14- Holiday Insert

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Make Your Plans for the Holiday Season

Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Mecklenburg Ministries 39th Annual Citywide Interfaith Thanksgiving Service will be on Tuesday, November 25, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. The musical prelude will start at 6:30 p.m. The service will be held at The Park Church at the Beatties Ford Campus: 6029 Beatties Ford Road. The Thanksgiving Message will be by Rev. Dr. Ophelia Garmon-Brown, Rabbi Judy Schindler, and Rev. Christy Snow. The music will be by Interfaith Choirs and Ensembles, Queen City Ringers, Gaston Choral Society, The Park Choir, Friendship Missionary, and Baptist Church Choir. You are invited to bring canned goods to benefit Loaves and Fishes. For more information, contact meckmin@meckmin.org or 704.565.5445.


Children of Sardis Christmas Pageant Sunday, December 14 10:00 a.m. (during Sunday School) A gift from the children of Sardis to their church family. Come and celebrate the season through the eyes of our children.

Wednesday, December 10 6:00-7:30 p.m. $12/person and $4/child (under 10)

Register by December 7th www.sardis.org

Join us for a traditional holiday dinner with all the trimmings. Celebrate the season with your favorite carols.

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