2017 January Commmunicator

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A Publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church

January 2017

Building God’s Kingdom Through Worship ● Service ● Fellowship ● Evangelism ● Discipleship

Broadway Review A Showcase of Broadway Musicals

If bad weather threatens (or has arrived), please check

Join us on Sunday, January 22 for lunch and a show!

the home page at www.sardis.org for speci c

Following the 11:00 a.m. worship service we will



enjoy lunch followed by the Broadway Review

cancellations at Sardis Presbyterian Church, please

show. The donations given at the event will help

tune into the following TV stations or view their

support music events for the growing youth music

websites: WBTV, WSOC, and WCNC.

program. More information can be found on page 2.





The Communicator ~ January Sardis Presbyterian Church · 6100 Sardis Road · Charlo e, NC 2017 28270 · 704-366-1854 · www.sardis.org

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which a ects everything we do.

Come Join the Covenant Bible Study Wednesday evenings: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. · Room 211/212 The Wednesday Night Bible Study will begin a new unit in the Covenant Bible Study, “Living.” The new unit o ers a great opportunity for new participants to join. The rst class meeting will be January 4, 2017. In the Covenant Bible Study, we will explore the Bible and strengthen our bonds as a church family. The Bible study will be divided into three major themes with eight sessions each. The next 8-week unit, “Living,” will focus on how the faith community lives out the Covenant in faithful love – how covenant life and love is applied to actual relationships in everyday life. Each session will have a 20-minute video. There is a participant book that will help esh out the biblical material to be examined and provide some background. The cost of the participant book, Living, is $10. For questions or to register for the class, contact Rev. Dr. Jane Fobel at jane.fobel@sardis.org. The creators of the Covenant Bible Study materials write, “Covenant is an in-depth Group Bible Study in which participants read and discuss the Bible together, learning how to love God – and each other - be er.“ If growth in reading the Bible for understanding and growth in your connection with others are your goals for the New Year, come join the class.

Ma hew: The Covenant Ful lled Thursday mornings: 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. · Sardis House In the new year, the Bible study on Thursday mornings will explore the Gospel of Ma hew. This gospel provides a wonderful bridge from the Hebrew scriptures into the ful llment of their promises in Jesus Christ. The gospel leads into the covenant righteousness of the Old Testament and then leads us to a deepened ful llment of covenant promises and the deepened and new understanding of righteousness that is ours in Jesus Christ. The rst class will be on January 12, 2017. For questions or to register for the class, contact Rev. Dr. Jane Fobel, at jane.fobel@sardis.org.

Make a Joyful Noise!

Broadway Review

It’s a New Year!! Maybe your New

Audition: Sunday, January 8 at 2 p.m.

Year’s Resolution includes becoming a

Dress Rehearsal: Saturday, January 21 at 10 a.m.

part of the Music Ministry. Instead of

Event: Sunday, January 22 immediately following the 11

giving something up this year,

a.m. worship service with luncheon (donations accepted


your place here at Sardis through singing and/or ringing.

to o set costs and to support the Youth Music program). If you love to sing, act, dance, give a monologue, play an

Please contact Jared Daugherty at

instrument, please contact Kaitlyn Davros by emailing

jared.daugherty@sardis.org if you feel

kaitlyn.davros@sardis.org. This event is open to all ages!

called to try something musically new! 2

The Communicator ~ January 2017

Ministry is about life in Christ which a ects everything we do.


Church Life

Holiday Closings


The church o ce will be closed on Monday,

January 8

January 2 for New Year’s Day and on Monday,

at both services.

January 16 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Laity Sunday – January 15 Members of the congregation will lead our worship services at 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. on January 15. Our two speakers are Stacey Vanderwel and Glenn Crossley. The theme will be “The Power of God’s Presence.” This is always one of the most special services o ered by the lay women and men of our congregation.

Friendship Connection - January 17 Friendship Connection is a fellowship group for retirees. Join us on Tuesday, January 17 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sardis House. Our guest, Mary Clark, will be giving her presentation on “The Healing Gift of Laughter.” She explores how humor, laughter, and a positive a itude can have a serious e ect on our daily a itudes and daily lives. Mary incorporates into her presentation humorous examples from her many years as an educator (she is a retired Charlo e-Mecklenburg Elementary School Principal) and personal experiences as a wife, daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. Reservations are necessary for lunch ($8/person) and need to be made by Friday, January 13. To make your reservation, register online at www.sardis.org or call 704.926.1590.

Brass is Back! We are excited to have Jericho Brass for 2017! They will be back in worship on January 29. If you feel inspired to nancially support this e ort to enrich our worship services through music, please contact Jared Daugherty.

Communication Is Changing, But It’s Not For Everyone We have moved into the Digital Age. Most people have either a smartphone, tablet or computer, and some people have all three! Streaming services like Net ix and Amazon are competing with cable TV providers. The times, they are a-changing! Part of the reason for the change is the desire to receive information more quickly and less expensively. But, not everyone is on board the digital train. That’s why the church o ers the newsle er both digitally and in the mail. If you want to continue to receive your newsle er by mail, you don’t need to do anything, and the newsle er will continue to arrive at your home! If you’d rather receive your copy by email and/or discontinue your paper copy, please contact our receptionist, Danelle Kime, at 704.366.1854 or danelle.kime@sardis.org. Let her know if you’d like it by email or just prefer to look at it online at sardis.org. Thank you for helping Sardis keep down costs while meeting everyone’s communication needs! The Communicator ~ January 2017


Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which a ects everything we do.

Dear Friends, As I write this on Wednesday, November 30, 2016 here is what I know about the Stewardship Campaign. We had a pledge goal of $2,000,000 and as of yesterday we had received 296 pledges averaging $4,455.83. The pledge amount is $1,318,925 which leaves us with a shortfall thus far in the campaign of $681,000. In mathematics, the “average” typically refers to the “mean value” of a set of numbers that is found by adding all the numbers in the set and then dividing this answer by how many numbers were in the set. I am sure that several of you will jump up, shouting “but there also are other types of averages in mathematics, such as the weighted average, mode, and median.” Fine; we can debate that in the Spring but here is what I am thinking. Clearly we are having a di cult time ge ing to our pledge budget. If half of the pledges are at, or below, the average, then would it be great if we could get a hundred families to pledge $100 per week for 52 weeks? Yes, for some it will be a stretch and di cult and yet, they will do it. When it comes down to it, Sardis needs us all in, and so I appreciate your thinking about this challenge if you want to call it that, and help me as I think about average and working above average. Wendy and I give to support Sardis, as one dimension of our Stewardship, it is a re ection of our gratitude for God’s grace to us not given under pressure, but cheerfully. It isn’t easy, and I am ge ing ready to retire before this article goes to print, but it is an expression of love for Sardis, for missions and people of this congregation. Consider prayerfully your giving and becoming a part of the one hundred to give $100 (or more) per week. To whom much is given much is expected. God Bless and Best Wishes for the New Year. -George Galleher, Chair Stewardship Ministry 2016

The Year of the Bible Many used the resource, The Year of the Bible, prepared by James Davison, to read through the Bible in 2016. There are some copies of The Year of the Bible that were not purchased last year. The assigned daily readings in the book are not tied to a particular day of the week, so the listing of readings can be used any year. The books are available,

rst-come- rst-serve, for $6. Contact Rev. Dr. Jane Fobel at jane.fobel@sardis.org or

704.366.1854 to secure your copy.

Session Highlights can be found at www.sardis.org under the News & Events tab.

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Tim Li le upon the death of his father, Tillman D. Li le, Jr.; to John Cli ord upon the death of his father, Samuel Cli ord; to the family of Rev. Dr. E. Lee Sto el; to sta member John Nipe upon the death of his grandfather, Ben Brown; to Darrell Myers upon the death of his sister, Rovilla Sellers; to Phyllis Thompson upon the death of her sister-in-law, Joy Beck; to Brady Koesel upon the death of his father, Robert Koesel; and to Ne a Turnbull upon the death of her sister-in-law, Joyce Hu on. Congratulations: to Jane and Richard Tilley upon the birth of their grandson, Joseph Bryce Tilley. 4

The Communicator ~ January 2017

Lay Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

Want An Easy Way to Volunteer?

January Red Cross Blood Drive

We need volunteers to bring food to church just

Our next American Red Cross Blood Drive is

four Sundays a year. A frozen lasagna, some

January 29 from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Please

fruit, or a dessert. Other volunteers cook it at the

help save a life in 2017 with your donation!

Salvation Army Center of Hope Women and Children’s Center.








Contact Kathy Templeman with questions at 704.302.3829 or

information, please email Suzanne Fernandez


at Suzanne@HomesSoldBySuzanne.com.

Youth Bake Sale: Big Success!

Room In The Inn Needs

The bake sale fundraiser for Sardis’ Youth Urban Ministries is asking for donations of new or gently used

programs was a great success and will help

small rolling suitcases and car seats for the neighbors at Room

support the Peru Mission Trip, The Great

In The Inn. You can bring these donations to the Gathering

Escape, and the Montreat youth conference.

Place during the rst two weeks in January. Thank you so much to those who volunteered We love special treats like cookies, cards, and music. This is a

their time and their baked goods for our sale.

great way for families to participate in the Room In the Inn

We had plenty of help to make everything

ministry. For more information, please contact Jill Smith at



appreciated by our youth and their families!






Cleaning out after the holidays? We could use a few adult books, puzzles, and movies. You can leave those on the table in the Sardis House dining room. Or bring them and join us on a Sunday or Wednesday night!

Thanks, Sardis! Sardis made Christmas special for 223 angels from Rama Road Elementary School. Thanks to everyone involved for making the Angel Tree another tremendous success! On December 17, volunteers from Sardis and the Rama Road sta

met at the church and

delivered the gifts to Rama Road families. Your continuing participation helped us make Christmas brighter for 97 Rama Road families. Please save the date, Sunday, March 26, 2017, for the Silent Auction hosted by the youth. This auction will help raise funds

Thank you for planting seeds of hope through our Angel Tree project!

for their summer trips. The trips include International Mission trip to Peru, Montreat Youth Conference for high schoolers and The Great Escape for middle schoolers. If you would like to donate items for the auction, contact Adrian Martin at 704.778.6432 or adrian.martin@sardis.org. The Communicator ~ January 2017


Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers… 1 Timothy 4:12.”

Remember the Titans On Sunday, January 15 (Martin Luther King, Jr. Weekend), the Youth Ministry will show the classic movie Remember the Titans. Based on actual events that took place in 1971, this movie shows the racial divide that happens when a white southern high school is integrated with black students from a nearby school. The movie follows the football team on their quest for a perfect season. Join us from 6:00-8:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall as we eat dinner and watch the movie. Feel free to come in your (appropriate) pajamas and bring something to lay down or sit on.

Middle School Snow Tubing The Middle School Youth will go snow tubing on Saturday, February 4. If you would like to participate in this event, please register with Adrian Martin or Je Weston by January 22. The cost is only $35 and covers your tubing, lunch, and transportation. Come join us!

Youth Sunday

Silent Auction Parent/Youth Meeting

Youth Sunday is Sunday, March 5. We are

The Youth Ministry will host a parent/youth meeting

looking for youth who would like to have a part in

about the Silent Auction (the auction is scheduled for

the worship service. If you would like to assist in

Sunday, March 26) to inform participants of how they

either the 9:00 contemporary or 11:00 traditional

can help make this fundraiser successful. The auction

worship services, please contact Adrian Martin at

bene ts the Middle School Great Escape, High School


Montreat Youth Conference, and the High School International Mission Trip to Peru. Participants on these trips are strongly encouraged to a end this meeting to learn how to keep the amount families pay for these trips a ordable. If you have any questions, please contact Adrian Martin at 704.778.6432.

Upcoming Dates January 6

Friday Night Frenzy (8:30-11:00 p.m.)

January 8

Sunday Night Fellowship resumes for both high school and middle school

January 8

Silent Auction Parent/Youth Meeting

January 15

Remember the Titans movie

January 27-28

High School Ski Retreat

For a complete listing of all of the youth activities, including our weekly devotion schedule, please download our spring semester calendar from either the weekly e-le er or our website. 6

The Communicator ~ January 2017

“Let the li le children come unto me.”

Winter Olympics!

Children’s Choir

All kindergarten through 5th grade kids are

A New Season of Children’s Choir

invited to join us on Sunday, January 8 from

begins January 5! All children

4:00-5:30 p.m. in the Education Hall for our

from K – 5th grade are invited to

very own Winter Olympics. There will be

join in our time together from 5:15 – 6:15 p.m. on Thursdays.

snacks, games, and lots of fun! Contact Katie Harrington (katie.harrington@sardis.org)


sign up.

We will sing, ring, and play musical games until May! Contact Kaitlyn Davros at Kaitlyn.davros@sardis.org if your child would like to join.

A – Z Musical Instruments

Sardis Weekday School Update

On November 22, Jared and Kaitlyn created and exposed the students of the Sardis Weekday School to a 50-minute demonstration of A – Z Musical Instruments. The entire music sta

came together to make this a wonderful experience. Jacob

and John provided some of their instruments. Jared lled the front of the chancel with instruments starting with A – Z, and the children were invited to play these instruments.

Following additional conversations with various groups including parents, teachers, members and within the Sardis Weekday School Ministry, the Session approved a request by the SWDS Ministry to create a task force to recommend a sustainable

We had Autoharps, Banjos, Cymbals, Egg shakers, Harpsichord,

childcare program at Sardis. This could

Saxophone, and even the Zymblestern. Kaitlyn put together

mean continuing with a half-day preschool

a coloring book with all of the

program; it could mean further exploration

instruments for the kids to take home.

of the full-day child development center or it could be something that hasn’t even been discussed yet. We are commi ed to our current half-day program and registration will begin in January for the 2017-2018 school year.

Sardis Weekday School Registration for the upcoming 2017-2018 school year will take place

Save the date for the

in January. In-house registration will occur Tuesday, January 3. Church

Sardis Weekday

members not currently enrolled may register beginning Monday,


January 30. Public registration starts on Tuesday, January 31.

PAC Valentine’s

Contact Louise Lippi at louise.lippi@sardis.org or 704.366.9681 with

Day Dance

questions. Happy New Year! Thank you for your support in 2016! Be on the lookout for more PAC fundraisers to bene t SWS. The Communicator ~ January 2017

on Friday, February 10 at 5 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. 7

The Communicator

Non-Pro t Org.

Published monthly by


Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road

Charlo e, NC

Charlo e, NC 28270

Permit #1059


Hume Suirprliisit ng Path to Joy Th

A study of Philippians

Sardis Women’ Retreat Register by January 18 at www.sardis.org or pick up a form from the church office.


The Communicator ~ January 2017

February 3-5, 2017

Camp Dogwood Bible Leader: Lisa Giller Music & Worship: Richard Ramsey

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