The Communicator ~ September 2017
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Thursday Bible Study
The Thursday Bible Study will begin meeting on September 14, in the Sardis House, from 10:00 – 11:30 a.m. The fall study, led by Rev. Dr. Jane Fobel, will be focused on the book of Jeremiah.
Adult Sunday School 10 a.m. Beginning September 10
Crossroads | Room 213/214 Fellowship Hall Contemporary Christian Issues | Sardis House Robert Pharr Menʹs Class | Room 215 Bible Study for Women | Parlor Discussing Bible Books & Topics | Room 111/112 Java | Room 216 Fellowship Hall Reading for Reformed Reflection | Room 217 Salty Fish | Room 211/212 Fellowship Hall
More information is available at, or by picking up the Faith Formation & Music Opportunities booklet in the Narthex or Gathering Place.
Friendship Connection—Sept 19
Friendship Connection is a fellowship group for retirees that meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month.
September 19 at 11:00 a.m. in the Sardis House. Rev. Dr. Richard Boyce, Dean at Union Presbyterian Seminary, will lead us Save the Date: Saturday, October 21 from 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. Volunteer to decorate your trunk for trunk or treat!
Contact Hasty Millen at
in “Reflections on the Eclipse.” The cost is $10 per person. Reserve and pay online using MySardis or call 704.926.1590 to reserve and pay at the door. Questions? Jane Fobel at
2 The Communicator ~ September 2017
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. Music at Sardis
The Music Ministry at Sardis welcomes all skill levels and strives to enrich spiritual growth through music. Opportunities to learn and share your musical gifts are available in vocal, handbell, and contemporary ensembles for all ages to support our two worship services. Contact Jared, Kaitlyn, or Jacob at 704.366.1854 to learn how to be involved. All rehearsals are held in the Administration Building. Scheduled rehearsals begin soon! Please see the start dates and times below.
Sanctuary Choir: Thursdays, 7:30‐9:00 p.m. Children’s Choir: September 6, 6:00 ‐ 7:00 p.m. Youth Bells: September 10, 4:30 ‐ 5:15 p.m. Youth Choir: September 10, 5:15 – 6:00 p.m. Alpha Ringers: September 20, 9:30 – 10:30 a.m. Coventry Ringers: September 20, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m. Praise Band: (Praise Band meets at various times, contact Jacob Hare at for more information.)
A Message for Stewardship
Jeff Wilkinson
A new commandment I give to you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. John 13: 34‐35
With the passing of Labor Day and the start of another school year, we have closed the chapter on another summer. We now find ourselves back into more established routines, an increasing number of obligations, and a higher sense of urgency in our lives. However, as John reminds us in the scripture verse above, we must continue to love one another and share that love in our daily activities.
I have been reflecting on how Sardis and the members of our congregation have been displaying this love over this past summer. I am reminded of the smiling faces, friendships made, and experiences that have brought us closer to God through our sharing of love. These have been made visible through youth retreats, Vacation Bible School, Camp Holiday and other camps held on our campus throughout the summer, the groundbreaking for a new house being constructed through our collaboration with Habitat for Humanity, enjoying summer baseball to fund ongoing efforts in Haiti, and seeing swimming pools full of school supplies for Rama Road Elementary, to name a few.
These opportunities for us to continue to share the love are made possible through your commitment to honoring your annual pledge, and through your participation to various fundraising opportunities during the year. This has allowed Sardis to expand our offerings to both the congregation and our community. We thank you for your commitment and generosity to funding the operations and programs at Sardis, and ask for your continued commitment to sharing the love through your financial contributions.
Looking forward, as we settle back into our routines let us not forget to continue to love and pray for one another, and share the love of Jesus Christ with each other, our community, and our world.
The Communicator ~ September 2017 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Thank You!
Sardis House Basement Sale
The Property Commission would like to thank Margot
Smith and Cathey Beal for their help in determining the
Sardis House Basement!
appropriate color pallet for the Dining Room. Frank Wilson and his volunteers repainted the entire room and
September 22 and 23 ● 7:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Come check out the deals!
did an amazing job! The Dining Room is transforming;
No credit card payments
stop in and check it out!
The Church Mouse Program Needs You!
Church Office Closures
The Church Mouse Program needs mice! The Church Mouse Project is
The Church Office will be closed
designed to help college students continue to feel part of the Sardis
on Monday, September 4 for Labor
family while they are away living on college campuses.
Day and Wednesday, September 27
to allow all staff
If you would like to help by becoming a ʺmouseʺ to a
to attend a Staff
Sardis college student, please contact Georgia Pressly at
Retreat offsite.
704.364.9299 or
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
July Financial Highlights
July expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,076,000
Our Church Family Our Christian Sympathy: to Mark Vanderwel upon the death of his grandfather, Max DePree; and to Emily and Mike Oelz upon the death of their infant daughter, Lillian Oelz.
Congratulations: to Pat Aldred upon the birth of her great‐grandson, James Radford Allen.
4 The Communicator ~ September 2017
Lay Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. Good News From the Hunger Action Work Group
Your Ten Cents‐A‐Meal Offerings have enabled the Presbytery to remit another $50,000 in assistance to the 2017 portfolio agencies for the 2nd Quarter! Please accept our heartfelt appreciation for your contributions. Ten‐Cents‐A‐Meal offerings are collected during both worship services on the first Sunday of each month. Your continued support is appreciated by the various ministries and agencies which the Presbytery of Charlotte supports through these offerings.
GETTING READY FOR A NEW SCHOOL YEAR Sardis has been actively involved in helping Rama teachers and staff get ready to welcome students for the 2017‐2018 school year.
Staff Orientation was held Friday, August 18 at the
breakfast and lunch for the staff. Teachers were given welcome bags filled with school supplies from our Pool for School Tools Drive. Thank you to everyone who donated to the drive!
Sardis also had the opportunity to supply ice cream for the Rama Road Elementary Open House on August 24.
Thank you, Sardis, for “Planting Seeds of Hope” at Rama Road Elementary.
Save the Date: Loaves & Fishes Fall Food Drive October 22 ‐ November 5
The Communicator ~ September 2017 5
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Class of 2020 Officer Nominees
The Church Officer Nominating Committee is pleased to present the names of this year’s nominees for the Session and Diaconate of Sardis Presbyterian Church. A Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, September 24, at the beginning of the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service to vote on the nominees.
Nominees for Deacon David Cauble David and his wife, Alice, have three grown children; David, Jr., Molly, and Erin. He is ordained as a Deacon and has served on the Senior Link Ministry. He is part of the Sanctuary Choir and the men’s ensemble, Throne Together. David is a member of a MSG at Sardis. In his spare time, he enjoys singing, reading, travel and social media.
Stacey Champion Stacey grew up in Northern Virginia. She and her husband, Michael, have two teenage children; Erin and Ben. Stacey has previously served on the Fellowship Ministry, Youth Ministry, as a VBS volunteer, LOGOs teacher and shepherd, and a nursery volunteer. Currently, she a member of the Community Service Ministry and the Crossroads Sunday School class.
Kristi Gallimore Kristi is married to Rob Brownlee and they have three daughters; Sydney, Hayley, and Amelia. She and Rob have been members of Sardis for almost 17 years. Kristi is serving on the Congregational Life and Care Ministry and assists with VBS. Her past involvement includes 4 years as VBS Director, a member of a Mom’s MSG, Sunday school teacher, Weekday School Ministry, and the Pastor Nominating Committee for associate pastor which brought Rev. Katie Harrington to Sardis.
Joyce Long Joyce and her husband, Randy, have been members of Sardis for over 25 years and have two grown children; Jason and Jordan. Joyce was ordained as an Elder and a Deacon in her previous church, Westminster Presbyterian in Snellville, GA. She has served at Sardis as a LOGOs teacher, Stephen’s Ministry leader, Sunday School teacher, and on Fellowship and Food Service Ministries in the past. Currently, Joyce participates in the Choir, is a member of the Senior Link Ministry, and is a MSG leader.
Stacey Vanderwel Stacey is married to Mark Vanderwel and they have been members of Sardis since 2005. They have three children; Fana, Lucy, and Bos. Stacey’s involvement at Sardis includes being a Preschool and Children’s Sunday School Teacher, Laity Sunday speaker, part of the Women of Sardis Committee, and a MSG. She also served on the Associate Pastor for Families Committee in 2013.
The Officer Nominating Committee and Clerks Ministry determine the acceptable number of elder and deacon candidates needed for the Class of 2020.
The nominees are respectfully submitted by the 2017 Officer Nominating Committee: Steve Carpenter, Tim Cropper, Penny Frazier, Max McLeod, Canon Moore, Brooke Neal, Melinda Wilkinson, and Rhonda York. 6 The Communicator ~ September 2017
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Nominees for Elder Georgia Pressly Georgia and husband, Jim, have three adult children; William, John, and Paul. She grew up in New York and New Jersey areas and enjoys reading. Georgia is ordained as an Elder and has been a Confirmation teacher, MSG leader, LOGOs leader, Youth Advisor, Mission trip coordinator, as well as served with VBS, Room in the Inn, RAMA Tutoring, and Camp Holiday. Currently, she is on the Personnel Ministry, a Confirmation teacher, and involved with VBS and the Women’s Retreat. Lynn Sloan Lynn is married to William Sloan and they have two grown children; Anderson and Adair. She is an ordained Deacon and currently a Confirmation teacher, tutor at Rama Road Elementary School, a MSG member, and on the Women’s Retreat Committee. Previously, Lynn has served as VBS Director and teacher, Sunday School teacher, Youth Leader, and on several Ministries of Sardis.
Margot Smith Margot is from Raleigh, NC. She and her husband, Bobby, have two grown children; Mallory and Rob. Margot has previously been involved with Stewardship, Clerk’s, Food Service, and Officer Nominating Committees, as well as Moderator of the Diaconate. She currently serves on the Women’s Retreat Committee and Property Commission.
Rick Thames Rick recently retired from The Charlotte Observer and enjoys hicking, fishing, reading, writing and travel. He and his wife, Debbie, have three grown children; Nathan, Hunter, and Lucy. Currently, Rick is part of the Choir, a member of a MSG, and a Room in the Inn volunteer. He has served as an Usher in the past and is ordained as a Deacon.
Sam Thompson Sam is ordained as an Elder and a Deacon. He has served on the Property Commission, Personnel Ministry, and is currently on Membership Ministry. Sam has been part of a MSG for several years. He and his wife, Glenda have two grown sons; Matthew and Ben. In his free time, Sam enjoys golf, fishing, reading, and watching the Panthers and UNC athletics.
Wells Tiedeman Wells and his wife, Leslie, have three children; Sara, Jackson and Drew. Wells has been involved at Sardis as a Middle School Youth Advisor, Sabbath Devotion leader, Great Escape Advisor, Communications Committee, Information Technology Committee, Evangelism Committee, Diaconate (2008‐10), Clerkʹs committee, RITI bus driver, Urban Ministry Soup Kitchen volunteer, and Ushering. He currently serves as a High School Youth Advisor and Crossroads Sunday School teacher. John Waller John is married to Carrie Waller and they have two teenage children; Josey and Richard. John loves to play and watch sports. He participates in basketball and pickleball at Sardis. He is a Middle School Youth Advisor and part of a MSG. Previously, John served on several Ministries, taught children’s Sunday School. and coached youth basketball. He was ordained as a Deacon in 2014.
Kim Weber Kim grew up in Bryan, Ohio. She is married to Mark Weber and they have three children; Christina, Caroline, and Cole. Kim was ordained as a Deacon in 2005 and has served as a High School Youth Advisor, Sunday School teacher, Preschool Committee, and several Ministries. She is currently on the Stewardship Ministry.
The Communicator ~ September 2017 7
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers… 1 Timothy 4:12.”
Following Jesus
This year, the Youth Ministry’s theme will be “Following Jesus,” and our devotions will focus on the lessons that Jesus taught. We will try to live those lessons in our daily lives, 2,000 years after he said them. For example, Jesus said, “I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” What does this look like for a middle or high school student in 2017? What about when you are picked on at school for wearing the “wrong” brand of clothes? How do we then love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us? During the year, we will try to figure out how to live out Jesus’ teachings in our lives. It won’t be easy, but Jesus has called us to a different way, and this year, we aim to follow Jesus and his teachings more closely.
Sunday Night Fellowship
Friday Night Frenzy
Our regular Sunday Night Fellowship begins on September 10 from 6:00 ‐
It’s back! Our next Friday Night
7:30 p.m., beginning with dinner in the Fellowship Hall. Everyone is asked
Frenzy will be Friday, September 8
to bring $5 to help defray the costs of the meal. After dinner, both middle
from 8:30 ‐ 11:00 p.m. All youth are
school and high school will have separate devotions and programs.
invited to hang out with their
church friends as we play and
We hope all 6th through 12th grade students will join us for this meaningful time on Sunday
fellowship in the church. Friends are welcome! This is a free event for all youth!
evenings this year. For more
If you have any questions, please
Adrian Martin at 704.366.1854.
call or text Adrian at 704.778.6432.
Fall Retreats
Register now for the awesome fall retreats sponsored and led by the Youth Ministry. On September 22 ‐ 24, the High School Ministry will travel to Ocean Isle Beach for a weekend of Sabbath, learning how to slow down and spend time with God.
On October 20 ‐ 22, the Middle School Ministry will travel to Camp Pee Dee for an exciting weekend of high ropes course, games, and devotions focusing on how we can reconnect with God.
Both retreats cost $125 per person. Scholarships (both partial and full) are available by speaking with Adrian Martin in the church office. You may register either on our website ( or picking up a registration form from the Youth Room. Come join us for a wonderful weekend of spiritual renewal and fun!
Youth Needs:
We need volunteers for the Wednesday night Sabbath meetings. We are also still seeking
volunteers to teach Middle School Sunday school. Please prayerfully consider these needs, and if you are able to help please reach out to Adrian Martin. Thank you! 8 The Communicator ~ September 2017
“Let the little children come unto me.”
Youth Basketball Registration Now Open
Are you new to our elementary programs at Sardis? Or, would you like to find out more information about opportunities for your children to engage? As we kick‐off
Sunday School on September 10, join us at 10:00 a.m. in
Boys and girls ages 5 ‐ 18 years old
the dining room for a parent orientation to our
Practice begins November 1 with games scheduled the
programming, and learn about opportunities for you as a
first Saturday of December through early March.
parent to engage during the Sunday School hour and
Elementary Parent Orientation
The fee is $110, second child $90 through September
beyond. Contact Rev. Katie Harrington for details at
29. A $10 late fee will apply after September 29.
September 10 is Kick‐off Sunday!
Register and pay at or pick‐up a registration form from the church office or Gathering Place.
If you have any questions contact Tim Little at
Join us for donuts and juice in the Education Hall at 9:45 as we kick‐off a new Christian Education program year!
See you there!
SWS Preschool Director Search
Confirmation Class Begins!
After over 30 years of service, Louise Lippi is
Confirmation Class is designed for our 8th
retiring as the Director of Sardis Weekday School.
grade students who want to explore what
The search committee has begun the process of
it means to be a member of our church.
finding a new director. For more information,
Through retreats, classes, and working
please contact
with adults, each participant will explore his or her faith and join the church.
Sardis Weekday School
The program will begin on Sunday, September 10 and goes through May 20, 2018. We will meet in Room 107‐108
Sardis Weekday School enjoyed a
at 10:00 a.m. each Sunday. There will be a required
successful start to a new school year!
parent meeting during our picnic on September 10 at 12:30
Both students and teachers arrived to school with
p.m. at Ruth and Brett Harrisʹ home. For more
information on the parent meeting, contact Ruth at
We are always interested in giving tours to
prospective and interested families. If you know
Confirmation information has been mailed and emailed to
anyone who is looking for a ‘preschool with heart,’
rising 8th graders. If you were not on our list and your
please don’t hesitate to direct them right over to
youth wants to participate, please contact Georgia
Sardis Weekday School!
Pressly at 704.516.6276 or
The Communicator ~ September 2017 9
The Communicator
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,
10 The Communicator ~ September 2017
Permit #1059