The Communicator ~ November 2019
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Poinsettia Sale Through November 3
Christmas Tree Sale Through November 24
Angel Tree November 10—December 8
Alternative Gift Market December 1 ‐ 22 and Wednesday, December 11 during the Christmas Dinner
2 The Communicator ~ November 2019
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do. 19 Friendship Connection November Join our fellowship group for retirees at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, November 19 in the Sardis House.
Save the date for our Women’s Retreat!
Our program will be led by Sardis’ new Director of Children’s
February 21 ‐ 23, 2020
Ministry, Sarah Dianne Jones. Beyond working with children and
at William Black Lodge, Montreat, NC
youth, Sarah Dianne is involved nationally with the Presbyterian Church (USA) through NEXT Church and her
Leading our retreat
program will introduce us to that work.
will be Rev. Jan
Edmiston, General
Lunch will follow at 12:00 p.m. and
Presbyter of the
reservations are needed by noon on November
Presbytery of Charlotte.
15. Register online at or call 704.926.1590.
Exploring Faith. Changing Lives.
Kim Weber
We have a long history of generous giving at Sardis and this Stewardship season we want to begin by expressing gratitude! It was your 2018 pledges that allowed us to plan for and hire our new Director of Children’s Ministry, Sarah Dianne Jones. It is evident the children of Sardis are praising, learning, and loving so that one day they may serve neighbors with the gifts with which they have been blessed.
There are other ways that your giving has made a positive impact in our community and in our world. The Stephen Ministry program and our partnership with Families Forward Charlotte began this year. Both show signs of making dramatic contributions to those individuals and families in need of help during difficult times. Our involvement with these programs will have a lasting effect within our community and our world! However, did you know there were not enough pledges to count on to initiate these valuable ministries? As a result, we had to find additional funds outside of the budget to support both.
The budgeting process requires that we forecast the monies we need to support Sardis’ mission. Just like our household budgets, we must plan our expenses which include salaries, facility maintenance and repair, and operating expenses. These are fixed costs that must be covered to keep our doors open.
The programing which is so important for the vitality of Sardis must also be budgeted. Consequently, program budgets must be reduced or eliminated if the pledges are not sufficient to cover them. In recent years, much of our giving has been the result of specific appeals for funds rather than a pledge to the budget of Sardis. Some of these appeals were for initiatives that were originally in the proposed budget, but had to be cut because the pledges were insufficient to cover them. Your pledge will allow us to carefully and prayerfully make plans to fulfill the purpose God has for us.
Please consider an increase in your pledge for 2020. Investing in God’s work of equipping disciples of Jesus Christ at Sardis Presbyterian Church will have a huge impact on each one of us and upon the world. Together we will be EXPLORING FAITH. CHANGING LIVES.
The Communicator ~ November 2019 3
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
2020 Spring
Welcome, New Sardis Members!
Mission Trip
Sardis will be traveling to Panama City, FL with The Fuller Center Disaster ReBuilders on April 26 ‐ May 1, 2020. We will rebuild homes Steve Browning
following the 2018, Hurricane Shannon & Dave Klug, Holly, Johnathan, & Natalie Michael.
Penny & Bill Harpootlian
The cost to register is $175 (covers housing and meals). Register online at The team name is Sardis Presbyterian, and team leader is Brenda McKay.
Please contact Brenda McKay at Sarah Beth & David Luzum, and Thomas if you
Kitti & Ed Truter
have any questions.
Honor or Remember Someone With Sanctuary Flowers The two arrangements of flowers that grace our Sanctuary for worship are provided by Roseland Floral Company at a cost of $150 to the donor. The flowers may be designated in honor or memory of loved ones or to mark a special occasion. If you would like to place flowers in our Sanctuary in the upcoming new year, please contact Sheila Duyck at 704.364.4637 or
Sardis Presbyterian Church campus will be closed Thursday and Friday, November 28 and 29, for the Thanksgiving holiday.
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab.
September Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church
September expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gi s, and other revenue
Net Total
Annual Budget: $2,004,300 4 The Communicator ~ November 2019
Missions Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Sardis Members Warming Souls Sardis Soup for the Soul is looking for volunteers of all ages to help prepare the soup and volunteers to help deliver the soup to Sardis families in need.
Want to be involved? Contact Penny Frazier at or 704.847.5022.
available at
Christmas Alternative Gift Market Opens December 1 The 2019 Christmas Alternative Gift Market will be open each Sunday morning in the Christmas Market located in the Children’s Library through December 22. This year the Market will feature nine ministries. Plan to do your Christmas shopping at the Market by making a donation to one or more of the ministries in honor or in memory of a friend or family member. More information will be available at
The Communicator ~ November 2019 5
Youth ministry
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
College Age Montreat Conference 2020 College Conference at Montreat “Remembering Sabbath” January 2 – January 5, 2020
College Age Fellowship‐ Save the Date!
Please mark your calendars for the College Age Christmas Holiday Gathering at the home of Chris
Join us and other college‐age adults and explore the ways
and Julie Lueck, Tuesday, December 17 at 6:30
Sabbath influences our faith, impacts our personal
p.m. All Sardis college‐aged adults and friends are
wellbeing, and promotes justice and care for our neighbors
invited! Reconnect with all of your Sardis friends
and surrounding creation.
at this fun event. Dinner provided. RSVP Julie
Lueck (
If interested, and to help us plan, please contact Adrian Martin at or 704.366.1854. All are welcome and scholarships are available.
Fall Retreats Both the high school and middle school had their annual fall retreats this semester. Both groups examined the new statement of purpose (“Exploring faith. Changing lives.”) and the six core discipleship actions (praise, love, learn, serve, share, witness) and how those are lived out by young people.
The high school students went to Myrtle Beach on September 27‐29. They spent time on the beach, in prayer, in fellowship, and enjoying a great weekend away from the stresses of their lives.
The middle school students traveled to Camp Holston in Banner Elk on October 18‐20. In addition to devotions, worship, play, and eating, they also climbed a 75’ high cliff and repelled back down. This activity (by choice) was to push our physical and mental limits.
Both groups had a great time and enjoyed spending time with friends and caring adult leaders!
Middle School Relationship Retreat The Middle School Youth Ministry will have its third annual Relationship Retreat on November 15‐16 in the Sardis House. During this retreat, we will join with Trinity Presbyterian Church and examine the relationships we have in our lives, in particular relationships with significant others. We will explore how sexuality has crashed through advertising (the adage “Sex sells” is very true in our moderns ads) while also examining God’s will for our lives.
The cost of the retreat is only $25. You may register on Friends are welcome. Please contact Adrian Martin at if you have any questions about this retreat. 6 The Communicator ~ November 2019
“Let the little children come unto me.” Preschool and Elementary
Worship Exploration
Join us for two new Worship Exploration Events this November!
Preschool families are invited to gather in Room 10 on November 23 from 10:30‐12 p.m. to explore how to observe the season at home in age appropriate ways!
On November 24, all elementary schoolers are invited to join the Advent preparation fun from 4:30‐6 p.m.! Parents, be on the lookout for ways that you can help.
Kids, to get in the spirit, cut out this advent wreath and color it!
Questions? Contact Sarah Dianne Jones at 704.366.1854.
Sardis Weekday School Updates
The Sardis Weekday School had some very special guests during Community Helpers‐themed week. Thank you to our Charlotte‐Mecklenburg Police Department for teaching us about personal and home safety. Thanks to Char‐ lotte Fire Department #19 for teaching us about fire prevention and home safety guidelines. And thanks to Sardis member Ruth Harris from Renfrow Hardware for helping us build our school community garden, with a little help from 4s assistant teacher, Cindy McLeod. We are very blessed to have so much community help to educate our students with hands on experiences.
The Communicator ~ November 2019 7
The Communicator
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church
Charlotte, NC
6100 Sardis Road Charlotte,
8 The Communicator ~ November 2019
Permit #1059