2018-19 Youth Ministry Guide

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2018 - 2019

ministry guide

Sardis Youth Mission

Commi ed to glorifying God, the Youth Ministry of Sardis Presbyterian Church exists to accept, engage, and nurture all youth and their families in order that they become disciples of Christ and serve the Lord.

Core Values

Christ‐like: We strive to model the life and ministry of Jesus Christ through serving and glorifying God. Nurture: We foster Chris an growth by providing care, guidance, and support in a loving manner. Inclusive: We provide a welcoming and loving environment where all are accepted. Engaging: We seek the ac ve par cipa on of everyone with a balance of fellowship, programming, and service. Integrity: We pursue honesty and respect in our interac ons, clarity and openness in all our communica ons, and safety in our programs. Fun: We believe laughter, enjoyment, and camaraderie are essen al elements of spiritual forma on. Rela onal: We purposefully pursue every youth so that they know they are loved by God, invited to be in rela onship with Christ, and connected to the church. Spiritual Development: We are commi ed to the faith forma on of our youth and to support them as they con nue on their spiritual journey.

sardis youth


Table of Contents Regular Programs………………………………………….. 5 Youth Music Programs…………………………………… 6 Confirma on Class…………………………………………. 7 Special Events & Ac vi es……………………………… 9 Middle School Retreats & Mission Trip…………… 12 High School Retreats & Mission Trip………………. 14 Sardis Presbyterian Staff………………………………... 19 Sardis Presbyterian Music Staff……………………... 16 High School Youth Leaders…………………………….. 17 Middle School Youth Leaders…………………………. 21 Stay Connected……………………………………………… 26

Regular Programs


Sunday School Sunday School is offered each Sunday morning from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. and is taught by dedicated adult leaders who want to walk beside youth in their faith journey. We have classes for 6th and 7th grades in the Middle School Room, Confirma on for 8th grade (please see page 7 for more informa on), and classes for grades 9‐12 in the Youth Room. During the classes, we examine how the Bible speaks to us today. For more informa on on Sunday School classes, please contact Adrian MarƟn at adrian.marƟn@sardis.org.

Sunday Night Fellowship Sunday Night Fellowship offers a wonderful opportunity to come and get to know others and be known. Middle School and High School have separate programs, which vary between fun ac vi es, studies and devo ons, guest speakers, and service work. Come out and join the fun on Sunday evenings from 6:00‐7:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Dinner is provided from 6:00‐6:30 and a $5 dona on is requested to help offset the cost of the food. This year’s theme is Following Jesus, and as a part of our regular devo ons, we will examine what Jesus said and how we can live out his words and teachings. Please contact Adrian MarƟn at adrian.marƟn@sardis.org for more informaƟon.

Middle School Sabbath Sabbath is a mid‐week opportunity for middle school youth reflec on and fun. We share food then have a biblically‐based devo on that usually includes music and video. We end with free me for fellowship and play. Bring $3 and join us on Wednesdays, 6:00‐7:00 p.m. in the Middle School Room. Contact Steve Carpenter at stevecarpenter@carolina.rr.com for more informaƟon.

High School Sabbath High School Sabbath is a mid‐week opportunity for high school students to study the Bi‐ ble in more depth. We share food then have a Biblically based devo on. We end with free me for fellowship and play. Bring $3 and join us on Wednesdays, 6:00‐7:00 p.m. in the Youth Room. Contact Wells Tiedeman at jwƟedeman@yahoo.com for more informaƟon.


Youth Music Programs Agape Singers The Agape Singers join together weekly and use their voices to grow musically and spiritually together. We share in musical leadership during worship and have opportuni es to reach out, through song, in the community. Come and explore how we can use our musical gi s as an offering to God. Youth (grades 6 – 12) are welcome to join us on Sunday evenings from 5:15 ‐ 6:00 p.m. a er Jubilate Bells. Contact Kaitlyn Davros at kaitlyn.davros@sardis.org if you have any quesƟons or are interested in parƟcipaƟng.

The Jubilate Ringers The Jubilate Ringers have fun exploring new ways of making music, with handbells, while pre‐ paring pieces for worship. The Jubilate Ringers are open to all 6 – 12th grade students and will meet in the Administra on Building on Sundays from 4:30 ‐ 5:15 p.m. Contact Kaitlyn Davros at kaitlyn.davros@sardis.org if you have any quesƟons or are interested in parƟcipaƟng.

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Confirmation Class Confirma on Class is designed for 8th grade or older students who want to explore what it means to be a member of our church. Through retreats, classes, and working with adults, each par cipant will explore his or her faith and, if willing, join the church. The class runs late August through May and meets Sunday mornings from 10:00‐10:45 in room 106. For more informaƟon, please contact Georgia Pressly at presslyga@aol.com.

Class Opening Retreat Dates: September 14‐16

Confirmation Class

This retreat will help introduce par cipants to the curriculum while leaders and par cipants get a chance to be er know each other. This retreat is located in Montreat, NC and leaves Friday a er school and returns Sunday by noon.

Class Closing Retreat Dates: May 3‐5 This retreat will examine the spiritual journey each par cipant has taken over the past year during the Confirma on Class experience. The retreat will be held at Valle Crucis Conference Center.


Special Events & Activities


Friday Night Frenzy! Aug. 10, Sept. 21, Oct. 12, Nov. 2, Dec. 14, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, March 8, April 5 Join us at the church for a fun night on Fridays! We will open the gym and the Youth Game Room for all youth for a me of fellowship and conversa on. We will be at the church from 8:30 ‐11:00 p.m., so come during or a er the football games! Friends are welcome! For more informa on, please contact Adrian MarƟn at adrian.marƟn@sardis.org.

Parent Seminars Date: Oct. 14, Nov. 11, Feb. 10, April 7 We will host parent workshops, led by experts in their field, to allow parents to meet together and discuss important topics. On October 14, we will have a school counselor and a cer fied therapist lead a discussion on balance in the lives of teenagers, looking at how the amount of work, sports, school, and other demands robs youth precious me to be young. In November, we will look at how technology has changed the way young people think and process informa on, and what as parents we can do about it! The spring topics are to be determined a er evalua ng the needs of parents.

High School Gender Dinners Date: October 12, March 10 Gender dinners are a wonderful way to explore issues facing your gender during our normal HS Sunday Night Fellowship program. Guys and girls will meet separately and have a fun night while learning about gender specific topics.


Bingo at Plantation Estates Dates: November 18 and March 17 High school students will travel to Planta on Estates to play Bingo with the residents. Come out and get to know some of the wonderful people who live a few minutes from our church while engaging in some awesome Bingo games!

Middle School Christmas Party Date: Sunday, December 9 Middle school youth will have a Christmas party in December to celebrate the birth of Christ. We will have fun gi exchanges and enjoy each other’s company.

Youth Sunday Date: Sunday, March 3 Be a part of the annual Youth Sunday worship service as the youth plan and lead the congrega on. All aspects of the service will be led by youth, so come be a part! We will lead both the contemporary and tradi onal worship services.

Graduation Sunday Date: Sunday, June 2 All high school seniors will be honored for their gradua on in the 11:00 a.m. worship service. Before the service, there will be breakfast in the Sardis House as we share stories from the past several years. This is a powerful and moving experience for the seniors as well as their families. 10

Donated baked goods may be dropped off on Saturday, November 17 from 3 PM - 5 P.M. and on Sunday, November 18 at 8 A.M.




Retreats & Mission Trips

Middle School Retreats & Mission Adventure Fall Retreat Dates: October 19 ‐ 21 Middle School students will have the opportunity to spend a weekend at Camp Grier located in Old Fort, NC for a weekend of fun, fellowship, worship, and study. We will examine what it means to be “Following Jesus” as we par cipate in the retreat.

Relationship Retreat Dates: November 16‐17 During this 24‐hour retreat, we will examine what it means to be in rela onship with each other and how we should faithfully live out those rela onships.

Snow Tubing Date: Saturday, February 2 Middle school students will travel to the mountains for a day of snow tubing! This will be a fun and exci ng day of playing in the snow while sliding down the mountain at a high rate of speed.


Beach Retreat Dates: March 22 ‐ 24 Join us as we travel to Kure Beach for a weekend of fun, sun, and sand. We will play, pray, study, and try to unplug from busy lives. This will be a great retreat to unwind and have fun spending me with your Sardis friends!

Mission Trip in Charlotte Dates: June 26 ‐ 28 Spend three days and two nights in Charlo e serving others! We will stay in the Sardis House and serve several local agencies during the day and have fun in the evenings.

Montreat Middle School Conference Dates: July 17 ‐ 21 Come spend a week at Maryville College in TN. Our middle schoolers will be encouraged to grow in their knowledge, understanding, and acceptance of God’s love for them and their uniqueness.


High School Retreats & Mission Trips Beach Retreat Dates: September 28 ‐ 30 All high school students are welcome to join us at the beach for this fun and relaxing retreat. We will eat, play, pray and have fun as we take me out of our busy lives to focus on God. We will examine what it means to be “Following Jesus” as we par cipate in the retreat.

Ski Retreat Dates: January 25 ‐ 26 Join us for a wonderful weekend of snow and worship. We will travel to Winterplace, WV and ski all day Saturday, while having devo ons and retreat themed ac vi es before and a er skiing. Join us for this awesome weekend!

Montreat Youth Conference Dates: July 21 ‐ 27 We will a end the annual Montreat Youth Conference in Montreat, NC again this summer. Last year, over 1,200 youth a ended from all across the country, and we made friendships that we will cherish. Come spend a week in keynote, recrea on events, music, and worship, growing closer to God! 14

Mission Trip to Daytona Dates: June 16 ‐ 24 Join us for a week in Daytona, Florida serving through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance as we help clean up from hurricane damage. We will work Monday through Friday repairing homes and the surrounding area.

How can the youth help with your service project?

We would love to have the Sardis youth help out on a service project that you are passionate about. Please email Adrian at adrian.mar n@sardis.org if you are involved in a project and think the youth could help out. This could be for an event or just for an a ernoon. Parents are also welcome to help plan a service project.


Youth Advisors & Teachers

Sardis Presbyterian Staff Adrian Mar n | Director of Youth Ministries When Adrian was in eighth grade, he played soccer. Now, Adrian enjoys playing video games, doing mar al arts with his sons, and anything Star Wars. His favorite movie is The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars Episode V). His favorite Bible verse is Psalm 46:10, “Be s ll and know that I am God.” Contact Adrian at 704.778.6432; adrian.mar n@sardis.org. Jared Daugherty | Minister of Music When Jared was in middle school and high school he did musicals, was involved with the marching band, was the church orchestra leader, and was the children’s worship pia‐ nist. Now, Jared is s ll highly involved with music and loves to cook. His favorite movie is Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. His favorite Bible verse is Exodus 15:2. You can contact Jared at 703.338.6014 or jared.daugherty@sardis.org. Kaitlyn Davros | Associate Director of Music / Organist Kaitlyn leads the Youth Choir, Youth Bells, and Children’s Choir. In her spare me, she loves running, hiking, and sailing. In high school, Kaitlyn played Varsity Basketball. One of her favorite Bible verses comes from Psalm 63:3‐4. Contact Kaitlyn at 248.821.1238; kaitlyn.darvos@sardis.org.

Steven Pappas | Contemporary Worship Leader When Steven was in middle and high school, he sang in the choir in his spare me. He also played baseball, holding down second base. Steven now enjoys video games, going on adventures with his wife, Ka e, and playing disc golf with friends. His favorite bible verse is Ma hew 10:19‐20. You can contact Steven at steven.pappas@sardis.org. 16

Adult Youth Leaders Karen Bohlen | Chair of the Youth Ministry Commi ee When Karen was in middle and high school, she played clarinet. She also played so ball in 10th ‐ 12th grade. Now, in her free me, Karen likes to a end her children’s spor ng events and traveling as much as possible. Her favorite movie is Finding Nemo (except for the part about the mother…“really Disney!?”) Karen’s favorite Bible verse is Hebrews 11:1. You may contact her at 704.222.6298 or kbohlen@earthlink.net.

High School Youth Leaders David Abercrombie | High School Advisor When David was in middle school and high school, he sang in the choir and played soccer. Now, David enjoys woodworking and watching “proper football.” His favorite movie is Cool Hand Luke. His favorite Bible verse is Ma hew 5:3‐12 (The Bea tudes). You can contact David at 336.354.3098 or dabercrombie2@carolina.rr.com. Liz Alba | High School Sunday School Teacher When Liz was in middle school and high school, she a ended Sunday School and loved covered dish suppers at church. Now, when Liz isn’t fulfilling her secret Candy Crush addic on, she enjoys snow skiing, reading, walking, hiking, and spending me with her family. Her favorite movies are Out of Africa, Starship Troopers, and all of the Harry Po er movies. Her favorite Bible verse is Micah 6:8. You can contact Liz at 704.578.0112 or by emailing lizalba@earthlink.net. Tim Alba | High School Sunday School Teacher When Tim was in middle school and high school, he ran track, played football, and did a 14‐day backpacking trip on the Appalachian Trail. Now, Tim enjoys skiing, golf, and celes al star‐gazing. Tim’s favorite movie is Kelly’s Heroes. His favorite Bible verse is Ecclesiastes 9:10‐11. You can contact Tim at 704.564.0163 or m_alba@earthlink.net.


High School Youth Leaders David Blackley | High School Sunday School Teacher David grew up at Sardis and a ended Ma hews Elementary, McClintock Middle, and East Mecklenburg High School. He went to college at NC Sate. David met is wife, Mary Beth, when they were in the Sardis Youth group. They now have three grown daughters and enjoy opera ng their family business, Renfrow Hardware and Farm. His favorite Bible verse is Proverbs 22:16 KJV. You can contact David by emailing davidblackley@bellsouth.net or calling 704.533.1468. Steve Hoots | High School Sunday School Teacher When Steve was in middle school and high school, he played football, basketball, golf, and ran track. Now, Steve enjoys golf and sleep. His favorite movies are any of the James Bond movies, as “they’re all the same.” His favorite Bible verse is Ma hew 6:33‐34. You can contact Steve at 704.564.3987 or steve.hoots@childressklein.com. Carolyn Humphrey | High School Advisor When Carolyn was in high school, she moved to Charlo e and a end‐ ed East Meck. She found her place by running track and joining Civine es and Student Government. She was also the editor of the yearbook. Now, Carolyn enjoys spending me outdoors hiking, biking, running, and hanging out with three busy kids at spor ng events. Some of her favorite movies are Gone With the Wind and Fried Green Tomatoes. Her favorite Bible verse is I Corinthians 13. You may contact Carolyn at 704.839.1934 or carolyn@powellplanet.com. Meredith Hunter | High School Advisor When Meredith was in middle and high school, she was very compe ve. She played soccer, basketball, tennis, and so ball. Now, she likes to find new adventures like hiking, rock wall climbing, and going to Knights games. Her favorite movie is Shawshank Redemp on. Her favorite Bible verse is I Corinthians 13:4‐18. You may contact Meredith at mahunter@alumni.unc.edu or 704.654.6672. 18 18

High School Youth Leaders Doug Powell | High School Advisor When Doug was in high school, he played the trumpet in the marching band and symphony. He also played tennis. Now, he likes to coach U‐ 10 and U‐16 soccer. He also likes to workout and go to the movies. His favorite movie is Star Wars. His favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. You may contact Doug at 704.839.1933 or doug@leapinsights.net.

Marie Scholz | High School Advisor When Marie was in middle school and high school, she ran cross country and par cipated in her youth group. Now, Marie enjoys running, and she is training for a marathon. Her favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice. Her favorite Bible verse is Micah 6:8. You can contact Marie at 704.942.5569 or by emailing mariecscholz@gmail.com. Bruce Simpson | High School Sunday School Teacher When Bruce was in middle school and high school, he played basketball, was on the student council, was the treasurer of the Na onal Honor Society, ran cross country, played tennis, and worked on the family farm. Now, Bruce enjoys tennis, dog walking, and biking. His favorite movies are the Wizard of Oz and The Sound of Music. His favorite Bible verse is 1 Corinthians 13:4‐8. You can contact Bruce on his cell at 704.661.0590 or by emailing bsimpson@jmdlaw.com. Harry Tatum | High School Advisor When Harry was in middle school and high school his favorite ac vity was his Spanish class. Now, Harry enjoys flying his Cessna 172, especially when his grandchildren are along for the ride. His favorite movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark. His favorite Bible verse is Psalm 19:14. You can contact Harry at 704.807.1908 or h atum@aol.com.


High School Youth Leaders Wells Tiedeman | High School Sabbath and Advisor When Wells was in middle school and high school, he played the trumpet and played soccer and tennis. Now, Wells enjoys playing tennis and golf and studying the Bible. His favorite movie is Shawshank Redemp on. His favorite Bible verses are Isaiah 40:31, Philippians 4:13, and Psalm 23. You can contact Wells at 704.574.0622 or by emailing jw edeman@yahoo.com. Jeff Wilkinson | High School Advisor When Jeff was in 12th grade, he was the star ng forward on his school’s basketball team. Now, Jeff enjoys a ending his family’s school and spor ng events, and par cipa ng in church ac vi es. His favorite movies are A Few Good Men and A Time to Kill. Jeff’s favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 41:10. You may contact Jeff at 704.953.8385 or by emailing jwilkinson@bdo.com.

Middle School Youth Leaders Wendy Beauchemin | Middle School Advisor When Wendy was in middle and high school, she was involved in the Sardis Youth Group, and competed in gymnas cs, swimming, and diving. She was also a lifeguard at the Rama Swim Club. Now, Wendy enjoy spending me with her family, or sleeping! Her favorite movie is The Sound of Music and her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. Contact Wendy at wbbeauch@gmail.com or 704.661.5934. Elizabeth Campbell | Middle School Youth Advisor When Elizabeth was in middle school, she played flute in the band and was ac ve in the Jr. Beta Club and Yearbook Club. She also did a lot with her church youth group. Now she enjoys exercising, ge ng together with friends, being outside in nature, and travel. Her favorite movie is anything with Marvel heroes, and she loves Wonder Woman! Her favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13. You may contact Elizabeth 20 at 704.904.0366 or ecampbell26@carolina.rr.com.

Middle School Youth Leaders Steve Carpenter | Middle School Sabbath Leader Steve was on the basketball team and ac ve in Boy Scouts when he was in 7th grade. In high school, Steve was a lifeguard, taught swimming, and worked at a dog boarding kennel. Now, Steve enjoys swimming, playing pickleball, and hanging out with his family. His favorite movie is Dances with Wolves and his favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:6‐7. Contact Steve at stevecarpenter@carolina.rr.com. Steve Coleman | Middle School Youth Advisor When Steve was in middle and high school he par cipated in Boy Scouts and played church basketball. He earned the rank of Eagle Scout when he was a senior in high school. Now, Steve likes to play pick‐up basketball, travel, watch Ne lix, and a end spor ng events. His favorite movie is Space Jam. His favorite Bible verse is Romans 13:8. You may contact Steve at 704.574.0771 or by emailing colemansr84@gmail.com. Bre Harris | Confirma on Teacher When Bre was in middle school and high school, he played basketball and baseball and was in Key Club and Young Life. Now, Bre enjoys fixing cars, working in the yard, and repurposing things. His favorite movies are the Lord of the Rings trilogy. His favorite Bible verse is Ma hew 7:33. You can contact Bre on his cell phone at 704.839.9543 or by emailing bre harris@bellsouth.net. Ruth Harris | Confirma on Teacher When Ruth was in middle school and high school, she was in the youth choir, par cipated in youth fellowship, played tennis and was involved in Young Life. Now, Ruth enjoys playing tennis, and gardening. Her favorite movie is Grease. Her favorite Bible verse is Psalm 100. Contact Ruth at 704.491.6883 or by emailing ruthharris@bellsouth.net.


Middle School Youth Leaders Brady Koesel | Middle School Advisor When Brady was in middle school, he played football and tennis. He was also into breakdancing...he was poppin’ and lockin’ a er lunch everyday. Now, Brady enjoys any outdoor ac vity, especially golf. His favorite movies are Star Wars, Forest Gump, and Caddyshack. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13. You may contact Brady at 704.962.5098 or bkoesel@gmail.com. Chris Near | Middle School Advisor When Chris was growing up, he played li le league and AAU baseball. When he was in middle school, he ran track, and in high school, he played basketball. Now, Chris enjoys playing guitar, recording music, and being ac ve outdoors. His favorite movie is Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back. His favorite Bible verse is Isaiah 41:10. You may contact Chris at 704.301.1259 or ctnear@gmail.com. Georgia Pressly | Confirma on Teacher Georgia is originally from Buffalo, NY. She went to nursing school in New York, NY, and worked there for three years. She now enjoys mission work (having led mission trips to Kenya), spending me with her grandchildren, reading, and furniture pain ng. Her favorite Bible verses are Luke 10:27 and Micah 6:8. You can contact Georgia at 704.516.6276 or by emailing presslyga@aol.com. Lynn Sloan | Confirma on Teacher When Lynn was in high school, she was in the French Club, Honor Society, and was on the yearbook staff. Now, Lynn enjoys ge ng together with her children who are 21 and 24, a ending a weekly Bible study, and Pilates. Her favorite movie is The Notebook. Lynn’s favorite Bible verse is Philippians 4:13. You may contact Lynn at 704.236.4612 or at sloancrew@carolina.rr.com. 22 22

Middle School Youth Leaders William Sloan | Confirma on Teacher When William was in middle and high school, he played baseball and soccer. Now, William enjoys traveling, reading, and playing golf. His favorite movie is Caddyshack. His favorite Bible verse is Ma hew 22:39, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” You can contact William at 704.957.5593 or by emailing william.sloan2@aglife.com.

Molly Tucker | Middle School Advisor When Molly was in middle school, she started playing lacrosse. Now, Molly can be found tossing a lacrosse ball with her kids or enjoying a variety of water sports at the beach or on the lake. Her favorite movie is The Sound of Music. Her favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:31. You may contact Molly at 704.340.2486 or at linnmol@yahoo.com.

Robert Vanderford | Middle School Advisor When Robert was in middle school and high school, he went on camping and hiking retreats. Now, Robert enjoys cooking, woodworking, running, and English and German grammar. His favorite movie is Jaws. His favorite Bible verse is Ma hew 25:31‐46. You can contact Robert at 704.301.5748 or rvanderford@gmail.com.

Mark Vanderwel | Middle School Advisor When Mark was in middle school, he played tennis and spent a lot of me playing strat‐o‐ma c baseball, where he has a treasure trove of sta s cs. Now, he enjoys running and adding up sta s cs, but in basketball and soccer. Mark’s favorite movie is Raiders of the Lost Ark. His favorite Bible verse is Philippians 3:14. You may contact him at 704.340.1605 or markvanderwel@yahoo.com.


Middle School Youth Leaders John Waller | Middle School Advisor When John was in middle and high school, he loved playing sports. He wrestled, played soccer, tennis, and ran cross country. Now, he enjoys hanging out with his family, running, and playing and watching sports. His favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemp on. John’s favorite Bible verse is Luke 6:31. You may contact John at 704.607.2675 or by emailing wallersports@bellsouth.net. Melinda Wilkinson | Middle School Advisor When Melinda was in middle school and high school, she was in the marching band and played piano. She also loved to roller skate on Friday nights. She was also in youth group at Richlands Presbyterian Church. Now, Melinda enjoys being a mom taxi, riding her bike, and playing cards. Her favorite movies are Grease, Top Gun, and Annie. You can contact Melinda at 704.953.7697 or by email at wilkinson00@windstream.net. Doyle Williams | Middle School Sunday School Teacher When Doyle was in middle and high school, he played baseball and football. Now, he enjoys traveling with his wife, Linda, and spending me with their three grandchildren. His favorite movie is Saving Private Ryan, and his favorite Bible verse is Psalm 54:2. You may contact Doyle by emailing cshsc@carolina.rr.com. Linda Williams | Middle School Sunday School Teacher When Linda was in middle and high school, she was involved in the chorus, Junior Play, Senior Play, and she was a varsity cheerleader. Now, she enjoys spending me with her husband, Doyle, and their three grandchildren. Her favorite movies are any with Elvis, and her favorite Bible verse is John 3:16. Contact Linda by emailing cshsc@carolina.rr.com. 24 24


| 9:00 a.m. | 10:00 a.m. | 11:00 a.m. | 4:30 p.m. | 5:15 p.m. | 6:00 p.m.


Middle School Sabbath High School Sabbath

| 6:00 p.m. | 6:00 p.m.


Contemporary Worship Sunday School Tradi onal Worship Jubilate Ringers Agape Singers Sunday Night Fellowship

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Sardis Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry 6100 Sardis Road Charlo e, NC 28270 704.366.1854 | www.sardis.org 26

SARDIS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Youth Ministry www.sardis.org/ministries/youth 6100 Sardis Road, Charlo e, NC 28270 704.366.1854


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