2014 2015 Youth Ministry Guide

Page 1

Table of Contents Regular Programs ...................................................... 4 (Sunday School, Sunday Night Fellowship, Youth Choir, Youth Praise Band, Take A Break Tuesdays, Sabbath)

My Three Events ........................................................ 5

Confirma on Class .................................................... 6 (Class Informa on, Opening Retreat, Closing Retreat)

Special Events & Ac vi es ........................................ 8 (Gender Dinners, CROP Walk, Pumpkinpalooza, Christmas Party, Youth Sunday, Gradua on Sunday)

Middle School Retreats & Trips .............................. 12 (CROSS Mission Trip, Snow Tubing, Beach Retreat, The Great Escape, Presbytery Retreat, Mission in Charlo e)

High School Retreats & Trips .................................. 14 (Beach Retreat, Presbytery Retreat, Ski Retreat, Montreat Youth Conference, Washington D.C. Mission Trip)

Service Opportuni es ............................................. 15

Leadership Opportuni es ....................................... 16 (Host Groups, Leadership Teams, Youth Councils)

Contact Us ............................................................... 17


Regular Programs


Sunday School

Sunday School is offered each Sunday morning from 10:00 – 10:45 a.m. and is taught by dedicated adult leaders who want to walk beside youth in their faith journey. We have five regular Sunday School classes: 6th grade, 7th grade, Confirma on (8th grade, more informa on on page 5), 9th and 10th grades, and 11th and 12th grades. During the classes, we examine how the Bible speaks to us today. For more informa on on Sunday School classes, please contact Renda Brinson at renda.brinson@sardis.org.

Sunday Night Fellowship

Sunday Night Fellowship offers a wonderful opportunity to come and get to know others and be known. Middle school and high school have separate programs, which vary between fun ac vi es, studies and devo ons and service work. Come out and join the fun on Sunday evenings from 6:00‐7:30 p.m. Dinner is provided from 6:00‐6:30 p.m. and a $5 dona on is requested to help offset the cost of the food.

Youth Choir

So, you love to sing? Come explore your voice and see what youth choir is all about! Youth choir at Sardis is a place for everyone, including those that think they can’t carry a tune! We will learn how to sing and explore how we can use our musical gi s as an offering to God. Weekly rehearsals will allow us to share in musical leadership during worship and will open up opportuni es to reach out into the community through song. Youth (grades 6 ‐12) from the congrega on and community are always welcome to join us on Sunday evenings from 5‐6 p.m. before Sunday Night Fellowship. Contact Kaitlyn Davis at kaitlyn.davis@sardis.org for more informa on. Youth Praise Band Have you ever wanted to play in a band? We want you! Singers and instrumentalists are invited to par cipate in the Youth Praise Band. Grow your gi s and learn how they can be used to glorify God! Rehearsals will be Thursday evenings from 5:30 p.m. ‐ 6:30 p.m. Youth 4 Praise Band is open to all youth (grades 6‐12). Contact Jacob Hare at jacob.hare@sardis.org for more informa on. 4

High School Take A Break Tuesdays

This high school me is set aside to deal with the pressures and issues facing youth today. Mee ng weekly from 6:30‐7:30 p.m. on Tuesday evenings, this group will li each other up and affirm each other. Take a Break Tuesday will have a brief devo on followed by me to share what is happening in each person’s life.

Middle School Sabbath

Sabbath is a midweek opportunity for middle school youth reflec on and fun. We start with Scripture and a devo onal then share food and stories from our week. We end with free me for fellowship and play. Bring $3 and join us on Wednesdays, 6‐7 p.m. in the Youth Room.

My Three Events

Our adult leaders love to get out to see what the youth do outside of church, from sports to dance and musical performances. Parents, please let us know what your youth are doing by emailing one of the Youth Ministry staff (see back page for contact informa on).


Confirmation Class

Confirmation Class

Confirma on Class is designed for 8th grade or older students who want to explore what it means to be a member of our church. Through retreats, classes, and working with adults, each par cipant will explore his or her faith and if willing, join the church. The class runs September through May and meets Sun‐ day mornings from 10:00‐10:45 p.m. For more informa on, please contact Renda Brinson at renda.brinson@sardis.org.

Confirmation Class Opening Retreat

Dates: September 12‐14 This retreat will help introduce par cipants to the curriculum while leaders and par cipants get a chance to be er know each other. This retreat is located in Montreat, NC and leaves Friday a er school and returns Sunday by noon.

Confirmation Class Closing Retreat

Dates: May 1‐3 This retreat will be examine the spiritual journey each par cipant has taken over the past year during the Confirma on Class experience. The retreat will be held at Valle Crucis Conference Center.



Special Events & Activities


Gender Dinners Dates: scheduled at least once per semester Gender dinners are a wonderful way to explore issues facing your gender during our normal Sunday Night Fellowship program. Guys and girls will meet separately and have a fun night while learning about gender specific topics.


Date: Sunday, October 19 Come and support the annual CROP Hunger Walk. This event helps to raise money to support the grass roots, poverty‐figh ng development efforts of Church World Service in more than 50 countries, including the USA. Since the first walk in 1978, Charlo e has raised over $7.2 million to relieve hunger. Come join us and be a part of this wonderful effort, as we look to wipe out hunger one step at a me!

Pumpkinpalooza Date: Saturday, October 25

Pumpkinpalooza is a chance for the youth to get crea ve for a night of service and fellowship. Youth come in cos‐ tume and have a friendly trunk‐or‐treat decora ng con‐ 8 test. They will also help pass out candy and run fun games for the children from the com‐ munity. 8

Sky High

Date: Friday, December 19 This is a Friday night event the middle school students enjoy every year. We will go to Sky High for a me of fellowship that leaves our youth literally bouncing off of the walls! Then we will hop over to Carolina Place Mall to seek nourishment at the food court.

Christmas Party Date; Sunday, December 14 Both middle school and high school youth will have Christmas par es later in December to celebrate the birth of Christ. We will have fun gi exchanges and enjoy our each other’s company.

Bingo at Plantation Estates Dates: At least once a semester High school students will travel to Planta on Estates to play Bingo with the residents. Come out and get to know some of the wonderful people who live a few minutes from our church while engaging in some awesome Bingo games! 9

Youthapalooza Date: To be determined, but near the end of the spring semester Middle school youth from several local church‐ es are invited to Sardis for an evening of fun, food and fellowship! A er a cook‐out, we will play games to get to know other area youth groups on the field of Providence Day. This is a wonderful way to hang out with your school friends at church!

Youth Sunday Date: Sunday, February 1 Be a part of the annual Youth Sunday worship service as the youth plan and lead the congrega on. All aspects of the ser‐ vice will be led by youth, so come be a part!

Graduation Sunday Date: Sunday, June 7

All high school seniors will be honored for their accomplishment of gradua ng in the worship service. Before the service, there will be brunch in the Sardis House as we share stories from the past several years. 10 This is a powerful and moving experience for the seniors as well as their families. 10

Retreats & Mission Trips


Middle School Retreats and Mission Trips CROSS Mission Trip

Dates: November 7‐9 Middle school students will have the opportunity to spend the weekend at Myers Park Presbyterian Church in the CROSS mission program serving others. We will arrive on Friday night and depart a er worship on Sunday. This is a great weekend to serve others while having a great me!

Snow Tubing

Date: Saturday, January 24 Middle school students will travel to the mountains for a day of snow tubing! This will be a fun and exci ng day of playing in the snow while sliding down the mountain at a high rate of speed.

Beach Retreat

Dates: March 27‐29 Join us as we travel to Kure Beach, NC for a weekend of fun, sun and sand. We will play, pray, study and try to unplug from busy lives. This will be a great retreat to unwind and have fun spending me with your 12 Sardis friends! 12

Presbytery Middle School Retreat

Dates: To be determined, but some me in the spring Join us for this Presbytery retreat where we will be joined by our Presbyterian friends from the Charlo e area for a weekend retreat. More informa on will be available once it has been set by the Presbytery Youth Council.

Middle School Great Escape

Dates: June 14‐19 Join us for this awesome experience at Lee College in Tennessee. Middle school youth from across the southeast will gather for a week of fun, singing, praying, playing, worshiping and much more! You will not want to miss this!

Mission Trip in Charlotte

Dates: To be determined, but some me in the summer Spend three days and two nights in Charlo e serving others! We will stay in the Sardis House and serve several local agencies during the day and have fun in the evenings.


High School Retreats and Mission Trips Beach Retreat

Dates: October 3‐5 All High school students are welcome to join us at the beach for this fun and relaxing retreat. We will eat, play, pray and have fun as we take me out of our busy lives to focus on God.

Presbytery Retreat

Dates: November 1‐2 This Presbytery‐wide high school retreat will be held at Camp Pee Dee and the speaker will be Katherine Blankenship. The music will be led by Steve Lindsley and members of the Presbytery Youth Council. Come spend a weekend with your friends from the greater Charlo e and grow closer to God in the process!

Ski Retreat

Dates: January 9‐11 Join us for a wonderful weekend of snow and worship. We will travel to Winterplace, WV and ski all day Saturday, while having devo ons and retreat themed ac vi es before and a er skiing. Join us for this awesome weekend! 14 14

Montreat Youth Conference

Dates: July 25‐August 1 We will a end the annual Montreat Youth Conference in Montreat, NC. Last year, over 1,100 youth a ended from all across the country and we made friendships that we will cherish. Come spend a week in keynote, recrea on events, music and worship, growing closer to God! We will a end Week 5 of the conferences, same week as in 2014.

Mission Trip to Washington, DC

Dates: To be determined, though the target dates are July 12‐19 Come spend a week in the na on’s capital as we serve others and learn more about what it means to be hungry and homeless on the streets of D.C. We will serve in several different mission sites, growing in our faith and serving others. We will also spend part of a day touring Washington, D.C.

How can the youth help with your service project?

We would love to have the Sardis youth help out on a service project that you are passionate about. Please email Adrian if you are involved in a project and think the youth could help out. This could be for an event or just for an a ernoon. Parents are also welcome to help plan a service project.


Leadership Opportunities

Host Groups

Do you like to talk to people and make them feel welcome? You are needed on our Host Groups! The Host Groups will take turns welcoming everyone to our Youth Ministry events each week. This is an easy way to make sure everyone feels connected to Sardis by making them feel like they belong. We will have a Host Group each week for high school and middle school.

Leadership Teams

Would you like to help plan and lead a major event during the year without the commitment of serving a long me? Then join a Leadership Team! Leadership Teams will plan, lead and evaluate one event, such as Youth Sunday, the middle school beach retreat, the high school ski retreat or any of our other major events. Leadership Teams are open to both youth and adults.

Youth Councils



The Youth Councils will help plan and lead some of the Sunday Night Fellowships throughout the year as well as help set some of our special events. The Youth Councils will serve for an aca‐ demic year, from August through May. There will be separate middle school and high school Youth Councils.

Contact Us Sardis Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry 6100 Sardis Road Charlo e, NC 28270 704.366.1854 | www.sardis.org

Our Staff Adrian Mar n Director of Youth Ministries adrian.mar n@sardis.org 704.366.1854 (office) | 704.778.6432 (cell) Dean Bowen High School Youth Coordinator bowenm23@aol.com

Jeff Weston Middle School Youth Coordinator jsweston323@gmail.com

Stay Connected www.sardis.org/ministries/youth facebook.com/SardisYouth @SardisYouth

Sardis Presbyterian Church Youth Ministry www.sardis.org/ministries/youth 6100 Sardis Road, 18 Charlotte, NC 28270 704.366.1854

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