SARDA Ag Research News
SARDA Ag Research News
Based on the findings from 2020 the bio stimulant trial, results have been showing a slight difference when a nutrient product is applied to a specific crop. It is important to note that although there are slight yield fluctuations within the treatments that are being shown in the graphs. The statistics had shown that there were no statistical differences. This means that based on the statistics there were no differences between either of the treatments; or in other words neither application was better or worse than the other. Unfortunately, at this time the 2021 bio stimulant results have not been made available due to the extremely low yields from the lack of precipitation throughout the year. Due to this it had made it difficult to collect the necessary data to calculate accurate yields for the treatments. SARDA Ag Research, Farming Smarter, and Battle River Research Group will be completing the bio stimulant trial this year. Final data results will be available in February of 2023. These results will include additional data collected throughout the years such as, plant population, vigor ratings, biomass of plant and root tissue, plant heights, growing dates (start/end of emergence, start/end of flowering, seed filling dates, and maturity dates.), yield (kg/ha, bu/acre), bushel weights (kg/hL), and seed moisture at the time of harvest.
Β-glucan Oat Variety Trials By Shelleen Gerbig, BSA, P.Ag., SARDA Ag Research and Sandeep Nain, GRO
These photos are showing the affects of the lack of precipitation on the bio stimulant trial for 2020 and 2021.
Photo above taken July 21, 2020.
Photo above taken July 7, 2021.
eta-glucan (β-glucan) is a type of soluble fibre responsible for many of the healthpromoting properties of foods like oats, wheat, and barley. It has been studied extensively for its effects on heart health, cholesterol levels, boosts immunity and stabilizing blood sugar levels. Another potential benefit is that it may enhance the activity of natural killer cells, a part of the immune system that recognizes and attacks cancer cells. A minimum of 4% β-glucan is required for companies to be able to label their products with the Heart Healthy Claim. This trial investigates the impact of genotype (variety) and growing conditions on the yield and β-glucan content of milling oat varieties in Northern Alberta. One trial was set up in the South Peace Region and one trial in the Westlock area from 2016 to 2021 13