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April, 2019 ISSUE No. 86
Natural land: Lost CropChoice$ 2019 What are your opportunity or fertilizer requirevaluable resource? CropChoice$, the crop ments for spring?
Importance of Seed Quality
Importance of seed While we are treatments talking about seed Seed treatment is an insurance quality…
Ghosts of the Forest
Seeds are one of the least expensive but most importOld fencerows, tree bluffs, planning and risk management Doon Pauly looks at spring ant factors influencing yield wetlands, and shelterbelts fertilizer considerations. software program potential. Page 2 Page 6 Page5 Page 8
Farmer Pesticide Certificate program
This covers important aspects Cougars are now firmly established in much of the Peace Prevent the introduction of of pesticide use and its Country. seed bourne disease impact. Page 16 Page 14 Page 10 Page 15
policy against less than ideal conditions
Considering Plant Working Alone on Another successful 2019 Blue Book Growth Regulators the Farm Trade Show 2019 now available SARDA AG RESEARCH The most comprehensive and (PGR) on Wheat?
So, what’s the big deal about hosted yet another successful up-to-date information on What you need to know. working alone? Agricultural Trade Show. crop protection products. Page 18 Page 20 Page 21 Page 23
Page 2
April, 2019
ld fencerows, tree bluffs, wetlands, and shelterbelts are a natural resource and are constantly undervalued.
already owns simply by removing trees or water and farming through it. And lastly, there is an area of reduced yield immediately adjacent to shelterbelts, ditches and tree bluffs. Yet despite this, there are data going back at least 50 years demonstrating the net positive effect on yield from these nonfarmed, natural areas and shelterbelts. (See figure). Recent work in northern Alberta showed that the presence of these uncultivated spaces within 750 metres of crop had a strong positive effect on canola yield. In fact, the yield benefit was more than enough to compensate for the opportunity cost of growing trees and shrubs rather than crops.
Natural land: Lost opportunity or valuable resource?
Rather than viewing these areas as unproductive, we hope that producers and landowners will recognize the value that these spaces provide to their own bottom line – generating more profit from fewer acres, and requiring fewer applications of costly pesticides. Before you clear and remove them, stop and consider their value to crop production. The desire to remove these areas is well understood. Many times, they’re in the way, especially isolated tree bluffs and wetlands. As equipment gets larger and wider, it becomes more difficult and less efficient to farm around these areas. As well, old shelterbelts and fencerows prevent consolidation of neighbouring properties when they’re acquired, and are difficult to manage as they mature. As farmland becomes more and more valuable, it is often more economical to farm more of the land a producer
This is part of a larger global body of literature which shows the same effect: in one British study, fields were randomly assigned to have no wild spaces, 4% of the field area planted to natural cover, and then a treatment of 8% natural cover. Like the Alberta study, the authors
The yield benefit was more than enough to compensate for the opportunity cost of growing trees and shrubs rather than crops.
April, 2019
Page 3 The presence of these insects results in increased pollination efficiency of crops like canola by native pollinators, such as bumblebees and other solitary bees, hoverflies, and many other nectar-feeding insects. We also see increased predation of pest species by predators like ground beetles, spiders, and lady beetles. This can be very effective; carabid beetles (a family of ground beetles), for example, have a strong affinity for feeding on many pest species such as cutworms and diamondback moths.
found that taking up to 8% of marginal land out of production resulted not only in increased yield throughout the field but that the increased yield more than compensated for the loss of planted acres. These were not taken from the highest producing areas of the field, but rather field edges and poor quality areas. In short, returning areas of lower yield to this natural state provides what’s known as “Ecosystem Services�. Part of this is the well-understood shelterbelt effect: tree-lines trap snow and reduce wind erosion. The remaining benefit is biotic, provided by the thousands of species of beneficial insects commonly found living in these non-farmed spaces.
Larger beetles can consume several worms per day. Finally, parasitism of many of these same pest species by parasitic wasps that live in these areas can keep pest populations from exceeding threshold levels. This can be a particularly horrific manner of control, and I encourage you to watch the damage they do to pest species: (https://albertacanola. com/video/parasitizedalfalfa-looper-albertacanolab-2013/ ).
Page 4
April, 2019 Currently, a producer-funded project is underway to put a dollar value on these uncultivated areas. Preliminary analysis shows this same yield relationship to all crops in rotation, not just canola. The project spans 60 million acres, seven crops, six years, and once again shows a landscape-level effect on crop yield: when there’s a diverse landscape, crops yield more. Rather than viewing these areas as unproductive, we hope that producers and landowners will recognize the value that these spaces provide to their own bottom line – generating more profit, from fewer acres, and requiring fewer applications of costly pesticides. Once again, this is not meant to remove productive cropland from production, but rather to re-assign poorer quality land into a crop yield enhancement. Here are a few suggestions of ways to make this happen: • Preserve fencerows and road allowances, in a weed-free state
• •
Maintain existing, or plant new shelterbelts . Alberta Agriculture and Forestry maintains a valuable resource with the Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society “Square off ” field edges, to eliminate implement overlap. Rather than having fields with an inefficient partial-pass, widen the field edge with weed-free grasses, forages, or shrubs to ensure an even number of field passes The Soil Conservation Council of Canada manages a habitat program for Syngenta called “Operation Pollinator”, and free seed and expertise is available to plant spaces like this. Plant grass strips into erodable water ways and water runs within a field Plant a “sanitation and loading zone” at the compacted field entrance. (This also can be a viable patch management strategy for clubroot management – a grassed area where equipment can be cleaned)
Page 5 April, 2019
he popular crop budgeting tool allows producers to forecast revenues, expenses and margins for different cropping plans and scenarios.
The program then calculates the likelihood of achieving every possible profit outcome based on those price and yield expectations.
Value for producers Manglai explains the program’s value for producers. “It narrows down cropping options to find the mix of crops that gives the highest possible profitability while maintaining agronomic stability and taking into account personal risk preferences.”
CropChoice$ 2019 CropChoice$ 2019 now available to download The popular crop budgeting tool allows producers to forecast revenues, expenses and margins for different cropping plans and scenarios. CropChoice$, the crop planning and risk management software program, has been updated with current crop insurance information from Agricultural Financial Services Corporation (AFSC) along with projected crop costs. “Producers can also adjust individual crop costs and evaluate the effects that different risk management strategies will have on their operation – such as purchasing crop insurance and renegotiating land rental agreements,” explains Manglai, production crops economist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry.
Cropping plan probability The program also provides probabilities for achieving margins for various cropping plans and scenarios. Manglai says that typically with traditional budgets, a single estimate of yield and price is used which only gives a simple average. “However, CropChoice$ recognizes that future crop yields and prices cannot be precisely known. Based on that, it takes the revenue calculation one step further to include your own price and yield expectations. It does so by allowing you to enter high, low and most likely price and yield values.”
He says that a bonus of creating a primary crop plan is that it helps producers figure out their second best option. “Once you are in the field, you don’t have time to evaluate last minute options. The wrong option can be costly.” “You can also use CropChoice$ scenarios to evaluate your crop insurance options,” he adds. “The software includes AFSC’s current offerings for risk coverage levels, insurance premiums and spring price endorsement. Use the software to evaluate your crop plans with different crop insurance scenarios before the April 30 deadline.”
What to grow “The program has up to 40 dry land and irrigated crops depending on location. Each scenario handles up to 32 fields and producer can run up to eight scenarios that directly compare and contrast the risks and returns of each crop plan. A producer can then choose a crop plan that works for their operation based on their results.”
Download your free copy$department/ softdown.nsf/n?openform&type=Crop Choice$&page=information#feed
Page 6
April, 2019
ith seeding set to begin over the next month, soil fertility and fertilizer management are on the minds of many producers in Alberta.
What are your fertilizer requirements for spring? Doon Pauly, agronomy research scientist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, looks at spring fertilizer considerations. Soil tests are still the best way to determine levels at the beginning of the season. “We can determine where we’re starting from as far as the nitrate that is present in the soil and what’s there for the plant at the start of the year.” “Phosphorus, potassium, and salinity don’t change much year to year. However, the tests show you trends over time that gives clues about your fertilizer management,” he adds. “If your phosphorus is gradually improving, that is a sign you’re doing a pretty good job of matching at least what you are taking off the land.”
Soil tests are still the best way to determine levels at the beginning of the season. Nitrogen
“We hear lots of concern over nitrogen loss, so you need to consider your risk,” explains Pauly. “Your loss potential over winter is fairly low if you are in an area where you don’t typically have saturated conditions in the spring. If your normal practice in the spring is banding ahead of time, your loss potential is relatively low. We seldom have the conditions in a lot of the province where we have saturated soils after a spring fertilization event. We are not at a high risk for nitrogen losses every year.” He adds that there is not a lot of loss difference between a two-pass and a one-pass system. “However, the one-pass system should be comparable as long as the soil is sealing behind your application equipment, and it is giving you the seed soil separation that it is designed to.”
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April, 2019
chances of you seeing a benefit from fertilizing with potash are pretty slim. But, if you are below 200 lb., then the chances of you seeing a response to your potassium on your cereal crops is actually pretty good.” “Potassium can be a benefit to land that has been silaged or had a lot of hay production. Where you are taking a lot of biomass off, potassium levels can be drawn down to the point that a chance of seeing a benefit from potassium fertilization is pretty good.” “If you don’t want to handle a huge amount of dry fertilizer during the seeding operation, you can design a system where you are surface applying a little bit of nitrogen or a portion of that nitrogen early in the growing season and have it work very well. Short season crops are grown here. As long as the nitrogen is in the root zone by mid-June in most of the province, you can do a lot of different application strategies.”
How the phosphorus is placed in your field depends on what has been previously done to the land. “You will tend to see a larger effect from seedplaced phosphorus if your land is more deficient or if your phosphorus use has been less that what you have been pulling off in crops,” he adds. “You can get away with having phosphorus a little farther away from the seed if your soil tests higher, or if you have been applying a reasonable amount of phosphorus over time.”
Pauly says that the soil test for potassium is fairly reliable. “If you are above 300 lb. of potassium based on zero to six-inch sample, the
Gaging sulphur levels in soil test samples can be difficult to determine as it is mobile and can accumulate in so-called hot spots. “That’s why typically I suspect most producers who are growing canola are putting down about 15 lb. of sulphur per acre regardless what is found in the soil test,” he says.
To connect with the Alberta Ag-Info Centre: Toll free: 310-FARM (3276)
Page 8
April, 2019
eeds are one of the least expensive but most important factors influencing yield potential.
remove unwanted weed seed, include in your decision-making the increased herbicide cost to control newly introduced noxious or common weeds. Seed germination tests assess the ability of the seed to produce a healthy plant when placed under favorable environmental conditions. Germination tests are conducted for a prescribed time period under laboratory conditions that assure optimum moisture, temperature and light. Unfortunately, these conditions are seldom encountered in the field, and field emergence may be overestimated by standard germination tests.
Importance of Seed Quality
Seed Quality
Seed quality is determined by many factors, principally seed purity and germination. However, many other factors, such as the variety, presence of seed-borne disease, vigor of the seed, and seed size are important when considering seed purchase. Seed purity is determined by the amount of unwanted material present in the pure seed. Contaminants such as noxious weed seed, unwanted crop seed or inert matter not only increase production costs, but also substantially reduce the quality and quantity of the harvest. If you purchase seed that has not been properly conditioned to
Quick Facts…
1. Seeds are one of the least expensive but most important factors influencing yield potential. 2. Seed quality is determined by germination and purity analysis. 3. All crop seeds must betested for purity and germination,and labeled for crop type, weight, and lot number. 4. Purchase seed stock from a reputable seed dealer who has proper cleaning, handling and storage facilities. Seeds are one of the least expensive
Seed lots that have low germination also are less vigorous due to seed deterioration. As seeds deteriorate, loss of vigor precedes loss of viability, so seeds with low germination usually will be less vigorous. Hence, in seed lots with poor germination, those seeds that do germinate often produce weaker seedlings with reduced yield potential. However, some species (such as many native grasses) have inherently low germination potential and cannot be
but most important factors influencing yield potential. Crop seeds contain all the genetic information to determine yield potential, adaptation to environmental conditions, and resistance to insect pests and disease. One of a farmer’s most critical management decisions is the selection of seed source and variety. The cost of seed stocks usually is less than 5 to 10 percent of total production costs. Yet seed stocks can affect the yield potential of a crop more than any other input factor.
April, 2019 assumed to have poor vigor due to low germination. Varietal purity indicates genetic purity of the seed. This factor is extremely important in obtaining pure stands of a specific variety. Varietal mixtures can cause uneven maturity, lower yield potential, increased susceptibility to disease and insect pests, and be less adapted to specific environmental conditions. Varietal mixtures are difficult to detect through examination of the physical characteristics of the seed. Seed certification programs and many seed companies rely heavily on inspection of the seed production field to assure varietal purity. When choosing seed stocks, select those that are labeled by variety name, preferably certified seed.
Page 9
When you purchase certified seed, obtain proper documentation to prove that the seed has been certified, such as a certified seed tag or bulk sales certificate that shows the variety by name. Seed vigor usually cannot be assessed by the Consumer. Germination and seed size (in the case of cereal grains) often are good indicators of seed vigor. However, in the case of hybrid varieties, seed size or plumpness is sometimes not related to seed vigor. Research in Kansas and other states shows significant yield increases when large seeds were compared to small seeds from the same lot. These differences were accentuated when deep planting was used and point out the need to remove the small seed during seed conditioning.
Page 10 April, 2019
roducers should consider seed treatments like an insurance policy for establishing the best crop possible given the growing conditions at the time. So says Bill Chapman, crop business development specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
“Soils warm up only to cool off. Long periods of cool, damp conditions hovering around 5 – 6 C gives plenty of chances for root rots to take hold and kill off the plant,” says Brook. “Early plant and root development is a crucial contributor to the overall yield a plant will deliver in the fall. As the roots go, so do the shoots.” There are other factors besides weather that can increase the risk of seedling losses. Smuts, bunts and Fusarium are seed-borne diseases, and even low levels on untreated seed can, under the right conditions, take over and cause significant yield loss in the crop.
Importance of seed treatments According to Harry Brook, crop specialist with Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, seed treatment should be looked at as an insurance policy to protect against less-than-ideal growing conditions in the spring. If a producer has high germinating, vigorous seed planted into warm, moist soil, the crop will germinate quickly and be off to a good start. However, spring often comes in spurts between winter and summer, and using treated seed can help to avoid potential problems.
“Without treatment and with a series of damp cool years, small pockets of infection can spread and become a field-wide disaster,” says Brook. “Treating your seed with fungicide kills off those potential damaging organisms and can protect the seed in the soil for up to two weeks. This protection will also extend to some of the common root diseases that attack the crop at the germination stage such as common root rot and seedling blights. Some seed treatments also have insecticides incorporated to
Page 11 April, 2019 prevent early feeding by insects on the seedlings. Seed treatment for flea beetle in canola is standard and treatment for wireworm in cereals is becoming more common.” Other farming practices that increase the risk of seedling losses include slow soil warming, limited crop rotation and seed quality. “The majority of seeding done is now zero or minimum till. This is good in so many ways but it also slows soil warming in the spring. Plentiful crop residues insulate the soil surface and keep soils cooler and moister, ideal for slowing down germination and emergence and giving fungi a chance to affect the seedling.” Another big risk factor, says Brook, is crop rotations with little variety. “A lot of central and northern Alberta producers have moved to a canola-wheat or canola-barley crop rotation. Many diseases will
The benefits of using a seed treatment will often more than pay for themselves. overwinter on crop residues left on the soil surface and provide a primary source of infection for surrounding, susceptible crops for the next year. Reducing the spore source requires burial, which is not done with zero tillage. Blackleg on canola is a good example: infectious spores are produced on the stubble for two to three years after the crop is harvested. Highest spore production occurs two years after the crop which is a problem with a wheatcanola rotation. Recent surveys of canola stubble show increasing levels of blackleg in the canola. Crop yield losses are also starting to increase as well.” Seed treatments with insecticide in them are essential for a couple of crops. “As canola is a very small seed and the seedlings take some time to get established and begin to grow, insecticide treatment is required to protect the seedlings from flea beetles. All hybrid canola sold in Alberta is treated with an insecticide because flea beetles are endemic in the province. As well, peas are susceptible to pea leaf
weevil, which is expanding through all of central Alberta. Larval feeding on pea nodules in the roots can lead to nitrogen deficiencies and reduced yields. In areas with high pea leaf weevil populations or signs of heavy feeding in previous years, seed treatment for the weevils is a matter of course. Seed treatment for pea leaf weevil is the only effective way to reduce damage from these pests.” Another factor to consider when applying seed treatment is the application method. “Ideally, you want every seed to be adequately covered by the seed treatment. Some methods are better than others at getting it on each seed. Drip and gravity feed applicators are not good methods for application as they don’t allow for accurate volume control or seed coverage. To improve coverage, you need an even volume of fungicide being applied over the whole stream of seed as it travels up the auger. Use an applicator tip with a known volume output and pressure.” Modern seed treatments have lower application rates with less physical product being used, notes Brook. “Even if the seed doesn’t have as much colouring, the fungicides are still effective if applied properly. This makes seed treating calibration even more important, as a visual inspection of the seed is no guarantee of good coverage.” Seed treatment should never be used to replace good seed. Poor, diseased, low germinating seed will still be poor, diseased, low germinating seed with or without treatment. It is insurance and protection, and not a replacement, for good seed quality. “As with any insurance, seed treatment is a way of reducing the risk to the crop at the important, early stages of growth and establishment. With the uncertain nature of weather in the spring and tight crop rotations, seed treatment can be way of ensuring a healthy, vigorous crop stand, or you can seed into warm, moist, soil. It’s all a matter of timing.”
April, 2019
Page 12-13
Event Name
Buttercup/Burdock Incentive Program
Valleyview Ag Society Hall, Valleyview
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
April 11, 2019
Register by calling 780-524-7621
Invasive Species Management Workshop
Faust Community Hall, Faust, Alberta
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
May 13, 2019
Register online at invasive-species-management-workshoptickets-59336969473
Lacome Research and Development CenterLacombe, Alberta
9:30 am - 3:30 pm
June 26, 2019
Registration opens in May
Ag Drone School
Ag Drone School
La Crete, Alberta
Manning, Alberta
Contact or phone 780-448-7445
April 17-18
Club root is coming near you. Learn how it can affect your farming operations.
Self-guided Tours
June 15 August 31
Visit for more information
July 25
Visit for more information
Argentina Agricultural & Argentina Sightseeing Tour
Noember 21December 3
$4 372
Visit argentina-tour for more information
Western Canada Conference on Soil Health & Edmonton, Alberta Grazing
December 10-12
Footprints Tours SARDA Summer Field School
South Peace Region, Alberta
April 15-16
Falher, Alberta
Page 14
April, 2019
ast fall was horrendous for many producers, the excessive smoke delayed crops and the early frost and wet fall severely affected quality, seed germination and vigour. Because of this many producers are bringing seed in from outside the Peace Region.
Seed Treatment is cheap insurance against the introduction of seed bourne disease to your farm. cheap insurance to prevent a new infestation from starting. Ascochyta is fairly widespread but you may not have it on your farm so treating is really a good idea for the best possible crop establishment. Although there are no registered controls for Clubroot, initial research appears to indicate that seed treatment does have some impact on it, so it may be enough to prevent an infestation from starting. Again, cheap insurance.
While we are talking about seed quality… That may not be a terrible thing, might have been time to swap out your variety of peas and cereals. However, do not forget that seed borne diseases could be introduced to your farm with seed. Fusarium graminearum in cereals and Ascochyta in peas would be two examples. Although clubroot is not considered to be seed borne it does move with soil, so dust and earth tag could potentially introduce it (albeit at very low levels). Fusarium graminearum and Clubroot are both pests under the Agricultural Pests Act and although Fusarium and Ascochyta can be tested for in seed, it would be very difficult to wash off enough soil from a seed sample to do a Clubroot DNA test. None of these three tests are required tests under the Seeds Act of Canada, most sellers of Certified cereal seed do have the Fusarium test done, but sometimes the buyer needs to request it. If a test comes back positive them there should be no question, the pathogen was found. However even if the test comes back negative, it does not mean the seed is pathogen free, it just means the test was negative. Consider the size of the sample to the size of seed lot it represents, positive means positive, but negative isn’t necessarily negative. The Peace Region is still blessed with very low levels of incidence of Fusarium graminearum and Clubroot so if you are bringing in seed from out of the Peace Region, treat it with a registered fungicide. In addition, even if you bought it from within the Peace, seed treatment would be
Should you have questions about these diseases or their control feel free to contact your Municipality’s Agricultural Fieldman or me. Normand Boulet, CCA Agricultural Fieldman M.D. of Smoky River No, 130 780-837-0043
Page 15
April, 2019
his joint program between Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Environment and Parks covers important aspects of pesticide use and its impact. “This certificate program is an excellent course that provides valuable information for anyone who uses pesticides on their own farm,” says Harry Brook, crop specialist at the Alberta Ag-Info Centre. “It also provides the assurance that producers use pesticides in a responsible and sustainable method, using said pesticide only when necessary.”
part of the province. This certification ensures that those who need and use these restricted products will use it safely – for both themselves and the environment.” Brook adds that this certification is used for more than just gaining access to restricted pesticide
Farmer Pesticide Certificate program
The course’s seven basic modules cover: 1. the definition of pesticides 2. poisoning and first aid 3. safe handling procedures 4. environmental safety 5. integrated pest management 6. legislation and food safety 7. application and equipment calibration Brook says that a notable trend in pesticides over the last 20 years is that the newest pesticides being registered have very low residual effects. “They tend to be safer for the applicator and the environment than older chemistries. A major deciding factor in the registration process is minimal environmental impact.” Two endorsements can be obtained under the Farmer Pesticide Certificate. “These allow the use of the restricted products phostoxin and gastoxin to control grain beetles in stored grain and to control gophers – Richardon’s ground squirrels,” he explains. “Grain beetles showing up in stored grain is a problem that producers in southern Alberta often face, so demand for this certification is higher in that
products. “A number of producer groups and ag industries require their members to take this course in order to operate. Potato growers take the course to ensure safe application of specific products to control wireworm in potatoes. Greenhouse growers also require anyone using pesticides in the greenhouse to take it.” The certification process began in the early 1990’s with the course being reworked in 2008 with a five-year renewable term was put into place. Producers can obtain their certificate by either attending a course put on by a certified trainer and writing the exam, or by completing the online course followed by writing the exam offered by a certified trainer Contact your agricultural fieldman for your closest certified trainer and to find out about local courses. For more information about the Farmer Pesticide Certificate or to find out if your certificate is still valid, contact the Alberta Ag-Info Centre: aspx
Page 16 April, 2019
he cougar (Puma concolor), also known as the mountain lion, panther, catamount and puma, is one of the most enigmatic of Alberta’s wildlife species.
Cougars are now firmly established in the Cypress Hills and much of the Peace Country. They are also turning up with increasing frequency in the White Zone. Human-caused cougar mortalities (road kills, accidental trapping, self defence, etc.) have increased dramatically. Some rural residents have grown increasingly concerned for their safety, as well as the safety of their livestock and pets. Albertans are reminded that cougars are normally shy and elusive creatures. If they are aware of a human presence they will usually quietly leave the area, having never been seen.
Ghosts of the Forest: Cougars in Alberta Rarely seen, cougars are an extremely capable predator that are often viewed as a symbol of wilderness. While intensive bounty hunting and poisoning campaigns across western North America restricted cougar range to remote, mountainous areas for much of the 20th century, cougars have made a remarkable comeback over the past few decades. Careful management and healthy populations of deer and elk, which make up the bulk of their diet, have allowed cougars to recolonize much of their former range. Reports of wayward individuals in urban areas such as Los Angeles, Vancouver and Chicago have become increasingly common. Transient males have shown up in locations as far east as Connecticut. Once thought to avoid developed areas, recent GPS collar research has confirmed that cougars are capable of living in close proximity to people, using forested areas and the cover of darkness to travel undetected. In Alberta, cougars have been managed with a strict hunting seasons since they were declared a big game animal in 1971. Extensive research on cougars in the Sheep River area in the 1980s led to the development of a management plan in 1992. At that time, the provincial cougar population was estimated to be 640, with the highest densities occurring in the eastern slopes, south of the Bow River. A quota system was implemented to distribute the harvest more evenly across cougar range and to prevent overharvest in localized areas. This management regime, coupled with healthy prey populations, has led to an increase in cougar numbers and an expansion of cougar range over the past two decades.
Cougars are now firmly established in the Cypress Hills and much of the Peace Country. Over the past few years, several changes have been made to cougar hunting regulations to reflect the growing population. Landowners have been allowed to hunt cougars on their own land, year-round, without a licence (the use of dogs is prohibited) since 2007. Starting this year, landowners no longer have to turn the carcasses over to Fish and Wildlife. The traditional winter hunting season has been extended to six new Wildlife Management Units in north eastern Alberta, and a new fall ‘boot’ season (dogs are prohibited), for residents only, has been added across much of the White Zone and boreal forest. The cost of a resident cougar hunting licence has been reduced to help encourage Albertans to take advantage of these new opportunities. Check out the 2011 Alberta Guide to Hunting Regulations and for more information on cougar hunting and a description of the regulation changes. The new hunting regulations will help maintain a healthy population of cougars in Alberta while allowing more intensive management in areas where conflicts with people are most common. People living, working and recreating in cougar country
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April, 2019
Cougar facts
A long, rope-like tail is a tell-tale cougar characteristic. The tail is about 40 per cent of the cougar’s total length and is carried low to the body. In the snow, cougar tracks sometimes show drag marks left from the tail. It’s a myth that cougars leap onto to their prey from trees. Cougars stalk then rush their prey from the ground. Cougars are usually only found in trees when taking refuge from something that’s chasing them. Did you hear a sharp growl coming from the trees? Chances are that it was not a cougar. Cougars are known for their silence and normally only vocalize when fighting, mating or communicating with kittens. It’s rare for people to hear these noises.
can also take several steps to reduce the chance of an encounter: Most importantly, avoid attracting wildlife (especially deer) onto your property by properly storing pet food and garbage and keeping pets indoors or in secure outdoor enclosures. Children should play outdoors only during daylight house, with adult supervision, and away from forested areas. Avoid recreating alone and carry bear spray. As always, members of the public who believe cougars have killed their pets or livestock or are concerned cougars are a public safety concern
should phone their local Fish and Wildlife office (310-0000) or the Report A Poacher line (1-800-6423800), to report their concerns. More information on cougar management, hunting regulations and preventing cougar conflicts is available at the following sites. •
My Wild Alberta
Cougar Hunting in Alerta (pamphlet) CougarHuntingInAlberta-Nov2016.pdf
Page 18 April, 2019
Summary of Sheri Strydhorst’s Agronomy Update Presentation on January 20, 2015
PGRs are synthetic products that impact hormone activity within the plant.
Considering Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) on Wheat? What You Need to Know Introduction Lodging is a major factor in our cereal crops in Western Canada. As a farmer I understand how it feels to fight with a flat wheat crop at harvest. The heart sinking feeling of pulling into a field with the combines and seeing what was a beautiful wheat crop now flat on the ground and knowing how difficult it’s going to be to harvest is a common feeling among growers. Not only is lodging inconvenient but Sheri cites that It can reduce yield by anywhere from 7% to 35% and decrease grade through sprouting. Can we look to Plant Growth Regulators (PGRs) to help us with these issues in
Western Canada? Is it cost effective or only for convenience? First of all, what are PGRs? These synthetic products impact hormone activity within the plant.
There are two types of PGRS: 1. Ethylene releasing compounds. These PGRs shorten crops by blocking auxin transport, auxin being the plant hormone responsible for cell elongation and shoot growth. An example of this is the product Ethrel by Bayer Crop Science. Although these products are available they are not recomened by Bayer Crop Science due to the very small application window and risk of damage if the window is not hit perfectly. 2. Inhibitors of GA biosynthesis. These inhibit early gibberellin biosynthesis which is the plant hormone that stimulates longitudinal
Figure 1. Adequate Moisture (263-425mm). No yield increase for CCC (Manipulator) on Foremost CPS wheat in these three growing environments.
Page 19 April, 2019 growth. An example a GA biosynthesis inhibitor is Chlormequat-Chloride which is what Manipulator from Engage Agro uses. Since Ethrel from Bayer is not a recommended product we will narrow our focus to the type of product that is recommended, which are GA inhibitor products like Chlormequat-Chrolride (Manipulator). Staging for PGRs is crucial to seeing positive benefits. GA inhibitors like Manipulator should be applied at BBCH 30-31, when stem elongation is just starting which is usually 5-6 leaf stage. This product can be applied slightly later at flag leaf with a fungicide and only be slightly less effective. Early application with herbicide has shown to be the least effective timing. To get the perfect timing for GA inhibitor PGRs a separate spraying application would have to happen between herbicide and fungicide timing.
Summary No major yield increases were observed from the small plot data for PGRs. In dry environments we
Figure 2. Drier Environmments (101-194 mm). Slight yield decrease for CCC (Manipulator) on Foremost CPS wheat in these three growing environments.
actually see that slight yield decreases are possible, which means in a dryer year where lodging in not likely, spraying PGRs could actually have a negative impact. Application of a PGR would most likely be in a year with plenty of moisture to create a heavy crop. We have seen no yield increase from PGRs on our plots even in wet years, but keep in mind that the research plot didn’t have the same lodging issues that you might see at a field scale. If field yield losses in a lodged crop come from physically leaving behind crop then those yield gains wouldn’t be represented in these trial but would be something to consider in a farm application. Even through yield increases weren’t observed, the crops applied with CCC (Manipulator) we’re noticeably shorter and would presumably better withstand a lodging situation.
Conclusion If there is no yield decrease to applying PGRs in a wet year like we see in figure 1 but no conclusive yield increase either then is the product price tag worth the easier harvestability of a standing crop?
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April, 2019
hether you are mid-way through the calving season or busy getting fertilizer in the bin ahead of seeding, you might not have paid much attention to your safety while working alone.
The real danger in working alone comes from being in an emergency without the ability to call for help.
Working Alone on the Farm So, what’s the big deal about working alone? Working alone isn’t really all that dangerous. Some tasks are even designed to be done alone. The real danger in working alone comes from being in an emergency without the ability to call for help.
Consider these scenarios:
You’ve gone out to the pasture to check on a cow calf pair. While you’re out, you decide to check water to make sure it hasn’t frozen up. You step funny in an uneven area of the pasture and lose your balance. You fall, twisting your ankle on the way down. On the way home from town, you notice a vehicle that is not familiar parked in your neighbors’ yard. You know they are away at a hockey tournament for the weekend, so you drive up to investigate.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Is assistance readily available? 2. What if I didn’t tell anybody what I was doing/ where I was going? 3. What could I do to plan and prepare for a working alone situation? 4. What can be done to minimize the risk associated with working alone?
Start by identifying work alone situations on your operation and what measures you’ll take to address the hazards.
Your procedures might include:
1. Carrying a communication device while working alone 2. Designating a contact person. You can then establish a check-in schedule for when you’re working alone. Let your designated contact
person know what to do in case you’ve failed to check in at a scheduled check-in time. 3. Avoiding inherently dangerous tasks while working by yourself. Try to avoid things such as climbing a bin, working in a confined space, or handling chemicals until you have help. 4. Identifying a secure place where you could take shelter 5. Training workers who will be affected by the procedures. Anybody working alone on your operation should know how to work safely. Visit for more information. AgSafe Newsletter March 1
2018 Spring Flood Recovery Program
Were you or your business affected by the 2018 Spring Flood that occurred in the Municipal District of Smoky River No. 130? You may be eligible for financial assistance through the Disaster Recovery Program. Application forms for individuals and businesses are available at the M.D. office during regular business hours (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.) or can be downloaded online at Visit for more information on the Disaster Recovery Program.
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April, 2019
ARDA AG RESEARCH hosted yet another successful SARDA Ag Research Agricultural Trade Show.
Another successful Trade Show 2019 This completely sold out event was held at the Falher Regional Recreation Complex, with over 170 booths inside and numerous booths outside, making this year’s show very interesting to visitors and also very positive to our many exhibitors showcasing there products, and of course
transferring information and technology to the visitors. This year, the warm weather had a positive effect on our show. We estimate that approximately 6 – 10,000 people came out to the show. This is a huge crowd and we are very pleased with the turn out. The exhibitors were very pleased with the number of people and the quality of the crowd. Most of our visitors were farmers or were related directly to the agriculture industry. So at the end of the show our exhibitors were quite happy, and they left us with positive feedback. Some even stated best trade show ever, because we were able to talk and do business
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with all of the producers who wanted to talk to us! The event kickedoff Thursday March 14th with booths open from 12:00 noon -7:00pm, Friday March 15th 10:00 am-6:00pm and Saturday March 16th 10:00am-5:00pm. On Saturday we also sponsored the Rural Family Farm Safety Day held at the Chevaliers Center. This fun filled day was geared for farm families with children, who enjoyed participating in Comedy and Magic Shows, inflatable jumping air castles, farm safety games, mascot lunch, working dog demonstration, safety coloring tables, and much more!! Again many thanks to our many sponsors especially our Platinum , Gold and Silver sponsors! Their financial contributions make it possible for us to
have free gate admission for all and help with the expenses for the Farmer Appreciation Event! Our Platinum Sponsor is Syngenta Crop Protection; Our Gold Sponsors are B.A.S.F, and Richardson Pioneer: Silver sponsors are St Isidore Coop and Northern Sunrise County. Also many thanks to our Bronze sponsors, staff, board of directors, and to our many volunteers. Their hard work and dedication to our show is greatly appreciated. Roch Bremont (Trade Show Coordinator)
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April, 2019
rop Protection 2019 includes the most comprehensive and up-to-date information on crop protection products.
“There are a couple of new herbicide products, but there are many more minor changes to existing registrations,” adds Harry Brook, co-editor of the Blue Book and crop specialist at the Alberta Ag-Info Centre. “The most significant change in herbicides this year is that quinclorac has an international maximum allowable residue level. It is in a number of products specifically to control cleavers in canola. Up until the fall of 2018, there was no recognized safe level and these herbicides could not be used in canola.”
2019 Blue Book now available One of the most widely requested publications from Alberta Agriculture and Forestry is the Crop Protection publication, also known as the “Blue Book” in industry circles. “An important part of the annual update includes newly registered pesticide products,” says Mark Cutts, co-editor of Crop Protection 2019 and crop specialist at the Alberta Ag-Info Centre. “This year’s edition includes new additions to the four main pesticide types: herbicides, insecticides, seed treatments and foliar fungicides. In addition to including new products, previously registered products are updated. Significant changes in some products, crops covered and usage instructions give producers more options than ever.” “For 2019, there are new products registered for foliar fungicides, seed treatments and insecticides. These newly registered pesticide products will provide producers more control options on a variety of crops when managing insects and diseases.
When using pesticides, it is important to be aware of pesticide resistance. It is recommended that pesticide products be selected based on chemical group and active ingredient. All pesticide products presented in the Blue Book have their chemical group and active ingredient listed. By using this information, the risk of developing pesticide resistance can be reduced or at least delayed. Download or order a hard copy of Crop Protection 2019 or call 780-427-0391.
To connect with the Alberta Ag-Info Centre: Hours: 8:15 am to 4:30 pm (open Monday to Friday, closed statutory holidays) Toll free: 310-FARM (3276)
February, 2019
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For making the Trade Show a Success