2015 June @SardisYouth

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@SardisYouth June 2015 Committed to glorifying God, the Youth Ministry of Sardis Presbyterian Church exists to accept, engage, and nurture all youth and their families in order that they become disciples of Christ and serve the Lord.

Confirmation Closing Retreat The Confirmation Class closing retreat was held on May 1-3 at Valle Cruis retreat center. During the retreat, participants explored their faith and their desire to join the church. We played, prayed, worshipped, received communion, and talked about where we are in our faith journeys. The Confirmation Class joined the church on Sunday, May 24 at the 11:00 worship service.

Upcoming Youth Events Check out the full calendar of events on the website (www.sardis.org, under the “Ministries” tab, click on “Youth”) for our weekly programs. Please note these upcoming events: June 14-19………... Middle School The Great Escape June 29-July 1……... Middle School Mission Trip in Charlotte, NC July 6-12…………….. High School Mission Trip to Washington, DC July 25-August 1…... High School Montreat Youth Conference

Stay Connected! @SardisYouth

Your Youth Leaders Director of Youth Ministries Adrian Martin (adrian.martin@sardis.org) High School Coordinator Dean Bowen (bowenm23@aol.com) Middle School Coordinator Jeff Weston (jsweston323@gmail.com)

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