Buy Local: Family & Locally Owned Businesses 2021

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locally owned

Businesses Saratoga County 2021



2021 Buy Local

2021 Buy Local


Buy Local 2021


F changed OREVER

WRITTEN BY MEGIN POTTER • SARATOGA TODAY Oh! How different this year has been than last! The pandemic has changed all of our lives in so many ways. The struggles and disruptions we faced forced us to re-evaluate a lot of things, including how we shop. As we come up on another holiday season, the disruptions continue. Pandemic-related shutdowns have been exacerbated by environmental challenges including droughts, floods, and wide-spread power outages across the country. The congestion at our nation’s seaports and labor shortages among transportation and service workers have led to even more supply chain issues in an area of the economy already strained by changes in consumer demand. This has created rising costs, mass resignations, and an atmosphere of unrest. WHY BUY LOCAL?

Since the pandemic first started, it’s underlined why we need to BUY LOCAL. The impact of buying local has taken on a new significance because through it all, it’s our local shops who have been there, getting us

what we need (even as they were struggling through the same challenges we all were).

pick-up options to help serve you better - changes that will likely continue into the post-COVID future.

HERE NOW. Locally-made products aren’t sitting on cargo ships waiting to get here. The abundance of foods, beverages, and products of all sorts being made right here puts us in a uniquely well-cared for position that only remains as long as we continue to buy local.

SAFETY REMAINS #1 PRIORITY. The health and safety measures that were put into place to ensure everyone is protected became so widely used, they have now become second nature. No one wants their friends and neighbors to get sick, so in addition to upgrading ventilation systems, many continue to voluntarily get vaccinated, wear masks, and maintain social-distancing.

AS CUSTOMER EXPECTATIONS EVOLVED, LOCAL BUSINESSES RESPONDED. They’ve retooled and produced results that have forever changed the way we do business. They’ve increased their digital presence by utilizing social media, fine-tuning their websites, and increasing their capacity for online ordering. UNIQUELY INVESTED. Many local businesses are family-run, creating a unique and very personal reason why they will go the extra mile to succeed. Not only have they gone out of their way to find more sustainable packaging solutions (when supplies reached a bottleneck) but they’ve added take-out and curbside

#STRONGERTOGETHER. Small local businesses have reinforced our trust in them by leading us all in the positive ways we can help support each other. The Saratoga Chamber of Commerce helped us show that Saratoga is #StrongerTogether. Business owners and employees banded together to help those facing economic hardships, food, and housing insecurity. They’ve donated their time, money, products, and services. It’s time for us to pay it forward. Be kind. BUY LOCAL.

Buy Local 2021


13 Reasons to Think Local, Buy Local and Be Local.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Create More Good Jobs

Small local businesses are the largest employer nationally and in our community, provide the most jobs to residents.

Get Better Service


Local businesses often hire people with a better understanding of the products they are selling and take more time to get to know customers. Local shops and businesses value their customers.

More Products, Affordable Prices


Shopping Local Saves You Money


Shopping local Retains Our Communities


Local shops sell a wide range of great products at affordable prices. Many people fall out of the habit of shopping locally and are then surprised by the range of products and gifts available.

Marketers have done a good job of convincing us that local business equals expensive. If you add travel fees to transfer items and your time, the overall cost is often much higher.

People don’t like losing shops and services in their communities but don’t equate this to how they spend their money. Most people can get to their local shops easily and this is especially important for the elderly and young generations and those without transportation.

Buy Local and Support Yourself


Support Community Groups


Several studies have shown that when you buy from an independent, locally-owned business, rather than nationally owned businesses, significantly more of your money is used to make purchases from other local businesses, service providers and farms – continuing to strengthen the economic base of the community.

Non-profit organizations receive an average of 250% more support from smaller business owners than they do from large businesses.

Unique Community

Where we shop, where we eat and have fun – all of it makes our community home. Our one-of-a-kind businesses are an integral part of the distinctive character of this place. Our tourism businesses also benefit. “When people go on vacation they generally seek out destinations that offer them the sense of being someplace, not just any place,” says Richard Moe, president of the National Historic Preservation Trust.

Environmental Impact

Locally-owned businesses can make more local purchases requiring less transportation and generally set up shop in town or city centers as opposed to developing on the fringe. This generally means contributing less to sprawl, congestion, habitat loss and pollution.

Invest In Community

Local businesses are owned by people who live in this community, are less likely to leave, and are more invested in the community’s future.

Taxes to Good Use

Local businesses in town centers required comparatively little infrastructure investment and make more efficient use of public services as compared to nationally owned stores entering the community.

Encourage Local Prosperity

A growing body of economic research shows that in an increasingly homogenized world, entrepreneurs and skilled workers are more likely to invest and settle in communities that preserve their one-of-a-kind businesses and distinctive character.

Buy What You Want

A marketplace of small businesses is the best way to ensure innovation and low prices over the long-term. A multitude of small businesses, each selecting products based on the needs of local customers, guarantees a much broader range of product choices.

Buy Local 2021




Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry. Photo by Super Source Media.

ne of the advantages of being in business for a long time is wisdom. Saratoga has many businesses that are run by families and who cater to them. Grandparents, parents, and children (often unknowingly) benefit from that shared experience.

Multigenerational family businesses are a combination of knowledge, ideas, and skills that allow us all to better understand the world and navigate life’s challenges. A REASON TO SMILE

In June, Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry celebrated their 50th anniversary. What’s their secret to staying in business so long? “People feel comfortable and almost look forward to coming in,” said Dr. Gregory Dodd. DENTAL CARE FOR LIFE

Over the years, people have become more aware of the fact that building a lifetime of better health includes taking care of your teeth. The growth of Dr. Dodd’s dental practice to include seven offices in the area however, is all about his personalized approach. “Putting people at ease is about developing a trust with them and delivering on that promise,” he said. When he was growing up, he hated going to the dentist. His dentist seemed uncaring, stern, and had a robotic way of dealing with patients. He was the exact opposite of everything that Dr. Dodd strives for in his own practice. “I think the key is to understand everyone is different and coming in with their own fears and expectations. Some just want to reach the point where they can function without pain and others are looking for that Hollywood smile.” “There’s no perfect smile – just the perfect smile for you,” he said.


“There’s no set formula for putting someone at ease and making them feel comfortable. Everyone is looking for something different, so we cater to that,” said Dr. Dodd. Some prefer a more scientific approach. They want to see the x-rays and have a lot of questions about the procedures. Others prefer to just have the problem fixed without a lot of explanation about how it’s done. There are additional stress relievers in the office, including heated message chairs, in-room televisions, a Pandora music selection, and he’s even gone as far as to have a Reiki coach come in help ease patient’s anxiety. Dr. Dodd is also upfront about making sure a patient is paired up with the right person to get the job done – even if that’s not him. “We pride ourselves in matching a person with the right procedure and getting them the right kind of care. We are lucky to have providers skilled at different procedures, allowing total patient care under one roof. Additionally, we have great specialist in our area, we work closely, as a team to provide comprehensive dentistry when their expertise is needed,” he said. A SUPPORTIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT

The American Association of Pediatric Dentists recommends taking your child to the dentist by their first birthday, or within six months of their first tooth coming in, but many of the children that Dr. Dodd sees are usually around age three at the time of their first appointment. Even if they aren’t being seen, to make the environment more familiar to them, he does encourage parents to bring young children with them to dental appointments. The staff at Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry doesn’t mind helping to keep an eye on the kids while they’re in the office either. Then afterwards, they get to take home a little goodie from their treasure chest. It’s this kind of treatment that keeps children coming back as they become adults.

PJ’s BAR-B-QSA. Photo provided.

“We’ve watched kids grow up to do amazing things,” said Dr. Dodd. For some kids, the experience is so engaging that they’ve gone on to become dentists, dental hygienists, and assistants themselves. Several children Dr. Dodd saw grow up in his office went on to take part in the Saratoga Springs High School dental program and then to intern with him. “These students have gone on to pursue a career in dentistry and we are proud to be part of their growth. We strongly support our staff and have helped fund many of them to pursue advanced certification in dental assisting and dental hygiene. Dr. Dodd also regularly works with students from Hudson Valley Community College who are pursuing careers in the dental field. A FRIENDLY RECEPTION

Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry is dedicated to making your visit with them as pleasant as possible – from your first call, to the moment you walk out the door. “What’s fearful to many people is the money,” said Dr. Dodd. “The biggest anxiety about going to the dentist is – what’s that bill going to be?” Just as everyone has different concerns about being in the chair, Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry understands that everyone has a different financial situation. “Our goal is to get everyone to a state of health that’s not going to break the bank,” he said. “Our emphasis, our focus, really is customer service with empathy and understanding.” EVERYONE DESERVES TO SMILE

Local small business owners have yet another reason to feel good about Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry. Membership in their Smile Advantage Plan provides affordable, quality, routine dental care and specialized services at a reduced rate. There are no deductibles, no maximums, and it covers whitening, Invisalign, and cosmetic dentistry procedures that many other plans don’t.

Buy Local 2021 “This membership plan can help people without dental insurance but it also really helps small businesses to find, attract, and keep good employees. It’s been really tough for them because the cost of insuring employees can be astronomical, and they seem to keep going up every year. They can add this plan to their benefit package as a great perk and it costs very little,” said Dr. Dodd. It’s just another way that Saratoga Springs Family Dentistry is giving back to the family that they’ve been a part of for half a century. “We are a community here. We rely on each other.” A TASTE FOR ADVENTURE

Traveling the open road is first and foremost about exploration. It’s where the characters you meet and the stories shared along the way make the journey as important as the destination. PJ’s BAR-B-QSA is a family-run restaurant that embodies this spirit of adventure around every turn. COME ALONG FOR THE RIDE

PJ Davis and his wife, Carolyn, met at high school in the 1960’s. They both went on to become elementary teachers before opening a catering business that evolved into a seasonal barbeque restaurant in the mid 1980’s. Johnny Davis wasn’t much taller than the 40’ outdoor barbeque pit where they cooked chicken and ribs the first time he asked his dad if he could help. From that experience until today, Johnny has worked at the family business. Now, he can be found in the back, throwing hickory or mesquite logs onto the fire, adding buckets of “Road Salt” (a dry rub made with his special mix of seasonings) and cutting up the meats, which are prepared in the four regional styles that

characterize barbeque in the United States: Texas, North Carolina, Memphis, and Kansas City-style. FIRED UP

The Davis’ daughter, Jady Conboy, still can’t resist the taste of an old-fashioned PJ’s BAR-B-QSA rib. Coming up through the ranks of the family business was an invaluable experience for her. As the Vice President of Sales and Operations for PJ's Crystal Beach Loganberry (the drink that PJ and Carolyn created and now sell by the hundreds of thousands of bottles each year) Jady gained the skills she’d need for a successful career in the food and beverage industry. “It definitely provided me with a sense of the work ethic I still have today. From an entrepreneurial standpoint, you can’t get that from school. It’s something you learn from experience. It’s been really advantageous for me in my career,” she said. Jady is now the CEO of Glasgow Consulting Group, a cutting-edge product design and development company. THE ROAD LESS TRAVELED

At QSA, a tour of America’s great barbeque includes honoring its long heritage. PJ researched the generations of its development, beginning with the Spanish explorers who brought it to the southern states in the 1500’s after learning it from Caribbean natives. This history, along with artwork, signage, and memorabilia that the Davis family has collected through the years, surrounds you in this formidable establishment. In addition to just about every local culinary award you can think of (as well as being named among Barbeque News Magazine’s 2021 Best of the Best), QSA has also been recognized for their contributions to the community. As Saratoga’s Official Bill’s Backers Bar, they’ve collected donations for the nonprofit Hunter’s

7 Hope Foundation, founded by former Buffalo Bills quarterback Jim Kelly. In 2020, QSA’s donation of bulk chicken led the Shelters of Saratoga honored them as a Pandemic Hero. They also present two awards to graduating Saratoga Springs high school students; the Phoenix Award recognizes a graduating senior who has risen above significant hardships, and the Blanchard, Hine, Williams Memorial award (honoring former employees) is given to a senior pursuing a culinary degree in college. STICKING AROUND OR HITTING THE ROAD

When the Davis family went on the road, it’s not just the places they went but all the people they met en route, that made the trips memorable. Twelve years ago, Carolyn, PJ, and Johnny took a three-week tour of great barbeque joints. “We had a great time. We were on a mission and were there as soon as they opened. It’s like a brotherhood and they welcomed us with open arms. It was so fun,” said PJ. That same sense of fun can be found at QSA, where more than 2,000 loyal customers have been issued “Frequent Barbeque Diner’s Licenses”, which when presented, earns them a flashing red light and a citation for free food written up by barbeque law enforcement officer PJ. “When people go out to eat, they’re excited, and you want to be a part of their experience. There are so many stories I could tell you. Every day here is an adventure.” PJ’s Bar-B-QSA located at 1 Kaydeross Ave. West in Saratoga Springs is open Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday from 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. For menu, orders, and more information, find them on Facebook and go to

Buy Local 2021



R E gets L A Xan I N Gupgrade AT HOME Photos provided.

LOCALLY OWNED SLEEP & SPAS is more than just your average mattress store; their products are an investment into your home comfort, health, and wellness.

“You need those spaces in your home to get away,” said Lindsay Cruz, co-owner of Sleep & Spas. “We offer our customers a more relaxed selling environment for a purchase that can change their home and their lifestyle.” FINDING THE RIGHT MATTRESS

What is more important than finding the right mattress? Relax and recharge on a Sleep & Spas Tempur-Pedic mattress or another “high end” mattress from their wide selection. You are guaranteed to get the best sleep of your life for years to come. AT-HOME MASSAGES

Is the cost of those regular massages adding up? Sleep & Spas massage chairs have gentle heat, soothing rollers, and some are even equipped with Bluetooth speakers, to ease those aches and pains from injury and everyday stressors. And that’s not all, Sleep & Spas home spas and premium hot tubs are designed to withstand the temperature changes of upstate New York, and will melt away your worries. “We believe in offering everyday low prices so you can shop with the assurance that you are getting our best deal every time. Our business has also been built on the best customer service in the industry,” Sleep and Spas states on their website. “We treat our employees and our customers like family and friends,” added Cruz.

To find the best fit for you and your home, Sleep & Spas locations have full-time customer service representatives in house. Shop their Saratoga location at 46 Marion Ave., or their other newly opened locations in Latham, Lake George, and North Greenbush. You can also browse 24/7 from the comfort of anywhere at

2021 Buy Local


Buy Local 2021


unique and

O N E - O F -A - K I N D S H O P S

Waterwheel Village Country Store. Photos provided.


The Magic Moon. Photos by Megin Potter.

WRITTEN BY MEGIN POTTER • SARATOGA TODAY here is so much creativity in our region, there’s no reason you need to look, eat, or gift the same way as someone else.

Some long-time local businesses have a leg-up when it comes to acquiring those hand-to-find items that everyone adores and that collectors absolutely love. Their dedication to the community has built them a reputation that puts them in a unique position to get you not only what you need, but what you want. It doesn’t take a lot to make someone feel special. Just think back to that special candy you got as a child, for example. No matter what else is going on in our lives, that moment of complete bliss is always our grasp (as long as we know where to look for it). UNCONVENTIONAL CHARM

Originally built in 1847, the Waterwheel Village Country Store is an old-fashioned general store with timeless charm. The character-rich building, built above the waters of Glowegee Creek, is a one-stop destination for those looking for novelty candy, food, and gifts. “You buy things here, not because you need it, because you want it,” said co-owner Pricilla Marvin.


As the perfect storm of labor and product shortages, environmental challenges, and supply chain constraints continue to merge, shop owners like Pricilla are feeling the pinch. “No one’s producing like they should be. You just can’t count on walking into a store & finding what you’re looking for,” she said. Placing an order and expecting it to be fulfilled, ontime, in today’s climate is akin to playing Russian roulette, she said. As an indication of just how difficult it is, she referenced a recent order when she attempted to purchase 30 items but only two were available. “I am looking forward to getting a lot of product in for the holiday, although you can’t count on things like you used to. If there’s an empty spot on the shelf, I’m going to put something on it. That’s been the policy for the last 50 years. If someone wants something, we endeavor to get it,” she said. A UNIQUE STRATEGY

Another thing that the Waterwheel Village Store does differently than others, is invest in a preferred maker’s entire product line. This is true for everyone’s crackling and fizzing favorite; Pop Rocks candy. They also carry the full selection of the one confection named for the

dance craze popular at the time of its invention; the chocolate, strawberry, and vanilla Charleston Chews. While most stores usually only carry two or three varieties of Better than Bullion (a spoonful of this magical mix adds just the right amount of flavor “oomph” to your recipes), Waterwheel Village stocks 18 varieties. SECOND NATURE

Pricilla and her husband, Larry Marvin’s dedication to finding the rare and stocking as many different items as will fit on the shelves, makes the browsing as fun as the buying at Waterwheel Village Country Store. This is a vanishing experience, as people are going to be in for a rough season, predicted Pricilla. Yet, she persists, when others fail too. She can’t help it. It’s become second nature for her to do so. “You get outta bed and come to work. What some people don’t get is, that’s a part of it,” she said. “I drive here even when I’m not working. It’s so much a part of my life, when I get in the car, I drive here. I forget that’s what I’m doing. Even if I’m going another way, the car just goes here.” Waterwheel Village Country Store, 2259 Route 29, Galway, is open Tuesday through Sunday, 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. For more information, call 518-882-9576 and go online to

2021 Buy Local



Buy Local 2021


Unconventional. Obscure. A Hippie Headquarters. Many different words have been used to describe The Magic Moon, the metaphysical boutique that’s resided on Phila Street in Saratoga Springs for 27 years. Their plethora of crystals, jewelry, clothing, books, tarot cards, and eclectic mix of other interesting items attract any free spirit looking for something a bit out of the ordinary. “We have so many unique things, people are like, ‘Wow!’ You can come in here a hundred times and never see everything,” said J’Lyn Coppola. She’s been The Magic Moon’s store manager for 10 years and is still amazed by the new additions that are always coming in. An exceptional recent acquisition, for example, includes an assortment of substantially-made cloaks and wooden mixing spoons (to “stir magic into every meal”) from local crafter SpellFire. WELCOME TO THE NEW “NEW AGE”

The birth of the original New Age movement in the 1970s and 1980s foretold a new era of personal transformation and healing. Since the pandemic, The Magic Moon has seen a surge of people who are now more interested in changing their lives then they have been before. “It’s taken the world by storm. It’s a new New Age. With everything being as crazy as it has been, people are saying, ‘I’m going to turn to the Earth and heal’,” said Coppola. Social media trends seem to be directing the flow. Once it was touted on TikTok for its strong spiritual significance and ability to amplify intentions, the high vibration inducing Moldavite specimens (formed from a meteorite impact millions of years ago) have become so coveted that the price for them has skyrocketed and The Magic Moon has a hard time keeping them in stock.


Merry Christmas. Happy Hannukah. Joyous Winter Solstice. Blessed Yule. No matter what your faith or how you practice it, there is something at The Magic Moon that will speak to you. “There’s something for every single religion in the world,” said Coppola. There are pendants for the Pagan, Wiccan, and Vedic. There are items depicting Egyptian, Greek, Norse, and Buddhist gods and goddesses, the Hamsa (the palmshaped protection amulet), as well sacred geometry symbols, menorahs and traditional Christian saints. For those who want to increase their knowledge of all the universe holds, The Magic Moon is prepared. “We have more Tarot than we’ve ever had and we have one of the best metaphysical libraries anywhere. You’d be shocked by the number of books we sell here,” she said. A SNEAK PEEK INTO THE FUTURE

Out of everything that The Magic Moon has carried through the years, there’s always been something missing – but not anymore.

This year, for the first time ever, they are debuting a line of The Magic Moon signature apparel, designed by Citrus Leigh (who also has other pieces in the shop). It includes long sleeve and cap sleeve tops as well as yoga pants with bright images. “People will be really excited that we have this,” said Coppola. The Magic Moon has also increased their online presence with weekly video posts on TikTok including; Thor’s Day, Sneak Peek Saturday, and Specimen Sunday. They’ve also changed the way they do live Tarot Readings. It’s now by appointment only on Tuesdays, and Fridays through Sundays. The Magic Moon, 15-17 Phila Street, Saratoga Springs is open Monday, Tuesday and Sunday 10 a.m. – 8 p.m., Wednesday through Saturday 10 a.m. – 9 p.m. For more information, find them on social media @ themagicmoon518.

2021 Buy Local



Buy Local 2021

double the impact


Kindne is one of those things in life that can be infinitely multiplied. Yet, despite that, kindness is still a rare and precious gift to those who are suffering. When you buy local, you invest in people and show kindness in more ways than one. “Just be kind. You can’t take it with you and life goes by very fast. You don’t need to be a millionaire to change someone’s life. Enjoy what’s around you and don’t let it pass you by.” - Kevin Myers, Owner, Ribbon Cafe MORE THAN A MEAL

Ribbon Cafe feeds hungry souls with hearty food and a moment of peace.

Kevin Myers worked with his wife, Jennifer, at Gaffney’s Restaurant (where he was a chef and she was a waitress) for more than 20 years.

“We were best friends. We did everything together. We always had a great time,” he said. FEELING THE LOVE

Their friendship evolved, but less than a year after they started dating, Jennifer was diagnosed with breast cancer. She struggled with the painful, debilitating side effects; unable to work, losing her hair, and with it, the feeling that she was losing her identity, as well. Through it all, Kevin was with her. He quit his job in 2017 to be with her — a decision he’s grateful for today because it gave them more precious time to be together. They were married for 18 months before she died. “Cancer makes you change your whole world. It makes you realize there’s no guarantee of the next day,” he said. BREATHING ROOM

In 2018, Kevin opened the Ribbon Cafe to honor Jennifer and to offer some relief to others who are fighting the same battle. Cancer and death are a turning point, but many patients, family, and friends are left to fend for themselves at this point in their lives. The Ribbon Cafe, at just 40 seats (with some additional outdoor tables), is a place where you will be welcomed by a friendly face. “Cancer patients come down here and they’re not judged. Some sit here for hours chatting, and they’re welcome to do that. It’s a quiet spot. I want people to sit and relax,” said Myers. COMFORT FOOD

Those who have lost someone are invited to put their picture up on the Ribbon Cafe’s growing Memory Wall. “They feel relieved that they are living on and that they can sit here and have lunch with them,” said Myers.

The Ribbon Cafe. Photos provided.

In addition to the atmosphere, the food here is all about comfort. Myers’s southwest shrimp corn chowder topped with tequila bacon and a crab wonton popper is a Chowderfest champion. The grilled ham and cheese sandwich comes with apple butter made from his grandmother’s recipe. The home fries on their popular breakfast menu are sliced thick from red potatoes and mixed with onions and peppers. The Hot Chocolate Bombs are a big hit with kids and adults. Available in more than a dozen varieties, you just plop these filled chocolate balls in a cup and watch them pop open to reveal marshmallows, sprinkles and candy (based on the flavor). DOING DOUBLE DUTY

Giving people a place to find peace during the ravages of cancer means meeting them where they are. This is why the Ribbon Cafe also delivers meals to homebound patients in brown paper bags that have been decorated by the children who visit the restaurant. “What I make, I make from scratch and I make it good. What else can I do?” asks Myers. The Ribbon Cafe is also helping to brighten the day of those at the Mollie Wilmot Radiation Oncology Center (where Jennifer received her treatments). The donations Myers collects help patients through daily struggles by helping with financial needs and supporting various events held by the Mollie Wilmot Radiation Oncology Center for their patients. The Ribbon Cafe is located at 11 Prospect Street in Ballston Spa and is open every day from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. For the full menu and more information, follow them on Facebook and visit www.

2021 Buy Local


Buy Local 2021



HIGH ROCK PARK Wednesdays | 3 - 6 p.m. Saturdays | 9 - 1 p.m. Indoor Market Starts Nov. 6: Wilton Mall, Saturdays 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.

Saratoga Garlic. Photo provided.


utumn has taken hold, and for many agricultural businesses, the falling temperatures are the beginning of a new farming season. This seasonal transition means careful planning and preparation for the coming winter and the following year. Seasonal rituals of planting, harvesting, and storing, caring for livestock, and preparing for winter are vital to the success of every agricultural business. At Saratoga Garlic, “fall is the time of year to plant garlic and get ready for winter,” says Max Higgins. Saratoga Garlic is a family-owned farm with six arable acres available for planting garlic. “Each year, our objective is to plant two acres,” explains Higgins. The farm grows primarily one type of garlic: German White, a hardneck variety known for its flavor. The garlic is used to make their popular line of aioli’s that are produced on-site at the farm. They also make Lemon Dill Pickled Garlic. Saratoga Garlic follows a rhythm of planting and harvesting. The garlic crop is planted in the fall. Fresh garlic scapes are harvested in mid-June, and the crop is harvested in midJuly. When garlic is harvested, it is hung to

Elihu Farm. Photo provided.

dry and cure in a barn until it is time to plant again in mid-October. At Elihu Farm, Mary and Bob Pratt have recently returned from showing and selling wool products at the New York State Sheep and Wool Festival in Rhinebeck. “Fall (and spring) is very busy washing wool for festivals and the farmers’ market,” says Mary Pratt. “Now we are getting ready to breed ewes,” she adds. The Pratts farm 150 scenic acres in southern Washington County. Elihu Farm is home to purebred Romney sheep (a longwool breed) and crossbred sheep (which have medium wool). Their farm produces healthy lambs and eggs year-round, and autumn is a critical time for breeding. “In the fall, breeding groups are separated by a good distance, in different pastures, so rams don't escape from one group to the other,” explains Pratt. Adult sheep and lambs continue to graze throughout the fall until they eat all the grass or until snow arrives and is deeper than about 5 inches. At Kokinda Farm, owner Laurie Kokinda is working on getting all of her planted potatoes dug and stored.“

Laurie Kokinda. Photo provided.

“This is a hectic time for harvesting and storing fall crops like winter squash,” says Kokinda. Kokinda Farm shifts its production from freshly harvested fruit and vegetables to jams and jellies for winter markets during this seasonal transition. “We are baking bread weekly and focusing on holiday offerings, too,” explains Kokinda. In the fall, Kokinda also dedicates more time to sewing and textiles, making custom aprons and corn toasties to sell at the farmers’ market. On Saturday, November 6, the Saratoga Farmers’ Market will move indoors at the Wilton Mall, with some vendors remaining outdoors. Markets will run Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. and will feature 50+ vendors selling a full range of locally produced items, including fresh produce, ready-to-eat foods, and artisanal products. The market will be located in the mall’s food court, accessible from the TrustCo mall entrance and the mall interior. Visit the Saratoga Farmers’ Market online at, follow on Facebook and Instagram, and subscribe to the weekly e-newsletter: saratogafarmersmarket. org/weekly-newsletter.

2021 Buy Local


Buy Local 2021


holidays are extra special at

LOCAL SHOPS King's Dairy. Photo provided.

Malta Farm and Garden. Photo provided.


he annual holiday shopping trips turned into an exhausting cyberseason last year for truck drivers and mailmen last year.

No matter how nice we make our front porches, it doesn’t replace the real gift these guys – and the rest of us want during those cold winter nights– to be at home, in front of the fire, with our family. Give them a break and BUY LOCAL this year. There is an amazing selection to chose from. Because you can see and touch what you are buying, you can avoid the awkwardness of your loved ones opening presents on Christmas morning only to find it’s not exactly what you thought it was (based on its online description).

Plus, local businesses go above and beyond. They make shopping a pleasant experience by creating a festive environment in their stores. They offer Black Friday and Small Business Saturday deals and promotions. They collect donations and give back to the community. WHERE THE EARLY BIRDS GO

You don’t have to live on a farm to love Christmas at Malta Farm & Garden. TOYS GALORE

While others have been decreasing the size of, or shutting down their toy departments completely, Malta Farm & Garden has tripled the size of their toy section. “People say to me, ‘Holy smokes! You actually have toys

Accents at Allerdice. Photo provided.

on the shelves. It’s been a really pleasant surprise. The number of families and children we get in the store has been great,” said General Manager Paul O’Neil. There’s Christmas music playing and a train set up to whir around the decorated tree as you joyfully shop their large selection. These are the things that bring you back to your own childhood days; there are Radio Flyer sleds, shining tricycles with ribbons on the handlebars, and the holy grail of BB guns – the Red Ryder special of the Christmas Story movie fame. Joining the nostalgic items are their modern-day equivalent in the form of John Deere toys in every size, from hand-held to ride-on.



The large assortment of food and feeders in stock at Malta Farm & Garden help to make a world of difference to wild birds in winter. It provides them with needed nourishment during harsh winters and us with the pleasure of watching them visit our backyards.


When the weather outside is frightful, seeing wild birds is delightful.

Those able to act quickly (and place orders by October 31) will receive a significant discount on bird seed and suet. YIPPEE! TREES

As demand continues to outpace supplies, Christmas trees and greenery have become this year’s hottest commodity. Luckily, Paul put in his order for 400 trees early. “They’re saying there is going to be a shortage, so everybody is really scrambling to get their allotment of trees,” he said. Malta Farm and Garden. Photo provided.


Pets are family, too. At Malta Farm & Garden, you’ll find all sorts of pet-friendly supplies to make their holidays extra-special. Doggie toys, gift baskets, advent calendars, and treats from Saratoga CBD (and other hemp producers), are great ways to warm up cold winter days. Dry, canned, raw, freeze-dried, and grain-free foods give them the great-tasting nourishment they need. Cozy pet beds, crates, leashes and items like petfriendly ice melt protect them while giving you peace of mind this season.


Fresh-cut balsam trees, in sizes ranging from tabletop up to 9-feet, kissing balls, and evergreen roping from local growers is due to be delivered around Thanksgiving. They also sell lights, tree stands, a large selection of Command brand tape, and other decorating essentials. Malta Farm and Garden, 2712 US 9, Ballston Spa is open 9 a.m. -6 p.m. Monday through Friday, on Saturday from 9 a.m.-5 p.m., and Sunday 9 a.m. -4 p.m. For more information about their products, Black Friday and Small Business Saturday specials, find them online on Facebook and at www.

The bounty of this region is on full display at the King Brother’s Dairy Farm Store in Schuylerville. Just a quick drive into the country leads you to a stocked store of farm goods and locally-made products perfect for your holiday happenings. In addition to their freshly-bottled traditional styles, they’ve added creamy vanilla milk to their dairy lineup, which also includes chocolate milk, eggnog, half and half, buttermilk, and heavy cream. The King Brothers farm sells their own meats, as well as favorites from regional producers including Oscar’s Smokehouse. New Skete Cheesecakes and cheese spreads, as well as Cabot Cheeses, whipped cream, and butters are sold here, as are Thomas Poultry eggs and Sammy Cohen’s pizzas. There are also seasonal candies, pumpkin and apple breads, dip and dessert mixes, as well as fall décor to round out your Thanksgiving table. NOTE: New Skete Cheesecakes, Smith’s pies, Misty Knolls’ boneless turkey breasts and drumsticks are available for pre-order only until the beginning of November: CREAM ON

Whether you’re taking it to-go by the pint to pair with pie, or eating it by the cone, seasonal ice cream flavors made on-site with King super-premium quality milk are now available. They include; “Pumpkin Spice,” “Just Take My Pumpkin” (filled with praline pecans and swirls of caramel), “Pumpkin Cheesecake Latte,” and “Caramel Apple Pie” (with chunks of apple, cinnamon sugar pie crust pieces, and a caramel swirl).

Buy Local 2021


King's Dairy. Photos provided.

The King Brothers Dairy Farm Store will be open until the day before Thanksgiving for all your lastminute needs. Then, wake up on Black Friday and head over to King Brothers Dairy Farm Store for promotions that last all day, buy a $25 gift card and get a coupon for a free hand-packed pint, as well as special discounts every two hours (watch social media for updates). On Small Business Saturday, the gift card promotion continues. Also, look for locally-made products including hair accessories, lip balms, maple and honey, hot sauces, jams and Saratoga Chocolates to fill those gift baskets. “We have such a great customer base. This is a way of giving back and having some fun,” said store manager Rebecca King. A KING CHRISTMAS

Beginning on December 1, King Brothers Dairy Farm Store will again be hosting their 12 days of deals with a new promotion every day. “We have a ball at Christmas,” said King. Christmas trees and greenery make it cozy and festive here. Decorated out front is the tractor that belonged to Grandpa King (who passed in February). Inside, kids are invited to sit in their ample dining area to write a letter to Santa. Once they slip it in the mailbox, they can look forward to getting an answer back. They can also look for that mischievous Elf on the Shelf, “Sprinkles,” play in the kid-sized milk truck, or at their own ice cream stand. On the King dip counter’s “Merry Menu” will be added a Rum Raisin, Peppermint Swirl, and Christmas Cookie flavor (vanilla ice cream with sprinkles, swirls of red and green frosting). “It’s really pretty, and very festive. People love it.” King Brothers Dairy Farm Store, 311 King Road, Schuylerville, will be open 9am until 3pm on Christmas Eve but is closed December 25th and 26th. They will also be open until 5pm on New Year’s Eve for your year-end celebration needs. Watch Facebook for more details and for Christmas pre-order deadlines.

Accents at Allerdice. Photos provided.


The idea of buying jewelry from a hardware store seems odd at first, but when you’re walking through the Allerdice Ace Hardware store in Malta and smell the beckoning scent of the holiday season, you can’t help but be drawn to their gift shop Accents, a place where you can find something for the person who has everything. “The pretty lighting and candles, the scent of apple cider wafting over to you as you walk through the store, it smells so nice in here, it’s so unexpected. It’s a totally different experience than being a hardware store,” said Accents merchandiser Tracy Hogben. Among the sounds of tinkling wind chimes, their festive displays are accentuated with touches of gold, silver, and bronze in a woodsy theme where whimsical gnomes stand guard. “The displays just take people’s breath away,” said Accents Buyer and Manager Linda Avramidis. WEARABLE ART

Designed to tell a story about appreciation and enjoyment, the 100% merino scarves from the Dog & Boy collection, each have a different theme and are accompanied by a quote from a notable thinker. The fluid impressionist images, with names such as “Purpose,” “Happenstance,” and “Shadow,” are available in a variety of hues and styles. Jewelry from Alexia Voila, Napa Valley, put comfort in balance with luxury. Made with brass beads from India and semi-precious stones, these pieces are classic, easy to wear, and elegantly down-to-earth. BRANDS LOCALS LOVE

Accents carries local favorites, including a large selection of Saratoga Chocolate Co. milk and dark chocolate bars, chocolate bark, hot chocolate and confections. Hand-crafted with specially-selected ingredients, including flowers, quinoa, and matcha tea, these are great as stocking stuffers for the foodies in the family. Although they have a huge selection of Beekman 1802 goat milk products at Accents, they still sell out quickly. The farm-fresh face washes, soaps, creams, lip balms, and lotions are coveted for their moisturizing relief. The extremely popular, and cheerfully-packaged gift sets are currently available at a variety of different price points.


Feel good about your gift-giving and cut-down on waste this holiday season with gifts that give a little extra back to the earth. Rewind Candles are made from discarded wine bottles that have been expertly crafted into beautifully designed soy candles scented like your favorite holiday beverage. A great gift for the wine drinker, their seasonal “Wine Under the Tree” candle is an inviting combination of blue spruce and citrus. Other popular scents include the “Chardonnay” with its rich vanilla, butter, hazelnut and cedar wood undertones, and the bold “Merlot” with violet, rose, pomegranate and plum aromas. When you buy 4 Oceans bracelets, you become part of ocean conservation efforts around the world. These braided strands are made from the debris pulled from the planet’s oceans, rivers, and coastlines. Also, a portion of the proceeds from each sale help to continue the cleanup, to preserve coral reefs, and to protect sea life for generations to come. Warm up anyone’s winter with cozy fleece-lined wool mittens from Saratoga Woolens. Exceptionally toasty and crafted from repurposed sweaters, these unique mittens are available in both solid and patterned styles. GIFTS WITH HEART

Brighten up someone’s day with Natural Life keepsake items. These little bohemian treasures have sayings that speak to you – with inspirational quotes and joyful, uplifting designs on pill boxes, prayer boxes, playing cards, and more. Show your furry friends (and their pet-loving parents) the love with the Primitives by Kathy collection of household items, décor pieces, gifts and toys. Accents also offers military discounts and free gift wrapping. If you choose to make a donation, however, your gift will be wrapped in a special decorative bag and your donation will be given to charity. Last year, Accents raised $500 for Special Olympics during the holiday season. Accents at Allerdice Ace Hardware, 2570 Rt. 9, Malta is open Monday – Saturday 10 a.m.-6 p.m., and Sunday 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. For more information find them on Facebook and Instagram.

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Family Owned & Operated

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Your installers represent you so well. You are lucky to have such a great crew. And our doors look wonderful, what a difference it made in our home! We should have done it years ago. We will highly recommend you guys! Thanks again.

Another Satisfied Customer





Family Owned and Operated for 95 Years

In the early 1900’s our company started out by delivering ice and coal. Earl’s home in Latham, NY was the first Feiden appliance store, which still stands today on Watervliet Shaker Rd. The pond on our farm was harvested for ice each winter, then delivered by horse and wagon to local homes to place in their icebox to keep food cold. When mechanical refrigerators were introduced, Earl Sr. transformed the family garage into a showroom for new electric appliances and radios. As our communities grew rapidly, so did the demand for appliances, and in 1947 we opened a store at Latham Circle which our family still operates on a daily basis; including Earl’s great grandson, Bradley Feiden.

We are “The Store Good Service Built!” and we pride ourselves on our ability to supply customers with an impressive array of appliances and reliable service. We carry over 50 brands ranging from traditional American brands to the latest innovative products from around the world. As members of the largest appliance buying group in the country, we’re able to offer low prices while maintaining the personal service we have provided for generations.

With strong support from local communities, we’ve been able to grow as our neighborhoods have grown. In 1986 we expanded south by opening a store in Kingston, NY, and in 2011 we went north on Route 9 to Clifton Park. Buying at a local store for any business is an investment in your community, and we’re forever glad to be where we are today - being able to offer our services throughout the Capital Region, Hudson Valley, Saratoga to the Adirondacks, while also giving back to many local and national charities. Our family business now includes 90 employees. Our professional sales associates will help you find exactly what you’re looking for, our delivery and installation teams are ready for any job, along with our factory trained and accredited technicians offering in-home repairs.

* See store for details

A+ Rated

1771 ROUTE 9 · CLIFTON PARK (518) 383-2215 Hours: M-F 9-8 · Sat. 9-5 · Sun. 12-5

Stop by Now and See What Sets Us Apart.


785 ROUTE 9 · LATHAM (518) 785-8555

Hours: M-F 9-8 · Sat. 9-5 · Sun. 12-5

661 BROADWAY · KINGSTON (845) 331-2230 Hours: M-F 9-6 · Sat. 9-5

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