The Communicator ~ May 2020
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Can You Help Others?
Way To Go!
Would your business be a helpful resource
Over the last few weeks, Families Forward Charlotte has
for other Sardis members as we all try to
witnessed 23 of our families quickly lose childcare, income and
navigate these stay‐at‐home circumstances?
jobs altogether, going from stable to survival mode. As you can
imagine, these uncertain times add individual struggles for each
construction? Do you have some other
family in different ways. Many are scared, all are stressed.
professional skill that might be of similar
However, because of our amazing community and Sardisʹ support,
use? Medical advice, cooking, yardwork? If
we are honored to say these families no longer have to worry
you would like your business or talents
about rent, utilities, late fees, food and other necessary expenses as
included in a resource list for Sardis
we exceeded our goal and raised enough to cover these expenses
members, check your weekly emails to
over the next three months. To those who have supported the
access and fill out the form. Thank you!
mission of Families Forward Charlotte, we sincerely thank you!
2 The Communicator ~ May 2020
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Church Life
Sardis Staff Spotlight ‐ John Nipe and Sarah Dianne Jones
John Nipe
Sarah Dianne Jones
John is our Technical Arts
Sarah Dianne is our Director
Coordinator. He has been at
of Children’s Ministry. She
Sardis for six years. John’s
has been at Sardis for almost
key duties are to oversee all
ten months, and can honestly
say that there’s never been a
lighting) elements of worship
dull moment! Her primary
services and events. He recently found himself busy
focus is to do ministry with the children and families of
recording, cataloging, and editing our worship
Sardis to help our youngest disciples build a strong
services to be streamed online!
foundation of faith. Since the COVID‐19 pandemic, her
work (much like everyone else’s!) has moved to being
John was born in Charlotte and raised in Fort Lauderdale, FL. He went to Winthrop University for Jazz Guitar Performance/Composition. He and his wife Amy, have a daughter Eleanor (16), and dog, Ray (two‐year‐old female German shepherd/black lab
almost fully digital. She considers it to have been a fun challenge to get creative in how we do things, and is grateful for the ways that families have jumped right in and are engaging in new ways!
mix). He enjoys writing, going to Disney World,
Sarah Dianne was born in Richmond, VA, but lived in
playing with the dog, and being board member of a
Birmingham, AL, longer than anywhere else. Along
local theatre.
with her 14 year old cat, Cleo, she is still adjusting to
life in Charlotte after three years in Washington, DC.
John enjoys his side gig in music/audio production. A super fun fact: John has created music for Disney, Cartoon Network, Sony Pictures, MTV and more. John has had tracks in episodes of American Idol, The Looney Tunes Show, Family Guy, a few feature films, among others. He also makes music for a lot of animatronic toys (think holiday animals and silly things you find at Walgreens and similar places).
Personnel Update
She spends her free time outside running, reading, or just listening to the fountain in the pond behind her apartment. She loves to be around (but not in!) water, especially with a book, podcast, or something to color. Her time in DC instilled a deep love of politics, and thanks to her dad, she is a sucker for American history. She is grateful for the chance to be a part of the life of Sardis Presbyterian!
Georgia Pressly, Personnel Ministry Chair
The Personnel Ministry has been diligently supporting our staff as they adjust to their new working conditions. Joe B. also sent a letter to the staff encouraging and thanking them for all they are doing during this time.
In March, the Personnel Ministry developed a three‐question survey for the Session and Diaconate. This survey will help Personnel make a recommendation to the Session regarding filling the associate pastor position. We have compiled the results and made a report to Session in April.
We have also committed to paying our hourly staff members through May 31. This is possible because of your generosity. We are blessed with a great staff and we pray for the safety and wellness of all!
The Communicator ~ May 2020 3
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Leading While Quarantining
Music Offering Hope
Steven Pappas
Kaitlyn Davros Music has the unique ability to help us share our deepest feelings and emotions in the healthiest way. Our youth are given a profound voice to reach and rebuild, bringing wholeness and healing to our communities, reminding us it’s okay to grieve and feel. Piecing together the voice track of each choir member, with the accompaniment and conducting track perfectly to make our “We Will Sing the World Whole Again” project was certainly a learning
As I write this, the baby is screaming, the dog is
curve, but knowing the feeling of hope this song would
barking at a delivery person, Katie, my wife, is
bring people, made the 36 hours of practice, endless
making a mess in our kitchen baking a cake, and I
takes, and hours of editing all worth it!
have been hurriedly sending out emails with audio files. If anything, the amount of work we are doing has doubled, we never know what is coming next, and we are all spinning a million plates. You know what, though? I have never been filled with more contentment, more joy, and more peace. That peace of God that surpasses all understanding.
It has been an adventure of finding the right recording tools, working with my band to add in new people each week, and make sure that I am bringing you the best worship experience I can.
The Hallelujah Chorus project was chosen to provide more singers the opportunity to use their voices, to
Thank you for inviting us into your homes each
provide us all with hope and joy in a time of uncertainty.
week so we can continue worshipping. The church
It was comprised of 46 singers of all ages (children,
is not a building and modern worship is not about
youth, and adults). Seeing our music ministry come
perfection, but about heart and what you are feeling
together during a time of separation to share the good
in that moment with God.
news is breathtaking.
More on Facebook! For more details on behind the scenes fun, struggles, and bloopers, and to view these videos, make sure you check us out on Facebook! You do not need an account to view our content! 4 The Communicator ~ May 2020
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
Stewardship Dave Templeman
What is your first reaction when you hear the word “stewardship?” Are you enthused, or do you feel obliged?
Here is a definition of stewardship from “The responsible overseeing and protection of something worth caring for and preserving.” I like the use of protection – it has more urgency and agency than other words, for example, “management,” that are often used when describing stewardship. The second part, “something worth caring for and preserving,” also struck me. It points to passion and commitment, rather than merely maintaining. If you care about someone or something, it becomes personal.
Please take a moment to consider who or what at Sardis is a candidate for your care. The most effective differences we can make are through cash donations , and your ongoing financial support remains crucial. But we all look to the day when we can interact face to face. One way you can prepare is to take the time to explore our web page. You can find many suggestions at Home/Serve/Service Opportunities and Home/Serve/Reaching In. There are many ways to lend your time and talent – some do not require a lot of your time, while others may. Log on to MySardis and fill out your Servant Profile. Don’t sit back waiting for someone to call you. Do some digging and seek your passion.
Session Highlights can be found at under the News & Events tab. Church office closed on Monday, May 25
March Financial Highlights Thank you for contributing to Christ’s work through Sardis Presbyterian Church.
March expected
This year so far
This year so far expected
Pledges, gifts, and other revenue
Net Total
$79,696.20 Annual Budget: $1,983,000
Our Church Family Congratulations: to Judy and John Schneider upon the birth of their great‐grandson, Lucas Blake Yates.
Our Sympathy: to Jim Boyce upon the death of his brother, Bob Boyce; to Helen Denny upon the death of her father, John Tilson Johnson, Jr., David Lyke upon the death of his mother, Joyce Rosenkrans; and to Dennis Jones, former Associate Pastor, upon the death of his father, Jay Jones.
The Communicator ~ May 2020 5
Missions Ministry
The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve.
Families Forward Charlotte
Charlotte Family Housing
COVID‐19 canʹt stop us! Mentor‐ship, education and essential
Many thanks to all who contributed to help
support are more important than ever. If you are interested in
fulfill the Charlotte Family Housing Food
learning more about how you can get involved with Families
Pantry Wish List. Some items were also
Forward Charlotte join us for an online Zoom meeting.
purchased with monies from the Mission
budget. With the increased demands related to
Sign up on the link below:
COVID‐19, the staff was very appreciative and
grateful for our plentiful donations. This is one
of the ways that Sardis has ‘come together’ to make a difference in our community when
there is a need!
A Message from Rise Against Hunger: We are delighted to announce that the meals from your Rise Against Hunger Experience on March 8, 2020 have been shipped in a container totaling 285,120 meals from our Charlotte warehouse. The meals will be received by our in‐country partner ORPHANetwork in Nicaragua.
ORPHANetwork is an organization that nourishes lives through food assistance and other services in Nicaragua. To learn more, please visit our partner/country spotlight on the Impact Stories tab and click and drag on our World Aid Map at‐impact/.
Rama Masks
Pam Stirling has been leading a project to sew and collect face masks for Rama Road
Elementary families! Thank you to Pam and to
As the meals you packaged reach the hands of those in need,
all who have helped provide masks to keep
we invite you to continue your impact by donating today.
Rama families safe during this time.
Every contribution enables people in need around the globe to rise!
Thank you for generously giving your time as a volunteer with Rise Against Hunger. We are sincerely grateful for your dedication and for sharing our vision of a world without hunger.
Gratefully, Rise Against Hunger
6 The Communicator ~ May 2020
“…set an example for the believers…” 1 Timothy 4:12.
Youth ministry
Staying Connected
The Youth Ministry is as committed as ever to staying connected with youth and adult leaders. Through many weekly meetings, we connect and check in with each other. Here is our schedule of events:
Sundays at 10:00 a.m. High School Zoom Check‐In Sundays at 10:00 a.m. Middle School Zoom Check‐In Sundays at 5:00 p.m. Middle School Sunday Night Fellowship via Zoom Sundays at 8:00 p.m. High School Sunday Night Fellowship via Zoom Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. Confirmation Class via Zoom Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. High School and Middle School Sabbath via Zoom (separate breakout rooms for each group) Thursdays at 4:00 p.m. Youth Choir Check‐In via Zoom
Join us in our many ways to stay connected! If you would like to join our Zoom meetings, please contact Adrian Martin at to receive the meeting IDs and passwords.
Summer Trips
Due to COVID‐19 and the uncertainty of the times, we are postponing the High School International Mission Trip to Costa Rica until next summer (2021). A firm date will be secured in the near future. The Middle School Charlotte Mission Adventure has also been postponed, either to later this summer or into the fall.
As of now, the Montreat Youth Conferences for both middle school (July 15‐19) and high school (July 26‐August 1) are still on.
In the meantime, to help get you in the mood for the Montreat Youth Conferences, check out the Montreat Now videos, led by leadership of the summer conferences at‐now.
High School and College Graduate Recognition
You have worked very hard to reach this important milestone in your lives, and in the June issue of The Communicator, your church family would like to recognize your achievement! All fall 2019 and spring/summer 2020 graduates should submit their information (including name, school, degree, and what your post graduation plans are) to Adrian Martin at by May 19. Please accept our congratulations on this significant achievement!
The Communicator ~ May 2020 7
Church Life
Ministry is about life in Christ which affects everything we do.
We sure are missing our sweet friends at school! Remembering the days when we played, read, and used everyday items to create, explore and learn. Here are some craft projects that used a variety of art mediums to create art pieces, all while developing the children’s fine motor skills.
SWS Steering Committee Looking for New Members
Exciting News For the End of the 2019 ‐ 2020 School Year
The Sardis Weekday School Steering Committee is the
The Sardis Weekday School is excited to share that
link between the church and the school. We work with
the teachers will continue to connect with the
Elizabeth Angerson, director of SWS, to set a budget,
students and families through virtual teaching now
create a calendar, advertise, and support teachers and
through June 12. We wanted to keep the families
connected a bit longer so, we were able to add an
We are looking for new members with a variety of backgrounds (business, finance, marketing, education, etc.). Our greatest current need is someone with finance/ accounting experience who can create and manage the SWS budget. This individual would be able to shadow the current finance chair for the 2020/21 school year so there will be plenty of
extra week in June. The teachers will use forums such as: Dropbox for videos, Zoom for classroom engagement and email to send communications and printable items for skill set activities. We hope this engagement with our students and families continue to spread the love we have for our Preschool with Heart.
guidance and support.
If you are interested in helping serving on this committee or have questions please email Emily Oelz at
8 The Communicator ~ May 2020
“Let the little children come unto me.” Virtual Chapel has been such a joy over the last month! Weʹve welcomed
anywhere from 20‐40 families each Wednesday morning for a time of
singing, prayer, scripture, and book reading! What a blessing it is to
gather together, even over Zoom! Join us any Wednesday morning at 9:30 a.m., and if that time doesnʹt work, check out the Sardis Childrenʹs
Weʹve been having so much fun digging
Ministry Facebook group for a video recording of chapel to watch anytime! Email Sarah Dianne ( for the Zoom info!
Elementary Story Exploration! Our group of kids changes each
Now more than ever is the importance connecting with
week, but we are consistently
people you know, love, and trust apparent! Itʹs been a true
met with excitement, energy,
joy to kick off weekly Sunday school small groups for our
elementary schoolers to connect with their shepherds and
elementary schoolers are invited
Sunday school friends in a smaller group than our
to join in the fun any Wednesday
Wednesday afternoon time together. Weʹve enjoyed playing I Spy and
afternoon at 2 p.m.! Email Sarah
sharing things from our homes that are special to us! Email Sarah Dianne
Dianne for the Zoom info!
for more info on when your childʹs age group meets!
Elementary Talent Show In March, each Elementary age group had a talent show with their Sunday School shepherds. We had beautiful violin playing from Greta, Josie shared a painting she did, Bob wowed us with a slam dunk, Alex played his guitar, and Caleb told the funniest joke! We were all blown away by the talents God has given these children!
Vacation Bible School Update
Sarah Dianne and the VBS directors are still working hard on this yearʹs VBS! We want you to know that we are still planning as though we are able to meet in person. We continue to monitor the news thatʹs coming out about the state of the Coronavirus pandemic, and plan to make a final call about what VBS will look like at Sardis by May 15. But no matter what, there will be some sort of exciting, fun, and formative Vacation Bible School for children this summer!
Please feel free to email Sarah Dianne with any questions, and register for VBS on the Sardis website!
The Communicator ~ May 2020 9
Non‐Profit Org.
Published monthly by
Sardis Presbyterian Church 6100 Sardis Road
Charlotte, NC
Charlotte, NC 28270
Are You Receiving Our Weekly Emails?
The Sardis Weekly is sent Wednesday mornings and is packed with important information along with access to our virtual learning and fellowship opportunities!
The Sunday Bulletin is sent Sunday mornings with links to download the bulletin and online giving. It also contains important church announcements.
If you are not receiving The Sardis Weekly or The Sunday Bulletin, please email to get signed up! 10 The Communicator ~ May 2020