The Communicator ~ August 2014
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Did you know that Sardis has a Prayer Shawl Ministry?
Baseball for Bayonnais!
The Praying Hands Prayer Shawl Ministry was started in 2005 by a
Thanks to everyone that purchased tickets
group of Sardis members. The group meets once a week (once a
to the Knights game to help support the
month during the summer) to knit or crochet shawls. Afterwards,
mission in Bayonnais, Haiti. Sardis
the group prays over the shawls for Godʹs love and healing grace,
Presbyterian was the highest selling
so they may bring comfort, healing and strength to those who
church out of all of the other partners!
receive them. The shawls are then available for our pastors to take
Thank you, both for supporting such a
to those who are recovering from surgery, those who are grieving,
those who are homebound and to those who need comfort.
opportunity for fun and fellowship.
The groupʹs abilities range from novice to expert. If you are an
If you were unable to purchase tickets, but
experienced knitter or crocheter, the group welcomes you to join
would still like to help, there will be a hot
them and share your ideas, techniques and patterns. If you do not
dog dinner and a free‐will offering to
know how to knit or crochet, the group welcomes you to join them
benefit the children in Bayonnais before
and receive instruction from an experienced individual.
the 5:30 p.m. worship service on August 9.
The next meeting will be on August 14 at 2:00 p.m. in the
parlor. If you would like to join us please contact Peggy Baird at if you would like to
704.366.3383 or
help with the dinner.
August Offerings and Updates From the Music Ministry
Our Summer Worship Schedule continues into August with 10 a.m. worship, resuming in the Sanctuary:
Aug 3—What I Did This Summer– sermons by three of our youth that you supported in mission in youth events.
Aug 10—Be Still and Know‐ Holy Communion service with contemplative music. Meditation by Dr. Fobel.
Aug 17—Make a Joyful Noise!‐ featuring our own Sardis members “Throne Together” and “Sardis Singers.” Sermon by Rev. Johnson.
Aug 24—Ring to the Lord!‐ welcoming nationally known solo handbell ringer Christine Anderson*. Sermon by Dr. Kort.
Aug 31—Prayers for a New Season‐ classical music and “The Blessing of the Children.” Sermon by Dr. Fobel.
Thursday, August 14, 5:30 p.m.: Parent meeting for Children’s Music Program. Thursday, August 21, 7:30 p.m.: Sanctuary Choir rehearsals resume weekly. Sunday, August 24, 6 p.m.: Youth Music discussion included in Youth parent meeting. Tuesday, August 26, 6:30 p.m.: Praise Band rehearsals resume weekly.
*Christine Anderson will hold a special solo handbell concert at 4 p.m. in the Sanctuary on August 24. Christineʹs solo handbell artistry has thrilled audiences in concert halls across the country and around the world. Christine’s music is simply a tool for her tremendous witness for Christ and her deep love for the Lord.
2 The Communicator ~ August 2014
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Bereavement Meal and Funeral Receptions
August Communion
Did you know about these two caring ministries?
The Bereavement Meal Ministry is provided by members of Sardis and
Holy Communion will be held August 10.
is offered at the time of the death of a church member. If a family requests a meal, it is delivered to the family’s home on the day of the funeral by members of the Bereavement Meal Ministry. This is a
New Members
change from when meals used to be served at the church.
The Funeral Reception Ministry is also provided by members of Sardis at the request of the family. Funeral receptions consist of punch and
cookies served in the Fellowship Hall or small dining room. If more
A New Members Class begins on
than punch and cookies is desired, the family may arrange for catering.
September 7 ‐ for more information,
Both of these ministries would welcome your involvement. The contact
contact Rev. Alice Johnson at
for the Bereavement Meal Ministry is Susan Hudson at 704.366.4825,
704.366.1854 or
and for the Funeral Reception Ministry it is Lorinna Lowrance at
704.366.6226. Update on HVAC Project in Education Building Demolition started in the Education Building on Monday, July 14, the day after the Congregational vote. Currently, the asbestos, corridor ceilings, cast iron boiler and hot water piping have been cut up and hauled away. On Monday, July 28 the Mechanical Contractors brought various tradesman to begin installing the new piping and equipment. We have blocked off the parking spaces directly behind the Education Building for con‐ struction use only (dumpsters, crane, deliveries, etc.). The Contractor has requested that no one attempt to enter the building as it could be unsafe without proper safety equip‐ ment. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Check for updates with a few pictures as the project progresses. If you have any questions in the interim you can contact Mark Slimer in the office at 704.366.1854 or e‐mail at Thank you for your flexibility during these next eight weeks!
The old boiler that was installed in 1968.
Mustard Seed Groups are our small group ministry. Membership in a small group is a wonderful way to connect with others in our church family in a meaningful way, to grow in discipleship, and to serve Christ with others.
We are holding one session this month to learn more about Mustard Seed Groups, to hear from those participating in a MSG, and to sign up to join a group or be part of the “planting” of a new group in the coming fall. Mark your calendar to attend the MSG Planting Meeting after worship on Sunday, August 24 at 11:15 a.m.
The Communicator ~ August 2014 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
July Session and Diaconate Highlights Neither Session nor Diaconate met in July. Highlights of their August meetings will be included in the September issue.
June Financial Report Thank you for making the ministry of this church possible! You can make a quick gift at in two ways: either under the “give” tab or by logging into your MySardis account.
June expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,129,993
Our Church Family Congratulations: to Mary Lou and Ernie Mason in the birth of their granddaughter, Abigail Wright Smith and to Mary Ellen and Ken Randall on the birth of their granddaughter, Caylin Adeline Randall. Our Christian Sympathy to: the family of Catherine Grayson, to the family of Mary Brown Benard, and to the family of Allen Beals.
Sardis Welcomes Jennifer Childers as Our New Business Administrator Jennifer comes to us from First Presbyterian in Gastonia, where she has served since 2001 and as Business Administrator since 2006. Jennifer is a graduate of Appalachian State where she received her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in accounting. She is a Certified Church Administrator through the National Association of Church Business Administration (NACBA) and has served as an officer in the Charlotte‐Metro Chapter. She was also General Chair for the NACBA national conference in Charlotte this past summer. Jennifer is a great addition to the Sardis staff and we are thrilled to welcome her.
Looking Ahead….. Sunday Schedule Resumes in September
Our regular Sunday schedule will resume on September 7 with our 9 a.m. Contemporary Worship in the Fellowship Hall, 10 a.m. Sunday
Annual Christmas Dinner
Pumpkinpalooza is scheduled for Sunday, October 19 from 4 p.m.—6 p.m.
school, and 11 a.m. Traditional Worship in the Sanctuary. 4 The Communicator ~ August 2014
Sardis Presbyterian Church’s annual Christmas dinner is happening on Wednesday, December 10. Make sure to save the date for this special event. More information to follow.
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Presbyterian Women at Sardis
“Forgiven and freed by God in Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves to: nurturing our faith through prayer and Bible Study; supporting the mission of our Church worldwide; working for justice and peace; building an inclusive, caring community of women in order to strengthen the Presbyterian Church USA and witness to the promise of God’s kingdom.”
Making Connections Through Circles
The “Circles” of Presbyterian Women are small groups of Christian women sharing Bible study, friendship, fellowship, service, mission, and support to each other and our church family.
At Sardis there are four circles in total, with meetings at different times. Please join us in any of the circles. If you feel that you are too busy to join a circle at this time, please come when you can or just join us for our Retreats, Mission, or Fellowship Activities. We welcome your participation as you are able.
Circle #2: Circle # 2 meets every other Tuesday at 9:30 a.m. in the homes of members. Moderator is Rosemary Helms · 704.847.4161 ·
Circle #3 : Circle #3 meets the first Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. in the Small Dining Room. Moderator is Renda Brinson · 704.926.1585 · Circle #4: Circle #4 meets the first Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Small Dining Room. Moderators are Barb Tanner · 704.910.9683 ·
Dianne Correll · 704.366.7205 ·
Circle #8 : Circle # 8 meets the second Tuesday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Small Dining Room. Moderators are Mary Ellen Thomas · 704.366.8278 · Betty Pharr · 704.542.2046
Save the Date for the Fall Dinner!
Save the date for this year’s Women of Sardis Fall Dinner! It will be on September 30 in the Fellowship Hall. We will start at 5:45 p.m. with punch, a 6:00 dinner will be served, and at 6:45 we will enjoy our guest speaker. This year’s speaker is best selling author Robert Whitlow. The dinner is $10 per person. Registration will be online at or by calling 704.926.1590.
The Communicator ~ August 2014 5
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Sardis Tutoring Program
Tutors are needed for the after school program which is held at the church on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. Please consider joining us for an hour either day to help 13 students from Rama Road Elementary School with their homework, reading, and math. Teaching experience is not required. Also, additional bus drivers are needed. The program will resume on October 7, 2014.
For more information, contact Jewell Leslie at 704.366.6270.
Save the Date for the CROP Walk!
The 36th Annual Charlotte CROP Hunger Walk takes place Sunday, October 19 as part of a nationwide endeavor to raise money to alleviate hunger and poverty in this country and around the world. Information on how to join and/or support the Sardis Team will be in the September Communicator.
On the first Sunday each month, Sardis takes up a special Ten‐Cents‐a‐Meal offering to benefit local agencies that provide hunger relief and help at‐risk youth in our community.
In 2013, over $214,000 was contributed by churches across the Charlotte Presbytery to support this cause. Thank you for you generous gifts to help the ever‐increasing needs of this cause.
Rama Road Back Pack Food Delivery Program
CMS schedules are in place, and Rama Road Elementary School will be looking again to Sardis Members to continue the once‐a‐week Back Pack Food Delivery Program. Our volunteer team has been dependable for several years but we would REALLY LIKE to have some new team members.
Beginning September 11 and continuing through at least May 28, one volunteer each week picks up empty back packs from the schoolʹs counselor, drives to the Spratt Street Second Harvest Food Bank, where filled back packs are waiting to be returned to the school. When five volunteers cover one week each in a month, the program works smoothly and families who desperately need food are covered for the weekend! Last year, we averaged 18‐20 back packs a week, and our volunteers were so very loyal to the cause.
If you and your young child would enjoy doing this outing, or if you’re retired or have time once a month on Thursday mornings, 10 a.m. ‐ noon, we would love to work you into the grid! Contact Lyn Sutterlin,, after July 28th and weʹll try to give you your choice of Thursdays. If you have questions in the interim, please contact Dean Calhoun, Tom Carmichael, Sue Wilson, Bun Baird, or Anne and Phil Adams.
6 The Communicator ~ August 2014
“Let the little children come unto me.”
Sardis Weekday School Consignment Sale! The Sardis Weekday School Fall & Winter / Kids & Teens Consignment Sale is scheduled for Saturday, September 27. If you’ve never attended before, the consignment sale is chock full of infant’s and children’s clothing, gear, toys, books, bedding, and more! Make sure to mark your calendars for this event and stock your favorite kid’s closet with some great finds for fall and winter. See you there!
Harry Potter is Coming to Sardis!
Confirmation Class 2015
This September to November our Elementary School
We invite all youth who will be in the eighth grade to
children will engage in a special event series –
be part of this nine month program. If you
Faith Journey with Harry Potter
have not received registration information, please
The Harry Potter series of books are full of Christian
contact Renda Brinson at
truths that can be examined alongside of scripture. We
Our confirmation year begins
will learn about trust, loyalty, friendship, and family.
with a parent meeting at
The children will enjoy the fantasy and reality of the
9 a.m. (during the Sunday
world of Harry Potter.
School hour) on August 25. The students will meet for the first time on Sunday, August 31 at 9 a.m.
Vacation Bible School Thanks You!
Vacation Bible School 2014 was a grand success as children, youth and adults made our Wilderness Escape and shared the story of the Israelites wanderings. Thank you to all who shared their time and ENERGY with the children. We could not have a program like this without many, many helping hands.
Help us by completing a short survey…
The Christian Education Ministry team, in its efforts to continue to evaluate all programs, invites everyone to complete a short survey at It is for those who attend or do not attend VBS, for those who help and any others who want to help us with our planning for future programs.
The Communicator ~ August 2014 77
The Communicator Published monthly by Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road Charlotte, NC 28270
8 The Communicator ~ August 2014
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