SARDA Ag Research News
Summer students (left to right) - Nadia, Sami, Emilie, Catherin, Victor (field technician)and bottom Blake, Missing - Mai Noosri-Berube (photographer)
Message from the Chair
t has been an eventful year at SARDA Ag Research. We are very proud of the applied research we continued and completed.
Some of the highlights of the year have included hosting a well-attended WheatStalk and having successful field tours despite the challenges of COVID-19. We have stayed safe and followed all regulations while accomplishing our mission to share our research with producers and industry.
In our research trials, we continued some very important partnerships and delved into areas of research that are in their infancy in Northern Alberta. For example, SARDA Ag Research continued pest monitoring with the Alberta Insect Pest Monitoring Network for the North West region of Alberta. This partnership has provided valuable information to our shareholders. We continued to conduct water quality monitoring for any chemical runoff from crops. We have been part of this program for 10 years now and remain committed to the continuation of this program. The annual report outlining the results of the monitoring is included in this newsletter.
SARDA Ag Research is currently looking at contemporary types of research that include intercropping, cover cropping and working with producers moving towards adopting the latest practices. In addition, SARDA Ag Research has been involved in hemp trials for the past 7 years