The Communicator ~ March 2018
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Daugherty Meets Miškinis in Lithuania
Our Minister of Music, Dr. Jared Daugherty, had the opportunity to travel to Vilnius, Lithuania February 13‐17, where he had the honor of conducting an in‐person interview with composer, Vytautas Miškinis.
Jared also participated in the concerts and events programed by the government of Lithuania for their celebration of 100 years of independence. Jared is excited to bring back a better understanding of the composer and his idea for his performance, the culture and history of the Lithuanian people, as well as their feelings about their state. This understanding will help enhance a future performance at Sardis.
Our Sanctuary Choir, along with jazz musicians from the University of Georgia, will present Light Mass by Vytautas Miškinis on Saturday, May 5 at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. Mark your calendars for this exciting performance!
Sardis “By the Numbers”
In 2018, the Finance Ministry will update the congregation on our financial progress and plans. Following our update on pledges in the February edition, we wanted to continue the discussion with an article on debt.
Sardis, just like your household, has debt. Over the years we have used loans to help fund such wonderful projects as the Sardis Mission House, building expansions like the new porte‐cochere and make upgrades in infrastructure like the HVAC system. Each of these projects was mostly funded by designated donations but all also required loans to make up the difference.
The project loans, along with a previous loan from an assortment of smaller projects, meant Sardis owed $970,465 as we approached the end of 2017. As interest rates were at historic lows, a decision was made to consolidate all loans into one loan at a 3.875% interest rate. This consolidation was completed in November of 2017, and we are now making monthly payments that cover both principal and interest.
One measure of a healthy church is the loan payments as a percentage of the budget. A healthy church will have no more than 10‐15% of its budget going to debt service. Our percentage is far below that. But while the money we spend is not a large percentage, imagine a time when these loans are paid off, and we can roll those dollars into Missions and Ministry. Now that can make a difference!
2 The Communicator ~ March 2018
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. Honor or Remember Someone with Sanctuary Flowers
The two arrangements of flowers that grace our Sanctuary for worship are provided by Roseland Floral Company at a cost of $150 to the donor. The flowers you donate may be designated in honor or memory of loved ones or to mark a special occasion. These 2018 dates are available: 5/6, 6/17, 6/24, 7/1, 7/8, 7/22, 7/29, 9/2, 9/9, and 9/30. If you would like to place flowers in our Sanctuary, please contact Sheila Duyck at 704.364.4637 or
Women’s Retreat a Success!
HELLO I’m A New Member
In February, approximately 50 women escaped the
Interested in becoming a member at Sardis?
daily grind to retreat at Dogwood on Lake Norman! By
Come chat with Rev. Dr. Joe B. on
examining the life of Sarah, Allison Rosser Barnhill taught
Sunday, March 4 at 10:00 a.m. in the Dining Room.
us that our fear can be transformed by our faith. Our own
Find out more about Sardis, the Presbyterian
Jacob Hare led us in meaningful worship and praise to
Church (USA), and becoming a member of Sardis.
God. We shared a fun, reflective weekend of Bible study,
fun and fellowship, and invite you to join us next year as we strive to grow in our faith journeys together as sisters
SWS Steering Committee
in Christ.
Sardis Weekday School Steering Committee is accepting nominations for the class of 2021. The Sardis Weekday School Steering Committee is the governing body of the Weekday School and is answerable to the Session. The Steering Committee seeks nominations from the congregation for
Sardis Seminary Service
members with expertise in any of the following
The Charlotte location of Union Theological Seminary is a
areas: Education, Marketing, Finance, Operations,
commuter campus with classes on Saturday from
Human Resources, or Legal. The term begins
September through June each school year. Many students
August 1, 2018 and ends July 31, 2021. If you have
come from a distance and prefer to arrive on Friday night
questions, are interested, or know someone who
before Saturday classes and occasionally have to be here
would be a candidate for serving in this capacity,
on Friday for classes that day as well. In response, the
please contact Lissa Archer (
seminary has created a Friday Friends program for
or Anne Shoaf ( Please
Charlotte church members who can open their home to
submit all nominations by March 31, 2018.
host a student on Friday nights. This program is totally voluntary and flexible. Your Mission Interpretation Ministry endorses this opportunity for any Sardis member who might wish to host a student. Details can be obtained from Sue Griner at the seminary,
The Communicator ~ March 2018 3
Church Life Sharing the Love
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Dr. Joe B. Martin
The 2018 stewardship theme (back in the fall of 2017) was Sharing the Love. Now that we are in 2018, it is time for us to show that we are doing what we said we would do to the glory of God.
One of the many beautiful things I have experienced about Sardis since arriving is how you live that theme out. The work at Rama Road Elementary was one of the things that made Sardis an attractive call for me. I was stunned once I got here as I learned about how many different ways you work to make an impact at that one school. Through tutoring, school supplies, teacher appreciation, lunch buddies, meals on special event nights, books, Christmas presents, and a commitment to provide $15,000 to the school, Sardis is Sharing the Love and turning it into hope for children in our community and their families.
Jodi and I got to pass out fruit in the cafeteria line on Science and Math night. The student and family turnout was impressive, as were the science projects. According to the principal, events like that, school pride, and test scores are all on the rise at Rama Road and the work Sardis does is a huge and appreciated part of that.
Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church with your money, with your time, and with your love.
It is time to order Easter Lilies! Order yours at or pick up an order form in the Gathering Place, Narthex, or church office.
Lilies are $11.75 each. Orders are due by March 23. Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
January Financial Highlights
January expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $1,983,000
Our Church Family Congratulations: to Nancy and Tom Bowling upon the birth of their grandson, Austin James Bowman.
Our Christian Sympathy: to the family of Charles MacCallum; to Steve Harmon upon the death of his mother, Hazel Harmon; to Rhonda York upon the death of her mother, Ovid Smith; and to Bill Hester upon the death of his sister, Mary Etta Benefield. 4 The Communicator ~ March 2018
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
A Book of My Own
Sardis Presbyterian: Sending books home with every child at Rama Road Elementary.
Lay Ministry Crisis Assistance Clothing Drive
March 11 ‐ 25 Start cleaning out your closets for gently used, clean clothing and shoes to donate to benefit the clients of Crisis Assistance!
Drop‐off donations in the bins by the Library.
March 11 - April 8 Donations of $5 provide books for one child. Donations of $100 provide books for an entire class. Donate at or pick up a donation form in the Narthex or Gathering Place.
Clothing should be removed from hangers, folded, and bagged securely.
Bags should fit into bins located in the hallway of the Education Building.
More information at
Thank You Sardis!
The giving spirit of our Church was shining brightly as we celebrated Advent in 2017.
Our Alternative Gift Market raised $10,254.42 for selected international and local charities.
The Christmas Eve offering yielded $2,613.80 for Crisis Assistance and $4,349.58 for the Urban Ministry Center.
Our Angel Tree was bare as you helped make Christmas special for 79 families serving 164 children.
The Mission Interpretation Ministry continues to be amazed at the generosity of the Sardis family throughout the year. Whether weʹre extending hospitality through Room in the Inn, providing educational assistance through tutoring and purchasing books, fighting hunger by participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring and One Day of Sharing, funding and building habitat homes, working in the soup kitchen, or assembling community baskets, Sardis shows that we care in a very real and practical way. Thank you for opening your hearts and giving of your time and money to be the ʺhands and feetʺ of Christ in this community. More information at!
The Communicator ~ March 2018 5
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12. Youth Ministry Pancake Breakfast
Youth ministry
Thank you to everyone who came out and participated in the Youth Ministry Pancake Breakfast on Sunday, February 11! Everyone who attended had a wonderful time and enjoyed plenty of pancakes, bacon, and fellowship with one another! It was also great to have our basketball families, their youth, and other guests join us. A special thank you to Stacks Kitchen for providing the bacon and Sports and Rec for the coffee and for all the youth, adult volunteers, and youth leaders who participated. Through the generosity of the congregation and others, we were able to raise $1,500 for the St. Louis Mission Trip, Montreat Youth Conference, and The Great Escape. Thank you, Sardis, for your generous hearts.
Youth Sunday
Summer Trips
Youth Sunday is Sunday, March 4 and the youth will
It is time to register for the summer trips to the Middle
plan and lead both worship services. Andrew Carroll,
School Great Escape, High School St. Louis Mission
Caroline Lueck, and Chase Riddell will speak at the 9:00
Trip, and High School Montreat Youth Conference. To
contemporary worship service and Caroline Alba,
register, please visit
Gracie Bartel, and Camden Nelson will speak at the
and use the online registration tools. You may also
11:00 traditional worship service. The theme for this
grab a summer trips brochure from the Youth Room
year’s service is “Following Jesus”, and we will exam‐
and register that way.
ine how our lives should truly change if we follow Je‐
sus’ words, as found in the Gospels. Join us for worship on Sunday, March 4!
You will not want to miss out on these exciting and life‐changing opportunities for spiritual growth during the summer!
Middle School Beach Retreat
The Middle School Youth have their annual Beach Retreat on April 13‐15. All middle school students (grades 6‐8) are encouraged to join us for the wonderful weekend of fun, sun, sand, and devotions! To register, please visit and use the online registration tools. You may also grab a registration sheet from the Youth Room and register that way.
Sunday Night Fellowship Our regular Sunday Night Fellowship program (Sundays from 6:00‐7:30 p.m.) continues strong. Join us this month as we engage in service, devotions, fellowship, and fun! For more information, please contact Adrian Martin in the church office. 6 The Communicator ~ March 2018
“Let the little children come unto me.”
We have exciting news to share. Our extensive search for the next director of our special school has concluded with wonderful results. Elizabeth Angerson has accepted the position and will be starting, alongside Ms. Lippi, on March 5. Elizabeth has most recently served as the director of a very successful weekday school in the area and has more than 25 years of early childhood and elementary education experience. Her talent is matched with a passion for little ones and warm spirit. Elizabeth is over‐the‐moon excited to join our school and the Sardis community. Ms. Angerson and Ms. Lippi will spend a couple of weeks transitioning, and then Ms. Lippi will shift her focus to graduation and end of year festivities. We are beyond grateful for all Ms. Lippi has done, and we look forward to celebrating the person she is and her incredible contributions in the coming months.
Sardis Weekday School Updates Preschool Summer Camps!
Available for children ages 2‐5 · 9 a.m.‐1 p.m. · Monday‐Friday
Sardis Weekday School, the Preschool with Heart, is excited to offer six separate fun‐filled weeks of camp, five days a week. We are thrilled to offer a safe, fun, joy‐filled place for your children to play with their friends this summer! You may register for all six camps or just the ones that fit your summer schedule.
Camp Dates (weekly themes to be announced soon):
June 18 – 22 · June 25 – 29 · July 16 – 20 · July 23 – 27 · July 30 – August 3 · August 6 – 10
Registration is NOW OPEN. Cost: $140/week for the first child and $120/week for each additional child. Space is limited, so register now! We are looking forward to a
Don’t forget to sign up for Soccer Shots which will
performance by the Tarradiddle
begin a six‐week session at Sardis on Thursday,
Players on Monday, March
April 12 at 1 p.m.
12. They will be performing
You may register
Fellowship Hall at 9:30 a.m. All
charlotte or call
are welcome!
The Communicator ~ March 2018 7
The Communicator
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,
8 The Communicator ~ March 2018
Permit #1059