The Communicator | Decemer 2020

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December 2020

A monthly publication of Sardis Presbyterian Church · Charlotte, North Carolina

at Sardis Presbyterian Church

Family Worship on the South Lawn 3:00 p.m. Worship in the Sanctuary 5:00 p.m. · 8:00 p.m. · 11:00 p.m. Worship on Facebook & YouTube Premiering at 1:00 p.m. Available any time after Register your family for in‐person worship services. Face coverings required. Christmas Eve worship services are subject to change if conditions require it.

Exploring Faith. Changing Lives. ● Praise ● Learn ● Love ● Serve ● Share ● Witness The Communicator ~ December 2020

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Gather for fellowship, candy canes, and Christmas music.

Let Every Heart Prepare Him Room ‐Dave Templeman

Make Joyful Music This Christmas

On Stewardship Sunday, Joe B preached the parable of the ten bridesmaids. One lesson from the parable is that we are all invited, but one person cannot prepare

This Advent/Christmas season there are numerous

another’s hearts. Advent is a time for reflection and

ways to be involved in the music program at Sardis. We

preparation. Christmas (and ultimately, Easter) brings

are searching for all ages of voices to bring joy to our

the promise of salvation to everyone. But we each

services! Here are ways you can participate:

must change our own heart to be ready to welcome

 Sing a verse of a hymn for worship

 Record yourself singing “Silent Night” while holding a candle so we can virtually fill our Sanctuary with your light and voices

 Add your voice to wonderful choir anthems

 Join the Sanctuary Choir virtually

the Kingdom of Heaven.

As we prepare for the joy of Christmas, we are still in stewardship season. Thank you for your continued generous support, and thanks for submitting your 2021 pledge so Sardis can plan for next year. If you are still contemplating your pledge, it is not too late to send it in.

The Incarnation of Jesus changed everything and allows each of us to have a personal relationship with Him. We are a community of individuals ‐ unified and unique. Each person must decide how to show their thanks and turn their gifts into actions. As disciples of

If you are interested or know of someone looking for a musical outlet and community, please contact Kaitlyn Davros at

Christ, share what we know and what we have through what we do.

2 The Communicator ~ December 2020

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life

12:25 until 12/25 Daily Advent Zoom Devotion

You are invited to join the Sardis staff for a time of daily devotion. We will be using the new devotional, A Weary World, by Kathy Escobar.

Beginning November 29 through December 25. Join us on Zoom daily at 12:25 p.m. Zoom link, ID, and passcode will be found in your weekly emails. If you’d like a copy of the devotional book, you may purchase it on Amazon or Cokesbury.

RSVP at or on the ChurchLife App Questions? Contact

The Communicator ~ December 2020 3

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Holiday Closures

The Sardis virtual office will be closed on December 24 at noon and all day Friday, December 25 and Monday, December 28. If you have a pastoral emergency (like a death or hospitalization) during this time, please call 704.366.1854 ext 206 and leave a voice message for the pastor on call. A pastor will return your call as soon as possible. Have a blessed Christmas!

Talk to Your Tax Professional Now About Giving Strategies

The last several years have brought changes to the way your generous giving affects your tax return. You may want to consider talking to your tax professional about the following giving strategies.

Prepay your 2021 Pledge: If you paid your 2020 pledge this calendar year, you might want to consider prepaying your 2021 pledge. “Stacking” your charitable giving may help you get over the new standard deduction thresholds.

Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCDs): If you are 70½ or older, you can make a direct transfer from your IRA to Sardis. Giving a QCD also goes toward satisfying your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD). The non‐deductible gift provides a benefit in that your adjusted gross income (AGI) would be lowered.

Above the line deduction: The CARES Act permits eligible individuals who do not itemize deductions to deduct $300 of qualified charitable contributions as an ʺabove‐the‐lineʺ deduction, i.e., as an adjustment in determining adjusted gross income (AGI), for tax years beginning in 2020.

October Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.


October expected

This year so far

This year so far expected

Pledges, gi s, and other revenue










Net Total





Annual Budget: $2,026,250

Our Church Family Our Sympathy: to the family of Bob Williams; to the family of Charlotte Bedell and to Clyde Preslar on the death of his sister, Lucy Krites. A pet would not normally be included here, but we grieve the loss of Sarah Dianne Jones’s cat, Cleo, age 16. In Zooms and Equipping Young Disciples, Cleo brought joy to a lot of us during this pandemic and became Sardis Presbyterian’s virtual mascot. 4 The Communicator ~ December 2020

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life

What Has the APNC (Associate Pastor Nominating Committee) Been Up To?

 Began weekly meetings mid‐October  Chose team member roles: Gloria Hall, Chair; Andy Lankford, Vice‐Chair; Kim Weber, Secretary; Aric Beals,

Treasurer; Clay Sellers, Tech Support  Trained on the process by the Presbytery representative, our very own Georgia Pressly  Was assigned a Presbytery Liaison (Vicki Smith) to assist us through the process of hiring a new associate

pastor  Invited Canon Moore, Worship Ministry, to share what they have learned and their vision for this role  Invited Stacey Champion, Missions Ministry, to share mission thoughts from the committee with our team  Invited Rev. Katie Harrington to share her thoughts on the important traits of someone to coordinate and

encourage small group involvement

What’s next?

 Committee members are visiting other contemporary services to learn what other churches are doing in this area  Beginning to complete the Ministry Information Form (MIF) which is the job posting for the Presbytery  Will be choosing important competencies which is a part of the MIF

How can you help?

If you have thoughts or ideas about this position, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. If you know of possible candidates for this position, please reach out to our committee to let us know.

This committee is honored to have the congregation’s support and has come together with great enthusiasm to fill this position. Our personal strengths and talents are shining through during this process. We will continue to share our progress as major milestones are met. We feel this is a big responsibility in the future life of Sardis. Please pray for us and for the talented candidate God is preparing to join the Sardis team. Again if you have any thoughts or ideas to share, the committee can be reached at: Thanks so much for your support during this journey. On behalf of the APNC, submitted by Sallie Crossley.

Staff Appreciation Lunch

The Personnel Ministry sponsored a staff get‐together. It was a very much needed and appreciated time together.

The Communicator ~ December 2020 5

Church Life

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Sardis Staff Spotlight—Joe B. Martin!

I’m Joe B. Martin. I will have been the Pastor/Head of Staff here for three years in January. Jodi and I have been married for 27 years. She is also an ordained Presbyterian Minister and works at Trinity Presbyterian. It is kind of weird working at different churches for the first time, but it is nice when going home after a long day doesn’t feel like walking into another staff meeting! Our son, Joseph, graduated from Davidson College and has just completed his master’s at Virginia Tech. It had something to do with making robots walk better. That’s about as much as I understand. Our other son, Ben, is finishing up at Appalachian State this semester and hopes to go to graduate school in athletic training. This is going to be very helpful when he can help his dad with aging knees walk better. I hope I can outperform the robot. Seems more doubtful every day.

My main responsibilities are preaching, teaching, pastoral care, and strategic planning with our great staff and officers as we try to discern the vision God has for us and design a path to get there together. When I am not at work, I love playing, coaching, and watching basketball, so I’m pretty excited to be at a church with been plenty of opportunities to do that without leaving work! I do hope we get back to that and everything else soon.

My family moved to Charlotte just before I started 1st grade, and then after high school, I was exiled to various other southeastern cities until finding my way back. Those cities have nice Presbyterian churches, too, but it is so good to be home in Charlotte and to find a new church home at Sardis. I love the memory of history this congregation has with an eye to the future, feet that want to walk there, and hands ready to help someone else along the way. One thing that attracted me to Sardis was the work we do in Haiti. This picture from my Sardis trip there is with Rev. Jean‐Jonel Fleurisma, who has become a good friend and a regular virtual worshiper with us. I hope conditions in the world allow us to return there soon, but it looks like we will have to wait.

A big part of our faith is waiting. We are learning more about that these pandemic days than we wish, but as we enter Advent, we are reminded of those who waited for the Messiah so desperately and for so long. Now we wait for him to come again and set all things right in a world that still has a desperate need for hope. I am glad to be among Christ’s disciples at Sardis as we wait and hope together.

Like to Be a Sardis Wedding Director?

Our church has an opening for the volunteer position of wedding director, which also comes with a modest stipend per wedding. The person in this role is the church’s primary contact for couples who reserve a wedding and other related events at Sardis facilities. This includes the initial consultation explaining church guidelines and facilities, availability to answer questions at the rehearsal, and supervision of church support on the day of the wedding. The time commitment per wedding could range from 8 to 12 hours. (Note: This person is not a wedding planner but will be the church’s point of contact with a planner.) Sardis maintains a minimum of two people as wedding directors to allow each flexibility in scheduling. Interested? Please contact Rick Thames, chair of Worship Ministry, at 6 The Communicator ~ December 2020

Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.

Church Life

Are You Receiving Our Weekly Emails?

The Sardis Weekly is sent Wednesday mornings and is packed with important information and updates on how we continue to praise, learn, love, serve, share, and witness!

The Sunday Bulletin is sent Sunday mornings with links to download the bulletin, join an online worship service, and online giving. It also contains important church announcements.

If you are not receiving The Sardis Weekly or The Sunday Bulletin, please email to get signed up!


ONLINE WORSHIP Join our Facebook Group and chat with members of your Sardis family. A place where you can share prayer requests and stories of how God is working in your life: sardisprescommunity

Sundays at 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Invite a friend to join you for church online!

The Communicator ~ December 2020 7

8 The Communicator ~ December 2020

Missions Ministry

The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.

The 2020 Alternative Gift Market (AGM) at Sardis opened on Sunday, November 29, and will remain open through Sunday, December 20! Seven ministries are featured in this year’s AGM! Due to COVID‐19 restrictions, you are invited to visit the AGM online at any time at, where you will have a unique opportunity to do all of your Christmas shopping in one place! (AGM booklets and order forms will be available in the Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall each Sunday through December 20.)

Through this year’s AGM, you are invited to make a donation to any of seven ministries, as listed below. For each donation, you may receive an attractive card, which you may send to family or friends announcing your gift. Please note that if you would like acknowledgment cards, your order must be placed by December 15. Your acknowledgment cards will be placed in the mail to you by December 16.

The ministries included in this year’s AGM are:  Friends Empowering Haiti: Bayonnais School Fund  Friends Empowering Haiti: Bayonnais Medical Fund  Friends Empowering Haiti: Bayonnais Hunger Fund  Care Ring (New AGM ministry this year)  Families Forward Charlotte  Loaves and Fishes  Rama Road Elementary Backpack Program

MSG and Sardis Youth Build Desks for Title I School Children

The Gilbert Mustard Seed Group and Sardis Youth have

assembled over 50 desks to provide to children at Title I

Support Sardis by starting your shopping for gifts or

Charlotte‐Mecklenburg Schools whose parents have

everyday household items at

chosen the remote learning option for the rest of the

 Amazon will donate 0.5% of eligible purchases to

school year. The recipients of these desks were selected by

Sardis Presbyterian Church whenever you shop

CMS social workers based on need. During a time where

on AmazonSmile.

everything seems virtual Pressly Gilbert says, “Our MSG had a blast being able to meet safely outside and enjoy such a cool, hands‐on project.”

 AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Use

your existing Amazon account.  When you enter Sardis Presbyterian Church on

your first visit to, don’t let the incorporation year puzzle you! While Sardis was founded in 1790, we were incorporated in 1984, so you’ll see that date associated with AmazonSmile.

The Communicator ~ December 2020 9

Youth ministry

“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.

Youth Advent Worship Service

All youth are invited to join us on Sunday, December 6, from 5:00‐6:00 p.m. on the South Lawn as we celebrate the season of Advent with a worship service designed for youth. During this service, we will examine the anxiety and stress we have this year and offer that up to God. Come join us as we worship God, who gives us grace to be stressed and anxious even when the Christ is about to be born into the world!

For more information, please contact either Adrian Martin or Kaitlyn Davros.

Youth Ministry Adult Volunteers

2020 has been a tough year for everyone. Our Youth Ministry adult volunteers, who work weekly with our Sunday School, Sunday Night Fellowship, Youth Music, Confirmation, and Sabbath programs have been an integral part of how we have been able to continue to ministry to and with young people. Thank you to each and every one of you for the time, energy, dedication, creativity, and willingness to continue to love and walk side by side with our awesome youth.

These volunteers are David Abercrombie, Liz and Tim Alba, David Blackley, Steve Carpenter, Steve Coleman, Kristi Gallimore, Ruth and Brett Harris, Matt Hoots, Steve Hoots, Meredith Hunter, Sara Martin, Chris Near, Derek Ondrof, Georgia Pressly, Marie Schulz, Bruce Simpson, Lynn Sloan, Robert Vanderford, John Waller, Melinda and Jeff Wilkinson, and Linda and Doyle Williams. Thank you so much for all you have done this year to support our young people!

10 The Communicator ~ December 2020

“Let the little children come unto me.” Children’s Ministry in December

This December, weʹre focusing on Advent in Sunday School, Preschool Story Time, Elementary Story Exploration, and Equipping Young Disciples! Join us for any of those events via Zoom or online worship! You can find all necessary links in the Childrenʹs Ministry Facebook Group or in Sarah Dianneʹs weekly emails!

Stay tuned for information about our family Christmas Eve service!

Sardis Weekday School Update

The Sardis Weekday School is happy to announce that coming this January 2021, we are going to be offering a Young Twos class on Tuesday and Thursday with Ms. Teresa. This is a class for students who have turned two this past Sept.‐Dec. 2020 and missed the cut off date (August 31) for the traditional Twos class. Ms. Teresa already teaches our MWF traditional Twos and is full of love and energy for this next class offering.

We are also excited to announce that we are going to open our Toddler class in January 2021 as well. We held off offering this class for the fall semester and feel ready to begin this class on January 4. This class is for children who have turned one year old by August 31, 2020. We have limited space in our MF, MWF, and T/TH offerings.

We still have space in our Transitional Kindergarten and M‐TH 4s class, for the second semester of the school year.

For more information, visit or email

The Communicator ~ December 2020


Non‐Profit Org.

Published monthly by



Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road

Charlotte, NC

Charlotte, NC 28270

Permit #1059

Being the Church in 2020 Can you believe in February we enjoyed a congregational celebration of our 230th anniversary and Dr. Rev. Jane Fobel’s retirement? In March we had over 150 volunteers together in the Fellowship Hall, packing meals for Rise Against Hunger? That is how we knew how to be the church. Overnight we were forced to re‐think how to be the church. We were having worship on Facebook, figuring out how to have an online choir, organizing drive through food collections and mask making, and trying to stay connected anyway we could through virtual small groups, VBS, studies, and devotions. Sardis, you came together and adapted amazingly to being the church outside of the church. Thank you for helping us praise, learn, love, serve, share, and witness during these uncertain times.

12 The Communicator ~ December 2020

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