Works to End Polio

For more than 30 years, Rotary has been working to eradicate polio. Polio, or poliomyelitis, is a paralyzing and potentially deadly infectious disease that most commonly affects children under the age of 5. The virus spreads from person to person, typically through contaminated water. It can then attack the nervous system.

Rotary has reduced polio cases by 99.9% since its first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979. We’ve helped immunize more than 2.5 billion children in 122 countries. Rotary has contributed more than $1.8 billion toward eradicating the disease worldwide.

Today polio remains endemic only in Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan, but it’s crucial to continue working to keep other countries polio-free. If all eradication efforts stopped today, within 10 years polio could paralyze as many as 200,000 children each year.


Here is a sampling of the many organizations supported by Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs.

• Act with Respect Always

• After the Fire

• AIM Services, Inc.

• Alliance 180

• Cornell Cooperative Extension

• Dake Foundation

• Doctors Without Borders

• Drilling for Hope

• EOC Saratoga

• Franklin Community Center

• Friends Forever International

• Friends of Camp Little Notch

• Friends of Saratoga Springs Public Library

• Ladies of Charity

• Lifeworks Community Action

• Malta Veterans

• Salvation Army

• Saratoga Book Festival

• Saratoga County Agricultural Society

• Saratoga County Children's Committee

• Saratoga Little League

• Saratoga Miss Softball

• Saratoga Regional YMCA

• Saratoga Senior Center

• Saratoga Shakespeare

• Saratoga Sponsor-A-Scholar

• Saratoga Springs Little League

• Saratoga-Wilton Soccer Club

• Prevention Council

• Salvation Army

• Saratoga County Children’s Committee

• WellSpring Saratoga


ROTARYCelebrates Service


Annually, the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs’ Senior Citizen of the Year award honors a Saratoga County resident, aged 65 or better, who demonstrates the Rotary principle of “Service Above Self.”

Terrance “Terry” White, of Saratoga Springs, was the honoree for 2022. In addition to over 11,000 hours of volunteer service to the Saratoga Hospital Guild, spanning 13 years, Terry has been on its board for 11 years, and is its current President. During his tenure as a Guild volunteer he helped secure donations and pledges totaling over $1,000,000 for the hospital to help fund projects for the Community Health Center, Intensive Care Unit, Radiation Oncology Center, and Smart IV Pumps.

Along with the Hospital Guild, Terry has volunteered for, and served on the boards of several other community organizations, including Saratoga Sponsor a Scholar, where he was a mentor to three students, and the Saratoga Center for the Family, where he served as board president.

Retired from the Albany City School District, where he worked for 34 years in positions ranging from teacher, to principal, to Assistant Superintendent, and was honored with an Albany City PTA Lifetime Award and as a Capital Area School Development Association (CASDA) Principal of the Year, Terry complements his volunteer service with plenty of time for golfing and grandchildren.

If you know a Saratoga County senior whose volunteer service is exemplary, please consider nominating them for this award. Nominations are due March 10, 2023, and forms can be found on the Rotary Club of Saratoga Springs website, at The award, which includes a $500 donation to the Saratoga County non-profit organization of the honoree's choice, will be given at the club's April 12, 2023, meeting. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 21
Terry White, 2022 Senior Citizen of the Year

Public Parking Map

When parking, please be aware of all posted signs. While some lots may allow all day parking, many lots and parking areas are limited to two hours during certain hours.



Buy tickets online or at the show for a chance to win.

Door Prizes drawn every hour of the show. $1 per ticket with a chance to win $50 gift cards to Allerdice/Ace Hardware and other items donated by our Home & Lifestyle Show vendors and community partners. One free entry for a door prize per show attendee. Visit the rotary booth for more information.

Grand Prize Packages valued at over $1500 each. $20 per ticket or $50 for 3 tickets with a chance to win one of the following:

1. Backyard BBQ Package: Gas Grill-donated by Allerdice/Ace Hardware, Basket from Just Meats, Basket from Saratoga Olive Oil, Package from PJs BBQ and many others.

2. Health & Wellness Package: Membership to Saratoga Regional YMCA, Package from Roosevelt Baths, $100 gift card to Fresh Market, Package from Alpine Sports Shop and many others.


A parking garage has been built directly behind City Center with direct access to the Center. Other lots directly behind the City Center are available along with on street parking around the City Center. Also, there are parking garages on Woodlawn Avenue that are just a short stroll away from the City Center. Plus, you can always use a taxi, Uber or Lyft to get to the show too. There will have an Uber/Lyft stop directly in front of the City Center on Broadway for your convenience.

Woodlawn Street Garage: This 4-level parking garage on Woodlawn Street is half a block from Broadway with an easy walk to the City Center.

Walton Street Garage: Located off Church Street on Walton, this garage allows access to the northern end of Broadway and the City Center.

Spring Street Garage: This parking garage on Spring and Putnam streets provides easy access to Congress Park, Phila Street, Caroline Street and Maple Avenue south of the City Center.

3. Saratoga Fun Package: Overnight stay and $200 gift certificate to Morton’s Steakhouse donated by Saratoga Casino Hotel, Tickets to SPAC for ballet or orchestra, tickets to UPH, Package from Impressions of Saratoga/Dark Horse, Package from BurgerFi, Secret Garden Tour Tickets donated by Soroptimists of Saratoga, Game package from the Saratoga Springs History Museum, overnight stay at the Saratoga Hilton and many others.

Grand Prize drawings and the final door prize drawing will take place at 3 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, 2023. Winner need not be present to win.

Please visit to purchase your tickets

*Tickets can be purchased at the show at the Saratoga Springs Rotary Booth

Parking map and information compliments of the Downtown Business Association




Sean and Christine Doolan, our Magician and Balloon Artist will be in attendance on Sunday March 5 to entertain adults and children alike. And we have added Kristin Ricciardelli, a caricaturist, for both days! Make sure you look for all of them while attending the show!

Adopt a Pet, Learn Something New

How can you resist the charms of sweet furry animals searching for their forever home? The Rotary Home & Lifestyle Show is host to several pet adoption agencies from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day that will be in residence to answer your pet questions and introduce you to adorable new friends who want to go home with you.

Representatives from agencies like Homes for Orphaned Pets Exist, Peppertree, Adirondack Spay and Neuter, and North Shore Animal League will be on hand with advice and pointers on pet adoption and ownership. Even if you aren’t quite ready for a pet adoption, there’s no harm to visit and play with our special animal guests. If you want to do more, the pet agencies will provide information on getting involved.

Child Safety with Saratoga Springs Police Department

Every child should have a New York State Safe Child Card. You can get yours at the Police Department’s information table for child safety. Receive your free child ID card as well as practical information about keeping your youngsters safe and sound. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 23
Crazy Christine the Balloon Lady Sean “The Prankster” to get the latest news on what’s happening at the show.



The Home & Lifestyle Art Exhibition returns once again to the City Center for the entire weekend. You’ll enjoy booths filled with paintings, woodworking, photography, jewelry, wine and more.

Don't miss the Saratoga Springs High School Art display featuring the talents of local high school art students. Saratoga Arts will award the “Best in Show” high school student with a free one-year membership.

Photos provided.


Artist Line-Up


The Little Norwegian Candle Co



Studio 518

One on 1 Design

Casey Beal Designs

Virginia Hoeppner

Thistledown Studio

Catherine Minnery

Penchant for Petals

Creations By Heide


Nature's Sake Photography


Lindsay Ceramics

Adirondack Rockware

Donneybrook Gallery

Upstate Bottle Art


ABC Woodworking

Brad’s Artistic Heirlooms


Four Fights Distilling

Cooper's Daughter Spirits

Ferreira Carpenter Estate’s Winery


Saratoga Arts was pleased to award a free one year membership to Jordan Hall for the best Student Art Show piece at the 2022 Art Show. The High School Student Artwork display is absolutely amazing each year. We welcome back the Saratoga Springs High School Advanced Art Class and look forward to all of the 2023 High School Student Artists.

On the right...1st Place: Jordan Hall (Grade 12)

In the center... 2nd Place: Sophia Ruvola (Grade 12)

On the left... 3rd Place: Aileen Klaus (Grade 12)



As of January 30, 2023; subject to change. See updated information at

To find specific vendors and their booth assignments, please pick up a show map when you enter the City Center.

Adirondack Basement Systems

Adirondack Overhead Door Co.

Adirondack Trust Company

Allerdice Building Supply

Attention Pest Solutions

Bath Fitter

BDB Paving and General Contracting

Bio-Fusion Designs

Budget Blinds of Saratoga Springs

CertaPro Painters

Chas G Burch Supply Co

Classic Wall Finishes

Coldwell Banker Prime Properties Saratoga

Comfort Windows and Doors

Community Bank, NA


Curtis Lumber

Cutco Cutlery

D&R Law & Landscaping - Sealcoating/

Shiny Bins Cleaning Service

Dog Watch by Top Dog Pet Fence

Earl B Feiden

Elite Property Care

Family Danz Heating and Cooling

Floor Coverings International

Form Solutions, Logix ICF

Gailor Ground and Earthworks

Granite and Marble Works

Grasshopper Gardens, Inc

Grasshopper Heating and Cooling

Graves Brothers Home Improvement

Gutter Helmet

Gutter Pro

Hawk Drilling Company

Hidden Pet Fence

Islander Pools and Spas

John Ray & Sons

LeafFilter Gutter Protection


Life's Great Spas

Living Outdoors Extended

Mabey's Moving and Storage

Mandy's Spring Nursery

Mohawk Heating

Next Generation Roofing

Northeast Custom Closets

Northeast Seamless Gutter Co

Overhead Door Co of Glens Falls

Peak Environmental

Renewal By Anderson

Saratoga Kitchens & Baths, Inc.

Saratoga National Bank and Trust Co

Saratoga Quality Hardware

Saratoga Sod Farm

Saratoga TODAY

Saratoga's Community Federal Credit Union

Stone Industries

Suburban Construction

Suburban Services Group

Superior Co-op HVAC

The Capital Team at eXp Realty

The Edison Club

The Mosquito Authority

Trustco Bank

USA Medicare Consultants

Window Depot

Yvonne Richards - Norwex Independent Consultant AND MORE! SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 27


National Award Winner

It’s always a pleasure to see one of our Contributing Writers excel at their craft. Colleen Coleman of CMC Design Studio LLC, our very own Interior Design Editor, has once again raised the bar in achieving NATIONAL RECOGNITION for her interiors.

2022 Qualified Remodeler's 44th annual Master Design Awards, Silver Award for Kitchen $75,000-$150,000

2022 Chrysalis Regional Award for Residential Historic Renovation over $300,000

2022 Chrysalis Regional Award for Residential Kitchen Remodel $75,000-$150,000

We featured this home in our Architecturally Speaking Simply Summer 2021 Magazine as well as raved about her successes with five additional local Interior Design Awards that same year! And, this past summer, this three-story, fully renovated home on Union Ave, was featured in the Saratoga Springs Preservation Foundation’s Historic Homes Tour in May 2022. If you didn’t get the chance to visit personally, be sure to scan our QR code for the video recap!

Scan Me

The current homeowners of this lovely Queen Anne Style home were thrilled with Colleen’s interior design ideas to transform this historic house into a very personal space by which John and Michelle now call home. “It was very dark. It had a neat look, but, boy, was it dark! We were concerned that even after the renovation, the house wasn’t going to feel like a comfy, cozy home,” said John. “With all the design choices that Colleen helped with, the feel has totally changed-it has become a very comfortable and beautiful home.”

Even the Chrysalis Director of Awards, Ken Kanline noted, “This was the first year she had entered the awards, and to take home top honors on the first attempt is impressive. Likewise, winning awards in multiple categories is difficult to do. Not only does this speak to her versatility, but to her commitment to quality on every project.”

We were also able to review some of the judge’s comments from Qualified Remodelers as well, “A great historic remodel! Well done!! Really nice job of maintaining the historical elements of the home while making it feel lighter for today's lifestyle. Beautiful work! So many functional details! Lots of hard work and attention to the little things! Love all the very clever cabinet details.”

Both of these nationally accredited organizations continue to set new standards for high professionalism in the interior design industry. We are so excited that one of our own is among the TOP DESIGNERS in the country! All that being said, we can’t wait to show you her latest Lake George Project finishing up this Spring! Don’t worry, we’ll keep you posted! - Chris SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 29


Color, Color and More Color! It’s all coming back! I just love… Color!!

If you’re afraid of color, now is the time to get over this obstacle and embrace the vibrant palette for 2023!! You know I just love Benjamin Moore colors, but this year they have hit the nail on the head with hues to entice a positive vibe into the new year and accelerate our homes into a glorious celebration of new beginnings! For openers, Benjamin Moore has launched their color palette with Raspberry Blush 2008-30 as color of the year… “a saturated red-orange that enlivens our surroundings while awakening our senses with charismatic color. This vivacious color is unapologetic in its boldness as it encourages a confident color statement,” as announced in BM’s press release last October. We have been starving for more color, awakening from the grays that have been in the forefront for more than a decade now. Color is exciting; it breathes new life into a home or office! It’s bold and confident…so let’s get out our paint rollers and take a deeper look at what this year holds for YOUR next project!


But before we get into the nitty gritty, I’d like to start by educating you about the color wheel. I know most of you have seen a typical color wheel, but what about one that goes into the minutia of secondary and tertiary colors? This may take a little pressure off your breaks on color, and give you more confidence to be courageous in 2023!

With the primary colors being red, blue and yellow, secondary colors are those found between, and a mix of, two primary colors such as orange being a mix of red and yellow. Tertiary is where many get lost…

However, this marvelous color wheel (see Color Wheel #1) depicts how any of the primary colors, mixed with a secondary color NEXT TO IT can create a tertiary color such as blue and green converging to create a blue-green or yellow and green to create yellow-green. Now, when we look at color and how to work them together, it's as simple as using 3 colors NEXT to each other (Analogous colors) or 2 colors ACROSS from each other (complimentary colors). Yes, there are also monochromatic schemes as well, meaning, the use of one color (also known as hue) ranging between lighter and darker variations of the base color. Lastly, only speaking on a simplified scale, we have warm versus cool colors (see Color Wheel #2). I love to remember anything mixed with sunshine or red hot chili peppers would be considered warm…believe me, a lot of people think of warm weather with green grass and blue skies and think “warm”…but not on the color wheel! Did a few light bulbs go on in your head? Great…now let’s get back to the 2023 color trends with all this in mind, shall we?

Raspberry Blush 2008-30 is a warm color and described as “saturated” by Benjamin Moore, meaning, the color is vivid and intense rather then muted like many of the colors we have experienced in past 10-12 years. It’s mix of Red-orange (red being the dominating color and therefore mentioned first) sets a room with vibrance and spontaneity. While the red draws you into the space with its allure of mystery, the orange undertones soften the environment making it welcoming and soothing. In this living space, Raspberry Blush is paired with Etiquette AF-50, the warmer “white” of the 2023 collection. Ah ha! You did see it! Yes…both of these colors work so well as they are both WARM! The eye responds to this “like” combination and senses the ease of the pairing. I personally love how the Etiquette simplifies the Raspberry Blush without diminishing its character! SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 31
Color Wheel #1 Color Wheel #2 Conch Shell O52 Raspberry Blush 2008-30 Cinnamon 2174-20 Savannah Green 2150-30 Starry Night Blue 2067-20 Wenge AF-180 New Age 1444 North Sea Green 2053-30 White Heron OC-57 Etiquette AF-50 Gray Owl OC-52 2137-60 Onyx 2133-10

If you review color wheel #2, top of the yellow as it crowds into the green hemisphere, you’ll get a glimpse of Savannah Green 2150-30.

Warm and inviting with a hint of coolness to keep even the hottest of days at bay. Mature and illustrious, it pairs well with Onyx 2133-10 (door) adding mystique to any space. Such sophistication and yet so simple!

Savannah Green 2150-30 Onyx 2133-10

Onto Conch Shell O52 with another red-orange mix yet less saturated than Raspberry Blush but with greater lightness. Alone, this color typifies the interior of a conch… breathy, full of spirit and Sweet to behold.

When paired with warmer elements such as wood, more of the red undertones are peaked while off-whites such as White Heron OC-57 seem to pull on the orange strings a bit tighter. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 33
Conch Shell O52 White Heron OC-57 Raspberry Blush 2008-30

Starry Night Blue 2067-20 immediately brings to mind Vincent van Gogh’s painting, and the song written in homage to the painter;

Starry Night”

The color embodies a sky that beckons us into evening, but before we go, this luminescent blue strikes a chord just as the sun is setting into the horizon. Applied in high gloss, this color adds drama to this bath, offset by White Heron OC-57 and minimal elements of textural wood. Creating a mostly monochromatic atmosphere embodies the experience of bathing in and throughout water…I can feel myself floating, can you?

Starry Night Blue 2067-20
White Heron OC-57

North Sea Green 2053-30 personifies all I love about the European seas…it literally feels as if it could glow, and in some parts of Europe, it actually does! Here, North Sea Green wraps you in the allure of water with its soft waves that bellow and resound in a rhythmic tone. A dining nook, set against the ocean and brought into crispness with a pairing of trim in White Heron OC-57 and grounded with a faux hide rug in a hue of Wenge AF-180... elevating this setting into a contemporary framework with a Saarinen Tulip Table and chairs as the centerpiece. Want to feel the sea right here in your NY home…order up a can and start rolling! SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 35
North Sea Green 2053-30 Wenge AF-180 White Heron OC-57

New Age 1444 is yet another color of low saturation but high lightness. Its light tint of pink is dreamy, fluffy like cotton candy without all the sugar to distract you from its beauty. Here, it’s paired with black and white accents, adding a softness to the modern farmhouse look we have adored now for a decade. Even some of my younger clients have been wooed by this hue and have found delight in adding color to their otherwise all white accommodations in fear of missing the mark. Jump right in, I say…it’s like landing on a soft pillow of comfort, a haven that won’t disappoint.

And lastly, Cinnamon 2174-20, truly warmth at its best! Stimulating the senses and appetite, it’s even been known to create a feeling of pure joy while improving concentration and memory! Wow, now that’s a powerful color! Its roots stem as far back as 2000 BC with great value placed on this spice, in fact, it was often a gift for monarchs! Imagine a guest room

in this glorious hue! And pairing it with Etiquette AF-50 for the trim and ceiling is like adding whipped cream to your cinnamon spiced cocoa…scrumptious …How fast can you paint that room? I’ll be over next week!

And with that, you are ready to dive head first into color for 2023! No holding back, just keep that handy color wheel with you and head on over to your favorite Allerdice Ace Hardware to pick up a sample …or several gallons! Until next time my friends, @cmcdesignstudiollc
“Creating Environments for Life” TM Colleen Coleman of CMC Design Studio LLC AKBD, CAPS & True Color Expert
Cinnamon 2174-20 New Age 1444
Etiquette AF-50 SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 37


All trends come back around and the increased use of wallpaper is just one of the great pleasures we designers have back at our fingertips! The patterns and colors today are quite vibrant with an increase in textural nuances to enhance your tactile and visual experiences. But installing wallpaper is a whole different level of knowledge over rolling out paint. So, I thought you may like a few tips on how best to select the correct paper for your environment, understand how wallpaper is sold, discuss any prep work needed, and understand how to line up the pattern for installation. Let’s get started!

Photo courtesy of Thibaut Inc.

Before you fall in love with a pattern, be sure to evaluate the room you’re installing the wallpaper in. Is there high moisture such as a bathroom? If so, be sure to use a vinyl or paper option over a grass or fabric one. You see, natural fibers on the surface of the paper will absorb the moisture from your shower and slowly wreak havoc on all your hard work. However, don’t get this mixed up with vinyl wallpaper backed with fabric, which is excellent in moist or high traffic areas, including kid tough play spaces. Vinyl wallpaper is excellent for homes with small children who just LOVE to use Mama’s walls as their painting palette! For instance, check out this fun option…the Thibaut Evia Vinyl wallpaper in Mineral and White which is washable AND scrubbable! Bring on the mess kids…Mama isn’t going to get upset anymore when her pretty wallpaper has marker streaks, playdough or dirty fingerprints about!!

In fact, vinyl wallpapers are rated for durability. Type I being considered light-duty, type II is more medium-duty (most often purchased for high-traffic/kid areas and easily scrubbed clean, like the Evia) and Type III (mostly specified for commercial projects) is referred to as heavy-duty. However, all wallpapers are rated for fire against ignition and flame spread. Class A is the highest rated, followed by B and C. One last detail to note is the available width. A typical wallpaper is sold at 20.5” or 27” wide, but many manufacturers sell vinyl at 54” wide which is heavy, making it harder to install. If you happened to fall in love with a wide width vinyl, it may be best to call in a pro. However, some wallpaper manufacturers have heard the cries of the DIYers and now produce vinyl wallpaper in 27” widths. All this information is available on the back of each wallpaper sample in the books available at your favorite wallpaper source, which includes CMC Design Studio LLC! Examine the following wallpaper back so you know what to look for in the future…

Take a look at some of these other spectacular Thibaut Wallpaper options just wishing they could dress up your next project!! Let’s start with a paper option…I recently used Mombasa Navy in this guest bedroom as an accent wall. With washable properties, this wallpaper has created a welcoming backdrop to nautical roman shades and a nubuck custom headboard. Looking for something with a bit of sophistication? Take a look at Tessuto in Neutral. This particular selection is a linen mesh grass cloth. I installed it in a half bath which has very little moisture. It gave this small room volume, drawing your eye up and around, finishing at a wall of tile just behind the vessel sink. I love small baths with a dramatic wallpaper, don’t you? And lastly, look at how Villa Garden Texture in Natural colorway adds texture to this entryway without being too bossy! This too is a linen mesh grass cloth and installs seamlessly to create a sensational entry, inviting you to come relax and enjoy the lake!

Mombasa Navy SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 39
Tessuto in Neutral

Before I go on, here’s a quick note on purchasing wallpaper… it’s quoted “per roll” BUT sold as a “double roll.” I know, confusing…Simply put, when you see the cost of one roll, always double it. And remember, you can’t order just one roll, it’s always sold in multiples of 2…even though the order comes as one bolt. My head spins at this but that’s why I call my favorite wallpaper installer to handle all the math!

Now that you have your wallpaper chosen, let’s discuss any prep work needed to be sure your room is finished to perfection! For this expert advice, yup…I asked my installer, Caleb LaRue of Caleb LaRue Interior Finishes for some input. For starters, he recommends that, “All holes and bulged surfaces in the wall should be repaired as if painting.” Don’t be misdirected into thinking that the wallpaper will hide wall errors…it will only accentuate them! In bathrooms or near kitchen sinks, be sure that any areas with prior water damage have been fixed first, especially with a vinyl wallcovering which will not allow the wall the breath once covered.



Onto the installation itself! First, Caleb recommended sealing your walls with a pre-primer such as Shieldz Acrylic Wallcovering Primer by Zinsser, found at most hardware and big box stores. Caleb notes, “Of first importance, you need to create an installation area best for ‘slip and grip,” sealing the wall so the paste will have a greater open time to move the wallpaper into place before drying.” He also notes that “Wallpaper doesn’t like to be bullied.” His preferred installation approach is to, “keep the paper away from the wall while applying the seam first.” He stated that it’s easier to move around a smaller portion of the wallpaper on the wall than the entire sheet at once, often causing it to stretch…when dried, the paper will inevitably shrink back, creating space between seams. Villa Garden Texture in Natural

Now the tough part, lining up patterns. From my own experience years ago as a new homeowner, don’t assume you can simply cut an appropriate length of wallpaper and it will line up... no, no, no! Look again at the wallpaper specifications noted above which indicates the type of “match” for each wallpaper. The first is a Random Match the easiest to install as you can line up the wallpaper however you’d like and it won’t affect the outcome, such as a vertical stripe.

The second is Reverse Hang or Alternate Match…This type of installation is most often used for lightly textured wallpaper, not wallpaper with a pattern. Basically, every other strip is reversed in direction to minimize slight color differences. The last is a Straight Match…a bit more complicated and requires more attention to detail as the pattern must match up exactly with the next strip. There are two classes of “Straight Match”…beginning with Half Drop Match, which is the easier of the two. A good example of this is a diamond pattern where you need to adjust the alternating wallpaper so the diamond halves fall into alignment with one another. An easy way to determine this is to fold your wallpaper up and let the straight line intersect your pattern midway. If the most right and most left fall in the same place on the edge, it’s a half drop. The other is a Multiple Drop Match or also known as Offset Match and the most difficult and time consuming as it takes three or more strips to get the full pattern. A good example of this is a paisley! This is probably one of those options that is best left to the professional…Oh Caleb!

If you do attempt it yourself, Caleb’s advice is to “Get off your ladder and step back paying close attention to the match top to bottom with each strip installation.” He even joked that “In bathrooms, it’s best to sit on the toilet as this is the primary view of the room! And don’t forget to look at the opposite wall from the mirror!” His final notes for a good installation is to always cut an additional 2” top and bottom to ensure you have options for trimming into place. Also, he recommends, “Use a break off utility knife to keep your cutting edge sharp and a metal guide for best results!”

Do you feel more confident? Great! Be sure to shop for your next wallpaper project with a local source here in Saratoga! There are so many options with texture, color prints and geometrics. Apply wallpaper to an entire room or just an accent wall! You can even use it to create depth on the back of a bookshelf or the rear of a glass fronted cabinet! Get creative and start hanging!

Until next time my friends,

“Creating Environments for Life” TM SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 41 @cmcdesignstudiollc


Gas vs Wood

Oh the dilemma…

what size fireplace, faux logs with a gas source or real wood? How does one choose? Is it simply a matter of personal choice or is there more to the resolution than thought or whim? There are so many options on the market today as well…but how to DECIDE which is best is why I am here for you!

how to choose
Natural Wood Fireplace: The Exclaim 42

First,lets chat about WHERE you’re planning to install your fireplace. In new construction, this is an easier decision and can be thought out at the architectural drawing stage. However, in a renovation, we don’t always have as much room as we would like, forcing our hand one way or another.

The biggest detail to pay attention to is CLEARANCE. Fireplaces get hot, so each type of fireplace will require a certain ‘distance apart’ for the installation of surrounding cabinetry, mantel and even hearth depth. Without belaboring the details, wood fireplaces have greater clearance requirements, and in NYS, are now required to have glass doors to keep embers contained. The only exception to this code is the Rumsford Fireplace. This style of fireplace is my preferred option to recommend to clients as it is designed with a tight-fitting damper, restricting the outside air infiltration more so than a pair of tight-fitting doors (for more information, ask your builder to review the 2020 International Residential Code Chapter 10 R1001.6 Firebox Dimensions). In a nutshell, a true wood fireplace of any design will require certain standards that must be adhered to. Some other details to remember for a wood burning fireplace are proper foundational support for the heavy structure, ash collection area, use of a required firebrick, increased height of the mantel, increased depth

of the hearth, flue size and chimney height. Now, if the glass door isn’t a deterrent for you, there are many wood burning options that install more like a firebox.

Take for instance this natural wood fireplace from Heat & Glo; the Exclaim 42, which was recently installed in one of my projects on Lake George. My clients wanted that authentic wood feel on the first floor, adding to the character of their wood beams and walnut mantel and side cabinets. The large viewing area rests at 42 x 28-1/2" and is majestic in this great room! My client was able to choose either a hexagon or traditional brick pattern and 2 different door styles. They just love the radiant heat, emitting warmth passively, with no fan required! If you need an alternate size, this fireplace is also available in 36” and as large as 50” wide! For the best wood choices, Saratoga Fireplace & Stove recommends Oak as it’s a dense wood, slow to burn with a low flame. Its best to season this wood for 1-2 years before burning. However, they do warn against using pine, as its high sap content creates a messy burn. Pine is best reserved for kindling.

For clients who prefer the ease of a gas fireplace, this Mendota FV41 Arch with full view is a great option! With many customizable features including the choice of five front glass frames in 11 metal selections, 12 interior linings, and four log species options! This gas fireplace also ranges in sizes from 36” to 54” wide. Both of these can be found at Saratoga Fireplace and Stove on Maple Ave. in Saratoga. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 43

In general, a gas fireplace will have zero clearance, meaning that combustible materials can be placed much closer to the firebox than with a traditional wood fireplace. Each gas fireplace manufacturer will have its own specifications so be sure you understand how much space you have and that the unit you love will fit including any side cabinets, etc.

So, what’s the catch? Why do folks still insist on installing a wood fireplace over a simple firebox that turns on with the flip of a switch? To start, many love the natural sounds of burning wood, the flames’ organic dance and the aroma of the wood…all so romantic! It’s quite a dreamy thought if you love sitting for hours in front of the fireplace. But many people love to sip a glass of wine in front of the fireplace for an hour and head to bed without all the fuss of prepping the fire, waiting for it to mature and then damping the flames before leaving the ashes for the night. I must say, some of the gas fireplace companies have gone to great extremes to make their faux logs seems quite realistic as noted prior. I always recommend to my clients to review a gas fireplace in action. Watch the flame pattern, the log arrangement and the small details of what’s included with the kit to enhance their experience. Also, be mindful of the

framework of the glass on either type of fireplace. Be sure the architectural details are synonymous with your homes’ style and metal finish for door hardware and lighting.

In the end, after the size, scale and details are all worked out, yes…it all comes down to a personal choice. The nostalgia of preparing and lingering in front of a flame, stoking occasionally to entice the flames to billow even higher; or, the allure of getting comfy with a good book and simply touching the “on” button of a remote to watch a rhythmic dance of flames which never extinguish except for the touch of the “off” button. Either way, rest assured…your new fireplace will be your center of relaxation, family and warmth.

Until next time my friends,

Environments for Life” TM
Coleman of CMC
Studio LLC AKBD,
True Color Expert
Gas Fireplace: Mendota FV41 Arch Photo provided by Saratoga Fireplace and Stove SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 45

Kitchen Knife Knowl edge

Ihave been in many kitchens; small to quite large. A typical item I see in most is the standard butcher block of knives.

And then it hit me…

”Do we really know why we have these knives and what their true purpose is? Or do we just grab what seems like the go-to option we’ve become used to cutting with?”

Well, today, I want to give you a guide to those knives and many more with the help of John Reardon, owner of Compliments to the Chef located on Railroad Ave in Saratoga Springs.

Heel Edge Tip Point Spine Butt Rivets/Fasteners Tang Blade Bolster
Classic Paring Knife
Classic Chef Knife by Shun with hammered tsuchime finish Santoku Knife with Granton Edge

Before I get started, I asked John to help me understand the parts of the knife and how to choose one that is made well, easy to use and won’t irritate my hand or wrist as I prepare meals. Forged knives (whether by hand or machine) have a single bar of steel. John stated, “They’re heavier than their stamped counterpart, making it well balanced, and can even assist in the cutting process which reduces joint stress.” So, how do you tell the difference? John replied, “Look at this knife diagram…in most cases, a forged knife will have a Bolster, the top thicker metal portion joining the handle and the blade adding to the weight but creating more balance in the center of the knife.” This is typically where a cook will grip a knife between their thumb and forefinger. Forged knives will most always have a Tang, the portion of the blade that extends into the handle, offering stability and extra weight. To choose a knife best for you, John recommends that you actually hold the knife and feel if the weight is balanced while using it. With all that said…let’s get ourselves familiar with some specific knife knowledge!

So, what are the best four knives to have in your kitchen and why? Let’s start with the Chef’s Knife, otherwise known as the Cook’s Knife. It comes in several sizes ranging from six to ten inches. This knife is the “all-arounder for both professional and hobby chefs alike” states John. As the main workhorse of the kitchen, it can be used to chop herbs, cut vegetables and then transition to slicing and dicing fish and meats as well. The curved blade also allows for a smooth, easy rocking motion for food preparation! This is a must-have in all kitchens!

A Paring Knife, with its straight double bevel edge, is another essential and usually comes in sizes ranging from three to four inches. “Paring” essentially means to peel or trim off the outer skin of a fruit or vegetable such as an apple or tomato. These knives can also be used for cleaning, coring, trimming and slicing smaller items.

The Santoku Hollow Edge knife is the “Most fun knife in your block!,” stated John. “It’s sharper than your average knife. “With its granton edge, it creates less ‘drag’ with air pockets holding cut slices, such as cucumbers, to your knife blade” relayed John. Okay, I’m game, what’s a “granton edge?” …I had to ask too! It’s the tiny pockets along the edge of the knife that reduce the drag of sliced or chopped food from clinging to the knife. This happens all the time when I slice potatoes. But no fear, pick one up and you’ll slice, dice and mince like a pro! SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 47

Oh, the inevitable Bread Knife. We all love bread, whether homemade or bought in a loaf from a bakery. But, beware, you want to ensure you don’t use an inferior knife that will tear your loaf instead of slicing it neatly. These knives come in lengths between eight and ten inches and can be used to cut other soft items with a tough skin or crust. The big NO-NO…never use on fish or meats as the scalloped edge will not produce an even slice. Likewise, this particular knife does not require the need for a Steel, or what we consider the sharpener. You see, the serrated edge could be damaged with attempts to keep this knife honed. In most cases, these knives should remain sharp for up to 5 years before being professionally sharpened.

Speaking of the Steel (sharpener), all the other knives should be lightly honed (not aggressively sharpened) before each use. John recommends, “To do this properly, hold the steel upright on a firm, slip free surface. Align the beveled edge of the knife with the steel and pull back gently, alternating from side-to-side about four to six times.”

Now, I want to emphasize that the best place to use your knives is on a cutting board or butcher block, not your stone countertop where you could damage the blade of your knife. Besides, did you know that your wood block is naturally antimicrobial? Yes, you read that correctly! “99.9% of bacteria placed on a wooden chopping board begins to

die completely within minutes.” This is proven research by the scientists at the University of Wisconsin. Wood allows liquid to dry, preventing growth of bacteria, unlike the plastic counterpart which only retains water. Easy clean up can be achieved with a kitchen scraper…and NO soap, just rub half a lemon over the surface if necessary. Finish with Butcher Block Oil to keep your wood regularly seasoned for proper maintenance, And NEVER put your wood board into the dishwasher, nor any of your cooking knives. These should all be washed by hand. Likewise for knife storage, a wooden block or even magnetic strips are your best options. And you know where to find all these goodies and more, right? Compliments to the Chef... Just ask John Reardon where to find it in his shop! Happy cooking everyone!

Until next time my friends,

Environments for Life” TM
Colleen Coleman of CMC Design Studio LLC AKBD, CAPS & True Color Expert @cmcdesignstudiollc
50 | SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 sponsored content SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 51

WE it


The down-to-earth family business keeping Saratoga on solid ground.

Gailor Ground & Earthworks’ owner, Cole Gailor, is the third generation of the Gailor family to carry on the legacy that began with his grandfather nearly 75 years ago. Founded in the 1950s, Ernest N. Gailor Landscaping & Excavating specialized in residential and small commercial excavation. When Ernest’s son, Peter, began his business more than 40 years ago, he named it Peter J. Gailor Landscaping & Excavating. He began early (while still in high school) with mowing and maintenance and gradually moved to putting in septic systems, foundations, and additions. Through his later years in business, there was a strong focus on hardscaping design and Installation.

Since before Peter’s death last summer, his son, Cole, has been at the helm of the family business. He is proud of his family’s landscaping legacy and, like his grandfather and his father had done, Cole is breaking new ground by changing the name of the company and rebranding to better reflect its renewed focus on top-notch residential and light commercial landscaping services.

Gailor Ground & Earthworks’ current specialties include: excavation, grading, large container and bulk material pickup and delivery, snow removal, tree planting, as well as athletic field and recreational trail installation.

WRITTEN BY MEGIN POTTER | PHOTOS PROVIDED Ernest N. Gailor early 1960s (Cole's grandfather) Peter J. Gailor early 1990s (Cole's dad) Cole Gailor 2023 (GGE owner)


Cole was four years old when he discovered the thrill of riding on excavators and tractor loaders with his dad. By the age of eight, Cole was driving every piece of equipment in his father’s yard.

“I love being in the dirt. I’m still a child at heart when it comes to that,” he said.

As he grew, Cole worked with Peter on weekends and during the summers. In their spare time, father and son shared a passion for restoring classic cars. In 2012, Cole

studied automotive restoration and business management at McPherson College.

“I love classic cars. That’s a piece of me that I will never let go,” said Cole.

The hobby, Cole learned, wasn’t something he wanted to pursue as a career. Inspired by his dad’s commitment to his community, Cole enthusiastically returned to landscaping and large equipment operation.

“I really wanted to dive-in, head-first, and go back to my roots” he said. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 53
Baseball field renovation Using some of the most advanced technologies for precision grading Heavily wooded to finely graded yard (Be sure to check out the website to see the transformation!)


In addition to his residential landscaping services, in 2006, Peter J. Gailor Landscaping & Excavating helped to kick-start the growth of Gavin Park by donating the construction of and materials for the Peter Gailor baseball field.

The complex and multifaceted process of creating a surface capable of enduring sports tough on the turf required meticulous grading and shaping. The experience taught Cole the highly specialized craft, symmetry, and fine measuring needed to create a supreme playing surface with proper drainage - skills he’d like to use to give more local athletic fields, hiking, biking, and walking trails a facelift in the future.

Also in 2006, Gailor began growing their fleet of rolloff containers. Home construction projects, landscape cleanups, and commercial demolition jobs are all workable with their containers in 10, 15, and 20-yard capacities. With local pick-up and delivery of bulk materials, Gailor Ground & Earthworks remains your go-to source for topsoil, mulch, stone, and sand.


In addition to needing a variety of excavation services for septic systems, line trenches, and drainage solutions, Saratoga residents commonly need sinkhole remediation, said Cole.

Because Saratoga saw an uptick in quick construction and the building of tract housing in the 1990s, homeowners today are experiencing the consequences of land that wasn’t properly graded.

All the organic debris buried then has been decomposing underground over time, creating pockets of empty space, and forming sinkholes. Cole said he’s seen sinkholes ranging from four, to as much as 10-feet deep, in these areas.

“People are curious about what’s going on underneath their feet and don’t always get all the answers they’re looking for. I try to give them those answers,” he said, adding, “We can provide a quality solution and remedy the issue within budget.”


Spring is just around the corner so contact Gailor Ground & Earthworks, a deep-rooted company serving Saratoga and the surrounding areas, today!

Gailor Ground & Earthworks, 554 Maple Ave, Saratoga Springs, 518-584-4475. Find us on Facebook, Instagram and at

Retaining wall and grading for inground pool stabilization (see website for more details of this awesome project) Unmaintainable field to mowable lawn, using the right equipment to tackle the job at hand SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 55


This May marks Bio-Fusion Designs’ 16th year of creating natural looking ponds and unique water features by always following their practice of “Results Driven Solutions for The Aquatics Industry.”

“We have an intense focus on transforming the outdoor living or public space to incorporate water elements with a purpose - designed for aesthetic and sound value, along with functionality,” said BioFusion Designs founder, Eric Czerw.

To achieve these stunning results, Bio-Fusion Designs pays attention to the details: using multiple types of hand-picked custom cut or cored stones and rock fragments; winter hardy aquatic marginal plants, driftwood, and native vegetation; as well as a mixture of industry products best suited for the application. Bio-Fusion Designs’ on-site and in-person approach to customized and skillfully-completed pond and waterfall building and maintenance is backed by Eric’s more than 30 years of professional experience in the aquatics industry. He has earned multiple degrees in the biological and fisheries sciences with a focus on aquaculture, along with wetland & wildlife management. As the owner and lead designer, Eric finds it important to share his knowledge with others, ensuring that Bio-Fusion’s water features are sustainable and successful eco-systems onto themselves.



Because Bio-Fusion Designs combines their multi-faceted, hands-on experience with creativity backed by a passion for this type of work, they have the freedom to give each customer something truly unique.

During Spring 2022, the Six Flags Great Escape theme park in Lake George, NY contracted with Bio-Fusion Designs to build a water feature as the centerpiece for their front entrance remodel.

“We were provided a conceptual drawing from the client, initially. After an in-depth discussion on what they were looking for, I began immediately sourcing some of the most unique stone sections,” recalls Eric.

“These were absolutely necessary (in my mind) to complete the vision I had for thissomething a theme park setting deserves.”

This amazing waterscape, deemed “The Adirondack Mountain Cascade” was built using more than 60,000 lbs. of hand-picked natural stone. A 30ft. rounded natural stone wall was constructed to create a seating area encircling the feature (which includes a watercourse with rock face panels made from sliced boulders harvested from an underwater quarry). Unique stone pillars were used as mounts for their new sign and perennial landscaping was installed to complement the design, which also includes a color-changing lighting system.

“The feature we created for the Great Escape has been such a hit that other Six Flags locations, such as those in Canada, have inquired about having something similar done,” added Eric. SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 57


Another area of the industry that Bio-Fusion Designs specializes in is the creation of natural swim ponds –building them from scratch or by renovating existing in-ground swimming pools.

With popularity in Europe rising for over a decade, the trend toward more natural swim pond designs is now picking up traction in America. Natural swim ponds have natural filtration at the heart of the system instead of traditional pool chemicals to keep the water clean. This wetland or bog-style filtration system uses live aquatic / marginal plants for filtration in an efficient manner that also adds to the beauty of the waterscape.

Last summer, Bio-Fusion Designs was contracted to renovate a failing 50+ year old in-ground swimming pool in Schaghticoke, NY. After extensively researching their options, the client settled on a Natural Swim Pond Conversion by Bio-Fusion Designs.

“They believed in the creative, yet functional vision I put forward that pushed for a very unique, natural design,” said Eric.

The design came to life with the installation of more than 88,000 lbs. of hand-picked natural stone and more than 150 aquatic marginal plants, allowing the client to immerse themselves in the soothing sights and sounds of water. The expansive system includes three separate circulating waterfalls and unique accent pieces. It is an allnew addition to the natural world that fits seamlessly into its surroundings.

“The client’s family, friends, and other people who witnessed some of the construction process, were amazed by the end result,” said Eric.

For more information on the amazing possibilities incorporating water elements into personal or public spaces, visit Bio-Fusion Designs Booth - K4 - at the 2023 Saratoga Home and Lifestyle Show.

Bio-Fusion Designs is also hiring for the 2023 season and would be happy to meet with possible candidates to discuss qualifications.

Find them online at (with amazing video coverage!)


How they keep the body moving

Life is lived in perpetual motion. Without resistance to that motion, our bones aren’t stimulated to grow strong - making them more susceptible to serious breaks, especially later in life.

Physical therapist Dr. Sarah Avery wishes she’d learned about the importance of strength training and its connection to osteoporosis earlier. As the owner of In Motion Integrative Physical Therapy, in addition to those with other chronic issues and acute injuries, she sees too many women suffering with osteoporosis.

Studies have shown that athletes, including dancers, cyclists, and runners (with a lower body weight and who don’t include strength training in their routine) are at higher risk for developing osteoporosis. While dancing at SUNY Potsdam, Dr. Avery experienced first-hand the pressure to perform put on dancers and how easy it is to fall into the unhealthy habit of overtraining and undereating.

After earning her doctorate from Clarkson University in 2016, Dr. Avery began working with dancers at Skidmore College, stressing to them the importance of living in a way that will keep the body beautifully in motion for years to come.

STAYING in Motion Bones & Hormones:

“What you do in your younger years significantly impacts your hormone and bone health later on in life,” she said.


Teaching women how to effectively use weights to load the skeleton in a safe way that grows bone density and strength is considered a preventive medicine not deemed medically necessary by most insurance companies. As a result, it isn’t covered by most health plans.

Additionally, bone scans aren’t typically recommended to patients until age 40, a decade after bone condition has reached its peak and begins decreasing. Even then, tests are only offered every two years, so it can be difficult to know how quickly the deterioration is progressing.

Of the women participating in the osteoporosis weight lifting sessions led by Dr. Avery and her co-instructor, NASM-certified personal trainer Michaela Smith, eightypercent have maintained or improved their bone health.

Even more encouraging is how these classes give women the confidence to again perform everyday activities.

“When you’re diagnosed with osteoporosis, what you’re receiving is a fear-based message that says you shouldn’t do the things you love or act in certain ways because you’re at greater risk for fracture. It puts you in this avoidance state. What we do empowers women instead,” said Avery.

Dr. Sarah Avery


For young women, problem periods are one of the earliest signs of a hormonal imbalance that may contribute to the development of osteoporosis later in life.

Growing up as the oldest of six sisters, Avery took a particular interest in women’s health at a young age. As a twelve-year-old who experienced significant pain and bleeding with her periods, Avery was prescribed hormone-based birth control by her doctor.

Later in life, when she started thinking about having children, ripping off the birth control band-aid proved difficult. To restore hormonal balance, Avery used food-based methods including seed cycling.

By grinding seeds (especially those with tough casings, like flax and sunflower) the body is better able to absorb their nutrients. After first grinding seeds for herself and others, Avery founded the Moon Cycle Seed Company, which sells seed-cycling kits at 13 area farmers’ markets.

By adding the two seed powder blends to a variety of recipes, your body receives what it needs to regulate hormones in an ultra-easy way that is totally raw, organic, gluten free, and vegan.


Take your milk to new heights of goodness with the Moon Cycle Seed Company’s Moon Milk, a blend of healing herbs and plant extracts known as adaptogens that help the body adapt to stress.

Used for millennia, particularly in Asia and India, adaptogens naturally reduce levels of cortisol, a hormone caused by stress that damages the body’s production of other hormones, such as those needed for reproduction.

Moon Milk is available in three flavors: Golden Turmeric (musky, yet sweet, with dashes of cinnamon and ginger); Lavender Cardamon (a soothing vanilla-y blend); and Cherry Beetroot (which has a tart, earthy taste).

To avoid the added hormones found in cow and soy milk, Dr. Avery recommends

adding Moon Milk to organic or raw milk. It can also be delicious when mixed into non-diary almond, cashew, oatmeal, and rice milk products.

To learn more about how to restore your body’s natural rhythms with In Motion Integrative Physical Therapy and the Moon Cycle Seed Company, follow them on Facebook and Instagram. Fitness classes are held virtually, at Saratoga Heath & Wellness, and at Battleground Fitness in Saratoga. For recipes, informative e-books, and to register for a FREE 20-minute consultation go to SARATOGA HOME & LIFESTYLE 2023 | 61

A Budget-Friendly REFRESH

High-impact, low-cost upcycling gives new life to roadside rescues, flea-market finds, & more!

Lisa Lockwood began experimenting with stencils during the pandemic for something to occupy her time after work and on the weekends. A fan of flea markets and garage sale shopping, Lisa began picking up furniture pieces and refinishing her finds before posting them for sale on the Facebook Marketplace.

Of the 20 to 30 tables (and other items) she has completed, many sold in less time than they took to design.

“It’s very hard to choose what I’m going to do. When you’re doing something everyone else is doing too, if you’re able to do something different, it sells,” she said.

After searching through Pinterest reels and DIY websites, as well as in area shops for inspiration, Lisa rehabs the tired pieces she finds into cheerful and feminine ones using colors like bright sage, mint apple green, and yellow. To create intriguing contrast, she pairs the richness of red with the starkness of white in an intricate doily design. On some tops, delicate edge ornamentation still peeks out even when covered with tableware. On others, stencils create a painted tablecloth base for even more texture once place settings are added. To repurpose a three-pane window into a compelling shelf, Lisa added wood, metal accents, and stenciled flourishes onto the glass.


When out thrifting, Lisa looks beyond first impressions. Undeterred by minor nicks or scratches, she searches for other signs of damage before purchasing a piece to refinish. By picking it up and turning it over, she can detect defects like glue marks, and discover the furniture maker.

“Sometimes I get lucky, like when I found a Bombay Company half-circle table. I’m learning more as I go, but most people have heard of Bombay. I was amazed,” she said. While some of her discoveries are chance encounters, Lisa also likes to frequent Ed’s Antiques and Flea Market on Route 29 as well as the Malta Flea Market for project pieces. Customers to the Northline Road Stewart’s Shop in Ballston Spa (where Lisa has worked for 15 years) who know of her hobby, share tips on the season’s hot spots.

“We let each other know what’s out there and say, ‘this one is going to be a good one and that one is where I got a lot of good finds’,” adds Lisa with that friendly smile.


Once Lisa has procured a piece, it can take weeks or even months for her to settle on how to refinish it. After nailing down a design, she thoroughly cleans the furniture, strips off the worn finish, then washes it again to create an even surface for the fresh paint to adhere to.

By working with both oil-based spray paints and chalk paints, Lisa’s design takes shape with the help of her boyfriend, who operates the power tools and offers business advice.

Next on her to-do list, Lisa plans to create added depth to a bookcase with stencils and is looking forward to tackling a set of dresser drawers.

After putting a personal stamp on these transitory possessions, Lisa posts them on the marketplace at affordable prices so they can easily find their way into new homes.

“If it sells, it sells,” she said about the process. “The people who buy what I make are looking for something different. Something they’re not going to find in a store.”


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