SARDA Ag Research News
Water Quality Sampling Program – 2021 By Shelleen Gerbig, P.Ag. SARDA AG Research
ARDA Ag Research began a water quality monitoring program in 2011 with Aquality Environmental Consulting Ltd (Aquality). SARDA Ag Research chose sample locations based on their proximity to agricultural lands, use as drinking water intakes, and their likelihood of exposure to terrestrial inputs. One site is more pristine with little upstream agricultural activity (Little Smoky River), one primarily drains areas dominated by livestockbased agricultural activities (New Fish Creek), and one primarily drains areas dominated by cropland (Peavine Creek). Surface water samples were taken from Peavine Creek, New Fish Creek, and the Little Smoky River. 2021 sampling occurred in the early summer (June 21) after the spraying of pre-emergent herbicides on croplands and again in the fall (October 21) following crop harvest. All samples were analyzed for nutrients, bacteria, herbicides and pesticides, and metals.
Figure 1. Water sampling locations in the MD of Smoky River and MD of Greenview