2017 October Communicator

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The Communicator ~ October 2017

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Music at Sardis

The Music Ministry at Sardis welcomes all skill levels and strives to enrich spiritual growth through music. Opportunities to learn and share your musical gifts are available in vocal, handbell, and contemporary ensembles and regularly provide musical offerings in our two worship services. Contact Jared, Kaitlyn, or Jacob at 704.366.1854 to learn how to be involved.

Alpha Ringers: Wednesdays, 9:30‐10:30 a.m. Children’s Choir: Wednesdays, 6:00‐7:00 p.m. Coventry Ringers: Wednesdays, 7:30‐9:00 p.m. Sanctuary Choir: Thursdays, 7:30‐9:00 p.m. Youth Bells: Sundays, 4:30‐5:15 p.m. Youth Choir: Sundays, 5:15‐6:00 p.m. Praise Band: (Praise Band meets at various times, contact Jacob Hare at jacob.hare@sardis.org for more information)

Welcome, New Sardis Members!

Sally & Bert Batson

Kelly Hames

Patricia & Jim Hollern

Jennifer & Charles Meehan Olive and Phoebe

Sara & Zack Nobinger

Susie Porter

Jean Williamson

Brenda & John Woodcock

If you would like to learn more about Sardis and the possibility of becoming a member, join Dr. McKechnie and our Membership Ministry for a fun and informative luncheon on Sunday, October 22 in the Dining Room. Let Robin Medlock know if you will attend by emailing her at robin.medlock@sardis.org, or calling 704.366.1854. 2 The Communicator ~ October 2017

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life Boy Scout Troop 133

Sanctuary Choir Poinsettia Sale!

BBQ Fundraiser

October 1‐November 3

The poinsettias will be supplied by King’s Greenhouse and can be picked up on December 2 at the church. Order through the website, a link in the weekly email, or in the Gathering Place on Sundays. Money raised will be used to continue to enhance our contemporary and traditional worship services, as well as special concerts, by bringing in great musicians, appropriate for the musical selections, and to always be prepared for new possibilities. Thanks you for supporting

October 6 & 7

You don’t want to miss this event—you can literally smell it in the air! Your heart and stomach can both benefit from this BBQ: you’ll be helping out the Boy Scouts, and enjoying a delicious dinner. Contact Vic Cope at 704.779.4941 with any questions. Hope to see you there!

music at Sardis!

October Friendship Connection – On the Road Again!


The October 17 meeting of the Friendship Connection, our fellowship group for retirees, will be a trip to the Stanley County History Center and Antebellum Home Tour in Albemarle. Lunch will be at Albemarle’s Off the Square restaurant and we will order off the menu.







We will travel by church buses. Plan to meet in the church parking lot at 8:30 a.m. for an 8:45 departure. To make a reservation for your place on the bus, register online at www.sardis.org or call 704.926.1590.

(Mature & Marvelous—ages 55 and older) You are invited to a

BUCKAROOS, BOOTS & BBQ Friday, October 27 6:00 p.m. at the Sardis House Entertainment by Sardis’ own THRONE TOGETHER $10 per person

Your payment is your RSVP. The deadline is Monday, October 23. Make payment with cash or check made out to Anne Sweeney. Leave payments in the church office or give them to Anne or Linda Tucker. Questions?? Contact Anne Sweeney 704 443-7063 or Linda Tucker 704 574-7425.

Women of Sardis Advent Tea

Save the date! This year, we are doing something new! On Saturday, December 10 at 10:00 a.m., all women of Sardis are invited to join us for a time of preparation for Advent. Bring your favorite teacup and come enjoy time of brunch, conversation, and tea as we prepare our hearts for Advent.

The Communicator ~ October 2017 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Cooperative Christian Ministry at UNC Charlotte

The UNC Charlotte campuses in University City and Uptown are served by the Cooperative Christian Ministry. This campus ministry provides opportunities for students to grow in their faith and personally by participating in various activities including mission trips, Bible studies, worship services, small groups, and spiritual formation groups. They also offer a Faith and Leadership Experience (FLEX) program to help college students theologically explore God’s calling. FLEX was developed as a Lilly Endowment grant program, and recently Cooperative Christian Ministry has been selected to receive a $50,000 matching grant by the Lilly Foundation.

The Mission Interpretation Ministry has approved a $500 donation to Cooperative Christian Ministry to support their wonderful work and to allow them to receive matching funds. Cooperative Christian Ministry is a partnership among Presbyterian, Episcopal, Methodist, and Lutheran denominations.

Nursery Volunteers Needed!

Have Stephen Ministry Materials?

If you wish to serve one hour in the church nursery

The Historical committee is searching for any materials

for the 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. worship services, or for

from the former Stephen Ministry. If you have any

Sunday school at 10 a.m., please contact Alma Jo

Stephen Ministry materials, please contact Susan

Langston, ajhlangston@carolina.rr.com. Blessings to

Hudson at sue24shaw@gmail.com or Vicki Jaus at

each of you as we honor our promises to

vpjaus@gmail.com. Thank you!

nurture God’s children.

Session Highlights can be found at www.sardis.org under the News & Events tab.

Financial Highlights


August expected

This year so far

This year so far expected

Pledges, gifts, and other revenue










Net Total





Annual Budget: $2,076,000

Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of David Emery upon his death; to Doug Powell upon the death of his father, Mert Powell; to Carol Apel upon the death of her father‐in‐law, Joseph Sams; to Barbara Lansche upon the death of her brother, Montie Nexsen; and to the family of Hazel Holtom upon her death.

Congratulations: to Sarah and Tom Herum on the birth of their daughter, Savannah Ann Herum; to Phyllis Thomspon on the birth of her great‐granddaughter, Willa Rose Beyer and to staff member Nikki Bolton and her husband Mike on the birth of their son, Myles Thomas Bolton. 4 The Communicator ~ October 2017

Lay Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Habitat Volunteers Needed

Sardis is assisting Habitat for Humanity with building a home for the Kingombe family of Matthews. Volunteers from Sardis are needed on Saturday, October 14 for sheetrock installation, and on November 11 for flooring.

The Mission Interpretation Ministry sponsors this Habitat build and encourages individuals and groups such as Mustard Seed Groups to consider joining this service opportunity. Register online at www.sardis.org, or contact Steve Hoots at Steve.Hoots@childressklein.com. Lunch volunteers may contact Susan Hudson at sue24shaw@gmail.com.

Shoe Collections for the Upcoming Haiti Mission Trip

Friends, please join the Mission Interpretation Ministry in collecting rubber‐type clogs (such as Crocs) for children and adults at OFCB. Look for the large blue barrels in the Narthex and the Gathering Place, where we will be collecting these shoes through the end of October. Gently used or new ʺgenericʺ versions are welcome, and all sizes are requested. The shoes will be taken to Bayonnais in November with the annual mission trip.

Save the Month...

Crisis Assistance Ministry Fall/Winter Clothing Drive

September 24 – October 8. Gather your gently‐used clothing

for the Reverse Advent Calendar project!

for our friends at Crisis Assistance Ministry.

We’ll hold this festive project again this

American Red Cross Blood Drive

December, so start collecting sturdy 12

Sunday, October 22 from 8:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. Sign up to

bottle wine cases. More details to come!

donate or help in the canteen at www.sardis.org.

Spaghetti Sauce Sundays Bring plastic jars of spaghetti sauce any Sunday to the Narthex or gathering place to help a family in need.

Be a Homework Helper!

The Sardis after‐school program at Rama Road Elementary School is seeking homework helpers for students in grades 1‐3. Starting on October 24, we will meet with a dozen students from 2:45‐4:00 p.m. on either Tuesday or Thursday afternoon each week.

Teaching experience is not required. Weekly homework helpers and those who can substitute on a less regular schedule are both needed. If interested, contact Mary Ellen Randall at merandall1@gmail.com by October 15. An orientation session is planned on October 17. We would love to have you join us in this valuable Sardis ministry.

The Communicator ~ October 2017 5

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

First Annual NoDa Pancake Breakfast Series

Sardis Builds

Sardis has an opportunity to assist Hope House, part of On Eagle’s

Two Shower Units for

Wings Ministry, to support girls rescued from human trafficking.

Disaster Relief Teams

Every Saturday now through November 25, there will be a pancake

Sardis members, under the direction of

breakfast at The Freedom Factory in NoDa, with all proceeds raised

Glenn Crossley, are building two shower

going directly to support children of the Hope House. Price is $5/

buildings to be used by Presbyterian

children under 10, $10/other. The Freedom Factory is located at 200

Disaster Response Teams when they go

E 36th Street, Charlotte, NC 28206. For more information, contact

into areas affected by floods and

April Meadows at aprilmmeadows@gmail.com. Hope to see you

hurricanes. Area churches often host team

next Saturday to support this great cause!


On Eagles Wings/Lily Pad is supported by both the Presbytery and Sardis Presbyterian Church. The Hope House of On Eagle’s Wings Ministry is the Carolina’s only residential care program for child victims of trafficking, offering a holistic, trauma‐informed model of care. Child survivors receive long‐term housing, 24‐hour care, onsite private school, therapy, mentors, life skills, health care, recreation, and individualized treatment plans.






These buildings will be portable and each one provides two separate showers. Thanks to Glenn and all the volunteers who have helped with this project. The buildings are on the Francis property to the left of the parking lot.

God Owns It All

Max McLeod

Psalm 24:1 · “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.”

The concept that God owns it all is probably a very difficult point to grasp in our lives. We grow up through multiple levels of education in order to become a productive citizen and provide for our families. When we receive our income checks, our thoughts are “but I worked hard to earn this money; it is all mine.” God gave us the knowledge and opportunity in order to earn our money. But we cling to our money in selfish ways. We know of the biblical requirement to tithe. Giving more to God becomes easier when we realize it all belongs to Him.

Since God owns it all, we are just the stewards of His possessions. A steward is defined as the manager or caretaker for the owner. In Old English times, the steward was entrusted to manage all of the affairs of the king. This included the buildings, livestock, and employees of the king. Just like the medieval steward, we are required to use our time, talents and resources given by God for the best and most generous use.

Once we understand our role as His stewards, giving back to God becomes natural and more fulfilling. We have a spiritual responsibility to manage God’s possessions for His glory. Just like a business owner would entrust us to manage his local office in a proper manner, God expects us to manage His blessings in the same way.

True financial stewardship is not about fundraising, capital campaigns or building projects. Stewardship is about our relationship with God and how we give back to Him what He has entrusted to us. Tithing is to our finances as the Sabbath is to our time. I ask you to prayerfully consider what you give back to God throughout the year.

6 The Communicator ~ October 2017

“Let the little children come unto me.” Elementary Family Fellowship

October 15 · 3:00‐5:00 p.m.

Join us at Hall Family Farm for some family fun! We will have a bonfire pit and s’mores. Bring the whole family and get a pumpkin, take a hayride, or just play on the giant slide!

Contact Katie Harrington at katie.harrington@sardis.org for more information.

Parents’ Night Out

Youth Friday Night Frenzy

November 4 · 7:00 p.m.

October 13 · 8:30—11:00 p.m.

Come to Good Roads Ciderworks for a night of

Attention high school and middle school youth! We will

adult fellowship with fellow Sardis Parents. Contact

play games in the gym, Education Hall, and youth room.

Lin Leslie at linwleslie@yahoo.com for details.

Bring your friends for a fun night of fellowship.

Middle School Fall Retreat

October 22 –

And a Child Shall Lead Them

Camp Pee Dee · Bennettsville, SC

October 20‐22

Special worship services at

The cost is $125 plus two road meals.

both 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. led by

Registration deadline is Sunday, October 8.

the children of Sardis. Come

worship and discover the fruit

Register at www.sardis.org or contact Adrian Martin at adrian.martin@sardis.org or 704.366.1854.

of the Spirit.

Hope to see you there!

Please register early, space is limited.

Sardis Weekday School Updates We will be hosting

Please join us October

DeHart Photographers



18 at 9:30 a.m. in the

will be present on

Parade will be held October

preschool fathers at



October 23 & 24 to take

31 at 9:15 a.m. Please join us!

Donuts with Dad on

Grey Seal Puppets—

photos of the children

October 11 & 12.

everyone is welcome!

and our class photos.






Make sure to wear your best smile!

The Communicator ~ October 2017 7

The Communicator

Non‐Profit Org.

Published monthly by



Sardis Presbyterian Church

Charlotte, NC

6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,




8 The Communicator ~ October 2017

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