December, 2019
Page 6
SARDA Ag Research Variety Trials (SARVT) Since 2017 SARDA Ag Research has been testing commonly grown varieties of wheat and peas. New to the SARVT trials this year is oats and hard white wheat. Recently producers have been interested in the outcome of these new trials, due to possible markets in the area. The SARVT trials stand out from other variety trials due to the inclusion of varieties that are popular to the Peace Region of Alberta. Producers benefit from the expanded knowledge of comparing the popular locally grown varieties. Generally these trials are located in two different locations in the Peace Region. The purpose of this trial is to demonstrate the genetic differences in varieties, and review the yield and protein results
prior to local producers purchasing seed for the upcoming growing season. Yields are expressed as a percentage of the check, this makes the data comparable to the regional variety trials hosted by the government of Alberta and to the results found in the seed guides. SARDA small plot trials are purposefully conducted on the most consistent and highest performing land possible, which allows genetic differences in varieties to be highlighted instead of other limiting factors such as water, nutrients or other potential deficiencies. This results in higher yielding plots compared to what growers would consistently average across a field or a farm.
Spring Wheat
S.D. Significant Difference: Letters used to identify statistically calculated significant differences between yields or varieties. Note: AAC Cameron VB, CDC Utmost VB, CDC Landmark VB and CDC Titanium VB are wheat midge tolerant varieties.